path: root/packages/univint/src/OSA.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/univint/src/OSA.pas')
1 files changed, 1823 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/univint/src/OSA.pas b/packages/univint/src/OSA.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44d3b4f278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/univint/src/OSA.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@
+ File: OSA.p
+ Contains: Open Scripting Architecture Client Interfaces.
+ Version: Technology: AppleScript 1.4
+ Release: Universal Interfaces 3.4.2
+ Copyright: © 1992-2002 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
+ Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
+ the World Wide Web:
+ Modified for use with Free Pascal
+ Version 200
+ Please report any bugs to <>
+{$mode macpas}
+{$packenum 1}
+{$macro on}
+{$inline on}
+unit OSA;
+{$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0200}
+{$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS}
+{$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+{$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 1}
+ {$setc __ppc__ := 0}
+{$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 1}
+ {$setc __i386__ := 0}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__}
+{$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE}
+{$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__}
+ {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE}
+ {$error Neither __ppc__ nor __i386__ is defined.}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC_64 := FALSE}
+{$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+{$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN}
+ {$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.}
+{$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE}
+{$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE}
+{$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE}
+{$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE}
+uses MacTypes,AEDataModel,MacErrors,AppleEvents,AEObjects,AEInteraction,Components;
+ Types and Constants
+{ The componenent manager type code for components that
+ support the OSA interface defined here. }
+{ 0x6f736120 }
+ kOSAComponentType = $6F736120 (* 'osa ' *);
+ { 0x73637074 }
+ kOSAGenericScriptingComponentSubtype = $73637074 (* 'scpt' *);
+ { Type of script document files. }
+ { 0x6f736173 }
+ kOSAFileType = $6F736173 (* 'osas' *);
+ {
+ Suite and event code of the RecordedText event.
+ (See OSAStartRecording, below.)
+ }
+ { 0x61736372 }
+ kOSASuite = $61736372 (* 'ascr' *);
+ { 0x72656364 }
+ kOSARecordedText = $72656364 (* 'recd' *);
+ { Selector returns boolean }
+ { 0x6d6f6469 }
+ kOSAScriptIsModified = $6D6F6469 (* 'modi' *);
+ { Selector returns boolean }
+ { 0x63736372 }
+ kOSAScriptIsTypeCompiledScript = $63736372 (* 'cscr' *);
+ { Selector returns boolean }
+ { 0x76616c75 }
+ kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptValue = $76616C75 (* 'valu' *);
+ { Selector returns boolean }
+ { 0x636e7478 }
+ kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptContext = $636E7478 (* 'cntx' *);
+ { Selector returns a DescType which may be passed to OSACoerceToDesc }
+ { 0x62657374 }
+ kOSAScriptBestType = $62657374 (* 'best' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine whether a script has source
+ associated with it that when given to OSAGetSource, the call will not
+ fail. The selector returns a boolean.
+ }
+ { 0x67737263 }
+ kOSACanGetSource = $67737263 (* 'gsrc' *);
+ typeOSADialectInfo = $6469666F (* 'difo' *); { 0x6469666f }
+ keyOSADialectName = $646E616D (* 'dnam' *); { 0x646e616d }
+ keyOSADialectCode = $64636F64 (* 'dcod' *); { 0x64636f64 }
+ keyOSADialectLangCode = $646C6364 (* 'dlcd' *); { 0x646c6364 }
+ keyOSADialectScriptCode = $64736364 (* 'dscd' *); { 0x64736364 }
+ OSAError = ComponentResult;
+ { Under the Open Scripting Architecture all error results are longs }
+ OSAID = UInt32;
+ {
+ OSAIDs allow transparent manipulation of scripts associated with
+ various scripting systems.
+ }
+ kOSANullScript = 0;
+ { No -script constant. }
+ kOSANullMode = 0; { sounds better }
+ kOSAModeNull = 0; { tastes consistent }
+ {
+ Some routines take flags that control their execution. This constant
+ declares default mode settings are used.
+ }
+ OSACreateAppleEventProcPtr = function(theAEEventClass: AEEventClass; theAEEventID: AEEventID; const (*var*) target: AEAddressDesc; returnID: SInt16; transactionID: SInt32; var result: AppleEvent; refCon: SInt32): OSErr;
+ OSACreateAppleEventProcPtr = ProcPtr;
+ OSASendProcPtr = function(const (*var*) theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; var reply: AppleEvent; sendMode: AESendMode; sendPriority: AESendPriority; timeOutInTicks: SInt32; idleProc: AEIdleUPP; filterProc: AEFilterUPP; refCon: SInt32): OSErr;
+ OSASendProcPtr = ProcPtr;
+ OSACreateAppleEventUPP = ^SInt32; { an opaque UPP }
+ OSACreateAppleEventUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
+ OSASendUPP = ^SInt32; { an opaque UPP }
+ OSASendUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
+ uppOSACreateAppleEventProcInfo = $000FEFE0;
+ uppOSASendProcInfo = $003FEFE0;
+ {
+ * NewOSACreateAppleEventUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function NewOSACreateAppleEventUPP(userRoutine: OSACreateAppleEventProcPtr): OSACreateAppleEventUPP; external name '_NewOSACreateAppleEventUPP'; { old name was NewOSACreateAppleEventProc }
+ * NewOSASendUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function NewOSASendUPP(userRoutine: OSASendProcPtr): OSASendUPP; external name '_NewOSASendUPP'; { old name was NewOSASendProc }
+ * DisposeOSACreateAppleEventUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+procedure DisposeOSACreateAppleEventUPP(userUPP: OSACreateAppleEventUPP); external name '_DisposeOSACreateAppleEventUPP';
+ * DisposeOSASendUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+procedure DisposeOSASendUPP(userUPP: OSASendUPP); external name '_DisposeOSASendUPP';
+ * InvokeOSACreateAppleEventUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function InvokeOSACreateAppleEventUPP(theAEEventClass: AEEventClass; theAEEventID: AEEventID; const (*var*) target: AEAddressDesc; returnID: SInt16; transactionID: SInt32; var result: AppleEvent; refCon: SInt32; userRoutine: OSACreateAppleEventUPP): OSErr; external name '_InvokeOSACreateAppleEventUPP'; { old name was CallOSACreateAppleEventProc }
+ * InvokeOSASendUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function InvokeOSASendUPP(const (*var*) theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; var reply: AppleEvent; sendMode: AESendMode; sendPriority: AESendPriority; timeOutInTicks: SInt32; idleProc: AEIdleUPP; filterProc: AEFilterUPP; refCon: SInt32; userRoutine: OSASendUPP): OSErr; external name '_InvokeOSASendUPP'; { old name was CallOSASendProc }
+ OSA Interface Descriptions
+ The OSA Interface is broken down into a required interface, and several
+ optional interfaces to support additional functionality. A given scripting
+ component may choose to support only some of the optional interfaces in
+ addition to the basic interface. The OSA Component Flags may be used to
+ query the Component Manager to find a scripting component with a particular
+ capability, or determine if a particular scripting component supports a
+ particular capability.
+{ OSA Component Flags: }
+ kOSASupportsCompiling = $0002;
+ kOSASupportsGetSource = $0004;
+ kOSASupportsAECoercion = $0008;
+ kOSASupportsAESending = $0010;
+ kOSASupportsRecording = $0020;
+ kOSASupportsConvenience = $0040;
+ kOSASupportsDialects = $0080;
+ kOSASupportsEventHandling = $0100;
+ { Component Selectors: }
+ kOSASelectLoad = $0001;
+ kOSASelectStore = $0002;
+ kOSASelectExecute = $0003;
+ kOSASelectDisplay = $0004;
+ kOSASelectScriptError = $0005;
+ kOSASelectDispose = $0006;
+ kOSASelectSetScriptInfo = $0007;
+ kOSASelectGetScriptInfo = $0008;
+ kOSASelectSetActiveProc = $0009;
+ kOSASelectGetActiveProc = $000A;
+ { Compiling: }
+ kOSASelectScriptingComponentName = $0102;
+ kOSASelectCompile = $0103;
+ kOSASelectCopyID = $0104;
+ kOSASelectCopyScript = $0105;
+ { GetSource: }
+ kOSASelectGetSource = $0201;
+ { AECoercion: }
+ kOSASelectCoerceFromDesc = $0301;
+ kOSASelectCoerceToDesc = $0302;
+ { AESending: }
+ kOSASelectSetSendProc = $0401;
+ kOSASelectGetSendProc = $0402;
+ kOSASelectSetCreateProc = $0403;
+ kOSASelectGetCreateProc = $0404;
+ kOSASelectSetDefaultTarget = $0405;
+ { Recording: }
+ kOSASelectStartRecording = $0501;
+ kOSASelectStopRecording = $0502;
+ { Convenience: }
+ kOSASelectLoadExecute = $0601;
+ kOSASelectCompileExecute = $0602;
+ kOSASelectDoScript = $0603;
+ { Dialects: }
+ kOSASelectSetCurrentDialect = $0701;
+ kOSASelectGetCurrentDialect = $0702;
+ kOSASelectAvailableDialects = $0703;
+ kOSASelectGetDialectInfo = $0704;
+ kOSASelectAvailableDialectCodeList = $0705;
+ { Event Handling: }
+ kOSASelectSetResumeDispatchProc = $0801;
+ kOSASelectGetResumeDispatchProc = $0802;
+ kOSASelectExecuteEvent = $0803;
+ kOSASelectDoEvent = $0804;
+ kOSASelectMakeContext = $0805;
+ { Debugging }
+ kOSADebuggerCreateSession = $0901;
+ kOSADebuggerGetSessionState = $0902;
+ kOSADebuggerSessionStep = $0903;
+ kOSADebuggerDisposeSession = $0904;
+ kOSADebuggerGetStatementRanges = $0905;
+ kOSADebuggerGetBreakpoint = $0910;
+ kOSADebuggerSetBreakpoint = $0911;
+ kOSADebuggerGetDefaultBreakpoint = $0912;
+ kOSADebuggerGetCurrentCallFrame = $0906;
+ kOSADebuggerGetCallFrameState = $0907;
+ kOSADebuggerGetVariable = $0908;
+ kOSADebuggerSetVariable = $0909;
+ kOSADebuggerGetPreviousCallFrame = $090A;
+ kOSADebuggerDisposeCallFrame = $090B;
+ kOSADebuggerCountVariables = $090C;
+ { scripting component specific selectors are added beginning with this value }
+ kOSASelectComponentSpecificStart = $1001;
+ { Mode Flags:
+ Warning: These should not conflict with the AESend mode flags in
+ AppleEvents.h, because we may want to use them as OSA mode flags too.
+ }
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSALoad, OSAStore or OSACompile to
+ instruct the scripting component to not retain the "source" of an
+ expression. This will cause the OSAGetSource call to return the error
+ errOSASourceNotAvailable if used. However, some scripting components
+ may not retain the source anyway. This is mainly used when either space
+ efficiency is desired, or a script is to be "locked" so that its
+ implementation may not be viewed.
+ }
+ kOSAModePreventGetSource = $00000001;
+ {
+ These mode flags may be passed to OSACompile, OSAExecute, OSALoadExecute
+ OSACompileExecute, OSADoScript, OSAExecuteEvent, or OSADoEvent to
+ indicate whether or not the script may interact with the user, switch
+ layer or reconnect if necessary. Any AppleEvents will be sent with the
+ corresponding AESend mode supplied.
+ }
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract = $00000010;
+ kOSAModeCanInteract = $00000020;
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract = $00000030;
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect = $00000080;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSACompile, OSAExecute, OSALoadExecute
+ OSACompileExecute, OSADoScript, OSAExecuteEvent, or OSADoEvent to
+ indicate whether or not AppleEvents should be sent with the
+ kAECanSwitchLayer mode flag sent or not. NOTE: This flag is exactly the
+ opposite sense of the AppleEvent flag kAECanSwitchLayer. This is to
+ provide a more convenient default, i.e. not supplying any mode
+ (kOSAModeNull) means to send events with kAECanSwitchLayer. Supplying
+ the kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer mode flag will cause AESend to be called
+ without kAECanSwitchLayer.
+ }
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer = $00000040;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSACompile, OSAExecute, OSALoadExecute
+ OSACompileExecute, OSADoScript, OSAExecuteEvent, or OSADoEvent to
+ indicate whether or not AppleEvents should be sent with the kAEDontRecord
+ mode flag sent or not. NOTE: This flag is exactly the opposite sense of
+ the AppleEvent flag kAEDontRecord. This is to provide a more convenient
+ default, i.e. not supplying any mode (kOSAModeNull) means to send events
+ with kAEDontRecord. Supplying the kOSAModeDoRecord mode flag will
+ cause AESend to be called without kAEDontRecord.
+ }
+ kOSAModeDoRecord = $00001000;
+ {
+ This is a mode flag for OSACompile that indicates that a context should
+ be created as the result of compilation. All handler definitions are
+ inserted into the new context, and variables are initialized by
+ evaluating their initial values in a null context (i.e. they must be
+ constant expressions).
+ }
+ kOSAModeCompileIntoContext = $00000002;
+ {
+ This is a mode flag for OSACompile that indicates that the previous
+ script ID (input to OSACompile) should be augmented with any new
+ definitions in the sourceData rather than replaced with a new script.
+ This means that the previous script ID must designate a context.
+ The presence of this flag causes the kOSAModeCompileIntoContext flag
+ to be implicitly used, causing any new definitions to be initialized
+ in a null context.
+ }
+ kOSAModeAugmentContext = $00000004;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSADisplay or OSADoScript to indicate
+ that output only need be human-readable, not re-compilable by OSACompile.
+ If used, output may be arbitrarily "beautified", e.g. quotes may be left
+ off of string values, long lists may have elipses, etc.
+ }
+ kOSAModeDisplayForHumans = $00000008;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSAStore in the case where the scriptID
+ is a context. This causes the context to be saved, but not the context's
+ parent context. When the stored context is loaded back in, the parent
+ will be kOSANullScript.
+ }
+ kOSAModeDontStoreParent = $00010000;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSAExecuteEvent to cause the event to
+ be dispatched to the direct object of the event. The direct object (or
+ subject attribute if the direct object is a non-object specifier) will
+ be resolved, and the resulting script object will be the recipient of
+ the message. The context argument to OSAExecuteEvent will serve as the
+ root of the lookup/resolution process.
+ }
+ kOSAModeDispatchToDirectObject = $00020000;
+ {
+ This mode flag may be passed to OSAExecuteEvent to indicate that
+ components do not have to get the data of object specifier arguments.
+ }
+ kOSAModeDontGetDataForArguments = $00040000;
+ { *************************************************************************
+ OSA Basic Scripting Interface
+ **************************************************************************
+ Scripting components must at least support the Basic Scripting interface.
+ ************************************************************************* }
+ { Loading and Storing Scripts:
+ These routines allow scripts to be loaded and stored in their internal
+ (possibly compiled, non-text) representation.
+ }
+ { Resource type for scripts }
+ kOSAScriptResourceType = $73637074 (* 'scpt' *);
+ {
+ Default type given to OSAStore which creates "generic" loadable script
+ data descriptors.
+ }
+ typeOSAGenericStorage = $73637074 (* 'scpt' *);
+ {
+ * OSALoad()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSALoad(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) scriptData: AEDesc; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSALoad';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectLoad, 12);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSABadStorageType: scriptData not for this scripting component
+ errOSACorruptData: data seems to be corrupt
+ errOSADataFormatObsolete script data format is no longer supported
+ errOSADataFormatTooNew script data format is from a newer version
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModePreventGetSource
+ }
+ * OSAStore()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAStore(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID; desiredType: DescType; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptData: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAStore';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectStore, 16);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSABadStorageType: desiredType not for this scripting component
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModePreventGetSource
+ kOSAModeDontStoreParent
+ }
+{ Executing Scripts: }
+ * OSAExecute()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAExecute(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; compiledScriptID: OSAID; contextID: OSAID; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptValueID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSAExecute';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectExecute, 16);
+ This call runs a script. The contextID represents the environment
+ with which global variables in the script are resolved. The constant
+ kOSANullScript may be used for the contextID if the application wishes
+ to not deal with context directly (a default one is associated with each
+ scripting component instance). The resultingScriptValueID is the
+ result of evaluation, and contains a value which may be displayed using
+ the OSAGetSource call. The modeFlags convey scripting component
+ specific information.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSAScriptError: the executing script got an error
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+{ Displaying results: }
+ * OSADisplay()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADisplay(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptValueID: OSAID; desiredType: DescType; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingText: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSADisplay';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectDisplay, 16);
+ This call is used to convert results (script value IDs) into displayable
+ text. The desiredType should be at least typeChar, and modeFlags are
+ scripting system specific flags to control the formatting of the
+ resulting text. This call differs from OSAGetSource in that (1) it
+ always produces at least typeChar, (2) is only works on script values,
+ (3) it may display it's output in non-compilable form (e.g. without
+ string quotes, elipses inserted in long and/or circular lists, etc.) and
+ (4) it is required by the basic scripting interface.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errAECoercionFail: desiredType not supported by scripting component
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeDisplayForHumans
+ }
+{ Getting Error Information: }
+ * OSAScriptError()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAScriptError(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; selector: OSType; desiredType: DescType; var resultingErrorDescription: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAScriptError';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectScriptError, 12);
+ Whenever script execution returns errOSAExecutionError, this routine
+ may be used to get information about that error. The selector describes
+ the type of information desired about the error (various selectors are
+ listed below). The desiredType indicates the data type of the result
+ desired for that selector.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSABadSelector: selector not supported by scripting component
+ errAECoercionFail: desiredType not supported by scripting component
+ }
+{ OSAScriptError selectors: }
+ This selector is used to determine the error number of a script error.
+ These error numbers may be either system error numbers, or error numbers
+ that are scripting component specific.
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeShortInteger
+ }
+ kOSAErrorNumber = $6572726E (* 'errn' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine the full error message associated
+ with the error number. It should include the name of the application
+ which caused the error, as well as the specific error that occurred.
+ This selector is sufficient for simple error reporting (but see
+ kOSAErrorBriefMessage, below).
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeChar error message string
+ }
+ kOSAErrorMessage = $65727273 (* 'errs' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine a brief error message associated with
+ the error number. This message and should not mention the name of the
+ application which caused the error, any partial results or offending
+ object (see kOSAErrorApp, kOSAErrorPartialResult and
+ kOSAErrorOffendingObject, below).
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeChar brief error message string
+ }
+ { 0x65727262 }
+ kOSAErrorBriefMessage = $65727262 (* 'errb' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine which application actually got the
+ error (if it was the result of an AESend), or the current application
+ if ....
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeProcessSerialNumber PSN of the errant application
+ typeChar name of the errant application
+ }
+ { 0x65726170 }
+ kOSAErrorApp = $65726170 (* 'erap' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine any partial result returned by an
+ operation. If an AESend call failed, but a partial result was returned,
+ then the partial result may be returned as an AEDesc.
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeBest AEDesc of any partial result
+ }
+ { 0x70746c72 }
+ kOSAErrorPartialResult = $70746C72 (* 'ptlr' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine any object which caused the error
+ that may have been indicated by an application. The result is an
+ AEDesc.
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeBest AEDesc of any offending object
+ }
+ { 0x65726f62 }
+ kOSAErrorOffendingObject = $65726F62 (* 'erob' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine the type expected by a coercion
+ operation if a type error occurred.
+ }
+ { 0x65727274 }
+ kOSAErrorExpectedType = $65727274 (* 'errt' *);
+ {
+ This selector is used to determine the source text range (start and
+ end positions) of where the error occurred.
+ Required desiredTypes:
+ typeOSAErrorRange
+ }
+ { 0x65726e67 }
+ kOSAErrorRange = $65726E67 (* 'erng' *);
+ {
+ An AERecord type containing keyOSASourceStart and keyOSASourceEnd fields
+ of type short.
+ }
+ { 0x65726e67 }
+ typeOSAErrorRange = $65726E67 (* 'erng' *);
+ { Field of a typeOSAErrorRange record of typeShortInteger }
+ { 0x73726373 }
+ keyOSASourceStart = $73726373 (* 'srcs' *);
+ { Field of a typeOSAErrorRange record of typeShortInteger }
+ { 0x73726365 }
+ keyOSASourceEnd = $73726365 (* 'srce' *);
+ { Disposing Script IDs: }
+ {
+ * OSADispose()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADispose(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADispose';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectDispose, 4);
+ Disposes a script or context.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ }
+{ Getting and Setting Script Information: }
+ * OSASetScriptInfo()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetScriptInfo(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID; selector: OSType; value: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSASetScriptInfo';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetScriptInfo, 12);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSABadSelector: selector not supported by scripting component
+ or selector not for this scriptID
+ }
+ * OSAGetScriptInfo()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetScriptInfo(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID; selector: OSType; var result: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetScriptInfo';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetScriptInfo, 12);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSABadSelector: selector not supported by scripting component
+ or selector not for this scriptID
+ }
+{ Manipulating the ActiveProc:
+ Scripting systems will supply default values for these procedures if they
+ are not set by the client:
+ OSAActiveProcPtr = function(refCon: SInt32): OSErr;
+ OSAActiveProcPtr = ProcPtr;
+ OSAActiveUPP = ^SInt32; { an opaque UPP }
+ OSAActiveUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
+ uppOSAActiveProcInfo = $000000E0;
+ {
+ * NewOSAActiveUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function NewOSAActiveUPP(userRoutine: OSAActiveProcPtr): OSAActiveUPP; external name '_NewOSAActiveUPP'; { old name was NewOSAActiveProc }
+ * DisposeOSAActiveUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+procedure DisposeOSAActiveUPP(userUPP: OSAActiveUPP); external name '_DisposeOSAActiveUPP';
+ * InvokeOSAActiveUPP()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function InvokeOSAActiveUPP(refCon: SInt32; userRoutine: OSAActiveUPP): OSErr; external name '_InvokeOSAActiveUPP'; { old name was CallOSAActiveProc }
+ * OSASetActiveProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetActiveProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; activeProc: OSAActiveUPP; refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSASetActiveProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetActiveProc, 8);
+ If activeProc is nil, the default activeProc is used.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAGetActiveProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetActiveProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var activeProc: OSAActiveUPP; var refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetActiveProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetActiveProc, 8);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ OSA Optional Compiling Interface
+ Scripting components that support the Compiling interface have the
+ kOSASupportsCompiling bit set in it's ComponentDescription.
+ * OSAScriptingComponentName()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAScriptingComponentName(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var resultingScriptingComponentName: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAScriptingComponentName';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectScriptingComponentName, 4);
+ Given a scripting component, this routine returns the name of that
+ scripting component in a type that is coercable to text (typeChar).
+ The generic scripting component returns the name of the default
+ scripting component. This name should be sufficient to convey to the
+ user the kind of script (syntax) he is expected to write.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSACompile()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSACompile(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) sourceData: AEDesc; modeFlags: SInt32; var previousAndResultingScriptID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSACompile';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCompile, 12);
+ Coerces input desc (possibly text) into a script's internal format.
+ Once compiled, the script is ready to run. The modeFlags convey
+ scripting component specific information. The previous script ID
+ (result parameter) is made to refer to the newly compiled script,
+ unless it was originally kOSANullScript. In this case a new script
+ ID is created and used.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errAECoercionFail: sourceData is not compilable
+ errOSAScriptError: sourceData was a bad script (syntax error)
+ errOSAInvalidID: previousAndResultingCompiledScriptID was not
+ valid on input
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModePreventGetSource
+ kOSAModeCompileIntoContext
+ kOSAModeAugmentContext
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSACopyID()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSACopyID(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; fromID: OSAID; var toID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSACopyID';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCopyID, 8);
+ If toID is a reference to kOSANullScript then it is updated to have a
+ new scriptID value. This call can be used to perform undo or revert
+ operations on scripts.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ }
+ * OSACopyScript()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: not available
+ * Mac OS X: not available
+ }
+function OSACopyScript(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; fromID: OSAID; var toID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSACopyScript';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCopyScript, 8);
+ Creates a duplicate copy of the script with the given OSAID and returns
+ a new OSAID for it. Can be used by script editors or debuggers.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ }
+ OSA Optional GetSource Interface
+ Scripting components that support the GetSource interface have the
+ kOSASupportsGetSource bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ * OSAGetSource()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetSource(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID; desiredType: DescType; var resultingSourceData: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetSource';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetSource, 12);
+ This routine causes a compiled script to be output in a form (possibly
+ text) such that it is suitable to be passed back to OSACompile.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSASourceNotAvailable can't get source for this scriptID
+ }
+ OSA Optional AECoercion Interface
+ Scripting components that support the AECoercion interface have the
+ kOSASupportsAECoercion bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ * OSACoerceFromDesc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSACoerceFromDesc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) scriptData: AEDesc; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSACoerceFromDesc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCoerceFromDesc, 12);
+ This routine causes script data to be coerced into a script value.
+ If the scriptData is an AppleEvent, then the resultingScriptID is a
+ compiled script ID (mode flags for OSACompile may be used in this case).
+ Other scriptData descriptors create script value IDs.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModePreventGetSource
+ kOSAModeCompileIntoContext
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSACoerceToDesc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSACoerceToDesc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; scriptID: OSAID; desiredType: DescType; modeFlags: SInt32; var result: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSACoerceToDesc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCoerceToDesc, 16);
+ This routine causes a script value to be coerced into any desired form.
+ If the scriptID denotes a compiled script, then it may be coerced to
+ typeAppleEvent.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ }
+ OSA Optional AESending Interface
+ Scripting components that support the AESending interface have the
+ kOSASupportsAESending bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ Scripting systems will supply default values for these procedures if they
+ are not set by the client:
+ * OSASetSendProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetSendProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; sendProc: OSASendUPP; refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSASetSendProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetSendProc, 8);
+ If sendProc is nil, the default sendProc is used.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAGetSendProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetSendProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var sendProc: OSASendUPP; var refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetSendProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetSendProc, 8);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSASetCreateProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetCreateProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; createProc: OSACreateAppleEventUPP; refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSASetCreateProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetCreateProc, 8);
+ If createProc is nil, the default createProc is used.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAGetCreateProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetCreateProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var createProc: OSACreateAppleEventUPP; var refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetCreateProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetCreateProc, 8);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSASetDefaultTarget()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetDefaultTarget(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) target: AEAddressDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSASetDefaultTarget';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetDefaultTarget, 4);
+ This routine sets the default target application for AE sending.
+ It also establishes the default target from which terminologies come.
+ It is effectively like having an AppleScript "tell" statement around
+ the entire program. If this routine is not called, or if the target
+ is a null AEDesc, then the current application is the default target.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ OSA Optional Recording Interface
+ Scripting components that support the Recording interface have the
+ kOSASupportsRecording bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ * OSAStartRecording()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAStartRecording(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var compiledScriptToModifyID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSAStartRecording';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectStartRecording, 4);
+ Starts recording. If compiledScriptToModifyID is kOSANullScript, a
+ new script ID is created and returned. If the current application has
+ a handler for the kOSARecordedText event, then kOSARecordedText events
+ are sent to the application containing the text of each AppleEvent
+ recorded.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSARecordingIsAlreadyOn
+ }
+ * OSAStopRecording()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAStopRecording(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; compiledScriptID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSAStopRecording';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectStopRecording, 4);
+ If compiledScriptID is not being recorded into or recording is not
+ currently on, no error is returned.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ }
+ OSA Optional Convenience Interface
+ Scripting components that support the Convenience interface have the
+ kOSASupportsConvenience bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ * OSALoadExecute()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSALoadExecute(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) scriptData: AEDesc; contextID: OSAID; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptValueID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSALoadExecute';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectLoadExecute, 16);
+ This routine is effectively equivalent to calling OSALoad followed by
+ OSAExecute. After execution, the compiled source is disposed. Only the
+ resulting value ID is retained.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSABadStorageType: scriptData not for this scripting component
+ errOSACorruptData: data seems to be corrupt
+ errOSADataFormatObsolete script data format is no longer supported
+ errOSADataFormatTooNew script data format is from a newer version
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSAScriptError: the executing script got an error
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSACompileExecute()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSACompileExecute(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) sourceData: AEDesc; contextID: OSAID; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptValueID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSACompileExecute';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectCompileExecute, 16);
+ This routine is effectively equivalent to calling OSACompile followed by
+ OSAExecute. After execution, the compiled source is disposed. Only the
+ resulting value ID is retained.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errAECoercionFail: sourceData is not compilable
+ errOSAScriptError: sourceData was a bad script (syntax error)
+ errOSAInvalidID: previousAndResultingCompiledScriptID was not
+ valid on input
+ errOSAScriptError: the executing script got an error
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSADoScript()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADoScript(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) sourceData: AEDesc; contextID: OSAID; desiredType: DescType; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingText: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSADoScript';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectDoScript, 20);
+ This routine is effectively equivalent to calling OSACompile followed by
+ OSAExecute and then OSADisplay. After execution, the compiled source
+ and the resulting value are is disposed. Only the resultingText
+ descriptor is retained. If a script error occur during processing, the
+ resultingText gets the error message of the error, and errOSAScriptError
+ is returned. OSAScriptError may still be used to extract more
+ information about the particular error.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errAECoercionFail: sourceData is not compilable or
+ desiredType not supported by scripting component
+ errOSAScriptError: sourceData was a bad script (syntax error)
+ errOSAInvalidID: previousAndResultingCompiledScriptID was not
+ valid on input
+ errOSAScriptError: the executing script got an error
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ kOSAModeDisplayForHumans
+ }
+ OSA Optional Dialects Interface
+ Scripting components that support the Dialects interface have the
+ kOSASupportsDialects bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ These calls allows an scripting component that supports different dialects
+ to dynamically switch between those dialects. Although this interface is
+ specified, the particular dialect codes are scripting component dependent.
+ * OSASetCurrentDialect()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetCurrentDialect(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; dialectCode: SInt16): OSAError; external name '_OSASetCurrentDialect';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetCurrentDialect, 2);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSANoSuchDialect: invalid dialectCode
+ }
+ * OSAGetCurrentDialect()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetCurrentDialect(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var resultingDialectCode: SInt16): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetCurrentDialect';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetCurrentDialect, 4);
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAAvailableDialects()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAAvailableDialects(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var resultingDialectInfoList: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAAvailableDialects';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectAvailableDialects, 4);
+ This call return an AEList containing information about each of the
+ currently available dialects of a scripting component. Each item
+ is an AERecord of typeOSADialectInfo that contains at least the fields
+ keyOSADialectName, keyOSADialectCode, KeyOSADialectLangCode and
+ keyOSADialectScriptCode.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAGetDialectInfo()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetDialectInfo(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; dialectCode: SInt16; selector: OSType; var resultingDialectInfo: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetDialectInfo';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetDialectInfo, 10);
+ This call gives information about the specified dialect of a scripting
+ component. It returns an AEDesc whose type depends on the selector
+ specified. Available selectors are the same as the field keys for a
+ dialect info record. The type of AEDesc returned is the same as the
+ type of the field that has same key as the selector.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSABadSelector
+ errOSANoSuchDialect: invalid dialectCode
+ }
+ * OSAAvailableDialectCodeList()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAAvailableDialectCodeList(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var resultingDialectCodeList: AEDesc): OSAError; external name '_OSAAvailableDialectCodeList';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectAvailableDialectCodeList, 4);
+ This is alternative to OSAGetAvailableDialectCodeList. Use this call
+ and OSAGetDialectInfo to get information on dialects.
+ This call return an AEList containing dialect code for each of the
+ currently available dialects of a scripting component. Each dialect
+ code is a short SInt16 of type typeShortInteger.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ Type of a dialect info record containing at least keyOSADialectName
+ and keyOSADialectCode fields.
+ keys for dialect info record, also used as selectors to OSAGetDialectInfo.
+ Field of a typeOSADialectInfo record of typeChar.
+ Field of a typeOSADialectInfo record of typeShortInteger.
+ Field of a typeOSADialectInfo record of typeShortInteger.
+ Field of a typeOSADialectInfo record of typeShortInteger.
+ }
+ OSA Optional Event Handling Interface
+ Scripting components that support the Event Handling interface have the
+ kOSASupportsEventHandling bit set in their ComponentDescription.
+ * OSASetResumeDispatchProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSASetResumeDispatchProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; resumeDispatchProc: AEEventHandlerUPP; refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSASetResumeDispatchProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectSetResumeDispatchProc, 8);
+ This function is used to set the ResumeDispatchProc that will be used
+ by OSAExecuteEvent and OSADoEvent if either no event handler can be
+ found in the context, or the context event hander "continues" control
+ onward. The two constants kOSAUseStandardDispatch and kOSANoDispatch
+ may also be passed to this routine indicating that the handler registered
+ in the application with AEInstallEventHandler should be used, or no
+ dispatch should occur, respectively.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ kOSAUseStandardDispatch = $FFFFFFFF;
+ {
+ Special ResumeDispatchProc constant which may be passed to
+ OSASetResumeDispatchProc indicating that the handler registered
+ in the application with AEInstallEventHandler should be used.
+ NOTE: Had to remove the cast (AEEventHandlerUPP). The C compiler
+ doesn't allow pointer types to be assigned to an enum. All
+ constants must be assigned as enums to translate properly to
+ Pascal.
+ }
+ kOSANoDispatch = 0;
+ {
+ Special ResumeDispatchProc constant which may be passed to
+ OSASetResumeDispatchProc indicating that no dispatch should occur.
+ NOTE: Had to remove the cast (AEEventHandlerUPP). The C compiler
+ doesn't allow pointer types to be assigned to an enum. All
+ constants must be assigned as enums to translate properly to
+ Pascal.
+ }
+ kOSADontUsePhac = $0001;
+ {
+ Special refCon constant that may be given to OSASetResumeDispatchProc
+ only when kOSAUseStandardDispatch is used as the ResumeDispatchProc.
+ This causes the standard dispatch to be performed, except the phac
+ handler is not called. This is useful during tinkerability, when
+ the phac handler is used to lookup a context associated with an event's
+ direct parameter, and call OSAExecuteEvent or OSADoEvent. Failure to
+ bypass the phac handler would result in an infinite loop.
+ }
+ {
+ * OSAGetResumeDispatchProc()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAGetResumeDispatchProc(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; var resumeDispatchProc: AEEventHandlerUPP; var refCon: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSAGetResumeDispatchProc';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectGetResumeDispatchProc, 8);
+ Returns the registered ResumeDispatchProc. If no ResumeDispatchProc has
+ been registered, then kOSAUseStandardDispatch (the default) is returned.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ }
+ * OSAExecuteEvent()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAExecuteEvent(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; contextID: OSAID; modeFlags: SInt32; var resultingScriptValueID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSAExecuteEvent';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectExecuteEvent, 16);
+ This call is similar to OSAExecute except the initial command to
+ execute comes in the form of an AppleEvent. If the contextID
+ defines any event handlers for that event, they are used to process
+ the event. If no event handler can be found in the context
+ errAEEventNotHandled is returned. If an event handler is found and
+ the hander "continues" control onward, the ResumeDispatchProc
+ (registered with OSASetResumeDispatchProc, above) is called given the
+ AppleEvent. The result is returned as a scriptValueID.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errOSAScriptError: the executing script got an error
+ errAEEventNotHandled: no handler for event in contextID
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSADoEvent()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADoEvent(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) theAppleEvent: AppleEvent; contextID: OSAID; modeFlags: SInt32; var reply: AppleEvent): OSAError; external name '_OSADoEvent';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectDoEvent, 16);
+ This call is similar to OSADoScript except the initial command to
+ execute comes in the form of an AppleEvent, and the result is an
+ AppleEvent reply record. If the contextID defines any event handlers
+ for that event, they are used to process the event. If no event handler
+ can be found in the context errAEEventNotHandled is returned. If an
+ event handler is found and the hander "continues" control onward, the
+ ResumeDispatchProc (registered with OSASetResumeDispatchProc, above) is
+ called given the AppleEvent. The result is returned in the form of an
+ AppleEvent reply descriptor. If at any time the script gets an error, or
+ if the ResumeDispatchProc returns a reply event indicating an error,
+ then the OSADoEvent call itself returns an error reply (i.e. OSADoEvent
+ should never return errOSAScriptError). Any error result returned by
+ the ResumeDispatchProc will be returned by OSADoEvent.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errAEEventNotHandled: no handler for event in contextID
+ ModeFlags:
+ kOSAModeNeverInteract
+ kOSAModeCanInteract
+ kOSAModeAlwaysInteract
+ kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer
+ kOSAModeDontReconnect
+ kOSAModeDoRecord
+ }
+ * OSAMakeContext()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.1 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSAMakeContext(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; const (*var*) contextName: AEDesc; parentContext: OSAID; var resultingContextID: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSAMakeContext';
+ OSAComponentFunctionInline(kOSASelectMakeContext, 12);
+ Makes a new empty context which may be passed to OSAExecute or
+ OSAExecuteEvent. If contextName is typeNull, an unnamed context is
+ created. If parentContext is kOSANullScript then the resulting context
+ does not inherit bindings from any other context.
+ Errors:
+ badComponentInstance invalid scripting component instance
+ errOSASystemError
+ errOSAInvalidID
+ errAECoercionFail: contextName is invalid
+ }
+ * Debugging API
+ }
+ * Types
+ }
+ OSADebugSessionRef = OSAID;
+ OSADebugCallFrameRef = OSAID;
+ {
+ * Constants
+ }
+ OSAProgramState = UInt32;
+ eNotStarted = 0;
+ eRunnable = 1;
+ eRunning = 2;
+ eStopped = 3;
+ eTerminated = 4;
+ OSADebugStepKind = UInt32;
+ eStepOver = 0;
+ eStepIn = 1;
+ eStepOut = 2;
+ eRun = 3;
+ OSALocalOrGlobal = UInt32;
+ eLocal = 0;
+ eGlobal = 1;
+ eProperties = 2;
+ {
+ * Session Information
+ }
+ keyProgramState = $64737073 (* 'dsps' *);
+ {
+ * Call Frame Information
+ }
+ StatementRangePtr = ^StatementRange;
+ StatementRange = record
+ startPos: UInt32;
+ endPos: UInt32;
+ end;
+ typeStatementRange = $73726E67 (* 'srng' *);
+ keyProcedureName = $64666E6D (* 'dfnm' *); { typeChar }
+ keyStatementRange = $64667372 (* 'dfsr' *); { typeStatementRange }
+ keyLocalsNames = $64666C6E (* 'dfln' *); { typeAEList of typeChar }
+ keyGlobalsNames = $6466676E (* 'dfgn' *); { typeAEList of typeChar }
+ keyParamsNames = $6466706E (* 'dfpn' *); { typeAEList of typeChar }
+ {
+ * Sessions
+ }
+ {
+ * OSADebuggerCreateSession()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerCreateSession(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inScript: OSAID; inContext: OSAID; var outSession: OSADebugSessionRef): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerCreateSession';
+ * OSADebuggerGetSessionState()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetSessionState(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; var outState: AERecord): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetSessionState';
+ * OSADebuggerSessionStep()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerSessionStep(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; inKind: OSADebugStepKind): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerSessionStep';
+ * OSADebuggerDisposeSession()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerDisposeSession(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerDisposeSession';
+ * OSADebuggerGetStatementRanges()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetStatementRanges(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; var outStatementRangeArray: AEDescList): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetStatementRanges';
+{ Returns an array of StatementRange objects. }
+ * OSADebuggerGetBreakpoint()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetBreakpoint(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; inSrcOffset: UInt32; var outBreakpoint: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetBreakpoint';
+ * OSADebuggerSetBreakpoint()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerSetBreakpoint(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; inSrcOffset: UInt32; inBreakpoint: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerSetBreakpoint';
+ * OSADebuggerGetDefaultBreakpoint()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetDefaultBreakpoint(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; var outBreakpoint: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetDefaultBreakpoint';
+ * Call Frames
+ }
+ * OSADebuggerGetCurrentCallFrame()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetCurrentCallFrame(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; var outCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetCurrentCallFrame';
+ * OSADebuggerGetCallFrameState()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetCallFrameState(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef; var outState: AERecord): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetCallFrameState';
+ * OSADebuggerGetVariable()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetVariable(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef; const (*var*) inVariableName: AEDesc; var outVariable: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetVariable';
+ * OSADebuggerSetVariable()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerSetVariable(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef; const (*var*) inVariableName: AEDesc; inVariable: OSAID): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerSetVariable';
+ * OSADebuggerGetPreviousCallFrame()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerGetPreviousCallFrame(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inCurrentFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef; var outPrevFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerGetPreviousCallFrame';
+ * OSADebuggerDisposeCallFrame()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerDisposeCallFrame(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerDisposeCallFrame';
+ * OSADebuggerCountVariables()
+ *
+ * Availability:
+ * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppleScriptLib 1.5 and later
+ * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later
+ * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
+ }
+function OSADebuggerCountVariables(scriptingComponent: ComponentInstance; inSession: OSADebugSessionRef; inCallFrame: OSADebugCallFrameRef; inWhichSet: OSALocalOrGlobal; var outVariableCount: SInt32): OSAError; external name '_OSADebuggerCountVariables';