path: root/rtl/freebsd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/freebsd')
9 files changed, 776 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c690ebeb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{ nothing }
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da2f2914d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ Start-up code for Free Pascal Compiler when linking with C library.
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .ident "FreePascal 2.6.x/2.7.x series dynlinked to libc"
+ .section .note.ABI-tag,"a",@progbits
+ .p2align 2
+ .type abitag, @object
+ .size abitag, 24
+ .long 8
+ .long 4
+ .long 1
+ .string "FreeBSD"
+ .long 120000
+.globl __progname
+ .section .rodata
+ .string ""
+ .data
+ .p2align 3
+ .type __progname, @object
+ .size __progname, 8
+ .quad .LC0
+ .text
+ .p2align 4,,15
+ .globl _start
+ .type _start,#function
+ /* Initialise FP to zero */
+ mov x29,#0
+ /* Get argc, argv, envp */
+ ldr x1,[x0]
+ add x2,x0,#8
+ add x3,x1,#1
+ add x3,x2,x3,lsl #3
+ /* Save argc, argv, envp, environ, __progname and initial stack pointer */
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argc]
+ str x1,[x10]
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ str x2,[x10]
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_envp
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_envp]
+ str x3,[x10]
+ /* save environ */
+ adrp x10,environ
+ ldr x10,[x10,:lo12:environ]
+ cbnz x10,.LBB0_2
+ ldr x10,=environ
+ str x3,[x10]
+ /* save __progname */
+ ldr w8,=operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ cmp w8,#0
+ cset w8,le
+ tbnz w8,#0,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.1:
+ adrp x8,operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ cbz x8,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.2:
+ ldr x2,[x2]
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ adrp x10,__progname
+ add x10,x10,:lo12:__progname
+ str x2,[x10]
+ ldr x8,[x9,:lo12:__progname]
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ str x8,[x9]
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cbz w9,.LBB0_8
+// %bb.4:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8, :lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cmp w9,#47
+ .LBB0_6
+// %bb.5:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:__progname
+ str x8,[x9]
+// %bb.7:
+ adrp x8,s
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ str x8,[x9]
+ b .LBB0_3
+ /* save stack pointer */
+ adrp x10,:got:__stkptr
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:__stkptr]
+ mov x6,sp
+ str x6,[x10]
+ /* This should never happen */
+ b abort
+ .globl _haltproc
+ .type _haltproc,#function
+ adrp x0,:got:operatingsystem_result
+ ldr x0,[x0,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_result]
+ ldr w0,[x0]
+ mov w8,#1 // SYS_exit
+ svc #0
+ b _haltproc
+ /* Define a symbol for the first piece of initialized data. */
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ .globl __data_start
+ .long 0
+ .weak data_start
+ data_start = __data_start
+ .bss
+ .align 3
+ .comm __stkptr,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv,8
+ .comm environ,8,8
+ .xword 0
+ .size s, 8
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce71bdd4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ Start-up code for Free Pascal Compiler in a shared library,
+ not linking with C library.
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .globl _startlib
+ .type _startlib,#function
+ .type FPC_SHARED_LIB_START,#function
+ stp x29,x30,[sp,#-16]!
+ /* Get argc, argv, envp */
+ ldr x1,[x0]
+ add x2,x0,#8
+ add x3,x1,#1
+ add x3,x2,x3,lsl #3
+ /* Save argc, argv and envp */
+ adrp x9,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ ldr x9,[x9,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argc]
+ str x1,[x9]
+ adrp x9,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x9,[x9,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ str x2,[x9]
+ adrp x9,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_envp
+ ldr x9,[x9,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_envp]
+ str x3,[x9]
+ /* save environ */
+ adrp x10,environ
+ ldr x10,[x10,:lo12:environ]
+ cbnz x10,.LBB0_2
+ adrp x10,environ
+ add x10,x9,:lo12:environ
+ str x3,[x10]
+ /* save __progname */
+ adrp x8,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ ldr x8,[x8,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argc]
+ cmp x8,#0
+ cset x8,le
+ tbnz x8,#0,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.1:
+ adrp x8,operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x8,[x8,:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ cbz x8,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.2:
+ ldr x2,[x2]
+ adrp x9,:got:__progname
+ adrp x10,:got:__progname
+ add x10,x10,:lo12:__progname
+ str x2,[x10]
+ ldr x8,[x9,:got_lo12:__progname]
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ str x8,[x9]
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cbz w9,.LBB0_8
+// %bb.4:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8, :lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cmp w9,#47
+ .LBB0_6
+// %bb.5:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ adrp x9,:got:__progname
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:__progname
+ str x8,[x9]
+// %bb.7:
+ adrp x8,s
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ str x8,[x9]
+ b .LBB0_3
+ /* Save initial stackpointer */
+ adrp x9,:got:__stkptr
+ ldr x9,[x9,#:got_lo12:__stkptr]
+ mov x10,sp
+ str x10,[x9]
+ /* Call main */
+ /* Return */
+ ldp x29,x30,[sp],#16
+ ret
+ .globl _haltproc
+ .type _haltproc,#function
+ adrp x0,:got:operatingsystem_result
+ ldr x0,[x0,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_result]
+ ldr w0,[x0]
+ mov w8,#1 // SYS_exit
+ svc #0
+ b _haltproc
+ /* Define a symbol for the first piece of initialized data. */
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ .globl __data_start
+ .long 0
+ .weak data_start
+ data_start = __data_start
+ .bss
+ .align 3
+ .comm __stkptr,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv,8
+ .comm environ,8,8
+ .xword 0
+ .size s, 8
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..006479e9e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ Start-up code for Free Pascal Compiler when linking with C library
+ with profiling support.
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .globl _start
+ .type _start,#function
+ /* Initialise FP to zero */
+ mov x29,#0
+ /* Get argc, argv, envp */
+ ldr x1,[x0]
+ add x2,x0,#8
+ add x11,x1,#1
+ add x11,x2,x11,lsl #3
+ /* Save argc, argv, envp, and initial stack pointer */
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argc]
+ str x1,[x10]
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ str x2,[x10]
+ adrp x10,:got:operatingsystem_parameter_envp
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_envp]
+ str x3,[x10]
+ /* save environ */
+ adrp x10,environ
+ ldr x10,[x10,:lo12:environ]
+ cbnz x10,.LBB0_2
+ ldr x10,=environ
+ str x3,[x10]
+ /* save __progname */
+ ldr w8,=operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ cmp w8,#0
+ cset w8,le
+ tbnz w8,#0,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.1:
+ adrp x8,operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ cbz x8,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.2:
+ ldr x2,[x2]
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ adrp x10,__progname
+ add x10,x10,:lo12:__progname
+ str x2,[x10]
+ ldr x8,[x9,:lo12:__progname]
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ str x8,[x9]
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cbz w9,.LBB0_8
+// %bb.4:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8, :lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cmp w9,#47
+ .LBB0_6
+// %bb.5:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:__progname
+ str x8,[x9]
+// %bb.7:
+ adrp x8,s
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ str x8,[x9]
+ b .LBB0_3
+ adrp x10,:got:__stkptr
+ ldr x10,[x10,#:got_lo12:__stkptr]
+ mov x6,sp
+ str x6,[x10]
+ bl main
+ /* This should never happen */
+ b abort
+ .globl _init_dummy
+ .type _init_dummy,#function
+ ret
+ .globl _fini_dummy
+ .type _fini_dummy,#function
+ ret
+ .globl main_stub
+ .type main_stub,#function
+ stp x29,x30,[sp,#-16]!
+ /* Save initial stackpointer */
+ mov x0,sp
+ adrp x1,:got:__stkptr
+ ldr x1,[x1,#:got_lo12:__stkptr]
+ str x0,[x1]
+ /* Initialize gmon */
+ adrp x0,:got:_start
+ ldr x0,[x0,#:got_lo12:_start]
+ adrp x1,:got:_etext
+ ldr x1,[x1,#:got_lo12:_etext]
+ bl __monstartup
+ adrp x0,:got:_mcleanup
+ ldr x0,[x0,#:got_lo12:_mcleanup]
+ bl atexit
+ /* Start the program */
+ b abort
+ .globl _haltproc
+ .type _haltproc,#function
+ /* Return to libc */
+ adrp x1,:got:__stkptr
+ ldr x1,[x1,#:got_lo12:__stkptr]
+ ldr x1,[x1]
+ mov sp,x1
+ ldp x29,x30,[sp],#16
+ ret
+ /* Define a symbol for the first piece of initialized data. */
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ .globl __data_start
+ .long 0
+ .weak data_start
+ data_start = __data_start
+ .bss
+ .align 3
+ .comm __stkptr,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv,8
+ .comm environ,8,8
+ .xword 0
+ .size s, 8
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb5a5bc075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ Start-up code for Free Pascal Compiler, not in a shared library,
+ not linking with C library.
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .ident "FreeBSD"
+ .section .note.ABI-tag,"a",@progbits
+ .p2align 2
+ .type abitag, @object
+ .size abitag, 24
+ .long 8
+ .long 4
+ .long 1
+ .string "FreeBSD"
+ .long 120000
+ .section .rodata
+ .string ""
+.globl __progname
+ .data
+ .p2align 3
+ .type __progname, @object
+ .size __progname, 8
+ .quad .LC0
+ .text
+ .p2align 2,,3
+ .globl _start
+ .type _start,#function
+ /* Initialise FP to zero */
+ mov x29,#0
+ /* Get argc, argv, envp */
+ ldr x1,[x0]
+ add x2,x0,#8
+ add x11,x1,#1
+ add x11,x2,x11,lsl #3
+ /* Save argc, argv, envp, environ, __progname and initial stack pointer */
+ ldr x10,=operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ str x1,[x10]
+ ldr x10,=operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ str x2,[x10]
+ ldr x10,=operatingsystem_parameter_envp
+ str x11,[x10]
+ /* save environ */
+ adrp x10,environ
+ ldr x10,[x10,:lo12:environ]
+ cbnz x10,.LBB0_2
+ ldr x10,=environ
+ str x11,[x10]
+ /* save __progname */
+ ldr w8,=operatingsystem_parameter_argc
+ cmp w8,#0
+ cset w8,le
+ tbnz w8,#0,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.1:
+ adrp x8,operatingsystem_parameter_argv
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:operatingsystem_parameter_argv]
+ cbz x8,.LBB0_9
+// %bb.2:
+ ldr x2,[x2]
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ adrp x10,__progname
+ add x10,x10,:lo12:__progname
+ str x2,[x10]
+ ldr x8,[x9,:lo12:__progname]
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ str x8,[x9]
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cbz w9,.LBB0_8
+// %bb.4:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8, :lo12:s]
+ ldrb w9,[x8]
+ cmp w9,#47
+ .LBB0_6
+// %bb.5:
+ adrp x8,s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ adrp x9,__progname
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:__progname
+ str x8,[x9]
+// %bb.7:
+ adrp x8,s
+ adrp x9,s
+ add x9,x9,:lo12:s
+ ldr x8,[x8,:lo12:s]
+ add x8,x8,#1
+ str x8,[x9]
+ b .LBB0_3
+ /* save stack pointer */
+ ldr x10,=__stkptr
+ mov x6,sp
+ str x6,[x10]
+ /* Call main */
+ ldr x10,=operatingsystem_result
+ ldr w0,[x10]
+ mov w8,#1 // SYS_exit
+ svc #0
+ /* Define a symbol for the first piece of initialized data. */
+ .data
+ .align 3
+ .globl __data_start
+ .long 0
+ .weak data_start
+ data_start = __data_start
+ .bss
+ .align 3
+ .comm __stkptr,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_envp,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argc,8
+ .comm operatingsystem_parameter_argv,8
+ .comm environ,8,8
+ .xword 0
+ .size s, 8
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d98c22063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ TCleanup = procedure; cdecl;
+ environ : ppchar; cvar; public name '__environ';
+ progname: pchar = #0#0; cvar; public name '__progname';
+ dynamic : pchar; external name '_DYNAMIC'; // #pragma weak
+procedure atexit(prc:TCleanup); cdecl external name 'atexit';
+procedure cleanup(prc:TCleanup); cdecl external name 'cleanup';
+procedure init_tls; cdecl; external name 'init_tls';
+procedure fini; cdecl; external name '_fini';
+procedure init; cdecl; external name '_init';
+procedure libc_exit(exitcode:longint);cdecl; external name 'exit';
+function main(nrarg:longint;pp:ppchar;env:ppchar):longint; cdecl; external name 'main';
+{$ifdef gcrt}
+ procedure cmcleanup; cdecl; external name '_mcleanup';
+ procedure monstratup(p,p2:pointer); cdecl; external name 'monstartup';
+ eprol:longint; external name 'eprol';
+ etext:longint; external name 'etext';
+procedure start(ap:ppchar;cleanup:TCleanup);
+var argc: longint;
+ argv: ppchar;
+ env : ppchar;
+ s : pchar;
+ argc:=plongint(ap)^;
+ argv:=ppchar(ap[1]);
+ env:= ppchar(ap[2+argc]);
+ environ:=env;
+ if (argc>0) and (argv[0]<>#0) Then
+ begin
+ progname:=argv[0];
+ s:=progname;
+ while s^<>#0 do
+ begin
+ if s^='/' then
+ progname:=@s[1];
+ inc(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if assigned(pchar(@dynamic)) then // I suspect this is a trick to find
+ // out runtime if we are shared
+ // linking, so the same code can be used
+ // for static and shared linking
+ atexit(cleanup)
+ else
+ init_tls;
+ {$ifdef GCRT}
+ atexit(@_mcleanup);
+ {$endif}
+ atexit(@fini);
+ {$ifdef GCRT}
+ monstartup(@eprol,@etext);
+ asm
+ eprol:
+ end;
+ {$endif}
+ init;
+ libc_exit(main(argc,argv,env)); // doesn't return
+ asm
+ { We need this stuff to make gdb behave itself, otherwise
+ gdb will chokes with SIGILL when trying to debug apps.
+ }
+ .section ".note.ABI-tag", "a"
+ .align 4
+ .long 8
+ .long 4
+ .long 1
+ .asciz "FreeBSD"
+ .align 4
+ .long 900044
+ .align 4
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
+ end;
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d58896909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/aarch64/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt,
+ member of the Free Pascal development team.
+ Signal handler is arch dependant due to processor to language
+ exception conversion.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+{ procedure SignalToRunerror(Sig: longint; SigInfo: PSigInfo; UContext: PUContext); public name '_FPC_DEFAULTSIGHANDLER'; cdecl; }
+procedure SignalToRunerror(Sig: cint; info : psiginfo; SigContext:PSigContext); public name '_FPC_DEFAULTSIGHANDLER'; cdecl;
+ res : word;
+ res:=0;
+ case sig of
+ res:=207;
+ res:=216;
+ res:=216;
+ res:=214;
+ res:=217;
+ res:=233;
+ end;
+ reenable_signal(sig);
+ { give runtime error at the position where the signal was raised }
+ if res<>0 then
+ HandleError(res);
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/ b/rtl/freebsd/
index a978ea5f04..eeddb2e550 100644
--- a/rtl/freebsd/
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ type sigset_t = array[0..3] of Longint;
psigcontext = ^sigcontextrec;
PSigContextRec = ^SigContextRec;
+{$if (defined(CPUi386) or defined(CPUX86_64))}
SigContextRec = record
sc_mask : sigset_t; { signal mask to restore }
sc_onstack : longint; { sigstack state to restore }
@@ -120,8 +121,14 @@ type sigset_t = array[0..3] of Longint;
fpr_ex_sw : cardinal;
fpr_pad : array[0..63] of char;
+{$endif def x86}
+{$ifdef CPUAARCH64}
+ SigContextRec = record
+ _dummy : cint;
+ end;
+{$endif cpuaarch64}
Sigval = Record
Case Boolean OF
diff --git a/rtl/freebsd/ b/rtl/freebsd/
index aec4d8c69d..05cb11bcb0 100644
--- a/rtl/freebsd/
+++ b/rtl/freebsd/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ type
{$packrecords C}
+{$if (defined(CPUi386) or defined(CPUX86_64))}
mcontext_t = record
* The first 20 fields must match the definition of
@@ -53,7 +54,34 @@ type
mc_fpstate: TMCFPStateArray;
mc_spare2: array[0..7] of cInt;
+{$endif def x86}
+{$ifdef CPUAARCH64}
+ gpregs = record
+ gp_x: array[0..30] of cInt; { __register_t gp_x[30]; }
+ gp_lr: cInt;
+ gp_sp: cInt;
+ gp_elr: cInt;
+ gp_spsr: cuint32;
+ gp_pad: cInt;
+ end;
+ fpregs = record
+ fp_q: array[0..64] of cInt; { __uint128_t fp_q[32] }
+ fp_sr: cuint32;
+ fp_cr: cuint32;
+ fp_flags: cInt;
+ fp_pad: cInt;
+ end;
+ mcontext_t = record
+ mc_gpregs: gpregs;
+ mc_fpregs: fpregs;
+ mc_flags: cint32;
+ mc_pad: cint32;
+ mc_spare: array[0..8] of cInt;
+ end;
+{$endif cpuaarch64}
pucontext_t = ^ucontext_t;
ucontext_t = record // required for kse threads