path: root/packages/chm/examples/chmsearch.lpr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/chm/examples/chmsearch.lpr')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/chm/examples/chmsearch.lpr b/packages/chm/examples/chmsearch.lpr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e853223a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/chm/examples/chmsearch.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+program chmsearch;
+{ Fulltext search demo by Reinier Olislagers}
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, ChmReader, chmfiftimain;
+ TChmWLCTopic = record
+ TopicIndex: DWord;
+ LocationCodes: array of DWord;
+ end;
+ TChmWLCTopicArray = array of TChmWLCTopic;
+procedure DoSearch(CHMFileName: string; Keyword: string);
+ TTopicEntry = record
+ Topic:Integer;
+ Hits: Integer;
+ TitleHits: Integer;
+ FoundForThisRound: Boolean;
+ end;
+ TFoundTopics = array of TTopicEntry;
+ FoundTopics: TFoundTopics;
+ procedure DeleteTopic(ATopicIndex: Integer);
+ var
+ MoveSize: DWord;
+ begin
+ WriteLn('Deleting Topic');
+ if ATopicIndex < High(FoundTopics) then
+ begin
+ MoveSize := SizeOf(TTopicEntry) * (High(FoundTopics) - (ATopicIndex+1));
+ Move(FoundTopics[ATopicIndex+1], FoundTopics[ATopicIndex], MoveSize);
+ end;
+ SetLength(FoundTopics, Length(FoundTopics) -1);
+ end;
+ function GetTopicIndex(ATopicID: Integer): Integer;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := -1;
+ for i := 0 to High(FoundTopics) do
+ begin
+ if FoundTopics[i].Topic = ATopicID then
+ Exit(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure UpdateTopic(TopicID: Integer; NewHits: Integer; NewTitleHits: Integer; AddNewTopic: Boolean);
+ var
+ TopicIndex: Integer;
+ begin
+ //WriteLn('Updating topic');
+ TopicIndex := GetTopicIndex(TopicID);
+ if TopicIndex = -1 then
+ begin
+ if AddNewTopic = False then
+ Exit;
+ SetLength(FoundTopics, Length(FoundTopics)+1);
+ TopicIndex := High(FoundTopics);
+ FoundTopics[TopicIndex].Topic := TopicID;
+ end;
+ FoundTopics[TopicIndex].FoundForThisRound := True;
+ if NewHits > 0 then
+ Inc(FoundTopics[TopicIndex].Hits, NewHits);
+ if NewTitleHits > 0 then
+ Inc(FoundTopics[TopicIndex].TitleHits, NewTitleHits);
+ end;
+ CHMRead: TCHMReader;
+ CHMStream: TFileStream;
+ TopicResults: chmfiftimain.TChmWLCTopicArray;
+ TitleResults: chmfiftimain.TChmWLCTopicArray;
+ FIftiMainStream: TMemoryStream;
+ SearchReader: TChmSearchReader;
+ DocTitle: String;
+ DocURL: String;
+ CurrTopic: Integer;
+ k: Integer;
+ CHMStream := TFileStream.Create(CHMFileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ ChmRead := TChmReader.Create(CHMStream,false);
+ try
+ FIftiMainStream := CHMRead.GetObject('/$FIftiMain');
+ if FIftiMainStream = nil then
+ begin
+ writeln('Could not assign fiftimainstream. Aborting.');
+ halt(3);
+ end;
+ SearchReader := TChmSearchReader.Create(FIftiMainStream, True); //frees the stream when done
+ CHMRead.SearchReader := SearchReader;
+ TopicResults := SearchReader.LookupWord(Keyword, TitleResults);
+ //TopicResults := SearchReader.LookupWord(SearchWords[CurrTopic], TitleResults);
+ // Body results
+ for k := 0 to High(TopicResults) do
+ begin
+ UpdateTopic(TopicResults[k].TopicIndex, High(TopicResults[k].LocationCodes), 0, CurrTopic = 0);
+ writeln('Updated topic body with index '+inttostr(TopicResults[k].TopicIndex));
+ end;
+ // Title results
+ for k := 0 to High(TitleResults) do
+ begin
+ UpdateTopic(TitleResults[k].TopicIndex, 0, High(TitleResults[k].LocationCodes), CurrTopic = 0);
+ writeln('Updated title topic with index '+inttostr(TitleResults[k].TopicIndex));
+ end;
+ // Remove documents that don't have results
+ k := 0;
+ writeln('Going to remove docs without results; count: '+Inttostr(Length(FoundTopics)));
+ while k <= High(FoundTopics) do
+ begin
+ if FoundTopics[k].FoundForThisRound = False then
+ DeleteTopic(k)
+ else
+ begin
+ FoundTopics[k].FoundForThisRound := False;
+ Inc(k);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // Clear out results that don't contain all the words we are looking for
+ // Now lookup titles and urls to add to final search results
+ writeln('Found '+inttostr(Length(FoundTopics))+' topics');
+ for CurrTopic := 0 to High(FoundTopics) do
+ begin
+ try
+ DocURL := CHMRead.LookupTopicByID(FoundTopics[CurrTopic].Topic, DocTitle);
+ if (Length(DocURL) > 0) and (DocURL[1] <> '/') then
+ Insert('/', DocURL, 1);
+ if DocTitle = '' then
+ DocTitle := 'untitled';
+ writeln('DocURL : '+DocURL);
+ writeln('DocTitle : '+DocTitle);
+ except
+ on E: Exception do
+ begin
+ WriteLn('Exception');
+ writeln(E.Message);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ CHMRead.Free;
+ CHMStream.Free;
+ //SearchReader.Free; //apparently not needed?!?!
+ end;
+ SearchFor: string;
+ if paramstr(1)='' then
+ begin
+ writeln('No .chm file specified.');
+ writeln('Substituting hardcoded value lcl.chm');
+ end;
+ writeln('Enter search keyword or blank to exit:');
+ readln(SearchFor);
+ while (trim(SearchFor)<>'') do
+ begin
+ if paramstr(1)='' then
+ DoSearch('lcl.chm',SearchFor)
+ else
+ DoSearch(paramstr(1),SearchFor);
+ writeln('Enter search keyword or blank to exit:');
+ readln(SearchFor);
+ end;