path: root/packages/svgalib/src/svgalib.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/svgalib/src/svgalib.pp')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/svgalib/src/svgalib.pp b/packages/svgalib/src/svgalib.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddb1ba70a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/svgalib/src/svgalib.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+unit SVGALib;
+ VGAlib version 1.2 - (c) 1993 Tommy Frandsen
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it without any restrictions. This library is distributed
+ in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty.
+ Extended for svgalib by Harm Hanemaayer and Hartmut Schirmer
+ ************************************************************************
+ Original conversion to FPK-Pascal done by Balazs Scheidler (
+ 08/29/1997
+ Modified by Matthias K"oppe <>, 21-Sep-1997
+ The compiler (FPK 0.9.1) seems to have a problem with external procedures
+ having void argument list (wrong number of arguments is taken from stack.)
+ Therefore, I added dummy arguments to all these procedures. Moreover, I
+ added `vgagl' support.
+ Modified by Michael Van Canneyt ( to
+ support version 0.99.5 of the compiler. (March 1998) Removed the void replacements.
+ Added makefile and 2 testprograms. Tested with svgalib 1.2.12.
+ ************************************************************************}
+{ As of version 0.99.0, you can specify libs to link to in the source file }
+{ Make sure you have those libs. MVC }
+{$linklib vga}
+{$linklib vgagl}
+{$linklib c}
+ GTEXT = 0; { Compatible with VGAlib v1.2 }
+ G320x200x16 = 1;
+ G640x200x16 = 2;
+ G640x350x16 = 3;
+ G640x480x16 = 4;
+ G320x200x256 = 5;
+ G320x240x256 = 6;
+ G320x400x256 = 7;
+ G360x480x256 = 8;
+ G640x480x2 = 9;
+ G640x480x256 = 10;
+ G800x600x256 = 11;
+ G1024x768x256 = 12;
+ G1280x1024x256 = 13; { Additional modes. }
+ G320x200x32K = 14;
+ G320x200x64K = 15;
+ G320x200x16M = 16;
+ G640x480x32K = 17;
+ G640x480x64K = 18;
+ G640x480x16M = 19;
+ G800x600x32K = 20;
+ G800x600x64K = 21;
+ G800x600x16M = 22;
+ G1024x768x32K = 23;
+ G1024x768x64K = 24;
+ G1024x768x16M = 25;
+ G1280x1024x32K = 26;
+ G1280x1024x64K = 27;
+ G1280x1024x16M = 28;
+ G800x600x16 = 29;
+ G1024x768x16 = 30;
+ G1280x1024x16 = 31;
+ G720x348x2 = 32; { Hercules emulation mode }
+ G320x200x16M32 = 33; { 32-bit per pixel modes. }
+ G640x480x16M32 = 34;
+ G800x600x16M32 = 35;
+ G1024x768x16M32 = 36;
+ G1280x1024x16M32 = 37;
+{ additional resolutions }
+ G1152x864x16 = 38;
+ G1152x864x256 = 39;
+ G1152x864x32K = 40;
+ G1152x864x64K = 41;
+ G1152x864x16M = 42;
+ G1152x864x16M32 = 43;
+ G1600x1200x16 = 44;
+ G1600x1200x256 = 45;
+ G1600x1200x32K = 46;
+ G1600x1200x64K = 47;
+ G1600x1200x16M = 48;
+ G1600x1200x16M32 = 49;
+{ Extensions to VGAlib v1.2: }
+{ blit flags }
+{ other flags }
+ HAVE_RWPAGE = 1; { vga_setreadpage() / vga_setwritepage() available }
+ IS_INTERLACED = 2; { mode is interlaced }
+ IS_MODEX = 4; { ModeX style 256 colors }
+ IS_DYNAMICMODE = 8; { Dynamic defined mode }
+ CAPABLE_LINEAR = 16; { Can go to linear addressing mode. }
+ IS_LINEAR = 32; { Linear addressing enabled. }
+ EXT_INFO_AVAILABLE = 64; { Returned modeinfo contains valid extended fields }
+ RGB_MISORDERED = 128; { Mach32 32bpp uses 0BGR instead of BGR0. }
+ { As of this version 1.25 also used to signal if real RGB
+ (red first in memory) is used instead of BGR (Mach32 DAC 4) }
+ HAVE_EXT_SET = 256; { vga_ext_set() available }
+{ Valid values for what in vga_ext_set: }
+ VGA_EXT_AVAILABLE = 0; { supported flags }
+ VGA_EXT_SET = 1; { set flag(s) }
+ VGA_EXT_CLEAR = 2; { clear flag(s) }
+ VGA_EXT_RESET = 3; { set/clear flag(s) }
+ VGA_EXT_PAGE_OFFSET = 4; { set an offset for all subsequent vga_set*page() calls }
+ { Like: vga_ext_set(VGA_EXT_PAGE_OFFSET, 42); }
+ { returns the previous offset value. }
+ { Valid params for VGA_EXT_AVAILABLE: }
+ VGA_AVAIL_SET = 0; { vga_ext_set sub funcs }
+ VGA_AVAIL_ACCEL = 1; { vga_accel sub funcs }
+ VGA_AVAIL_FLAGS = 2; { known flags for VGA_EXT_SET }
+ { Known flags to vga_ext_set() }
+ VGA_CLUT8 = 1; { 8 bit DAC entries }
+ { Acceleration interface. }
+ { Accel operations. }
+ ACCEL_FILLBOX = 1; { Simple solid fill. }
+ ACCEL_SCREENCOPY = 2; { Simple screen-to-screen BLT. }
+ ACCEL_PUTIMAGE = 3; { Straight image transfer. }
+ ACCEL_DRAWLINE = 4; { General line draw. }
+ ACCEL_SETFGCOLOR = 5; { Set foreground color. }
+ ACCEL_SETBGCOLOR = 6; { Set background color. }
+ ACCEL_SETTRANSPARENCY = 7; { Set transparency mode. }
+ ACCEL_SETRASTEROP = 8; { Set raster-operation. }
+ ACCEL_PUTBITMAP = 9; { Color-expand bitmap. }
+ ACCEL_SCREENCOPYBITMAP = 10; { Color-exand from screen. }
+ ACCEL_DRAWHLINELIST = 11; { Draw horizontal spans. }
+ ACCEL_SETMODE = 12; { Set blit strategy. }
+ ACCEL_SYNC = 13; { Wait for blits to finish. }
+ { Corresponding bitmask. }
+ ACCELFLAG_FILLBOX = $1; { Simple solid fill. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SCREENCOPY = $2; { Simple screen-to-screen BLT. }
+ ACCELFLAG_PUTIMAGE = $4; { Straight image transfer. }
+ ACCELFLAG_DRAWLINE = $8; { General line draw. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SETFGCOLOR = $10; { Set foreground color. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SETBGCOLOR = $20; { Set background color. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SETTRANSPARENCY = $40; { Set transparency mode. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SETRASTEROP = $80; { Set raster-operation. }
+ ACCELFLAG_PUTBITMAP = $100; { Color-expand bitmap. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SCREENCOPYBITMAP = $200; { Color-exand from screen. }
+ ACCELFLAG_DRAWHLINELIST = $400; { Draw horizontal spans. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SETMODE = $800; { Set blit strategy. }
+ ACCELFLAG_SYNC = $1000; { Wait for blits to finish. }
+ { Mode for SetTransparency. }
+ { Flags for SetMode (accelerator interface). }
+ { Raster ops. }
+ ROP_COPY = 0; { Straight copy. }
+ ROP_OR = 1; { Source OR destination. }
+ ROP_AND = 2; { Source AND destination. }
+ ROP_XOR = 3; { Source XOR destination. }
+ ROP_INVERT = 4; { Invert destination. }
+ { chipsets }
+ VGA = 1;
+ ET4000 = 2;
+ CIRRUS = 3;
+ TVGA8900 = 4;
+ OAK = 5;
+ EGA = 6;
+ S3 = 7;
+ ET3000 = 8;
+ MACH32 = 9;
+ GVGA6400 = 10;
+ ARK = 11;
+ ATI = 12;
+ ALI = 13;
+ MACH64 = 14;
+ { Hor. sync: }
+ MON640_60 = 0; { 31.5 KHz (standard VGA) }
+ MON800_56 = 1; { 35.1 KHz (old SVGA) }
+ MON1024_43I = 2; { 35.5 KHz (low-end SVGA, 8514) }
+ MON800_60 = 3; { 37.9 KHz (SVGA) }
+ MON1024_60 = 4; { 48.3 KHz (SVGA non-interlaced) }
+ MON1024_70 = 5; { 56.0 KHz (SVGA high frequency) }
+ MON1024_72 = 6;
+ * valid values for what ( | is valid to combine them )
+ (vga_waitevent values)
+ }
+ pvga_modeinfo = ^vga_modeinfo;
+ vga_modeinfo = record
+ width,
+ height,
+ bytesperpixel,
+ colors,
+ linewidth, { scanline width in bytes }
+ maxlogicalwidth, { maximum logical scanline width }
+ startaddressrange, { changeable bits set }
+ maxpixels, { video memory / bytesperpixel }
+ haveblit, { mask of blit functions available }
+ flags: Longint; { other flags }
+ { Extended fields: }
+ chiptype, { Chiptype detected }
+ memory, { videomemory in KB }
+ linewidth_unit: Longint; { Use only a multiple of this as parameter for set_logicalwidth and
+ set_displaystart }
+ linear_aperture: PChar; { points to mmap secondary mem aperture of card (NULL if unavailable) }
+ aperture_size: Longint; { size of aperture in KB if size>=videomemory. 0 if unavail }
+ set_aperture_page: procedure (page: Longint);
+ { if aperture_size<videomemory select a memory page }
+ extensions: Pointer; { points to copy of eeprom for mach32 }
+ { depends from actual driver/chiptype.. etc. }
+ end;
+ shutdown_routine_ptr = procedure;
+ graph_mem: PChar;
+Function vga_setmode(mode: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_hasmode(mode: Longint): Boolean; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setflipchar(c: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_clear: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_flip: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getxdim: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getydim: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getcolors: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setpalette(index: Longint; red: Longint; green: Longint; blue: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getpalette(index: Longint; var red: Longint; var green: Longint; var blue: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setpalvec(start: Longint; num: Longint; var pal): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getpalvec(start: Longint; num: Longint; var pal): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_screenoff: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_screenon: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setcolor(color: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_drawpixel(x, y: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_drawline(x1, y1, x2, y2: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_drawscanline(line: Longint; var colors): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_drawscansegment(var colors; x, y: Longint; length: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getpixel(x, y: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getscansegment(var colors; x, y: Longint; length: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getch: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_dumpregs: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getmodeinfo(mode: Longint): pvga_modeinfo; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getdefaultmode: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getcurrentmode: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getcurrentchipset: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getmodename(mode: Longint): PChar; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getmodenumber(name: PChar): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_lastmodenumber: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getgraphmem: PChar; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setpage(p: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setreadpage(p: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setwritepage(p: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setlogicalwidth(w: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setdisplaystart(a: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_waitretrace; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_claimvideomemory(n: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_disabledriverreport; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setmodeX: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_init: Longint; { Used to return void in svgalib <= 1.12. } cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getmousetype: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getmonitortype: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setmousesupport(s: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_lockvc; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_unlockvc; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_getkey: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_runinbackground(s: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Function vga_oktowrite: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_copytoplanar256(virtualp: PChar; pitch: Longint;
+ voffset: Longint; vpitch: Longint; w: Longint; h: Longint);cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_copytoplanar16(virtualp: PChar; pitch, voffset, vpitch, w, h: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_copytoplane(virtualp: PChar; pitch, voffset, vpitch, w, h, plane: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setlinearaddressing: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_safety_fork(shutdown_routine: shutdown_routine_ptr); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setchipset(c: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_setchipsetandfeatures(c: Longint; par1: Longint; par2: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_gettextfont(font: Pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_puttextfont(font: Pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_settextmoderegs(regs: Pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_gettextmoderegs(regs: Pointer); cdecl; external;
+Function vga_white: Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setegacolor(c: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Function vga_setrgbcolor(r, g, b: Longint): Longint; cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_bitblt(srcaddr, destaddr: Longint; w, h: Longint; pitch: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_imageblt(srcaddr: Pointer; destaddr: Longint; w, h, pitch: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_fillblt(destaddr: Longint; w, h, pitch, c: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_hlinelistblt(ymin, n: Longint; var xmin, xmax: Longint; pitch, c: Longint); cdecl; external;
+Procedure vga_blitwait; cdecl; external;
+ The following Functions are not implemented, because they use variable number cdecl; external;
+ of arguments
+int vga_ext_set(unsigned what,...);
+int vga_accel(unsigned operation,...);
+ * wait for keypress, mousemove, I/O, timeout. cf. select (3) for details on
+ * all parameters execept which.
+ * NULL is a valid argument for any of the ptrs.
+ }
+ fd_set = array [1..32] of Longint;
+ timeval = record
+ tv_sec, tv_usec: Longint;
+ end;
+Function vga_waitevent(which: Longint; var inp, outp, excp: fd_set;
+ timeout: timeval): Longint;cdecl; external;
+ * return value >= has bits set for mouse/keyboard events detected.
+ * mouse and raw keyboard events are already handled and their bits removed
+ * from *in when vga_waitevent returns.
+ * VGA_KEYEVENT relates to vga_getch NOT vga_getkey.
+ * return values < 0 signal errors. In this case check errno.
+ }
+{ This part has been added by Matthias K"oppe <>.
+ It reflects the content of `vgagl.h'.
+ }
+ PGraphicsContext = ^TGraphicsContext;
+ TGraphicsContext = record
+ ModeType: Byte;
+ ModeFlags: Byte;
+ Dummy: Byte;
+ FlipPage: Byte;
+ Width: LongInt;
+ Height: LongInt;
+ BytesPerPixel: LongInt;
+ Colors: LongInt;
+ BitsPerPixel: LongInt;
+ ByteWidth: LongInt;
+ VBuf: pointer;
+ Clip: LongInt;
+ ClipX1: LongInt;
+ ClipY1: LongInt;
+ ClipX2: LongInt;
+ ClipY2: LongInt;
+ ff: pointer;
+ end;
+{ Configuration
+Function gl_setcontextvga(m: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+Function gl_setcontextvgavirtual(m: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setcontextvirtual(w, h, bpp, bitspp: LongInt; vbuf: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setcontextwidth(w: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setcontextheight(h: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Function gl_allocatecontext: PGraphicsContext; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setcontext(gc: PGraphicsContext); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getcontext(gc: PGraphicsContext); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_freecontext(gc: PGraphicsContext); cdecl; external;
+{ Line drawing
+Procedure gl_setpixel(x, y, c: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setpixelrgb(x, y, r, g, b: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Function gl_getpixel(x, y: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getpixelrgb(x, y: LongInt; var r, g, b: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Function gl_rgbcolor(r, g, b: LongInt): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_hline(x1, y, x2, c: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_circle(x, y, r, c: LongInt ); cdecl; external;
+{ Box (bitmap) Functions cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_fillbox(x, y, w, h, c: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getbox(x, y, w, h: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_putbox(x, y, w, h: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_putboxpart(x, y, w, h, bw, bh: LongInt; b: pointer; xo, yo: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_putboxmask(x, y, w, h: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_copybox(x1, y1, w, h, x2, y2: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_copyboxtocontext(x1, y1, w, h: LongInt; var gc: TGraphicsContext; x2, y2: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_copyboxfromcontext(var gc: TGraphicsContext; x1, y1, w, h, x2, y2: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+{ The following Functions only work in 256-color modes: }
+Procedure gl_compileboxmask(w, h: LongInt; sdp, dpp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Function gl_compiledboxmasksize(w, h: LongInt; sdp: pointer): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_putboxmaskcompiled(x, y, w, h: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+{ Miscellaneous
+ }
+Procedure gl_clearscreen(c: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_scalebox(w1, h1: LongInt; sb: pointer; w2, h2: LongInt; db: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setdisplaystart(x, y: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_enableclipping; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setclippingwindow(x1, y1, x2, y2: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_disableclipping; cdecl; external;
+{ Screen buffering
+Procedure gl_copyscreen(var gc: TGraphicsContext); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setscreenoffset(o: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Function gl_enablepageflipping(var gc: TGraphicsContext): LongInt; cdecl; external;
+{ Text
+ }
+{ Writemode flags.
+ }
+Procedure gl_expandfont(fw, fh, c: LongInt; sfdp, dfdp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setfont(fw, fh: LongInt; fdp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_colorfont(fw, fh, c: LongInt; fdp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setwritemode(wm: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_write(x, y: LongInt; s: PChar); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_writen(x, y, n: LongInt; s: PChar); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setfontcolors(bg, fg: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+{extern unsigned char *gl_font8x8; /* compressed 8x8 font */}
+ TRGB = record
+ red, green, blue: Byte
+ end;
+ TRGBPalette = array[0..255] of TRGB;
+Procedure gl_setpalettecolor(c, r, b, g: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getpalettecolor(c: LongInt; var r, b, g: LongInt); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setpalettecolors(s, n: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getpalettecolors(s, n: LongInt; dp: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setpalette(p: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_getpalette(p: pointer); cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_setrgbpalette; cdecl; external;
+Procedure gl_font8x8; { ACTUALLY A DATA POINTER } cdecl; external;