path: root/packages/gtk1/examples/clist.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/gtk1/examples/clist.pp')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/gtk1/examples/clist.pp b/packages/gtk1/examples/clist.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6154ce61e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/gtk1/examples/clist.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ This file extracted from the Gtk tutorial.
+ clist.c
+ Converted from C to Pascal by Frank Loemker
+ <>
+program clist;
+ glib,Gdk,Gtk;
+{ User clicked the 'Add List' button. }
+procedure button_add_clicked (data: PGtkCList ); cdecl;
+{ Something silly to add to the list. 4 rows of 2 columns each }
+const drink : array[0..3,0..1] of Pgchar =
+ (('Milk', '3 Oz'),
+ ('Water', '6 l'),
+ ('Carrots', '2'),
+ ('Snakes', '55'));
+var indx : integer ;
+ { Here we do the actual adding of the text. It's done once for
+ each row. }
+ for indx:=0 to 3 do
+ gtk_clist_append (data, @drink[indx]);
+{ User clicked the 'Clear List' button. }
+procedure button_clear_clicked (data : PGtkCList ); cdecl;
+ { Clear the list using gtk_clist_clear. This is much faster than
+ calling gtk_clist_remove once for each row. }
+ gtk_clist_clear (data);
+{ The user clicked the 'Hide/Show titles' button. }
+procedure button_hide_show_clicked (data : PGtkCList ); cdecl;
+const flag:integer = 0;
+ { Just a flag to remember the status. 0 = currently visible }
+ if flag = 0 then begin
+ { Hide the titles and set the flag to 1 }
+ gtk_clist_column_titles_hide (data);
+ inc (flag);
+ end else begin
+ { Show the titles and reset flag to 0 }
+ gtk_clist_column_titles_show (data);
+ dec (flag);
+ end;
+{ If we come here, then the user has selected a row in the list. }
+procedure selection_made (thelist : PGtkCLIST ; row, column: gint;
+ event : PGdkEventButton ; data : gpointer); cdecl;
+var text : Pgchar;
+ { Get the text that is stored in the selected row and column
+ which was clicked in. We will receive it as a pointer in the
+ argument text. }
+ gtk_clist_get_text(thelist, row, column, @text);
+ { Just prints some information about the selected row }
+ writeln ('You selected row ',row,
+ '. More specifically you clicked in column ',column,
+ ', and the text in this cell is ',text,#10);
+ titles: array[0..1] of Pgchar = ('Ingredients','Amount');
+ window,vbox,hbox,scroll, thelist,
+ button_add, button_clear,button_hide_show : PGtkWidget;
+ gtk_init (@argc, @argv);
+ gtk_rc_init;
+ window := gtk_window_new(gtk_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
+ gtk_widget_set_usize(PGtkWIDGET(window), 300, 150);
+ gtk_window_set_title(PGtkWINDOW(window), 'GtkCList Example');
+ gtk_signal_connect(PGtkOBJECT(window),'destroy',
+ tGtksignalfunc(@gtk_main_quit),
+ NIL);
+ vbox := gtk_vbox_new(false, 5);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width(PGtkCONTAINER(vbox), 5);
+ gtk_container_add(PGtkCONTAINER(window), vbox);
+ { Create the ScrolledWindow to pack the CList in. }
+ scroll := gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL,NULL);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (PGtkSCROLLEDWINDOW(scroll),
+ gtk_box_pack_start(PGtkBOX(vbox), scroll, true, true, 0);
+ { Create the GtkCList. For this example we use 2 columns }
+ thelist := gtk_clist_new_with_titles (2,titles);
+ gtk_container_add (PGtkContainer(scroll),thelist);
+ { When a selection is made, we want to know about it. The callback
+ used is selection_made, and it's code can be found above }
+ gtk_signal_connect(PGtkOBJECT(thelist), 'select_row',
+ tGtksignalfunc(@selection_made),
+ NIL);
+ { It isn't necessary to shadow the border, but it looks nice :) }
+ gtk_clist_set_shadow_type(PGtkCLIST(thelist), gtk_SHADOW_OUT);
+ { What however is important, is that we set the column widths as
+ they will never be right otherwise. Note that the columns are
+ numbered from 0 and up (to 1 in this case). }
+ gtk_clist_set_column_width (PGtkCLIST(thelist), 0, 150);
+ gtk_clist_set_column_width (PGtkCLIST(thelist), 1, 100);
+ { Create the buttons and add them to the window. See the button
+ tutorial for more examples and comments on this. }
+ hbox := gtk_hbox_new(false, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(PGtkBOX(vbox), hbox, false, true, 0);
+ button_add := gtk_button_new_with_label('Add List');
+ button_clear := gtk_button_new_with_label('Clear List');
+ button_hide_show := gtk_button_new_with_label('Hide/Show titles');
+ gtk_box_pack_start (PGtkBOX(hbox), button_add, true, true, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (PGtkBOX(hbox), button_clear, true, true, 0);
+ gtk_box_pack_start (PGtkBOX(hbox), button_hide_show, true, true, 0);
+ { Connect our callbacks to the three buttons }
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(PGtkOBJECT(button_add), 'clicked',
+ tGtksignalfunc(@button_add_clicked),
+ gpointer(thelist));
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(PGtkOBJECT(button_clear), 'clicked',
+ tGtksignalfunc(@button_clear_clicked),
+ gpointer (thelist));
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(PGtkOBJECT(button_hide_show), 'clicked',
+ tGtksignalfunc(@button_hide_show_clicked),
+ gpointer (thelist));
+ { The interface is completely set up so we show all the widgets and
+ enter the gtk_main loop }
+ gtk_widget_show_all(window);
+ gtk_main();