path: root/packages/fpgtk/src/fpgtk.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fpgtk/src/fpgtk.def')
1 files changed, 8489 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fpgtk/src/fpgtk.def b/packages/fpgtk/src/fpgtk.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd5039a92a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fpgtk/src/fpgtk.def
@@ -0,0 +1,8489 @@
+ GtkPrefix=gtk
+ UsesList=classes, sysutils, gtk, gdk, glib, FPglib
+ UnitName=FPgtk
+ Count=96
+ Object=Object
+ GtkFuncName=object
+ WithPointer
+ Count=52
+ Prop=Signal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=BooleanSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Code=begin,end
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Bool
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Types to help
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" FPgtkException = class (Exception) end;"," PPascalClassData = ^TPascalClassData;"," TPascalClassData = record"," TheInstance : TFPgtkObject;"," end;"," PSignalData = ^TSignalData;"," TSignalData = record"," TheData : pointer;"," TheWidget : TFPgtkObject;"," TheSignalProc : TFPgtkSignalFunction;"," end;"," TDestroyState = (dsAlive, dsWaiting, dsDestroying);"," TFPgtkObjectClass = Class of TFPgtkObject;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=private decl
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Section=Private
+ Code=const," dtPascalInstance = 'Pascal_Instance';",,type," TIntegerPointer = record"," case word of "," 0 : (i : integer);"," 1 : (p : pointer);"," end;",,var," ObjectsToFree : TList;"," ip : TIntegerPointer;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=
+ PropType=Initialization
+ Code="ObjectsToFree := TList.Create;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=
+ PropType=Finilization
+ Code=ObjectsToFree.Free;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetPascalInstance
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(GtkObject);"," if not assigned(result) and assigned(GtkObject) then"," result := ObjClass.CreateFromObject (GtkObject);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=gtkObject
+ PascalType=PGtkObject
+ Param=ObjClass
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObjectClass
+ Prop=GetPascalInstance
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Code="var p : pointer;",begin," result := nil;"," if assigned (gtkobject) then"," begin"," p := gtk_object_get_data (gtkObject, dtPascalInstance);"," if assigned(p) then"," result := PPascalClassData(p)^.TheInstance;"," end;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=gtkObject
+ PascalType=PGtkObject
+ Prop=ConvertToGtkObject
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PGtkObject
+ Code=begin," if assigned(AnObject) then"," result := AnObject.TheGtkObject"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=ConvertToPgChar
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PgChar
+ Code=begin," result := pointer(aString);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AString
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=ConvertSignalData
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=PSignalData
+ Code=begin," new (result);"," with result^ do"," begin"," TheSignalProc := proc;"," TheWidget := self;"," TheData := data;"," end;"," if FreeIt then"," SignalDatas.Add (result);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=proc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=FreeIt
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=FGtkObject
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=PGtkObject
+ Count=0
+ Prop=NotifyList
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SignalDatas
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ConvertDatas
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TStringList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PascalInstance
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TPascalClassData
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FreeFPgtkObjects
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Code="var r : integer;"," obj : TFPgtkObject;",begin," for r := ObjectsToFree.Count-1 downto 0 do"," begin"," obj := TFPgtkObject(ObjectsToFree[r]);"," if assigned (Obj) then"," Obj.Free;"," end;"," ObjectsToFree.Clear;"," result := False;",end;
+ Cdecl
+ Count=1
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=FreeClass
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if FDestroying = dsAlive then"," begin"," if ObjectsToFree.Count = 0 then"," g_idle_Add (@FreeFPgtkObjects, null);"," ObjectsToFree.Add (self);"," FGtkObject := null;"," FDestroying := dsWaiting;"," end;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=CheckConvertDatas
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (ConvertDatas) then"," begin"," ConvertDatas := TStringList.Create;"," ConvertDatas.Sorted := True;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CheckNotifyList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (Notifylist) then"," NotifyList := TList.Create;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InitCreate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," SignalDatas := TList.Create;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Virtual
+ Abstract
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FinalCreate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," PascalInstance.TheInstance := Self;"," SetData (dtPascalInstance, @PascalInstance);"," ConnectDestroy (@FreeClass, nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," InitCreate;"," CreateGtkObject;"," FinalCreate;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateFromObject
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," InitCreate;"," FGtkObject := GtkObject;"," FinalCreate;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=GtkObject
+ PascalType=PGtkObject
+ Prop=Destroying
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TDestroyState
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AskNotification
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," CheckNotifyList;"," with NotifyList do"," if indexof(AnObject) < 0 then"," begin"," Add (AnObject);"," AnObject.AskNotification (Self);"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Destructor
+ Code="var r : integer;"," datapointer : PSignalData;",begin," FDestroying := dsDestroying;"," if assigned(NotifyList) then"," begin"," for r := 0 to NotifyList.count-1 do"," TFPgtkObject(NotifyList[r]).NotifyDestroy (Self);"," NotifyList.Free;"," NotifyList := nil;"," end;"," if assigned(FGtkObject) and not Gtk_Object_destroyed(FGtkObject) then"," begin"," gtk_object_destroy (FGtkObject);"," FGtkObject := nil;"," end;"," for r := 0 to SignalDatas.count-1 do"," begin"," datapointer := signaldatas[r];"," dispose (datapointer);"," end;"," signaldatas.Free;"," if assigned (convertDatas) then"," ConvertDatas.Free;"," r := ObjectsToFree.indexof (self);"," if r >= 0 then"," ObjectsToFree[r] := nil;"," inherited destroy;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=NotifyDestroy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," if assigned(NotifyList) then"," begin"," r := NotifyList.indexOf (AnObject);"," if r >= 0 then"," NotifyList.Delete (r);"," end;",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=destroy
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SignalDisconnect
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_signal_disconnect (TheGtkObject, SignalHandler);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=SignalHandler
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=SignalBlockHandler
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_signal_handler_block (TheGtkObject, SignalHandler);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=SignalHandler
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=SignalUnblockHandler
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_signal_handler_unblock (TheGtkObject, SignalHandler);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=SignalHandler
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=SignalEmit
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_signal_emit_by_name (TheGtkObject, pgchar(aName), Args);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aName
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Args
+ PascalType=array of const
+ Prop=SignalNEmissions
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=guint
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_signal_n_emissions_by_name (FGtkObject, pgchar(aName));",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aName
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=SignalEmitStop
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (FGtkObject, pgchar(aName));",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aName
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=SetData
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_data
+ Count=2
+ Param=Key
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=UserData
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=pointer
+ GtkName=user_data
+ WriteGtkName=user_data
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetDataFull
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_object_set_data_full (TheGtkObject, pgChar(Key), ConvertSignalData (Destroyer, data, false), TGtkDestroyNotify(@DestroyData));"," CheckConvertDatas;"," ConvertDatas.Add (Key);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=Destroyer
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Prop=RemoveData
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," gtk_object_remove_data (TheGtkObject, pgChar(Key));"," if assigned (ConvertDatas) then"," begin"," r := ConvertDatas.indexof (Key);"," if r >= 0 then"," ConvertDatas.Delete (r);"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=GetData
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code="var p : pointer;",begin," p := gtk_object_get_data (TheGtkObject, pgChar(Key));"," if assigned(ConvertDatas) and (ConvertDatas.IndexOf (Key) >= 0) then"," result := PPascalClassData (PSignalData(p)^.TheData)^.TheInstance"," else"," result := p;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=DestroyData
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," with PSignaldata(data)^ do"," TheSignalProc (TheWidget, TheData);",end;
+ Cdecl
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=IntToPointer
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code=begin," ip.i := Value;"," result := ip.p;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Value
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PointerToInt
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," ip.p := Value;"," result := ip.i;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Value
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=GtkDestroyed
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=destroyed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Constructed
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=constructed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ConstructedDefault
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=default_construct
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Sink
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=sink
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Ref
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=ref
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Unref
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unref
+ Count=0
+ Prop=WeakRef
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_object_weakref (TheGtkObject, TGtkDestroyNotify(@DestroyData), ConvertSignalData (Notify, data, true));",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Notify
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=WeakUnref
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_object_weakunref (TheGtkObject, TGtkDestroyNotify(@DestroyData), ConvertSignalData (Notify, data, true));",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=notify
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Object=Data
+ Inherit=Object
+ GtkFuncName=data
+ Count=1
+ Prop=Disconnect
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=disconnect
+ Count=0
+ Object=Adjustment
+ Inherit=Data
+ GtkFuncName=Adjustment
+ CreateParams=0,0,10,1,2,2
+ CreateObject
+ Count=12
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," Lower := aLower;"," Upper := anUpper;"," Value := aValue;"," StepIncrement := aStepInc;"," PageIncrement := aPageInc;"," PageSize := aPageSize;",end;
+ Count=6
+ Param=aLower
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anUpper
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aValue
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aStepInc
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aPageInc
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aPageSize
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=ValueChanged
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Value_Changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Changed
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ValueChanged
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Value_Changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Changed
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ClampPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Clamp_Page
+ Count=2
+ Param=aLower
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aUpper
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=Value
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Value
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Value
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Lower
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Lower
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Lower
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Upper
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Upper
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Upper
+ Count=0
+ Prop=StepIncrement
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Step_Increment
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Step_Increment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PageIncrement
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Page_Increment
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Page_increment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PageSize
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=Page_Size
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=Page_Size
+ Count=0
+ Object=ToolTips
+ Inherit=Data
+ GtkFuncName=tooltips
+ CreateObject
+ Count=13
+ Prop=SetColors
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_colors
+ Count=2
+ Param=Fore
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Param=Back
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Prop=SetTip
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_tip
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Enabled
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=enabled
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," gtk_tooltips_enable (TheGtkObject)"," else"," gtk_tooltips_disable (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Delay
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=delay
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=delay
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ColorForeground
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ GtkName=foreground
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetColorForeground
+ WriteCode=begin," SetColors (TheValue, ColorBackGround);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ColorBackground
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ GtkName=background
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetColorBackground
+ WriteCode=begin," SetColors (ColorForeground, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetTooltipsData
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PGtkTooltipsData
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_tooltips_data_get (ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget));",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ComposeTooltip
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := TooltipText;"," if PrivText <> '' then"," result := result + '|' + PrivText;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=TooltipText
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=PrivText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=DecomposeTooltip
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," r := pos ('|', tooltip);"," if r > 0 then"," begin"," TooltipText := copy(Tooltip, 1, r-1);"," PrivText := copy (Tooltip, r+1, maxint);"," end"," else"," begin"," TooltipText := Tooltip;"," PrivText := '';"," end;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Tooltip
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ PascalType=string
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PrivText
+ PascalType=string
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=TheTooltips
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Code="var "," TheTooltips : TFPgtkTooltips;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CheckTooltips
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin,"if not assigned (TheTooltips) then"," TheTooltips := TFPgtkTooltips.Create;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=
+ PropType=Finilization
+ Code="if assigned (TheTooltips) then"," TheTooltips.Free;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ForceWindow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=force_window
+ Count=0
+ Object=Widget
+ Inherit=Object
+ GtkFuncName=widget
+ Count=107
+ Prop=TheGtkWidget
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := PGtkWidget (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," FGtkObject := PgtkObject (TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetPascalInstance
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkWidget (GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(widget)));",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=PGtkWidget
+ Prop=GetPascalInstance
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkWidget (GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(Widget), ObjClass));",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=PGtkWidget
+ Param=ObjClass
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObjectClass
+ Prop=ConvertToGtkWidget
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PGtkWidget
+ Code=begin," if assigned(AnObject) then"," result := AnObject.TheGtkWidget"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=WidgetSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SetFlags
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=set_flags
+ Count=1
+ Param=NewFlags
+ PascalType=longint
+ Prop=UnsetFlags
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=unset_flags
+ Count=1
+ Param=NewUnsetFlags
+ PascalType=longint
+ Prop=Map
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=map
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Unmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=unmap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=QueueDraw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=queue_draw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=QueueResize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=queue_resize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Draw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Rectangle
+ PascalType=PGdkRectangle
+ Prop=DrawFocus
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=draw_focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawDefault
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=draw_default
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Show
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=show
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Hide
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=hide
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Realize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=realize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Unrealize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unrealize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowNow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=show_now
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=show_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HideAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=hide_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetAllocation
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," with AnAllocation do"," SetAllocation (x, y, width, height);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnAllocation
+ PascalType=TGtkAllocation
+ Prop=SetAllocation
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," SetUPosition (x, y);"," SetUSize (width, height);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=height
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Allocation
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkAllocation
+ GtkName=allocation
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ExistingProc
+ WriteGtkName=SetAllocation
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetUPosition
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_uposition
+ Count=2
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetUsize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_usize
+ Count=2
+ Param=width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=height
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Name
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=name
+ WriteGtkName=name
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Flags
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longint
+ GtkName=GetPropFlags
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_widget_Flags (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetPropFlags
+ WriteCode="var f : integer;",begin," f := GetPropFlags;"," UnsetFlags (f and not TheValue);"," SetFlags (not f and TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=State
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longint
+ GtkName=State
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SavedState
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longint
+ GtkName=Saved_State
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Parent
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var gtkparent : PgtkWidget;"," o : TFPgtkObject;",begin," gtkParent := TheGtkObject^.parent;"," o := GetPascalInstance (PgtkObject(GtkParent));"," if o is TFPgtkWidget then"," result := TFPgtkWidget(o)"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode="var gtkparent : PgtkWidget;",begin," gtkParent := TheGtkObject^.parent;"," if assigned(TheValue) then"," if assigned(gtkParent) then"," reparent (TheValue)"," else"," gtk_widget_set_parent (TheGtkWidget, ConvertToGtkWidget(TheValue))"," else"," if assigned(gtkParent) then"," gtk_widget_unparent (TheGtkWidget);","end; "," "
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ParentWindow
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkWindow
+ GtkName=parent_window
+ WriteGtkName=parent_window
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Unparent
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unparent
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Reparent
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if (NewParent is TFpgtkContainer) then"," begin"," ref;"," TFPgtkContainer(Parent).remove (self);"," TFPgtkContainer(NewParent).Add (Self);"," unref;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=NewParent
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Visible
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Visible
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," Show"," else"," Hide;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=NoWindow
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=No_Window
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," SetFlags (GTK_NO_WINDOW)"," else"," UnSetFlags (GTK_NO_WINDOW);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Realized
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=realized
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then "," Realize"," else"," Unrealize;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Mapped
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Mapped
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," Map"," else"," Unmap;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Drawable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Drawable
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=IsSensitive
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Is_Sensitive
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Sensitive
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Sensitive
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=sensitive
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ParentSensitive
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Parent_Sensitive
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," SetFlags (GTK_PARENT_SENSITIVE)"," else"," UnSetFlags (GTK_PARENT_SENSITIVE);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AppPaintable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=App_Paintable
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ WriteGtkName=app_paintable
+ WriteCode="// conditional compile ; niet bij gtkwin"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CanFocus
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Can_Focus
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," SetFlags (GTK_CAN_FOCUS)"," else"," UnSetFlags (GTK_CAN_FOCUS);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GrabFocus
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=grab_focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HasFocus
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Has_Focus
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CanDefault
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Can_Default
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," SetFlags (GTK_CAN_DEFAULT)"," else"," UnSetFlags (GTK_CAN_DEFAULT);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GrabDefault
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=grab_default
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HasDefault
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Has_Default
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ReceivesDefault
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Receives_Default
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CompositeChild
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Composite_Child
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Tooltip
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code="var data : PGtkTooltipsData;",begin," data := Gtk_Tooltips_Data_Get (TheGtkObject);"," if assigned(data) then"," with data^ do"," result := ComposeTooltip (Tip_Text, tip_private)"," else"," result := '';",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode="var t, p : string;"," ttdata : PGtkTooltipsData;",begin," if TheValue = '' then"," begin"," ttdata := GetTooltipsData (Self);"," if assigned (ttdata) then"," ; // find a way to remove the hint. Setting '' does not remove"," end"," else"," begin"," CheckTooltips;"," DecomposeTooltip (TheValue, t, p);"," TheToolTips.SetTip (self, t, p);"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HideOnDelete
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=hide_on_delete
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Colormap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkColormap
+ GtkName=colormap
+ WriteGtkName=colormap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Show
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=show
+ Count=0
+ Prop=hide
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=hide
+ Count=0
+ Prop=map
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=map
+ Count=0
+ Prop=unmap
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=unmap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=realize
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=realize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=unrealize
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=unrealize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawFocus
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=draw-focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawDefault
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=draw-defaut
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ParentSet
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=parent-set
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GrabFocus
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=grab-focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Event
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEvent
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Event
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventButton
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventButton
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ButtonPressEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventButton
+ GtkName=button-press-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonReleaseEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventButton
+ GtkName=button-release-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventMotion
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventMotion
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=MotionNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventMotion
+ GtkName=motion-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DeleteEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=delete-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DestroyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=destroy-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventExpose
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventExpose
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ExposeEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventExpose
+ GtkName=expose-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventKey
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventKey
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=KeyPressEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventKey
+ GtkName=key-press-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=KeyReleaseEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventKey
+ GtkName=key-release-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventCrossing
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventCrossing
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=EnterNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventCrossing
+ GtkName=enter-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LeaveNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventCrossing
+ GtkName=leave-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventConfigure
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventConfigure
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ConfigureEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventConfigure
+ GtkName=configure-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventFocus
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventFocus
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=FocusInEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventFocus
+ GtkName=focus-in-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FocusOutEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventFocus
+ GtkName=focus-out-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MapEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=map-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnmapEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=unmap-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventProperty
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventProperty
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PropertyNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventProperty
+ GtkName=property-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventSelection
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventSelection
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SelectionClearEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventSelection
+ GtkName=selection-clear-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionRequestEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventSelection
+ GtkName=selection-request-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventSelection
+ GtkName=selection-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventProximity
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventProximity
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ProximityInEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventProximity
+ GtkName=proximity-in-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ProximityOutEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventProximity
+ GtkName=proximity-out-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventClient
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventClient
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ClientEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventClient
+ GtkName=client-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EventNoExpose
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventNoExpose
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=NoExposeEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=EventNoExpose
+ GtkName=no-expose-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VisibilityNotifyEvent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Event
+ GtkName=visibility-notify-event
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LockAccelerators
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=lock_accelerators
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnlockAccelerators
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unlock_accelerators
+ Count=0
+ Prop=RemoveAccelerators
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove_accelerators
+ Count=2
+ Param=aSignal
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=OnlyVisible
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=ActivateAccelGroups
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_groups_activate (FGtkObject, Key, Mods);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Prop=AcceleratorAdd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_widget_add_accelerator (TheGtkWidget, pgchar(aSignal),"," AG, Key, Mods, acFlags);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=5
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Param=aSignal
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Param=acFlags
+ PascalType=TGtkAccelFlags
+ Object=Group
+ Inherit=*List
+ Count=26
+ Prop=FGSList
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=PGSList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FGList
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=PGList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FNotUpdating
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FClassesChanged
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FSListChanged
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FListChanged
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ManageLists
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FreeList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if FGList <> null then"," begin"," if FManageLists then"," g_list_free (FGList);"," FGList := null;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FreeSList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if FGSList <> null then"," begin"," if FManageLists then"," g_slist_free (FGSList);"," FGSlist := null;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateGList
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=PGList
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," FreeList;"," result := null;"," for r := pred(count) downto 0 do"," result := g_list_prepend (result, GetData(r));"," FGList := result;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateGSList
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=PGSList
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," FreeSList;"," result := null;"," for r := pred(count) downto 0 do"," result := g_slist_prepend (result, GetData(r));"," FGSList := result;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=BuildFromGtkList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var p : PGList;",begin," clear;"," p := FGList;"," while p <> null do"," begin"," add (UngetData(p^.data));"," p := p^.Next;"," end;"," FListChanged := False;"," FSListChanged := False;"," FClassesChanged := False;"," FreeSList;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=BuildFromGtkSList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var p :PGSList;",begin," clear;"," p := FGSList;"," while p <> null do"," begin"," add (UngetData(p^.data));"," p := p^.Next;"," end;"," FListChanged := False;"," FSListChanged := False;"," FClassesChanged := False;"," FreeList;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Notify
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," inherited;"," FClassesChanged := True;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=2
+ Param=ptr
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=Action
+ PascalType=TListNotification
+ Prop=GetData
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code="// GetData needs to give the pointer to the data in the List or SList of GTK",begin," result := items[index];",end;
+ Dynamic
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=UngetData
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code="// UngetData needs to give the item in this list from the datapointer of GTK",begin," result := data",end;
+ Dynamic
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," FClassesChanged := False;"," FListChanged := false;"," FSListChanged := False;"," FGList := null;"," FGSList := null;"," FNotUpdating := True;"," FManageLists := True;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Destructor
+ Code=begin," if ManageLists then"," begin"," FreeList;"," FreeSList;"," end;"," inherited Destroy;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetGtkList
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGList
+ Code=begin," if buffered then"," if FClasseschanged then"," result := CreateGList"," else if FSListChanged then"," begin"," BuildFromGtkSList;"," result := CreateGList;"," end"," else"," result := FGlist"," else"," result := CreateGList;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=buffered
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=GetGtkSList
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGSList
+ Code=begin," if buffered then"," if FClassesChanged then"," result := CreateGSList"," else if FListChanged then"," begin"," BuildFromGtkList;"," result := CreateGSList;"," end"," else"," result := FGSlist"," else"," result := CreateGSList;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=buffered
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=BeginUpdate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," FNotUpdating := False;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EndUpdate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," FNotUpdating := True;"," if FlistChanged then"," BuildFromGtkSList"," else if FSListChanged then"," BuildFromGtkSList"," else if FClassesChanged then"," begin"," FreeSList;"," FreeList;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ForEachFunction
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TFPgtkForEachProcedure = procedure (item : pointer; data : pointer) of object;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ForEach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r: integer;",begin," for r := 0 to pred(count) do"," Proc (items[r], data);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Proc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkForEachProcedure
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=GtkList
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGList
+ GtkName=GetGtkListProp
+ Code=begin," result := GetGtkList (True);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetGtkListProp
+ WriteCode=begin," FGList := TheValue;"," if FNotUpdating then"," BuildFromGtkList"," else"," FListChanged := True;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GtkSList
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGSList
+ GtkName=GetGtkSListProp
+ Code=begin," result := GetGtkSList (True);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetGtkSListProp
+ WriteCode=begin," FGSlist := TheValue;"," if FNotUpdating then"," BuildFromGtkSList"," else"," FSListChanged := True;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=WidgetGroup
+ Inherit=Group
+ Count=6
+ Prop=GetData
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code=begin," result := items[index].FgtkObject;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=UnGetData
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(Data));",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=AddToContainer
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," for r := 0 to pred(count) do"," Container.Add (items[r]);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Container
+ PascalType=TFPgtkContainer
+ Prop=PackInBox
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," if AtStart then"," for r := 0 to pred(Count) do"," box.PackStart (items[r], expanding, fill, padding)"," else"," for r := pred(Count) downto 0 do"," box.PackEnd (items[r], expanding, fill, padding);",end;
+ Count=5
+ Param=box
+ PascalType=TFPgtkBox
+ Param=AtStart
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Expanding
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Items
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=GetItem
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkWidget (Inherited items[index]);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetItem
+ WriteCode=begin," inherited items[index] := TheValue;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Tooltips
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := items[index].Tooltip;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," Items[index].Tooltip := TheValue;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=Misc
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=misc
+ Count=6
+ Prop=SetAlignment
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_alignment
+ Count=2
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=SetPadding
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_padding
+ Count=2
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=word
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=word
+ Prop=XAlign
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=XAlign
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," SetAlignment (TheValue, YAlign);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=YAlign
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=YAlign
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," SetAlignment (XAlign, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=XPad
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=XPad
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," SetPadding (TheValue, YPad);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=YPad
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=YPad
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," SetPadding (XPad, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=Label
+ Inherit=Misc
+ GtkFuncName=label
+ CreateParams=null
+ CreateObject
+ Count=7
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," Text := aText;"," SetAlignment (0.0, 0.5);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Text
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=TheLabel
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=text
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Pattern
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=pattern
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=pattern
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Justify
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkJustification
+ GtkName=jtype
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=justify
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LineWrap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=wrap
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=line_wrap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ParseUline
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=parse_uline
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=LabelClass
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TFPgtkLabelClass = class of TFPgtkLabel;"
+ Count=0
+ Object=AccelLabel
+ Inherit=Label
+ GtkFuncName=accel_label
+ CreateParams=''
+ CreateObject
+ Count=3
+ Prop=AccelWidget
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=accel_widget
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=accel_widget
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelText
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := TheGtkObject^.accel_string;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Refetch
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=refetch
+ Count=0
+ Object=TipsQuery
+ Inherit=Label
+ GtkFuncName=tips_query
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Arrow
+ Inherit=Misc
+ GtkFuncName=arrow
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=ArrowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkArrowType
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkArrowType (TheGtkObject^.arrow_type);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_arrow_set (TheGtkObject, TheValue, ShadowType);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowType
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkShadowtype (TheGtkObject^.shadow_type);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_arrow_set (TheGtkObject, ArrowType, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetTypes
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set
+ Count=2
+ Param=AnArrowType
+ PascalType=TGtkArrowType
+ Param=AShadowtype
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowType
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," SetTypes (AnArrowType, AShadowType);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=AnArrowType
+ PascalType=TGtkArrowType
+ Param=AShadowType
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowType
+ Object=Image
+ Inherit=Misc
+ GtkFuncName=image
+ CreateParams=FImage, FMask
+ CreateObject
+ Count=7
+ Prop=FImage
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=PGdkImage
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FMask
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=PGdkBitMap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Image
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkImage
+ GtkName=GetImageProp
+ Code="var m : PGdkBitmap;",begin," gtk_image_get (TheGtkObject, @result, @m);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetImageProp
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_Image_set (TheGtkObject, TheValue, nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Mask
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkBitMap
+ Code="var p : PGdkPixmap;",begin," gtk_image_get (TheGtkObject, @p, @result);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_image_set (TheGtkObject, Image, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetImage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set
+ Count=2
+ Param=anImage
+ PascalType=PGdkImage
+ Param=aMask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FImage := anImage;"," FMask := aMask;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=anImage
+ PascalType=PGdkImage
+ Param=aMask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=NewImage
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PGdkImage
+ Code=begin," result := gdk_image_new (gdk_image_fastest, gdk_visual_get_system, aWidth, aHeight);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=Pixmap
+ Inherit=Misc
+ GtkFuncName=pixmap
+ CreateParams=FPixMap, FMask
+ CreateObject
+ Count=20
+ Prop=EmptyBitMap
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Section=Private
+ Code=var," EmptyBitmap : PGdkPixmap;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PStringArray
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TStringArray = array[0..32000] of pgchar;"," PStringArray = ^TStringArray;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=StringsToPPgchar
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PPgchar
+ Code="var r : integer;"," a : PStringArray;",begin," getmem (a, sizeof (pgchar) * Data.count);"," for r := 0 to Data.Count-1 do"," a^[r] := pchar (Data[r]);"," result := ppgchar (a);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=ArrayToPPgchar
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=PPgchar
+ Code="var r,t : integer;"," a : PStringArray;",begin," getmem (a, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));"," t := 0;"," for r := low(data) to high(data) do"," begin"," a^[r] := pchar (data[t]);"," inc (t);"," end;"," result := ppgchar (a);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=BuildInsensitive
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=build_insensitive
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=build_insensitive
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (EmptyBitmap) then"," EmptyBitmap := gdk_pixmap_new (null, 1, 1, 1);"," FPixMap := EmptyBitmap;"," FMask := PGdkBitmap (EmptyBitmap);"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateFromFile
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FPixMap := gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm (ConvertToGtkWidget(Window)^.window, @FMask, nil, pgchar(Filename));"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Filename
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Window
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=CreateFromStrings
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := StringsToPPgchar(Data);"," FPixMap := gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (ConvertToGtkWidget(Window)^.window, @FMask, nil, ppdata);"," inherited create;"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * Data.count);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Param=Window
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=CreateFromText
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code="var l : TStrings;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," l.Text := data;"," CreateFromStrings (l, Window);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Window
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=FPixMap
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FMask
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=PGdkBitMap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PixMap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkPixMap
+ GtkName=GetPixmapProp
+ Code="var m : PGdkBitmap;",begin," gtk_pixmap_get (TheGtkObject, @result, @m);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetPixmapProp
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_pixmap_set (TheGtkObject, TheValue, nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Mask
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGdkBitMap
+ Code="var p : PGdkPixmap;",begin," gtk_pixmap_get (TheGtkObject, @p, @result);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_pixmap_set (TheGtkObject, Pixmap, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set
+ Count=2
+ Param=aPixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixMap
+ Param=aMask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=GetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var P:PGdkPixmap; "," M:PGdkBitmap;",begin," gtk_pixmap_get (TheGtkObject, @p, @m);"," apixmap := p;"," amask := m;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aPixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aMask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=LoadFromFile
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var bm : PGdkBitmap;"," pm : PGdkPixmap;",begin," pm := gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm (nil, Colormap, @bm, nil, pgchar(Filename));"," SetPixmap (pm, bm);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Filename
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=LoadFromStrings
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var bm : PGdkBitmap;"," pm : PGdkPixmap;"," ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := StringsToPPgchar(Data);"," pm := gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (nil, Colormap, @bm, nil, ppdata);"," SetPixmap (pm, bm);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * Data.count);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=LoadFromText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : TStrings;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," l.Text := data;"," LoadFromStrings (l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=LoadFromArray
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var bm : PGdkBitmap;"," pm : PGdkPixmap;"," ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := ArrayToPPgchar(Data);"," pm := gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (nil, Colormap, @bm, nil, ppdata);"," SetPixmap (pm, bm);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=CreateGdkPixmap
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := ArrayToPPgchar(Data);"," ThePixmap := gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (aWindow, @TheMask, nil, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=ThePixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=TheMask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aWindow
+ PascalType=PGdkWindow
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Object=Container
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=container
+ Count=19
+ Prop=Border
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=border_width
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=border_width
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_container_add (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(AWidget));"," if IsVisible then"," AWidget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=AWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_container_add (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(AWidget));"," AWidget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=AWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Remove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove
+ Count=1
+ Param=AWidget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," FChildren := TFPgtkWidgetGroup.Create;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Destructor
+ Code=begin," if assigned(FChildren) then"," FChildren.Free;"," inherited destroy;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Children
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidgetGroup
+ Code=begin," FChildren.GtkList := gtk_container_children (TheGtkObject);"," result := FChildren;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FChildren
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidgetGroup
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Focus
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=focus
+ Count=1
+ Param=Direction
+ PascalType=TGtkDirectionType
+ Prop=FocusChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_focus_child
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=RegisterToplevel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=register_toplevel
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnregisterToplevel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unregister_toplevel
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ResizeChildren
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=resize_children
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DirectionFunctionSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ PascalType=TGtkDirectionType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Direction
+ PascalType=TGtkDirectionType
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=add
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Remove
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=remove
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CheckResize
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=check-resize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Focus
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DirectionFunctionSignal
+ GtkName=focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetFocusChild
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=set-focus
+ Count=0
+ Object=Bin
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=bin
+ Count=1
+ Prop=Child
+ PropType=Property
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=Child
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," Add (TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=Alignment
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=alignment
+ CreateParams=0,0,1,1
+ Count=1
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set
+ Count=4
+ Param=anXAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anYAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anXScale
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anYScale
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Object=Frame
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=frame
+ CreateParams=nil
+ CreateObject
+ Count=3
+ Prop=Text
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=thelabel
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=label
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Alignment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=label_xalign
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_frame_set_label_align (ThegtkObject, TheValue, 0.0);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TgtkShadowType
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Object=AspectFrame
+ Inherit=Frame
+ GtkFuncName=aspect_frame
+ CreateParams=nil,0,0,1,1
+ CreateObject
+ Count=1
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set
+ Count=4
+ Param=anXAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anYAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=Ratio
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=ObeyChild
+ Convert
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Object=Button
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=button
+ CreateObject
+ Count=23
+ Prop=LabelClass
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=TFPgtkLabelClass
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkLabel;",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateLabel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin,"if not assigned (FLabel) then"," begin"," FLabel := LabelClass.Create ('');"," with FLabel do"," begin"," AskNotification (Self);"," FAccelKey := ParseULine (aText);"," end;"," if assigned(AddContainer) then"," AddContainer.Add (FLabel)"," else"," Add (FLabel);"," LabelCreated; "," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=NotifyDestroy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," inherited;"," if AnObject = FLabel then"," FLabel := nil;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=Clicked
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Clicked
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Pressed
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Pressed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Released
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Released
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Enter
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Enter
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Leave
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Leave
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Clicked
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Clicked
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Pressed
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Pressed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Released
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Released
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Enter
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Enter
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Leave
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Leave
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," FAddContainer := nil;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateWithLabel
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," create;"," Text := aText;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=CreateWithLabel
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," create;"," Text := aText;"," if (FAccelKey <> 0) and assigned(AccelGroup) then"," AcceleratorAdd (AccelGroup, sgClicked, FAccelKey, DefaultButtonModifiers, GTK_ACCEL_Visible);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=AccelGroup
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Prop=TheLabel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkLabel
+ GtkName=FLabel
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Text
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," if assigned (FLabel) then"," result := FLabel.Text"," else"," result := '';",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if assigned (FLabel) then"," FLabel.Text := TheValue"," else"," if TheValue <> '' then"," CreateLabel (TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ReliefStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkReliefStyle
+ GtkName=relief
+ WriteGtkName=relief
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AddContainer
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkContainer
+ GtkName=FAddContainer
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ WriteGtkName=FAddContainer
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LabelCreated
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," FLabel.setalignment (0.5,0.5);",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelKey
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=FAccelKey
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=New
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Code=const," DefaultButtonModifiers : TGdkModifierType = GDK_MOD1_MASK;"
+ Count=0
+ Object=ToggleButton
+ Inherit=Button
+ GtkFuncName=toggle_button
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=Toggled
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=toggled
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Toggled
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=toggled
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Active
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=active
+ WriteGtkName=active
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawIndicator
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=draw_indicator
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=draw_indicator
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Object=CheckButton
+ Inherit=ToggleButton
+ GtkFuncName=check_button
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=RadioButton
+ Inherit=CheckButton
+ GtkFuncName=radio_button
+ Count=4
+ Prop=FGroup
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FGroup := AGroup;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AGroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup
+ Prop=CreateWithLabel
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FGroup := AGroup;"," inherited CreateWithLabel (aText);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=AGroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (FGroup) then"," FGroup := TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup.Create;"," TheGtkWidget := gtk_radio_button_new (FGroup.GtkSList);"," FGroup.GtkSList := gtk_radio_button_group (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Object=RadioButtonGroup
+ Inherit=WidgetGroup
+ Count=5
+ Prop=Items
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButton
+ GtkName=GetItem
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkRadioButton(Inherited items[index]);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetItem
+ WriteCode=begin," inherited items[index] := TheValue;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ActiveButtonText
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := ActiveButton.Text;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveButtonIndex
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," Result := pred(count);"," while (Result >= 0) and (not items[Result].Active) do"," dec (Result);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveButton
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButton
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," r := ActiveButtonIndex;"," if r >= 0 then"," result := items[r]"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=RadioButtonGroupCreateFromStrings
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup
+ Code="var r : integer;"," b : TFPgtkRadioButton;",begin," result := TFPgtkRadioButtonGroup.Create;"," result.BeginUpdate;"," for r := TheItems.count-1 downto 0 do"," begin"," b := TFPgtkRadioButton.CreateWithLabel (result, TheItems[r]);"," if assigned(toggledfunction) then"," b.connecttoggled (ToggledFunction, IntToPointer(r));"," end;"," := true;"," result.EndUpdate;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Param=ToggledFunction
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Object=OptionMenu
+ Inherit=Button
+ GtkFuncName=option_menu
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=Menu
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkMenu
+ GtkName=menu
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=setmenu
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_option_menu_set_menu(TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(TheValue));",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=RemoveMenu
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove_menu
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetHistory
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_history
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Clear
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var w : TFPgtkWidget;",begin," w := Menu;"," if assigned(w) then"," begin"," w := TFPgtkMenu(w).Active;"," if assigned (w) then"," TFPgtkItem(w).Deselect;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=Item
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=item
+ Count=17
+ Prop=LabelClass
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=TFPgtkLabelClass
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkLabel;",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateLabel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (FLabel) then"," begin"," FLabel := LabelClass.Create ('');"," with FLabel do"," begin"," AskNotification (Self);"," FAccelKey := ParseULine (aText);"," end;"," if assigned(AddContainer) then"," AddContainer.Add (FLabel)"," else"," Add (FLabel);"," LabelCreated;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=NotifyDestroy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," inherited;"," if AnObject = FLabel then"," FLabel := nil;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnObject
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=Select
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Select
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Deselect
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Deselect
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Toggle
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=Toggle
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Select
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Select
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Deselect
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Deselect
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Toggle
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Toggle
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited;"," FAddContainer := nil;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateWithLabel
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," Text := aText;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=TheLabel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkLabel
+ GtkName=FLabel
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Text
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," if assigned (FLabel) then"," result := FLabel.Text"," else"," result := '';",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if assigned (FLabel) then"," FLabel.Text := TheValue"," else"," if TheValue <> '' then"," CreateLabel (TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ItemClass
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TFPgtkItemClass = class of TFPgtkItem;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AddContainer
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkContainer
+ GtkName=FAddContainer
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ WriteGtkName=FAddContainer
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LabelCreated
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin,end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelKey
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=FAccelKey
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Object=ItemGroup
+ Inherit=WidgetGroup
+ Count=8
+ Prop=Items
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkItem
+ GtkName=GetItem
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkItem (inherited items[index]);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetItem
+ WriteCode=begin," inherited items[index] := TheValue;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=FillFromList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;"," i : TFPgtkItem;",begin," BeginUpdate;"," for r := 0 to aList.count-1 do"," begin"," i := FItemClass.CreateWithLabel (aList[r]);"," add (i);"," i.Show;"," end;"," EndUpdate;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aList
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=FillFromCommaText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : TStrings;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," l.commatext := aList;"," FillFromList (l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aList
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=FillFromArray
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;"," l : TStrings;",begin," l := TStringlist.Create;"," try"," for r := low (aList) to high(aList) do"," l.Add (aList[r]);"," FillFromList (l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aList
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=ItemClass
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkItemClass
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SignalConnect
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," if assigned (Proc) then"," for r := 0 to count-1 do"," Items[r].SignalConnect (Signal, proc, data);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Signal
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=proc
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," FItemClass := AnItemClass;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnItemClass
+ PascalType=TFPgtkItemClass
+ Prop=AddTextItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkItem
+ Code=begin," result := FItemClass.CreateWithLabel (aText);"," Add (result);"," result.Show;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Object=MenuItem
+ Inherit=Item
+ GtkFuncName=menu_item
+ CreateObject
+ Count=14
+ Prop=Activate
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=activate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivateItem
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=activate-item
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Activate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=activate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetSubMenu
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Set_submenu
+ Count=1
+ Param=aSubMenu
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=RemoveSubMenu
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove_submenu
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_menu_item_configure (TheGtkObject, ord(ShowToggleIndicator), ord(ShowSubmenuIndicator));",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=ShowToggleIndicator
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=ShowSubmenuIndicator
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=RightJustify
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=right_justify
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Placement
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSubmenuPlacement
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkSubmenuPlacement(submenu_placement(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=placement
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleIndicator
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=show_toggle_indicator
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," Configure (TheValue, SubMenuIndicator);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SubMenuIndicator
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=show_submenu_indicator
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," configure (ToggleIndicator, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=JustifyRight
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=right_justify
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=right_justify
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SubMenu
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkMenuShell
+ GtkName=submenu
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetPropSubMenu
+ WriteCode=begin," SetSubMenu (TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LabelClass
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=TFPgtkLabelClass
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkAccelLabel;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LabelCreated
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," with (TheLabel as TFPgtkAccelLabel) do"," AccelWidget := Self;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Object=CheckMenuItem
+ Inherit=MenuItem
+ GtkFuncName=check_menu_item
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=Toggled
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=toggled
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Toggled
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=toggled
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Active
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=active
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=active
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowToggle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=always_show_toggle
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=show_toggle
+ Count=0
+ Object=RadioMenuItem
+ Inherit=CheckMenuItem
+ GtkFuncName=radio_menu_item
+ Count=4
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if not assigned(FGroup) then"," FGroup := TFPgtkRadioMenuGroup.Create;"," TheGtkWidget := gtk_radio_menu_item_new (FGroup.GtkSList);"," FGroup.GtkSList := gtk_radio_menu_item_group (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FGroup := AGroup;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AGroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioMenuGroup
+ Prop=CreateWithLabel
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FGroup := Agroup;"," inherited CreateWithLabel (aText);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Agroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioMenuGroup
+ Param=aText
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Group
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioMenuGroup
+ GtkName=FGroup
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Object=RadioMenuGroup
+ Inherit=ItemGroup
+ Count=5
+ Prop=Items
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioMenuItem
+ GtkName=GetItem
+ Code=begin," result := TFPgtkRadioMenuItem(Inherited items[index]);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetItem
+ WriteCode=begin," inherited items[index] := TheValue;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ActiveMenuText
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := ActiveMenu.Text;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveMenuIndex
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," Result := pred(count);"," while (Result >= 0) and (not items[Result].Active) do"," dec (Result);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveMenu
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkRadioMenuItem
+ Code="var r : integer;",begin," r := ActiveMenuIndex;"," if r >= 0 then"," result := items[r]"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create (TFPgtkRadioMenuItem);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=TearOffMenuItem
+ Inherit=MenuItem
+ GtkFuncName=tearoff_menu_item
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=ListItem
+ Inherit=Item
+ GtkFuncName=list_item
+ CreateObject
+ Count=14
+ Prop=ScrollSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TgtkScrollType
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ScrollBooleanSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=5
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=ScrolType
+ PascalType=TgtkScrollType
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=AutoStartSelection
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ToggleFocusRow
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=toggle-focus-row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectAll
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=select-all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectAll
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=unselect-all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UndoSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=undo-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=StartSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=start-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EndSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=end-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleAddMode
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=toggle-add-mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ExtendSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=ScrollBooleanSignal
+ GtkName=extend-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ScrollVertical
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=ScrollSignal
+ GtkName=scroll-vertical
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ScrollHorizontal
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=ScrollSignal
+ GtkName=scroll-horizontal
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Select
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Deselect
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=deselect
+ Count=0
+ Object=ListItemGroup
+ Inherit=ItemGroup
+ Count=1
+ Prop=create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create (TFPgtkListItem);"," ManageLists := false;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=TreeItem
+ Inherit=Item
+ GtkFuncName=tree_item
+ CreateObject
+ Count=10
+ Prop=SubTree
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=subtree
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if assigned(TheValue) then"," gtk_tree_item_set_subtree (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(TheValue))"," else"," gtk_tree_item_remove_subtree (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PixPlus
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=plus_pix_widget
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PixMinus
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=minus_pix_widget
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Expanded
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=expanded
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," Expand"," else"," collapse;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Select
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Deselect
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=deselect
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Expand
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=expand
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Collapse
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=collapse
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Collapse
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=collapse
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Expand
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=expand
+ Count=0
+ Object=Window
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=window
+ CreateParams=TheWindowType
+ CreateObject
+ Count=46
+ Prop=TheWindowType
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TGtkWindowType
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," TheWindowType := AType;"," inherited Create;"," FAccelGroups := TList.Create;"," FMainLevel := NoMainLevel;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AType
+ PascalType=TGtkWindowType
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Destructor
+ Code=begin," FAccelGroups.Free;"," inherited;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=WindowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkWindowType
+ GtkName=thetype
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=thetype
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Title
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=title
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=title
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Modal
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=modal
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=modal
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DialogResult constants
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Code=const," drNone = 0;"," drOk = 1;"," drCancel = 2;"," drYes = 3;"," drNo = 4;"," drRetry = 5;"," NoMainLevel = high (guint);"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DialogCallback
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Section=Published
+ Code=" DialogResultCallback = procedure (Sender:TFPgtkWindow; DialogResult:pointer; "," Action:integer; initiator:TFPgtkObject) of object;"," DialogInitCallback = procedure (Sender : TFPgtkWindow; InitData : pointer) of object;"," TFPgtkWindowClass = class of TFPgtkWindow;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DialogResult
+ PropType=Property
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=pointer
+ GtkName=FDialogResult
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ WriteGtkName=FDialogResult
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DoDialogResult
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if assigned (OnDialogResult) then"," OnDialogResult (self, FDialogResult, Action, Sender);",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=2
+ Param=Action
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Prop=OnDialogResult
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=DialogResultCallback
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DoDialogInit
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if assigned (OnDialogInit) then"," OnDialogInit (self, InitData);"," FDialogResult := InitData;",end;
+ Virtual
+ Count=1
+ Param=InitData
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=OnDialogInit
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=DialogInitCallback
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Field
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Close
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if (FDestroying = dsAlive) then"," gtk_widget_destroy (TheGtkWidget);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CloseWindow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," Close;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=CloseWithResult
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," ModalAction := pointertoint(data);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ModalAction
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=FModalAction
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," FModalAction := TheValue;"," if TheValue <> 0 then"," begin"," DoDialogResult (FModalAction, self);"," close;"," end;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MainLevel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=FMainLevel
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ExecuteEnds
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," if gtk_main_level = FMainLevel then"," gtk_main_quit;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Execute
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," FModalAction := drNone;"," if assigned (anOnDialogInit) then"," OnDialogInit := anOnDialogInit;"," DoDialogInit (anInitData);"," if assigned (anOnDialogResult) then"," OnDialogResult := anOnDialogResult;"," ConnectDestroy (@ExecuteEnds, nil);"," Modal := True;"," Show;"," FMainLevel := gtk_main_level + 1;"," try"," gtk_main;"," result := FModalAction;"," finally"," FMainLevel := NoMainLevel;"," end;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=anOnDialogInit
+ PascalType=DialogInitCallBack
+ Param=anInitData
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=anOnDialogResult
+ PascalType=DialogResultCallBack
+ Prop=SetFocus
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=set-focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetTransientFor
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_transient_for
+ Count=1
+ Param=aParent
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWindow
+ Prop=DefaultWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=set_default
+ Count=1
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=FocusedWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_focus
+ Count=1
+ Param=NewFocus
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=UserSizable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Code=begin," result := (allow_grow(TheGtkObject^)=1) and (auto_shrink(TheGtkObject^)=0);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if TheValue then"," gtk_window_set_policy (TheGtkObject, gint(FALSE), gint(TRUE), gint(FALSE))"," else"," gtk_window_set_policy (TheGtkObject, gint(FALSE), gint(FALSE), gint(TRUE));",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivateFocus
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=activate_focus
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivateDefault
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=activate_default
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetDefaultSize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_default_size
+ Count=2
+ Param=Width
+ PascalType=gint
+ Param=Height
+ PascalType=gint
+ Prop=Position
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkWindowPosition
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkWindowPosition (gtk.position (TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=position
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelGroups
+ PropType=Finilization
+ PascalType=PGtk_accel_group
+ Count=1
+ Param=index
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=FAccelGroups
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TList
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelGroups
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Code=begin," result := FAccelGroups[ID];"," if result = nil then"," result := FAccelGroups[-1];",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=1
+ Param=ID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AccelGroupNew
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code="var ag : Pgtkaccelgroup;",begin," result := FAccelGroups.Count;"," ag := gtk_accel_group_new;"," FAccelGroups.Add (ag);"," gtk_window_add_accel_group (TheGtkObject, ag);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelGroupDelete
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_detach (FAccelGroups[ID], FGtkObject);"," FAccelGroups[ID] := nil;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=ID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AcceleratorAdd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_widget_add_accelerator (ConvertToGtkWidget(aWidget), pgchar(aSignal),"," AccelGroups[AG], Key, Mods, acFlags);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=aSignal
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Param=acFlags
+ PascalType=TGtkAccelFlags
+ Prop=AcceleratorAdd
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_widget_add_accelerator (ConvertToGtkWidget(aWidget), pgchar(aSignal),"," AG, Key, Mods, Flags);",end;
+ Count=6
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Param=aWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=aSignal
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Param=Flags
+ PascalType=TGtkAccelFlags
+ Prop=AcceleratorRemove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_widget_remove_accelerator (ConvertToGtkWidget(aWidget), AccelGroups[AG], Key, Mods);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Prop=AcceleratorRemove
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_widget_remove_accelerator (ConvertToGtkWidget(aWidget), AG, Key, Mods);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Param=aWidget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Prop=AccelGroupLock
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_lock (AccelGroups[AG]);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AccelGroupLock
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_lock (AG);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Prop=AccelGroupUnlock
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_unlock (AccelGroups[AG]);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AccelGroupUnlock
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_unlock (AG);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Prop=AccelKeyName
+ PropType=HelperFunc
+ PascalType=string
+ Code=begin," result := string (gtk_accelerator_name(Key, Mods));",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Prop=AccelKeyParse
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code="var k : guint;"," m : TGdkModifierType;",begin," gtk_accelerator_parse (pgchar(AccelName), @k, @m);"," Key := k;"," Mods := m;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=AccelName
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=AccelGroupActivate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_activate (AccelGroups[AG], Key, Mods);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Prop=AccelGroupActivate
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_accel_group_activate (AG, Key, Mods);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=AG
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ Param=Key
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=Mods
+ PascalType=TGdkModifierType
+ Object=ColorSelectionDialog
+ Inherit=Window
+ GtkFuncName=color_selection_dialog
+ CreateParams=''
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=ColorSel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkColorSelection
+ GtkName=Colorsel
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonOK
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=ok_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonCancel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=cancel_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonHelp
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=help_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Object=Dialog
+ Inherit=Window
+ GtkFuncName=dialog
+ CreateObject
+ Count=3
+ Prop=ActionArea
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkHBox
+ GtkName=action_area
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VBox
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkVBox
+ GtkName=vbox
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create (gtk_window_dialog);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=InputDialog
+ Inherit=Dialog
+ GtkFuncName=input_dialog
+ CreateObject
+ Count=5
+ Prop=ButtonClose
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=close_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonSave
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=save_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DeviceSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkInputDialog
+ Param=DeviceID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=EnableDevice
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DeviceSignal
+ GtkName=enable-device
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DisableDevice
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DeviceSignal
+ GtkName=disable-device
+ Count=0
+ Object=FileSelection
+ Inherit=Window
+ GtkFuncName=file_selection
+ CreateParams='Select a file'
+ CreateObject
+ Count=13
+ Prop=Filename
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=filename
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_file_selection_set_filename(TheGtkObject,Pgchar(TheValue));",end;
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Complete
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=complete
+ Count=1
+ Param=Pattern
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=ShowFileOpButtons
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=show_fileop_buttons
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HideFileOpButtons
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=hide_fileop_buttons
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DirList
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCList
+ GtkName=dir_list
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FileList
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCList
+ GtkName=file_list
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=OkButton
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=ok_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CancelButton
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=cancel_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HistoryPulldown
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkOptionMenu
+ GtkName=history_pulldown
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FileOpDialog
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkDialog
+ GtkName=fileop_dialog
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FileOpCreateDir
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=fileop_c_dir
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FileOpDelFile
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=fileop_del_file
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FileOpRenFile
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=fileop_ren_file
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Object=FontSelectionDialog
+ Inherit=Window
+ GtkFuncName=font_selection_dialog
+ CreateParams=''
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=FontSel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkFontSelection
+ GtkName=fontsel
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonOk
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=ok_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonApply
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=apply_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ButtonCancel
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkButton
+ GtkName=cancel_button
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Object=EventBox
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=event_box
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=HandleBox
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=handle_box
+ CreateObject
+ Count=6
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowtype
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HandlePosition
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPositionType
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkPositionType (gtk.handle_position(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=handle_position
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SnapEdge
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPositionType
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkPositionType (gtk.snap_edge(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=snap_edge
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildDetached
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=child_detached
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildAttached
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=child-attached
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildDetached
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=child-detached
+ Count=0
+ Object=ScrolledWindow
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=scrolled_window
+ Count=15
+ Prop=FHScroll
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FVScroll
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var h, v : PgtkAdjustment;",begin," if assigned (FHScroll) then"," h := PGtkAdjustment(ConvertToGtkObject(FHScroll))"," else"," h := null;"," if assigned (FVScroll) then"," v := PGtkAdjustment(ConvertToGtkObject(FVScroll))"," else"," v := null;"," FGtkObject := PGtkObject (gtk_scrolled_window_new (h, v));",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FVScroll := vadj;"," FHScroll := hadj;"," inherited create;"," setusize (200,170);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=hadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Param=vadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Prop=HPolicy
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPolicyType
+ GtkName=hscrollbar_policy
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (TheGtkObject, TheValue, VPolicy);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VPolicy
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPolicyType
+ GtkName=vscrollbar_policy
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (TheGtkObject, HPolicy, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetPolicy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_policy
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=aHScrollBar
+ PascalType=TGtkPolicyType
+ Param=aVScrollbar
+ PascalType=TGtkPolicyType
+ Prop=SetPolicy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," SetPolicy (aPolicy, aPolicy);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=aPolicy
+ PascalType=TGtkPolicyType
+ Prop=HAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=hadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=hadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=vadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=vadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AddWithViewport
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(aChild));"," TFPgtkViewport.createFromObject (PGtkObject(PGtkBin(TheGtkObject)^.child));"," aChild.Show;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aChild
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Placement
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCornerType
+ GtkName=window_placement
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=placement
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HScrollbar
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkScrollbar
+ Code="var w : TFPgtkObject;"," gtkwidg : PGtkObject;",begin," gtkwidg := PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.hscrollbar);"," w := GetPascalInstance (gtkwidg);"," if assigned (w) then"," result := (w as TFPgtkScrollbar)"," else"," result := TFPgtkHScrollbar.CreateFromObject (gtkwidg);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VScrollbar
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkScrollbar
+ Code="var w : TFPgtkObject;"," gtkwidg : PGtkObject;",begin," gtkwidg := PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.vscrollbar);"," w := GetPascalInstance (gtkwidg);"," if assigned (w) then"," result := (w as TFPgtkScrollbar)"," else"," result := TFPgtkVScrollbar.CreateFromObject (gtkwidg);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UpdatePolicy
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var sb : TFpgtkScrollbar;",begin," sb := HScrollbar;"," if assigned(sb) then"," sb.UpdatePolicy := UpdPolicy;"," sb := VScrollbar;"," if assigned(sb) then"," sb.UpdatePolicy := UpdPolicy;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=UpdPolicy
+ PascalType=TGtkUpdateType
+ Object=Viewport
+ Inherit=Bin
+ GtkFuncName=viewport
+ Count=7
+ Prop=FHScroll
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FVScroll
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var h, v : PgtkAdjustment;",begin," if assigned (FHScroll) then"," h := PGtkAdjustment(ConvertToGtkObject(FHScroll))"," else"," h := null;"," if assigned (FVScroll) then"," v := PGtkAdjustment(ConvertToGtkObject(FVScroll))"," else"," v := null;"," FGtkObject := PGtkObject (gtk_scrolled_window_new (h, v));",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FVScroll := vadj;"," FHScroll := hadj;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=hadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Param=vadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Prop=HAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=hadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=hadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=vadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=vadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TgtkShadowType
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Object=Box
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=Box
+ Count=13
+ Prop=Homogeneous
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=homogeneous
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=homogeneous
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Spacing
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=spacing
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=spacing
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ReorderChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reorder_child
+ Count=2
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetChildPacking
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var PT : PGtkPackType;",begin," pt := @PackType;"," gtk_box_query_child_packing (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), "," @expand, @fill, @padding, pt);",end;
+ Count=5
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=Fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=Padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PackType
+ PascalType=TGtkPackType
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetChildPacking
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_child_packing
+ Count=5
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=PackType
+ PascalType=TGtkPackType
+ Prop=PackStart
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget));"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=PackStart
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_start_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget));"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=PackStart
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_start (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), expand, fill, padding);"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PackStart
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_start (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), expand, fill, padding);"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=5
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=PackEnd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_end_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget));"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=PackEnd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_end_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget));"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=PackEnd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_end (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), expand, fill, padding);"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PackEnd
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_box_pack_end (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), expand, fill, padding);"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=5
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=padding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Object=ButtonBox
+ Inherit=Box
+ GtkFuncName=button_box
+ Count=10
+ Prop=SetButtonBoxDefaultSize
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_size_default (aMinWidth, aMinheight);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aMinWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aMinHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetButtonBoxDefaultSize
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_size_default (@aMinWidth, @aMinheight);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aMinWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aMinHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetButtonBoxDefaultPadding
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_size_default (aIPadX, aIPadY);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aIPadX
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aIPadY
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetButtonBoxDefaultPadding
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_size_default (@aIPadX, @aIPadY);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aIPadX
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aIPadY
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=Spacing
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=spacing
+ WriteGtkName=spacing
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Layout
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkButtonBoxStyle
+ GtkName=layout
+ WriteGtkName=layout
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildMinWidth
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=GetMinWidth
+ Code="var x, y : integer;",begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_size (TheGtkObject, @x, @y);"," result := x;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetMinWidth
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_size (TheGtkObject, TheValue, ChildMinHeight);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildMinHeight
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=GetMinHeight
+ Code="var x, y : integer;",begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_size (TheGtkObject, @x, @y);"," result := y;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetMinHeight
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_size (TheGtkObject, ChildMinWidth, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildPadX
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=GetChildPadX
+ Code="var x, y : integer;",begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_ipadding (TheGtkObject, @x, @y);"," result := x;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetChildPadX
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_ipadding (TheGtkObject, TheValue, ChildPadY);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ChildPadY
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=GetChildPadY
+ Code="var x, y : integer;",begin," gtk_button_box_get_child_ipadding (TheGtkObject, @x, @y);"," result := y;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetChildPadY
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_button_box_set_child_ipadding (TheGtkObject, ChildPadX, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=HButtonBox
+ Inherit=ButtonBox
+ GtkFuncName=hbutton_box
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VButtonBox
+ Inherit=ButtonBox
+ GtkFuncName=vbutton_box
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VBox
+ Inherit=Box
+ GtkFuncName=VBox
+ CreateParams=False, 1
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=ColorSelection
+ Inherit=VBox
+ GtkFuncName=color_selection
+ CreateObject
+ Count=3
+ Prop=UpdatePolicy
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkUpdateType
+ GtkName=policy
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=update_policy
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Color
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=double
+ Code="var c : double;",begin," gtk_color_selection_get_color (TheGtkObject, @c);"," result := c;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_color_selection_set_color (TheGtkObject, @TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UseOpacity
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Code=begin," result := longbool(TheGtkObject^.use_opacity);",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=opacity
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Object=GammaCurve
+ Inherit=VBOX
+ GtkFuncName=gamma_curve
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=HBox
+ Inherit=Box
+ GtkFuncName=HBox
+ CreateParams=False, 1
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Combo
+ Inherit=HBox
+ GtkFuncName=combo
+ CreateObject
+ Count=11
+ Prop=Entry
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkEntry
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.entry), TFPgtkEntry) as tfpgtkentry;",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=List
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkList
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.list), TFPgtkList) as TFPgtkList;",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Button
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFpGtkButton
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.button), TFPgtkButton) as TFPgtkButton;",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ValueInList
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=value_in_list
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=SetValueInListProp
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (TheGtkObject, gint(TheValue), gint(OkIfEmpty));",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=OkIfEmpty
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=ok_if_empty
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (TheGtkObject, gint(ValueInList), gint(TheValue));",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UseArrows
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=use_arrows
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=use_arrows
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UseArrowsAlways
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=use_arrows_always
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=use_arrows_always
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CaseSensitive
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=case_sensitive
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=case_sensitive
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetItemString
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_item_string
+ Count=2
+ Param=Item
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkItem
+ Param=ItemValue
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=DisableActivate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=disable_activate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetValueInList
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_value_in_list
+ Count=2
+ Param=Val
+ Convert
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Param=IsOkIfEmpty
+ Convert
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Object=Statusbar
+ Inherit=HBox
+ GtkFuncName=statusbar
+ CreateObject
+ Count=7
+ Prop=GetContextID
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=get_context_id
+ Count=1
+ Param=ContextDescr
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Push
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=push
+ Count=2
+ Param=contextID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Pop
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=pop
+ Count=1
+ Param=contextID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Remove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove
+ Count=2
+ Param=contextID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=MessageID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=StatusbarSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=contextID
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=TextPopped
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=StatusbarSignal
+ GtkName=text-popped
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TextPushed
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=StatusbarSignal
+ GtkName=test-pushed
+ Count=0
+ Object=CList
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=clist
+ CreateParams=FColumnCount
+ CreateObject
+ Count=89
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FColumnCount := aColumnCount;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aColumnCount
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ColumnCount
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=FColumnCount
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowType
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionMode
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSelectionMode
+ GtkName=selection_mode
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=selection_mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Freeze
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=freeze
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Thaw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=thaw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowTitles
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Column_titles_show
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HideTitles
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=column_titles_hide
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveTitles
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=column_titles_active
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PassiveTitles
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=column_titles_passive
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveTitle
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=column_title_active
+ Count=1
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PassiveTitle
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=column_title_passive
+ Count=1
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ColumnTitle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=column_title
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=column_title
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=1
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ColumnWidget
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=column_widget
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=column_widget
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=1
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetColumnJustification
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_justification
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=justification
+ PascalType=TGtkJustification
+ Prop=SetColumnVisibility
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_visibility
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=SetColumnResizeable
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_resizeable
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Resizeable
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=SetColumnAutoResize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_auto_resize
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=autoResize
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=OptimalColumnWidth
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=optimal_column_width
+ Code=,
+ Count=1
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetColumnWidth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_width
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetColumnMinWidth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_min_width
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=MinWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetColumnMaxWidth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_column_max_width
+ Count=2
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=MaxWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AutoSizeColumns
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=columns_autosize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ConfigureColumnWidth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," SetColumnWidth (column, Width);"," SetColumnMaxWidth (column, MaxWidth);"," SetColumnMinWidth (column, MinWidth);",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=MinWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=MaxWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ConfigureColumn
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," SetColumnJustification (column, Justification);"," SetColumnVisibility (column, Visibility);"," SetColumnResizeable (column, Resizeable);"," SetColumnAutoResize (column, AutoSize);",end;
+ Count=5
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Justification
+ PascalType=TGtkJustification
+ Param=Visibility
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Resizeable
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=AutoSize
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=SetRowHeight
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_row_height
+ Count=1
+ Param=height
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=MoveTo
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=moveto
+ Count=4
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=RowAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=ColAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=RowIsVisible
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TGtkVisibility
+ GtkName=row_is_visible
+ Count=1
+ Param=Row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetCellType
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TGtkCellType
+ GtkName=get_cell_type
+ Count=2
+ Param=Row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=CellText
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code="var s : pgchar;"," r : integer;",begin," r := gtk_clist_get_text (TheGtkObject, row, column, @s);"," if (r = 0) then"," result := ''"," else"," result := string(s^);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=text
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=2
+ Param=Row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_pixmap
+ Count=4
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=pixmap
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=GetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_clist_get_pixmap (TheGtkObject, row, column, @pixmap, @mask);",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetPixText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_pixtext
+ Count=6
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=spacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=GetPixText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;"," s : PPgchar;",begin," s := nil;"," r := gtk_clist_get_pixtext (TheGtkObject, row, column, s, @aspacing, @pixmap, @mask);"," if r = 0 then"," begin"," text := '';"," pixmap := nil;"," mask := nil;"," end"," else"," text := string (s^);",end;
+ Count=6
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ PascalType=string
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aspacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetForeground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_foreground
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=color
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Prop=SetBackground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_background
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=color
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Prop=CellStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkStyle
+ GtkName=cell_style
+ WriteGtkName=cell_style
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=RowStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkStyle
+ GtkName=row_style
+ WriteGtkName=row_style
+ Count=1
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetShift
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_shift
+ Count=4
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=vertical
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=horizontal
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Remove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove
+ Count=1
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := StringsToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_prepend (TheGtkObject, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * data.count);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : TStrings;"," s : string;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," if pos('""',separator) = 0 then"," s := stringreplace (Text, '""', '""""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," if separator <> '' then"," s := stringreplace(Text, separator, '"",""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," l.CommaText := '""'+s+'""';"," Prepend (l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Text
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=separator
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := ArrayToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_prepend (TheGtkObject, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := StringsToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_append (TheGtkObject, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * data.count);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : TStrings;"," s : string;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," if pos('""',separator) = 0 then"," s := stringreplace (Text, '""', '""""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," if separator <> '' then"," s := stringreplace(Text, separator, '"",""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," l.CommaText := '""' + s + '""';"," Append (l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Text
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Separator
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := ArrayToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_append (TheGtkObject, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := StringsToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_insert (TheGtkObject, row, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * data.count);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : TStrings;"," s : string;",begin," l := TStringList.Create;"," try"," if pos('""',separator) = 0 then"," s := stringreplace (Text, '""', '""""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," if separator <> '' then"," s := stringreplace(Text, separator, '"",""', [rfReplaceAll]);"," l.CommaText := '""' + s + '""';"," Insert (row, l);"," finally"," l.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=3
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Text
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Separator
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppdata : ppgchar;",begin," ppdata := ArrayToPPgchar (Data);"," gtk_clist_insert (TheGtkObject, row, ppdata);"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Prop=RowData
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=pointer
+ GtkName=row_data
+ WriteGtkName=row_data
+ Count=1
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=FindRowFromData
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=find_row_from_data
+ Count=1
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SelectRow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_row
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=UnselectRow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_row
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Clear
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=clear
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SwapRows
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=swap_rows
+ Count=2
+ Param=row1
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=row2
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=RowMove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if sourceRow = DestRow then"," Exit;"," gtk_clist_row_move (TheGtkObject, sourceRow, destRow);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=sourceRow
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=destRow
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Sort
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=sort
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CompareFunc
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCListCompareFunc
+ GtkName=compare
+ ReadFuncType=Field
+ WriteGtkName=Compare_func
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SortColumn
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=sort_column
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=sort_column
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetSortType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSortType
+ GtkName=sort_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=sort_type
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetAutoSort
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_auto_sort
+ Count=1
+ Param=autoSort
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=HAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=hadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=hadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=vadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=vadjustment
+ WriteCode=,
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetReorderable
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_reorderable
+ Count=1
+ Param=reorderable
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Count
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := TheGtkObject^.rows;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CListScrollSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TgtkScrollType
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=CListScrollBooleanSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=5
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TgtkScrollType
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=AutoStartSelection
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SelectRowSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=5
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=event
+ PascalType=PGdkEventButton
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SelectRow
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=SelectRowSignal
+ GtkName=select-row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectRow
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=SelectRowSignal
+ GtkName=unselect-row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=arg1
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=arg2
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=RowMove
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=MoveSignal
+ GtkName=row-move
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ScrollVertical
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=CListScrollSignal
+ GtkName=scroll-vertical
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ScrolHorizontal
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=CListScrollSignal
+ GtkName=scroll-horizontal
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleFocusRow
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=toggle-focus-row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectAll
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=select-all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectAll
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=unselect-all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UndoSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=undo-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=StartSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=start-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EndSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=end-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleAddMode
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=toggle-add-mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AbortColumnResize
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=abort-column-resize
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ExtendSelection
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=CListScrollBooleanSignal
+ GtkName=extend-selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ColumnClickedSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ClickColumn
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=ColumnClickedSignal
+ GtkName=click-column
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ResizeColumnSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=ResizeColumn
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=ResizeColumnSignal
+ GtkName=resize-column
+ Count=0
+ Object=CTree
+ Inherit=CList
+ GtkFuncName=ctree
+ CreateParams=FColumnCount, FTreeColumn
+ Count=55
+ Prop=LineStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCTreeLineStyle
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkCTreeLineStyle(gtk.line_style(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=line_style
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowStub
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Code=begin," result := boolean(gtk.show_stub(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=show_stub
+ WriteCode=,
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ExpanderStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCTreeExpanderStyle
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkCTreeExpanderStyle(gtk.expander_style(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=expander_style
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Spacing
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=tree_spacing
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=spacing
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Indent
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=tree_indent
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=indent
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FTreeColumn
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=integer
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TreeColumn
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=tree_column
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FTreeColumn := aTreeColumn;"," inherited Create (aColumnCount);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aColumnCount
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aTreeColumn
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=RemoveNode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove_node
+ Count=1
+ Param=node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=InsertNode
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ GtkName=insert_node
+ Overload
+ Count=10
+ Param=aParent
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=Sibling
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=data
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=aSpacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ Param=PixmapClosed
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=MaskClosed
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Param=PixmapOpened
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=MaskOpened
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Param=IsLeaf
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Expanded
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=InsertNode
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Code=begin," result := InsertNode (aParent, Sibling, data, aSpacing, nil, nil, nil, nil, IsLeaf, Expanded);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=aParent
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=Sibling
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=data
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=aSpacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ Param=IsLeaf
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Expanded
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=FunctionTypes
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TFPgtkCTreeFunction = procedure (TheTree:TFPgtkCTree; TheNode:PGtkCTreeNode; data:pointer) of object;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FPgtkCTreeFunc
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Section=Private
+ Code="var p : TFPgtkCTreeFunction;",begin," with PSignalData(data)^ do"," begin"," p := TFPgtkCTreeFunction (TheSignalProc);"," p (TFPgtkCTree(GetPascalInstance(PgtkObject(Tree))), Node, data);"," end;",end;
+ Cdecl
+ Count=3
+ Param=Tree
+ PascalType=PGtkCTree
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PostRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_CTree_post_recursive (TheGtkObject, aNode, @FPgtkCTreeFunc, "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(func), data, true));",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=func
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCTreeFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PostRecursiveToDepth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_CTree_post_recursive_to_depth (TheGtkObject, aNode, aDepth, @FPgtkCTreeFunc, "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(func), data, true));",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aDepth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=func
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCTreeFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PreRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_CTree_pre_recursive (TheGtkObject, aNode, @FPgtkCTreeFunc, "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(func), data, true));",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=func
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCTreeFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PreRecursiveToDepth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_CTree_pre_recursive_to_depth (TheGtkObject, aNode, aDepth, @FPgtkCTreeFunc, "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(func), data, true));",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aDepth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=func
+ PascalType=TFPgtkCTreeFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=IsViewable
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=is_viewable
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=LastChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=last
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=IsChild
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=find
+ Count=2
+ Param=anAncestor
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aChild
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=IsAncestor
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=is_ancestor
+ Count=2
+ Param=anAncestor
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aChild
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=IsHotSpot
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=is_hot_spot
+ Count=2
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=MoveNode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=move
+ Count=3
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=NewParent
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=NewSibling
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=Expand
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=expand
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=ExpandRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=expand_recursive
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=ExpandToDepth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=expand_to_depth
+ Count=2
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aDepth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Collapse
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=collapse
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=CollapseRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=collapse_recursive
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=CollapseToDepth
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=collapse_to_depth
+ Count=2
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aDepth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SelectNode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=SelectRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_recursive
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=UnselectNode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=UnselectRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_recursive
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=RealSelectRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_ctree_real_select_recursive (TheGtkObject, aNode, ord(aState));",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aState
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=NodeGetCellType
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TGtkCellType
+ GtkName=node_get_cell_type
+ Count=2
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=NodeCellText
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code="var s : pgchar;"," r : integer;",begin," r := gtk_ctree_node_get_text (TheGtkObject, node, column, @s);"," if (r = 0) then"," result := ''"," else"," result := string(s^);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=node_set_text
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=2
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=Column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=NodeSetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_set_pixmap
+ Count=4
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=pixmap
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=NodeGetPixmap
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_ctree_node_get_pixmap (TheGtkObject, node, column, @pixmap, @mask);",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=NodeSetPixText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_set_pixtext
+ Count=6
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=aspacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Prop=NodeGetPixText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;"," s : PPgchar;",begin," s := nil;"," r := gtk_ctree_node_get_pixtext (TheGtkObject, node, column, s, @aspacing, @pixmap, @mask);"," if r = 0 then"," begin"," text := '';"," pixmap := nil;"," mask := nil;"," end"," else"," text := string (s^);",end;
+ Count=6
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=text
+ PascalType=string
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aspacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=pixmap
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=mask
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetNodeInfo
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_node_info
+ Overload
+ Count=9
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=aSpacing
+ PascalType=guint8
+ Param=PixmapClosed
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=MaskClosed
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Param=PixmapOpened
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ Param=MaskOpened
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ Param=IsLeaf
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Expanded
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=GetNodeInfo
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var r : integer;"," s : PPgchar;",begin," s := nil;"," r := gtk_ctree_get_node_info (TheGtkObject, aNode, s, "," @aspacing, @pixmapClosed, @maskClosed, @pixmapOpened, @maskOpened,"," @IsLeaf, @expanded);"," if r = 0 then"," begin"," atext := '';"," Spacing := 0;"," pixmapClosed := nil;"," maskClosed := nil;"," pixmapOpened := nil;"," maskOpened := nil;"," IsLeaf := false;"," Expanded := false;"," end"," else"," atext := string (s^);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=9
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=aText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=aSpacing
+ Convert
+ PascalType=guint8
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PixmapClosed
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=MaskClosed
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PixmapOpened
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkPixmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=MaskOpened
+ Convert
+ PascalType=PGdkBitmap
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=IsLeaf
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=Expanded
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=NodeSetShift
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_set_shift
+ Count=4
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=vertical
+ Convert
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=horizontal
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=NodeSelectable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=node_get_selectable
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=node_set_selectable
+ Count=1
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=NodeSetForeground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_set_foreground
+ Count=2
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=color
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Prop=NodeSetBackground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_set_background
+ Count=2
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=color
+ PascalType=PGdkColor
+ Prop=NodeCellStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkStyle
+ GtkName=node_get_cell_style
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=node_set_cell_style
+ Count=2
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=NodeRowStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkStyle
+ GtkName=node_get_row_style
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=node_set_row_style
+ Count=1
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=NodeData
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=pointer
+ GtkName=node_get_row_data
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=node_set_row_data
+ Count=1
+ Param=Node
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=NodeMoveTo
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=node_moveto
+ Count=4
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Param=column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=RowAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=ColAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=IsVisible
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TGtkVisibility
+ GtkName=node_is_visible
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=CompareDragFunc
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCTreeCompareDragFunc
+ GtkName=drag_compare
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=drag_compare_func
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SortNode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=sort_node
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=SortRecursive
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=sort_recursive
+ Count=1
+ Param=aNode
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ Prop=NthNode
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGtkCTreeNode
+ GtkName=node_Nth
+ Count=1
+ Param=Row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=Fixed
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=fixed
+ CreateObject
+ Count=3
+ Prop=Put
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=put
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Move
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=move
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetPos
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var g : TFPgtkGroup;"," r : integer;",begin," g := TFPgtkGroup.Create;"," try"," g.ManageLists := false;"," g.gtkList := TheGtkObject^.children;"," r := g.indexof (Widget);"," if r < 0 then"," begin"," PosX := -1;"," PosY := -1;"," end"," else"," with PGtkFixedChild(g.Items[r])^ do"," begin"," PosX := x;"," PosY := Y;"," end;"," finally"," g.Free;"," end;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=PosX
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PosY
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Object=Notebook
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=notebook
+ CreateObject
+ Count=32
+ Prop=AppendPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_notebook_append_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel));"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=AppendPageFull
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if assigned (MenuLabel) then"," gtk_notebook_append_page_menu (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel), ConvertTogtkWidget(MenuLabel))"," else"," gtk_notebook_append_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel));"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=MenuLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=PrependPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Prepend_page
+ Code=begin," gtk_notebook_prepend_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel));"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=PrependPageFull
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if assigned (MenuLabel) then"," gtk_notebook_prepend_page_menu (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel), ConvertTogtkWidget(MenuLabel))"," else"," gtk_notebook_prepend_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel));"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=MenuLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=InsertPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=insert_page
+ Code=begin," gtk_notebook_insert_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel), position);"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=InsertPageFull
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if assigned (MenuLabel) then"," gtk_notebook_insert_page_menu (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel), ConvertTogtkWidget(MenuLabel), position)"," else"," gtk_notebook_insert_page (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child), ConvertTogtkWidget(TabLabel), position);"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Count=5
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=MenuLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=RemovePage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=remove_page
+ Count=1
+ Param=PageNumber
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PageNumberOf
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=page_num
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=NextPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=next_page
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PrevPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=prev_page
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ReorderPage
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reorder_child
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=PageNum
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PageIndex
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=current_page
+ WriteGtkName=page
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Page
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetChildOnPage (PageIndex);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode="var r : integer;",begin," r := PageNumberOf (TheValue);"," if r > -1 then"," PageIndex := r;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TabPos
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPositionType
+ GtkName=tab_pos
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=tab_pos
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowTabs
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=show_tabs
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=show_tabs
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShowBorder
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=show_border
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=show_border
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Scrollable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=scrollable
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=scrollable
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Homogenous
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=homogeneous
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=homogeneous_tabs
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TabHBorder
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=tab_hborder
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=tab_hborder
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TabVBorder
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=tab_vborder
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=tab_vborder
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetTabBorders
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_tab_border
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=tab_border
+ Count=1
+ Param=BorderWidth
+ PascalType=word
+ Prop=GetMenuLabelOf
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(gtk_notebook_get_menu_label (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child)))) as TFPgtkWidget;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=SetMenuLabel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_menu_label
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=MenuLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=GetTabLabelOf
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(gtk_notebook_get_tab_label (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Child)))) as TFPgtkWidget;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=SetTabLabel
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_tab_label
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TabLabel
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=GetChildOnPage
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(gtk_notebook_get_nth_page (TheGtkObject, PageNum))) as TFPgtkWidget;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=PageNum
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetTabLabelPacking
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var PT : PGtkPackType;",begin," pt := @PackType;"," gtk_notebook_query_tab_label_packing (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(widget), "," @expand, @fill, pt);",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=Fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=PackType
+ PascalType=TGtkPackType
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=SetTabLabelPacking
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_tab_label_packing
+ Count=4
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Expand
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Fill
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=PackType
+ PascalType=TGtkPackType
+ Prop=EnablePopup
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=popup_enable
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DisablePopup
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=popup_disable
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PageSwitchSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=PageRec
+ PascalType=PGtkNotebookPage
+ Param=aPageNum
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=SwitchPage
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=PageSwitchSignal
+ GtkName=switch-page
+ Count=0
+ Object=FontSelection
+ Inherit=Notebook
+ GtkFuncName=font_selection
+ CreateObject
+ Count=5
+ Prop=resourcestrings
+ PropType=Declarations
+ Code=resourcestring," sFontNotFound = 'Can''t find font ""%s"" on this system';"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FontName
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=font_name
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," if not gtk_font_selection_set_font_name (TheGtkObject, pgchar(TheValue)) then"," raise exception.CreateFmt (sFontNotFound, [TheValue]);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetFont
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=PGdkFont
+ GtkName=get_font
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PreviewText
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=preview_text
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=preview_text
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetFilter
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var ppF, ppW, ppSl, ppSW, ppSp, ppC : ppgchar;",," function MakePP (data : array of string) : ppgchar;"," begin"," if high(data) > low(data) then"," result := ArrayToPPgchar(data)"," else"," result := nil;"," end;",," procedure FreePP (ppdata : ppgchar; data : array of string);"," begin"," if assigned (ppdata) then"," freemem (ppdata, sizeof (pgchar) * (high(data)-low(data)+1));"," end;",,begin," ppF := MakePP(Foundries);"," ppW := MakePP(Weights);"," ppSl := MakePP(Slants);"," ppSW := MakePP(SetWidths);"," ppSp := MakePP(Spacings);"," ppC := MakePP(CharSets);"," gtk_font_selection_set_filter (TheGtkObject, FilterType, FontType, ppF, ppW, ppSl, ppSW, ppSp, ppC);"," FreePP (ppF, Foundries);"," FreePP (ppW, Weights);"," FreePP (ppSl, Slants);"," FreePP (ppSW, SetWidths);"," FreePP (ppSp, Spacings);"," FreePP (ppC, CharSets);",end;
+ Count=8
+ Param=FilterType
+ PascalType=TGtkFontFilterType
+ Param=FontType
+ PascalType=TGtkFontType
+ Param=Foundries
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=Weights
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=Slants
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=SetWidths
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=Spacings
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=CharSets
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Object=Paned
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=paned
+ Count=12
+ Prop=GutterSize
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=gutter_size
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," {$ifdef gtkwin}"," TheGtkObject^.gutter_size := TheValue;"," {$else}"," gtk_paned_set_gutter_size(TheGtkObject,TheValue);"," {$endif}",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HandleSize
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=handle_size
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=handle_size
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Position
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=child1_size
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=position
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ComputePosition
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=compute_position
+ Count=3
+ Param=AnAllocation
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Child1Req
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Child2Req
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Add1
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_add1 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child));"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Pack1
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_pack1 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child), Resize, Shrink);"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=3
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Resize
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Shrink
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Add1
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_add1 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child));"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=isVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Pack1
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_pack1 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child), Resize, Shrink);"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Resize
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Shrink
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Add2
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_add2 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child));"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Pack2
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_pack2 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child), Resize, Shrink);"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=3
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Resize
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Shrink
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Add2
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_add2 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child));"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Pack2
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_paned_pack2 (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Child), Resize, Shrink);"," if isvisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Resize
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=Shrink
+ Convert
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Object=HPaned
+ Inherit=Paned
+ GtkFuncName=hpaned
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VPaned
+ Inherit=Paned
+ GtkFuncName=vpaned
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Layout
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=layout
+ CreateParams=nil,nil
+ CreateObject
+ Count=8
+ Prop=HAdj
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=hadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=hadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VAdj
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=vadjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=vadjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Freeze
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=freeze
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Thaw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=thaw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Put
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_layout_put (TheGtkObject, PGtkwidget(ConvertToGtkObject(aWidget)), X, Y);"," aWidget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=3
+ Param=aWidget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Put
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_layout_put (TheGtkObject, PGtkwidget(ConvertToGtkObject(aWidget)), X, Y);"," if aVisible then"," aWidget.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=aWidget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Move
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=move
+ Count=3
+ Param=aWidget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetSize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_size
+ Count=2
+ Param=aWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=List
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=list
+ CreateObject
+ Count=29
+ Prop=SelectionChanged
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=selection-changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectChild
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=select-child
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectChild
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=unselect-child
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionMode
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSelectionMode
+ Code=begin," result := TGtkSelectionMode(Selection_mode(TheGtkObject^));",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=selection_mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InsertItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_list_insert_items (TheGtkObject, TheItems.GtkList, position);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TFPgtkListItemGroup
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AppendItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_list_append_items (TheGtkObject, TheItems.GtkList);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TFPgtkListItemGroup
+ Prop=PrependItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_list_prepend_items (TheGtkObject, TheItems.GtkList);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TFPgtkListItemGroup
+ Prop=RemoveItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_list_remove_items (TheGtkObject, TheItems.GtkList);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TFPgtkListItemGroup
+ Prop=RemoveItemsNoUnref
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_list_remove_items_no_unref (TheGtkObject, TheItems.GtkList);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheItems
+ PascalType=TFPgtkListItemGroup
+ Prop=ClearItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if ToItem >= 0 then"," inc (ToItem);"," gtk_list_clear_items (TheGtkObject, FromItem, ToItem);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=FromItem
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=ToItem
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ClearAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," ClearItems (0,-1);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_item
+ Count=1
+ Param=Item
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=UnselectItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_item
+ Count=1
+ Param=Item
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SelectChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_child
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=UnselectChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_child
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ChildPosition
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=child_position
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ExtendSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=extend_selection
+ Count=3
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TGtkScrollType
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=AutoStartSelection
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=StartSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=start_selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EndSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=end_selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectAll
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_all
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ScrollHorizontal
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=scroll_horizontal
+ Count=2
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TGtkScrollType
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=ScrollVertical
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=scroll_vertical
+ Count=2
+ Param=ScrollType
+ PascalType=TGtkScrollType
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=ToggleAddMode
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=toggle_add_mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleFocusRow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=toggle_focus_row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ToggleRow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=toggle_row
+ Count=1
+ Param=Child
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=UndoSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=undo_selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EndDragSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=end_drag_selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," with aGroup do"," begin"," ManageLists := False;"," GtkList := TheGtkObject^.Selection;"," end;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aGroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkGroup
+ Object=MenuShell
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=menu_shell
+ Count=18
+ Prop=MoveCurrentSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=dir
+ PascalType=TGtkMenuDirectionType
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=GtkPrepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=prepend
+ Virtual
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=GtkInsert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=insert
+ Virtual
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GtkAppend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=append
+ Virtual
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ActivateItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=activate_item
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=ForceDeactivate
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=SelectItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_item
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=DeActivate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=deactivate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkPrepend (MenuItem);"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkPrepend (MenuItem);"," if createvisible then"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CreateVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkInsert (MenuItem, position);"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkInsert (MenuItem, position);"," if createvisible then"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=3
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=CreateVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkAppend (MenuItem);"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," GtkAppend (MenuItem);"," if createvisible then"," MenuItem.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CreateVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=DeActivate
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=deactivate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionDone
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=selection-done
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Cancel
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=cancel
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveCurrent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=MoveCurrentSignal
+ GtkName=move-current
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivateCurrent
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=BooleanSignal
+ GtkName=activate-current
+ Count=0
+ Object=MenuBar
+ Inherit=MenuShell
+ GtkFuncName=menu_bar
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=GtkPrepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=prepend
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=GtkInsert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=insert
+ Override
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GtkAppend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=append
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Shadow
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TgtkShadowType
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Object=Menu
+ Inherit=MenuShell
+ GtkFuncName=menu
+ CreateObject
+ Count=20
+ Prop=GtkPrepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=prepend
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=GtkInsert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=insert
+ Override
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GtkAppend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ GtkName=append
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Functiontypes
+ PropType=TypeDeclaration
+ Code=" TFPgtkMenuDetachFunction = procedure (Widget:TFPgtkWidget; menu:TFPgtkMenu) of object;"," TFPgtkMenuPosFunction = procedure (menu:TFPgtkMenu; var x,y:integer; data:pointer) of object;"
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FPgtkMenuPos
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Section=Private
+ Code="var p : TFPgtkMenuPosFunction;",begin," with PSignalData (data)^ do"," begin"," p := TFPgtkMenuPosFunction (TheSignalProc);"," p(TFPgtkMenu(GetPascalInstance(PgtkObject(Sender))), x^, y^, data);"," end;",end;
+ Cdecl
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=PgtkMenu
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=pgint
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=pgint
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=FPgtkMenuDetacher
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Section=Private
+ Code="var m : TFPgtkMenu;"," a : TFPgtkWidget;",begin," m := (GetPascalInstance(PgtkObject(TheMenu)) as TFPgtkMenu);"," if assigned(m) and assigned(m.FDetacher) then"," begin"," a := TFPgtkWidget (GetPascalInstance(PgtkObject(AttachedWidget)));"," m.FDetacher (a, m);"," end",end;
+ Cdecl
+ Count=2
+ Param=AttachedWidget
+ PascalType=PgtkWidget
+ Param=TheMenu
+ PascalType=PgtkMenu
+ Prop=FDetacher
+ PropType=Field
+ PascalType=TFPgtkMenuDetachFunction
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ReorderChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reorder_child
+ Count=2
+ Param=MenuItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Popup
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_menu_popup (TheGtkObject, null, null, null, null, button, 0);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=1
+ Param=button
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=Popup
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_menu_popup (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(ParentShell), ConvertTogtkWidget(ParentItem),"," @FPgtkMenuPos, ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(func), data, true), button, ActivateTime);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=ParentShell
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=ParentItem
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=func
+ PascalType=TFPgtkMenuPosFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=button
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=ActivateTime
+ PascalType=guint32
+ Prop=PopDown
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=popdown
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Reposition
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reposition
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AttachToWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," FDetacher := detacher;"," gtk_menu_attach_to_widget (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Widget), @FPgtkMenuDetacher);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=detacher
+ PascalType=TFPgtkMenuDetachFunction
+ Prop=Detach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=detach
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Title
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ ReadFuncType=NotImplemented
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_menu_set_title(TheGtkObject,Pgchar(TheValue));",end;
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Active
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=active
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode="var r : integer;",begin," r := Children.indexof (TheValue);"," if r >= 0 then"," SetActiveIndex (r);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActiveIndex
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := Children.indexof (GetActive);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=active
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TearOffState
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=torn_off
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=tearoff_state
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AttachedTo
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ GtkName=attach_widget
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," AttachToWidget (TheValue, nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AccelGroup
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=PGtkAccelGroup
+ GtkName=ensure_uline_accel_group
+ ReadFuncType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=accel_group
+ Count=0
+ Object=Packer
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=packer
+ CreateObject
+ Count=10
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_packer_add_defaults (TheGtkObject, Child.TheGtkWidget, Side, anchor, options);"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=4
+ Param=Child
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Side
+ PascalType=TGtkSideType
+ Param=Anchor
+ PascalType=TGtkAnchorType
+ Param=options
+ PascalType=TGtkPackerOptions
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_packer_add_defaults (TheGtkObject, Child.TheGtkWidget, Side, anchor, options);"," if aVisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=5
+ Param=Child
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Side
+ PascalType=TGtkSideType
+ Param=Anchor
+ PascalType=TGtkAnchorType
+ Param=options
+ PascalType=TGtkPackerOptions
+ Param=aVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_packer_add (TheGtkObject, Child.TheGtkWidget, Side, anchor, options, aborder, padX, PadY, IPadX, IPadY);"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=9
+ Param=Child
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Side
+ PascalType=TGtkSideType
+ Param=Anchor
+ PascalType=TGtkAnchorType
+ Param=options
+ PascalType=TGtkPackerOptions
+ Param=aBorder
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=PadX
+ PascalType=Guint
+ Param=PadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadX
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=Add
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_packer_add (TheGtkObject, Child.TheGtkWidget, Side, anchor, options, aborder, padX, PadY, IPadX, IPadY);"," if aVisible then"," Child.Show;",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=10
+ Param=Child
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Side
+ PascalType=TGtkSideType
+ Param=Anchor
+ PascalType=TGtkAnchorType
+ Param=options
+ PascalType=TGtkPackerOptions
+ Param=aBorder
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=PadX
+ PascalType=Guint
+ Param=PadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadX
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=aVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=ReorderChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reorder_child
+ Count=2
+ Param=aChild
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Spacing
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=spacing
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=spacing
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DefaultBorder
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=set_default_border_width
+ WriteGtkName=border_width
+ Count=1
+ Param=aBorder
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=DefaultPad
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=set_default_pad
+ WriteGtkName=border_width
+ Count=2
+ Param=PadX
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=PadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=DefaultIPad
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=set_default_ipad
+ WriteGtkName=border_width
+ Count=2
+ Param=IPadX
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_child_packing
+ Overload
+ Count=9
+ Param=aChild
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Side
+ PascalType=TGtkSideType
+ Param=Anchor
+ PascalType=TGtkAnchorType
+ Param=options
+ PascalType=TGtkPackerOptions
+ Param=aBorder
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=PadX
+ PascalType=Guint
+ Param=PadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadX
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=IPadY
+ PascalType=guint
+ Object=Table
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=table
+ CreateParams=1,1,False
+ CreateObject
+ Count=13
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," resize (AColumns, ARows);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=AColumns
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=ARows
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Resize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_table_resize (TheGtkObject, ARows, AColumns);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=AColumns
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=ARows
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Attach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_table_attach (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), left, right, top, bottom,"," XOptions, YOptions, XPadding, YPadding);"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=10
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=left
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=right
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=top
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=bottom
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=XOptions
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YOptions
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=XPadding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YPadding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Attach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_table_attach (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Widget), left, right, top, bottom,"," XOptions, YOptions, XPadding, YPadding);"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=9
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=left
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=right
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=top
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=bottom
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=XOptions
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YOptions
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=XPadding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YPadding
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Attach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_table_attach_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Widget), left, right, top, bottom);"," if isvisible then"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=6
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=left
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=right
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=top
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=bottom
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=IsVisible
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Prop=Attach
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_table_attach_defaults (TheGtkObject, ConvertTogtkWidget(Widget), left, right, top, bottom);"," widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=5
+ Param=Widget
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=left
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=right
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=top
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=bottom
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=RowCount
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=nrows
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ColCount
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=ncols
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Homogeneous
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=homogeneous
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=homogeneous
+ Count=0
+ Prop=RowSpacings
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=column_spacing
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=row_spacings
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ColSpacings
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=row_spacing
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=col_spacings
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetOneRowSpacing
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_row_spacing
+ Count=2
+ Param=row
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetOneColSpacing
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_col_spacing
+ Count=2
+ Param=Column
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=Toolbar
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=toolbar
+ CreateObject
+ Count=22
+ Prop=ButtonRelief
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkReliefStyle
+ GtkName=button_relief
+ WriteGtkName=button_relief
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Tooltips
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkTooltips
+ GtkName=tooltips
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=EnableTooltips
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ Code=begin," result := tooltips.enabled;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=tooltips
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SpaceStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkToolbarSpaceStyle
+ GtkName=space_style
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=space_style
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SpaceSize
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=space_size
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=space_size
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Style
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkToolbarStyle
+ GtkName=style
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=style
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Orientation
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=tGtkOrientation
+ GtkName=orientation
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=orientation
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InsertWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_toolbar_insert_widget (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), ConvertToPgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), Position);"," Widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=PrependWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_toolbar_prepend_widget (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate));"," Widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=AppendWidget
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_toolbar_append_widget (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(Widget), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate));"," Widget.Show;",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Widget
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=InsertElement
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var w : PGtkWidget;"," t : TFPgtkObjectClass;",begin," w := gtk_toolbar_insert_element (TheGtkObject, ButtonType, "," ConvertToGtkwidget(PrevRadioBut), ConvertTopgchar(Text), "," ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), "," ConvertToGtkwidget(Icon), "," gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true), "," position);"," if assigned (w) then"," begin"," case ButtonType of"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET:"," t := TFPgtkWidget;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkToggleButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkRadioButton;"," end;"," if t = TFPgtkWidget then"," result := GetPascalInstance (w)"," else"," result := GetPascalInstance (w, t);"," end"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=9
+ Param=ButtonType
+ PascalType=TGtkToolbarChildType
+ Param=PrevRadioBut
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AppendElement
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var w : PGtkWidget;"," t : TFPgtkObjectClass;",begin," w := gtk_toolbar_append_element (TheGtkObject, ButtonType, ConvertToGtkwidget(PrevRadioBut), "," ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), "," ConvertToGtkwidget(Icon), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true));"," if assigned (w) then"," begin"," case ButtonType of"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET:"," t := TFPgtkWidget;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkToggleButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkRadioButton;"," end;"," if t = TFPgtkWidget then"," result := GetPascalInstance (w)"," else"," result := GetPascalInstance (w, t);"," end"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=8
+ Param=ButtonType
+ PascalType=TGtkToolbarChildType
+ Param=PrevRadioBut
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PrependElement
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var w : PGtkWidget;"," t : TFPgtkObjectClass;",begin," w := gtk_toolbar_prepend_element (TheGtkObject, ButtonType, ConvertToGtkwidget(PrevRadioBut), "," ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), "," ConvertToGtkwidget(Icon), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true));"," if assigned (w) then"," begin"," case ButtonType of"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_WIDGET:"," t := TFPgtkWidget;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_BUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkToggleButton;"," GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_RADIOBUTTON:"," t := TFPgtkRadioButton;"," end;"," if t = TFPgtkWidget then"," result := GetPascalInstance (w)"," else"," result := GetPascalInstance (w, t);"," end"," else"," result := nil;",end;
+ Count=8
+ Param=ButtonType
+ PascalType=TGtkToolbarChildType
+ Param=PrevRadioBut
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=InsertItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_insert_item (TheGtkObject, ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), ConvertToGtkWidget(Icon), "," gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true), position),"," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=7
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AppendItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_append_item (TheGtkObject, ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), "," ConvertToGtkWidget(Icon), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true)),"," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PrependItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_prepend_item (TheGtkObject, Converttopgchar(Text), Converttopgchar(TooltipText), "," Converttopgchar(TooltipPrivate), ConvertToGtkWidget(Icon), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true)), "," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=InsertItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var pm : TFPgtkPixmap;",begin," if low(icon) < high(icon) then"," begin"," pm := TFPgtkPixmap.Create;"," pm.loadFromArray (icon);"," end"," else"," pm := nil;"," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_insert_item (TheGtkObject, ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), ConvertToGtkWidget(pm), "," gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true), position),"," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=7
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AppendItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var pm : TFPgtkPixmap;",begin," if low(icon) < high(icon) then"," begin"," pm := TFPgtkPixmap.Create;"," pm.loadFromArray (icon);"," end"," else"," pm := nil;"," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_append_item (TheGtkObject, ConvertTopgchar(Text), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipText), ConvertTopgchar(TooltipPrivate), "," ConvertToGtkWidget(pm), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true)),"," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=PrependItem
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Code="var pm : TFPgtkPixmap;",begin," if low(icon) < high(icon) then"," begin"," pm := TFPgtkPixmap.Create;"," pm.loadFromArray (icon);"," end"," else"," pm := nil;"," result := GetPascalInstance ("," gtk_toolbar_prepend_item (TheGtkObject, Converttopgchar(Text), Converttopgchar(TooltipText), "," Converttopgchar(TooltipPrivate), ConvertToGtkWidget(pm), gtk_signal_func(@SignalProc), "," ConvertSignalData(TFPgtkSignalFunction(callback), data, true)), "," TFPgtkButton);",end;
+ Overload
+ Count=6
+ Param=Text
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TooltipPrivate
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=Icon
+ Convert
+ PascalType=array of string
+ Param=CallBack
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkSignalFunction
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=InsertSpace
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=insert_space
+ Count=1
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=AppendSpace
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=append_space
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PrependSpace
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=prepend_space
+ Count=0
+ Object=Tree
+ Inherit=Container
+ GtkFuncName=tree
+ CreateObject
+ Count=20
+ Prop=SelectionChanged
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=selection-changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectChild
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=select-child
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UnselectChild
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=WidgetSignal
+ GtkName=unselect-child
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionMode
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSelectionMode
+ GtkName=selection_mode
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=selection_mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ViewLines
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=view_line
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_tree_set_view_lines(TheGtkObject,guint(TheValue));",end;
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ViewMode
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkTreeViewMode
+ GtkName=view_mode
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=view_mode
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Append
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_tree_append (TheGtkObject, PGtkwidget(ConvertToGtkObject(TreeItem)));"," TreeItem.Show;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Prepend
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_tree_prepend (TheGtkObject, PGtkwidget(ConvertToGtkObject(TreeItem)));"," TreeItem.Show;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_tree_insert (TheGtkObject, PGtkwidget(ConvertToGtkObject(TreeItem)),position);",";",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Param=position
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Remove
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var l : PGList;",begin,"{$ifndef win32}"," gtk_tree_remove_item (TheGtkObject, ConvertToGtkWidget(TreeItem));",{$else}," l := null;"," l := g_list_append (l, ConvertToGtkWidget(TreeItem));"," gtk_tree_remove_items (TheGtkObject, l);"," g_list_free (l);",{$endif},end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ClearItems
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=clear_items
+ Count=2
+ Param=StartPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=EndPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SelectItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_item
+ Count=1
+ Param=Item
+ Convert
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=UnselectItem
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_item
+ Count=1
+ Param=Item
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SelectChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_child
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=UnselectChild
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=unselect_child
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=ChildPosition
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=child_position
+ Count=1
+ Param=TreeItem
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkWidget
+ Prop=RootTree
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=TFPgtkTree
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(PGtkObject(GTK_TREE_ROOT_TREE(TheGtkObject))) as TFPgtkTree;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=IsRootTree
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Code=begin," result := GTK_IS_ROOT_TREE (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=TFPgtkTreeItemGroup
+ Code=begin," aGroup.ManageLists := false;"," aGroup.GtkList := Gtk_Tree_selection (TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aGroup
+ PascalType=TFPgtkGroup
+ Prop=Level
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := TheGtkObject^.level;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Object=Calendar
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=calendar
+ CreateObject
+ Count=16
+ Prop=SelectMonth
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_calendar_select_month (TheGtkObject, aMonth-1, aYear);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=aMonth
+ PascalType=guint
+ Param=aYear
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=SelectDay
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_day
+ Count=1
+ Param=aDay
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=MarkDay
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=mark_day
+ Count=1
+ Param=aDay
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=UnmarkDay
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=unmark_day
+ Count=1
+ Param=aDay
+ PascalType=guint
+ Prop=ClearMarks
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=clear_marks
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DisplayOptions
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCalendarDisplayOptions
+ GtkName=display_flags
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=GtkMacro
+ WriteGtkName=display_options
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Date
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TDatetime
+ Code="var y, m, d : guint;",begin," gtk_calendar_get_date (TheGtkObject, @y, @m, @d);"," result := encodedate (y,m+1,d);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode="var y,m,d : word;",begin," decodedate (TheValue, y,m,d);"," SelectMonth(m,y);"," SelectDay(d);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Freeze
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=freeze
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Thaw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=thaw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MonthChanged
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=month-changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DaySelected
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=day-selected
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DaySelectedDoubleClick
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=day-selected-double-click
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PrevMonth
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=prev-month
+ Count=0
+ Prop=NextMonth
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=next-month
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PrevYear
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=prev-year
+ Count=0
+ Prop=NextYear
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=signal
+ GtkName=next-year
+ Count=0
+ Object=DrawingArea
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=drawing_area
+ CreateObject
+ Count=1
+ Prop=SetSize
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Size
+ Count=2
+ Param=Width
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Height
+ PascalType=integer
+ Object=Curve
+ Inherit=DrawingArea
+ GtkFuncName=curve
+ CreateObject
+ Count=4
+ Prop=SetRange
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_range
+ Count=4
+ Param=MinX
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=MaxX
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=MinY
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=MaxY
+ PascalType=float
+ Prop=Reset
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=reset
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetGamma
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_gamma
+ Count=1
+ Param=GammaValue
+ PascalType=float
+ Prop=CurveType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkCurveType
+ GtkName=curve_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=curve_type
+ Count=0
+ Object=Editable
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=Editable
+ Count=45
+ Prop=GetHasSelection
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Code=begin," result := SelectionStart <> SelectionEnd;",end;
+ Dynamic
+ Count=0
+ Prop=HasSelection
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=GetHasSelection
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ExistingProc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Editable
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=editable
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=editable
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Visible
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=visible
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=visible
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Position
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=position
+ WriteGtkName=position
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionStart
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=selection_start_pos
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_editable_select_region (TheGtkObject, TheValue, SelectionEnd);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectionEnd
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=Selection_end_pos
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_editable_select_region (TheGtkObject, SelectionStart, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var b : integer;",begin," if HasSelection then"," begin"," b := SelectionStart;"," deleteText (SelectionStart, SelectionEnd);"," end"," else"," b := position;"," InsertText (TheValue, b);"," Position := b + length(TheValue);"," SelectRegion (b, position);","end; "
+ Dynamic
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Selection
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ Code="var c : pgchar;",begin," c := gtk_editable_get_chars (TheGtkObject, SelectionStart, SelectionEnd);"," result := string (c);"," g_free (c);",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=ExistingProc
+ WriteGtkName=SetSelection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=GetText
+ PropType=Function
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=string
+ Code="var c : pgchar;",begin," c := gtk_editable_get_chars (TheGtkObject, 0, -1);"," result := string (c);"," g_free (c);",end;
+ Dynamic
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Dynamic
+ Abstract
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Text
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=GetText
+ ReadFuncType=ExistingProc
+ WriteProcType=ExistingProc
+ WriteGtkName=SetText
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Changed
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InsertText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code="var p : integer;",begin," p := AtPosition;"," gtk_editable_insert_text (TheGtkObject, pgchar(NewText), length(NewText), @p);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=NewText
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=AtPosition
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=DeleteText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Delete_Text
+ Count=2
+ Param=StartPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=EndPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=GetChars
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=get_chars
+ Count=2
+ Param=StartPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=EndPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=CutClipboard
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=cut_clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CopyClipboard
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=copy_clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PasteClipboard
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=paste_clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SelectRegion
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=select_region
+ Count=2
+ Param=StartPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=EndPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ClaimSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=claim_selection
+ Count=2
+ Param=claim
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Param=time
+ PascalType=guint32
+ Prop=DeleteSelection
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=delete_selection
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Clear
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," DeleteText (0,-1);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InsertSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=5
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=NewText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Param=TextLength
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=integer
+ ParamType=Var
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=DeleteSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=StartPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=EndPos
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=XYSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=4
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=x
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=DirectionSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=Direction
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=MoveWordSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=NumWords
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=MovetoSignal
+ PropType=SignalType
+ Count=3
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=MoveTo
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=Changed
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=changed
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Activate
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=activate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=InsertText
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=InsertSignal
+ GtkName=insert-text
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DeleteText
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DeleteSignal
+ GtkName=delete-text
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetEditable
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=BooleanSignal
+ GtkName=set-editable
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveCursor
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=XYSignal
+ GtkName=move-cursor
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveWord
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=MoveWordSignal
+ GtkName=move-word
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MovePage
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=XYSignal
+ GtkName=move-page
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveToRow
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=MoveToSignal
+ GtkName=move-to-row
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MoveToCol
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=MoveToSignal
+ GtkName=move-to-column
+ Count=0
+ Prop=KillChar
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DirectionSignal
+ GtkName=kill-char
+ Count=0
+ Prop=KillWord
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DirectionSignal
+ GtkName=kill-word
+ Count=0
+ Prop=KillLine
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=DirectionSignal
+ GtkName=kill-line
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CutClipboard
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=cut-clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CopyClipboard
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=copy-clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PasteClipboard
+ PropType=Signal
+ PascalType=Signal
+ GtkName=paste-clipboard
+ Count=0
+ Object=Entry
+ Inherit=Editable
+ GtkFuncName=Entry
+ CreateObject
+ Count=5
+ Prop=SetText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," gtk_Entry_set_text (TheGtkObject, Pgchar(TheValue));",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=AppendText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=append_text
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=PrependText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=prepend_text
+ Count=1
+ Param=aText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=Visibility
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=visible
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=visibility
+ Count=0
+ Prop=MaxLength
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=word
+ GtkName=text_max_length
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=max_length
+ Count=0
+ Object=SpinButton
+ Inherit=Entry
+ GtkFuncName=spin_button
+ CreateParams=TFPgtkAdjustment.Create.TheGtkObject,1,0
+ CreateObject
+ Count=13
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," if assigned (Adj) then"," gtk_spin_button_configure (TheGtkObject, PGtkadjustment(Adj.TheGtkObject), aClimbRate, aDigits)"," else"," gtk_spin_button_configure (TheGtkObject, nil, aClimbRate, aDigits);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=Adj
+ Convert
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Param=aClimbRate
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aDigits
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Adjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance(PGtkObject(gtk_spin_button_get_adjustment(TheGtkObject)),TFPGtkAdjustment) as TFPgtkAdjustment;",end;
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=adjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ClimbRate
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=climb_rate
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=climb_rate
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Digits
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=digits
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=digits
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AsInteger
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=value_as_int
+ WriteGtkName=Value
+ Count=0
+ Prop=AsFloat
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=value_as_int
+ WriteGtkName=Value
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UpdatePolicy
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy
+ GtkName=update_policy
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=update_policy
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Numeric
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=numeric
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=numeric
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Spin
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=spin
+ Count=2
+ Param=direction
+ PascalType=TGtkSpinType
+ Param=increment
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=Wrap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=wrap
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=wrap
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ShadowType
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkShadowType
+ GtkName=shadow_type
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=shadow_type
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SnapToTicks
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=snap_to_ticks
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=snap_to_ticks
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Update
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=update
+ Code=,
+ Count=0
+ Object=Text
+ Inherit=Editable
+ GtkFuncName=Text
+ CreateParams=null,null
+ CreateObject
+ Count=20
+ Prop=FIsChanged
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=boolean
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FLines
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," inherited create;"," editable := true;"," wordwrap := true;"," linewrap := true;"," FLines := TStringlist.Create;"," ConnectChanged (@SigChanged, nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Destroy
+ PropType=Destructor
+ Code=begin," FLines.Free;"," inherited;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SigChanged
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Private
+ Code=begin," FIsChanged := True;",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=Sender
+ PascalType=TFPgtkObject
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pointer
+ Prop=RefreshLines
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if not assigned (FLines) then"," FLines := TStringlist.Create;"," FLines.Text := Text;",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Lines
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TStrings
+ Code=begin," if FIsChanged then"," RefreshLines;"," result := FLines;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteProcType=NotImplemented
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Freeze
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Freeze
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Thaw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Thaw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TextLength
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=guint
+ GtkName=get_length
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Insert
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_text_insert (TheGtkObject, font, fore, back, pgchar(TheText), length(TheText));",end;
+ Count=4
+ Param=font
+ PascalType=PgdkFont
+ Param=fore
+ PascalType=PgdkColor
+ Param=back
+ PascalType=PgdkColor
+ Param=TheText
+ Convert
+ PascalType=string
+ Prop=DeleteBackward
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Backward_Delete
+ Count=1
+ Param=number
+ PascalType=longword
+ Prop=DeleteForward
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=Forward_Delete
+ Count=1
+ Param=number
+ PascalType=longword
+ Prop=WordWrap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=word_wrap
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_text_set_word_wrap (TheGtkObject,gint(TheValue));",end;
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=LineWrap
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=Line_Wrap
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin,"{$IFDEF win32 or go32v2}"," Set_Line_Wrap (TheGtkObject^, gint(TheValue));",{$ELSE}," gtk_Text_Set_Line_Wrap (TheGtkObject, gint(TheValue));",{$ENDIF},end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Point
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=integer
+ GtkName=Point
+ WriteGtkName=Point
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetAdjustments
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Code=begin," gtk_text_set_adjustments (TheGtkObject, hadj.TheGtkObject, vadj.TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Count=2
+ Param=hadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Param=vadj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Prop=HAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=hadj
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_Text_Set_Adjustments(TheGtkObject, TheValue.TheGtkObject, TheGtkObject^.vadj);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=VAdjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=vadj
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_Text_Set_Adjustments(TheGtkObject, TheGtkObject^.hadj, TheValue.TheGtkObject);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetText
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," Freeze;"," {$ifdef gtkwin}"," TheValue := stringreplace (TheValue, #13#10, #10, [rfReplaceAll]);"," {$endif}"," clear;"," Insert (null, null, null, TheValue);"," Thaw;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=string
+ Object=Ruler
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=ruler
+ Count=2
+ Prop=SetMetric
+ PropType=Procedure
+ PascalType=TGtkMetricType
+ GtkName=set_metric
+ Count=1
+ Param=aMetric
+ PascalType=TGtkMetricType
+ Prop=SetRange
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_range
+ Count=4
+ Param=Lower
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=Upper
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=Position
+ PascalType=float
+ Param=MaxSize
+ PascalType=float
+ Object=HRuler
+ Inherit=Ruler
+ GtkFuncName=hruler
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VRuler
+ Inherit=Ruler
+ GtkFuncName=vruler
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Range
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=Range
+ Count=18
+ Prop=Adjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ GtkName=Adjustment
+ ReadConvert
+ WriteGtkName=adjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=UpdatePolicy
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TgtkUpdateType
+ GtkName=policy
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=update_policy
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FAdj
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Protected
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FAdj := AnAdjustment;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=AnAdjustment
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Prop=DrawBackground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_background
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawTrough
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_trough
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawStepForw
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_step_forw
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawStepBack
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_step_back
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DrawSlider
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_slider
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SliderUpdate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=slider_update
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TroughClick
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_Range_trough_click (TheGtkObject, X, Y, @JumpPerc);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=JumpPerc
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=DefaultHSliderUpdate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=default_hslider_update
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DefaultVSliderUpdate
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=default_vslider_update
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DefaultHTroughClick
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_Range_default_htrough_click (TheGtkObject, X, Y, @JumpPerc);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=JumpPerc
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=DefaultVTroughClick
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=integer
+ Code=begin," result := gtk_Range_default_vtrough_click (TheGtkObject, X, Y, @JumpPerc);",end;
+ Count=3
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=JumpPerc
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ ParamType=Var
+ Prop=defaultHMotion
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=default_hmotion
+ Count=2
+ Param=XDelta
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YDelta
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=defaultVMotion
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=default_vmotion
+ Count=2
+ Param=XDelta
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=YDelta
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=ClearBackground
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=clear_background
+ Count=0
+ Object=Scale
+ Inherit=Range
+ GtkFuncName=scale
+ Count=3
+ Prop=SetDigits
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_digits
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ Count=1
+ Param=TheValue
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=DrawValue
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=boolean
+ GtkName=draw_value
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=draw_value
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ValuePos
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkPositionType
+ GtkName=value_pos
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=value_pos
+ Count=0
+ Object=HScale
+ Inherit=Scale
+ GtkFuncName=hscale
+ CreateParams=nil
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VScale
+ Inherit=Scale
+ GtkFuncName=vscale
+ CreateParams=nil
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Scrollbar
+ Inherit=Range
+ GtkFuncName=Scrollbar
+ Count=0
+ Object=HScrollbar
+ Inherit=Scrollbar
+ GtkFuncName=hscrollbar
+ Count=1
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var a : PgtkAdjustment;",begin," if assigned (FAdj) then"," a := FAdj.TheGtkObject"," else"," a := null;"," FGtkObject := PgtkObject (gtk_hscrollbar_new (a));"," FAdj := nil;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Object=VScrollbar
+ Inherit=Scrollbar
+ Count=1
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code="var a : PgtkAdjustment;",begin," if assigned (FAdj) then"," a := FAdj.TheGtkObject"," else"," a := null;"," FGtkObject := PgtkObject (gtk_vscrollbar_new (a));"," FAdj := nil;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Object=Separator
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=Separator
+ Count=0
+ Object=HSeparator
+ Inherit=Separator
+ GtkFuncName=HSeparator
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=VSeparator
+ Inherit=Separator
+ GtkFuncName=VSeparator
+ CreateObject
+ Count=0
+ Object=Preview
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=preview
+ CreateObject
+ Count=6
+ Prop=Size
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=size
+ Count=2
+ Param=aWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=Put
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=put
+ Count=8
+ Param=aWindow
+ PascalType=PGdkWindow
+ Param=gc
+ PascalType=PGdkGC
+ Param=SrcX
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=SrcY
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=destX
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=DestY
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aWidth
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=aHeight
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=DrawRow
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=draw_row
+ Count=4
+ Param=data
+ PascalType=pguchar
+ Param=X
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=Y
+ PascalType=integer
+ Param=W
+ PascalType=integer
+ Prop=SetGamma
+ PropType=HelperProc
+ Code=begin," gtk_preview_set_gamma (aGamma);",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=aGamma
+ PascalType=double
+ Prop=Expand
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=expand
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=expand
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Dither
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGdkRgbDither
+ GtkName=dither
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=dither
+ Count=0
+ Object=Progress
+ Inherit=Widget
+ GtkFuncName=progress
+ Count=13
+ Prop=Showtext
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=show_text
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=show_text
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TextXAlign
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=x_align
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_progress_set_text_alignment (TheGtkObject, TheValue, TextYAlign);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TextYAlign
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=y_align
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_progress_set_text_alignment (TheGtkObject, TextXAlign, TheValue);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=SetTextAlignment
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=set_text_alignment
+ Count=2
+ Param=anXalign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=anYAlign
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=CurrentValue
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=float
+ GtkName=Value
+ WriteProcType=Proc
+ WriteCode=begin," gtk_progress_Set_value (TheGtkObject, TheValue);"," Draw (nil);",end;
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Percentage
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=float
+ GtkName=current_percentage
+ WriteGtkName=percentage
+ Count=0
+ Prop=PercentageFromValue
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ GtkName=get_percentage_from_value
+ Count=1
+ Param=aValue
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=FormatString
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=format
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=format_string
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Adjustment
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Code=begin," result := GetPascalInstance (PGtkObject(TheGtkObject^.adjustment), TFPgtkAdjustment) as TFPgtkAdjustment;",end;
+ ReadFuncType=Proc
+ WriteGtkName=adjustment
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivityMode
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longbool
+ GtkName=activity_mode
+ ReadConvert
+ ReadFuncType=ObjFunc
+ WriteGtkName=activity_mode
+ WriteConvert
+ Count=0
+ Prop=CurrentText
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=get_current_text
+ Count=0
+ Prop=TextFromValue
+ PropType=Function
+ PascalType=string
+ GtkName=get_text_from_value
+ Count=1
+ Param=aValue
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Prop=Configure
+ PropType=Procedure
+ GtkName=configure
+ Count=3
+ Param=aValue
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aMin
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Param=aMax
+ PascalType=gfloat
+ Object=ProgressBar
+ Inherit=Progress
+ GtkFuncName=progress_bar
+ Count=8
+ Prop=Create
+ PropType=Constructor
+ Code=begin," FAdj := adj;"," inherited create;",end;
+ Count=1
+ Param=adj
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Prop=CreateGtkObject
+ PropType=Procedure
+ Section=Protected
+ Code=begin," if assigned (FAdj) then"," TheGtkWidget := gtk_progress_bar_new_with_adjustment (FAdj.TheGtkObject)"," else"," TheGtkWidget := gtk_progress_bar_new;",end;
+ Override
+ Count=0
+ Prop=FAdj
+ PropType=Field
+ Section=Private
+ PascalType=TFPgtkAdjustment
+ Count=0
+ Prop=BarStyle
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkProgressBarStyle
+ GtkName=bar_style
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=bar_style
+ Count=0
+ Prop=DiscreteBlocks
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longword
+ GtkName=blocks
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=discrete_blocks
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivityStep
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longword
+ GtkName=activity_step
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=activity_step
+ Count=0
+ Prop=ActivityBlocks
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=longword
+ GtkName=activity_blocks
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=activity_blocks
+ Count=0
+ Prop=Orientation
+ PropType=Property
+ PascalType=TGtkProgressBarOrientation
+ GtkName=orientation
+ ReadFuncType=ObjField
+ WriteGtkName=orientation
+ Count=0
+ Object=ItemFactory
+ Inherit=Object
+ Count=0