path: root/packages/numlib/src/roo.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/numlib/src/roo.pas')
1 files changed, 1435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/numlib/src/roo.pas b/packages/numlib/src/roo.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39da1be41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/numlib/src/roo.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+ This file is part of the Numlib package.
+ Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by
+ Kees van Ginneken, Wil Kortsmit and Loek van Reij of the
+ Computational centre of the Eindhoven University of Technology
+ FPC port Code by Marco van de Voort (
+ documentation by Michael van Canneyt (
+ Unit to find roots of (various kinds of) equations
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+Unit roo;
+uses typ, spe;
+{Find the all roots of the binomial eq. x^n=a, with "a" a complex number}
+Procedure roobin(n: ArbInt; a: complex; Var z: complex; Var term: ArbInt);
+{Find root point of f(x)=0 with f(x) a continuous function on domain [a,b]
+ If f(a)*f(b)<=0 then there must be (at least) one rootpoint}
+Procedure roof1r(f: rfunc1r; a, b, ae, re: ArbFloat; Var x: ArbFloat;
+ Var term: ArbInt);
+{Determine all zeropoints for a given n'th degree polynomal with real
+Procedure roopol(Var a: ArbFloat; n: ArbInt; Var z: complex;
+ Var k, term: ArbInt);
+{Find roots for a simple 2th degree eq x^2+px+q=0 with p and q real}
+Procedure rooqua(p, q: ArbFloat; Var z1, z2: complex);
+{Roofnr is undocumented, but verry big}
+Procedure roofnr(f: roofnrfunc; n: ArbInt; Var x, residu: ArbFloat; re: ArbFloat;
+ Var term: ArbInt);
+{ term : 1 succesful termination
+ 2 Couldn't reach the specified precision
+ Value X is the best one which could be found.
+ 3 Wrong input
+ 4 Too many functionvalues calculated, try to recalc with the
+ calculated X
+ 5 Not enough progress. Possibly there is no solution, or the
+ solution is too close to 0. Try to choose a different
+ initial startingvalue
+ 6 Process wants to calculate a function value outside the by
+ "deff" defined area.
+Procedure roobin(n: ArbInt; a: complex; Var z: complex; Var term: ArbInt);
+{ This procedure solves the binomial equation z**n = a, with a complex}
+Var i, j, k : ArbInt;
+ w, fie, dfie, r : ArbFloat;
+ pz : ^arcomp1;
+ If n<1 Then
+ Begin
+ term := 2;
+ exit
+ End;
+ term := 1;
+ pz := @z;
+ dfie := 2*pi/n;
+ k := 1;
+ If Then
+ Begin
+ If>0 Then
+ Begin
+ r := spepow(, 1/n);
+ pz^[1].Init(r, 0);
+ k := k+1;
+ i := (n-1) Div 2;
+ If Not odd(n) Then
+ Begin
+ pz^[k].Init(-r, 0);
+ k := k+1
+ End;
+ For j:=1 To i Do
+ Begin
+ w := j*dfie;
+ pz^[k].Init(r*cos(w), r*sin(w));
+ pz^[k+1] := pz^[k];
+ pz^[k+1].Conjugate;
+ k := k+2
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ fie := pi/n;
+ r := spepow(, 1/n);
+ i := n Div 2-1;
+ If odd(n) Then
+ Begin
+ pz^[k].Init(-r, 0);
+ k := k+1
+ End;
+ For j:=0 To i Do
+ Begin
+ w := fie+j*dfie;
+ pz^[k].Init(r*cos(w), r*sin(w));
+ pz^[k+1] := pz^[k];
+ pz^[k+1].Conjugate;
+ k := k+2
+ End
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If abs(>=abs( Then
+ r := spepow(abs(*sqrt(1+sqr(, 1/n)
+ Else r := spepow(abs(*sqrt(1+sqr(, 1/n);
+ fie := a.arg/n;
+ i := n Div 2;
+ For j:=0 To n-1 Do
+ Begin
+ w := fie+(j-i)*dfie;
+ pz^[j+1].Init(r*cos(w), r*sin(w))
+ End
+ End
+End {roobin};
+Procedure roof1r(f: rfunc1r; a, b, ae, re: ArbFloat; Var x: ArbFloat;
+ Var term: ArbInt);
+Var fa, fb, c, fc, m, tol, w1, w2 : ArbFloat;
+ k : ArbInt;
+ stop : boolean;
+ fa := f(a);
+ fb := f(b);
+ If (spesgn(fa)*spesgn(fb)=1) Or (ae<0) Or (re<0)
+ Then {wrong input}
+ Begin
+ term := 3;
+ exit
+ End;
+ If abs(fb)>abs(fa) Then
+ Begin
+ c := b;
+ fc := fb;
+ x := a;
+ b := a;
+ fb := fa;
+ a := c;
+ fa := fc
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ c := a;
+ fc := fa;
+ x := b
+ End;
+ k := 0;
+ tol := ae+re*spemax(abs(a), abs(b));
+ w1 := abs(b-a);
+ stop := false;
+ while (abs(b-a)>tol) and (fb<>0) and (Not stop) Do
+ Begin
+ m := (a+b)/2;
+ If (k>=2) Or (fb=fc) Then x := m
+ Else
+ Begin
+ x := (b*fc-c*fb)/(fc-fb);
+ If abs(b-x)<tol Then x := b-tol*spesgn(b-a);
+ If spesgn(x-m)=spesgn(x-b) Then x := m
+ End;
+ c := b;
+ fc := fb;
+ b := x;
+ fb := f(x);
+ If spesgn(fa)*spesgn(fb)>0 Then
+ Begin
+ a := c;
+ fa := fc;
+ k := 0
+ End
+ Else k := k+1;
+ If abs(fb)>=abs(fa) Then
+ Begin
+ c := b;
+ fc := fb;
+ x := a;
+ b := a;
+ fb := fa;
+ a := c;
+ fa := fc;
+ k := 0
+ End;
+ tol := ae+re*spemax(abs(a), abs(b));
+ w2 := abs(b-a);
+ If w2>=w1 Then
+ Begin
+ stop := true;
+ term := 2
+ End;
+ w1 := w2
+ End;
+ If Not stop Then term := 1
+End {roof1r};
+Procedure roopol(Var a: ArbFloat; n: ArbInt; Var z: complex;
+ Var k, term: ArbInt);
+Const max = 50;
+Type rnep2 = array[-2..$ffe0 div SizeOf(ArbFloat)] Of ArbFloat;
+Var rk, i, j, l, m, length, term1 : ArbInt;
+ p, q, r, s, f, df, delp, delq, delr, telp, telq, sn, sn1,
+ sn2, noise, noise1, noise2, g, absr, maxcoef, coef, d, t,
+ maxx, fac, meps : ArbFloat;
+ convergent, linear, quadratic : boolean;
+ u, v : complex;
+ pa : ^arfloat1;
+ pb, pc, ph : ^rnep2;
+ pz : ^arcomp1;
+Function gcd(n, m: ArbInt): ArbInt;
+{ This function computes the greatest common divisor of m and n}
+Var r : ArbInt;
+ r := n Mod m;
+ while r>0 Do
+ Begin
+ n := m;
+ m := r;
+ r := n Mod m
+ End;
+ gcd := m
+End {gcd};
+ If n<1 Then
+ Begin
+ term := 3;
+ exit
+ End;
+ length := (n+3)*sizeof(ArbFloat);
+ getmem(pb, length);
+ getmem(pc, length);
+ getmem(ph, length);
+ meps := macheps;
+ pa := @a;
+ pz := @z;
+ pb^[-2] := 0;
+ pb^[-1] := 0;
+ pc^[-2] := 0;
+ pc^[-1] := 0;
+ ph^[-1] := 0;
+ ph^[0] := 1;
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ ph^[i] := pa^[i];
+ k := 0;
+ while (n>0) and (ph^[n]=0) Do
+ Begin
+ k := k+1;
+ pz^[k].Init(0, 0);
+ n := n-1
+ End;
+ If n>0 Then
+ Begin
+ l := n;
+ i := 1;
+ while (l>1) and (i<n) Do
+ Begin
+ If ph^[i] <> 0 Then l := gcd(l, n-i);
+ i := i+1
+ End;
+ If l>1 Then
+ Begin
+ n := n Div l;
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ ph^[i] := ph^[l*i]
+ End
+ End;
+ convergent := true ;
+ while (n>0) and convergent Do
+ Begin
+ linear := false;
+ quadratic := false ;
+ If n=1 Then
+ Begin
+ r := -ph^[1]/ph^[0];
+ linear := true
+ End;
+ If n=2 Then
+ Begin
+ p := ph^[1]/ph^[0];
+ q := ph^[2]/ph^[0];
+ quadratic := true
+ End;
+ If n>2 Then
+ Begin
+ If (ph^[n-1]=0) Or (ph^[n-2]=0) Then
+ Begin
+ maxcoef := abs(ph^[n-1]/ph^[n]);
+ For i:=2 To n Do
+ Begin
+ coef := spepow(abs(ph^[n-i]/ph^[n]),1/i);
+ If maxcoef<coef Then maxcoef := coef
+ End;
+ maxcoef := 2*maxcoef
+ End;
+ If ph^[n-1]=0 Then r := -spesgn(ph^[0])*spesgn(ph^[n])/maxcoef
+ Else r := -ph^[n]/ph^[n-1];
+ If ph^[n-2]=0 Then
+ Begin
+ p := 0;
+ q := -1/sqr(maxcoef)
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ q := ph^[n]/ph^[n-2];
+ p := (ph^[n-1]-q*ph^[n-3])/ph^[n-2]
+ End;
+ m := 0;
+ while (m<max) and (Not linear) and (Not quadratic) Do
+ Begin
+ m := m+1;
+ For j:=0 To n Do
+ pb^[j] := ph^[j]-p*pb^[j-1]-q*pb^[j-2];
+ For j:=0 To n-2 Do
+ pc^[j] := pb^[j]-p*pc^[j-1]-q*pc^[j-2];
+ pc^[n-1] := -p*pc^[n-2]-q*pc^[n-3];
+ s := sqr(pc^[n-2])-pc^[n-1]*pc^[n-3];
+ telp := pb^[n-1]*pc^[n-2]-pb^[n]*pc^[n-3];
+ telq := pb^[n]*pc^[n-2]-pb^[n-1]*pc^[n-1];
+ If s=0 Then
+ Begin
+ delp := telp;
+ delq := telq
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ delp := telp/s;
+ delq := telq/s
+ End;
+ noise1 := 0;
+ sn1 := 0;
+ sn := 1;
+ noise2 := 4*abs(pb^[n])+3*abs(p*pb^[n-1]);
+ For j:=n-1 Downto 0 Do
+ Begin
+ g := 4*abs(pb^[j])+3*abs(p*pb^[j-1]);
+ noise1 := noise1+g*abs(sn);
+ sn2 := sn1;
+ sn1 := sn;
+ sn := -p*sn1-q*sn2;
+ noise2 := noise2+g*abs(sn)
+ End;
+ d := p*p-4*q;
+ absr := abs(r);
+ f := ph^[0];
+ df := 0;
+ noise := abs(f)/2;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ df := f+r*df;
+ f := ph^[j]+r*f;
+ noise := abs(f)+absr*noise
+ End;
+ If df=0 Then delr := f
+ Else delr := f/df;
+ If (abs(telp)<=meps*(noise1*abs(pc^[n-2])+
+ noise2*abs(pc^[n-3])))
+ And
+ (abs(telq)<=meps*(noise1* abs(pc^[n-1])+
+ noise2*abs(pc^[n-2])))
+ Then quadratic := true
+ Else
+ Begin
+ p := p+delp;
+ q := q+delq
+ End;
+ If abs(f)<=2*meps*noise Then linear := true
+ Else r := r-delr
+ End
+ End;
+ convergent := linear Or quadratic;
+ If linear Then
+ Begin
+ If l=1 Then
+ Begin
+ k := k+1;
+ pz^[k].xreal := r;
+ pz^[k].imag := 0
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ u.init(r, 0);
+ roobin(l, u, pz^[k+1], term1);
+ k := k+l
+ End;
+ maxx := 0;
+ rk := 0;
+ fac := 1;
+ For j:=n Downto 0 Do
+ Begin
+ s := abs(ph^[j]*fac);
+ fac := fac*r;
+ If s>maxx Then
+ Begin
+ maxx := s;
+ rk := j-1
+ End
+ End;
+ For j:=1 To rk Do
+ ph^[j] := ph^[j]+r*ph^[j-1];
+ If rk<n-1 Then
+ Begin
+ s := ph^[n-1];
+ ph^[n-1] := -ph^[n]/r;
+ For j:=n-2 Downto rk+1 Do
+ Begin
+ t := ph^[j];
+ ph^[j] := (ph^[j+1]-s)/r;
+ s := t
+ End
+ End;
+ n := n-1;
+ End
+ Else
+ If quadratic Then
+ Begin
+ If l=1 Then
+ Begin
+ rooqua(p,q,pz^[k+1],pz^[k+2]);
+ k := k+2
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ rooqua(p,q,u,v);
+ roobin(l,u,pz^[k+1],term1);
+ roobin(l,v,pz^[k+l+1],term1);
+ k := k+2*l
+ End;
+ n := n-2;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ ph^[j] := ph^[j]-p*ph^[j-1]-q*ph^[j-2]
+ End
+ End;
+ If k<n Then term := 2
+ Else term := 1;
+ freemem(pb, length);
+ freemem(pc, length);
+ freemem(ph, length);
+End {roopol};
+Procedure rooqua(p, q: ArbFloat; Var z1, z2: complex);
+Var s, d : ArbFloat;
+ p := -p/2;
+ d := sqr(p)-q;
+ If d<0 Then
+ Begin
+ z1.Init(p, sqrt(-d));
+ z2 := z1;
+ z2.conjugate
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If p>0 Then s := p+sqrt(d)
+ Else s := p-sqrt(d);
+ If s=0 Then
+ Begin
+ z1.Init(0, 0);
+ z2 := z1
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ z1.Init(s, 0);
+ z2.Init(q/s, 0)
+ End
+ End
+End {rooqua};
+Procedure roo001(uplo, trans, diag: char; n: ArbInt; Var ap1, x1: ArbFloat;
+ incx: ArbInt);
+ ap : arfloat1 absolute ap1;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ temp : ArbFloat;
+ info, ix, j, jx, k, kk, kx: ArbInt;
+ nounit: boolean;
+ info := 0;
+ uplo := upcase(uplo);
+ trans := upcase(trans);
+ diag := upcase(diag);
+ If n=0 Then exit;
+ nounit := diag='N';
+ If incx<=0 Then kx := 1-(n-1)*incx
+ Else kx := 1;
+ If trans='N' Then
+ Begin
+ If uplo='U' Then
+ Begin
+ kk := 1;
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ If x[jx]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := kx;
+ For k:=kk To kk+j-2 Do
+ Begin
+ x[ix] := x[ix]+temp*ap[k];
+ inc(ix, incx)
+ End;
+ If nounit Then x[jx] := x[jx]*ap[kk+j-1]
+ End;
+ inc(jx, incx);
+ inc(kk, j)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ kk := n*(n+1) Div 2;
+ inc(kx, (n-1)*incx);
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ If x[jx]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := kx;
+ For k:=kk Downto kk-(n-(j+1)) Do
+ Begin
+ x[ix] := x[ix]+temp*ap[k];
+ dec(ix, incx)
+ End;
+ If nounit Then x[jx] := x[jx]*ap[kk-n+j]
+ End;
+ dec(jx, incx);
+ dec(kk, n-j+1)
+ End
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If uplo='U' Then
+ Begin
+ kk := n*(n+1) Div 2;
+ jx := kx+(n-1)*incx;
+ For j:= n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := jx;
+ If nounit Then temp := temp*ap[kk];
+ For k:= kk-1 Downto kk-j+1 Do
+ Begin
+ dec(ix, incx);
+ temp := temp+ap[k]*x[ix]
+ End;
+ x[jx] := temp;
+ dec(jx, incx);
+ dec(kk, j)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ kk := 1;
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := jx;
+ If nounit Then temp := temp*ap[kk];
+ For k:=kk+1 To kk+n-j Do
+ Begin
+ inc(ix, incx);
+ temp := temp+ap[k]*x[ix]
+ End;
+ x[jx] := temp;
+ inc(jx, incx);
+ inc(kk, n-j+1)
+ End
+ End
+ End
+Procedure roo002(uplo, trans, diag: char; n: ArbInt;
+ Var ap1, x1: ArbFloat; incx: ArbInt );
+Var ap : arfloat1 absolute ap1;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ temp : ArbFloat;
+ info, ix, j, jx, k, kk, kx: ArbInt;
+ nounit: boolean;
+ info := 0;
+ uplo := upcase(uplo);
+ trans := upcase(trans);
+ diag := upcase(diag);
+ If n=0 Then exit;
+ nounit := diag='N';
+ If incx<=0 Then kx := 1-(n-1)*incx
+ Else kx := 1;
+ If trans='N' Then
+ Begin
+ If uplo='U' Then
+ Begin
+ kk := n*(n+1) Div 2;
+ jx := kx+(n-1)*incx;
+ For j:=n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ If x[jx]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ If nounit Then x[jx] := x[jx]/ap[kk];
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := jx;
+ For k:=kk-1 Downto kk-j+1 Do
+ Begin
+ dec(ix, incx);
+ x[ix] := x[ix]-temp*ap[k];
+ End
+ End;
+ dec(jx, incx);
+ dec(kk, j)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ kk := 1;
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ If x[jx]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ If nounit Then x[jx] := x[jx]/ap[kk];
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := jx;
+ For k:= kk+1 To kk+n-j Do
+ Begin
+ inc(ix, incx);
+ x[ix] := x[ix]-temp*ap[k]
+ End;
+ End;
+ inc(jx, incx);
+ inc(kk, n-j+1)
+ End
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If uplo='U' Then
+ Begin
+ kk := 1;
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:= 1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := kx;
+ For k:= kk To kk+j-2 Do
+ Begin
+ temp := temp-ap[k]*x[ix];
+ inc(ix, incx);
+ End;
+ If nounit Then temp := temp/ap[kk+j-1];
+ x[jx] := temp;
+ inc(jx, incx);
+ inc(kk, j)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ kk := n*(n+1) Div 2;
+ kx := kx+(n-1)*incx;
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ temp := x[jx];
+ ix := kx;
+ For k:= kk Downto kk-(n-(j+1)) Do
+ Begin
+ temp := temp-ap[k]*x[ix];
+ dec(ix, incx)
+ End;
+ If nounit Then temp := temp/ap[kk-n+j];
+ x[jx] := temp;
+ dec(jx, incx);
+ dec(kk, n-j+1)
+ End
+ End
+ End
+Procedure roo003( n: ArbInt; Var x1: ArbFloat; incx: ArbInt;
+ Var scale, sumsq: ArbFloat );
+Var absxi : ArbFloat;
+ i, ix : ArbInt;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ ix := 1;
+ If n>0 Then
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ If x[ix]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ absxi := abs(x[ix]);
+ If (scale<absxi) Then
+ Begin
+ sumsq := 1+sumsq*sqr(scale/absxi);
+ scale := absxi
+ End
+ Else sumsq := sumsq + sqr(absxi/scale)
+ End;
+ inc(ix, incx)
+ End
+Function norm2( n: ArbInt; Var x1: ArbFloat; incx: ArbInt): ArbFloat;
+Var scale, ssq : ArbFloat;
+ sqt: ArbFloat;
+ If n<1 Then norm2 := 0
+ Else
+ If n=1 Then norm2 := abs(x1)
+ Else
+ Begin
+ scale := 0;
+ ssq := 1;
+ roo003(n, x1, incx, scale, ssq );
+ sqt := sqrt( ssq );
+ If scale<(giant/sqt) Then norm2 := scale*sqt
+ Else norm2 := giant
+ End
+Procedure roo004(n: ArbInt; Var r1, diag1, qtb1: ArbFloat;
+ delta: ArbFloat; Var x1: ArbFloat);
+ r : arfloat1 absolute r1;
+ diag : arfloat1 absolute diag1;
+ qtb : arfloat1 absolute qtb1;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ wa1, wa2 : ^arfloat1;
+ alpha, bnorm, gnorm, qnorm, sgnorm, temp: ArbFloat;
+ i, j, jj, l : ArbInt;
+ getmem(wa1, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ getmem(wa2, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ jj := 1;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ wa1^[j] := r[jj];
+ If r[jj]=0 Then
+ Begin
+ temp := 0;
+ l := j;
+ For i:=1 To j-1 Do
+ Begin
+ If abs(r[l])>temp Then temp := abs(r[l]);
+ inc(l, n-i)
+ End;
+ If temp=0 Then r[jj] := macheps
+ Else r[jj] := macheps*temp
+ End;
+ inc(jj, n-j+1)
+ End;
+ move(qtb, x, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ roo002('l','t','n', n, r1, x1, 1);
+ jj := 1;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ r[jj] := wa1^[j];
+ inc(jj, n - j + 1)
+ End;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ wa2^[j] := diag[j]*x[j];
+ qnorm := norm2(n, wa2^[1], 1);
+ If qnorm>delta Then
+ Begin
+ move(qtb, wa1^, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ roo001('l','n','n', n, r1, wa1^[1], 1);
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ wa1^[i] := wa1^[i]/diag[i];
+ gnorm := norm2(n, wa1^[1], 1);
+ sgnorm := 0;
+ alpha := delta/qnorm;
+ If gnorm<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ wa1^[j] := (wa1^[j]/gnorm)/diag[j];
+ move(wa1^, wa2^, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ roo001('l','t','n',n,r1,wa2^[1],1);
+ temp := norm2(n, wa2^[1],1);
+ sgnorm := (gnorm/temp)/temp;
+ alpha := 0;
+ If sgnorm<delta Then
+ Begin
+ bnorm := norm2(n, qtb1, 1);
+ temp := (bnorm/gnorm)*(bnorm/qnorm)*(sgnorm/delta);
+ temp := temp-(delta/qnorm)*sqr(sgnorm/delta) +
+ sqrt(sqr(temp-delta/qnorm) +
+ (1-sqr(delta/qnorm))*(1-sqr(sgnorm/delta)));
+ alpha := ((delta/qnorm)*(1-sqr(sgnorm/delta)))/temp
+ End
+ End;
+ If sgnorm<delta Then temp := (1-alpha)*sgnorm
+ Else temp := (1-alpha)*delta;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ x[j] := temp*wa1^[j] + alpha*x[j]
+ End;
+ freemem(wa2, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ freemem(wa1, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+Procedure roo005(fcn: roofnrfunc; n: ArbInt; Var x1, fvec1, fjac1: ArbFloat;
+ ldfjac: ArbInt; Var iflag: ArbInt; ml, mu: ArbInt;
+ epsfcn: ArbFloat; Var wa1, wa2: arfloat1);
+Var eps, h, temp: ArbFloat;
+ i, j, k, msum: ArbInt;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ fvec : arfloat1 absolute fvec1;
+ fjac : arfloat1 absolute fjac1;
+ deff : boolean;
+ If epsfcn>macheps Then eps := sqrt(epsfcn)
+ Else eps := sqrt(macheps);
+ msum := ml+mu+1;
+ If msum>=n Then
+ Begin
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ temp := x[j];
+ h := eps*abs(temp);
+ If h=0 Then h := eps;
+ x[j] := temp+h;
+ deff := true;
+ fcn(x1, wa1[1], deff);
+ If Not deff Then iflag := -1;
+ If iflag<0 Then exit;
+ x[j] := temp;
+ For i:= 1 To n Do
+ fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac] := (wa1[i]-fvec[i])/h
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ For k:=1 To msum Do
+ Begin
+ j := k;
+ while j <= n Do
+ Begin
+ wa2[j] := x[j];
+ h := eps*abs(wa2[j]);
+ If h=0 Then h := eps;
+ x[j] := wa2[j]+h;
+ inc(j, msum)
+ End;
+ deff := true;
+ fcn(x1, wa1[1], deff);
+ If Not deff Then iflag := -1;
+ If iflag<0 Then exit;
+ j := k;
+ while j<= n Do
+ Begin
+ x[j] := wa2[j];
+ h := eps*abs(wa2[j]);
+ If h=0 Then h := eps;
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac] := 0;
+ If (i>=(j-mu)) And (i<=(j+ml))
+ Then fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac] := (wa1[i]-fvec[i])/h
+ End;
+ inc(j, msum)
+ End
+ End
+ End
+Procedure roo006(trans: char; m, n: ArbInt; alpha: ArbFloat; Var a1: ArbFloat;
+ lda: ArbInt; Var x1: ArbFloat; incx : ArbInt; beta: ArbFloat;
+ Var y1: ArbFloat; incy : ArbInt);
+Var temp : ArbFloat;
+ i, info, ix, iy, j, jx, jy, kx, ky, lenx, leny: ArbInt;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ y : arfloat1 absolute y1;
+ a : arfloat1 absolute a1;
+ info := 0;
+ trans := upcase(trans);
+ If (m=0) Or (n=0) Or ((alpha=0) And (beta=1)) Then exit;
+ If trans='N' Then
+ Begin
+ lenx := n;
+ leny := m
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ lenx := m;
+ leny := n
+ End;
+ If incx>0 Then kx := 1
+ Else kx := 1-(lenx-1)*incx;
+ If incy>0 Then ky := 1
+ Else ky := 1-(leny-1)*incy;
+ If (beta<>1) Then
+ Begin
+ iy := ky;
+ If beta=0 Then
+ For i:=1 To leny Do
+ Begin
+ y[iy] := 0;
+ inc(iy, incy)
+ End
+ Else
+ For i:=1 To leny Do
+ Begin
+ y[iy] := beta*y[iy];
+ inc(iy, incy)
+ End;
+ End;
+ If alpha=0 Then exit;
+ If trans='N' Then
+ Begin
+ jx := kx;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ If x[jx]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ temp := alpha*x[jx];
+ iy := ky;
+ For i:=1 To m Do
+ Begin
+ y[iy] := y[iy]+temp*a[j+(i-1)*lda];
+ inc(iy, incy)
+ End
+ End;
+ inc(jx, incx)
+ End
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ jy := ky;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ temp := 0;
+ ix := kx;
+ For i:=1 To m Do
+ Begin
+ temp := temp+a[j+(i-1)*lda]*x[ix];
+ inc(ix, incx)
+ End;
+ y[jy] := y[jy]+alpha*temp;
+ inc(jy, incy)
+ End
+ End
+Procedure roo007(m, n: ArbInt; alpha: ArbFloat; Var x1: ArbFloat; incx: ArbInt;
+ Var y1: ArbFloat; incy: ArbInt; Var a1: ArbFloat; lda: ArbInt);
+Var temp: ArbFloat;
+ i, info, ix, j, jy, kx: ArbInt;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ y : arfloat1 absolute y1;
+ a : arfloat1 absolute a1;
+ info := 0;
+ If (m=0) Or (n=0) Or (alpha=0) Then exit;
+ If incy>0 Then jy := 1
+ Else jy := 1-(n-1)*incy;
+ If incx>0 Then kx := 1
+ Else kx := 1-(m-1)*incx;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ If y[jy]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ temp := alpha*y[jy];
+ ix := kx;
+ For i:=1 To m Do
+ Begin
+ a[j +(i-1)*lda] := a[j + (i-1)*lda] + x[ix]*temp;
+ inc(ix, incx)
+ End
+ End;
+ inc(jy, incy)
+ End
+Procedure roo008(n: ArbInt; Var q1: ArbFloat; ldq: ArbInt; Var wa: arfloat1);
+Var q: arfloat1 absolute q1;
+ i, j, k: ArbInt;
+ For j:=2 To n Do
+ For i:=1 To j-1 Do
+ q[j+(i-1)*ldq] := 0;
+ For k:=n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ If (q[k+(k-1)*ldq]<>0) And (k<>n) Then
+ Begin
+ roo006('t', n-k+1, n-k, 1, q[k+1+(k-1)*ldq], ldq,
+ q[k +(k-1)*ldq], ldq, 0, wa[k+1], 1);
+ roo007(n-k+1, n-k, -1/q[k+(k-1)*ldq], q[k+(k-1)*ldq], ldq,
+ wa[k+1], 1, q[k+1+(k-1)*ldq], ldq)
+ End;
+ For i:=k + 1 To n Do
+ q[k+(i-1)*ldq] := -q[k+(i-1)*ldq];
+ q[k+(k-1)*ldq] := 1-q[k+(k-1)*ldq]
+ End;
+Procedure roo009(n: ArbInt; Var a1: ArbFloat; lda: ArbInt;
+ Var rdiag1, acnorm1: ArbFloat);
+Var a : arfloat1 absolute a1;
+ rdiag : arfloat1 absolute rdiag1;
+ acnorm : arfloat1 absolute acnorm1;
+ ajnorm : ArbFloat;
+ i, j : ArbInt;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ acnorm[j] := norm2(n, a[j], lda);
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ ajnorm := norm2(n-j+1, a[j+(j-1)*lda], lda);
+ If ajnorm<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ If a[j+(j-1)*lda]<0 Then ajnorm := -ajnorm;
+ For i:=j To n Do
+ a[j+(i-1)*lda] := a[j+(i-1)*lda]/ajnorm;
+ a[j+(j-1)*lda] := a[j+(j-1)*lda]+1;
+ If j<>n Then
+ Begin
+ roo006('t', n-j+1, n-j, 1, a[j+1+(j-1)*lda], lda,
+ a[j+(j-1)*lda], lda, 0, rdiag[j+1], 1);
+ roo007(n-j+1, n-j, -1/a[j+(j-1)*lda], a[j+(j-1)*lda], lda,
+ rdiag[j+1], 1, a[j+1+(j-1)*lda], lda)
+ End
+ End;
+ rdiag[j] := -ajnorm
+ End
+Procedure roo010(n: ArbInt; Var x1: ArbFloat; incx: ArbInt;
+ Var y1: ArbFloat; incy: ArbInt; c, s:ArbFloat );
+Var temp1: ArbFloat;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ y : arfloat1 absolute y1;
+ i, ix, iy: ArbInt;
+ If incy>=0 Then iy := 1
+ Else iy := 1-(n-1)*incy;
+ If incx>=0 Then ix := 1
+ Else ix := 1-(n-1)*incx;
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ temp1 := x[ix];
+ x[ix] := s*y[iy]+c*temp1;
+ y[iy] := c*y[iy]-s*temp1;
+ inc(ix, incx);
+ inc(iy, incy)
+ End
+Procedure roo011(m, n: ArbInt; Var a1: ArbFloat; lda: ArbInt; Var v1, w1: ArbFloat);
+Var a: arfloat1 absolute a1;
+ v: arfloat1 absolute v1;
+ w: arfloat1 absolute w1;
+ sine, cosine: ArbFloat;
+ j, nm1, nmj: ArbInt;
+ nm1 := n-1;
+ For nmj:=1 To nm1 Do
+ Begin
+ j := n-nmj;
+ If (abs(v[j])>1) Then
+ Begin
+ cosine := 1/v[j];
+ sine := sqrt(1-sqr(cosine))
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ sine := v[j];
+ cosine := sqrt(1-sqr(sine))
+ End;
+ roo010(m, a[n], lda, a[j], lda, cosine, sine)
+ End;
+ For j:=1 To nm1 Do
+ Begin
+ If (abs(w[j])>1) Then
+ Begin
+ cosine := 1/w[j];
+ sine := sqrt(1-sqr(cosine))
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ sine := w[j];
+ cosine := sqrt(1-sqr(sine))
+ End;
+ roo010(m, a[j], lda, a[n], lda, cosine, sine)
+ End
+Procedure roo012(m, n: ArbInt; Var s1: ArbFloat; ls: ArbInt;
+ Var u1, v1, w1: ArbFloat; Var sing: boolean);
+Const one = 1.0;
+ p5 = 0.5;
+ p25 = 0.25;
+ zero = 0.0;
+Var cosine, cotan, sine, tangnt, tau: ArbFloat;
+ i, j, jj, nm1, nmj: ArbInt;
+ s : arfloat1 absolute s1;
+ u : arfloat1 absolute u1;
+ v : arfloat1 absolute v1;
+ w : arfloat1 absolute w1;
+ jj := (n*(2*m-n+1)) Div 2 - (m-n);
+ If m>=n Then move(s[jj], w[n], (m-n+1)*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ nm1 := n-1;
+ For nmj:=1 To nm1 Do
+ Begin
+ j := n-nmj;
+ jj := jj-(m-j+1);
+ w[j] := zero;
+ If (v[j]<>zero) Then
+ Begin
+ If (abs(v[n])<abs(v[j])) Then
+ Begin
+ cotan := v[n]/v[j];
+ sine := p5/sqrt(p25+p25*sqr(cotan));
+ cosine := sine*cotan;
+ If (abs(cosine)*giant)>one
+ Then tau := one/cosine
+ Else tau := one
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ tangnt := v[j]/v[n];
+ cosine := p5/sqrt(p25+p25*sqr(tangnt));
+ sine := cosine*tangnt;
+ tau := sine;
+ End;
+ v[n] := sine*v[j]+cosine*v[n];
+ v[j] := tau;
+ roo010(m-j+1, w[j], 1, s[jj], 1, cosine, sine)
+ End
+ End;
+ For i:=1 To m Do
+ w[i] := w[i]+v[n]*u[i];
+ sing := false;
+ For j:=1 To nm1 Do
+ Begin
+ If w[j]<>zero Then
+ Begin
+ If abs(s[jj])<abs(w[j]) Then
+ Begin
+ cotan := s[jj]/w[j];
+ sine := p5/sqrt(p25+p25*sqr(cotan));
+ cosine := sine*cotan;
+ If (abs(cosine)*giant)>one Then tau := one/cosine
+ Else tau := one
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ tangnt := w[j]/s[jj];
+ cosine := p5/sqrt(p25+p25*sqr(tangnt));
+ sine := cosine*tangnt;
+ tau := sine
+ End;
+ roo010(m-j+1, s[jj], 1, w[j], 1, cosine, sine);
+ w[j] := tau
+ End;
+ If (s[jj]=zero) Then sing := true;
+ inc(jj, m-j+1)
+ End;
+ If m>=n Then move(w[n], s[jj], (m-n+1)*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ If s[jj]=zero Then sing := true
+Procedure roo013(fcn: roofnrfunc; n: ArbInt; Var x1, fvec1: ArbFloat;
+ xtol: ArbFloat; maxfev, ml, mu: ArbInt; epsfcn: ArbFloat;
+ Var diag1: ArbFloat; factor: ArbFloat; Var info: ArbInt;
+ Var fjac1: ArbFloat; ldfjac: ArbInt;
+ Var r1: ArbFloat; lr: ArbInt; Var qtf1: ArbFloat);
+Const p1 = 0.1;
+ p5 = 0.5;
+ p001 = 0.001;
+ p0001 = 0.0001;
+Var diag : arfloat1 absolute diag1;
+ fjac : arfloat1 absolute fjac1;
+ fvec : arfloat1 absolute fvec1;
+ qtf : arfloat1 absolute qtf1;
+ r : arfloat1 absolute r1;
+ wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4: ^arfloat1;
+ x : arfloat1 absolute x1;
+ actred, delta, fnorm, fnorm1, pnorm,
+ prered, ratio, sum, temp, xnorm : ArbFloat;
+ i, iflag, iter, j, jm1, l, msum, ncfail, ncsuc, nfev,
+ nslow1, nslow2, ns : ArbInt;
+ jeval, sing, deff: boolean;
+ info := 1;
+ iflag := 0;
+ nfev := 0;
+ ns := n*sizeof(ArbFloat);
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ If diag[j]<=0 Then exit;
+ iflag := 1;
+ deff := true;
+ fcn(x1, fvec1, deff);
+ If Not deff Then iflag := -1;
+ nfev := 1;
+ If iflag<0 Then
+ Begin
+ info := iflag;
+ exit
+ End;
+ fnorm := norm2(n, fvec1, 1);
+ msum := ml+mu+1;
+ If msum>n Then msum := n;
+ getmem(wa1, ns);
+ getmem(wa2, ns);
+ getmem(wa3, ns);
+ getmem(wa4, ns);
+ iter := 1;
+ ncsuc := 0;
+ ncfail := 0;
+ nslow1 := 0;
+ nslow2 := 0;
+ while (info=1) and (iflag>=0) Do
+ Begin
+ jeval := true;
+ iflag := 2;
+ roo005(fcn, n, x1, fvec1, fjac1, ldfjac, iflag, ml, mu, epsfcn,
+ wa1^, wa2^);
+ inc(nfev, msum);
+ If iflag>=0 Then
+ Begin
+ roo009(n, fjac1, ldfjac, wa1^[1], wa2^[1]);
+ If iter=1 Then
+ Begin
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ wa3^[j] := diag[j]*x[j];
+ xnorm := norm2(n, wa3^[1], 1);
+ delta := factor*xnorm;
+ If delta=0 Then delta := factor;
+ End;
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ qtf[i] := fvec[i];
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ If fjac[j+(j-1)*ldfjac]<>0 Then
+ Begin
+ sum := 0;
+ For i:=j To n Do
+ sum := sum+fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac]*qtf[i];
+ temp := -sum/fjac[j+(j-1)*ldfjac];
+ For i:=j To n Do
+ qtf[i] := qtf[i]+fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac]*temp
+ End;
+ sing := false;
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ l := j;
+ jm1 := j-1;
+ For i:=1 To jm1 Do
+ Begin
+ r[l] := fjac[j+(i-1)*ldfjac];
+ inc(l, n-i)
+ End;
+ r[l] := wa1^[j];
+ If wa1^[j]=0 Then sing := true
+ End;
+ roo008(n, fjac1, ldfjac, wa1^);
+ Repeat
+ roo004(n, r1, diag1, qtf1, delta, wa1^[1]);
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ wa1^[j] := -wa1^[j];
+ wa2^[j] := x[j]+wa1^[j];
+ wa3^[j] := diag[j]*wa1^[j]
+ End;
+ pnorm := norm2(n, wa3^[1], 1);
+ If iter=1 Then If pnorm<delta Then delta := pnorm;
+ iflag := 1;
+ deff := true;
+ fcn(wa2^[1], wa4^[1], deff);
+ If Not deff Then iflag := -1;
+ inc(nfev);
+ If iflag>0 Then
+ Begin
+ fnorm1 := norm2(n, wa4^[1], 1);
+ If fnorm1<fnorm Then actred := 1-sqr(fnorm1/fnorm)
+ Else actred := -1;
+ move(wa1^, wa3^, n*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ roo001('l','t','n', n, r1, wa3^[1], 1);
+ For i:=1 To n Do
+ wa3^[i] := wa3^[i] + qtf[i];
+ temp := norm2(n, wa3^[1], 1);
+ If temp<fnorm
+ Then prered := 1 - sqr(temp/fnorm)
+ Else prered := 1;
+ If prered>0 Then ratio := actred/prered
+ Else ratio := 0;
+ If ratio<p1 Then
+ Begin
+ ncsuc := 0;
+ inc(ncfail);
+ delta := p5*delta
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ ncfail := 0;
+ inc(ncsuc);
+ If (ratio>=p5) Or (ncsuc>1)
+ Then If delta<pnorm/p5 Then delta := pnorm/p5;
+ If abs(ratio-1)<=p1 Then delta := pnorm/p5
+ End;
+ If ratio>=p0001 Then
+ Begin
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ x[j] := wa2^[j];
+ wa2^[j] := diag[j]*x[j];
+ fvec[j] := wa4^[j]
+ End;
+ xnorm := norm2(n, wa2^[1], 1);
+ fnorm := fnorm1;
+ inc(iter)
+ End;
+ inc(nslow1);
+ If actred>=p001 Then nslow1 := 0;
+ If jeval Then inc(nslow2);
+ If actred>=p1 Then nslow2 := 0;
+ If (delta<=xtol*xnorm) Or
+ (fnorm=0) Or (pnorm=0) Then info := 0
+ Else If nfev>=maxfev Then info := 2
+ Else If delta<=macheps*xnorm Then info := 3
+ Else If nslow2=5 Then info := 4
+ Else If nslow1=10 Then info := 5;
+ If (info=1) And (ncfail<>2) Then
+ Begin
+ roo006('t', n, n, 1, fjac1, ldfjac, wa4^[1], 1, 0,
+ wa2^[1], 1);
+ If ratio>=p0001 Then move(wa2^, qtf, ns);
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ wa2^[j] := (wa2^[j]-wa3^[j])/pnorm;
+ wa1^[j] := diag[j]*((diag[j]*wa1^[j])/pnorm)
+ End;
+ roo012(n, n, r1, lr, wa1^[1], wa2^[1], wa3^[1], sing);
+ roo011(n, n, fjac1, ldfjac, wa2^[1], wa3^[1]);
+ roo011(1, n, qtf1, 1, wa2^[1], wa3^[1]);
+ jeval := false
+ End
+ End
+ Until (iflag<0) Or (ncfail=2) Or (info<>1)
+ End
+ End;
+ freemem(wa4, ns);
+ freemem(wa3, ns);
+ freemem(wa2, ns);
+ freemem(wa1, ns);
+ If iflag<0 Then info := iflag;
+Procedure roofnr(f: roofnrfunc; n: ArbInt; Var x, residu: ArbFloat; re: ArbFloat;
+ Var term: ArbInt);
+Var j, lr, ns : ArbInt;
+ wa1, wa2, wa3, wa4, fx : ^arfloat1;
+ ns := n*sizeof(ArbFloat);
+ If n<=0 Then term := 3
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If re<0 Then term := 3
+ Else
+ Begin
+ lr := (n*(n+1)) Div 2;
+ getmem(wa1, ns);
+ getmem(wa2, ns);
+ getmem(wa3, lr*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ getmem(wa4, n*ns);
+ getmem(fx, ns);
+ For j:=1 To n Do
+ wa1^[j] := 1;
+ roo013(f, n, x, fx^[1], re, 200*(n+1), n-1, n-1, 0, wa1^[1],
+ 100.0, term, wa4^[1], n, wa3^[1], lr, wa2^[1]);
+ residu := Norm2(n, fx^[1], 1);
+ freemem(fx, ns);
+ freemem(wa4, n*ns);
+ freemem(wa3, lr*sizeof(ArbFloat));
+ freemem(wa2, ns);
+ freemem(wa1, ns);
+ If term<0 Then term := 6
+ Else
+ Case term Of
+ 0: term := 1;
+ 2: term := 4;
+ 3: term := 2;
+ 4, 5: term := 5;
+ End
+ End
+ End