path: root/packages/fcl-mustache/src/fpmustache.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-mustache/src/fpmustache.pp')
1 files changed, 1340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-mustache/src/fpmustache.pp b/packages/fcl-mustache/src/fpmustache.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37163a3ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fcl-mustache/src/fpmustache.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,1340 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal Run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2021 by Michael Van Canneyt (
+ This file contains a Mustache parser and renderer.
+ See the File COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit fpmustache;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+{$WARN 5024 off : Parameter "$1" not used}
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpjson;
+ EMustache = Class(Exception);
+ TMustacheString = UTF8String;
+ TMustacheChar = AnsiChar;
+ TMustacheContext = class;
+ TMustacheOutput = Class(TObject)
+ Public
+ // add atext to output
+ Procedure Output(Const aText : TMustacheString); virtual; abstract;
+ Procedure Reset; virtual; abstract;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheStringOutput }
+ TMustacheStringOutput = Class(TMustacheOutput)
+ private
+ FData: TMustacheString;
+ Public
+ // Override
+ Procedure Output(Const aText : TMustacheString); override;
+ Procedure Reset; override;
+ // The rendered TMustacheString
+ Property Data : TMustacheString Read FData;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheElement }
+ TMustacheElementType = (metRoot,metComment,metText,metVariable,metSection,metInvertedSection,metPartial);
+ TMustacheElement = Class(TObject)
+ private
+ FPosition: Integer;
+ FType : TMustacheElementType;
+ FParent : TMustacheElement;
+ Protected
+ function GetCount: Integer; virtual;
+ function GetElement(aIndex : Integer): TMustacheElement; virtual;
+ Function GetData : TMustacheString ; virtual; abstract;
+ Procedure SetData(Const aData : TMustacheString) ; virtual; abstract;
+ Function GetPrefix : TMustacheString; virtual;
+ Procedure SetPrefix (aValue : TMustacheString); virtual;
+ Procedure Dump(aList : Tstrings; aIndent : TMustacheString; aDumpChildren : Boolean = true); virtual;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(aType : TMustacheElementType; aParent : TMustacheElement;aPosition : Integer); virtual;
+ // Add a child. Parent always owns child
+ Procedure AddChild(aChild : TMustacheElement); virtual;
+ // Render the text for this element
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
+ // Position in template
+ Property Position : Integer Read FPosition;
+ // Parent element
+ Property Parent : TMustacheElement Read FParent;
+ // Access to children
+ Property Children[aIndex : Integer] : TMustacheElement Read GetElement;
+ // Child count
+ Property ChildCount : Integer Read GetCount;
+ // Element type
+ Property ElementType : TMustacheElementType Read FType;
+ // The data for this element. What this is, depends on the kind.
+ // etText : the text;
+ // etValue : the variable name
+ // etSection : the section name.
+ // etInvertedSection : the section name.
+ Property Data : TMustacheString Read GetData Write SetData;
+ // Whitespace prefix. Normally only used for partials
+ Property Prefix : TMustacheString Read GetPrefix Write SetPrefix;
+ end;
+ TMustacheElementClass = Class of TMustacheElement;
+ TMustacheElementArray = Array of TMustacheElement;
+ { TMustacheNamedElement }
+ TMustacheNamedElement = Class(TMustacheElement)
+ private
+ FName: TMustacheString;
+ Protected
+ Procedure SetData(Const aData : TMustacheString); override;
+ Function GetData : TMustacheString; override;
+ Public
+ Property Name : TMustacheString Read FName;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheParentElement }
+ TMustacheParentElement = Class(TMustacheNamedElement)
+ Private
+ FChildren : TMustacheElementArray;
+ FCount : Integer;
+ Protected
+ function GetElement(aIndex : Integer): TMustacheElement; override;
+ function GetCount : Integer; override;
+ Public
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Procedure AddChild(aChild : TMustacheElement); override;
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); override;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheTextElement }
+ TMustacheTextElement = Class(TMustacheElement)
+ Private
+ FData : TMustacheString;
+ Protected
+ Procedure SetData(Const aData : TMustacheString) ; override;
+ Function GetData : TMustacheString; override;
+ Public
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); override;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheVariableElement }
+ TMustacheVariableElement = Class(TMustacheNamedElement)
+ private
+ FNoUnescape: Boolean;
+ Protected
+ Procedure SetData(Const aData : TMustacheString); override;
+ Public
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); override;
+ Property NoUnescape : Boolean Read FNoUnescape;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheSectionElement }
+ TMustacheSectionElement = Class(TMustacheParentElement)
+ Public
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); override;
+ end;
+ { TMustachePartialElement }
+ TMustachePartialElement = Class(TMustacheElement)
+ Private
+ FPrefix : TMustacheString;
+ FPartialName : TMustacheString;
+ FPartial : TMustacheElement;
+ Protected
+ Function GetData : TMustacheString ; override;
+ Procedure SetData(Const aData : TMustacheString) ; override;
+ Procedure Dump(aList : Tstrings; aIndent : TMustacheString; aDumpChildren : Boolean = true); override;
+ Function GetPrefix : TMustacheString; override;
+ Procedure SetPrefix (aValue : TMustacheString); override;
+ Public
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Procedure AddChild(aChild: TMustacheElement); override;
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False); override;
+ Property Partial : TMustacheElement Read FPartial;
+ end;
+ { TMustachePartialList }
+ TMustachePartialList = Class(TMustacheParentElement)
+ Public
+ Function FindPartial(aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheElement;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheParser }
+ TGetTextValueEvent = Procedure (Const aName : TMustacheString; var aHandled : Boolean; var aValue : TMustacheString) of Object;
+ TMustacheParser = Class(TObject)
+ private
+ FStopTag: TMustacheString;
+ FStartTag: TMustacheString;
+ FTemplate: TMustacheString;
+ FOnGetPartial: TGetTextValueEvent;
+ FPartials: TMustachePartialList;
+ Class var DefaultTypes : Array[TMustacheElementType] of TMustacheElementClass;
+ Protected
+ // Called to create a default element for a {{ }} tag. By default creates a variable.
+ // Override this if you want to create additional elements.
+ function CreateDefault(aParent: TMustacheElement; aPosition: Integer; const aName: String): TMustacheElement; virtual;
+ // Create element for indicated type, must add it to parent.
+ // You can override this to provide customized behaviour.
+ function CreateElement(aType: TMustacheElementType; aParent: TMustacheElement; aPosition: Integer): TMustacheElement; virtual;
+ // Parse
+ Procedure DoParse(aParent : TMustacheElement; Const aTemplate, aStart, aStop : TMustacheString); virtual;
+ // Called to get the template of a partial. The template is parsed, and the result added to the partials list.
+ Function GetPartial(const aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheString; virtual;
+ // Auxuliary functions for the peculiar whitespace handling of Mustache specs...
+ function EndsOnWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement): Boolean; virtual;
+ function GetEndingWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement): TMustacheString; virtual;
+ procedure ExtractStartStop(const aName: TMustacheString; out aStart, aStop: TMustacheString); virtual;
+ procedure TrimEndingWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement); virtual;
+ Public
+ // Create a new parser.
+ Constructor Create(aTemplate : TMustacheString = '';aStart: TMustacheString='';aStop: TMustacheString = ''); virtual;
+ // Set the default TMustacheElements for the descendents
+ Class procedure SetDefaultTypeClass(aType : TMustacheElementType; aClass: TMustacheElementClass);
+ // Parse the template and
+ Procedure Parse(aParent : TMustacheElement);
+ Function Parse : TMustacheElement;
+ // Will be used to hold partials. You must set this before calling Parse.
+ Property Partials : TMustachePartialList Read FPartials Write FPartials;
+ // The template created on startup
+ Property Template : TMustacheString Read FTemplate write FTemplate;
+ // The initial start tag marker, by default {{
+ Property StartTag : TMustacheString Read FStartTag Write FStartTag;
+ // The initial end tag marker, by default }}
+ Property StopTag : TMustacheString Read FStopTag Write FSTopTag;
+ // Event called to get the source of a partial.
+ Property OnGetPartial : TGetTextValueEvent Read FOnGetPartial Write FOnGetPartial;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheContext }
+ TMustacheSectionType = (mstNone,mstSingle,mstList);
+ TMustacheContext = Class(TObject)
+ Private
+ FCallback : TGetTextValueEvent;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(aCallback : TGetTextValueEvent); virtual;
+ // Helper function to quote HTML
+ Class Function QuoteHTML(aString : TMustacheString) :TMustacheString; virtual;
+ // Move to next section item. aName is section name. Returns True if move successful
+ Function MoveNextSectionItem(Const aName : TMustacheString) : Boolean; virtual;
+ // Push a new section context with name aName.
+ Function PushSection(Const aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheSectionType; virtual;
+ // Pop current section. aName is for verification.
+ Procedure PopSection(Const aName : TMustacheString); virtual;
+ // Return the value of a variable with name aName.
+ Function GetTextValue(Const aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheString; virtual;
+ end;
+ { TMustacheJSONContext }
+ TMustacheJSONContext = Class(TMustacheContext)
+ Private
+ Type
+ TPair = Record
+ Index : Integer; // if array, index of current element.
+ Value : TJSONData;
+ end;
+ Private
+ FCurrentData: TJSONData;
+ FStack : Array of TPair;
+ FCount : Integer;
+ Function FindValue(Const aName : TMustacheString) : TJSONData;
+ function GetRootData: TJSONData;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(aJSON : TJSONData; aCallback : TGetTextValueEvent); reintroduce;
+ Function MoveNextSectionItem(Const aName : TMustacheString) : Boolean; override;
+ Function PushSection(Const aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheSectionType; override;
+ Procedure PopSection(Const aName : TMustacheString); override;
+ Function GetTextValue(Const aName : TMustacheString) : TMustacheString; override;
+ Property RootData : TJSONData read GetRootData;
+ end;
+ TMustache = Class(TComponent)
+ private
+ FCompiled: TMustacheElement;
+ FCompiledPartials: TMustachePartialList;
+ FOnGetValue: TGetTextValueEvent;
+ FPartials: TStrings;
+ FStartTag: TMustacheString;
+ FStopTag: TMustacheString;
+ FTemplate: TMustacheString;
+ procedure SetPartials(AValue: TStrings);
+ procedure SetStartTag(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ procedure SetStopTag(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ procedure SetTemplate(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ Protected
+ Procedure DoGetPartial(Const aName : TMustacheString; var aHandled : Boolean; var aValue : TMustacheString); virtual;
+ Procedure Reset; virtual;
+ Function CreatePartials : TMustachePartialList;
+ function CreateParser(aTemplate: TMustacheString): TMustacheParser; virtual;
+ Property Compiled : TMustacheElement Read FCompiled;
+ Property CompiledPartials : TMustachePartialList Read FCompiledPartials;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(aOwner : TComponent); override;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Procedure Compile;
+ Procedure Dump(aList : Tstrings; aindent : TMustacheString); overload; virtual;
+ Function Dump: TMustacheString;overload;
+ Procedure Render(aContext : TMustacheContext; aOutput : TMustacheOutput); virtual; overload;
+ Function Render(aContext : TMustacheContext) : TMustacheString; overload;
+ Function Render(const aJSON : TJSONData) : TMustacheString; overload;
+ Function Render(const aJSON : TJSONStringType) : TMustacheString; overload;
+ Class function CreateMustache(aOwner: TComponent; aTemplate: TMustacheString): TMustache; virtual;
+ Class Function Render(aTemplate : TMustacheString; const aJSON : TJSONStringType) : TMustacheString;
+ Published
+ Property Template : TMustacheString Read FTemplate Write SetTemplate;
+ Property OnGetValue : TGetTextValueEvent Read FOnGetValue Write FOnGetValue;
+ Property StartTag : TMustacheString Read FStartTag Write SetStartTag;
+ Property StopTag : TMustacheString Read FStopTag Write SetStopTag;
+ Property Partials : TStrings Read FPartials Write SetPartials;
+ end;
+ ListGrowCount = 10;
+ JSONListGrowCount = 10;
+uses TypInfo;
+ SErrNoChildForElement = 'Class %s does not support child elements.';
+ SErrInvalidIndex= '%s: Index %d is not in valid range [0..%d].';
+ SErrUnterminatedTag = 'Tag %s opened on position %d but not closed.';
+ SErrEmptyTag = 'Tag %s on position %d is empty.';
+ SErrSectionClose = 'Structural error: Section "%s" on position %d is closed by tag "%s" on position %d.';
+ SErrNotClosedSection = 'Structural error: Section "%s" on position %d is not closed.';
+ SErrNoSectionToClose = 'Structural error: Section "%s" on position %d was never opened.';
+ SErrInvalidDelimiter = 'Invalid set delimiter: %s';
+ SErrInvalidDelimiterValue = 'Invalid set delimiter %s value: %s in "%s"';
+ SErrNoPartials = 'No partials list';
+ // SErrPartialNotFound = 'Partial "%s" not found.';
+ SStartTag = 'Start';
+ SStopTag = 'Stop';
+{ TMustachePartialList }
+function TMustachePartialList.FindPartial(aName: TMustacheString ): TMustacheElement;
+ I : Integer;
+ Result:=Nil;
+ I:=ChildCount-1;
+ While (Result=Nil) and (I>=0) do
+ begin
+ Result:=Children[I];
+ If (Result.Data<>aName) then
+ Result:=Nil;
+ Dec(I);
+ end;
+{ TMustachePartialElement }
+function TMustachePartialElement.GetData: TMustacheString;
+ Result:=FPartialName;
+procedure TMustachePartialElement.SetData(const aData: TMustacheString);
+ FPartialName:=aData;
+procedure TMustachePartialElement.AddChild(aChild: TMustacheElement);
+ If (FPartial<>Nil) and (aChild<>Nil) then
+ Raise EMustache.Create('Cannot set partial twice');
+ FPartial:=aChild;
+procedure TMustachePartialElement.Dump(aList: Tstrings;
+ aIndent: TMustacheString; aDumpChildren: Boolean);
+ inherited Dump(aList, aIndent, aDumpChildren);
+ if Prefix<>'' then
+ aList[aList.Count-1]:=aList[aList.Count-1]+' Prefix: "'+Prefix+'"';
+function TMustachePartialElement.GetPrefix: TMustacheString;
+ Result:=FPrefix;
+procedure TMustachePartialElement.SetPrefix(aValue: TMustacheString);
+ FPrefix:=aValue;
+procedure TMustachePartialElement.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext;
+ aOutput: TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix : String = ''; aLast : Boolean = False);
+ FPartial.Render(aContext,aOutput,Prefix);
+destructor TMustachePartialElement.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+{ TMustache }
+function TMustache.CreateParser(aTemplate : TMustacheString): TMustacheParser;
+ Result:=TMustacheParser.Create(aTemplate);
+constructor TMustache.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
+ Inherited;
+ FPartials:=TStringList.Create;
+ FCompiledPartials:=CreatePartials;
+destructor TMustache.Destroy;
+ Reset;
+ FreeAndNil(FPartials);
+ FreeAndNil(FCompiledPartials);
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TMustache.Compile;
+ Parser : TMustacheParser;
+ Parser:=CreateParser(Self.Template);
+ try
+ Parser.OnGetPartial:=@DoGetPartial;
+ //Parser.Template:=Self.Template;
+ Parser.Partials:=Self.FCompiledPartials;
+ if Self.StartTag<>'' then
+ Parser.StartTag:=Self.StartTag;
+ if Self.StopTag<>'' then
+ Parser.StopTag:=Self.StopTag;
+ FCompiled:=Parser.Parse;
+ finally
+ Parser.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TMustache.Dump(aList: Tstrings; aindent: TMustacheString);
+ if Assigned(Compiled) then
+ Compiled.Dump(aList,aIndent);
+function TMustache.Dump: TMustacheString;
+ I : integer;
+ L : TStrings;
+ L:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ Dump(L,'');
+ if Partials.Count>0 then
+ begin
+ L.Add('Partials:');
+ for I:=0 to Partials.Count-1 do
+ L.Add('Partial '+IntToStr(I)+': '+Partials[i]);
+ L.Add('End of partials');
+ end;
+ Result:=L.Text;
+ finally
+ L.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TMustache.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext; aOutput: TMustacheOutput);
+ if not Assigned(Compiled) then
+ Compile;
+ Compiled.Render(aContext,aOutput);
+function TMustache.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext): TMustacheString;
+ S : TMustacheStringOutput;
+ S:=TMustacheStringOutput.Create;
+ try
+ Render(aContext,S);
+ Result:=S.Data;
+ finally
+ S.Free;
+ end;
+function TMustache.Render(const aJSON: TJSONData): TMustacheString;
+ C : TMustacheJSONContext;
+ C:=TMustacheJSONContext.Create(aJSON,FOnGetValue);
+ try
+ Result:=Render(C);
+ finally
+ C.Free;
+ end;
+function TMustache.Render(const aJSON: TJSONStringType): TMustacheString;
+ JSONData : TJSONData;
+ try
+ Result:=Render(JSONData);
+ finally
+ JSONData.Free;
+ end;
+class function TMustache.CreateMustache(aOwner : TComponent; aTemplate : TMustacheString) : TMustache;
+ Result:=TMustache.Create(aOwner);
+ Result.Template:=aTemplate;
+procedure TMustache.SetStartTag(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ if FStartTag=AValue then Exit;
+ FStartTag:=AValue;
+ Reset;
+procedure TMustache.SetPartials(AValue: TStrings);
+ if FPartials=AValue then Exit;
+ FPartials.Assign(AValue);
+procedure TMustache.SetStopTag(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ if FStopTag=AValue then Exit;
+ FStopTag:=AValue;
+ Reset;
+procedure TMustache.SetTemplate(AValue: TMustacheString);
+ if FTemplate=AValue then Exit;
+ FTemplate:=AValue;
+ Reset;
+procedure TMustache.DoGetPartial(const aName: TMustacheString;
+ var aHandled: Boolean; var aValue: TMustacheString);
+ aValue:=FPartials.Values[aName];
+ aHandled:=aValue<>'';
+ if Not aHandled then
+ aHandled:=FPartials.IndexOfName(aName)<>-1;
+procedure TMustache.Reset;
+ FreeAndNil(FCompiled);
+ FreeAndNil(FCompiledPartials);
+ FCompiledPartials:=CreatePartials;
+function TMustache.CreatePartials: TMustachePartialList;
+ Result:=TMustachePartialList.Create(metRoot,Nil,0);
+class function TMustache.Render(aTemplate: TMustacheString;
+ const aJSON: TJSONStringType): TMustacheString;
+ With CreateMustache(Nil,aTemplate) do
+ try
+ Result:=Render(aJSON);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+{ TMustacheJSONContext }
+function TMustacheJSONContext.FindValue(const aName: TMustacheString
+ ): TJSONData;
+ aCount : Integer;
+ N : TMustacheString;
+ Result:=Nil;
+ aCount:=FCount-1;
+ While (Result=Nil) and (aCount>=0) do
+ begin
+ N:=aName;
+ if N='.' then
+ N:='';
+ With FStack[aCount] do
+ if (Index>=0) and (Index<Value.Count) then
+ Result:=Value.Items[Index].FindPath(N)
+ else
+ Result:=Value.FindPath(N);
+ Dec(aCount);
+ end;
+function TMustacheJSONContext.GetRootData: TJSONData;
+ Result:=FStack[0].Value;
+constructor TMustacheJSONContext.Create(aJSON: TJSONData;
+ aCallback: TGetTextValueEvent);
+ Inherited Create(aCallBack);
+ SetLength(FStack,JSONListGrowCount);
+ FStack[0].Value:=aJSON;
+ FStack[0].Index:=-1;
+ FCount:=1;
+function TMustacheJSONContext.MoveNextSectionItem(const aName: TMustacheString
+ ): Boolean;
+ With FStack[FCount-1] do
+ begin
+ Inc(Index);
+ Result:=Index<Value.Count;
+ end;
+function TMustacheJSONContext.PushSection(const aName: TMustacheString
+ ): TMustacheSectionType;
+ S : TJSONData;
+ Result:=mstNone;
+ S:=FindValue(aName);
+ if S=Nil then
+ Exit;
+ if (S.JSONType=jtArray) then
+ begin
+ if (S.Count>0) then
+ Result:=mstList
+ end
+ else if Not ((S.JSONType=jtNull) or ((S.JSONType=jtBoolean) and Not S.AsBoolean)) then
+ Result:=mstSingle;
+ if Result<>mstNone then
+ begin
+ if FCount=Length(FStack) then
+ SetLength(FStack,FCount+JSONListGrowCount);
+ FStack[FCount].Value:=S;
+ FStack[FCount].Index:=-1;
+ Inc(FCount,1);
+ end;
+procedure TMustacheJSONContext.PopSection(const aName: TMustacheString);
+ if FCount<1 then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt('PopSection %s without push',[aName]);
+ Dec(FCount,1);
+function TMustacheJSONContext.GetTextValue(const aName: TMustacheString): TMustacheString;
+ aJSON : TJSONData;
+ Result:='';
+ aJSON:=FindValue(aName);
+ if not Assigned(aJSON) then
+ Result:=Inherited GetTextValue(aName)
+ else
+ if (AJSON.JSONType=jtNumber) and (TJSONNumber(aJSON).NumberType=ntFloat) then
+ Result:=FormatFloat('0.0###########',aJSON.AsFloat)
+ else
+ Result:=aJSON.AsString;
+{ TMustacheSectionElement }
+procedure TMustacheSectionElement.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext;
+ aOutput: TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix: String; aLast : Boolean = False);
+ L : TMustacheSectionType;
+ L:=aContext.PushSection(Name);
+ if ElementType=metInvertedSection then
+ begin
+ if L=mstNone then
+ inherited Render(aContext, aOutput,aPrefix);
+ end
+ else
+ Case L of
+ mstSingle :
+ inherited Render(aContext, aOutput);
+ mstList :
+ while aContext.MoveNextSectionItem(Name) do
+ inherited Render(aContext, aOutput,aPrefix);
+ end;
+ if L<>mstNone then
+ aContext.PopSection(Name);
+{ TMustacheContext }
+constructor TMustacheContext.Create(aCallback: TGetTextValueEvent);
+ FCallback:=aCallback;
+class function TMustacheContext.QuoteHTML(aString: TMustacheString
+ ): TMustacheString;
+ QuoteChars = ['<','>','&','"'];
+ I,Last,Len : Integer;
+ Res : TMustacheString;
+ Procedure AddToResult; overload;
+ begin
+ Res:=Res+Copy(aString,Last,I-Last);
+ Last:=I;
+ end;
+ Procedure AddToResult(aTerm : TMustacheString); overload;
+ begin
+ Res:=Res+aTerm;
+ Last:=Last+1;
+ end;
+ Res:='';
+ Last:=1;
+ Len:=Length(Astring);
+ I:=1;
+ While (I<=Len) do
+ begin
+ While (I<=Len) and not (aString[i] in QuoteChars) do
+ Inc(I);
+ AddToResult;
+ if I<=Len then
+ Case aString[i] of
+ '<' : AddToResult('&lt;');
+ '>' : AddToResult('&gt;');
+ '&' : AddToResult('&amp;');
+ '"' : AddToResult('&quot;');
+ end;
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ AddToResult;
+ Result:=Res;
+function TMustacheContext.MoveNextSectionItem(const aName: TMustacheString): Boolean;
+ Result:=False
+function TMustacheContext.PushSection(const aName: TMustacheString): TMustacheSectionType;
+ Result:=mstNone;
+procedure TMustacheContext.PopSection(const aName: TMustacheString);
+ //
+function TMustacheContext.GetTextValue(const aName: TMustacheString): TMustacheString;
+ aHandled : Boolean;
+ aHandled:=False;
+ Result:='';
+ if Assigned(FCallBack) then
+ FCallBack(aName,aHandled,Result);
+{ TMustacheTextElement }
+procedure TMustacheTextElement.SetData(const aData: TMustacheString);
+ FData:=aData;
+function TMustacheTextElement.GetData: TMustacheString;
+ Result:=FData;
+procedure TMustacheTextElement.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext;
+ aOutput: TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix: String; aLast : Boolean = False);
+ S : String;
+ L : Integer;
+ if (ElementType=metText) then
+ begin
+ S:=FData;
+ L:=Length(S);
+ if (aPrefix<>'') then
+ begin
+ if (S[L]=#10) and aLast then
+ S:=StringReplace(Copy(S,1,L-1),#10,#10+aPrefix,[rfReplaceAll])+#10
+ else
+ S:=StringReplace(S,#10,#10+aPrefix,[rfReplaceAll]);
+ Writeln('Adding prefix =]',aPrefix,'[= to =]',FData, '[= ---> =]',S,'["');
+ end;
+ aOutput.Output(S);
+ end;
+{ TMustacheVariableElement }
+procedure TMustacheVariableElement.SetData(const aData: TMustacheString);
+ L : Integer;
+ N : TMustacheString;
+ N:=aData;
+ L:=Length(N);
+ FNoUnescape:=(L>1) and (N[1]='{') and (N[L]='}');
+ if NoUnescape then
+ N:=Copy(N,2,L-2)
+ else
+ begin
+ FNoUnescape:=(L>0) and (N[1]='&');
+ if NoUnescape then
+ N:=Copy(N,2,L-1);
+ end;
+ inherited SetData(N);
+procedure TMustacheVariableElement.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext;
+ aOutput: TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix: String; aLast : Boolean = False);
+ aValue : TMustacheString;
+ aValue:='';
+ if Assigned(aContext) then
+ begin
+ aValue:=aContext.GetTextValue(Name);
+ if Not NoUnescape then
+ aValue:=aContext.QuoteHTML(aValue);
+ end;
+ aOutput.Output(aValue);
+{ TMustacheParser }
+function TMustacheParser.CreateElement(aType: TMustacheElementType; aParent : TMustacheElement; aPosition : Integer): TMustacheElement;
+ Result:=DefaultTypes[aType].Create(aType,aParent,aPosition);
+ if Assigned(aParent) then
+ aParent.AddChild(Result);
+constructor TMustacheParser.Create(aTemplate: TMustacheString; aStart: TMustacheString;
+ aStop: TMustacheString);
+ FStartTag:=aStart;
+ FStopTag:=aStop;
+ FTemplate:=aTemplate;
+ if FStartTag='' then
+ FStartTag:='{{';
+ if FStopTag='' then
+ FStopTag:='}}';
+class procedure TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(aType: TMustacheElementType;
+ aClass: TMustacheElementClass);
+ DefaultTypes[aType]:=aClass;
+function TMustacheParser.GetPartial(const aName: TMustacheString): TMustacheString;
+ Handled : Boolean;
+ Result:='';
+ Handled:=False;
+ if Assigned(FOnGetPartial) then
+ FOnGetPartial(aName,Handled,Result);
+// If not Handled then
+// Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrPartialNotFound,[aName]);
+procedure TMustacheParser.ExtractStartStop(const aName: TMustacheString; out aStart,
+ aStop: TMustacheString);
+ Function Invalid(S : TMustacheString) : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Invalid:=(Length(S)=0) or (Pos('=',S)<>0);
+ end;
+ DLen,NLen : Integer;
+ N : TMustacheString;
+ NLen:=Length(aName);
+ if aName[NLen]<>'=' then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidDelimiter,[aName]);
+ N:=Copy(aName,1,NLen-1);
+ DLen:=(NLen-1) div 2;
+ aStart:=Trim(Copy(N,1,DLen));
+ aStop:=Trim(Copy(N,NLen-DLen,DLen));
+ // Writeln('New: "',aStart,'" - "',aStop,'" - ',DLEn);
+ if Invalid(aStop) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidDelimiterValue,[SStopTag,aStop,N]);
+ if Invalid(aStart) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidDelimiterValue,[SStartTag,aStart,N]);
+procedure TMustacheParser.Parse(aParent: TMustacheElement);
+ DoParse(aParent,FTemplate,StartTag, StopTag);
+function TMustacheParser.EndsOnWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement): Boolean;
+ I : Integer;
+ S : TMustacheString;
+ // if on standalone line, the entire line must be removed, see specs comments.standalone
+ Result:=(aElement.ElementType=metText);
+ s:=aElement.Data;
+ I:=Length(S);
+ While Result and (I>0) do
+ begin
+ if S[i] in [#13,#10] then
+ Break;
+ Result:=(S[I]=' ');
+ Dec(i);
+ end;
+ Result:=Result and ((I>0) or (aElement.Position=1));
+function TMustacheParser.GetEndingWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement): TMustacheString;
+ S : TMustacheString;
+ I : Integer;
+ s:=aElement.Data;
+ I:=Length(S);
+ While (I>0) and (S[I]=' ') do
+ Dec(i);
+ Result:=Copy(S,I+1);
+procedure TMustacheParser.TrimEndingWhiteSpace(aElement: TMustacheElement);
+ I : Integer;
+ S : TMustacheString;
+ s:=aElement.Data;
+ I:=Length(S);
+ While (I>0) and (S[I]=' ') do
+ Dec(i);
+ aElement.Data:=Copy(S,1,I);
+Function TMustacheParser.CreateDefault(aParent : TMustacheElement; aPosition : Integer;Const aName : String) : TMustacheElement;
+ Result:=CreateElement(metVariable,aParent,aPosition);
+ Result.SetData(aName);
+procedure TMustacheParser.DoParse(aParent: TMustacheElement; const aTemplate,
+ aStart, aStop: TMustacheString);
+ currParent : TMustacheElement;
+ aLen,clStop, lStart,lStop, NewPos, Current, Total : Integer;
+ aName,cStart,cStop,R : TMustacheString;
+ C: TMustacheChar;
+ IsWhiteSpace : Boolean;
+ Partial,WhiteSpaceEl : TMustacheELement;
+ Function CheckWhiteSpace : Boolean;
+ begin
+ WhiteSpaceEl:=Nil;
+ With CurrParent do
+ begin
+ Result:=(ChildCount=0) or EndsOnWhiteSpace(Children[ChildCount-1]);
+ if Result and (ChildCount>0) then
+ WhiteSpaceEl:=Children[ChildCount-1];
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure FinishWhiteSpace(Full : Boolean = true);
+ Var
+ I : Integer;
+ begin
+ I:=NewPos;
+ While IsWhiteSpace and (I+clStop<=Total) do
+ begin
+ C:=aTemplate[I+clStop];
+ if (C in [#13,#10]) then
+ Break;
+ isWhiteSpace:=aTemplate[I+clStop]=' ';
+ I:=I+1;
+ end;
+ if isWhiteSpace then
+ begin
+ While (I<=Total) and (aTemplate[I+clStop] in [#13,#10]) do
+ Inc(I);
+ NewPos:=I;
+ if Assigned(WhiteSpaceEl) and full then
+ TrimEndingWhiteSpace(WhiteSpaceEl);
+ end;
+ end;
+ currParent:=aParent;
+ cStart:=aStart;
+ cStop:=aStop;
+ lStart:=Length(cStart);
+ lStop:=Length(cStop);
+ Current:=1;
+ Total:=Length(aTemplate);
+ While (Current<=Total) do
+ begin
+ C:=Template[Current];
+ NewPos:=Pos(cStart,aTemplate,Current);
+ if NewPos=0 then
+ NewPos:=Total+1;
+ // Stash what we have till now.
+ if NewPos>Current then
+ begin
+ R:=Copy(aTemplate,Current,NewPos-Current);
+ CreateElement(metText,currParent,Current).SetData(R);
+ Current:=NewPos;
+ end;
+ if Current<Total then
+ begin
+ NewPos:=Pos(cStop,aTemplate,Current+lStart);
+ if (NewPos=0) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrUnterminatedTag,[cStart,Current]);
+ aLen:=NewPos-Current-LStart;
+ aName:=Copy(aTemplate,Current+LStart,ALen);
+ if (aName='') then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrEmptyTag,[cStart,Current]);
+ C:=aName[1];
+ if C in ['=','#','^','/','!','>'] then
+ aName:=Copy(aName,2,Length(aName)-1);
+ clStop:=Lstop; // Can change.
+ case C of
+ '=' :
+ begin
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace;
+ ExtractStartStop(aName,cStart,cStop);
+ lStart:=Length(cStart);
+ lStop:=Length(cStop);
+ //R:=Copy(aTemplate,newPos+clStop);
+ //Writeln(R);
+ end;
+ '{' :
+ begin
+ if (cStop='}}') then
+ begin
+ if (FTemplate[NewPos+lStop]<>'}') then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrUnterminatedTag,[cStart,Current]);
+ inc(NewPos);
+ aName:=aName+'}';
+ end;
+ CreateElement(metVariable,currParent,Current).SetData(aName);
+ end;
+ '#' :
+ begin
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ CurrParent:=CreateElement(metSection,currParent,Current);
+ CurrParent.SetData(aName);
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace;
+ end;
+ '!' :
+ begin
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ CreateElement(metComment,currParent,Current).SetData(aName);
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace;
+ end;
+ '^' :
+ begin
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ CurrParent:=CreateElement(metInvertedSection,currParent,Current);
+ CurrParent.SetData(aName);
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace;
+ end;
+ '>' :
+ begin
+ // Find or create compiled partial;
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ aName:=Trim(aName);
+ if not Assigned(Partials) then
+ Raise EMustache.Create(SErrNoPartials);
+ Partial:=Partials.FindPartial(aName);
+ if Partial=Nil then
+ begin
+ Partial:=CreateElement(metRoot,Partials,Current);
+ Partial.Data:=aName;
+ DoParse(Partial,GetPartial(aName),FStartTag,FStopTag);
+ end;
+ // Create reference and insert into current tree
+ With CreateElement(metPartial,currParent,Current) do
+ begin
+ AddChild(Partial);
+ Data:=aName;
+ if isWhitespace and assigned(WhiteSpaceEl) then
+ Prefix:=GetEndingWhiteSpace(WhiteSpaceEl);
+ end;
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace(False);
+ end;
+ '/' :
+ begin
+ IsWhiteSpace:=CheckWhiteSpace;
+ if Not (CurrParent.ElementType in [metSection,metInvertedSection]) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrNoSectionToClose,[aName,Current])
+ else if (CurrParent.Data<>Trim(aName)) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrSectionClose,[currParent.Data,CurrParent.Position,aName,Current])
+ else
+ currParent:=currParent.Parent;
+ if IsWhiteSpace then
+ FinishWhiteSpace;
+ end
+ else
+ CreateDefault(CurrParent,Current,aName);
+ end;
+ Current:=NewPos+clStop;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if CurrParent<>aParent then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrNotClosedSection,[currParent.Data,CurrParent.Position])
+function TMustacheParser.Parse: TMustacheElement;
+ Result:=TMustacheParentElement.Create(metRoot,Nil,1);
+ try
+ Parse(Result);
+ except
+ Result.Free;
+ Raise;
+ end;
+{ TMustacheNamedElement }
+procedure TMustacheNamedElement.SetData(Const aData: TMustacheString);
+ FName:=Trim(aData);
+function TMustacheNamedElement.GetData: TMustacheString;
+ Result:=FName;
+{ TMustacheParentElement }
+function TMustacheParentElement.GetElement(aIndex : Integer): TMustacheElement;
+ If (aIndex<0) or (aIndex>=FCount) then
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidIndex,[ClassName,aIndex,FCount-1]);
+ Result:=FChildren[aIndex];
+function TMustacheParentElement.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result:=FCount;
+destructor TMustacheParentElement.Destroy;
+ While FCount>0 do
+ begin
+ Dec(FCount);
+ FreeAndNil(FChildren[FCount]);
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TMustacheParentElement.AddChild(aChild: TMustacheElement);
+ Len : Integer;
+ Len:=Length(FChildren);
+ if (FCount>=Len) then
+ SetLength(FChildren,Len+ListGrowCount);
+ FChildren[FCount]:=aChild;
+ Inc(FCount);
+procedure TMustacheParentElement.Render(aContext: TMustacheContext;
+ aOutput: TMustacheOutput; const aPrefix: String; aLast : Boolean = False);
+ I : integer;
+ For I:=0 to ChildCount-1 do
+ Children[I].Render(aContext,aOutPut,aPrefix,I=ChildCount-1);
+{ TMustacheElement }
+function TMustacheElement.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result:=0;
+function TMustacheElement.GetElement(aIndex : Integer): TMustacheElement;
+ Result:=Nil;
+function TMustacheElement.GetPrefix: TMustacheString;
+ Result:='';
+procedure TMustacheElement.SetPrefix(aValue: TMustacheString);
+ //
+procedure TMustacheElement.Dump(aList: Tstrings; aIndent: TMustacheString; aDumpChildren : Boolean = true);
+ I : Integer;
+ aList.Add(aIndent+Format('%s (%s, %d) : "%s"',[ClassName,GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TMustacheElementType),Ord(ElementType)),Position,Data]));
+ if aDumpChildren then
+ For I:=0 to ChildCount-1 do
+ Children[I].Dump(aList,' '+aIndent);
+constructor TMustacheElement.Create(aType : TMustacheElementType; aParent : TMustacheElement;aPosition: Integer);
+ FType:=aType;
+ FParent:=aParent;
+ FPosition:=aPosition;
+procedure TMustacheElement.AddChild(aChild: TMustacheElement);
+ Raise EMustache.CreateFmt(SErrNoChildForElement,[ClassName])
+{ TMustacheStringOutput }
+procedure TMustacheStringOutput.Output(const aText: TMustacheString);
+ FData:=FData+aText;
+ Writeln('--');
+ Writeln('Output -]',aText,'[-');
+ Writeln('--');
+procedure TMustacheStringOutput.Reset;
+ FData:='';
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metRoot,TMustacheParentElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metComment,TMustacheTextElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metText,TMustacheTextElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metVariable,TMustacheVariableElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metSection,TMustacheSectionElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metInvertedSection,TMustacheSectionElement);
+ TMustacheParser.SetDefaultTypeClass(metPartial,TMustachePartialElement);