path: root/rtl/msdos/prt0.asm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/msdos/prt0.asm')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/msdos/prt0.asm b/rtl/msdos/prt0.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..770e3135a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/msdos/prt0.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+; nasm -f obj -o prt0.o prt0.asm
+ cpu 8086
+ segment text use16
+ extern dos_psp
+ extern _edata ; defined by WLINK, indicates start of BSS
+ extern _end ; defined by WLINK, indicates end of BSS
+ extern __stklen
+ extern __stkbottom
+ extern __nearheap_start
+ extern __nearheap_end
+ ; init the stack
+ mov ax, dgroup
+ mov ss, ax
+ mov sp, stacktop
+ ; save the Program Segment Prefix
+ push ds
+ ; init DS
+ mov ds, ax
+ ; pop the PSP from stack and store it in the pascal variable dos_psp
+ pop ax
+ mov word [dos_psp], ax
+ ; allocate max heap
+ ; TODO: also support user specified heap size
+ ; try to resize our main DOS memory block until the end of the data segment
+ mov bx, word [dos_psp]
+ mov es, bx
+ sub bx, dgroup
+ neg bx ; bx = (ds - psp) in paragraphs
+ add bx, 1000h ; 64kb in paragraphs
+ mov ah, 4Ah
+ int 21h
+ jc mem_realloc_err
+ ; init ES
+ mov ax, dgroup
+ mov es, ax
+ ; bx = the new size in paragraphs
+ add bx, word [dos_psp]
+ sub bx, dgroup
+ mov cl, 4
+ shl bx, cl
+ sub bx, 2
+ mov sp, bx
+ add bx, 2
+ sub bx, word [__stklen]
+ and bl, 0FEh
+ mov word [__stkbottom], bx
+ cmp bx, _end wrt dgroup
+ jb not_enough_mem
+ ; heap is between [ds:_end wrt dgroup] and [ds:__stkbottom - 1]
+ mov word [__nearheap_start], _end wrt dgroup
+ mov bx, word [__stkbottom]
+ dec bx
+ mov word [__nearheap_end], bx
+ mov dx, not_enough_mem_msg
+ jmp error_msg
+ mov dx, mem_realloc_err_msg
+ mov ah, 9
+ int 21h
+ mov ax, 4CFFh
+ int 21h
+ stc
+ global FPC_MSDOS
+ mov al, 21h ; not ax, because only the low byte is used
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ push ax
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ global FPC_INTR
+ push bp
+ mov bp, sp
+ mov al, byte [ss:bp + 6]
+ mov byte [cs:int_number], al
+ push es
+ mov si, [ss:bp + 4]
+ push ds
+ mov ax, word [si + 16]
+ mov es, ax
+ mov ax, word [si + 14] ; ds
+ push ax
+ mov ax, word [si]
+ mov bx, word [si + 2]
+ mov cx, word [si + 4]
+ mov dx, word [si + 6]
+ mov bp, word [si + 8]
+ mov di, word [si + 12]
+ mov si, word [si + 10]
+ pop ds
+ db 0CDh ; opcode of INT xx
+ db 255
+ pushf
+ push ds
+ push si
+ push bp
+ mov bp, sp
+ mov si, word [ss:bp + 8]
+ mov ds, si
+ mov si, word [ss:bp + 16]
+ mov word [si], ax
+ mov word [si + 2], bx
+ mov word [si + 4], cx
+ mov word [si + 6], dx
+ mov word [si + 12], di
+ mov ax, es
+ mov word [si + 16], ax
+ pop ax
+ mov word [si + 8], ax
+ pop ax
+ mov word [si + 10], ax
+ pop ax
+ mov word [si + 14], ax
+ pop ax
+ mov word [si + 18], ax
+ pop ds
+ pop es
+ pop bp
+ ret 4
+ segment data
+ db 'Memory allocation error', 13, 10, '$'
+ db 'Not enough memory', 13, 10, '$'
+ segment bss class=bss
+ segment stack stack class=stack
+ resb 256
+ stacktop:
+ group dgroup data bss stack