path: root/packages/pasjpeg/examples/rdswitch.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/pasjpeg/examples/rdswitch.pas')
1 files changed, 523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/pasjpeg/examples/rdswitch.pas b/packages/pasjpeg/examples/rdswitch.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13c2a47a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/pasjpeg/examples/rdswitch.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+Unit RdSwitch;
+{ This file contains routines to process some of cjpeg's more complicated
+ command-line switches. Switches processed here are:
+ -qtables file Read quantization tables from text file
+ -scans file Read scan script from text file
+ -qslots N[,N,...] Set component quantization table selectors
+ -sample HxV[,HxV,...] Set component sampling factors }
+{ Original: rdswitch.c ; Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane. }
+ cdjpeg, { Common decls for cjpeg/djpeg applications }
+ {ctype,} { to declare isdigit(), isspace() }
+ jinclude,
+ jmorecfg,
+ jcparam,
+ jpeglib;
+function set_quant_slots (cinfo : j_compress_ptr; argtxt : string) : boolean;
+{ Process a quantization-table-selectors parameter string, of the form
+ N[,N,...]
+ If there are more components than parameters, the last value is re0licated.
+ }
+function set_sample_factors (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ argtxt : string) : boolean;
+{ Process a sample-factors parameter string, of the form
+ HxV[,HxV,...]
+ If there are more components than parameters, "1x1" is assumed for the rest.
+ }
+function read_quant_tables (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ const filename : string;
+ scale_factor : int;
+ force_baseline : boolean) : boolean;
+{ Read a set of quantization tables from the specified file.
+ The file is plain ASCII text: decimal numbers with whitespace between.
+ Comments preceded by '#' may be included in the file.
+ There may be one to NUM_QUANT_TBLS tables in the file, each of 64 values.
+ The tables are implicitly numbered 0,1,etc.
+ NOTE: does not affect the qslots mapping, which will default to selecting
+ table 0 for luminance (or primary) components, 1 for chrominance components.
+ You must use -qslots if you want a different component->table mapping. }
+function read_scan_script (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ const filename : string) : boolean;
+{ Read a scan script from the specified text file.
+ Each entry in the file defines one scan to be emitted.
+ Entries are separated by semicolons ';'.
+ An entry contains one to four component indexes,
+ optionally followed by a colon ':' and four progressive-JPEG parameters.
+ The component indexes denote which component(s) are to be transmitted
+ in the current scan. The first component has index 0.
+ Sequential JPEG is used if the progressive-JPEG parameters are omitted.
+ The file is free format text: any whitespace may appear between numbers
+ and the ':' and ';' punctuation marks. Also, other punctuation (such
+ as commas or dashes) can be placed between numbers if desired.
+ Comments preceded by '#' may be included in the file.
+ Note: we do very little validity checking here;
+ jcmaster.c will validate the script parameters. }
+ fcache;
+ BLANK = ' ';
+ TAB = ^I; { #9 }
+ CR = #13; { ^M }
+ LF = #10; { }
+function text_getc (var fc : Cache) : char;
+{ Read next char, skipping over any comments (# to end of line) }
+{ A comment/newline sequence is returned as a newline }
+ ch : char; {register }
+ ch := char(fc_GetC(fc));
+ if (ch = '#') then
+ repeat
+ ch := char(fc_GetC(fc));
+ Until (ch = #13) or (ch = EOF);
+ text_getc := ch;
+function read_text_integer (var f : Cache;
+ var outval : long;
+ var termchar : char) : boolean;
+{ Read an unsigned decimal integer from a file, store it in outval }
+{ Reads one trailing character after the integer; returns it in termchar }
+ {register} ch : char;
+ {register} val : long;
+ { Skip any leading whitespace, detect EOF }
+ repeat
+ ch := text_getc(f);
+ if (ch = EOF) then
+ begin
+ termchar := EOF;
+ read_text_integer := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Until (ch <> BLANK) and (ch <> TAB) and (ch <> CR) and (ch <> LF);
+ if not (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
+ begin
+ termchar := ch;
+ read_text_integer := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ val := ord(ch) - ord('0');
+ repeat
+ ch := text_getc(f);
+ if (ch <> EOF) then
+ begin
+ if not (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
+ break;
+ val := val * 10;
+ Inc(val, ord(ch) - ord('0'));
+ end;
+ until ch = EOF;
+ outval := val;
+ termchar := ch;
+ read_text_integer := TRUE;
+function read_quant_tables (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ const filename : string;
+ scale_factor : int;
+ force_baseline : boolean) : boolean;
+{ Read a set of quantization tables from the specified file.
+ The file is plain ASCII text: decimal numbers with whitespace between.
+ Comments preceded by '#' may be included in the file.
+ There may be one to NUM_QUANT_TBLS tables in the file, each of 64 values.
+ The tables are implicitly numbered 0,1,etc.
+ NOTE: does not affect the qslots mapping, which will default to selecting
+ table 0 for luminance (or primary) components, 1 for chrominance components.
+ You must use -qslots if you want a different component->table mapping. }
+ f : file;
+ fp : Cache;
+ tblno, i : int;
+ termchar : char;
+ val : long;
+ table : array[0..DCTSIZE2-1] of uInt;
+ Assign(f, filename);
+ {$I-}
+ Reset(f, 1);
+ {$IFDEF IoCheck} {$I+} {$ENDIF}
+ if (IOresult <> 0) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Can''t open table file ', filename);
+ read_quant_tables := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fc_Init(fp, f, 0);
+ tblno := 0;
+ while (read_text_integer(fp, val, termchar)) do
+ begin { read 1st element of table }
+ if (tblno >= NUM_QUANT_TBLS) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Too many tables in file ', filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_quant_tables := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ table[0] := uInt (val);
+ for i := 1 to pred(DCTSIZE2) do
+ begin
+ if (not read_text_integer(fp, val, termchar)) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Invalid table data in file ', filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_quant_tables := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ table[i] := uInt (val);
+ end;
+ jpeg_add_quant_table(cinfo, tblno, table, scale_factor, force_baseline);
+ Inc(tblno);
+ end;
+ if (termchar <> EOF) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Non-numeric data in file ', filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_quant_tables := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_quant_tables := TRUE;
+function read_scan_integer (var f : cache;
+ var outval : long;
+ var termchar : char) : boolean;
+{ Variant of read_text_integer that always looks for a non-space termchar;
+ this simplifies parsing of punctuation in scan scripts. }
+ ch : char; { register }
+ if not read_text_integer(f, outval, termchar) then
+ begin
+ read_scan_integer := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ch := termchar;
+ while (ch <> EOF) and (ch in [BLANK, TAB]) do
+ ch := text_getc(f);
+ if (ch in ['0'..'9']) then
+ begin { oops, put it back }
+ if fc_ungetc(f, ch) = Byte(EOF) then
+ begin
+ read_scan_integer := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ch := BLANK;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Any separators other than ';' and ':' are ignored;
+ this allows user to insert commas, etc, if desired. }
+ if (ch <> EOF) and (ch <> ';') and (ch <> ':') then
+ ch := BLANK;
+ end;
+ termchar := ch;
+ read_scan_integer := TRUE;
+function read_scan_script (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ const filename : string) : boolean;
+{ Read a scan script from the specified text file.
+ Each entry in the file defines one scan to be emitted.
+ Entries are separated by semicolons ';'.
+ An entry contains one to four component indexes,
+ optionally followed by a colon ':' and four progressive-JPEG parameters.
+ The component indexes denote which component(s) are to be transmitted
+ in the current scan. The first component has index 0.
+ Sequential JPEG is used if the progressive-JPEG parameters are omitted.
+ The file is free format text: any whitespace may appear between numbers
+ and the ':' and ';' punctuation marks. Also, other punctuation (such
+ as commas or dashes) can be placed between numbers if desired.
+ Comments preceded by '#' may be included in the file.
+ Note: we do very little validity checking here;
+ jcmaster.c will validate the script parameters. }
+ bogus;
+ f : file;
+ fp : Cache;
+ scanno, ncomps : int;
+ termchar : char;
+ val : long;
+ scanptr : jpeg_scan_info_ptr;
+ MAX_SCANS = 100; { quite arbitrary limit }
+ scans : array[0..MAX_SCANS-1] of jpeg_scan_info;
+ Assign(f,filename);
+ {$I-}
+ Reset(f, 1);
+ {$IFDEF IoCheck} {$I+} {$ENDIF}
+ if (IOresult <> 0) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn('Can''t open scan definition file ', filename);
+ read_scan_script := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fc_Init(fp, f, 0);
+ scanptr := @scans[0];
+ scanno := 0;
+ while (read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) do
+ begin
+ if (scanno >= MAX_SCANS) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Too many scans defined in file ', filename);
+ fc_Close(fp);
+ read_scan_script := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ scanptr^.component_index[0] := int(val);
+ ncomps := 1;
+ while (termchar = BLANK) do
+ begin
+ if (ncomps >= MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Too many components in one scan in file ',
+ filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_scan_script := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (not read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) then
+ goto bogus;
+ scanptr^.component_index[ncomps] := int (val);
+ Inc(ncomps);
+ end;
+ scanptr^.comps_in_scan := ncomps;
+ if (termchar = ':') then
+ begin
+ if (not read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) or (termchar <> BLANK) then
+ goto bogus;
+ scanptr^.Ss := int (val);
+ if (not read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) or (termchar <> BLANK) then
+ goto bogus;
+ scanptr^.Se := int (val);
+ if (not read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) or (termchar <> BLANK) then
+ goto bogus;
+ scanptr^.Ah := int (val);
+ if (not read_scan_integer(fp, val, termchar)) then
+ goto bogus;
+ scanptr^.Al := int (val);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { set non-progressive parameters }
+ scanptr^.Ss := 0;
+ scanptr^.Se := DCTSIZE2-1;
+ scanptr^.Ah := 0;
+ scanptr^.Al := 0;
+ end;
+ if (termchar <> ';') and (termchar <> EOF) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Invalid scan entry format in file ', filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_scan_script := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Inc(scanptr);
+ Inc(scanno);
+ end;
+ if (termchar <> EOF) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'Non-numeric data in file ', filename);
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_scan_script := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (scanno > 0) then
+ begin
+ { Stash completed scan list in cinfo structure.
+ NOTE: for cjpeg's use, JPOOL_IMAGE is the right lifetime for this data,
+ but if you want to compress multiple images you'd want JPOOL_PERMANENT. }
+ scanptr := jpeg_scan_info_ptr (
+ cinfo^.mem^.alloc_small ( j_common_ptr(cinfo), JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ scanno * SIZEOF(jpeg_scan_info)) );
+ MEMCOPY(scanptr, @scans, scanno * SIZEOF(jpeg_scan_info));
+ cinfo^.scan_info := scanptr;
+ cinfo^.num_scans := scanno;
+ end;
+ fc_close(fp);
+ read_scan_script := TRUE;
+function sscanf(var lineptr : PChar;
+ var val : int;
+ var ch : char) : boolean;
+ digits : int;
+ digits := 0;
+ while (lineptr^=BLANK) do { advance to next segment of the string }
+ Inc(lineptr);
+ val := 0;
+ while lineptr^ in ['0'..'9'] do
+ begin
+ val := val * 10 + (ord(lineptr^) - ord('0'));
+ Inc(lineptr);
+ Inc(digits);
+ end;
+ if lineptr^<>#0 then
+ begin
+ ch := lineptr^;
+ Inc(lineptr);
+ end;
+ sscanf := (digits > 0);
+function set_quant_slots (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ argtxt : string) : boolean;
+{ Process a quantization-table-selectors parameter string, of the form
+ N[,N,...]
+ If there are more components than parameters, the last value is replicated.
+ }
+ val : int; { default table # }
+ ci : int;
+ ch : char;
+ arg_copy : string;
+ arg : PChar;
+ arg_copy := argtxt + #0;
+ if arg_copy[Length(arg_copy)] <> #0 then
+ arg_copy[Length(arg_copy)] := #0;
+ arg := @arg_copy[1];
+ val := 0;
+ for ci := 0 to pred(MAX_COMPONENTS) do
+ begin
+ if (arg^ <> #0) then
+ begin
+ ch := ','; { if not set by sscanf, will be ',' }
+ if not sscanf(arg, val, ch) then
+ begin
+ set_quant_slots := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (ch <> ',') then { syntax check }
+ begin
+ set_quant_slots := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (val < 0) or (val >= NUM_QUANT_TBLS) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'JPEG quantization tables are numbered 0..',
+ set_quant_slots := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].quant_tbl_no := val;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { reached end of parameter, set remaining components to last table }
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].quant_tbl_no := val;
+ end;
+ end;
+ set_quant_slots := TRUE;
+function set_sample_factors (cinfo : j_compress_ptr;
+ argtxt : string) : boolean;
+{ Process a sample-factors parameter string, of the form
+ HxV[,HxV,...]
+ If there are more components than parameters, "1x1" is assumed for the rest.
+ }
+ ci, val1, val2 : int;
+ ch1, ch2 : char;
+ arg_copy : string;
+ arg : PChar;
+ arg_copy := argtxt + #0;
+ if arg_copy[Length(arg_copy)] <> #0 then
+ arg_copy[Length(arg_copy)] := #0;
+ arg := @arg_copy[1];
+ for ci := 0 to pred(MAX_COMPONENTS) do
+ begin
+ if (arg^ <> #0) then
+ begin
+ ch2 := ','; { if not set by sscanf, will be ',' }
+ if not (sscanf(arg, val1, ch1) and
+ sscanf(arg, val2, ch2)) then
+ begin
+ set_sample_factors := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if ((ch1 <> 'x') and (ch1 <> 'X')) or (ch2 <> ',') then { syntax check }
+ begin
+ set_sample_factors := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (val1 <= 0) or (val1 > 4) or (val2 <= 0) or (val2 > 4) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn(output, 'JPEG sampling factors must be 1..4');
+ set_sample_factors := FALSE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].h_samp_factor := val1;
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].v_samp_factor := val2;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { reached end of parameter, set remaining components to 1x1 sampling }
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].h_samp_factor := 1;
+ cinfo^.comp_info^[ci].v_samp_factor := 1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ set_sample_factors := TRUE;