path: root/packages/fcl-base/examples/testreg.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-base/examples/testreg.pp')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-base/examples/testreg.pp b/packages/fcl-base/examples/testreg.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c35028befa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fcl-base/examples/testreg.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ TestReg.pp versión 1.2 12/02/2002
+ Copyright (C) 2000-2002 by Luis Digital (
+ TestReg pone en prueba y sirve de ejemplo para TRegistry.
+ Este es software libre bajo la licencia GNU/GPL.
+ Ver COPYING.FPC y COPYING incluidos con este programa.
+ Este programa es distribuido esperando que sea útil,
+ =================================================================}
+Program TestReg;
+{$mode objfpc} {$H+}
+Uses registry, SysUtils;
+ SInteger = 'Integer';
+ SBinaryData = 'Binary';
+ SBoolean = 'Boolean';
+ SCurrency = 'Currency';
+ SExString = 'ExpandString';
+ SDate = 'Date';
+ STime = 'Time';
+ SDateTime = 'DateTime';
+ SString = 'String';
+ SFloat = 'Float';
+ IntVal = 321;
+ FloatVal = 123.456;
+ CurrencyVal = 456;
+ BoolVal = False;
+ StringVal = 'This is a normal string';
+ SExpandVal = 'This is an expand string: "%SystemDir%"';
+ I: Integer;
+ SubKey: String;
+ B : Boolean;
+ F: Double;
+ C : Currency;
+ S : String;
+ BinData: Array [0..15] of Byte;
+ D : TDateTime;
+ DateVal,TimeVal,DateTimeVal : TDateTime;
+ With TRegistry.Create do
+ Try
+ SubKey := '\Software\FPC\testreg';
+ CreateKey(SubKey);
+ If Not OpenKey(SubKey,False) then
+ Writeln('Could not open key: ',SubKey)
+ else
+ begin
+ Writeln('Writing data');
+ WriteInteger(SInteger, IntVal);
+ For I:= 0 To 15 Do
+ BinData[I] := I;
+ WriteBinaryData(SBinaryData,BinData,SizeOf(BinData));
+ WriteBool(SBoolean, BoolVal);
+ WriteCurrency(SCurrency, CurrencyVal);
+ WriteFloat(SFloat, FloatVal);
+ WriteExpandString(SExString,SExpandVal);
+ WriteString(SString,StringVal);
+ DateVal:=Date;
+ WriteDate(SDate, DateVal);
+ TimeVal:=Time;
+ WriteTime(STime, TimeVal);
+ DateTimeVal:=Now;
+ WriteDateTime(SDateTime, DateTimeVal);
+ Writeln('Reading data');
+ I:=ReadInteger(Sinteger);
+ If (I<>IntVal) then
+ Writeln('Read Integer differs: ',I);
+ FillChar(BinData,SizeOf(Bindata),0);
+ I:=GetDataSize(SBinaryData);
+ If I<>16 then
+ Writeln('Size Binary Data differs: ',I)
+ else
+ begin
+ ReadBinaryData(SBinaryData, BinData,I);
+ For I:=0 to 15 do
+ If BinData[i]<>I then
+ Write('Binary Data byte ',i,' differs : ',BinData[i]);
+ end;
+ B:=ReadBool(SBoolean);
+ If (B<>BoolVal) then
+ Writeln('Boolean value differs : ',B);
+ C:=ReadCurrency(SCurrency);
+ If (C<>CurrencyVal) then
+ Writeln('Currency value differs: ', C);
+ S:=ReadString(SString);
+ If (S<>StringVal) then
+ Writeln('Read String differs: "',S,'"(',Length(s),')<>"',StringVal,'"(',length(StringVal),')');
+ D:=ReadDateTime(SDateTime);
+ If (D<>DateTimeVal) then
+ Writeln('Read DateTime differs : ',D);
+ D:=ReadDate(SDate);
+ If (D<>DateVal) then
+ Writeln('Read Date differs : ',D);
+ D:=ReadDateTime(STime);
+ If (D<>TimeVal) then
+ Writeln('Read Time differs : ',D);
+ F:=ReadFloat(SFloat);
+ If ((F-FloatVal)>1e-4) then
+ Writeln('Read Float differs: ',F);
+ If Not DeleteValue(SFloat) Then
+ Writeln('Error: could not delete float value');
+ CloseKey;
+ SubKey:='\Software\fpc\testreg2';
+ Createkey(SubKey);
+ If Not DeleteKey(SubKey) Then
+ Writeln('Error: could not delete key',subkey);
+ end;
+ Finally
+ CloseKey;
+ free;
+ end;