path: root/rtl/beos/dos.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/beos/dos.pp')
1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/beos/dos.pp b/rtl/beos/dos.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a4e24f7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/beos/dos.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+ $Id: dos.pp,v 1.13 2005/02/14 17:13:21 peter Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2001 by members of the Free Pascal
+ development team
+ DOS unit template based on POSIX
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+Unit Dos;
+{$goto on}
+ FileNameLen = 255;
+ SearchRec = packed Record
+ {Fill : array[1..21] of byte; Fill replaced with below}
+ DirPtr : pointer; {directory pointer for reading directory}
+ SearchAttr : Byte; {attribute we are searching for}
+ Fill : Array[1..16] of Byte; {future use}
+ {End of fill}
+ Attr : Byte; {attribute of found file}
+ Time : LongInt; {last modify date of found file}
+ Size : LongInt; {file size of found file}
+ Reserved : Word; {future use}
+ Name : String[FileNameLen]; {name of found file}
+ SearchSpec : String[FileNameLen]; {search pattern}
+ SearchDir : String[FileNameLen]; { path we are searching in }
+ End;
+Procedure AddDisk(const path:string);
+ strings,posix;
+(* Potentially needed FPC_FEXPAND_* defines should be defined here. *)
+ { Used by AddDisk(), DiskFree() and DiskSize() }
+ Drives : byte = 4;
+ MAX_DRIVES = 26;
+ DriveStr : array[4..MAX_DRIVES] of pchar;
+Function StringToPPChar(Var S:STring; var count : longint):ppchar;
+ Create a PPChar to structure of pchars which are the arguments specified
+ in the string S. Especially usefull for creating an ArgV for Exec-calls
+ nr : longint;
+ Buf : ^char;
+ p : ppchar;
+ s:=s+#0;
+ buf:=@s[1];
+ nr:=0;
+ while(buf^<>#0) do
+ begin
+ while (buf^ in [' ',#8,#10]) do
+ inc(buf);
+ inc(nr);
+ while not (buf^ in [' ',#0,#8,#10]) do
+ inc(buf);
+ end;
+ getmem(p,nr*4);
+ StringToPPChar:=p;
+ if p=nil then
+ begin
+ Errno:=sys_enomem;
+ count := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ buf:=@s[1];
+ while (buf^<>#0) do
+ begin
+ while (buf^ in [' ',#8,#10]) do
+ begin
+ buf^:=#0;
+ inc(buf);
+ end;
+ p^:=buf;
+ inc(p);
+ p^:=nil;
+ while not (buf^ in [' ',#0,#8,#10]) do
+ inc(buf);
+ end;
+ count := nr;
+{$i} { include OS specific stuff }
+ --- Info / Date / Time ---
+ TZSeconds : longint; { offset to add/ subtract from Epoch to get local time }
+ tzdaylight : boolean;
+ tzname : array[boolean] of pchar;
+ GTRec = packed Record
+ Year,
+ Month,
+ MDay,
+ WDay,
+ Hour,
+ Minute,
+ Second : Word;
+ End;
+{Date Calculation}
+ C1970 = 2440588;
+ D0 = 1461;
+ D1 = 146097;
+ D2 = 1721119;
+function WeekDay (y,m,d:longint):longint;
+ Calculates th day of the week. returns -1 on error
+ u,v : longint;
+ if (m<1) or (m>12) or (y<1600) or (y>4000) or
+ (d<1) or (d>30+((m+ord(m>7)) and 1)-ord(m=2)) or
+ ((m*d=58) and (((y mod 4>0) or (y mod 100=0)) and (y mod 400>0))) then
+ WeekDay:=-1
+ else
+ begin
+ u:=m;
+ v:=y;
+ if m<3 then
+ begin
+ inc(u,12);
+ dec(v);
+ end;
+ WeekDay:=(d+2*u+((3*(u+1)) div 5)+v+(v div 4)-(v div 100)+(v div 400)+1) mod 7;
+ end;
+Procedure JulianToGregorian(JulianDN:LongInt;Var Year,Month,Day:Word);
+ YYear,XYear,Temp,TempMonth : LongInt;
+ Temp:=((JulianDN-D2) shl 2)-1;
+ JulianDN:=Temp Div D1;
+ XYear:=(Temp Mod D1) or 3;
+ YYear:=(XYear Div D0);
+ Temp:=((((XYear mod D0)+4) shr 2)*5)-3;
+ Day:=((Temp Mod 153)+5) Div 5;
+ TempMonth:=Temp Div 153;
+ If TempMonth>=10 Then
+ Begin
+ inc(YYear);
+ dec(TempMonth,12);
+ End;
+ inc(TempMonth,3);
+ Month := TempMonth;
+ Year:=YYear+(JulianDN*100);
+Procedure EpochToLocal(epoch:time_t;var year,month,day,hour,minute,second:Word);
+ Transforms Epoch time into local time (hour, minute,seconds)
+ DateNum: time_t;
+ Epoch:=Epoch+TZSeconds;
+ Datenum:=(Epoch Div 86400) + c1970;
+ JulianToGregorian(DateNum,Year,Month,day);
+ Epoch:=Abs(Epoch Mod 86400);
+ Hour:=Epoch Div 3600;
+ Epoch:=Epoch Mod 3600;
+ Minute:=Epoch Div 60;
+ Second:=Epoch Mod 60;
+Procedure GetDate(Var Year, Month, MDay, WDay: Word);
+ hour,minute,second : word;
+ timeval : time_t;
+ timeval := sys_time(timeval);
+ { convert the GMT time to local time }
+ EpochToLocal(timeval,year,month,mday,hour,minute,second);
+ Wday:=weekday(Year,Month,MDay);
+Procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day: Word);
+ {!!}
+Procedure GetTime(Var Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word);
+ timeval : time_t;
+ year,month,day: word;
+ timeval := sys_time(timeval);
+ EpochToLocal(timeval,year,month,day,hour,minute,second);
+ Sec100 := 0;
+Procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100: Word);
+ {!!}
+Procedure UnixDateToDt(SecsPast: LongInt; Var Dt: DateTime);
+ EpochToLocal(SecsPast,dt.Year,dt.Month,dt.Day,dt.Hour,dt.Min,dt.Sec);
+{$ifndef DOS_HAS_EXEC}
+ --- Exec ---
+Function InternalWaitProcess(Pid:pid_t):Longint; { like WaitPid(PID,@result,0) Handling of Signal interrupts (errno=EINTR), returning the Exitcode of Process (>=0) or -Status if terminated}
+var r,s : cint;
+ repeat
+ s:=$7F00;
+ r:=sys_WaitPid(Pid,s,0);
+ until (r<>-1) or (Errno<>Sys_EINTR);
+ { When r = -1 or r = 0, no status is available, so there was an error. }
+ if (r=-1) or (r=0) then
+ InternalWaitProcess:=-1 { return -1 to indicate an error }
+ else
+ begin
+ { process terminated normally }
+ if wifexited(s)<>0 then
+ begin
+ { get status code }
+ InternalWaitProcess := wexitstatus(s);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { process terminated due to a signal }
+ if wifsignaled(s)<>0 then
+ begin
+ { get signal number }
+ InternalWaitProcess := wstopsig(s);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ InternalWaitProcess:=-1;
+ end;
+Procedure Exec (Const Path: PathStr; Const ComLine: ComStr);
+ pid : pid_t;
+ tmp : string;
+ p : ppchar;
+ count: longint;
+ // The Error-Checking in the previous Version failed, since halt($7F) gives an WaitPid-status of $7F00
+ F: File;
+{$IFOPT I+}
+ { verify if the file to execute exists }
+ Assign(F,Path);
+ Reset(F,1);
+ if IOResult <> 0 then
+ { file not found }
+ begin
+ DosError := 2;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Close(F);
+ LastDosExitCode:=0;
+ { Fork the process }
+ pid:=sys_Fork;
+ if pid=0 then
+ begin
+ {The child does the actual execution, and then exits}
+ tmp := Path+' '+ComLine;
+ p:=StringToPPChar(tmp,count);
+ if (p<>nil) and (p^<>nil) then
+ begin
+ sys_Execve(p^,p,Envp);
+ end;
+ {If the execve fails, we return an exitvalue of 127, to let it be known}
+ sys_exit(127);
+ end
+ else
+ if pid=-1 then {Fork failed - parent only}
+ begin
+ DosError:=8;
+ exit
+ end;
+{We're in the parent, let's wait.}
+ LastDosExitCode:=InternalWaitProcess(pid); // WaitPid and result-convert
+ if (LastDosExitCode>=0) and (LastDosExitCode<>127) then DosError:=0 else
+ DosError:=8; // perhaps one time give an better error
+ --- Disk ---
+Procedure AddDisk(const path:string);
+ if not (DriveStr[Drives]=nil) then
+ FreeMem(DriveStr[Drives],StrLen(DriveStr[Drives])+1);
+ GetMem(DriveStr[Drives],length(Path)+1);
+ StrPCopy(DriveStr[Drives],path);
+ inc(Drives);
+ if Drives>26 then
+ Drives:=4;
+ --- Findfirst FindNext ---
+Function FNMatch(const Pattern,Name:string):Boolean;
+ LenPat,LenName : longint;
+ Function DoFNMatch(i,j:longint):Boolean;
+ Var
+ Found : boolean;
+ Begin
+ Found:=true;
+ While Found and (i<=LenPat) Do
+ Begin
+ Case Pattern[i] of
+ '?' : Found:=(j<=LenName);
+ '*' : Begin
+ {find the next character in pattern, different of ? and *}
+ while Found and (i<LenPat) do
+ begin
+ inc(i);
+ case Pattern[i] of
+ '*' : ;
+ '?' : begin
+ inc(j);
+ Found:=(j<=LenName);
+ end;
+ else
+ Found:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ {Now, find in name the character which i points to, if the * or ?
+ wasn't the last character in the pattern, else, use up all the
+ chars in name}
+ Found:=true;
+ if (i<=LenPat) then
+ begin
+ repeat
+ {find a letter (not only first !) which maches pattern[i]}
+ while (j<=LenName) and (name[j]<>pattern[i]) do
+ inc (j);
+ if (j<LenName) then
+ begin
+ if DoFnMatch(i+1,j+1) then
+ begin
+ i:=LenPat;
+ j:=LenName;{we can stop}
+ Found:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(j);{We didn't find one, need to look further}
+ end;
+ until (j>=LenName);
+ end
+ else
+ j:=LenName;{we can stop}
+ end;
+ else {not a wildcard character in pattern}
+ Found:=(j<=LenName) and (pattern[i]=name[j]);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ inc(j);
+ end;
+ DoFnMatch:=Found and (j>LenName);
+ end;
+Begin {start FNMatch}
+ LenPat:=Length(Pattern);
+ LenName:=Length(Name);
+ FNMatch:=DoFNMatch(1,1);
+Procedure FindClose(Var f: SearchRec);
+ Closes dirptr if it is open
+ { could already have been closed }
+ if assigned(f.dirptr) then
+ sys_closedir(pdir(f.dirptr));
+ f.dirptr := nil;
+{ Returns a filled in searchRec structure }
+{ and TRUE if the specified file in s is }
+{ found. }
+Function FindGetFileInfo(s:string;var f:SearchRec):boolean;
+ DT : DateTime;
+ st : stat;
+ Fmode : byte;
+ res: string; { overlaid variable }
+ Dir : DirsTr;
+ Name : NameStr;
+ Ext: ExtStr;
+ FindGetFileInfo:=false;
+ res := s + #0;
+ if sys_stat(@res[1],st)<>0 then
+ exit;
+ if S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) then
+ fmode:=directory
+ else
+ fmode:=0;
+ if (st.st_mode and S_IWUSR)=0 then
+ fmode:=fmode or readonly;
+ FSplit(s,Dir,Name,Ext);
+ if Name[1]='.' then
+ fmode:=fmode or hidden;
+ If ((FMode and Not(f.searchattr))=0) Then
+ Begin
+ if Ext <> '' then
+ res := Name + Ext
+ else
+ res := Name;
+ f.Name:=res;
+ f.Attr:=FMode;
+ f.Size:=longint(st.st_size);
+ UnixDateToDT(st.st_mtime, DT);
+ PackTime(DT,f.Time);
+ FindGetFileInfo:=true;
+ End;
+Procedure FindNext(Var f: SearchRec);
+ re-opens dir if not already in array and calls FindWorkProc
+ FName,
+ SName : string;
+ Found,
+ Finished : boolean;
+ p : PDirEnt;
+{Main loop}
+ SName:=f.SearchSpec;
+ Found:=False;
+ Finished:=(f.dirptr=nil);
+ While Not Finished Do
+ Begin
+ p:=sys_readdir(pdir(f.dirptr));
+ if p=nil then
+ begin
+ FName:=''
+ end
+ else
+ FName:=Strpas(@p^.d_name);
+ If FName='' Then
+ Finished:=True
+ Else
+ Begin
+ If FNMatch(SName,FName) Then
+ Begin
+ Found:=FindGetFileInfo(f.SearchDir+FName,f);
+ if Found then
+ begin
+ Finished:=true;
+ end;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If Found Then
+ Begin
+ DosError:=0;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ FindClose(f);
+ { FindClose() might be called thereafter also... }
+ f.dirptr := nil;
+ DosError:=18;
+ End;
+Procedure FindFirst(Const Path: PathStr; Attr: Word; Var f: SearchRec);
+ opens dir
+ res: string;
+ Dir : DirsTr;
+ Name : NameStr;
+ Ext: ExtStr;
+ { initialize f.dirptr because it is used }
+ { to see if we need to close the dir stream }
+ f.dirptr := nil;
+ if Path='' then
+ begin
+ DosError:=3;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {We always also search for readonly and archive, regardless of Attr:}
+ f.SearchAttr := Attr or archive or readonly;
+ if (Pos('?',Path)=0) and (Pos('*',Path)=0) then
+ begin
+ if FindGetFileInfo(Path,f) then
+ DosError:=0
+ else
+ begin
+ if ErrNo=Sys_ENOENT then
+ DosError:=3
+ else
+ DosError:=18;
+ end;
+ f.DirPtr:=nil;
+ end
+ else
+{Find Entry}
+ begin
+ FSplit(Path,Dir,Name,Ext);
+ if Ext <> '' then
+ res := Name + Ext
+ else
+ res := Name;
+ f.SearchSpec := res;
+ { if dir is an empty string }
+ { then this indicates that }
+ { use the current working }
+ { directory. }
+ if dir = '' then
+ dir := './';
+ f.SearchDir := Dir;
+ { add terminating null character }
+ Dir := Dir + #0;
+ f.dirptr := sys_opendir(@Dir[1]);
+ if not assigned(f.dirptr) then
+ begin
+ DosError := 8;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ FindNext(f);
+ end;
+ --- File ---
+Function FSearch(const path:pathstr;dirlist:string):pathstr;
+ Searches for a file 'path' in the list of direcories in 'dirlist'.
+ returns an empty string if not found. Wildcards are NOT allowed.
+ If dirlist is empty, it is set to '.'
+ NewDir : PathStr;
+ p1 : Longint;
+ Info : Stat;
+ buffer : array[0..FileNameLen+1] of char;
+ Move(path[1], Buffer, Length(path));
+ Buffer[Length(path)]:=#0;
+ if (length(Path)>0) and (path[1]='/') and (sys_stat(pchar(@Buffer),info)=0) then
+ begin
+ FSearch:=path;
+ exit;
+ end;
+{Replace ':' with ';'}
+ for p1:=1to length(dirlist) do
+ if dirlist[p1]=':' then
+ dirlist[p1]:=';';
+{Check for WildCards}
+ If (Pos('?',Path) <> 0) or (Pos('*',Path) <> 0) Then
+ FSearch:='' {No wildcards allowed in these things.}
+ Else
+ Begin
+ Dirlist:='.;'+dirlist;{Make sure current dir is first to be searched.}
+ Repeat
+ p1:=Pos(';',DirList);
+ If p1=0 Then
+ p1:=255;
+ NewDir:=Copy(DirList,1,P1 - 1);
+ if NewDir[Length(NewDir)]<>'/' then
+ NewDir:=NewDir+'/';
+ NewDir:=NewDir+Path;
+ Delete(DirList,1,p1);
+ Move(NewDir[1], Buffer, Length(NewDir));
+ Buffer[Length(NewDir)]:=#0;
+ if sys_stat(pchar(@Buffer),Info)=0 then
+ Begin
+ If Pos('./',NewDir)=1 Then
+ Delete(NewDir,1,2);
+ {DOS strips off an initial .\}
+ End
+ Else
+ NewDir:='';
+ Until (DirList='') or (Length(NewDir) > 0);
+ FSearch:=NewDir;
+ End;
+Procedure GetFAttr(var f; var attr : word);
+ info : stat;
+ LinAttr : mode_t;
+ DosError:=0;
+ if sys_stat(@textrec(f).name,info)<>0 then
+ begin
+ Attr:=0;
+ DosError:=3;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ LinAttr:=Info.st_Mode;
+ if S_ISDIR(LinAttr) then
+ Attr:=directory
+ else
+ Attr:=0;
+ if sys_Access(@textrec(f).name,W_OK)<>0 then
+ Attr:=Attr or readonly;
+ if (filerec(f).name[0]='.') then
+ Attr:=Attr or hidden;
+Procedure getftime (var f; var time : longint);
+ Info: stat;
+ DT: DateTime;
+ doserror:=0;
+ if sys_fstat(filerec(f).handle,info)<>0 then
+ begin
+ Time:=0;
+ doserror:=3;
+ exit
+ end
+ else
+ UnixDateToDT(Info.st_mtime,DT);
+ PackTime(DT,Time);
+ --- Environment ---
+Function EnvCount: Longint;
+ envcnt : longint;
+ p : ppchar;
+ envcnt:=0;
+ p:=envp; {defined in syslinux}
+ while (p^<>nil) do
+ begin
+ inc(envcnt);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ EnvCount := envcnt
+Function EnvStr (Index: longint): String;
+ i : longint;
+ p : ppchar;
+ p:=envp; {defined in syslinux}
+ i:=1;
+ envstr:='';
+ if (index < 1) or (index > EnvCount) then
+ exit;
+ while (i<Index) and (p^<>nil) do
+ begin
+ inc(i);
+ inc(p);
+ end;
+ if p<>nil then
+ envstr:=strpas(p^)
+Function GetEnv(EnvVar:string):string;
+ Searches the environment for a string with name p and
+ returns a pchar to it's value.
+ A pchar is used to accomodate for strings of length > 255
+ ep : ppchar;
+ found : boolean;
+ p1 : pchar;
+ EnvVar:=EnvVar+'='; {Else HOST will also find HOSTNAME, etc}
+ ep:=envp;
+ found:=false;
+ if ep<>nil then
+ begin
+ while (not found) and (ep^<>nil) do
+ begin
+ if strlcomp(@EnvVar[1],(ep^),length(EnvVar))=0 then
+ found:=true
+ else
+ inc(ep);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if found then
+ p1:=ep^+length(EnvVar)
+ else
+ p1:=nil;
+ if p1 = nil then
+ GetEnv := ''
+ else
+ GetEnv := StrPas(p1);
+Procedure setftime(var f; time : longint);
+ {! No POSIX equivalent !}
+Procedure setfattr (var f;attr : word);
+ {! No POSIX equivalent !}
+{ Include timezone routines }
+ --- Initialization ---
+ InitLocalTime;
+ DoneLocalTime;
+ $Log: dos.pp,v $
+ Revision 1.13 2005/02/14 17:13:21 peter
+ * truncate log