path: root/packages/univint/src/AudioHardware.pas
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index 0000000000..479845cf5e
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+++ b/packages/univint/src/AudioHardware.pas
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+ File: CoreAudio/AudioHardware.h
+ Contains: API for communicating with audio hardware.
+ Version: Technology: Mac OS X
+ Release: Mac OS X
+ Copyright: (c) 1985-2005 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
+{ Pascal Translation: Gale R Paeper, <>, 2006 }
+ Modified for use with Free Pascal
+ Version 200
+ Please report any bugs to <>
+{$mode macpas}
+{$packenum 1}
+{$macro on}
+{$inline on}
+unit AudioHardware;
+{$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0200}
+{$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
+{$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+{$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 1}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 0}
+{$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 1}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 0}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
+{$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
+ {$error Neither __ppc__ nor __i386__ is defined.}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC_64 := FALSE}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+{$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
+{$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
+{$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
+uses MacTypes, CFRunLoop, CoreAudioTypes;
+//#pragma mark Overview
+ @header AudioHardware
+ The audio HAL provides an abstraction through which applications can access audio hardware. To
+ do this, the HAL provides a small set of AudioObjects that provide access to the various pieces
+ of the system.
+ AudioObjects all have a set of properties that describe and manipulate their state. A property
+ is accessed via an ordered triple. The first ordinate is the selector which describes the
+ property. The other two ordinates are the scope and element that identify the particular part of
+ the object in which to look for the selector. The AudioObjectPropertyAddress structure
+ encapsulates the property address. The value of a property is an untyped block of data whose
+ content depends on the specifics of the selector. Some selectors also require the use of a
+ qualifier when querying. The qualifier allows for additional information to be provided to be
+ used in the manipulation of the property. Changing the value of a property is always considered
+ asynchronous.
+ Applications use the routines AudioObjectHasProperty(), AudioObjectIsPropertySettable() and
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize() to find useful meta-information about the property. Apps use
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData() and AudioObjectSetPropertyData() to manipulate the value of the
+ property. Apps use AudioObjectAddPropertyListener() and AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener() to
+ register/unregister a function that is to be called when a given property's value changes.
+ The class of an AudioObject determines the basic functionality of the object in terms of what
+ functions will operate on it as well as the set of properties that can be expected to be
+ implemented by the object. The set of available classes for objects is limited to those defined
+ here. There are no other classes. The set of classes is arranged in a hierarchy such that one
+ class inherits the properties/routines of it's super class.
+ The base class for all AudioObjects is the class AudioObject. As such, each AudioObject will
+ provide basic properties such as it's class, it's human readable name, and the other
+ AudioObjects it contains. Other important classes include AudioSystemObject, AudioDevice, and
+ AudioStream.
+ The AudioObjects in the HAL are arranged in a containment hierarchy. The root of the hierarchy
+ is the one and only instance of the AudioSystemObject class. The properties of the
+ AudioSystemObject describe the process global settings such as the various default devices and
+ the notification run loop. The AudioSystemObject also contains all the AudioDevices that are
+ available.
+ Instances of the AudioDevice class encapsulate individual audio devices. An AudioDevice serves
+ as the basic unit of IO. It provides a single IO cycle, a timing source based on it, and all the
+ buffers synchronized to it. The IO cycle presents all the synchronized buffers to the client in
+ the same call out along with time stamps that specify the current time, when the input data was
+ acquired and when the output data will be presented.
+ AudioDevices contain instances of the AudioStream class. An AudioStream represents a single
+ buffer of data for transferring across the user/kernel boundary. As such, AudioStreams are the
+ gatekeepers of format information. Each has it's own format and list of available formats.
+ AudioStreams can provide data in any format, including encoded formats and non-audio formats. If
+ the format is a linear PCM format, the data will always be presented as 32 bit, native endian
+ floating point. All conversions to and from the true physical format of the hardware is handled
+ by the device's driver.
+ Both AudioDevices and AudioStreams can contain instances of the AudioControl class or it's many
+ subclasses. An AudioControl provides properties that describe/manipulate a particular aspect of
+ the object such as gain, mute, data source selection, etc. Many common controls are also
+ also available as properties on the AudioDevice or AudioStream.
+//#pragma mark Error Constants
+ @enum Error Constants
+ @abstract The error constants unique to the HAL.
+ @discussion These are the error constants that are unique to the HAL. Note that the HAL's
+ functions can and will return other codes that are not listed here. While these
+ constants give a general idea of what might have gone wrong during the execution
+ of an API call, if an API call returns anything other than kAudioHardwareNoError
+ it is to be viewed as the same failure regardless of what constant is actually
+ returned.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareNoError
+ The function call completed successfully.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareNotRunningError
+ The function call requires that the hardware be running but it isn't.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError
+ The function call failed while doing something that doesn't provide any
+ error messages.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareUnknownPropertyError
+ The AudioObject doesn't know about the property at the given address.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareBadPropertySizeError
+ An improperly sized buffer was provided when accessing the data of a
+ property.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareIllegalOperationError
+ The requested operation couldn't be completed.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareBadObjectError
+ The AudioObjectID passed to the function doesn't map to a valid AudioObject.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError
+ The AudioDeviceID passed to the function doesn't map to a valid AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareBadStreamError
+ The AudioStreamID passed to the function doesn't map to a valid AudioStream.
+ @constant kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError
+ The AudioObject doesn't support the requested operation.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError
+ The AudioStream doesn't support the requested format.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePermissionsError
+ The requested operation can't be completed because the process doesn't have
+ permission.
+ kAudioHardwareNoError = 0;
+ kAudioHardwareNotRunningError = $73746F70 (* 'stop' *);
+ kAudioHardwareUnspecifiedError = $77686174 (* 'what' *);
+ kAudioHardwareUnknownPropertyError = $77686F3F (* 'who?' *);
+ kAudioHardwareBadPropertySizeError = $2173697A (* '!siz' *);
+ kAudioHardwareIllegalOperationError = $6E6F7065 (* 'nope' *);
+ kAudioHardwareBadObjectError = $216F626A (* '!obj' *);
+ kAudioHardwareBadDeviceError = $21646576 (* '!dev' *);
+ kAudioHardwareBadStreamError = $21737472 (* '!str' *);
+ kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError = $756E6F70 (* 'unop' *);
+ kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError = $21646174 (* '!dat' *);
+ kAudioDevicePermissionsError = $21686F67 (* '!hog' *);
+//#pragma mark Property Support Types
+ @typedef AudioObjectPropertySelector
+ @abstract An AudioObjectPropertySelector is a four char code that identifies, along with
+ the AudioObjectPropertyScope and AudioObjectPropertyElement, a specific piece of
+ information about an AudioObject.
+ @discussion The property selector specifies the general classification of the property such
+ as volume, stream format, latency, etc. Note that each class has a different set
+ of selectors. A subclass inherits it's super class's set of selectors, although
+ it may not implement them all.
+ AudioObjectPropertySelector = UInt32;
+ @typedef AudioObjectPropertyScope
+ @abstract An AudioObjectPropertyScope is a four char code that identifies, along with the
+ AudioObjectPropertySelector and AudioObjectPropertyElement, a specific piece of
+ information about an AudioObject.
+ @discussion The scope specifies the section of the object in which to look for the property,
+ such as input, output, global, etc. Note that each class has a different set of
+ scopes. A subclass inherits it's superclass's set of scopes.
+ AudioObjectPropertyScope = UInt32;
+ @typedef AudioObjectPropertyElement
+ @abstract An AudioObjectPropertyElement is an integer that identifies, along with the
+ AudioObjectPropertySelector and AudioObjectPropertyScope, a specific piece of
+ information about an AudioObject.
+ @discussion The element selects one of possibly many items in the section of the object in
+ which to look for the property. Elements are number sequentially where 0
+ represents the master element. Elements are particular to an instance of a
+ class, meaning that two instances can have different numbers of elements in the
+ same scope. There is no inheritance of elements.
+ AudioObjectPropertyElement = UInt32;
+ @struct AudioObjectPropertyAddress
+ @abstract An AudioObjectPropertyAddress collects the three parts that identify a specific
+ property together in a struct for easy transmission.
+ @field mSelector
+ The AudioObjectPropertySelector for the property.
+ @field mScope
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope for the property.
+ @field mElement
+ The AudioObjectPropertyElement for the property.
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddress = record
+ mSelector: AudioObjectPropertySelector;
+ mScope: AudioObjectPropertyScope;
+ mElement: AudioObjectPropertyElement;
+ end;
+ AudioObjectPropertyAddressPtr = ^AudioObjectPropertyAddress;
+//#pragma mark Property Support Constants
+ @enum Property Wildcard Constants
+ @abstract Constants that are used as wildcards in an AudioObjectPropertyAddress.
+ @discussion Wildcards match any and all values for there associated type. They are
+ especially useful for registering listener procs to receive notifications and
+ for querying an AudioObject's list of AudioControls.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard
+ The wildcard value for AudioObjectPropertySelectors.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyScopeWildcard
+ The wildcard value for AudioObjectPropertyScopes.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard
+ The wildcard value for AudioObjectPropertyElements.
+ @constant kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID
+ A synonym for kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard.
+ @constant kAudioPropertyWildcardSection
+ The wildcard value for the isInput argument of AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(),
+ AudioDeviceGetProperty(), and AudioDeviceSetProperty().
+ @constant kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel
+ A synonym for kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard.
+ kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard = $2A2A2A2A (* '****' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeWildcard = $2A2A2A2A (* '****' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard = $FFFFFFFF;
+ kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID = kAudioObjectPropertySelectorWildcard;
+ kAudioPropertyWildcardSection = $FF;
+ kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel = kAudioObjectPropertyElementWildcard;
+//#pragma mark AudioObject Types
+ @typedef AudioClassID
+ @abstract AudioClassIDs are used to identify the class of an AudioObject.
+ AudioClassID = UInt32;
+ @typedef AudioObjectID
+ @abstract AudioObject is the base class for all the objects in the HAL.
+ @discussion AudioObjects have properties and can contain other AudioObjects.
+ AudioObjectID = UInt32;
+ @typedef AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc
+ @abstract Clients register an AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc with an AudioObject in order
+ to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
+ @discussion Listeners will be called when possibly many properties have changed.
+ Consequently, the implementation of a listener must go through the array of
+ addresses to see what exactly has changed. Note that the array of addresses will
+ always have at least one address in it for which the listener is signed up to
+ receive notifications about but may contain addresses for properties for which
+ the listener is not signed up to receive notifications.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject whose properties have changed.
+ @param inNumberAddresses
+ The number of elements in the inAddresses array.
+ @param inAddresses
+ An array of AudioObjectPropertyAddresses indicating which properties
+ changed.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
+ with the AudioObject.
+ @result The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
+ AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc = function( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; inNumberAddresses: UInt32; {const} inAddresses: {variable-size-array} AudioObjectPropertyAddressPtr; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
+//#pragma mark AudioObject Constants
+ @enum AudioObject Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioObjects.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the object as a
+ whole. All AudioObjects have a global scope and for some it is their only
+ scope.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster
+ The AudioObjectPropertyElement value for properties that apply to the master
+ element or to the entire scope.
+ @constant kAudioObjectClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioObject class.
+ @constant kAudioObjectClassIDWildcard
+ The wildcard value for AudioClassIDs.
+ @constant kAudioObjectUnknown
+ The AudioObjectID for a non-existant AudioObject.
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal = $676C6F62 (* 'glob' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster = 0;
+ kAudioObjectClassID = $616F626A (* 'aobj' *);
+ kAudioObjectClassIDWildcard = $2A2A2A2A (* '****' *);
+ kAudioObjectUnknown = 0;
+//#pragma mark AudioObject Properties
+ @enum AudioObject Property Selectors
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioObjects.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyClass
+ An AudioClassID that identifies the class of the AudioObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyOwner
+ An AudioObjectID that identifies the the AudioObject that owns the given
+ AudioObject. Note that all AudioObjects are owned by some other AudioObject.
+ The only exception is the AudioSystemObject, for which the value of this
+ property is kAudioObjectUnknown.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyCreator
+ A CFString that contains the bundle ID of the plug-in that instantiated the
+ object.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyObjectName
+ A CFString that contains the human readable name of the object. The caller
+ is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer
+ A CFString that contains the human readable name of the manufacturer of the
+ hardware the AudioObject is a part of. The caller is responsible for
+ releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyElementName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the given element in the
+ given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the category of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the number of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects
+ An array of AudioObjectIDs that represent all the AudioObjects owned by the
+ given object. The qualifier is an array of AudioClassIDs. If it is
+ non-empty, the returned array of AudioObjectIDs will only refer to objects
+ whose class is in the qualifier array or whose is a subclass of one in the
+ qualifier array.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyListenerAdded
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating the address to which a new listener
+ was added. Note that this property is not for applications to use. Rather,
+ this property is for the HAL shell to notify AudioObjects implemented by an
+ AudioPlugIn when a listener is added.
+ @constant kAudioObjectPropertyListenerRemoved
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating the address to which a listener was
+ removed. Note that this property is not for applications to use. Rather,
+ this property is for the HAL shell to notify AudioObjects implemented by an
+ AudioPlugIn when a listener is removed.
+ kAudioObjectPropertyClass = $636C6173 (* 'clas' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyOwner = $73746476 (* 'stdv' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyCreator = $6F706C67 (* 'oplg' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyName = $6C6E616D (* 'lnam' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer = $6C6D616B (* 'lmak' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementName = $6C63686E (* 'lchn' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName = $6C63636E (* 'lccn' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName = $6C636E6E (* 'lcnn' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects = $6F776E64 (* 'ownd' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyListenerAdded = $6C697361 (* 'lisa' *);
+ kAudioObjectPropertyListenerRemoved = $6C697372 (* 'lisr' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioObject Functions
+ @functiongroup AudioObject
+ @function AudioObjectShow
+ @abstract Prints to standard out a textural description of the AudioObject.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to show.
+procedure AudioObjectShow( inObjectID: AudioObjectID ); external name '_AudioObjectShow';
+ @function AudioObjectHasProperty
+ @abstract Queries an AudioObject about whether or not it has the given property.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to query.
+ @param inAddress
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property is being queried.
+ @result A Boolean indicating whether or not the AudioObject has the given property.
+function AudioObjectHasProperty( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress ): Boolean; external name '_AudioObjectHasProperty';
+ @function AudioObjectIsPropertySettable
+ @abstract Queries an AudioObject about whether or not the given property can be set using
+ AudioObjectSetPropertyData.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to query.
+ @param inAddress
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property is being queried.
+ @param outIsSettable
+ A Boolean indicating whether or not the property can be set.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectIsPropertySettable( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; var outIsSettable: Boolean ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectIsPropertySettable';
+ @function AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize
+ @abstract Queries an AudioObject to find the size of the data for the given property.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to query.
+ @param inAddress
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property is being queried.
+ @param inQualifierDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inQualifierData.
+ Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case this
+ value will be 0.
+ @param inQualifierData,
+ A buffer of data to be used in determining the data of the property being
+ queried. Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case
+ this value will be NULL.
+ @param outDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating how many bytes the data for the given property occupies.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; inQualifierDataSize: UInt32; inQualifierData: {const} UnivPtr; var outDataSize: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize';
+ @function AudioObjectGetPropertyData
+ @abstract Queries an AudioObject to get the data of the given property and places it in
+ the provided buffer.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to query.
+ @param inAddress
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property is being queried.
+ @param inQualifierDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inQualifierData.
+ Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case this
+ value will be 0.
+ @param inQualifierData,
+ A buffer of data to be used in determining the data of the property being
+ queried. Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case
+ this value will be NULL.
+ @param ioDataSize
+ A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
+ outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
+ @param outData
+ The buffer into which the AudioObject will put the data for the given
+ property.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectGetPropertyData( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; inQualifierDataSize: UInt32; inQualifierData: {const} UnivPtr; var ioDataSize: UInt32; outData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectGetPropertyData';
+ @function AudioObjectSetPropertyData
+ @abstract Tells an AudioObject to change the value of the given property using the
+ provided data.
+ @discussion Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
+ HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
+ asynchronously.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to change.
+ @param inAddress
+ An AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property is being changed.
+ @param inQualifierDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inQualifierData.
+ Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case this
+ value will be 0.
+ @param inQualifierData,
+ A buffer of data to be used in determining the data of the property being
+ queried. Note that not all properties require qualification, in which case
+ this value will be NULL.
+ @param inDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
+ @param inData
+ The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectSetPropertyData( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; inQualifierDataSize: UInt32; inQualifierData: {const} UnivPtr; inDataSize: UInt32; inData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectSetPropertyData';
+ @function AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ @abstract Registers the given AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
+ when the given properties change.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to register the listener with.
+ @param inAddress
+ The AudioObjectPropertyAddresses indicating which property the listener
+ should be notified about.
+ @param inListener
+ The AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc to call.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectAddPropertyListener( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; inListener: AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectAddPropertyListener';
+ @function AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener
+ @abstract Unregisters the given AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc from receiving
+ notifications when the given properties change.
+ @param inObjectID
+ The AudioObject to unregister the listener from.
+ @param inNumberAddresses
+ The number of elements in the inAddresses array.
+ @param inAddresses
+ The AudioObjectPropertyAddress indicating which property the listener should
+ be removed from.
+ @param inListener
+ The AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc being removed.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener( inObjectID: AudioObjectID; const (*var*) inAddress: AudioObjectPropertyAddress; inListener: AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener';
+//#pragma mark AudioControl Constants
+ @enum AudioControl Base Class IDs
+ @abstract The AudioClassIDs that identify the various AudioControl base classes.
+ @constant kAudioControlClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioControl class.
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioLevelControl class which is a
+ subclass of AudioControl. AudioLevelControls manipulate gain/attenuation
+ stages in the hardware.
+ @constant kAudioBooleanControlClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioBooleanControl class which is a
+ subclass of AudioControl. AudioBooleanControls manipulate on/off switches
+ in the hardware.
+ @constant kAudioSelectorControlClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioSelectorControl class which is a
+ subclass of AudioControl. AudioSelectorControls manipulate controls that
+ have multiple, but discreet values.
+ @constant kAudioStereoPanControlClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioStereoPanControl class which is
+ a subclass of AudioControl. AudioStereoPanControls manipulate the pot for
+ panning a mono signal between a left/right pair of outputs.
+ kAudioControlClassID = $6163746C (* 'actl' *);
+ kAudioLevelControlClassID = $6C65766C (* 'levl' *);
+ kAudioBooleanControlClassID = $746F676C (* 'togl' *);
+ kAudioSelectorControlClassID = $736C6374 (* 'slct' *);
+ kAudioStereoPanControlClassID = $7370616E (* 'span' *);
+ @enum AudioLevelControl Subclass IDs
+ @abstract The four char codes that identify the various standard subclasses of
+ AudioLevelControl.
+ @constant kAudioVolumeControlClassID
+ An AudioLevelControl for a general gain/attenuation stage.
+ @constant kAudioLFEVolumeControlClassID
+ An AudioLevelControl for an LFE channel that results from bass management
+ such as the iSub. Note that LFE channels that are represented as normal
+ audio channels (in other words, real data is being fed them in an IOProc)
+ will use kAudioVolumeControlClassID to manipulate the level.
+ @constant kAudioBootChimeVolumeControlClassID
+ An AudioLevelControl for the boot chime of the CPU.
+ kAudioVolumeControlClassID = $766C6D65 (* 'vlme' *);
+ kAudioLFEVolumeControlClassID = $73756276 (* 'subv' *);
+ kAudioBootChimeVolumeControlClassID = $7072616D (* 'pram' *);
+ @enum AudioBooleanControl Subclass IDs
+ @abstract The four char codes that identify the various standard subclasses of
+ AudioBooleanControl.
+ @constant kAudioMuteControlClassID
+ An AudioBooleanControl where a true value means that mute is enabled making
+ that element inaudible.
+ @constant kAudioSoloControlClassID
+ An AudioBooleanControl where a true value means that solo is enabled making
+ just that element audible and the other elements inaudible.
+ @constant kAudioJackControlClassID
+ An AudioBooleanControl where a true value means something is plugged into
+ that element.
+ @constant kAudioLFEMuteControlClassID
+ An AudioBooleanControl where true means that mute is enabled make that LFE
+ element inaudible. This control is for LFE channels that result from bass
+ management such as the iSub. Note that LFE channels that are represented as
+ normal audio channels (in other words, real data is being fed them in an
+ IOProc) will use kAudioVolumeControlClassID to manipulate mute.
+ @constant kAudioISubOwnerClassID
+ An AudioBooleanControl where true means that the AudioDevice that
+ ultimately owns the control also owns any iSub attached to the CPU.
+ kAudioMuteControlClassID = $6D757465 (* 'mute' *);
+ kAudioSoloControlClassID = $736F6C6F (* 'solo' *);
+ kAudioJackControlClassID = $6A61636B (* 'jack' *);
+ kAudioLFEMuteControlClassID = $7375626D (* 'subm' *);
+ kAudioISubOwnerControlClassID = $61746368 (* 'atch' *);
+ @enum AudioSelectorControl Subclass IDs
+ @abstract The four char codes that identify the various standard subclasses of
+ AudioSelectorControl.
+ @constant kAudioDataSourceControlClassID
+ An AudioSelectorControl that identifies where the data for the element is
+ coming from.
+ @constant kAudioDataDestinationControlClassID
+ An AudioSelectorControl that identifies where the data for the element is
+ going.
+ @constant kAudioClockSourceControlClassID
+ An AudioSelectorControl that identifies where the timing info for the object
+ is coming from.
+ @constant kAudioLineLevelControlClassID
+ An AudioSelectorControl that identifies the nominal line level for the
+ element. Note that this is not a gain stage but rather indicating the
+ voltage standard (if any) used for the element, such as +4dBu, -10dBV,
+ instrument, etc.
+ kAudioDataSourceControlClassID = $64737263 (* 'dsrc' *);
+ kAudioDataDestinationControlClassID = $64657374 (* 'dest' *);
+ kAudioClockSourceControlClassID = $636C636B (* 'clck' *);
+ kAudioLineLevelControlClassID = $6E6C766C (* 'nlvl' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioControl Properties
+ @enum AudioControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioControls.
+ @discussion AudioControl is a subclass of AudioObject and has only the single scope,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioControlPropertyScope
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope in the owning AudioObject that contains the
+ AudioControl.
+ @constant kAudioControlPropertyElement
+ The AudioObjectPropertyElement in the owning AudioObject that contains the
+ AudioControl.
+ @constant kAudioControlPropertyVariant
+ A UInt32 that identifies the specific variant of an AudioControl. This
+ allows the owning AudioObject to support controls that are of the same basic
+ class (that is, the values of kAudioObjectPropertyClass are the same) but
+ may control a part of the object for which the standard controls do not
+ control.
+ kAudioControlPropertyScope = $63736370 (* 'cscp' *);
+ kAudioControlPropertyElement = $63656C6D (* 'celm' *);
+ kAudioControlPropertyVariant = $63766172 (* 'cvar' *);
+ @enum AudioLevelControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioLevelControls.
+ @discussion AudioLevelControl is a subclass of AudioControl and has only the single scope,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlPropertyScalarValue
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control. The
+ range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive).
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelValue
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control in dB.
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelRange
+ An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
+ boot chime control can have.
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlPropertyConvertScalarToDecibels
+ A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the boot chime
+ and on exit contains the equivalent dB value.
+ @constant kAudioLevelControlPropertyConvertDecibelsToScalar
+ A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the boot chime and on
+ exit contains the equivalent scalar value.
+ kAudioLevelControlPropertyScalarValue = $6C637376 (* 'lcsv' *);
+ kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelValue = $6C636476 (* 'lcdv' *);
+ kAudioLevelControlPropertyDecibelRange = $6C636472 (* 'lcdr' *);
+ kAudioLevelControlPropertyConvertScalarToDecibels = $6C637364 (* 'lcsd' *);
+ kAudioLevelControlPropertyConvertDecibelsToScalar = $6C636473 (* 'lcds' *);
+ @enum AudioBooleanControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioBooleanControls.
+ @discussion AudioBooleanControl is a subclass of AudioControl and has only the single scope,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioBooleanControlPropertyValue
+ A UInt32 where 0 means false and 1 means true.
+ kAudioBooleanControlPropertyValue = $6263766C (* 'bcvl' *);
+ @enum AudioSelectorControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioSelectorControls.
+ @discussion AudioSelectorControl is a subclass of AudioControl and has only the single
+ scope, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioSelectorControlPropertyCurrentItem
+ A UInt32 that is the ID of the item currently selected.
+ @constant kAudioSelectorControlPropertyAvailableItems
+ An array of UInt32s that represent the IDs of all the items available.
+ @constant kAudioSelectorControlPropertyItemName
+ This property translates the given item ID into a human readable name. The
+ qualifier contains the ID of the item to be translated and name is returned
+ as a CFString as the property data. The caller is responsible for releasing
+ the returned CFObject.
+ kAudioSelectorControlPropertyCurrentItem = $73636369 (* 'scci' *);
+ kAudioSelectorControlPropertyAvailableItems = $73636169 (* 'scai' *);
+ kAudioSelectorControlPropertyItemName = $7363696E (* 'scin' *);
+ @enum AudioClockSourceControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply only to AudioClockSourceControls.
+ @discussion These properties supplement the regular AudioSelectorControl Properties.
+ @constant kAudioClockSourceControlPropertyItemKind
+ This property returns a UInt32 that identifies the kind of clock source
+ the item ID refers to. The qualifier contains the ID of the item. Values for
+ this property are defined in <IOAudio/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>.
+ kAudioClockSourceControlPropertyItemKind = $636C6B6B (* 'clkk' *);
+ @enum AudioStereoPanControl Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioStereoPanControls.
+ @discussion AudioStereoPanControl is a subclass of AudioControl and has only the single
+ scope, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioStereoPanControlPropertyValue
+ A Float32 where 0.0 is full left, 1.0 is full right, and 0.5 is center.
+ @constant kAudioStereoPanControlPropertyPanningChannels
+ An array of two UInt32s that indicate which elements of the owning object
+ the signal is being panned between.
+ kAudioStereoPanControlPropertyValue = $73706376 (* 'spcv' *);
+ kAudioStereoPanControlPropertyPanningChannels = $73706363 (* 'spcc' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Types
+ @typedef AudioHardwarePropertyID
+ @abstract An AudioHardwarePropertyID is a integer that identifies a specific piece of
+ information about the AudioSystemObject.
+ AudioHardwarePropertyID = AudioObjectPropertySelector;
+ @typedef AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc
+ @abstract Clients register an AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc with the AudioSystemObject
+ in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property that changed.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
+ with the AudioSystemObject.
+ @result The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
+ AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc = function( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
+//#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Constants
+ @enum AudioSystemObject Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to the AudioSystemObject.
+ @constant kAudioSystemObjectClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioSystemObject class.
+ @constant kAudioObjectSystemObject
+ The AudioObjectID that always refers to the one and only instance of the
+ AudioSystemObject.
+ kAudioSystemObjectClassID = $61737973 (* 'asys' *);
+ kAudioObjectSystemObject = 1;
+//#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Properties
+ @enum AudioSystemObject Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to the AudioSystemObject.
+ @discussion The AudioSystemObject has one scope, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a
+ master element.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyProcessIsMaster
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that the current process contains the master instance
+ of the HAL. The master instance of the HAL is the only instance in which
+ plug-ins should save/restore their devices' settings.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyIsInitingOrExiting
+ A UInt32 whose value will be non-zero if the HAL is either in the midst of
+ initializing or in the midst of exiting the process.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices
+ An array of the AudioDeviceIDs that represent all the devices currently
+ available to the system.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice
+ The AudioDeviceID of the default input AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice
+ The AudioDeviceID of the default output AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice
+ The AudioDeviceID of the output AudioDevice to use for system related sound
+ from the alert sound to digital call progress.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID
+ Using an AudioValueTranslation structure, this property translates the input
+ CFStringRef containing a UID into the AudioDeviceID that refers to the
+ AudioDevice with that UID. This property will return kAudioDeviceUnknown if
+ the given UID does not match any currently available AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertySleepingIsAllowed
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that the process will allow the CPU to idle sleep
+ even if there is audio IO in progress. A 0 means that the CPU will not be
+ allowed to idle sleep. Note that this property won't affect when the CPU is
+ forced to sleep.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyUnloadingIsAllowed
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that this process wants the HAL to unload itself
+ after a period of inactivity where there are no IOProcs and no listeners
+ registered with any AudioObject.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyHogModeIsAllowed
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that this process wants the HAL to automatically take
+ hog mode and 0 means that the HAL should not automatically take hog mode on
+ behalf of the process. Processes that only ever use the default device are
+ the sort of that should set this property's value to 0.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop
+ The CFRunLoopRef the HAL is currently attaching all of it's system
+ notification handlers to. By default, the HAL will create and manage it's
+ own thread for this job. Clients can set this property to tell the HAL to
+ use a thread of the client's choosing. The caller is responsible for
+ releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyPlugInForBundleID
+ Using an AudioValueTranslation structure, this property translates the input
+ CFString containing a bundle ID into the AudioObjectID of the AudioPlugIn
+ that corresponds to it. This property will return kAudioObjectUnkown if the
+ given bundle ID doesn't match any AudioPlugIns.
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyProcessIsMaster = $6D617374 (* 'mast' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyIsInitingOrExiting = $696E6F74 (* 'inot' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices = $64657623 (* 'dev#' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice = $64496E20 (* 'dIn ' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice = $644F7574 (* 'dOut' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultSystemOutputDevice = $734F7574 (* 'sOut' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID = $64756964 (* 'duid' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertySleepingIsAllowed = $736C6570 (* 'slep' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyUnloadingIsAllowed = $756E6C64 (* 'unld' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyHogModeIsAllowed = $686F6772 (* 'hogr' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop = $726E6C70 (* 'rnlp' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyPlugInForBundleID = $70696269 (* 'pibi' *);
+ @enum AudioSystemObject Properties Implemented via AudioControl objects
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values for AudioSystemObject properties that are
+ implemented by AudioControl objects.
+ @discussion These properties are also accessible by locating the AudioControl object
+ attached to the AudioSystemObject and using that object to access the properties
+ of the control.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control. The
+ range is between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the boot chime volume control in dB.
+ This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass
+ of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels
+ An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
+ boot chime control can have. This property is implemented by an AudioControl
+ object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels
+ A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the boot chime
+ and on exit contains the equivalent dB value. This property is implemented
+ by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar
+ A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the boot chime and on
+ exit contains the equivalent scalar value. This property is implemented by
+ an AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioBootChimeVolumeControl.
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar = $62627673 (* 'bbvs' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels = $62627664 (* 'bbvd' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels = $62626423 (* 'bbd#' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels = $62763264 (* 'bv2d' *);
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar = $62643276 (* 'bd2v' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioSystemObject Functions
+ @functiongroup AudioSystemObject
+ @function AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource
+ @abstract Add the given CFRunLoopSource to the the HAL's notification CFRunLoop.
+ @discussion The CFRunLoop the HAL uses for notifications is specified by
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop. If kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop changes,
+ CFRunLoopSources added with this function will automatically be transferred to
+ the new CFRunLoop.
+ @param inRunLoopSource
+ The CFRunLoopSource to add.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource( inRunLoopSource: CFRunLoopSourceRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareAddRunLoopSource';
+ @function AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource
+ @abstract Remove the given CFRunLoopSource from the the HAL's notification CFRunLoop.
+ @discussion The CFRunLoop the HAL uses for notifications is specified by
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop.
+ @param inRunLoopSource
+ The CFRunLoopSource to remove.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource( inRunLoopSource: CFRunLoopSourceRef ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareRemoveRunLoopSource';
+ @function AudioHardwareUnload
+ @abstract When this routine is called, all IO on all devices within a process will be
+ terminated and all resources capable of being released will be released. This
+ routine essentially returns the HAL to it's uninitialized state.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareUnload: OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareUnload';
+ @function AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo
+ @abstract Retrieve information about the given property.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by the functions
+ AudioObjectHasProperty(), AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(), and
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize().
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param outSize
+ A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
+ on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
+ @param outWritable
+ A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
+ property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
+ requested.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; outSize: UInt32Ptr; outWritable: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo';
+ @function AudioHardwareGetProperty
+ @abstract Queries an the AudioSystemObject to get the data of the given property and
+ places it in the provided buffer.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param ioDataSize
+ A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
+ outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
+ @param outData
+ The buffer into which the AudioSystemObject will put the data for the given
+ property.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareGetProperty( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareGetProperty';
+ @function AudioHardwareSetProperty
+ @abstract Tells the AudioSystemObject to change the value of the given property using the
+ provided data.
+ @discussion Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
+ HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
+ asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
+ function AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to change.
+ @param inDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
+ @param inData
+ The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareSetProperty( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareSetProperty';
+ @function AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener
+ @abstract Registers the given AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
+ when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to listen to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to call.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inProc: AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener';
+ @function AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener
+ @abstract Unregisters the given AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc from receive
+ notifications when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by
+ AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
+ AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioHardwarePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc to unregister.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener( inPropertyID: AudioHardwarePropertyID; inProc: AudioHardwarePropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener';
+//#pragma mark AudioPlugIn Constants
+ @enum AudioPlugIn Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioPlugIns.
+ @constant kAudioPlugInClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioPlugIn class.
+ kAudioPlugInClassID = $61706C67 (* 'aplg' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioPlugIn Properties
+ @enum AudioPlugIn Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to AudioPlugIns.
+ @discussion AudioPlugIn is a subclass of AudioObject that represents a plug-in loaded by the
+ HAL that conforms to the API in <CoreAudio/AudioHardwarePlugIn.h>. AudioPlugIns
+ have one scope, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, and only a master element.
+ @constant kAudioPlugInPropertyBundleID
+ A CFString that contains the bundle identifier for the AudioPlugIn. The
+ caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioPlugInCreateAggregateDevice
+ This property is used to tell a plug-in to create a new
+ AudioAggregateDevice. It's value is only read. The qualifier data for this
+ property is a CFDictionary containing a description of the
+ AudioAggregateDevice to create. The keys for the CFDictionary are defined in
+ the AudioAggregateDevice Constants section. The value of the property that
+ gets returned is the AudioObjectID of the newly created device.
+ @constant kAudioPlugInDestroyAggregateDevice
+ This property is used to tell a plug-in to destroy an AudioAggregateDevice.
+ Like kAudioPlugInCreateAggregateDevice, this property is read only. The
+ value of the property is the AudioObjectID of the AudioAggregateDevice to
+ destroy.
+ kAudioPlugInPropertyBundleID = $70696964 (* 'piid' *);
+ kAudioPlugInCreateAggregateDevice = $63616767 (* 'cagg' *);
+ kAudioPlugInDestroyAggregateDevice = $64616767 (* 'dagg' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioDevice Types
+ @typedef AudioDeviceID
+ @abstract AudioDevice is the base class for all objects that represent an audio device.
+ @discussion AudioDevice is a subclass of AudioObject. AudioDevices normally contain
+ AudioStreams and AudioControls, but may contain other things depending on the
+ kind of AudioDevice (e.g. aggregate devices contain other AudioDevices).
+ AudioDeviceID = AudioObjectID;
+ @typedef AudioDevicePropertyID
+ @abstract An AudioDevicePropertyID is an integer that identifies a specific piece of
+ information about the object.
+ AudioDevicePropertyID = AudioObjectPropertySelector;
+ @struct AudioHardwareIOProcStreamUsage
+ @abstract This structure describes which streams a given AudioDeviceIOProc will use. It is
+ used in conjunction with kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage.
+ @field mIOProc
+ The IOProc whose stream usage is being specified.
+ @field mNumberStreams
+ The number of streams being specified.
+ @field mStreamIsOn
+ An array of UInt32's whose length is specified by mNumberStreams. Each
+ element of the array corresponds to a stream. A value of 0 means the stream
+ is not to be enabled. Any other value means the stream is to be used.
+ AudioHardwareIOProcStreamUsage = record
+ mIOProc: UnivPtr;
+ mNumberStreams: UInt32;
+ mStreamIsOn: array[0..0] of UInt32;
+ end;
+ @typedef AudioDeviceIOProc
+ @abstract An AudioDeviceIOProc is called by an AudioDevice to provide input data read from
+ the device and collect output data to be written to the device for the current
+ IO cycle.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice doing the IO.
+ @param inNow
+ An AudioTimeStamp that indicates the IO cycle started. Note that this time
+ includes any scheduling latency that may have been incurred waking the
+ thread on which IO is being done.
+ @param inInputData
+ An AudioBufferList containing the input data for the current IO cycle. For
+ streams that are disabled, the AudioBuffer's mData field will be NULL but
+ the mDataByteSize field will still say how much data would have been there
+ if it was enabled. Note that the contents of this structure should never be
+ modified.
+ @param inInputTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp that indicates the time at which the first frame in the
+ data was acquired from the hardware. If the device has no input streams, the
+ time stamp will be zeroed out.
+ @param outOutputData
+ An AudioBufferList in which the output data for the current IO cycle is to
+ be placed. On entry, each AudioBuffer's mDataByteSize field indicates the
+ maximum amount of data that can be placed in the buffer and the buffer's
+ memory has been zeroed out. For formats where the number of bytes per packet
+ can vary (as with AC-3, for example), the client has to fill out on exit
+ each mDataByteSize field in each AudioBuffer with the amount of data that
+ was put in the buffer. Otherwise, the mDataByteSize field should not be
+ changed. For streams that are disabled, the AudioBuffer's mData field will
+ be NULL but the mDataByteSize field will still say how much data would have
+ been there if it was enabled. Except as noted above, the contents of this
+ structure should not other wise be modified.
+ @param inOutputTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp that indicates the time at which the first frame in the
+ data will be passed to the hardware. If the device has no output streams,
+ the time stamp will be zeroed out.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data established when the AudioDeviceIOProc was
+ registered with the AudioDevice.
+ @result The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
+ AudioDeviceIOProc = function( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; const (*var*) inNow: AudioTimeStamp; const (*var*) inInputData: AudioBufferList; const (*var*) inInputTime: AudioTimeStamp; var outOutputData: AudioBufferList; const (*var*) inOutputTime: AudioTimeStamp; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
+ @typedef AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc
+ @abstract Clients register an AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc with the AudioDevice object
+ in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice whose property has changed.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property that changed where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice changed.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property that changed.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
+ with the object.
+ @result The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
+ AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc = function( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
+//#pragma mark AudioDevice Constants
+ @enum AudioDevice Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioDevices.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the input signal
+ paths of the AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the output signal
+ paths of the AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough
+ The AudioObjectPropertyScope for properties that apply to the play through
+ signal paths of the AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioDevice class.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceUnknown
+ The AudioObjectID for a nonexistent AudioObject.
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput = $696E7074 (* 'inpt' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput = $6F757470 (* 'outp' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough = $70747275 (* 'ptru' *);
+ kAudioDeviceClassID = $61646576 (* 'adev' *);
+ kAudioDeviceUnknown = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+ @enum StartAtTime/GetNearestStartTime Flags
+ @abstract The flags that can be passed to control the behavior of AudioDeviceStartAtTime()
+ andAudioDeviceGetNearestStartTime().
+ @constant kAudioDeviceStartTimeIsInputFlag
+ Set to indicate that the requested time refers to an input time. Clear to
+ indicate that it is an output time.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultDeviceFlag
+ Set to indicate that the device should not be consulted when determining the
+ start time. Clear to indicate that the device should be consulted. This flag
+ cannot be set if kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultHALFlag is set.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultHALFlag
+ Set to indicate that the HAL should not be consulted when determining the
+ start time. Clear to indicate that the HAL should be consulted. This flag
+ cannot be set if kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultDeviceFlag is set.
+ kAudioDeviceStartTimeIsInputFlag = 1 shl 0;
+ kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultDeviceFlag = 1 shl 1;
+ kAudioDeviceStartTimeDontConsultHALFlag = 1 shl 2;
+//#pragma mark AudioDevice Properties
+ @enum AudioDevice Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to AudioDevice objects.
+ @discussion AudioDevices have four scopes: kAudioDevicePropertyScopeGlobal,
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput, kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput, and
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough. They have a master element and an element
+ for each channel in each stream numbered according to the starting channel
+ number of each stream.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlugIn
+ An OSStatus that contains any error codes generated by loading the IOAudio
+ driver plug-in for the AudioDevice or kAudioHardwareNoError if the plug-in
+ loaded successfully. This property only exists for IOAudio-based
+ AudioDevices whose driver has specified a plug-in to load.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyConfigurationApplication
+ A CFString that contains the bundle ID for an application that provides a
+ GUI for configuring the AudioDevice. By default, the value of this property
+ is the bundle ID for Audio MIDI Setup. The caller is responsible for
+ releasing the returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID
+ A CFString that contains a persistent identifier for the AudioDevice. An
+ AudioDevice's UID is persistent across boots. The content of the UID string
+ is a black box and may contain information that is unique to a particular
+ instance of an AudioDevice's hardware or unique to the CPU. Therefore they
+ are not suitable for passing between CPUs or for identifying similar models
+ of hardware.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyModelUID
+ A CFString that contains a persistent identifier for the model of an
+ AudioDevice. The identifier is unique such that the identifier from two
+ AudioDevices are equal if and only if the two AudioDevices are the exact
+ same model from the same manufacturer. Further, the identifier has to be the
+ same no matter on what machine the AudioDevice appears.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType
+ A UInt32 whose value indicates how the AudioDevice is connected to the CPU.
+ Constants for some of the values for this property can be found in
+ <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyRelatedDevices
+ An array of AudioDeviceIDs for devices related to the AudioDevice. For
+ IOAudio-based devices, a AudioDevices are related if they share the same
+ IOAudioDevice object.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockDomain
+ A UInt32 whose value indicates the clock domain to which this AudioDevice
+ belongs. AudioDevices that have the same value for this property are able to
+ be synchronized in hardware. However, a value of 0 indicates that the clock
+ domain for the device is unspecified and should be assumed to be separate
+ from every other device's clock domain, even if they have the value of 0 as
+ their clock domain as well.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means the device is ready and available and 0
+ means the device is usable and will most likely go away shortly.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceHasChanged
+ The type of this property is a UInt32, but it's value has no meaning. This
+ property exists so that clients can listen to it and be told when the
+ configuration of the AudioDevice has changed in ways that cannot otherwise
+ be conveyed through other notifications. In response to this notification,
+ clients should re-evaluate everything they need to know about the device,
+ particularly the layout and values of the controls.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunning
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 means the AudioDevice is not performing IO and
+ a value of 1 means that it is. Note that the device can be running even if
+ there are no active IOProcs such as by calling AudioDeviceStart() and
+ passing a NULL IOProc. Note that the notification for this property is
+ usually sent from the AudioDevice's IO thread.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that the AudioDevice is running in at least one
+ process on the system and 0 means that it isn't running at all.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultDevice
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that the AudioDevice is a possible selection for
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice or
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice depending on the scope.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultSystemDevice
+ A UInt32 where 1 means that the AudioDevice is a possible selection for
+ kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultSystemOutputDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload
+ A UInt32 where the value has no meaning. This property exists so that
+ clients can be notified when the AudioDevice detects that an IO cycle has
+ run past it's deadline. Note that the notification for this property is
+ usually sent from the AudioDevice's IO thread.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode
+ A pid_t indicating the process that currently owns exclusive access to the
+ AudioDevice or a value of -1 indicating that the device is currently
+ available to all processes. If the AudioDevice is in a non-mixable mode,
+ the HAL will automatically take hog mode on behalf of the first process to
+ start an IOProc.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyLatency
+ A UInt32 containing the number of frames of latency in the AudioDevice. Note
+ that input and output latency may differ. Further, the AudioDevice's
+ AudioStreams may have additional latency so they should be queried as well.
+ If both the device and the stream say they have latency, then the total
+ latency for the stream is the device latency summed with the stream latency.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize
+ A UInt32 whose value indicates the number of frames in the IO buffers.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange
+ An AudioValueRange indicating the minimum and maximum values, inclusive, for
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyUsesVariableBufferFrameSizes
+ A UInt32 that, if implemented by a device, indicates that the sizes of the
+ buffers passed to an IOProc will vary by a small amount. The value of this
+ property will indicate the largest buffer that will be passed and
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize will indicate the smallest buffer that
+ will get passed to the IOProc. The usage of this property is narrowed to
+ only allow for devices whose buffer sizes vary by small amounts greater than
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize. It is not intended to be a license for
+ devices to be able to send buffers however they please. Rather, it is
+ intended to allow for hardware whose natural rhythms lead to this necessity.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreams
+ An array of AudioStreamIDs that represent the AudioStreams of the
+ AudioDevice. Note that if a notification is received for this property, any
+ cached AudioStreamIDs for the device become invalid and need to be
+ re-fetched.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset
+ A UInt32 whose value indicates the number for frames in ahead (for output)
+ or behind (for input the current hardware position that is safe to do IO.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyIOCycleUsage
+ A Float32 whose range is from 0 to 1. This value indicates how much of the
+ client portion of the IO cycle the process will use. The client portion of
+ the IO cycle is the portion of the cycle in which the device calls the
+ IOProcs so this property does not the apply to the duration of the entire
+ cycle.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration
+ This property returns the stream configuration of the device in an
+ AudioBufferList (with the buffer pointers set to NULL) which describes the
+ list of streams and the number of channels in each stream. This corresponds
+ to what will be passed into the IOProc.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage
+ An AudioHardwareIOProcStreamUsage structure which details the stream usage
+ of a given IO proc. If a stream is marked as not being used, the given
+ IOProc will see a corresponding NULL buffer pointer in the AudioBufferList
+ passed to it's IO proc. Note that the number of streams detailed in the
+ AudioHardwareIOProcStreamUsage must include all the streams of that
+ direction on the device. Also, when getting the value of the property, one
+ must fill out the mIOProc field of the AudioHardwareIOProcStreamUsage with
+ the address of the of the IOProc whose stream usage is to be retrieved.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo
+ An array of two UInt32s, the first for the left channel, the second for the
+ right channel, that indicate the channel numbers to use for stereo IO on the
+ device. The value of this property can be different for input and output and
+ there are no restrictions on the channel numbers that can be used.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout
+ An AudioChannelLayout that indicates how each channel of the AudioDevice
+ should be used.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate
+ A Float64 that indicates the current nominal sample rate of the AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyAvailableNominalSampleRates
+ An array of AudioValueRange structs that indicates the valid ranges for the
+ nominal sample rate of the AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyActualSampleRate
+ A Float64 that indicates the current actual sample rate of the AudioDevice
+ as measured by it's time stamps.
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlugIn = $706C7567 (* 'plug' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyConfigurationApplication = $63617070 (* 'capp' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID = $75696420 (* 'uid ' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyModelUID = $6D756964 (* 'muid' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType = $7472616E (* 'tran' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyRelatedDevices = $616B696E (* 'akin' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockDomain = $636C6B64 (* 'clkd' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive = $6C69766E (* 'livn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceHasChanged = $64696666 (* 'diff' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunning = $676F696E (* 'goin' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere = $676F6E65 (* 'gone' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultDevice = $64666C74 (* 'dflt' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultSystemDevice = $73666C74 (* 'sflt' *);
+ kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload = $6F766572 (* 'over' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode = $6F696E6B (* 'oink' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyLatency = $6C746E63 (* 'ltnc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize = $6673697A (* 'fsiz' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange = $66737A23 (* 'fsz#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyUsesVariableBufferFrameSizes = $7666737A (* 'vfsz' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreams = $73746D23 (* 'stm#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset = $73616674 (* 'saft' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyIOCycleUsage = $6E637963 (* 'ncyc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration = $736C6179 (* 'slay' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage = $73757365 (* 'suse' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo = $64636832 (* 'dch2' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout = $73726E64 (* 'srnd' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate = $6E737274 (* 'nsrt' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyAvailableNominalSampleRates = $6E737223 (* 'nsr#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyActualSampleRate = $61737274 (* 'asrt' *);
+ @enum AudioDevice Properties Implemented via AudioControl objects
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values for AudioDevice properties that are
+ implemented by AudioControl objects.
+ @discussion These properties are also accessible by locating the AudioControl object
+ attached to the AudioDevice and using that object to access the properties of
+ the control.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyJackIsConnected
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 means that there isn't anything plugged into the
+ jack associated withe given element and scope. This property is implemented
+ by an AudioJackControl, a subclass of AudioBooleanControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the volume control. The range is
+ between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibels
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the volume control in dB. This
+ property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeRangeDecibels
+ An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
+ control can have. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalarToDecibels
+ A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent dB value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalar
+ A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent scalar value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStereoPan
+ A Float32 where 0.0 is full left, 1.0 is full right, and 0.5 is center. This
+ property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioStereoPanControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStereoPanChannels
+ An array of two UInt32s that indicate which elements of the owning object
+ the signal is being panned between. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioStereoPanControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyMute
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means that mute is enabled making that element
+ inaudible. The property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a
+ subclass of AudioMuteControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySolo
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means that just that element is audible and the
+ other elements are inaudible. The property is implemented by an AudioControl
+ object that is a subclass of AudioSoloControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource
+ A UInt32 whose value is the item ID for the currently selected data source.
+ This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioDataSourceControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDataSources
+ An array of UInt32s that are represent all the IDs of all the data sources
+ currently available. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioDataSourceControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString
+ This property translates the given data source item ID into a human readable
+ name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is the UInt32
+ containing the item ID to translated and the output data is a CFString. The
+ caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject. This property is
+ implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioDataSourceControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockSource
+ A UInt32 whose value is the item ID for the currently selected clock source.
+ This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioClockControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockSources
+ An array of UInt32s that are represent all the IDs of all the clock sources
+ currently available. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioClockControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString
+ This property translates the given clock source item ID into a human
+ readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
+ the UInt32 containing the item ID to translated and the output data is a
+ CFString. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioClockControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceKindForID
+ This property returns a UInt32 that identifies the kind of clock source
+ the item ID refers to using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input
+ data is the UInt32 containing the item ID and the output data is the UInt32.
+ Values for this property are defined in <IOAudio/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThru
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 means that play through is off and a value of 1
+ means that it is on. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioMuteControl. Further, the control that implements
+ this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruSolo
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means that just that play through element is
+ audible and the other elements are inaudible. The property is implemented by
+ an AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioSoloControl. Further, the
+ control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeScalar
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the volume control. The range is
+ between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl.Further, the
+ control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibels
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the volume control in dB. This
+ property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioVolumeControl. Further, the control that implements this property is
+ only available through kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeRangeDecibels
+ An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
+ control can have. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl. Further, the control that
+ implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeScalarToDecibels
+ A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent dB value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl. Further, the
+ control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibelsToScalar
+ A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent scalar value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioVolumeControl. Further, the
+ control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruStereoPan
+ A Float32 where 0.0 is full left, 1.0 is full right, and 0.5 is center. This
+ property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioStereoPanControl. Further, the control that implements this property is
+ only available through kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruStereoPanChannels
+ An array of two UInt32s that indicate which elements of the owning object
+ the signal is being panned between. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioStereoPanControl. Further,
+ the control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestination
+ A UInt32 whose value is the item ID for the currently selected play through
+ data destination. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioDataDestinationControl. Further, the control that
+ implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinations
+ An array of UInt32s that are represent all the IDs of all the play through
+ data destinations currently available. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioDataDestinationControl.
+ Further, the control that implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForIDCFString
+ This property translates the given play through data destination item ID
+ into a human readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The
+ input data is the UInt32 containing the item ID to translated and the output
+ data is a CFString. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned
+ CFObject. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a
+ subclass of AudioDataDestinationControl. Further, the control that
+ implements this property is only available through
+ kAudioDevicePropertyScopePlayThrough.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevel
+ A UInt32 whose value is the item ID for the currently selected nominal line
+ level. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a
+ subclass of AudioLineLevelControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevels
+ An array of UInt32s that represent all the IDs of all the nominal line
+ levels currently available. This property is implemented by an AudioControl
+ object that is a subclass of AudioLineLevelControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForIDCFString
+ This property translates the given nominal line level item ID into a human
+ readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
+ the UInt32 containing the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
+ CFString. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ This property is implemented by an AudioCOntrol object that is a subclass of
+ AudioLineLevelControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 means that the AudioDevice should not claim
+ ownership of any attached iSub and a value of 1 means that it should. Note
+ that this property is only available for built-in devices and for USB Audio
+ devices that use the standard class compliant driver. This property is
+ implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioISubOwnerControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalar
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the LFE volume control. The range is
+ between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioLFEVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibels
+ A Float32 that represents the value of the LFE volume control in dB. This
+ property is implemented by an AudioControl object that is a subclass of
+ AudioLFE VolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeRangeDecibels
+ An AudioValueRange that contains the minimum and maximum dB values the
+ control can have. This property is implemented by an AudioControl object
+ that is a subclass of AudioLFEVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalarToDecibels
+ A Float32 that on input contains a scalar volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent dB value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioLFEVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalar
+ A Float32 that on input contains a dB volume value for the and on exit
+ contains the equivalent scalar value. This property is implemented by an
+ AudioControl object that is a subclass of AudioLFEVolumeControl.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySubMute
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means that mute is enabled making the LFE on
+ that element inaudible. The property is implemented by an AudioControl
+ object that is a subclass of AudioLFEMuteControl.
+ kAudioDevicePropertyJackIsConnected = $6A61636B (* 'jack' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar = $766F6C6D (* 'volm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibels = $766F6C64 (* 'vold' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeRangeDecibels = $76646223 (* 'vdb#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalarToDecibels = $76326462 (* 'v2db' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalar = $64623276 (* 'db2v' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStereoPan = $7370616E (* 'span' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStereoPanChannels = $73706E23 (* 'spn#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyMute = $6D757465 (* 'mute' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySolo = $736F6C6F (* 'solo' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource = $73737263 (* 'ssrc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDataSources = $73736323 (* 'ssc#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString = $6C73636E (* 'lscn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockSource = $63737263 (* 'csrc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockSources = $63736323 (* 'csc#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString = $6C63736E (* 'lcsn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceKindForID = $6373636B (* 'csck' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThru = $74687275 (* 'thru' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruSolo = $74687273 (* 'thrs' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeScalar = $6D767363 (* 'mvsc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibels = $6D766462 (* 'mvdb' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeRangeDecibels = $6D766423 (* 'mvd#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeScalarToDecibels = $6D763264 (* 'mv2d' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruVolumeDecibelsToScalar = $6D763273 (* 'mv2s' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruStereoPan = $6D73706E (* 'mspn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruStereoPanChannels = $6D737023 (* 'msp#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestination = $6D646473 (* 'mdds' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinations = $6D646423 (* 'mdd#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForIDCFString = $6D646463 (* 'mddc' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevel = $6E6C766C (* 'nlvl' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevels = $6E6C7623 (* 'nlv#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForIDCFString = $6C636E6C (* 'lcnl' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub = $69737562 (* 'isub' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalar = $73766C6D (* 'svlm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibels = $73766C64 (* 'svld' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeRangeDecibels = $73766423 (* 'svd#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalarToDecibels = $73763264 (* 'sv2d' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalar = $73643276 (* 'sd2v' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertySubMute = $736D7574 (* 'smut' *);
+ @enum AudioDevice Properties That Ought To Some Day Be Deprecated
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values whose functionality is better provided by
+ other selectors.
+ @discussion These selectors are still provided for backward compatibility. The description
+ of the property will indicate in parentheses the better selectors to use and
+ why.
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName
+ A C-string that contains the human readable name of the AudioDevice.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyName: CFStrings are better for localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString
+ A CFStringRef that contains the human readable name of the AudioDevice. The
+ caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyName: This is just another name for the inherited
+ selector.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer
+ A C-string that contains the human readable name of the manufacturer of the
+ AudioDevice.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer: CFStrings are better for localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString
+ A CFString that contains the human readable name of the manufacturer of the
+ AudioDevice. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer: This is just another name for the
+ inherited selector.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList
+ This property allows clients to register a fully populated AudioBufferList
+ that matches the topology described by
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration for doing input using
+ AudioDeviceRead(). The AudioBufferList will be registered with the call the
+ AudioDeviceSetProperty() and will be unregistered with the call to
+ AudioDeviceGetProperty(). If this property isn't implemented by the
+ AudioDevice, it implies that the AudioDevice also doesn't support
+ AudioDeviceRead().
+ (Aggregate devices make AudioDeviceRead() obsolete for the most part.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize
+ A UInt32 containing the size in bytes of the IO buffer for the AudioStream
+ containing the element.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize: with multiple AudioStreams and the
+ requirement that all streams' buffers represent the same amount of time, it
+ doesn't make sense to set the buffer size in bytes since it will be
+ different for each stream.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange
+ An AudioValueRange specifying the minimum and maximum bytes size for the
+ IO buffer for the AudioStream containing the given element.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange: see
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the given element in the
+ given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementName: CFStrings are better for
+ localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNameCFString
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the given element in the
+ given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementName: This is just another name for the
+ inherited selector.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the category of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName: CFStrings are better for
+ localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryNameCFString
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the category of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName: This is just another name for the
+ inherited selector.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberName
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the number of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName: CFStrings are better for
+ localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberNameCFString
+ A CFString that contains a human readable name for the number of the given
+ element in the given scope. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName: This is just another name for the
+ inherited selector.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing
+ A UInt32 where a value of 1 means the AudioDevice supports mixing and a
+ value of 0 means that it doesn't and that all IO is performed in each
+ AudioStream's current physical format. This property is changed indirectly
+ by changing to a format that doesn't support mixing, such as AC-3. (The HAL
+ now vends it's format information with a flag indicating the mixability in
+ order to better support devices with streams that are both mixable and non-
+ mixable.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription that describes the current data format for
+ the AudioStream that contains the channel referred to by the element number.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyVirtualFormat: Managing format information is
+ inherently an operation on AudioStreams, rather than AudioDevices. It is
+ confusing for the client to work with formats at the AudioDevice level and
+ has been shown to lead to programming mistakes by clients when working with
+ devices that have multiple streams.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats
+ An array of AudioStreamBasicDescriptions that describe the available data
+ formats for the AudioStream that contains the channel referred to by the
+ element number.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: Managing format information is
+ inherently an operation on AudioStreams, rather than AudioDevices. It is
+ confusing for the client to work with formats at the AudioDevice level and
+ has been shown to lead to programming mistakes by clients when working with
+ devices that have multiple streams.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in to query whether or not the
+ format is supported. A kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError will be returned
+ if the format is not supported and kAudioHardwareNoError will be returned if
+ it is supported. AudioStreamBasicDescription fields set to 0 will be ignored
+ in the query, but otherwise values must match exactly.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: The proper and most robust way
+ to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
+ available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in and the AudioStream will modify
+ it to describe the best match, in the AudioDevice's opinion, for the given
+ format.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats: The proper and most robust way
+ to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
+ available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID
+ This property translates the given data source item ID into a human readable
+ name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is the UInt32
+ holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a buffer to hold
+ the name as a null terminated c-string.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are better for
+ localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID
+ This property translates the given clock source item ID into a human
+ readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
+ the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
+ buffer to hold the name as a null terminated c-string.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are better for
+ localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForID
+ This property translates the given play through destination item ID into a
+ human readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data
+ is the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
+ buffer to hold the name as a null terminated c-string.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are
+ better for localization.)
+ @constant kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForID
+ This property translates the given nominal line level item ID into a human
+ readable name using an AudioValueTranslation structure. The input data is
+ the UInt32 holding the item ID to be translated and the output data is a
+ buffer to hold the name as a null terminated c-string.
+ (kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForIDCFString: CFStrings are
+ better for localization.)
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName = $6E616D65 (* 'name' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyName;
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer = $6D616B72 (* 'makr' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyManufacturer;
+ kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList = $72627566 (* 'rbuf' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize = $6273697A (* 'bsiz' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange = $62737A23 (* 'bsz#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelName = $63686E6D (* 'chnm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementName;
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryName = $63636E6D (* 'ccnm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelCategoryNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementCategoryName;
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberName = $636E6E6D (* 'cnnm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNumberNameCFString = kAudioObjectPropertyElementNumberName;
+ kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing = $6D69783F (* 'mix?' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat = $73666D74 (* 'sfmt' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats = $73666D23 (* 'sfm#' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported = $73666D3F (* 'sfm?' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch = $73666D6D (* 'sfmm' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID = $7373636E (* 'sscn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID = $6373636E (* 'cscn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThruDestinationNameForID = $6D64646E (* 'mddn' *);
+ kAudioDevicePropertyChannelNominalLineLevelNameForID = $636E6C76 (* 'cnlv' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioDevice Functions
+ @functiongroup AudioDevice
+ @function AudioDeviceAddIOProc
+ @abstract Registers the given AudioDeviceIOProc with the AudioDevice.
+ @discussion A client may have multiple IOProcs for a given device, but the device is free to
+ only accept as many as it can handle. Note that it is not recommended for
+ clients to have more than a single IOProc registered at a time as this can be
+ wasteful of system resources. Rather, it is recommended that the client do any
+ necessary mixing itself so that only one IOProc is necessary.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to register the IOProc with.
+ @param inProc
+ The AudioDeviceIOProc to register.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed back to the IOProc when it is
+ called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceAddIOProc( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceAddIOProc';
+ @function AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc
+ @abstract Unregisters the given AudioDeviceIOProc from the AudioDevice.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to unregister the IOProc from.
+ @param inProc
+ The AudioDeviceIOProc to unregister.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc';
+ @function AudioDeviceStart
+ @abstract Starts IO for the given AudioDeviceIOProc.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to start the IOProc on.
+ @param inProc
+ The AudioDeviceIOProc to start. Note that this can be NULL, which starts the
+ hardware regardless of whether or not there are any IOProcs registered. This
+ is necessary if any of the AudioDevice's timing services are to be used. A
+ balancing call to AudioDeviceStop with a NULL IOProc is required to stop the
+ hardware.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceStart( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceStart';
+ @function AudioDeviceStartAtTime
+ @abstract Starts IO for the given AudioDeviceIOProc and aligns the IO cycle of the
+ AudioDevice with the given time.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to start the IOProc on.
+ @param inProc
+ The AudioDeviceIOProc to start. Note that this can be NULL, which starts the
+ hardware regardless of whether or not there are any IOProcs registered.
+ @param ioRequestedStartTime
+ A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that, on entry, is the requested time to
+ start the IOProc. On exit, it will be the actual time the IOProc will start.
+ @param inFlags
+ A UInt32 containing flags that modify how this function behaves.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+ kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError will be returned if the AudioDevice does
+ not support starting at a specific time and inProc and ioRequestedStartTime are
+ not NULL.
+function AudioDeviceStartAtTime( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc; ioRequestedStartTime: AudioTimeStampPtr; inFlags: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceStartAtTime';
+ @function AudioDeviceStop
+ @abstract Stops IO for the given AudioDeviceIOProc.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to stop the IOProc on.
+ @param inProc
+ The AudioDeviceIOProc to stop.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceStop( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inProc: AudioDeviceIOProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceStop';
+ @function AudioDeviceRead
+ @abstract Read some data from an AudioDevice starting at the given time.
+ @discussion With the advent of aggregate devices, the need for AudioDeviceRead has gone
+ away. Consequently, this function is a good candidate for deprecation some day.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to read from.
+ @param inStartTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp indicating the time from which to read the data. In
+ general, the valid range of time (in frames) is from the current time minus
+ the maximum IO buffer size to the current time minus the safety offset.
+ @param outData
+ An AudioBufferList that must be the same size and shape as that returned by
+ kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration. Further, the AudioBufferList must
+ have been previously registered with the device via
+ kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList. On exit, the mDataSize fields will
+ be updated with the amount of data read.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+ kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError will be returned if the AudioDevice does
+ not support direct reading.
+function AudioDeviceRead( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; const (*var*) inStartTime: AudioTimeStamp; var outData: AudioBufferList ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRead';
+ @function AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime
+ @abstract Retrieves the current time from an AudioDevice. Note that the device has to be
+ running.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to from which to get the time.
+ @param outTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp into which the current time is put.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure. kAudioHardwareNotRunningError will be
+ returned if the AudioDevice isn't running.
+function AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; var outTime: AudioTimeStamp ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetCurrentTime';
+ @function AudioDeviceTranslateTime
+ @abstract Translates the time in the AudioDevice's time base from one representation to
+ another. Note that the device has to be running
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice whose time base governs the translation.
+ @param inTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp containing the time to be translated.
+ @param outTime
+ An AudioTimeStamp into which the translated time is put. On entry, the
+ mFlags field specifies which representations to translate the input time
+ into. Because not every device supports all time representations, on exit,
+ the mFlags field will indicate which translations were actually done.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure. kAudioHardwareNotRunningError will be
+ returned if the AudioDevice isn't running.
+function AudioDeviceTranslateTime( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; const (*var*) inTime: AudioTimeStamp; var outTime: AudioTimeStamp ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceTranslateTime';
+ @function AudioDeviceGetNearestStartTime
+ @abstract Query an AudioDevice to get a time equal to or later than the given time that is
+ the best time to start IO.
+ @discussion The time that is returned is dictated by the constraints of the device and the
+ system. For instance, the driver of a device that provides both audio and video
+ data may only allow start times that coincide with the edge of a video frame.
+ Also, if the device already has one or more active IOProcs, the start time will
+ be shifted to the beginning of the next IO cycle so as not to cause
+ discontinuities in the existing IOProcs. Another reason the start time may shift
+ is to allow for aligning the buffer accesses in an optimal fashion. Note that
+ the device must be running to use this function.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to query.
+ @param ioRequestedStartTime
+ A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that, on entry, is the requested start time.
+ On exit, it will have the a time equal to or later than the requested time,
+ as dictated by the device's constraints.
+ @param inFlags
+ A UInt32 containing flags that modify how this function behaves.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure. kAudioHardwareNotRunningError will be
+ returned if the AudioDevice isn't running.
+ kAudioHardwareUnsupportedOperationError will be returned if the AudioDevice does
+ not support starting at a specific time.
+function AudioDeviceGetNearestStartTime( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; var ioRequestedStartTime: AudioTimeStamp; inFlags: UInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetNearestStartTime';
+ @function AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo
+ @abstract Retrieve information about the given property of an AudioDevice.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by the functions
+ AudioObjectHasProperty(), AudioObjectIsPropertySettable(), and
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize().
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to query.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice to query.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param outSize
+ A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
+ on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
+ @param outWritable
+ A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
+ property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
+ requested.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; outSize: UInt32Ptr; outWritable: BooleanPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo';
+ @function AudioDeviceGetProperty
+ @abstract Queries an the AudioDevice object to get the data of the given property and
+ places it in the provided buffer.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to query.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice to query.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param ioPropertyDataSize
+ A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
+ outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
+ @param outPropertyData
+ The buffer into which the object will put the data for the given property.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceGetProperty( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceGetProperty';
+ @function AudioDeviceSetProperty
+ @abstract Tells the AudioDevice object to change the value of the given property using the
+ provided data.
+ @discussion Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
+ HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
+ asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
+ function AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice to change.
+ @param inWhen
+ A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that says when to change the property's value
+ relative to the device's time base. NULL means execute the change
+ immediately.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to change where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice to change.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to change.
+ @param inPropertyDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
+ @param inPropertyData
+ The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceSetProperty( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inWhen: {const} AudioTimeStampPtr; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceSetProperty';
+ @function AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener
+ @abstract Registers the given AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
+ when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice with whom to register the listener.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to listen to.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice to listen to.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to listen to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to call.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceAddPropertyListener';
+ @function AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener
+ @abstract Unregisters the given AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc from receiving
+ notifications when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by
+ AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
+ AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inDevice
+ The AudioDevice with whom to unregister the listener.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to unregister from.
+ @param isInput
+ Which section of the AudioDevice to unregister from.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc to unregister.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener( inDevice: AudioDeviceID; inChannel: UInt32; isInput: Boolean; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioDevicePropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioDeviceRemovePropertyListener';
+//#pragma mark AudioStream Types
+ @typedef AudioStreamID
+ @abstract AudioStream is the base class for all objects that represent a stream of data on
+ an audio device.
+ @discussion AudioStream is a subclass of AudioObject and can contain AudioControls.
+ AudioStreamID = AudioObjectID;
+ @struct AudioStreamRangedDescription
+ @abstract This structure allows a specific sample rate range to be associated with an
+ AudioStreamBasicDescription that specifies it's sample rate as
+ kAudioStreamAnyRate.
+ @discussion Note that this structure is only used to desicribe the the available formats
+ for a stream. It is not used for the current format.
+ @field mFormat
+ The AudioStreamBasicDescription that describes the format of the stream.
+ Note that the mSampleRate field of the structure will be the same as the
+ the values in mSampleRateRange when only a single sample rate is supported.
+ It will be kAudioStreamAnyRate when there is a range with more elements.
+ @field mSampleRateRange
+ The AudioValueRange that describes the minimum and maximum sample rate for
+ the stream. If the mSampleRate field of mFormat is kAudioStreamAnyRate the
+ format supports the range of sample rates described by this structure.
+ Otherwise, the minimum will be the same as the maximum which will be the
+ same as the mSampleRate field of mFormat.
+ AudioStreamRangedDescription = record
+ mFormat: AudioStreamBasicDescription;
+ mSampleRateRange: AudioValueRange;
+ end;
+ @typedef AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc
+ @abstract Clients register an AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc with the AudioStream object
+ in order to receive notifications when the properties of the object change.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream whose property has changed.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property that changed where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property that changed.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data established when the listener proc was registered
+ with the object.
+ @result The return value is currently unused and should always be 0.
+ AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc = function( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus;
+//#pragma mark AudioStream Constants
+ @enum AudioStream Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioStreams.
+ @constant kAudioStreamClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioStream class.
+ @constant kAudioStreamUnknown
+ The AudioObjectID for a nonexistent AudioObject.
+ kAudioStreamClassID = $61737472 (* 'astr' *);
+ kAudioStreamUnknown = kAudioObjectUnknown;
+//#pragma mark AudioStream Properties
+ @enum AudioStream Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioStreams.
+ @discussion AudioStream is a subclass of AudioObject and has only the single scope,
+ kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal. They have a master element and an element for
+ each channel in the stream numbered upward from 1. Note that AudioStream objects
+ share AudioControl objects with their owning AudioDevice. Consequently, all the
+ standard AudioControl related property selectors implemented by AudioDevices are
+ also implemented by AudioStreams. The same constants are to be used for such
+ properties.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyDirection
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 means that this AudioStream is an output stream
+ and a value of 1 means that it is an input stream.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType
+ A UInt32 whose value describes the general kind of functionality attached
+ to the AudioStream. Constants that describe some of the values of this
+ property are defined in <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyStartingChannel
+ A UInt32 that specifies the first element in the owning device that
+ corresponds to element one of this stream.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyLatency
+ A UInt32 containing the number of frames of latency in the AudioStream. Note
+ that the owning AudioDevice may have additional latency so it should be
+ queried as well. If both the device and the stream say they have latency,
+ then the total latency for the stream is the device latency summed with the
+ stream latency.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyVirtualFormat
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription that describes the current data format for
+ the AudioStream. The virtual format refers to the data format in which all
+ IOProcs for the owning AudioDevice will perform IO transactions.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats
+ An array of AudioStreamRangedDescriptions that describe the available data
+ formats for the AudioStream. The virtual format refers to the data format in
+ which all IOProcs for the owning AudioDevice will perform IO transactions.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription that describes the current data format for
+ the AudioStream. The physical format refers to the data format in which the
+ hardware for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO transactions.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats
+ An array of AudioStreamRangedDescriptions that describe the available data
+ formats for the AudioStream. The physical format refers to the data format
+ in which the hardware for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO
+ transactions.
+ kAudioStreamPropertyDirection = $73646972 (* 'sdir' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType = $7465726D (* 'term' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyStartingChannel = $7363686E (* 'schn' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyLatency = kAudioDevicePropertyLatency;
+ kAudioStreamPropertyVirtualFormat = $73666D74 (* 'sfmt' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyAvailableVirtualFormats = $73666D61 (* 'sfma' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat = $70667420 (* 'pft ' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats = $70667461 (* 'pfta' *);
+ @enum AudioStream Properties That Ought To Some Day Be Deprecated
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values whose functionality is better provided by
+ other selectors.
+ @discussion These selectors are still provided for backward compatibility. The description
+ of the property will indicate in parentheses the better selectors to use and
+ why.
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice
+ The AudioObjectID of the AudioDevice of which this AudioStream is a part.
+ (kAudioObjectPropertyOwner: This is just another name for the inherited
+ selector.)
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats
+ An array of AudioStreamBasicDescriptions that describe the available data
+ formats for the AudioStream. The physical format refers to the data format
+ in which the hardware for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO
+ transactions.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The new name for this
+ property is much clearer for readers of the API to see what is meant and the
+ AudioStreamRangedDescription structure provides better information.)
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in to query whether or not the
+ format is supported. A kAudioDeviceUnsupportedFormatError will be returned
+ if the format is not supported and kAudioHardwareNoError will be returned if
+ it is supported. AudioStreamBasicDescription fields set to 0 will be ignored
+ in the query, but otherwise values must match exactly. The physical format
+ refers to the data format in which the hardware for the owning AudioDevice
+ performs it's IO transactions.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The proper and most robust
+ way to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
+ available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
+ @constant kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch
+ An AudioStreamBasicDescription is passed in and the AudioStream will modify
+ it to describe the best match, in the AudioDevice's opinion, for the given
+ format. The physical format refers to the data format in which the hardware
+ for the owning AudioDevice performs it's IO transactions.
+ (kAudioStreamPropertyAvailablePhysicalFormats: The proper and most robust
+ way to find a format that the AudioStream can support is to get the list of
+ available formats and look through that rather than using this property.)
+ kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice = kAudioObjectPropertyOwner;
+ kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats = $70667423 (* 'pft#' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported = $7066743F (* 'pft?' *);
+ kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch = $7066746D (* 'pftm' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioStream Functions
+ @functiongroup AudioStream
+ @function AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo
+ @abstract Retrieve information about the given property of an AudioStream.
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream to query.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param outSize
+ A pointer to a UInt32 that receives the size of the property data in bytes
+ on exit. This can be NULL if the size information is not being requested.
+ @param outWritable
+ A pointer to a Boolean that receives indication of whether or not the given
+ property can be set. This can be NULL if the writability is not being
+ requested.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; var outSize: UInt32; var outWritable: Boolean ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo';
+ @function AudioStreamGetProperty
+ @abstract Queries an the AudioStream object to get the data of the given property and
+ places it in the provided buffer.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by the function
+ AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream to query.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to query where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to query.
+ @param ioPropertyDataSize
+ A UInt32 which on entry indicates the size of the buffer pointed to by
+ outData and on exit indicates how much of the buffer was used.
+ @param outPropertyData
+ The buffer into which the object will put the data for the given property.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioStreamGetProperty( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; var ioPropertyDataSize: UInt32; outPropertyData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamGetProperty';
+ @function AudioStreamSetProperty
+ @abstract Tells the AudioStream object to change the value of the given property using the
+ provided data.
+ @discussion Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
+ HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
+ asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
+ function AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream to change.
+ @param inWhen
+ A pointer to an AudioTimeStamp that says when to change the property's value
+ relative to the device's time base. NULL means execute the change
+ immediately.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to change where 0 is the master channel.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to change.
+ @param inPropertyDataSize
+ A UInt32 indicating the size of the buffer pointed to by inData.
+ @param inPropertyData
+ The buffer containing the data to be used to change the property's value.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioStreamSetProperty( inStream: AudioStreamID; inWhen: AudioTimeStampPtr; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inPropertyDataSize: UInt32; inPropertyData: {const} UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamSetProperty';
+ @function AudioStreamAddPropertyListener
+ @abstract Registers the given AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to receive notifications
+ when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by AudioObjectAddPropertyListener
+ in conjunction with AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream with whom to register the listener.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to listen to.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to listen to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to call.
+ @param inClientData
+ A pointer to client data that is passed to the listener when it is called.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioStreamAddPropertyListener( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc; inClientData: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamAddPropertyListener';
+ @function AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener
+ @abstract Unregisters the given AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc from receiving
+ notifications when the given property changes.
+ @discussion Note that the same functionality is provided by
+ AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener in conjunction with
+ AudioObjectPropertyListenerProc.
+ @param inStream
+ The AudioStream with whom to unregister the listener.
+ @param inChannel
+ The channel of the property to unregister from.
+ @param inPropertyID
+ The AudioDevicePropertyID of the property to stop listening to.
+ @param inProc
+ AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc to unregister.
+ @result An OSStatus indicating success or failure.
+function AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener( inStream: AudioStreamID; inChannel: UInt32; inPropertyID: AudioDevicePropertyID; inProc: AudioStreamPropertyListenerProc ): OSStatus; external name '_AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener';
+//#pragma mark AudioAggregateDevice Constants
+ @enum AudioAggregateDevice Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioAggregateDevices.
+ @constant kAudioAggregateDeviceClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioAggregateDevice class.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceTransportTypeAggregate
+ The transport type ID (see kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType) for aggregate
+ devices.
+ @constant kAudioDeviceTransportTypeAutoAggregate
+ The transport type ID (see kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType) for
+ automatically generated aggregate devices.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceClassID = $61616767 (* 'aagg' *);
+ kAudioDeviceTransportTypeAggregate = $67727570 (* 'grup' *);
+ kAudioDeviceTransportTypeAutoAggregate = $66677270 (* 'fgrp' *);
+ @defined kAudioAggregateDeviceUIDKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the composition of an
+ AudioAggregateDevice. The value for this key is a CFString that contains the UID
+ of the AudioAggregateDevice.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceUIDKey = 'uid';
+ @defined kAudioAggregateDeviceNameKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the composition of an
+ AudioAggregateDevice. The value for this key is a CFString that contains the
+ human readable name of the AudioAggregateDevice.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceNameKey = 'name';
+ @defined kAudioAggregateDeviceSubDeviceListKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the composition of an
+ AudioAggregateDevice. The value for this key is a CFArray of CFDictionaries that
+ describe each sub-device in the AudioAggregateDevice. The keys for this
+ CFDictionary are defined in the AudioSubDevice section.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceSubDeviceListKey = 'subdevices';
+ @defined kAudioAggregateDeviceMasterSubDeviceKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the composition of an
+ AudioAggregateDevice. The value for this key is a CFString that contains the
+ UID for the sub-device that is the master time source for the
+ AudioAggregateDevice.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceMasterSubDeviceKey = 'master';
+ @defined kAudioAggregateDeviceIsPrivateKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the composition of an
+ AudioAggregateDevice. The value for this key is a CFNumber where a value of 0
+ means that the AudioAggregateDevice is to be published to the entire system and
+ a value of 1 means that the AudioAggregateDevice is private to the process that
+ created it. Note that a private AudioAggregateDevice is not persistent across
+ launches of the process that created it. Note that if this key is not present,
+ it implies that the AudioAggregateDevice is published to the entire system.
+ kAudioAggregateDeviceIsPrivateKey = 'private';
+//#pragma mark AudioAggregateDevice Properties
+ @enum AudioAggregateDevice Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioAggregateDevices.
+ @discussion AudioAggregateDevice is a subclass of AudioDevice.
+ @constant kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyFullSubDeviceList
+ A CFArray of CFStrings that contain the UIDs of all the devices, active or
+ inactive, contained in the AudioAggregateDevice. The order of the items in
+ the array is significant and is used to determine the order of the streams
+ of the AudioAggregateDevice. The caller is responsible for releasing the
+ returned CFObject.
+ @constant kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyActiveSubDeviceList
+ An array of AudioObjectIDs for all the active sub-devices in the aggregate
+ device.
+ @constant kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyComposition
+ A CFDictionary that describes the composition of the AudioAggregateDevice.
+ The keys for this CFDicitionary are defined in the AudioAggregateDevice
+ Constants section.
+ kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyFullSubDeviceList = $67727570 (* 'grup' *);
+ kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyActiveSubDeviceList = $61677270 (* 'agrp' *);
+ kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyComposition = $61636F6D (* 'acom' *);
+ @enum AudioAggregateDevice Properties Implemented via AudioControl objects
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values for AudioAggregateDevice properties that are
+ implemented by AudioControl objects.
+ @discussion These properties are also accessible by locating the AudioControl object
+ attached to the AudioAggregateDevice and using that object to access the
+ properties of the control.
+ @constant kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyMasterSubDevice
+ A CFString that contains the UID for the AudioDevice that is currently
+ serving as the master time base of the aggregate device. This property is
+ also implemented by the AudioClockSourceControl on the master element of the
+ global scope of the AudioAggregateDevice.
+ kAudioAggregateDevicePropertyMasterSubDevice = $616D7374 (* 'amst' *);
+//#pragma mark AudioSubDevice Constants
+ @enum AudioSubDevice Class Constants
+ @abstract Various constants related to AudioSubDevices.
+ @constant kAudioSubDeviceClassID
+ The AudioClassID that identifies the AudioSubDevice class.
+ kAudioSubDeviceClassID = $61737562 (* 'asub' *);
+ @enum AudioSubDevice Clock Drift Compensation Methods
+ @abstract Constants that describe the range of values the property
+ kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensation. It is a continuous range from
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationMinQuality to
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationMaxQuality, with some commonly used settings
+ called out.
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationMinQuality = 0;
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationLowQuality = $20;
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationMediumQuality = $40;
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationHighQuality = $60;
+ kAudioSubDeviceDriftCompensationMaxQuality = $7F;
+ @defined kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey
+ @discussion The key used in a CFDictionary that describes the state of an AudioSubDevice.
+ The value for this key is a CFString that contains the UID for the
+ AudioSubDevice.
+ kAudioSubDeviceUIDKey = 'uid';
+//#pragma mark AudioSubDevice Properties
+ @enum AudioSubDevice Properties
+ @abstract AudioObjectPropertySelector values that apply to all AudioSubDevices.
+ @discussion AudioSubDevice is a subclass of AudioDevice that is collected together with
+ other sub-devices in an AudioAggregateDevice. AudioSubDevice objects do not
+ implement an IO path nor any AudioDevice properties associated with the IO path.
+ They also don't have any streams.
+ @constant kAudioSubDevicePropertyExtraLatency
+ A Float64 indicating the number of sample frames to add to or subtract from
+ the latency compensation used for this AudioSubDevice.
+ @constant kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensation
+ A UInt32 where a value of 0 indicates that no drift compensation should be
+ done for this AudioSubDevice and a value of 1 means that it should.
+ @constant kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensationQuality
+ A UInt32 that controls the trade-off between quality and CPU load in the
+ drift compensation. The range of values is from 0 to 128, where the lower
+ the number, the worse the quality but also the less CPU is used to do the
+ compensation.
+ kAudioSubDevicePropertyExtraLatency = $786C7463 (* 'xltc' *);
+ kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensation = $64726674 (* 'drft' *);
+ kAudioSubDevicePropertyDriftCompensationQuality = $64726671 (* 'drfq' *);