path: root/packages/libndsfpc/examples/devkitPro/sound/SimpleSound/main.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/libndsfpc/examples/devkitPro/sound/SimpleSound/main.pp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/packages/libndsfpc/examples/devkitPro/sound/SimpleSound/main.pp b/packages/libndsfpc/examples/devkitPro/sound/SimpleSound/main.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ac73f6c34..0000000000
--- a/packages/libndsfpc/examples/devkitPro/sound/SimpleSound/main.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-program main;
-{$L blaster.raw.o}
-{$L saberoff.raw.o}
-{$L ion.raw.o}
-{$apptype arm9}
-{$define ARM9}
-{$mode objfpc}
- ctypes, nds9;
- blaster_raw_end: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- blaster_raw: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- blaster_raw_size: u32; cvar; external;
- ion_raw_end: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- ion_raw: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- ion_raw_size: u32; cvar; external;
- saberoff_raw_end: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- saberoff_raw: array [0..0] of u8; cvar; external;
- saberoff_raw_size: u32; cvar; external;
- blaster: TransferSoundData;
- keys: u16;
- powerON( POWER_LCD or POWER_2D_B );
- // initialise the irq dispatcher
- irqInit();
- // a vblank interrupt is needed to use swiWaitForVBlank()
- // since the dispatcher handles the flags no handler is required
- irqSet(IRQ_VBLANK, nil);
- irqEnable(IRQ_VBLANK);
- videoSetMode(0); //not using the main screen
- videoSetModeSub(MODE_0_2D or DISPLAY_BG0_ACTIVE); //sub bg 0 will be used to print text
- vramSetBankC(VRAM_C_SUB_BG);
- SUB_BG0_CR^ := BG_MAP_BASE(31);
- BG_PALETTE_SUB[255] := (RGB15(31,31,31)); //by default font will be rendered with color 255
- //consoleInit() is a lot more flexible but this gets you up and running quick
- consoleInitDefault(pu16(SCREEN_BASE_BLOCK_SUB(31)), pu16(CHAR_BASE_BLOCK_SUB(0)), 16);
- printf(#10#10 + 'Simple Sound Demo' + #10 +
- 'Press A for SaberOff' + #10 +
- ' L for ion' + #10 +
- ' R for blaster' + #10);
- // set the generic sound parameters
- setGenericSound( 11025, (* sample rate *)
- 127, (* volume *)
- 64, (* panning *)
- 1 ); (* sound format*)
- with blaster do
- begin
- data := @blaster_raw;
- len := blaster_raw_size;
- rate := 11025;
- vol := 127;
- pan := 64;
- format := 1;
- PADDING := 0;
- end;
- while true do
- begin
- swiWaitForVBlank();
- scanKeys();
- keys := keysDown();
- if ( keys and KEY_L) <> 0 then playGenericSound(@ion_raw, ion_raw_size);
- if ( keys and KEY_A) <> 0 then playGenericSound(@saberoff_raw, saberoff_raw_size);
- if ( keys and KEY_R) <> 0 then playSound(@blaster);
- end;