path: root/packages/extra/univint/Makefile.fpc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/extra/univint/Makefile.fpc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/packages/extra/univint/Makefile.fpc b/packages/extra/univint/Makefile.fpc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ec99dae71..0000000000
--- a/packages/extra/univint/Makefile.fpc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile.fpc for Apple Universal Interfaces for Free Pascal
-units=FPCMacOSAll MacOS GPCStrings
-implicitunits=ABActions ABAddressBook ABGlobals ABPeoplePicker ABTypedefs \
- AEDataModel AEHelpers AEInteraction AEMach AEObjects \
- AEPackObject AERegistry AEUserTermTypes AIFF ASDebugging \
- ASRegistry ATSFont ATSLayoutTypes ATSTypes \
- ATSUnicodeDirectAccess ATSUnicodeDrawing \
- ATSUnicodeFlattening ATSUnicodeFonts ATSUnicodeGlyphs \
- ATSUnicodeObjects ATSUnicodeTypes AVLTree \
- AXErrors AXUIElement AXValue Aliases Appearance \
- AppleDiskPartitions AppleEvents AppleHelp AppleScript \
- AuthSession Authorization AuthorizationDB AuthorizationTags \
- CFArray CFAttributedString CFBag CFBase CFBinaryHeap \
- CFBitVector CFBundle CFByteOrders CFCalendar CFCharacterSet \
- CFData CFDate CFDateFormatter CFDictionary CFFTPStream \
- CFHTTPMessage CFHTTPStream CFHost CFLocale CFMachPort \
- CFMessagePort CFNetServices CFNotificationCenter CFNumber \
- CFNumberFormatter CFPlugIn CFPlugInCOM CFPreferences \
- CFPropertyList CFRunLoop CFSet CFSocket CFSocketStream \
- CFStream CFString CFStringEncodingExt CFTimeZone CFTree \
- CFURL CFURLAccess CFUUID CFUserNotification CFXMLNode \
- CFXMLParser CGAffineTransforms CGBase CGBitmapContext \
- CGColor CGColorSpace CGContext CGDataConsumer CGDataProvider \
- CGDirectDisplay CGDirectPalette CGDisplayConfiguration \
- CGDisplayFade CGErrors CGEvent CGEventSource CGEventTypes \
- CGFont CGFunction CGGLContext CGGeometry CGImage CGLayer \
- CGPDFArray CGPDFContentStream CGPDFContext CGPDFDictionary \
- CGPDFDocument CGPDFObject CGPDFOperatorTable CGPDFPage \
- CGPDFScanner CGPDFStream CGPDFString CGPSConverter CGPath \
- CGPattern CGRemoteOperation CGSession CGShading \
- CGWindowLevels CMApplication CMCalibrator \
- CMDeviceIntegration CMICCProfile CMMComponent CMPRComponent \
- CMScriptingPlugin CMTypes CarbonEvents CarbonEventsCore \
- CodeFragments Collections ColorPicker Components \
- ConditionalMacros ControlDefinitions Controls CoreFoundation \
- CoreGraphics DHCPClientPreferences DateTimeUtils Debugging \
- Devices Dialogs Dictionary Displays Drag DrawSprocket \
- DriverFamilyMatching DriverGestalt DriverSynchronization \
- Endian Events FileTypesAndCreators Files FindByContent \
- Finder FinderRegistry FixMath Folders FontSync Fonts GXTypes \
- GestaltEqu HFSVolumes HIArchive HIGeometry HIObject \
- HIObjectCore HIShape HITextUtils HITheme HIToolbar HIToolbox \
- HIView HTMLRendering IBCarbonRuntime ICAApplication \
- ICACamera ICADevice Icons ImageCodec ImageCompression \
- InternetConfig IntlResources Keyboards KeychainCore \
- KeychainHI LanguageAnalysis LaunchServices Lists LowMem \
- MacApplication MacErrors MacHelp MacLocales MacMemory \
- MacOSXPosix MacTextEditor MacTypes MacWindows \
- MachineExceptions Math64 MediaHandlers Menus MixedMode \
- Movies MoviesFormat Multiprocessing NSL NSLCore NameRegistry \
- Navigation Notification NumberFormatting OSA OSAComp \
- OSAGeneric OSUtils OpenTransport OpenTransportProtocol \
- OpenTransportProviders PEFBinaryFormat PLStringFuncs \
- PMApplication PMCore PMDefinitions Palettes Pasteboard \
- PictUtils Power Printing Processes QDOffscreen \
- QDPictToCGContext QTML QTSMovie QTStreamingComponents \
- QuickTimeComponents QuickTimeMusic QuickTimeStreaming \
- QuickTimeVR QuickTimeVRFormat Quickdraw QuickdrawText \
- Resources SCDynamicStore SCDynamicStoreCopyDHCPInfos \
- SCDynamicStoreCopySpecific SCDynamicStoreKey SCNetwork \
- SCNetworkConnection SCNetworkReachability SCPreferences \
- SCPreferencesPath SCPreferencesSetSpecific SCSI \
- SCSchemaDefinitions SFNTLayoutTypes SFNTTypes Scrap Script \
- Sound SpeechRecognition SpeechSynthesis StringCompare \
- SystemConfiguration SystemSound TSMTE TextCommon TextEdit \
- TextEncodingConverter TextEncodingPlugin TextServices \
- TextUtils Threads Timer ToolUtils Translation \
- TranslationExtensions TypeSelect URLAccess USB UTCUtils \
- UTType UnicodeConverter UnicodeUtilities Video WorldScript \
- fenv fp vBLAS vDSP \
- UTCoreTypes xattr FontPanel CoreAudioTypes \
- AXNotificationConstants AudioHardware AXRoleConstants \
- TranslationServices AXActionConstants HIMovieView \
- CGImageDestination AXValueConstants AXAttributeConstants \
- AXTextAttributedString CGImageProperties CGImageSource \
- UniversalAccess HostTime
-# FPCMacOSAll is not a build unit, but directly includes the code of
-# most other units
-FPCMacOSAll$(PPUEXT): $(filter-out MacOS.pas GPCStrings.pas,$(wildcard *.pas))
-MacOS$(PPUEXT): $(filter-out FPCMacOSAll.pas GPCStrings.pas,$(wildcard *.pas))