path: root/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/ b/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b16f9fdb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/gtk2/src/gtk+/gtk/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// included by gtk2.pas
+{$IFDEF read_forward_definitions}
+{$ENDIF read_forward_definitions}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_types}
+ PGtkTextLineSegment = ^TGtkTextLineSegment;
+ PGtkTextLineSegmentClass = ^TGtkTextLineSegmentClass;
+ Segments: each line is divided into one or more segments, where each
+ segment is one of several things, such as a group of characters, a
+ tag toggle, a mark, or an embedded widget. Each segment starts with
+ a standard header followed by a body that varies from type to type.
+ }
+{ This header has the segment type, and two specific segments
+ (character and toggle segments) }
+{ Information a BTree stores about a tag. }
+{ highest-level node containing the tag }
+{ total toggles of this tag below tag_root }
+ PGtkTextTagInfo = ^TGtkTextTagInfo;
+ TGtkTextTagInfo = record
+ tag : PGtkTextTag;
+ tag_root : PGtkTextBTreeNode;
+ toggle_count : gint;
+ end;
+{ Body of a segment that toggles a tag on or off }
+{ Tag that starts or ends here. }
+{ TRUE means this toggle has been
+ accounted for in node toggle
+ counts; FALSE means it hasn't, yet. }
+ PGtkTextToggleBody = ^TGtkTextToggleBody;
+ TGtkTextToggleBody = record
+ info : PGtkTextTagInfo;
+ inNodeCounts : gboolean;
+ end;
+ The data structure below defines line segments.
+ }
+{ Pointer to record describing
+ segment's type. }
+{ Next in list of segments for this
+ line, or NULL for theEnd of list. }
+{ # of chars of index space occupied }
+{ Size of this segment (# of bytes
+ of index space it occupies). }
+{ Characters that make up character
+ info. Actual length varies to
+ hold as many characters as needed. }
+{ Information about tag toggle. }
+{ Information about mark. }
+{ Child pixbuf }
+{ Child widget }
+ TGtkTextLineSegment = record
+ _type : PGtkTextLineSegmentClass;
+ next : PGtkTextLineSegment;
+ char_count : longint;
+ byte_count : longint;
+ body : record
+ case longint of
+ 0 : ( chars : array[0..3] of char );
+ 1 : ( toggle : TGtkTextToggleBody );
+ 2 : ( mark : TGtkTextMarkBody );
+ 3 : ( pixbuf : TGtkTextPixbuf );
+ 4 : ( child : TGtkTextChildBody );
+ end;
+ end;
+{ Class struct for segments }
+{ Split seg at index, returning list of two new segments, and freeing seg }
+ PGtkTextSegSplitFunc = ^TGtkTextSegSplitFunc;
+ TGtkTextSegSplitFunc = TGtkTextLineSegment;
+{ Delete seg which is contained in line; if tree_gone, the tree is being
+ freed in its entirety, which may matter for some reason (?)
+ Return TRUE if the segment is not deleteable, e.g. a mark.
+ }
+ TGtkTextSegDeleteFunc = function (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine; tree_gone:gboolean):gboolean; cdecl;
+{ Called after segment structure of line changes, so segments can
+ cleanup (e.g. merge with adjacent segments). Returns a segment list
+ to replace the original segment list with. The line argument is
+ the current line.
+ }
+ PGtkTextSegCleanupFunc = ^TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc;
+ TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc = TGtkTextLineSegment;
+{ Called when a segment moves from one line to another. CleanupFunc is also
+ called in that case, so many segments just use CleanupFunc, I'm not sure
+ what's up with that (this function may not be needed...)
+ }
+ TGtkTextSegLineChangeFunc = procedure (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine); cdecl;
+{ Called to do debug checks on the segment. }
+ TGtkTextSegCheckFunc = procedure (seg:PGtkTextLineSegment; line:PGtkTextLine); cdecl;
+{ Name of this kind of segment. }
+{ If a segment has zero size (e.g. a
+ mark or tag toggle), does it
+ attach to character to its left
+ or right? 1 means left, 0 means
+ right. }
+{ Procedure to split large segment
+ into two smaller ones. }
+{ Procedure to call to delete
+ segment. }
+{ After any change to a line, this
+ procedure is invoked for all
+ segments left in the line to
+ perform any cleanup they wish
+ (e.g. joining neighboring
+ segments). }
+{ Invoked when a segment is about
+ to be moved from its current line
+ to an earlier line because of
+ a deletion. The line is that
+ for the segment's old line.
+ CleanupFunc will be invoked after
+ the deletion is finished. }
+{ Called during consistency checks
+ to check internal consistency of
+ segment. }
+ TGtkTextLineSegmentClass = record
+ name : Pchar;
+ leftGravity : gboolean;
+ splitFunc : TGtkTextSegSplitFunc;
+ deleteFunc : TGtkTextSegDeleteFunc;
+ cleanupFunc : TGtkTextSegCleanupFunc;
+ lineChangeFunc : TGtkTextSegLineChangeFunc;
+ checkFunc : TGtkTextSegCheckFunc;
+ end;
+{$ENDIF read_interface_types}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_rest}
+function gtk_text_line_segment_split(iter:PGtkTextIter):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function _gtk_char_segment_new(text:Pgchar; len:guint):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function _gtk_char_segment_new_from_two_strings(text1:Pgchar; len1:guint; text2:Pgchar; len2:guint):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
+function _gtk_toggle_segment_new(info:PGtkTextTagInfo; StateOn:gboolean):PGtkTextLineSegment; cdecl; external gtklib;
+{$ENDIF read_interface_rest}