path: root/packages/extra/gbaunits/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 237 deletions
diff --git a/packages/extra/gbaunits/ b/packages/extra/gbaunits/
deleted file mode 100644
index b4b5ffda13..0000000000
--- a/packages/extra/gbaunits/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-@ file core_asm.s
-@ core asm routines
-@ author cearn
-@ Modified by Legolas for fpc4gba use
-@ === NOTES ===
-@ * 20050924: Lower overhead for all; reduced i-count for u16 loops.
-@ * These are 16/32bit memset and memcpy. The 32bit versions are in
-@ iwram for maximum effect and pretty much do what CpuFastSet does,
-@ except that it'll work for non multiples of 8 words too. Speed
-@ is as good as CpuFastSet, but with a little less overhead.
-@ * The 16bit versions call the 32bit ones if possible and/or desirable.
-@ They are thumb/ROM functions but did them in asm anyway because
-@ GCC goes haywire with the use of registers resulting in a much
-@ higher overhead (i.e., detrimental for low counts)
-@ * Crossover with inline while(nn--) loops (not for(ii++), which are
-@ much slower):
-@ memcpy32: ~4
-@ memset32: ~5
-@ memcpy16: ~8
-@ memset16: ~8
- .file "core_asm.s"
-@ === procedure memcpy32(dest: pointer; const src: pointer; wcount: u32); ======
-@ Fast-copy by words.
-@ param dest Destination address.
-@ param src Source address.
-@ param wcount Number of words.
-@ note: src and dst must be word aligned.
-@ note: r0 and r1 return as dst + wdn and src + wdn.
-@ Reglist:
-@ r0, r1: dst, src
-@ r2: wcount, then wcount>>3
-@ r3-r10: data buffer
-@ r12: wcount&7
- .text @ ?!?!?
-@ .section .iwram,"ax", %progbits
- .align 2
- .code 32
- .global memcpy32
- and r12, r2, #7
- movs r2, r2, lsr #3
- beq .Lres_cpy32
- stmfd sp!, {r4-r10}
- @ copy 32byte chunks with 8fold xxmia
- ldmia r1!, {r3-r10}
- stmia r0!, {r3-r10}
- subs r2, r2, #1
- bhi .Lmain_cpy32
- ldmfd sp!, {r4-r10}
- @ and the residual 0-7 words
- subs r12, r12, #1
- ldmcsia r1!, {r3}
- stmcsia r0!, {r3}
- bcs .Lres_cpy32
- bx lr
-@ === procedure memset32(dest: pointer; wd: u32; wcount: u32); =================
-@ Fast-fill by words.
-@ param dest Destination address.
-@ param src Fill word (not address).
-@ param wcount Number of words to fill.
-@ note: dst must be word aligned.
-@ note: r0 returns as dst + wcount.
-@ Reglist:
-@ r0, r1: dst, src
-@ r2: wcount, then wcount>>3
-@ r3-r10: data buffer
-@ r12: wcount&7
- .text @?!?!?
-@ .section .iwram,"ax", %progbits
- .align 2
- .code 32
- .global memset32
- and r12, r2, #7
- movs r2, r2, lsr #3
- beq .Lres_set32
- stmfd sp!, {r4-r10}
- @ set 32byte chunks with 8fold xxmia
- mov r3, r1
- mov r4, r1
- mov r5, r1
- mov r6, r1
- mov r7, r1
- mov r8, r1
- mov r9, r1
- mov r10, r1
- stmia r0!, {r3-r10}
- subs r2, r2, #1
- bhi .Lmain_set32
- ldmfd sp!, {r4-r10}
- @ residual 0-7 words
- subs r12, r12, #1
- stmcsia r0!, {r1}
- bcs .Lres_set32
- bx lr
-@ === procedure memcpy16(dest: pointer; const src: pointer; hwcount: u32); =====
-@ Copy for halfwords.
-@ Uses memcpy32() if hwcount>6 and src and dst are aligned equally.
-@ param dest Destination address.
-@ param src Source address.
-@ param hwcount Number of halfwords to fill.
-@ note: dst and src must be halfword aligned.
-@ note: r0 and r1 return as dst + hwcount and src + hwcount.
-@ Reglist:
-@ r0, r1: dst, src
-@ r2, r4: hwcount
-@ r3: tmp; and data buffer
- .text
- .align 2
- .code 16
- .global memcpy16
- .thumb_func
- push {r4, lr}
- @ under 5 hwords -> std cpy
- cmp r2, #5
- bls .Ltail_cpy16
- @ unreconcilable alignment -> std cpy
- @ if (dst^src)&2 -> alignment impossible
- mov r3, r0
- eor r3, r1
- lsl r3, r3, #31 @ (dst^src), bit 1 into carry
- bcs .Ltail_cpy16 @ (dst^src)&2 : must copy by halfword
- @ src and dst have same alignment -> word align
- lsl r3, r0, #31
- bcc .Lmain_cpy16 @ ~src&2 : already word aligned
- @ aligning is necessary: copy 1 hword and align
- ldrh r3, [r1]
- strh r3, [r0]
- add r0, #2
- add r1, #2
- sub r2, r2, #1
- @ right, and for the REAL work, we're gonna use memcpy32
- lsl r4, r2, #31
- lsr r2, r2, #1
- ldr r3, .Lpool_cpy16
- bx r3
- nop
- @ NOTE: r0,r1 are altered by memcpy32, but in exactly the right
- @ way, so we can use them as is.
- lsr r2, r4, #31
- beq .Lend_cpy16
- sub r2, #1
- bcc .Lend_cpy16 @ r2 was 0, bug out
- lsl r2, r2, #1
- ldrh r3, [r1, r2]
- strh r3, [r0, r2]
- sub r2, r2, #2
- bcs .Lres_cpy16
- pop {r4}
- pop {r3}
- bx r3
- .align 2
- .word memcpy32
-@ === procedure memset16(dest: pointer; hw: u16; hwcount: u32); ================
-@ Fill for halfwords.
-@ Uses memset32() if hwcount>5
-@ param dest Destination address.
-@ param hw Source halfword (not address).
-@ param hwcount Number of halfwords to fill.
-@ note: dest must be halfword aligned.
-@ note: r0 returns as dest + hwcount.
-@ Reglist:
-@ r0, r1: dst, hw
-@ r2, r4: hwcount
-@ r3: tmp; and data buffer
- .text
- .align 2
- .code 16
- .global memset16
- .thumb_func
- push {r4, lr}
- @ under 6 hwords -> std set
- cmp r2, #5
- bls .Ltail_set16
- @ dst not word aligned: copy 1 hword and align
- lsl r3, r0, #31
- bcc .Lmain_set16
- strh r1, [r0]
- add r0, #2
- sub r2, r2, #1
- @ Again, memset32 does the real work
- lsl r4, r1, #16
- orr r1, r4
- lsl r4, r2, #31
- lsr r2, r2, #1
- ldr r3, .Lpool_set16
- bx r3
- nop
- @ NOTE: r0 is altered by memset32, but in exactly the right
- @ way, so we can use is as is. r1 is now doubled though.
- lsr r2, r4, #31
- beq .Lend_set16
- lsr r1, #16
- sub r2, #1
- bcc .Lend_set16 @ r2 was 0, bug out
- lsl r2, r2, #1
- strh r1, [r0, r2]
- sub r2, r2, #2
- bcs .Lres_set16
- pop {r4}
- pop {r3}
- bx r3
- .align 2
- .word memset32