path: root/packages/imagemagick/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/imagemagick/src/')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/imagemagick/src/ b/packages/imagemagick/src/
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index 0000000000..5939fb7d68
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+++ b/packages/imagemagick/src/
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+ Copyright 1999-2005 ImageMagick Studio LLC, a non-profit organization
+ dedicated to making software imaging solutions freely available.
+ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ImageMagick drawing wand API.
+ Declaration from drawing-wand.c
+ PathOperation = (
+ PathDefaultOperation,
+ PathCloseOperation, // Z|z (none) */
+ PathCurveToOperation, // C|c (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+ */
+ PathCurveToQuadraticBezierOperation, // Q|q (x1 y1 x y)+ */
+ PathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothOperation, // T|t (x y)+ */
+ PathCurveToSmoothOperation, // S|s (x2 y2 x y)+ */
+ PathEllipticArcOperation, // A|a (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+ */
+ PathLineToHorizontalOperation, // H|h x+ */
+ PathLineToOperation, // L|l (x y)+ */
+ PathLineToVerticalOperation, // V|v y+ */
+ PathMoveToOperation // M|m (x y)+ */
+ );
+ PathMode = (
+ DefaultPathMode,
+ AbsolutePathMode,
+ RelativePathMode
+ );
+ DrawingWand = record
+ id: Cardinal;
+ name: array[0..MaxTextExtent] of Char;
+ { Support structures }
+ image: PImage;
+ exception: ExceptionInfo;
+ { MVG output string and housekeeping }
+ mvg: PChar; // MVG data
+ mvg_alloc, // total allocated memory
+// mvg_length: size_t; // total MVG length
+ mvg_width: Cardinal; // current line width
+ { Pattern support }
+ pattern_id: PChar;
+ pattern_bounds: RectangleInfo;
+// pattern_offset: size_t;
+ { Graphic wand }
+ index: Cardinal; // array index
+ graphic_context: PPDrawInfo;
+ filter_off: MagickBooleanType; // true if not filtering attributes
+ { Pretty-printing depth }
+ indent_depth: Cardinal; // number of left-hand pad characters
+ { Path operation support }
+ path_operation: PathOperation;
+ path_mode: PathMode;
+ destroy,
+ debug: MagickBooleanType;
+ signature: Cardinal;
+ end;
+ PDrawingWand = ^DrawingWand;
+const x = 9;
+function DrawGetTextAlignment(const wand: PDrawingWand): AlignType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetClipPath(const wand: PDrawingWand): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetException(const wand: PDrawingWand; severity: PExceptionType): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFont(const wand: PDrawingWand): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFontFamily(const wand: PDrawingWand): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetTextEncoding(const wand: PDrawingWand): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetVectorGraphics(const wand: PDrawingWand): PChar; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetClipUnits(const wand: PDrawingWand): ClipPathUnits; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetTextDecoration(const wand: PDrawingWand): DecorationType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFillAlpha(const wand: PDrawingWand): double; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFontSize(const wand: PDrawingWand): double; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeDashArray(const wand: PDrawingWand; number_elements: Cardinal): PDouble; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeDashOffset(const wand: PDrawingWand): double; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeAlpha(const wand: PDrawingWand): double; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeWidth(const wand: PDrawingWand): double; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function PeekDrawingWand(const wand: PDrawingWand): PDrawInfo; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function CloneDrawingWand(const wand: PDrawingWand): PDrawingWand; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DestroyDrawingWand(wand: PDrawingWand): PDrawingWand; cdecl; external WandExport;
+{ Sem documentação
+function DrawAllocateWand(const DrawInfo *,Image *): PDrawingWand; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function NewDrawingWand: PDrawingWand; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetClipRule(const wand: PDrawingWand): FillRule; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFillRule(const wand: PDrawingWand): FillRule; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetGravity(const wand: PDrawingWand): GravityType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeLineCap(const wand: PDrawingWand): LineCap; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeLineJoin(const wand: PDrawingWand): LineJoin; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawClearException(wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawComposite(wand: PDrawingWand; const compose: CompositeOperator;
+ const x, y, width, height: double; magick_wand: PMagickWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeAntialias(const wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetTextAntialias(const wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawPopPattern(wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawPushPattern(wand: PDrawingWand; const pattern_id: PChar;
+ const x, y, width, height: double): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawRender(wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetClipPath(wand: PDrawingWand; const clip_path: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetFillPatternURL(wand: PDrawingWand; const fill_url: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetFont(wand: PDrawingWand; const font_name: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetFontFamily(wand: PDrawingWand; const font_family: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetStrokeDashArray(wand: PDrawingWand; const number_elements: Cardinal;
+ const dash_array: Pdouble): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetStrokePatternURL(wand: PDrawingWand; const stroke_url: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawSetVectorGraphics(wand: PDrawingWand; const xml: PChar): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function IsDrawingWand(const wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function PopDrawingWand(wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function PushDrawingWand(wand: PDrawingWand): MagickBooleanType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFontStretch(const wand: PDrawingWand): StretchType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFontStyle(const wand: PDrawingWand): StyleType; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetFontWeight(const wand: PDrawingWand): Cardinal; cdecl; external WandExport;
+function DrawGetStrokeMiterLimit(const wand: PDrawingWand): Cardinal; cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure ClearDrawingWand(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawAffine(wand: PDrawingWand; const affine: PAffineMatrix); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawAnnotation(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double;
+ const text: PChar); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawArc(wand: PDrawingWand; const sx, sy, ex, ey, sd, ed: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawBezier(wand: PDrawingWand; const number_coordinates: Cardinal;
+ const coordinates: PPointInfo); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawCircle(wand: PDrawingWand; const ox, oy, px, py: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawColor(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double;
+ const paint_method: PaintMethod); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawComment(wand: PDrawingWand; const comment: PChar); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawEllipse(wand: PDrawingWand; const ox, oy, rx, ry, start, end_: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawGetFillColor(const wand: PDrawingWand; fill_color: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawGetStrokeColor(const wand: PDrawingWand; stroke_color: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawGetTextUnderColor(const wand: PDrawingWand; under_color: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawLine(wand: PDrawingWand; const sx, sy, ex, ey: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawMatte(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double;
+ const paint_method: PaintMethod); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathClose(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToRelative(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x1, y1, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x1, y1, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToSmoothAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x2, y2, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathCurveToSmoothRelative(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const x2, y2, x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathEllipticArcAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const rx, ry, x_axis_rotation: double;
+ const large_arc_flag: MagickBooleanType;
+ const sweep_flag: MagickBooleanType; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathEllipticArcRelative(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const rx, ry, x_axis_rotation: double;
+ const large_arc_flag: MagickBooleanType;
+ const sweep_flag: MagickBooleanType; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathFinish(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathLineToAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathLineToRelative(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+{procedure DrawPathLineToHorizontalAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand;
+ const mode: PathMode; const x: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathLineToHorizontalRelative(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+Contradição na declaração
+procedure DrawPathLineToVerticalAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand; const y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathLineToVerticalRelative(wand: PDrawingWand; const y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathMoveToAbsolute(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathMoveToRelative(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPathStart(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPoint(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPolygon(wand: PDrawingWand; const number_coordinates: Cardinal; const coordinates: PPointInfo
+ ); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPolyline(wand: PDrawingWand; const number_coordinates: Cardinal; const coordinates: PPointInfo
+ ); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPopClipPath(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPopDefs(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPushClipPath(wand: PDrawingWand; clip_path_id: PChar); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawPushDefs(wand: PDrawingWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawRectangle(wand: PDrawingWand; const x1, y1, x2, y2: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawRotate(wand: PDrawingWand; const degrees: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawRoundRectangle(wand: PDrawingWand; const x1, y1, x2, y2, rx, ry: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawScale(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetClipRule(wand: PDrawingWand; const fill_rule: FillRule); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetClipUnits(wand: PDrawingWand; const clip_units: ClipPathUnits); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFillColor(wand: PDrawingWand; const fill_wand: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFillAlpha(wand: PDrawingWand; const fill_opacity: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFillRule(wand: PDrawingWand; const fill_rule: FillRule); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFontSize(wand: PDrawingWand; const pointsize: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFontStretch(wand: PDrawingWand; const font_stretch: StretchType); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFontStyle(wand: PDrawingWand; const style: StyleType); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetFontWeight(wand: PDrawingWand; const font_weight: Cardinal); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetGravity(wand: PDrawingWand; const gravity: GravityType); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSkewX(wand: PDrawingWand; const degrees: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSkewY(wand: PDrawingWand; const degrees: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeAntialias(wand: PDrawingWand; const stroke_antialias: MagickBooleanType
+ ); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeColor(wand: PDrawingWand; const stroke_wand: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeDashOffset(wand: PDrawingWand; const dash_offset: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeLineCap(wand: PDrawingWand; const linecap_: LineCap); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeLineJoin(wand: PDrawingWand; const linejoin_: LineJoin); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeMiterLimit(wand: PDrawingWand; const miterlimit: Cardinal); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeAlpha(wand: PDrawingWand; const stroke_opacity: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetStrokeWidth(wand: PDrawingWand; const troke_width: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetTextAlignment(wand: PDrawingWand; const alignment: AlignType); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetTextAntialias(wand: PDrawingWand; const text_antialias: MagickBooleanType
+ ); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetTextDecoration(wand: PDrawingWand; const decoration: DecorationType); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetTextEncoding(wand: PDrawingWand; const encoding: PChar); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetTextUnderColor(wand: PDrawingWand; const under_wand: PPixelWand); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawSetViewbox(wand: PDrawingWand; x1, y1, x2, y2: Cardinal); cdecl; external WandExport;
+procedure DrawTranslate(wand: PDrawingWand; const x, y: double); cdecl; external WandExport;
+ Deprecated.
+{typedef struct _DrawingWand
+ *DrawContext;
+extern WandExport double
+ DrawGetFillOpacity(const wand: PDrawingWand),
+ DrawGetStrokeOpacity(const wand: PDrawingWand);
+extern WandExport DrawInfo
+ *DrawPeekGraphicWand(const wand: PDrawingWand);
+extern WandExport void
+ DrawPopGraphicContext(DrawingWand *),
+ DrawPushGraphicContext(DrawingWand *),
+ DrawSetFillOpacity(DrawingWand *,const double),
+ DrawSetStrokeOpacity(DrawingWand *,const double);}