path: root/packages/fcl-base/src/eventlog.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-base/src/eventlog.pp')
1 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-base/src/eventlog.pp b/packages/fcl-base/src/eventlog.pp
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+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by the Free Pascal development team
+ Cross-platform event logging facility.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+{$mode objfpc}
+unit eventlog;
+uses SysUtils,Classes;
+ TEventLog = Class;
+ TEventType = (etCustom,etInfo,etWarning,etError,etDebug);
+ TLogType = (ltSystem,ltFile);
+ TLogCodeEvent = Procedure (Sender : TObject; Var Code : DWord) of Object;
+ TLogCategoryEvent = Procedure (Sender : TObject; Var Code : Word) of Object;
+ TEventLog = Class(TComponent)
+ Private
+ FEventIDOffset : DWord;
+ FLogHandle : Pointer;
+ FStream : TFileStream;
+ FActive: Boolean;
+ FIdentification: String;
+ FDefaultEventType: TEventType;
+ FLogtype: TLogType;
+ FFileName: String;
+ FTimeStampFormat: String;
+ FCustomLogType: Word;
+ FOnGetCustomCategory : TLogCategoryEvent;
+ FOnGetCustomEventID : TLogCodeEvent;
+ FOnGetCustomEvent : TLogCodeEvent;
+ procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
+ procedure SetIdentification(const Value: String);
+ procedure SetlogType(const Value: TLogType);
+ procedure ActivateLog;
+ procedure DeActivateLog;
+ procedure ActivateFileLog;
+ procedure SetFileName(const Value: String);
+ procedure ActivateSystemLog;
+ function DefaultFileName: String;
+ procedure WriteFileLog(EventType : TEventType; Msg: String);
+ procedure WriteSystemLog(EventType: TEventType; Msg: String);
+ procedure DeActivateFileLog;
+ procedure DeActivateSystemLog;
+ procedure CheckIdentification;
+ Procedure DoGetCustomEventID(Var Code : DWord);
+ Procedure DoGetCustomEventCategory(Var Code : Word);
+ Procedure DoGetCustomEvent(Var Code : DWord);
+ Protected
+ Procedure CheckInactive;
+ Procedure EnsureActive;
+ function MapTypeToEvent(EventType: TEventType): DWord;
+ Function MapTypeToCategory(EventType : TEventType) : Word;
+ Function MapTypeToEventID(EventType : TEventType) : DWord;
+ Public
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Function EventTypeToString(E : TEventType) : String;
+ Function RegisterMessageFile(AFileName : String) : Boolean; virtual;
+ Procedure Log (EventType : TEventType; Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Log (EventType : TEventType; Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Log (Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Log (Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Warning (Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Warning (Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Error (Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Error (Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Debug (Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Debug (Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Info (Msg : String); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Procedure Info (Fmt : String; Args : Array of const); {$ifndef fpc }Overload;{$endif}
+ Published
+ Property Identification : String Read FIdentification Write SetIdentification;
+ Property LogType : TLogType Read Flogtype Write SetlogType;
+ Property Active : Boolean Read FActive write SetActive;
+ Property DefaultEventType : TEventType Read FDEfaultEventType Write FDefaultEventType;
+ Property FileName : String Read FFileName Write SetFileName;
+ Property TimeStampFormat : String Read FTimeStampFormat Write FTimeStampFormat;
+ Property CustomLogType : Word Read FCustomLogType Write FCustomLogType;
+ Property EventIDOffset : DWord Read FEventIDOffset Write FEventIDOffset;
+ Property OnGetCustomCategory : TLogCategoryEvent Read FOnGetCustomCategory Write FOnGetCustomCategory;
+ Property OnGetCustomEventID : TLogCodeEvent Read FOnGetCustomEventID Write FOnGetCustomEventID;
+ Property OnGetCustomEvent : TLogCodeEvent Read FOnGetCustomEvent Write FOnGetCustomEvent;
+ End;
+ ELogError = Class(Exception);
+ SLogInfo = 'Info';
+ SLogWarning = 'Warning';
+ SLogError = 'Error';
+ SLogDebug = 'Debug';
+ SLogCustom = 'Custom (%d)';
+{ TEventLog }
+ SErrOperationNotAllowed = 'Operation not allowed when eventlog is active.';
+procedure TEventLog.CheckInactive;
+ If Active then
+ Raise ELogError.Create(SErrOperationNotAllowed);
+procedure TEventLog.Debug(Fmt: String; Args: array of const);
+ Debug(Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.Debug(Msg: String);
+ Log(etDebug,Msg);
+procedure TEventLog.EnsureActive;
+ If Not Active then
+ Active:=True;
+procedure TEventLog.Error(Fmt: String; Args: array of const);
+ Error(Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.Error(Msg: String);
+ Log(etError,Msg);
+procedure TEventLog.Info(Fmt: String; Args: array of const);
+ Info(Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.Info(Msg: String);
+ Log(etInfo,Msg);
+procedure TEventLog.Log(Msg: String);
+ Log(DefaultEventType,msg);
+procedure TEventLog.Log(EventType: TEventType; Fmt: String;
+ Args: array of const);
+ Log(EventType,Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.Log(EventType: TEventType; Msg: String);
+ EnsureActive;
+ Case FlogType of
+ ltFile : WriteFileLog(EventType,Msg);
+ ltSystem : WriteSystemLog(EventType,Msg);
+ end;
+procedure TEventLog.WriteFileLog(EventType : TEventType; Msg : String);
+ S,TS,T : String;
+ If FTimeStampFormat='' then
+ FTimeStampFormat:='yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz';
+ TS:=FormatDateTime(FTimeStampFormat,Now);
+ T:=EventTypeToString(EventType);
+ S:=Format('%s [%s %s] %s%s',[Identification,TS,T,Msg,LineEnding]);
+ FStream.Write(S[1],Length(S));
+procedure TEventLog.Log(Fmt: String; Args: array of const);
+ Log(Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
+ If Value<>FActive then
+ begin
+ If Value then
+ ActivateLog
+ else
+ DeActivateLog;
+ FActive:=Value;
+ end;
+Procedure TEventLog.ActivateLog;
+ Case FLogType of
+ ltFile : ActivateFileLog;
+ ltSystem : ActivateSystemLog;
+ end;
+Procedure TEventLog.DeActivateLog;
+ Case FLogType of
+ ltFile : DeActivateFileLog;
+ ltSystem : DeActivateSystemLog;
+ end;
+Procedure TEventLog.ActivateFileLog;
+ If (FFileName='') then
+ FFileName:=DefaultFileName;
+ // This will raise an exception if the file cannot be opened for writing !
+ FStream:=TFileStream.Create(FFileName,fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
+Procedure TEventLog.DeActivateFileLog;
+ FStream.Free;
+ FStream:=Nil;
+procedure TEventLog.SetIdentification(const Value: String);
+ FIdentification := Value;
+procedure TEventLog.SetlogType(const Value: TLogType);
+ CheckInactive;
+ Flogtype := Value;
+procedure TEventLog.Warning(Fmt: String; Args: array of const);
+ Warning(Format(Fmt,Args));
+procedure TEventLog.Warning(Msg: String);
+ Log(etWarning,Msg);
+procedure TEventLog.SetFileName(const Value: String);
+ CheckInactive;
+ FFileName := Value;
+Procedure TEventLog.CheckIdentification;
+ If (Identification='') then
+ Identification:=ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Paramstr(0)),'');
+Function TEventLog.EventTypeToString(E : TEventType) : String;
+ Case E of
+ etInfo : Result:=SLogInfo;
+ etWarning : Result:=SLogWarning;
+ etError : Result:=SLogError;
+ etDebug : Result:=SLogDebug;
+ etCustom : Result:=Format(SLogCustom,[CustomLogType]);
+ end;
+Procedure TEventLog.DoGetCustomEventID(Var Code : DWord);
+ If Assigned(FOnGetCustomEventID) then
+ FOnGetCustomEventID(Self,Code);
+Procedure TEventLog.DoGetCustomEventCategory(Var Code : Word);
+ If Assigned(FOnGetCustomCategory) then
+ FOnGetCustomCategory(Self,Code);
+Procedure TEventLog.DoGetCustomEvent(Var Code : DWord);
+ If Assigned(FOnGetCustomEvent) then
+ FOnGetCustomEvent(Self,Code);
+destructor TEventLog.Destroy;
+ Active:=False;
+ inherited;