path: root/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/ b/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac01886791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// included by gtk2.pas
+{$IFDEF read_forward_definitions}
+{$ENDIF read_forward_definitions}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_types}
+ PGtkButton = ^TGtkButton;
+ TGtkButton = record
+ bin : TGtkBin;
+ event_window : PGdkWindow;
+ label_text : Pgchar;
+ activate_timeout : guint;
+ flag0 : word;
+ end;
+{ Padding for future expansion }
+ PGtkButtonClass = ^TGtkButtonClass;
+ TGtkButtonClass = record
+ parent_class : TGtkBinClass;
+ pressed : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ released : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ clicked : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ enter : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ leave : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ activate : procedure (button:PGtkButton); cdecl;
+ _gtk_reserved1 : procedure ; cdecl;
+ _gtk_reserved2 : procedure ; cdecl;
+ _gtk_reserved3 : procedure ; cdecl;
+ _gtk_reserved4 : procedure ; cdecl;
+ end;
+{$ENDIF read_interface_types}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_rest}
+ bm_TGtkButton_constructed = $1;
+ bp_TGtkButton_constructed = 0;
+ bm_TGtkButton_in_button = $2;
+ bp_TGtkButton_in_button = 1;
+ bm_TGtkButton_button_down = $4;
+ bp_TGtkButton_button_down = 2;
+ bm_TGtkButton_relief = $18;
+ bp_TGtkButton_relief = 3;
+ bm_TGtkButton_use_underline = $20;
+ bp_TGtkButton_use_underline = 5;
+ bm_TGtkButton_use_stock = $40;
+ bp_TGtkButton_use_stock = 6;
+ bm_TGtkButton_depressed = $80;
+ bp_TGtkButton_depressed = 7;
+ bm_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate = $100;
+ bp_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate = 8;
+function GTK_TYPE_BUTTON : GType;
+function GTK_BUTTON(obj: pointer) : PGtkButton;
+function GTK_BUTTON_CLASS(klass: pointer) : PGtkButtonClass;
+function GTK_IS_BUTTON(obj: pointer) : boolean;
+function GTK_IS_BUTTON_CLASS(klass: pointer) : boolean;
+function GTK_BUTTON_GET_CLASS(obj: pointer) : PGtkButtonClass;
+function constructed(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_constructed(var a : TGtkButton; __constructed : guint);
+function in_button(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_in_button(var a : TGtkButton; __in_button : guint);
+function button_down(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_button_down(var a : TGtkButton; __button_down : guint);
+function relief(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_relief(var a : TGtkButton; __relief : guint);
+function use_underline(var a : TGtkButton) : guint; overload;
+procedure set_use_underline(var a : TGtkButton; __use_underline : guint); overload;
+function use_stock(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_use_stock(var a : TGtkButton; __use_stock : guint);
+function depressed(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_depressed(var a : TGtkButton; __depressed : guint);
+function depress_on_activate(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+procedure set_depress_on_activate(var a : TGtkButton; __depress_on_activate : guint);
+function gtk_button_get_type:TGtkType; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_new:PGtkWidget; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_new_with_label(_label:Pgchar):PGtkWidget; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_new_from_stock(stock_id:Pgchar):PGtkWidget; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic(_label:Pgchar):PGtkWidget; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_pressed(button:PGtkButton); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_released(button:PGtkButton); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_clicked(button:PGtkButton); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_enter(button:PGtkButton); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_leave(button:PGtkButton); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_relief(button:PGtkButton; newstyle:TGtkReliefStyle); cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_get_relief(button:PGtkButton):TGtkReliefStyle; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_label(button:PGtkButton; _label:Pgchar); cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_get_label(button:PGtkButton):Pgchar; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_use_underline(button:PGtkButton; use_underline:gboolean); cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_get_use_underline(button:PGtkButton):gboolean; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_use_stock(button:PGtkButton; use_stock:gboolean); cdecl; external gtklib;
+function gtk_button_get_use_stock(button:PGtkButton):gboolean; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure _gtk_button_set_depressed(button:PGtkButton; depressed:gboolean); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure _gtk_button_paint(button:PGtkButton; area:PGdkRectangle; state_type:TGtkStateType; shadow_type:TGtkShadowType; main_detail:Pgchar;
+ default_detail:Pgchar); cdecl; external gtklib;
+{$IFDEF HasGTK2_4}
+function gtk_button_get_focus_on_click(window:PGtkButton):gboolean; cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_focus_on_click(window:PGtkButton; setting:gboolean); cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_get_alignment(window:PGtkButton; x,y: PGFloat) cdecl; external gtklib;
+procedure gtk_button_set_alignment(window:PGtkButton; x,y: GFloat); cdecl; external gtklib;
+{$ENDIF HasGTK2_4}
+{$ENDIF read_interface_rest}
+{$IFDEF read_implementation}
+function GTK_TYPE_BUTTON : GType;
+ GTK_TYPE_BUTTON:=gtk_button_get_type;
+function GTK_BUTTON(obj: pointer) : PGtkButton;
+function GTK_BUTTON_CLASS(klass: pointer) : PGtkButtonClass;
+function GTK_IS_BUTTON(obj: pointer) : boolean;
+function GTK_IS_BUTTON_CLASS(klass: pointer) : boolean;
+function GTK_BUTTON_GET_CLASS(obj: pointer) : PGtkButtonClass;
+function constructed(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ constructed:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_constructed) shr bp_TGtkButton_constructed;
+procedure set_constructed(var a : TGtkButton; __constructed : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__constructed shl bp_TGtkButton_constructed) and bm_TGtkButton_constructed);
+function in_button(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ in_button:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_in_button) shr bp_TGtkButton_in_button;
+procedure set_in_button(var a : TGtkButton; __in_button : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__in_button shl bp_TGtkButton_in_button) and bm_TGtkButton_in_button);
+function button_down(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ button_down:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_button_down) shr bp_TGtkButton_button_down;
+procedure set_button_down(var a : TGtkButton; __button_down : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__button_down shl bp_TGtkButton_button_down) and bm_TGtkButton_button_down);
+function relief(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ relief:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_relief) shr bp_TGtkButton_relief;
+procedure set_relief(var a : TGtkButton; __relief : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__relief shl bp_TGtkButton_relief) and bm_TGtkButton_relief);
+function use_underline(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ use_underline:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_use_underline) shr bp_TGtkButton_use_underline;
+procedure set_use_underline(var a : TGtkButton; __use_underline : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__use_underline shl bp_TGtkButton_use_underline) and bm_TGtkButton_use_underline);
+function use_stock(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ use_stock:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_use_stock) shr bp_TGtkButton_use_stock;
+procedure set_use_stock(var a : TGtkButton; __use_stock : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__use_stock shl bp_TGtkButton_use_stock) and bm_TGtkButton_use_stock);
+function depressed(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ depressed:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_depressed) shr bp_TGtkButton_depressed;
+procedure set_depressed(var a : TGtkButton; __depressed : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__depressed shl bp_TGtkButton_depressed) and bm_TGtkButton_depressed);
+function depress_on_activate(var a : TGtkButton) : guint;
+ depress_on_activate:=(a.flag0 and bm_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate) shr bp_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate;
+procedure set_depress_on_activate(var a : TGtkButton; __depress_on_activate : guint);
+ a.flag0:=a.flag0 or ((__depress_on_activate shl bp_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate) and bm_TGtkButton_depress_on_activate);
+{$ENDIF read_implementation}
+// included by gtk2.pas