path: root/packages/univint/src/LaunchServices.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/univint/src/LaunchServices.pas')
1 files changed, 1257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/univint/src/LaunchServices.pas b/packages/univint/src/LaunchServices.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62b28bfeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/univint/src/LaunchServices.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1257 @@
+ File: LaunchServices.p
+ Contains: Public interfaces for LaunchServices.framework
+ Version: Technology: Mac OS X
+ Release: Universal Interfaces 3.4.2
+ Copyright: © 2001-2002 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
+ Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
+ the World Wide Web:
+ Modified for use with Free Pascal
+ Version 200
+ Please report any bugs to <>
+{$mode macpas}
+{$packenum 1}
+{$macro on}
+{$inline on}
+unit LaunchServices;
+{$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0200}
+{$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
+{$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+{$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 1}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 0}
+{$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 1}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 0}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
+{$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
+ {$error Neither __ppc__ nor __i386__ is defined.}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC_64 := FALSE}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+{$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
+{$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
+{$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
+uses MacTypes,CFBase,CFArray,CFString,Files,CFURL,AEDataModel;
+{ ======================================================================================================== }
+{ LaunchServices Structures and Enums }
+{ ======================================================================================================== }
+ kLSAppInTrashErr = -10660; { The app cannot be run when inside a Trash folder }
+ kLSUnknownErr = -10810;
+ kLSNotAnApplicationErr = -10811;
+ kLSNotInitializedErr = -10812;
+ kLSDataUnavailableErr = -10813; { e.g. no kind string }
+ kLSApplicationNotFoundErr = -10814; { e.g. no application claims the file }
+ kLSUnknownTypeErr = -10815;
+ kLSDataTooOldErr = -10816;
+ kLSDataErr = -10817;
+ kLSLaunchInProgressErr = -10818; { e.g. opening an alreay opening application }
+ kLSNotRegisteredErr = -10819;
+ kLSAppDoesNotClaimTypeErr = -10820;
+ kLSAppDoesNotSupportSchemeWarning = -10821; { not an error, just a warning }
+ kLSServerCommunicationErr = -10822; { cannot set recent items }
+ kLSCannotSetInfoErr = -10823; { you may not set item info for this item }
+ kLSNoRegistrationInfoErr = -10824; { the item contains no registration info }
+ kLSIncompatibleSystemVersionErr = -10825; { the app cannot run on the current OS version }
+ kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr = -10826; { user doesn't have permission to launch the app (managed networks) }
+ kLSNoExecutableErr = -10827; { the executable is missing or has an unusable format }
+ kLSNoClassicEnvironmentErr = -10828; { the Classic environment was required but is not available }
+ kLSMultipleSessionsNotSupportedErr = -10829; { the app cannot run simultaneously in two different sessions }
+ LSInitializeFlags = OptionBits;
+ kLSInitializeDefaults = $00000001;
+ kLSMinCatInfoBitmap = $0000180A; { do not use }{ minimum info needed to avoid a FSGetCatalogInfo call when fetching item information }
+ kLSInvalidExtensionIndex = $FFFFFFFF; { Index returned from LSGetExtensionInfo when name has no extension }
+ LSRequestedInfo = OptionBits;
+ kLSRequestExtension = $00000001; { safe to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.0 }
+ kLSRequestTypeCreator = $00000002; { safe to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.0 }
+ kLSRequestBasicFlagsOnly = $00000004; { all but type of application and extension flags - safe to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.2 }
+ kLSRequestAppTypeFlags = $00000008; { NOT SAFE to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.2 }
+ kLSRequestAllFlags = $00000010; { NOT SAFE to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.2 }
+ kLSRequestIconAndKind = $00000020; { NOT SAFE to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.2 }
+ kLSRequestExtensionFlagsOnly = $00000040; { safe to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.0 }
+ kLSRequestAllInfo = $FFFFFFFF; { NOT SAFE to use from threads } { thread-safe in 10.2 }
+ LSItemInfoFlags = OptionBits;
+ kLSItemInfoIsPlainFile = $00000001; { none of the following applies }
+ kLSItemInfoIsPackage = $00000002; { app, doc, or bundle package }
+ kLSItemInfoIsApplication = $00000004; { single-file or packaged }
+ kLSItemInfoIsContainer = $00000008; { folder or volume }
+ kLSItemInfoIsAliasFile = $00000010; { 'real' alias }
+ kLSItemInfoIsSymlink = $00000020; { UNIX symbolic link only }
+ kLSItemInfoIsInvisible = $00000040; { does not include '.' files or '.hidden' entries }
+ kLSItemInfoIsNativeApp = $00000080; { Carbon or Cocoa native app }
+ kLSItemInfoIsClassicApp = $00000100; { CFM Classic app }
+ kLSItemInfoAppPrefersNative = $00000200; { Carbon app that prefers to be launched natively }
+ kLSItemInfoAppPrefersClassic = $00000400; { Carbon app that prefers to be launched in Classic }
+ kLSItemInfoAppIsScriptable = $00000800; { App can be scripted }
+ kLSItemInfoIsVolume = $00001000; { item is a volume }
+ kLSItemInfoExtensionIsHidden = $00100000; { item has a hidden extension }
+ LSRolesMask = OptionBits;
+ kLSRolesNone = $00000001; { no claim is made about support for this type/scheme }
+ kLSRolesViewer = $00000002; { claim to be able to view this type/scheme }
+ kLSRolesEditor = $00000004; { claim to be able to edit this type/scheme }
+ kLSRolesAll = $FFFFFFFF; { claim to do it all }
+ LSKindID = UInt32;
+ kLSUnknownKindID = 0;
+ kLSUnknownType = 0;
+ kLSUnknownCreator = 0;
+ LSItemInfoRecordPtr = ^LSItemInfoRecord;
+ LSItemInfoRecord = record
+ flags: LSItemInfoFlags;
+ filetype: OSType;
+ creator: OSType;
+ extension: CFStringRef; { release when finished }
+ iconFileName: CFStringRef; { not for general use }
+ kindID: LSKindID; { not for general use }
+ end;
+ LSAcceptanceFlags = OptionBits;
+ kLSAcceptDefault = $00000001;
+ kLSAcceptAllowLoginUI = $00000002; { show UI to log in if necessary }
+ LSLaunchFlags = OptionBits;
+ kLSLaunchDefaults = $00000001; { default = open, async, use Info.plist, start Classic }
+ kLSLaunchAndPrint = $00000002; { print items instead of open them }
+ kLSLaunchReserved2 = $00000004;
+ kLSLaunchReserved3 = $00000008;
+ kLSLaunchReserved4 = $00000010;
+ kLSLaunchReserved5 = $00000020;
+ kLSLaunchReserved6 = $00000040;
+ kLSLaunchInhibitBGOnly = $00000080; { causes launch to fail if target is background-only. }
+ kLSLaunchDontAddToRecents = $00000100; { do not add app or documents to recents menus. }
+ kLSLaunchDontSwitch = $00000200; { don't bring new app to the foreground. }
+ kLSLaunchNoParams = $00000800; { Use Info.plist to determine launch parameters }
+ kLSLaunchAsync = $00010000; { launch async; obtain results from kCPSNotifyLaunch. }
+ kLSLaunchStartClassic = $00020000; { start up Classic environment if required for app. }
+ kLSLaunchInClassic = $00040000; { force app to launch in Classic environment. }
+ kLSLaunchNewInstance = $00080000; { Instantiate app even if it is already running. }
+ kLSLaunchAndHide = $00100000; { Send child a "hide" request as soon as it checks in. }
+ kLSLaunchAndHideOthers = $00200000; { Hide all other apps when child checks in. }
+ LSLaunchFSRefSpecPtr = ^LSLaunchFSRefSpec;
+ LSLaunchFSRefSpec = record
+ appRef: FSRefPtr; { app to use, can be NULL }
+ numDocs: UInt32; { items to open/print, can be NULL }
+ itemRefs: FSRefPtr; { array of FSRefs }
+ passThruParams: AEDescPtr; { passed untouched to application as optional parameter }
+ launchFlags: LSLaunchFlags;
+ asyncRefCon: Ptr; { used if you register for app birth/death notification }
+ end;
+ LSLaunchURLSpecPtr = ^LSLaunchURLSpec;
+ LSLaunchURLSpec = record
+ appURL: CFURLRef; { app to use, can be NULL }
+ itemURLs: CFArrayRef; { items to open/print, can be NULL }
+ passThruParams: AEDescPtr; { passed untouched to application as optional parameter }
+ launchFlags: LSLaunchFlags;
+ asyncRefCon: Ptr; { used if you register for app birth/death notification }
+ end;
+ { ======================================================================================================== }
+ { LaunchServices Public Entry Points }
+ { ======================================================================================================== }
+ {
+ * LSInit() *** DEPRECATED in 10.3 ***
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * LSInit is deprecated. Do not use.
+ *
+ * Pre 10.3 Summary:
+ * Initialize LaunchServices for use.
+ *
+ * Pre 10.3 Discussion:
+ * LSInit is optional but should be called by top level applications
+ * to explicitly incur any startup costs at a known time. Frameworks
+ * and libraries need never call LSInit.
+ *
+ * Pre 10.3 Parameters:
+ *
+ * inFlags:
+ * Use kLSInitializeDefaults.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework but deprecated in 10.3
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSInit(inFlags: LSInitializeFlags): OSStatus; external name '_LSInit';
+ * LSTerm() *** DEPRECATED in 10.3 ***
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * LSTerm is deprecated. It does nothing.
+ *
+ * Pre 10.3 Summary:
+ * Terminate LaunchServices use.
+ *
+ * Pre 10.3 Discussion:
+ * LSTerm is optional but should be called by top level applications
+ * to explicitly terminate LaunchServices activity at a known time.
+ * Frameworks and libraries need never call LSTerm.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework but deprecated in 10.3
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSTerm: OSStatus; external name '_LSTerm';
+ * LSCopyItemInfoForRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return information about an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns as much or as little information as requested about
+ * inItemRef. Some information is available in a thread-safe manner,
+ * some is not. All CFStrings must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inItemRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item about which information is requested.
+ *
+ * inWhichInfo:
+ * Flags indicating which information to return
+ *
+ * outItemInfo:
+ * Information is returned in this structure. Must not be NULL
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyItemInfoForRef(const (*var*) inItemRef: FSRef; inWhichInfo: LSRequestedInfo; var outItemInfo: LSItemInfoRecord): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyItemInfoForRef';
+ * LSCopyItemInfoForURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return information about an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns as much or as little information as requested about
+ * inURL. Some information is available in a thread-safe manner,
+ * some is not. All CFStrings must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item about which information is requested.
+ *
+ * inWhichInfo:
+ * Flags indicating which information to return
+ *
+ * outItemInfo:
+ * Information is returned in this structure. Must not be NULL
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyItemInfoForURL(inURL: CFURLRef; inWhichInfo: LSRequestedInfo; var outItemInfo: LSItemInfoRecord): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyItemInfoForURL';
+ * LSGetExtensionInfo()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get information about the extension for a file system name.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the starting index of the extension (not including the
+ * period) or kLSInvalidExtensionIndex if the input name has no
+ * extension.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inNameLen:
+ * The number of the UniChars in inNameBuffer.
+ *
+ * inNameBuffer:
+ * The buffer containing the name's Unicode characters.
+ *
+ * outExtStartIndex:
+ * On success, the starting index of the extension if there is one
+ * (not including the period). Set to kLSInvalidExtensionIndex if
+ * inNameBuffer does not contain a valid extension.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSGetExtensionInfo(inNameLen: UniCharCount; inNameBuffer: ConstUniCharPtr; var outExtStartIndex: UniCharCount): OSStatus; external name '_LSGetExtensionInfo';
+ * LSCopyDisplayNameForRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get the display name for an FSRef.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Return a copy of the display name for an FSRef. Takes into
+ * consideration whether this item has a hidden extension or not.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inRef:
+ * The FSRef for which the display name is desired.
+ *
+ * outDisplayName:
+ * Pointer to the CFString into which the display name should be
+ * copied. Callers must dispose of the resulting CFString.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyDisplayNameForRef(const (*var*) inRef: FSRef; var outDisplayName: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyDisplayNameForRef';
+ * LSCopyDisplayNameForURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get the display name for a CFURLRef.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Return a copy of the display name for a CFURLRef. Takes into
+ * consideration whether this item has a hidden extension or not.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The URL for which the display name is desired.
+ *
+ * outDisplayName:
+ * Pointer to the CFString into which the display name should be
+ * copied. Callers must dispose of the resulting CFString.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyDisplayNameForURL(inURL: CFURLRef; var outDisplayName: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyDisplayNameForURL';
+ * LSSetExtensionHiddenForRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Sets whether the extension for an FSRef is hidden or not.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Sets the necessary file system state to indicate that the
+ * extension for inRef is hidden, as in the Finder. You can
+ * determine if an FSRef's extension is hidden using
+ * LSCopyItemInfoForRef.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inRef:
+ * The FSRef for which the extension is to be hidden or shown.
+ *
+ * inHide:
+ * True to hide inRef's extension, false to show it.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSSetExtensionHiddenForRef(const (*var*) inRef: FSRef; inHide: boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSSetExtensionHiddenForRef';
+ * LSSetExtensionHiddenForURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Sets whether the extension for a CFURLRef is hidden or not.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Sets the necessary file system state to indicate that the
+ * extension for inURL is hidden, as in the Finder. You can
+ * determine if a CFURLRef's extension is hidden using
+ * LSCopyItemInfoForURL.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef for which the extension is to be hidden or shown.
+ *
+ * inHide:
+ * True to hide inURL's extension, false to show it.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSSetExtensionHiddenForURL(inURL: CFURLRef; inHide: boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSSetExtensionHiddenForURL';
+ * LSCopyKindStringForRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get the kind string for an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the kind string as used in the Finder and elsewhere for
+ * inFSRef. The CFStringRef must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inFSRef:
+ * The item for which the kind string is requested.
+ *
+ * outKindString:
+ * A non-NULL CFStringRef* into which the kind string will be
+ * copied. This CFStringRef must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyKindStringForRef(const (*var*) inFSRef: FSRef; var outKindString: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyKindStringForRef';
+ * LSCopyKindStringForURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get the kind string for an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the kind string as used in the Finder and elsewhere for
+ * inURL. The CFStringRef must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The item for which the kind string is requested.
+ *
+ * outKindString:
+ * A non-NULL CFStringRef* into which the kind string will be
+ * copied. This CFStringRef must be released after use.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCopyKindStringForURL(inURL: CFURLRef; var outKindString: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyKindStringForURL';
+ * LSCopyKindStringForTypeInfo()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return the kind string for items like the provided info
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the kind string as shown in the Finder for the those
+ * items whose type, creator, and/or extension match the provided
+ * information. The kind string returned will be the one that most
+ * closely describes all the information provided. The kind string
+ * is subject to the document binding preferences that have been
+ * specified by the user. For example, if a creator is specified but
+ * the user has asked for files with the given
+ * creator/type/extension combination to open in an application with
+ * a different creator, the kind string will be loaded from the
+ * user's preferred application.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inType:
+ * The OSType file type for which you want a kind string. Specify
+ * kLSUnknownType if no file type information is available.
+ *
+ * inCreator:
+ * The OSType creator for which you want a kind string. Specify
+ * kLSUnknownCreator if no creator information is available.
+ *
+ * inExtension:
+ * The extension for which you want a kind string. Specify NULL if
+ * no extension information is available.
+ *
+ * outKindString:
+ * A CFStringRef* to receive the copied kind string object. This
+ * CFStringRef must be released eventually.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSCopyKindStringForTypeInfo(
+ inType: OSType;
+ inCreator: OSType;
+ inExtension: CFStringRef; { can be NULL }
+ VAR outKindString: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyKindStringForTypeInfo';
+ * LSCopyKindStringForMIMEType()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Get the kind string for the specified MIME type.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the localized kind string describing the specified MIME
+ * type.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inMIMEType:
+ * The string specifying the MIME type.
+ *
+ * outKindString:
+ * A CFStringRef* to receive the copied kind string object. This
+ * CFStringRef must be released eventually.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSCopyKindStringForMIMEType(
+ inMIMEType: CFStringRef;
+ VAR outKindString: CFStringRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyKindStringForMIMEType';
+ * LSGetApplicationForItem()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return the application used to open an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Consults the binding tables to return the application that would
+ * be used to open inItemRef if it were double-clicked in the
+ * Finder. This application will be the user-specified override if
+ * appropriate or the default otherwise. If no application is known
+ * to LaunchServices suitable for opening this item,
+ * kLSApplicationNotFoundErr will be returned.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inItemRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item for which the application is requested.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * Whether to return the editor or viewer for inItemRef. If you
+ * don't care which, use kLSRolesAll.
+ *
+ * outAppRef:
+ * Filled in with the FSRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * outAppURL:
+ * Filled in with the CFURLRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSGetApplicationForItem(const (*var*) inItemRef: FSRef; inRoleMask: LSRolesMask; outAppRef: FSRefPtr; outAppURL: CFURLRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSGetApplicationForItem';
+ * LSGetApplicationForInfo()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return the application used to open items with particular data.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Consults the binding tables to return the application that would
+ * be used to open items with type, creator, and/or extension as
+ * provided if they were double-clicked in the Finder. This
+ * application will be the default for items like this if one has
+ * been set. If no application is known to LaunchServices suitable
+ * for opening such items, kLSApplicationNotFoundErr will be
+ * returned. Not all three input parameters can be NULL at the same
+ * time nor can both output parameters be NULL at the same time.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inType:
+ * The file type to consider. Can be kLSUnknownType.
+ *
+ * inCreator:
+ * The file creator to consider. Can be kLSUnknownCreator.
+ *
+ * inExtension:
+ * The file name extension to consider. Can be NULL.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * Whether to return the editor or viewer for inItemRef. If you
+ * don't care which, use kLSRolesAll.
+ *
+ * outAppRef:
+ * Filled in with the FSRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * outAppURL:
+ * Filled in with the CFURLRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSGetApplicationForInfo(inType: OSType; inCreator: OSType; inExtension: CFStringRef; inRoleMask: LSRolesMask; outAppRef: FSRefPtr; outAppURL: CFURLRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSGetApplicationForInfo';
+ * LSCopyApplicationForMIMEType()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return the application used to handle data with the specified
+ * MIME type.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * The returned application URL will be the user's preferred handler
+ * for the MIME type if one has been set. If no user preferred
+ * application has been set, Launch Services will select a default
+ * handler for the MIME type. If no application is known to handle
+ * the MIME type, kLSApplicationNotFoundErr will be returned.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inMIMEType:
+ * The string specifying the MIME type.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * A role mask that the chosen application must satisfy. Use
+ * kLSRolesAll if the role is not important.
+ *
+ * outAppURL:
+ * Receives the copied CFURLRef, which must be released by the
+ * caller.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSCopyApplicationForMIMEType(
+ inMIMEType: CFStringRef;
+ inRoleMask: LSRolesMask;
+ VAR outAppURL: CFURLRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSCopyApplicationForMIMEType';
+ * LSGetApplicationForURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Return the application used to open an item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Consults the binding tables to return the application that would
+ * be used to open inURL if it were double-clicked in the Finder.
+ * This application will be the user-specified override if
+ * appropriate or the default otherwise. If no application is known
+ * to LaunchServices suitable for opening this item,
+ * kLSApplicationNotFoundErr will be returned.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item for which the application is requested.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * Whether to return the editor or viewer for inItemRef. If you
+ * don't care which, use kLSRolesAll.
+ *
+ * outAppRef:
+ * Filled in with the FSRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * outAppURL:
+ * Filled in with the CFURLRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSGetApplicationForURL(inURL: CFURLRef; inRoleMask: LSRolesMask; var outAppRef: FSRef; var outAppURL: CFURLRef): OSStatus; external name '_LSGetApplicationForURL';
+ * LSFindApplicationForInfo()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Locate a specific application.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns the application with the corresponding input information.
+ * The registry of applications is consulted first in order of
+ * bundleID, then creator, then name. All comparisons are case
+ * insensitive and 'ties' are decided first by version, then by
+ * native vs. Classic.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inCreator:
+ * The file creator to consider. Can be kLSUnknownCreator.
+ *
+ * inBundleID:
+ * The bundle ID to consider. Can be NULL.
+ *
+ * inName:
+ * The name to consider. Can be NULL. Must include any extensions
+ * that are part of the file system name, e.g. '.app'.
+ *
+ * outAppRef:
+ * Filled in with the FSRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * outAppURL:
+ * Filled in with the CFURLRef of the application if not NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSFindApplicationForInfo(inCreator: OSType; inBundleID: CFStringRef; inName: CFStringRef; outAppRef: FSRefPtr; outAppURL: CFURLRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSFindApplicationForInfo';
+ * LSCanRefAcceptItem()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Determine whether an item can accept another item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns in outAcceptsItem whether inTargetRef can accept
+ * inItemFSRef as in a drag and drop operation. If inRoleMask is
+ * other than kLSRolesAll then make sure inTargetRef claims to
+ * fulfill the requested role.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inItemFSRef:
+ * FSRef of the item about which acceptance is requested.
+ *
+ * inTargetRef:
+ * FSRef of the potential target.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * The role(s) the target must claim in order to consider
+ * acceptance.
+ *
+ * inFlags:
+ * Use kLSAcceptDefault.
+ *
+ * outAcceptsItem:
+ * Filled in with result. Must not be NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCanRefAcceptItem(const (*var*) inItemFSRef: FSRef; const (*var*) inTargetRef: FSRef; inRoleMask: LSRolesMask; inFlags: LSAcceptanceFlags; var outAcceptsItem: boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSCanRefAcceptItem';
+ * LSCanURLAcceptURL()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Determine whether an item can accept another item.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns in outAcceptsItem whether inTargetURL can accept
+ * inItemURL as in a drag and drop operation. If inRoleMask is other
+ * than kLSRolesAll then make sure inTargetRef claims to fulfill the
+ * requested role.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inItemURL:
+ * CFURLRef of the item about which acceptance is requested.
+ *
+ * inTargetURL:
+ * CFURLRef of the potential target.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * The role(s) the target must claim in order to consider
+ * acceptance.
+ *
+ * inFlags:
+ * Use kLSAcceptDefault.
+ *
+ * outAcceptsItem:
+ * Filled in with result. Must not be NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSCanURLAcceptURL(inItemURL: CFURLRef; inTargetURL: CFURLRef; inRoleMask: LSRolesMask; inFlags: LSAcceptanceFlags; var outAcceptsItem: boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSCanURLAcceptURL';
+ * LSRegisterURL()
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * If the specified URL refers to an application or other bundle
+ * claiming to handle documents or URLs, add the bundle's document
+ * and URL claims to the Launch Services database.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.3
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item (a directory or file) to be registered.
+ *
+ * inUpdate:
+ * When false, LSRegisterURL does not register the item if it has
+ * already been registered and the current modification date of
+ * the item has not changed from when it was last registered. When
+ * true, the item's registered info is updated, even if the
+ * modification has not changed.
+ *
+ * Result:
+ * An OSStatus value: noErr - Success kLSNoRegistrationInfoErr - The
+ * item does not contain info requiring registration kLSDataErr -
+ * The item's property list info is malformed.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSRegisterURL(
+ inURL: CFURLRef;
+ inUpdate: Boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSRegisterURL';
+ * LSRegisterFSRef()
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * If the specified FSRef refers to an application or other bundle
+ * claiming to handle documents or URLs, add the bundle's document
+ * and URL claims to the Launch Services database.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.3
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item to be registered.
+ *
+ * inUpdate:
+ * When false, LSRegisterFSRef does not register the item if it
+ * has already been registered and the current modification date
+ * of the item has not changed from when it was last registered.
+ * When true, the item's registered info is updated, even if the
+ * modification has not changed.
+ *
+ * Result:
+ * An OSStatus value: noErr - Success kLSNoRegistrationInfoErr - The
+ * item does not contain info requiring registration kLSDataErr -
+ * The item's property list info is malformed.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSRegisterFSRef(
+ const (*var*) inRef: FSRef;
+ inUpdate: Boolean): OSStatus; external name '_LSRegisterFSRef';
+ * LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL()
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Returns an array of URLs to applications that offer the requested
+ * role(s) for the input item.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.3
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item for which all suitable applications
+ * are desired. If the URL is a file URL, it is treated as a
+ * document, and applications are selected based on the document's
+ * type information. Otherwise, applications are selected based on
+ * the URL's scheme.
+ *
+ * inRoleMask:
+ * The role(s) which must intersect with the role provided by an
+ * application for the specified item in order for the application
+ * to be included in the result. Pass kLSRolesAll if any role is
+ * acceptable.
+ *
+ * Result:
+ * An array of CFURLRefs, one for each application which can open
+ * inURL with at least one of the roles in inRoleMask, or NULL if no
+ * applications can open the item. When an array is returned, you
+ * must eventually release it.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ }
+function LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(
+ inURL: CFURLRef;
+ inRoleMask: LSRolesMask): CFArrayRef; external name '_LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL';
+ * LSOpenFSRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Open an application, document, or folder.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Opens applications, documents, and folders. Applications are
+ * opened via an 'oapp' or 'rapp' event. Documents are opened in
+ * their user-overridden or default applications as appropriate.
+ * Folders are opened in the Finder. Use the more specific
+ * LSOpenFromRefSpec for more control over launching.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item to launch.
+ *
+ * outLaunchedRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item actually launched. For inRefs that are
+ * documents, outLaunchedRef will be the application used to
+ * launch the document. Can be NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSOpenFSRef(const (*var*) inRef: FSRef; outLaunchedRef: FSRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSOpenFSRef';
+ * LSOpenCFURLRef()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Open an application, document, or folder.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Opens applications, documents, and folders. Applications are
+ * opened via an 'oapp' or 'rapp' event. Documents are opened in
+ * their user-overridden or default applications as appropriate.
+ * Folders are opened in the Finder. Use the more specific
+ * LSOpenFromURLSpec for more control over launching.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item to launch.
+ *
+ * outLaunchedURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item actually launched. For inURLs that are
+ * documents, outLaunchedURL will be the application used to
+ * launch the document. Can be NULL. THIS FUNCTION, DESPITE ITS
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSOpenCFURLRef(inURL: CFURLRef; outLaunchedURL: CFURLRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSOpenCFURLRef';
+ * LSOpenFromRefSpec()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Opens an application or one or more documents or folders.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Opens applications, documents, and folders.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inLaunchSpec:
+ * The specification of what to launch and how to launch it.
+ *
+ * outLaunchedRef:
+ * The FSRef of the item actually launched. For inRefs that are
+ * documents, outLaunchedRef will be the application used to
+ * launch the document. Can be NULL.
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in ApplicationServices.framework
+ }
+function LSOpenFromRefSpec(const (*var*) inLaunchSpec: LSLaunchFSRefSpec; outLaunchedRef: FSRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSOpenFromRefSpec';
+ * LSOpenFromURLSpec()
+ *
+ * Summary:
+ * Opens an application or one or more documents or folders.
+ *
+ * Discussion:
+ * Opens applications, documents, and folders.
+ *
+ * Mac OS X threading:
+ * Thread safe since version 10.2
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * inLaunchSpec:
+ * The specification of what to launch and how to launch it.
+ *
+ * outLaunchedURL:
+ * The CFURLRef of the item actually launched. For inURLs that are
+ * documents, outLaunchedURL will be the application used to
+ * launch the document. Can be NULL. THIS FUNCTION, DESPITE ITS
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: not available
+ * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function LSOpenFromURLSpec(const (*var*) inLaunchSpec: LSLaunchURLSpec; outLaunchedURL: CFURLRefPtr): OSStatus; external name '_LSOpenFromURLSpec';