path: root/packages/graph/src/inc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/graph/src/inc/')
1 files changed, 862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/graph/src/inc/ b/packages/graph/src/inc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a6fce0aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/graph/src/inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+{ Text output routines }
+ const
+ maxfonts = 16; { maximum possible fonts }
+ MaxChars = 255; { Maximum nr. of characters in a file }
+ Prefix_Size = $80; { prefix size to skip }
+ SIGNATURE = '+'; { Signature of CHR file }
+ type
+ { Prefix header of Font file }
+{ PFHeader = ^TFHeader;}
+ TFHeader = packed record
+ header_size: word; {* Version 2.0 Header Format *}
+ font_name: array[1..4] of char;
+ font_size: word; {* Size in byte of file *}
+ font_major: byte; {* Driver Version Information *}
+ font_minor: byte;
+ min_major: byte; {* BGI Revision Information *}
+ min_minor: byte;
+ end;
+ { Font record information }
+{ PHeader = ^THeader;}
+ THeader = packed record
+ Signature: char; { signature byte }
+ Nr_chars: smallint; { number of characters in file }
+ Reserved: byte;
+ First_char: byte; { first character in file }
+ cdefs : smallint; { offset to character definitions }
+ scan_flag: byte; { TRUE if char is scanable }
+ org_to_cap: shortint; { Height from origin to top of capitol }
+ org_to_base:shortint; { Height from origin to baseline }
+ org_to_dec: shortint; { Height from origin to bot of decender }
+ _reserved: array[1..4] of char;
+ Unused: byte;
+ end;
+ TOffsetTable =array[0..MaxChars] of smallint;
+ TWidthTable =array[0..MaxChars] of byte;
+ tfontrec = packed record
+ name : string[8];
+ header : THeader; { font header }
+ pheader : TFHeader; { prefix header }
+ offsets : TOffsetTable;
+ widths : TWidthTable;
+ instrlength: longint; { length of instr, because instr can }
+ instr : pchar; { contain null characters }
+ end;
+{ pStroke = ^TStroke;}
+ TStroke = packed record
+ opcode: byte;
+ x: smallint; { relative x offset character }
+ y: smallint; { relative y offset character }
+ end;
+ TStrokes = Array[0..1000] of TStroke;
+ opcodes = (_END_OF_CHAR, _DO_SCAN, _DRAW := 253, _MOVE := 254 );
+ var
+ fonts : array[1..maxfonts] of tfontrec;
+ Strokes: TStrokes; {* Stroke Data Base *}
+{ Stroke_count: Array[0..MaxChars] of smallint;} {* Stroke Count Table *}
+{ Internal support routines }
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+procedure swap_fheader(var h: tfheader);
+ TFHeader = packed record
+ header_size: word; {* Version 2.0 Header Format *}
+ font_name: array[1..4] of char;
+ font_size: word; {* Size in byte of file *}
+ font_major: byte; {* Driver Version Information *}
+ font_minor: byte;
+ min_major: byte; {* BGI Revision Information *}
+ min_minor: byte;
+ end;
+ with h do
+ begin
+ header_size := swap(header_size);
+ font_size := swap(font_size);
+ end;
+procedure swap_header(var h: theader);
+ THeader = packed record
+ Signature: char; { signature byte }
+ Nr_chars: smallint; { number of characters in file }
+ Reserved: byte;
+ First_char: byte; { first character in file }
+ cdefs : smallint; { offset to character definitions }
+ scan_flag: byte; { TRUE if char is scanable }
+ org_to_cap: shortint; { Height from origin to top of capitol }
+ org_to_base:shortint; { Height from origin to baseline }
+ org_to_dec: shortint; { Height from origin to bot of decender }
+ _reserved: array[1..4] of char;
+ Unused: byte;
+ end;
+ with h do
+ begin
+ nr_chars := swap(nr_chars);
+ cdefs := swap(cdefs);
+ end;
+procedure swap_offsets(var t: toffsettable; start, len: longint);
+ TOffsetTable =array[0..MaxChars] of smallint;
+ i: longint;
+ for i := start to start+len-1 do
+ t[i]:=Swap(t[i]);
+{$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+function ConvertString(const OrigString: String): String;
+ i: Integer;
+ ConvResult: String;
+ if GraphStringTransTable = nil then
+ ConvertString := OrigString
+ else
+ begin
+ SetLength(ConvResult, Length(OrigString));
+ for i := 1 to Length(OrigString) do
+ ConvResult[i] := GraphStringTransTable^[OrigString[i]];
+ ConvertString := ConvResult;
+ end;
+ function testfont(p : pchar) : boolean;
+ begin
+ testfont:=(p[0]='P') and
+ (p[1]='K') and
+ (p[2]=#8) and
+ (p[3]=#8);
+ end;
+ function InstallUserFont(const FontFileName : string) : smallint;
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grOk;
+ { first check if we do not allocate too many fonts! }
+ if installedfonts=maxfonts then
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grError;
+ InstallUserFont := DefaultFont;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(installedfonts);
+ fonts[installedfonts].name:=FontFileName;
+ fonts[installedfonts].instr := nil;
+ fonts[installedfonts].instrlength := 0;
+ InstallUserFont:=installedfonts;
+ end;
+ function Decode(byte1,byte2: char; var x,y: smallint): smallint;
+ { This routines decoes a signle word in a font opcode section }
+ { to a stroke record. }
+ var
+ b1,b2: shortint;
+ Begin
+ b1:=shortint(byte1);
+ b2:=shortint(byte2);
+ { Decode the CHR OPCODE }
+ Decode:=smallint(((b1 and $80) shr 6)+((b2 and $80) shr 7));
+ { Now get the X,Y coordinates }
+ { bit 0..7 only which are considered }
+ { signed values. }
+{ disable range check mode }
+{$ifopt R+}
+{$define OPT_R_WAS_ON}
+ b1:=b1 and $7f;
+ b2:=b2 and $7f;
+ { Now if the MSB of these values are set }
+ { then the value is signed, therefore we }
+ { sign extend it... }
+ if (b1 and $40)<>0 then b1:=b1 or $80;
+ if (b2 and $40)<>0 then b2:=b2 or $80;
+ x:=smallint(b1);
+ y:=smallint(b2);
+{ restore previous range check mode }
+{$ifdef OPT_R_WAS_ON}
+ end;
+ function unpack(buf: pchar; index: smallint; var Stroke: TStrokes): smallint;
+ var
+ po: TStrokes;
+ num_ops: smallint;
+ opcode, i, opc: word;
+ counter: smallint;
+ lindex: smallint;
+ jx, jy: smallint;
+ begin
+ num_ops := 0;
+ counter := index;
+ lindex :=0;
+ while TRUE do {* For each byte in buffer *}
+ Begin
+ Inc(num_ops); {* Count the operation *}
+ opcode := decode( buf[counter], buf[counter+1] ,jx, jy );
+ Inc(counter,2);
+ if( opcode = ord(_END_OF_CHAR) ) then break; {* Exit loop at end of char *}
+ end;
+ counter:=index;
+ for i:=0 to num_ops-1 do { /* For each opcode in buffer */ }
+ Begin
+ opc := decode(buf[counter], buf[counter+1], po[lindex].x, po[lindex].y); {* Decode the data field *}
+ inc(counter,2);
+ po[lindex].opcode := opc; {* Save the opcode *}
+ Inc(lindex);
+ end;
+ Stroke:=po;
+ unpack := num_ops; {* return OPS count *}
+ end;
+ procedure GetTextPosition(var xpos,ypos: longint; const TextString: string);
+ begin
+ if CurrentTextInfo.Font = DefaultFont then
+ begin
+ if Currenttextinfo.direction=horizdir then
+ begin
+ case Currenttextinfo.horiz of
+ centertext : XPos:=(textwidth(textstring) shr 1);
+ lefttext : XPos:=0;
+ righttext : XPos:=textwidth(textstring);
+ end;
+ case Currenttextinfo.vert of
+ centertext : YPos:=-(textheight(textstring) shr 1);
+ bottomtext : YPos:=-textheight(textstring);
+ toptext : YPos:=0;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ case Currenttextinfo.horiz of
+ centertext : XPos:=(textheight(textstring) shr 1);
+ lefttext : XPos:=textheight(textstring);
+ righttext : XPos:=textheight(textstring);
+ end;
+ case Currenttextinfo.vert of
+ centertext : YPos:=(textwidth(textstring) shr 1);
+ bottomtext : YPos:=0;
+ toptext : YPos:=textwidth(textstring);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Currenttextinfo.direction=horizdir then
+ begin
+ case CurrentTextInfo.horiz of
+ centertext : XPos:=(textwidth(textstring) shr 1);
+ lefttext : XPos:=0;
+ righttext : XPos:=textwidth(textstring);
+ end;
+ case CurrentTextInfo.vert of
+ centertext : YPos:=(textheight(textstring) shr 1);
+ bottomtext : YPos:=0;
+ toptext : YPos:=textheight(textstring);
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ case CurrentTextInfo.horiz of
+ centertext : XPos:=(textheight(textstring) shr 1);
+ lefttext : XPos:=0;
+ righttext : XPos:=textheight(textstring);
+ end;
+ case CurrentTextInfo.vert of
+ centertext : YPos:=(textwidth(textstring) shr 1);
+ bottomtext : YPos:=0;
+ toptext : YPos:=textwidth(textstring);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ Exported routines }
+ function RegisterBGIfont(font : pointer) : smallint;
+ var
+ hp : pchar;
+ b : word;
+ i: longint;
+ Header: THeader;
+ counter: longint;
+ FontData: pchar;
+ FHeader: TFHeader;
+ begin
+ RegisterBGIfont:=grInvalidFontNum;
+ i:=0;
+ { Check if the font header is valid first of all }
+ if testfont(font) then
+ begin
+ hp:=pchar(font);
+ { Move to EOF in prefix header }
+ while (hp[i] <> chr($1a)) do Inc(i);
+ System.move(hp[i+1],FHeader,sizeof(FHeader));
+ System.move(hp[Prefix_Size],header,sizeof(Header));
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ swap_fheader(fheader);
+ swap_header(header);
+{$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ { check if the font name is already allocated? }
+ i:=Prefix_Size+sizeof(Header);
+ for b:=1 to installedfonts do
+ begin
+ if fonts[b].name=FHeader.Font_name then
+ begin
+ System.move(FHeader,fonts[b].PHeader,sizeof(FHeader));
+ System.move(Header,fonts[b].Header,sizeof(Header));
+ System.move(hp[i],Fonts[b].Offsets[Fonts[b].Header.First_Char],Fonts[b].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(smallint));
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ swap_offsets(Fonts[b].Offsets,Fonts[b].Header.First_Char,Fonts[b].Header.Nr_chars);
+{$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ Inc(i,Fonts[b].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(smallint));
+ System.move(hp[i],Fonts[b].Widths[Fonts[b].Header.First_Char],Fonts[b].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(byte));
+ Inc(i,Fonts[b].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(byte));
+ counter:=Fonts[b].PHeader.font_size+PREFIX_SIZE-i;
+ { allocate also space for null }
+ GetMem(FontData,Counter+1);
+ System.move(hp[i],FontData^,Counter);
+ { Null terminate the string }
+ FontData[counter+1] := #0;
+ if fonts[b].header.Signature<> SIGNATURE then
+ begin
+ _graphResult:=grInvalidFont;
+ System.Freemem(FontData, Counter+1);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fonts[b].instr:=FontData;
+ fonts[b].instrlength:=Counter+1;
+ RegisterBGIfont:=b;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ RegisterBGIFont:=grInvalidFont;
+ end;
+ procedure GetTextSettings(var TextInfo : TextSettingsType);
+ begin
+ textinfo:=currenttextinfo;
+ end;
+ function TextHeight(const TextString : string) : word;
+ begin
+ if Currenttextinfo.font=DefaultFont
+ then TextHeight:=8*CurrentTextInfo.CharSize
+ else
+ TextHeight:=Trunc((fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.org_to_cap-
+ fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.org_to_dec) * CurrentYRatio);
+ end;
+ function TextWidth(const TextString : string) : word;
+ var i,x : smallint;
+ c : byte;
+ s : String;
+ begin
+ x := 0;
+ { if this is the default font ... }
+ if Currenttextinfo.font = Defaultfont then
+ TextWidth:=length(TextString)*8*CurrentTextInfo.CharSize
+ { This is a stroked font ... }
+ else begin
+ s := ConvertString(TextString);
+ for i:=1 to length(s) do
+ begin
+ c:=byte(s[i]);
+{ dec(c,fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.first_char);}
+ if (c-fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.first_char>=
+ fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.nr_chars) then
+ continue;
+ x:=x+byte(fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].widths[c]);
+ end;
+ TextWidth:=round(x * CurrentXRatio) ;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure OutTextXYDefault(x,y : smallint;const TextString : string);
+ type
+ Tpoint = record
+ X,Y: smallint;
+ end;
+ var
+ ConvString : String;
+ i,j,k,c : longint;
+ xpos,ypos : longint;
+ counter : longint;
+ cnt1,cnt2 : smallint;
+ cnt3,cnt4 : smallint;
+ charsize : word;
+ WriteMode : word;
+ curX2, curY2, xpos2, ypos2, x2, y2: graph_float;
+ oldvalues : linesettingstype;
+ fontbitmap : TBitmapChar;
+ chr : char;
+ curx2i,cury2i,
+ xpos2i,ypos2i : longint;
+ begin
+ { save current write mode }
+ WriteMode := CurrentWriteMode;
+ CurrentWriteMode := NormalPut;
+ GetTextPosition(xpos,ypos,textstring);
+ X:=X-XPos; Y:=Y+YPos;
+ XPos:=X; YPos:=Y;
+ ConvString := ConvertString(TextString);
+ CharSize := CurrentTextInfo.Charsize;
+ if Currenttextinfo.font=DefaultFont then
+ begin
+ c:=length(ConvString);
+ if CurrentTextInfo.direction=HorizDir then
+ { Horizontal direction }
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to c-1 do
+ begin
+ xpos:=x+(i*8)*Charsize;
+ { we copy the character bitmap before accessing it }
+ { this improves speed on non optimizing compilers }
+ { since it is one less address calculation. }
+ Fontbitmap:=TBitmapChar(DefaultFontData[ConvString[i+1]]);
+ { no scaling }
+ if CharSize = 1 then
+ Begin
+ for j:=0 to 7 do
+ for k:=0 to 7 do
+ if Fontbitmap[j,k]<>0 then
+ PutPixel(xpos+k,j+y,CurrentColor)
+ else if DrawTextBackground then
+ PutPixel(xpos+k,j+y,CurrentBkColor);
+ end
+ else
+ { perform scaling of bitmap font }
+ Begin
+ j:=0;
+ cnt3:=0;
+ while j <= 7 do
+ begin
+ { X-axis scaling }
+ for cnt4 := 0 to charsize-1 do
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ cnt2 := 0;
+ while k <= 7 do
+ begin
+ for cnt1 := 0 to charsize-1 do
+ begin
+ If FontBitmap[j,k] <> 0 then
+ PutPixel(xpos+cnt1+cnt2,y+cnt3+cnt4,CurrentColor)
+ else if DrawTextBackground then
+ PutPixel(xpos+cnt1+cnt2,y+cnt3+cnt4,CurrentBkColor);
+ end;
+ Inc(k);
+ Inc(cnt2,charsize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(j);
+ Inc(cnt3,charsize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { Vertical direction }
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to c-1 do
+ begin
+ chr := ConvString[i+1];
+ Fontbitmap:=TBitmapChar(DefaultFontData[chr]);
+ ypos := y-(i shl 3)*CharSize;
+ { no scaling }
+ if CharSize = 1 then
+ Begin
+ for j:=0 to 7 do
+ for k:=0 to 7 do
+ if Fontbitmap[j,k] <> 0 then
+ PutPixel(xpos+j,ypos-k,CurrentColor)
+ else if DrawTextBackground then
+ PutPixel(xpos+j,ypos-k,CurrentBkColor);
+ end
+ else
+ { perform scaling of bitmap font }
+ Begin
+ j:=0;
+ cnt3:=0;
+ while j<=7 do
+ begin
+ { X-axis scaling }
+ for cnt4 := 0 to charsize-1 do
+ begin
+ k:=0;
+ cnt2 := 0;
+ while k<=7 do
+ begin
+ for cnt1 := 0 to charsize-1 do
+ begin
+ If FontBitmap[j,k] <> 0 then
+ PutPixel(xpos+cnt3-cnt4,ypos+cnt1-cnt2,CurrentColor)
+ else if DrawTextBackground then
+ PutPixel(xpos+cnt3-cnt4,ypos+cnt1-cnt2,CurrentBkColor);
+ end;
+ Inc(k);
+ Inc(cnt2,charsize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(j);
+ Inc(cnt3,charsize);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ { This is a stroked font which is already loaded into memory }
+ begin
+ getlinesettings(oldvalues);
+ { reset line style to defaults }
+ setlinestyle(solidln,oldvalues.pattern,normwidth);
+ if Currenttextinfo.direction=vertdir then
+ xpos:=xpos + Textheight(ConvString);
+ CurX2:=xpos; xpos2 := curX2; x2 := xpos2;
+ CurY2:=ypos; ypos2 := curY2; y2 := ypos2;
+{ x:=xpos; y:=ypos;}
+ for i:=1 to length(ConvString) do
+ begin
+ c:=byte(ConvString[i]);
+{ Stroke_Count[c] := }
+ unpack( fonts[CurrentTextInfo.font].instr,
+ fonts[CurrentTextInfo.font].Offsets[c], Strokes );
+ counter:=0;
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if CurrentTextInfo.direction=VertDir then
+ begin
+ xpos2:=x2-(Strokes[counter].Y*CurrentYRatio);
+ ypos2:=y2-(Strokes[counter].X*CurrentXRatio);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ xpos2:=x2+(Strokes[counter].X*CurrentXRatio) ;
+ ypos2:=y2-(Strokes[counter].Y*CurrentYRatio) ;
+ end;
+ case opcodes(Strokes[counter].opcode) of
+ _END_OF_CHAR: break;
+ _DO_SCAN: begin
+ { Currently unsupported };
+ end;
+ _MOVE : Begin
+ CurX2 := XPos2;
+ CurY2 := YPos2;
+ end;
+ _DRAW: Begin
+ curx2i:=trunc(CurX2);
+ cury2i:=trunc(CurY2);
+ xpos2i:=trunc(xpos2);
+ ypos2i:=trunc(ypos2);
+ { this optimization doesn't matter that much
+ if (curx2i=xpos2i) then
+ begin
+ if (cury2i=ypos2i) then
+ putpixel(curx2i,cury2i,currentcolor)
+ else if (cury2i+1=ypos2i) or
+ (cury2i=ypos2i+1) then
+ begin
+ putpixel(curx2i,cury2i,currentcolor);
+ putpixel(curx2i,ypos2i,currentcolor);
+ end
+ else
+ Line(curx2i,cury2i,xpos2i,ypos2i);
+ end
+ else if (cury2i=ypos2i) then
+ begin
+ if (curx2i+1=xpos2i) or
+ (curx2i=xpos2i+1) then
+ begin
+ putpixel(curx2i,cury2i,currentcolor);
+ putpixel(xpos2i,cury2i,currentcolor);
+ end
+ else
+ Line(curx2i,cury2i,xpos2i,ypos2i);
+ end
+ else
+ }
+ Line(curx2i,cury2i,xpos2i,ypos2i);
+ CurX2:=xpos2;
+ CurY2:=ypos2;
+ end;
+ else
+ Begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(counter);
+ end; { end while }
+ if Currenttextinfo.direction=VertDir then
+ y2:=y2-(byte(fonts[CurrenttextInfo.font].widths[c])*CurrentXRatio)
+ else
+ x2:=x2+(byte(fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].widths[c])*CurrentXRatio);
+ end;
+ setlinestyle( oldvalues.linestyle, oldvalues.pattern, oldvalues.thickness);
+ end;
+ { restore write mode }
+ CurrentWriteMode := WriteMode;
+ end;
+ procedure OutText(const TextString : string);
+ var x,y:smallint;
+ begin
+ { Save CP }
+ x:=CurrentX;
+ y:=CurrentY;
+ OutTextXY(CurrentX,CurrentY,TextString);
+ { If the direction is Horizontal and the justification left }
+ { then and only then do we update the CP }
+ if (Currenttextinfo.direction=HorizDir) and
+ (Currenttextinfo.horiz=LeftText) then
+ inc(x,textwidth(TextString));
+ { Update the CP }
+ CurrentX := X;
+ CurrentY := Y;
+ end;
+ procedure SetTextJustify(horiz,vert : word);
+ begin
+ if (horiz<0) or (horiz>2) or
+ (vert<0) or (vert>2) then
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grError;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Currenttextinfo.horiz:=horiz;
+ Currenttextinfo.vert:=vert;
+ end;
+ procedure SetTextStyle(font,direction : word;charsize : word);
+ var
+ f : file;
+ Prefix: array[0..Prefix_Size-1] of char; {* File Prefix Holder *}
+ Length, Current: longint;
+ FontData: Pchar;
+ hp : pchar;
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ if font>installedfonts then
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grInvalidFontNum;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Currenttextinfo.font:=font;
+ if (direction<>HorizDir) and (direction<>VertDir) then
+ direction:=HorizDir;
+ Currenttextinfo.direction:=direction;
+ { According to the Turbo Pascal programmer's reference }
+ { maximum charsize for bitmapped font is 10 }
+ if (CurrentTextInfo.Font = DefaultFont) and (Charsize > 10) then
+ Currenttextinfo.charsize:=10
+ else if charsize<1 then
+ Currenttextinfo.charsize:=1
+ else
+ Currenttextinfo.charsize:=charsize;
+ { This is only valid for stroked fonts }
+{$ifdef logging}
+ LogLn('(org_to_cap - org_to_dec): ' + strf(
+ fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.org_to_cap-
+ fonts[Currenttextinfo.font].header.org_to_dec));
+{$endif logging}
+ if (charsize <> usercharsize) then
+ Case CharSize of
+ 1: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 0.55;
+ CurrentYRatio := 0.55;
+ End;
+ 2: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 0.65;
+ CurrentYRatio := 0.65;
+ End;
+ 3: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 0.75;
+ CurrentYRatio := 0.75;
+ End;
+ 4: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 1.0;
+ CurrentYRatio := 1.0;
+ End;
+ 5: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 1.3;
+ CurrentYRatio := 1.3;
+ End;
+ 6: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 1.65;
+ CurrentYRatio := 1.65
+ End;
+ 7: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 2.0;
+ CurrentYRatio := 2.0;
+ End;
+ 8: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 2.5;
+ CurrentYRatio := 2.5;
+ End;
+ 9: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 3.0;
+ CurrentYRatio := 3.0;
+ End;
+ 10: Begin
+ CurrentXRatio := 4.0;
+ CurrentYRatio := 4.0;
+ End
+ End;
+ { if this is a stroked font then load it if not already loaded }
+ { into memory... }
+ if (font>DefaultFont) and not assigned(fonts[font].instr) then
+ begin
+ assign(f,bgipath+fonts[font].name+'.CHR');
+{$ifopt I+}
+{$define IOCHECK_WAS_ON}
+ reset(f,1);
+{$ifdef IOCHECK_WAS_ON}
+ if ioresult<>0 then
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grFontNotFound;
+ Currenttextinfo.font:=DefaultFont;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {* Read in the file prefix *}
+ BlockRead(F, Prefix, Prefix_Size);
+ hp:=Prefix;
+ i:=0;
+ while (hp[i] <> chr($1a)) do Inc(i);
+ System.move(hp[i+1],fonts[font].PHeader,sizeof(TFHeader));
+ (* Read in the Header file *)
+ BlockRead(F,fonts[font].Header,Sizeof(THeader));
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ swap_fheader(fonts[font].PHeader);
+ swap_header(fonts[font].Header);
+{$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ BlockRead(F,Fonts[font].Offsets[Fonts[font].Header.First_Char],Fonts[font].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(smallint));
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ swap_offsets(Fonts[font].Offsets,Fonts[font].Header.First_Char,Fonts[font].Header.Nr_chars);
+{$endif FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ {* Load the character width table into memory. *}
+ BlockRead(F,Fonts[font].Widths[Fonts[font].Header.First_Char],Fonts[font].Header.Nr_chars*sizeof(byte));
+ {* Determine the length of the stroke database. *}
+ current := FilePos( f ); {* Current file location *}
+ Seek( f, FileSize(F)); {* Go to the end of the file *}
+ length := FilePos( f ); {* Get the file length *}
+ Seek( f, current); {* Restore old file location *}
+ {* Load the stroke database. *}
+ { also allocate space for Null character }
+ Getmem(FontData, Length+1); {* Create space for font data *}
+ BlockRead(F, FontData^, length-current); {* Load the stroke data *}
+ FontData[length-current+1] := #0;
+ if fonts[font].header.Signature<> SIGNATURE then
+ begin
+ _graphResult:=grInvalidFont;
+ Currenttextinfo.font:=DefaultFont;
+ System.Freemem(FontData, Length+1);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fonts[font].instr:=FontData;
+ fonts[font].instrLength:=Length+1;
+ if not testfont(Prefix) then
+ begin
+ _graphresult:=grInvalidFont;
+ Currenttextinfo.font:=DefaultFont;
+ System.Freemem(FontData, Length+1);
+ end;
+ close(f);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure SetUserCharSize(Multx,Divx,Multy,Divy : word);
+ begin
+ CurrentXRatio := MultX / DivX;
+ CurrentYRatio := MultY / DivY;
+ end;