path: root/rtl/objpas/classes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/objpas/classes/')
1 files changed, 1587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/objpas/classes/ b/rtl/objpas/classes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f8065b6c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/objpas/classes/
@@ -0,0 +1,1587 @@
+ $Id:,v 1.27 2005/04/28 09:15:44 florian Exp $
+ This file is part of the Free Component Library (FCL)
+ Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Michael Van Canneyt and Florian Klaempfl
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+ * Class implementations are in separate files. *
+ **********************************************************************}
+ ClassList : TThreadlist;
+ ClassAliasList : TStringList;
+ Include all message strings
+ Add a language with IFDEF LANG_NAME
+ just befor the final ELSE. This way English will always be the default.
+{ Utility routines }
+{ TBits implementation }
+{ All streams implementations: }
+{ Tstreams THandleStream TFileStream TResourcseStreams TStringStream }
+{ TCustomMemoryStream TMemoryStream }
+{ TParser implementation}
+{ TCollection and TCollectionItem implementations }
+{ TList and TThreadList implementations }
+{ TStrings and TStringList implementations }
+{$ifndef VER1_0}
+{ TThread implementation }
+{ system dependend code }
+{ system independend threading code }
+ { event that happens when gui thread is done executing the method}
+ ExecuteEvent: PRtlEvent;
+ { event executed by synchronize to wake main thread if it sleeps in CheckSynchronize }
+ SynchronizeTimeoutEvent: PRtlEvent;
+ { guard for synchronization variables }
+ SynchronizeCritSect: TRtlCriticalSection;
+ { method to execute }
+ SynchronizeMethod: TThreadMethod;
+ { should we execute the method? }
+ DoSynchronizeMethod: boolean;
+ { caught exception in gui thread, to be raised in calling thread }
+ SynchronizeException: Exception;
+procedure TThread.Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
+ var
+ LocalSyncException: Exception;
+ begin
+ { do we really need a synchronized call? }
+ if GetCurrentThreadID=MainThreadID then
+ Method()
+ else
+ begin
+ EnterCriticalSection(SynchronizeCritSect);
+ RtlEventStartWait(ExecuteEvent);
+ SynchronizeException:=nil;
+ SynchronizeMethod:=Method;
+ { be careful, after this assignment Method could be already executed }
+ DoSynchronizeMethod:=true;
+ RtlEventSetEvent(SynchronizeTimeoutEvent);
+ if assigned(WakeMainThread) then
+ WakeMainThread(self);
+ { wait infinitely }
+ RtlEventWaitFor(ExecuteEvent);
+ LocalSyncException:=SynchronizeException;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(SynchronizeCritSect);
+ if assigned(LocalSyncException) then
+ raise LocalSyncException;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure CheckSynchronize(timeout : longint=0);
+ { assumes being called from GUI thread }
+ begin
+ { sanity check }
+ if GetCurrentThreadID<>MainThreadID then
+ raise EThread.CreateFmt(SCheckSynchronizeError,[GetCurrentThreadID])
+ else
+ begin
+ if timeout>0 then
+ begin
+ RtlEventStartWait(SynchronizeTimeoutEvent);
+ RtlEventWaitFor(SynchronizeTimeoutEvent,timeout);
+ end
+ else
+ RtlEventResetEvent(SynchronizeTimeoutEvent);
+ if DoSynchronizeMethod then
+ begin
+ try
+ SynchronizeMethod;
+ except
+ SynchronizeException:=Exception(AcquireExceptionObject);
+ end;
+ DoSynchronizeMethod:=false;
+ RtlEventSetEvent(ExecuteEvent);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ TPersistent implementation }
+{$i }
+{ TComponent implementation }
+{ TBasicAction implementation }
+{ TDataModule implementation }
+{ Class and component registration routines }
+{ Interface related stuff }
+{$ifdef HASINTF}
+{$endif HASINTF}
+ * Miscellaneous procedures and functions *
+ **********************************************************************}
+{ Point and rectangle constructors }
+function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
+ with Result do
+ begin
+ X := AX;
+ Y := AY;
+ end;
+function SmallPoint(AX, AY: SmallInt): TSmallPoint;
+ with Result do
+ begin
+ X := AX;
+ Y := AY;
+ end;
+function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
+ with Result do
+ begin
+ Left := ALeft;
+ Top := ATop;
+ Right := ARight;
+ Bottom := ABottom;
+ end;
+function Bounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TRect;
+ with Result do
+ begin
+ Left := ALeft;
+ Top := ATop;
+ Right := ALeft + AWidth;
+ Bottom := ATop + AHeight;
+ end;
+{ Object filing routines }
+ IntConstList: TThreadList;
+ TIntConst = class
+ IntegerType: PTypeInfo; // The integer type RTTI pointer
+ IdentToIntFn: TIdentToInt; // Identifier to Integer conversion
+ IntToIdentFn: TIntToIdent; // Integer to Identifier conversion
+ constructor Create(AIntegerType: PTypeInfo; AIdentToInt: TIdentToInt;
+ AIntToIdent: TIntToIdent);
+ end;
+constructor TIntConst.Create(AIntegerType: PTypeInfo; AIdentToInt: TIdentToInt;
+ AIntToIdent: TIntToIdent);
+ IntegerType := AIntegerType;
+ IdentToIntFn := AIdentToInt;
+ IntToIdentFn := AIntToIdent;
+procedure RegisterIntegerConsts(IntegerType: Pointer; IdentToIntFn: TIdentToInt;
+ IntToIdentFn: TIntToIdent);
+ IntConstList.Add(TIntConst.Create(IntegerType, IdentToIntFn, IntToIdentFn));
+function FindIntToIdent(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIntToIdent;
+ i: Integer;
+ with IntConstList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if TIntConst(Items[i]).IntegerType = AIntegerType then
+ exit(TIntConst(Items[i]).IntToIdentFn);
+ Result := nil;
+ finally
+ IntConstList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+function FindIdentToInt(AIntegerType: Pointer): TIdentToInt;
+ i: Integer;
+ with IntConstList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ with TIntConst(Items[I]) do
+ if TIntConst(Items[I]).IntegerType = AIntegerType then
+ exit(IdentToIntFn);
+ Result := nil;
+ finally
+ IntConstList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+function IdentToInt(const Ident: String; var Int: LongInt;
+ const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := Low(Map) to High(Map) do
+ if CompareText(Map[i].Name, Ident) = 0 then
+ begin
+ Int := Map[i].Value;
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ Result := False;
+function IntToIdent(Int: LongInt; var Ident: String;
+ const Map: array of TIdentMapEntry): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := Low(Map) to High(Map) do
+ if Map[i].Value = Int then
+ begin
+ Ident := Map[i].Name;
+ exit(True);
+ end;
+ Result := False;
+function GlobalIdentToInt(const Ident: String; var Int: LongInt):boolean;
+ i : Integer;
+ with IntConstList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ if TIntConst(Items[I]).IdentToIntFn(Ident, Int) then
+ Exit(True);
+ Result := false;
+ finally
+ IntConstList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+{ TPropFixup }
+ TPropFixup = class
+ FInstance: TPersistent;
+ FInstanceRoot: TComponent;
+ FPropInfo: PPropInfo;
+ FRootName: string;
+ FName: string;
+ constructor Create(AInstance: TPersistent; AInstanceRoot: TComponent;
+ APropInfo: PPropInfo; const ARootName, AName: String);
+ function MakeGlobalReference: Boolean;
+ end;
+ GlobalFixupList: TThreadList;
+constructor TPropFixup.Create(AInstance: TPersistent; AInstanceRoot: TComponent;
+ APropInfo: PPropInfo; const ARootName, AName: String);
+ FInstance := AInstance;
+ FInstanceRoot := AInstanceRoot;
+ FPropInfo := APropInfo;
+ FRootName := ARootName;
+ FName := AName;
+function TPropFixup.MakeGlobalReference: Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ i := Pos('.', FName);
+ if i = 0 then
+ exit(False);
+ FRootName := Copy(FName, 1, i - 1);
+ FName := Copy(FName, i + 1, Length(FName));
+ Result := True;
+ TInitHandler = Class(TObject)
+ AHandler : TInitComponentHandler;
+ AClass : TComponentClass;
+ end;
+ InitHandlerList : TList;
+ FindGlobalComponentList : TList;
+procedure RegisterFindGlobalComponentProc(AFindGlobalComponent: TFindGlobalComponent);
+ begin
+ if not(assigned(FindGlobalComponentList)) then
+ FindGlobalComponentList:=TList.Create;
+ if FindGlobalComponentList.IndexOf(Pointer(AFindGlobalComponent))<0 then
+ FindGlobalComponentList.Add(Pointer(AFindGlobalComponent));
+ end;
+procedure UnregisterFindGlobalComponentProc(AFindGlobalComponent: TFindGlobalComponent);
+ begin
+ if assigned(FindGlobalComponentList) then
+ FindGlobalComponentList.Remove(Pointer(AFindGlobalComponent));
+ end;
+function FindGlobalComponent(const Name: string): TComponent;
+ var
+ i : sizeint;
+ begin
+ FindGlobalComponent:=nil;
+ if assigned(FindGlobalComponentList) then
+ begin
+ for i:=FindGlobalComponentList.Count-1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ FindGlobalComponent:=TFindGlobalComponent(FindGlobalComponentList[i])(name);
+ if assigned(FindGlobalComponent) then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure RegisterInitComponentHandler(ComponentClass: TComponentClass; Handler: TInitComponentHandler);
+ I : Integer;
+ H: TInitHandler;
+ If (InitHandlerList=Nil) then
+ InitHandlerList:=TList.Create;
+ H:=TInitHandler.Create;
+ H.Aclass:=ComponentClass;
+ H.AHandler:=Handler;
+ With InitHandlerList do
+ begin
+ I:=0;
+ While (I<Count) and not H.AClass.InheritsFrom(TInitHandler(Items[i]).AClass) do
+ Inc(I);
+ InitHandlerList.Insert(I,H);
+ end;
+function InitInheritedComponent(Instance: TComponent; RootAncestor: TClass): Boolean;
+ I : Integer;
+ I:=0;
+ if not Assigned(InitHandlerList) then begin
+ Result := True;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ Result:=False;
+ With InitHandlerList do
+ begin
+ I:=0;
+ // Instance is the normally the lowest one, so that one should be used when searching.
+ While Not result and (I<Count) do
+ begin
+ If (Instance.InheritsFrom(TInitHandler(Items[i]).AClass)) then
+ Result:=TInitHandler(Items[i]).AHandler(Instance,RootAncestor);
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ end;
+function InitComponentRes(const ResName: String; Instance: TComponent): Boolean;
+ { !!!: Too Win32-specific }
+ InitComponentRes := False;
+function ReadComponentRes(const ResName: String; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
+ { !!!: Too Win32-specific }
+ ReadComponentRes := nil;
+function ReadComponentResEx(HInstance: THandle; const ResName: String): TComponent;
+ { !!!: Too Win32-specific in VCL }
+ ReadComponentResEx := nil;
+function ReadComponentResFile(const FileName: String; Instance: TComponent): TComponent;
+ FileStream: TStream;
+ FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead {!!!:or fmShareDenyWrite});
+ try
+ Result := FileStream.ReadComponentRes(Instance);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+procedure WriteComponentResFile(const FileName: String; Instance: TComponent);
+ FileStream: TStream;
+ FileStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
+ try
+ FileStream.WriteComponentRes(Instance.ClassName, Instance);
+ finally
+ FileStream.Free;
+ end;
+procedure GlobalFixupReferences;
+ GlobalList, DoneList, ToDoList: TList;
+ I, Index: Integer;
+ Root: TComponent;
+ Instance: TPersistent;
+ Reference: Pointer;
+ {!!!: GlobalNameSpace.BeginWrite;
+ try}
+ GlobalList := GlobalFixupList.LockList;
+ try
+ if GlobalList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ ToDoList := nil;
+ DoneList := TList.Create;
+ ToDoList := TList.Create;
+ try
+ i := 0;
+ while i < GlobalList.Count do
+ with TPropFixup(GlobalList[i]) do
+ begin
+ Root := FindGlobalComponent(FRootName);
+ if Assigned(Root) or (GetOrdProp(FInstance, FPropInfo) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if Assigned(Root) then
+ begin
+ Reference := FindNestedComponent(Root, FName);
+ SetOrdProp(FInstance, FPropInfo, Longint(Reference));
+ end;
+ // Move component to list of done components, if necessary
+ if (DoneList.IndexOf(FInstance) < 0) and
+ (ToDoList.IndexOf(FInstance) >= 0) then
+ DoneList.Add(FInstance);
+ GlobalList.Delete(i);
+ Free; // ...the fixup
+ end else
+ begin
+ // Move component to list of components to process, if necessary
+ Index := DoneList.IndexOf(FInstance);
+ if Index <> -1 then
+ DoneList.Delete(Index);
+ if ToDoList.IndexOf(FInstance) < 0 then
+ ToDoList.Add(FInstance);
+ Inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ for i := 0 to DoneList.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ Instance := TPersistent(DoneList[I]);
+ if Instance.InheritsFrom(TComponent) then
+ Exclude(TComponent(Instance).FComponentState, csFixups);
+ end;
+ finally
+ ToDoList.Free;
+ DoneList.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+ {finally
+ GlobalNameSpace.EndWrite;
+ end;}
+function IsStringInList(const AString: String; AList: TStrings): Boolean;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
+ if CompareText(AList[i], AString) = 0 then
+ exit(True);
+ Result := False;
+procedure GetFixupReferenceNames(Root: TComponent; Names: TStrings);
+ i: Integer;
+ CurFixup: TPropFixup;
+ with GlobalFixupList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ CurFixup := TPropFixup(Items[i]);
+ if ((not Assigned(Root)) or (CurFixup.FInstanceRoot = Root)) and
+ not IsStringInList(CurFixup.FRootName, Names) then
+ Names.Add(CurFixup.FRootName);
+ end;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+procedure GetFixupInstanceNames(Root: TComponent;
+ const ReferenceRootName: string; Names: TStrings);
+ i: Integer;
+ CurFixup: TPropFixup;
+ with GlobalFixupList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ CurFixup := TPropFixup(Items[i]);
+ if (CurFixup.FInstanceRoot = Root) and
+ (UpperCase(ReferenceRootName) = UpperCase(CurFixup.FRootName)) and
+ not IsStringInList(CurFixup.FName, Names) then
+ Names.Add(CurFixup.FName);
+ end;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+procedure RedirectFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const OldRootName,
+ NewRootName: string);
+ i: Integer;
+ CurFixup: TPropFixup;
+ with GlobalFixupList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ CurFixup := TPropFixup(Items[i]);
+ if ((not Assigned(Root)) or (CurFixup.FInstanceRoot = Root)) and
+ (UpperCase(OldRootName) = UpperCase(CurFixup.FRootName)) then
+ CurFixup.FRootName := NewRootName;
+ end;
+ GlobalFixupReferences;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.Unlocklist;
+ end;
+procedure RemoveFixupReferences(Root: TComponent; const RootName: string);
+ i: Integer;
+ CurFixup: TPropFixup;
+ if not Assigned(GlobalFixupList) then
+ exit;
+ with GlobalFixupList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ CurFixup := TPropFixup(Items[i]);
+ if ((not Assigned(Root)) or (CurFixup.FInstanceRoot = Root)) and
+ ((Length(RootName) = 0) or
+ (UpperCase(RootName) = UpperCase(CurFixup.FRootName))) then
+ begin
+ Delete(i);
+ CurFixup.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+procedure RemoveFixups(Instance: TPersistent);
+ i: Integer;
+ CurFixup: TPropFixup;
+ if not Assigned(GlobalFixupList) then
+ exit;
+ with GlobalFixupList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ CurFixup := TPropFixup(Items[i]);
+ if (CurFixup.FInstance = Instance) then
+ begin
+ Delete(i);
+ CurFixup.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ GlobalFixupList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+function FindNestedComponent(Root: TComponent; const NamePath: string): TComponent;
+ Current, Found: TComponent;
+ s, p: PChar;
+ Name: String;
+ Result := nil;
+ if Length(NamePath) > 0 then
+ begin
+ Current := Root;
+ p := PChar(NamePath);
+ while p[0] <> #0 do
+ begin
+ s := p;
+ while not (p^ in ['.', '-', #0]) do
+ Inc(p);
+ SetString(Name, s, p - s);
+ Found := Current.FindComponent(Name);
+ if (not Assigned(Found)) and (UpperCase(Name) = 'OWNER') then
+ Found := Current;
+ if not Assigned(Found) then exit;
+ // Remove the dereference operator from the name
+ if p[0] = '.' then
+ Inc(P);
+ if p[0] = '-' then
+ Inc(P);
+ if p[0] = '>' then
+ Inc(P);
+ Current := Found;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result := Current;
+{!!!: Should be threadvar - doesn't work for all platforms yet!}
+ GlobalLoaded, GlobalLists: TList;
+procedure BeginGlobalLoading;
+ if not Assigned(GlobalLists) then
+ GlobalLists := TList.Create;
+ GlobalLists.Add(GlobalLoaded);
+ GlobalLoaded := TList.Create;
+{ Notify all global components that they have been loaded completely }
+procedure NotifyGlobalLoading;
+ i: Integer;
+ for i := 0 to GlobalLoaded.Count - 1 do
+ TComponent(GlobalLoaded[i]).Loaded;
+procedure EndGlobalLoading;
+ { Free the memory occupied by BeginGlobalLoading }
+ GlobalLoaded.Free;
+ GlobalLoaded := TList(GlobalLists.Last);
+ GlobalLists.Delete(GlobalLists.Count - 1);
+ if GlobalLists.Count = 0 then
+ begin
+ GlobalLists.Free;
+ GlobalLists := nil;
+ end;
+function CollectionsEqual(C1, C2: TCollection): Boolean;
+ // !!!: Implement this
+ CollectionsEqual:=false;
+{ Object conversion routines }
+ CharToOrdFuncty = Function(var charpo: Pointer): Cardinal;
+function CharToOrd(var P: Pointer): Cardinal;
+ result:= ord(pchar(P)^);
+ inc(pchar(P));
+function WideCharToOrd(var P: Pointer): Cardinal;
+ result:= ord(pwidechar(P)^);
+ inc(pwidechar(P));
+function Utf8ToOrd(var P:Pointer): Cardinal;
+ // Should also check for illegal utf8 combinations
+ Result := Ord(PChar(P)^);
+ Inc(P);
+ if (Result and $80) <> 0 then
+ if (Ord(Result) and %11100000) = %11000000 then begin
+ Result := ((Result and %00011111) shl 6)
+ or (ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111);
+ Inc(P);
+ end else if (Ord(Result) and %11110000) = %11100000 then begin
+ Result := ((Result and %00011111) shl 12)
+ or ((ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111) shl 6)
+ or (ord((PChar(P)+1)^) and %00111111);
+ Inc(P,2);
+ end else begin
+ Result := ((ord(Result) and %00011111) shl 18)
+ or ((ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111) shl 12)
+ or ((ord((PChar(P)+1)^) and %00111111) shl 6)
+ or (ord((PChar(P)+2)^) and %00111111);
+ Inc(P,3);
+ end;
+procedure ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream);
+ procedure OutStr(s: String);
+ begin
+ if Length(s) > 0 then
+ Output.Write(s[1], Length(s));
+ end;
+ procedure OutLn(s: String);
+ begin
+ OutStr(s + #10);
+ end;
+ procedure Outchars(P, LastP : Pointer; CharToOrdFunc: CharToOrdFuncty);
+ var
+ res, NewStr: String;
+ w: Cardinal;
+ InString, NewInString: Boolean;
+ begin
+ res := '';
+ InString := False;
+ while P < LastP do begin
+ NewInString := InString;
+ w := CharToOrdfunc(P);
+ if w = ord('''') then //quote char
+ if InString then NewStr := ''''''
+ else NewStr := ''''''''
+ else if (Ord(w) >= 32) and (Ord(w) < 127) then begin //printable ascii
+ if not InString then
+ NewInString := True;
+ NewStr := char(w);
+ end else begin //ascii control chars, non ascii
+ if InString then
+ NewInString := False;
+ NewStr := '#' + IntToStr(w);
+ end;
+ if NewInString <> InString then begin
+ NewStr := '''' + NewStr;
+ InString := NewInString;
+ end;
+ res := res + NewStr;
+ end;
+ if InString then res := res + '''';
+ OutStr(res);
+ end;
+ procedure OutString(s: String);
+ begin
+ OutChars(Pointer(S),PChar(S)+Length(S),@CharToOrd);
+ end;
+ procedure OutWString(W: WideString);
+ begin
+ OutChars(Pointer(W),pwidechar(W)+Length(W),@WideCharToOrd);
+ end;
+ procedure OutUtf8Str(s: String);
+ begin
+ OutChars(Pointer(S),PChar(S)+Length(S),@Utf8ToOrd);
+ end;
+ function ReadInt(ValueType: TValueType): LongInt;
+ begin
+ case ValueType of
+ vaInt8: Result := ShortInt(Input.ReadByte);
+ vaInt16: Result := SmallInt(Input.ReadWord);
+ vaInt32: Result := LongInt(Input.ReadDWord);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function ReadInt: LongInt;
+ begin
+ Result := ReadInt(TValueType(Input.ReadByte));
+ end;
+ function ReadSStr: String;
+ var
+ len: Byte;
+ begin
+ len := Input.ReadByte;
+ SetLength(Result, len);
+ Input.Read(Result[1], len);
+ end;
+ function ReadLStr: String;
+ var
+ len: DWord;
+ begin
+ len := Input.ReadDWord;
+ SetLength(Result, len);
+ Input.Read(Result[1], len);
+ end;
+ function ReadWStr: WideString;
+ var
+ len: DWord;
+ begin
+ len := Input.ReadDWord;
+ SetLength(Result, len);
+ Input.Read(Pointer(@Result[1])^, len*2);
+ end;
+ procedure ReadPropList(indent: String);
+ procedure ProcessValue(ValueType: TValueType; Indent: String);
+ procedure Stop(s: String);
+ begin
+ WriteLn(s);
+ Halt;
+ end;
+ procedure ProcessBinary;
+ var
+ ToDo, DoNow, i: LongInt;
+ lbuf: array[0..31] of Byte;
+ s: String;
+ begin
+ ToDo := Input.ReadDWord;
+ OutLn('{');
+ while ToDo > 0 do begin
+ DoNow := ToDo;
+ if DoNow > 32 then DoNow := 32;
+ Dec(ToDo, DoNow);
+ s := Indent + ' ';
+ Input.Read(lbuf, DoNow);
+ for i := 0 to DoNow - 1 do
+ s := s + IntToHex(lbuf[i], 2);
+ OutLn(s);
+ end;
+ OutLn(indent + '}');
+ end;
+ var
+ s: String;
+{ len: LongInt; }
+ IsFirst: Boolean;
+ ext: Extended;
+ begin
+ case ValueType of
+ vaList: begin
+ OutStr('(');
+ IsFirst := True;
+ while True do begin
+ ValueType := TValueType(Input.ReadByte);
+ if ValueType = vaNull then break;
+ if IsFirst then begin
+ OutLn('');
+ IsFirst := False;
+ end;
+ OutStr(Indent + ' ');
+ ProcessValue(ValueType, Indent + ' ');
+ end;
+ OutLn(Indent + ')');
+ end;
+ vaInt8: OutLn(IntToStr(ShortInt(Input.ReadByte)));
+ vaInt16: OutLn( IntToStr(SmallInt(Input.ReadWord)));
+ vaInt32: OutLn(IntToStr(LongInt(Input.ReadDWord)));
+ vaExtended: begin
+ Input.Read(ext, SizeOf(ext));
+ OutLn(FloatToStr(ext));
+ end;
+ vaString: begin
+ OutString(ReadSStr);
+ OutLn('');
+ end;
+ vaIdent: OutLn(ReadSStr);
+ vaFalse: OutLn('False');
+ vaTrue: OutLn('True');
+ vaBinary: ProcessBinary;
+ vaSet: begin
+ OutStr('[');
+ IsFirst := True;
+ while True do begin
+ s := ReadSStr;
+ if Length(s) = 0 then break;
+ if not IsFirst then OutStr(', ');
+ IsFirst := False;
+ OutStr(s);
+ end;
+ OutLn(']');
+ end;
+ vaLString:
+ begin
+ OutString(ReadLStr);
+ OutLn('');
+ end;
+ vaWString:
+ begin
+ OutWString(ReadWStr);
+ OutLn('');
+ end;
+ vaNil:
+ OutLn('nil');
+ vaCollection: begin
+ OutStr('<');
+ while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
+ OutLn(Indent);
+ Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
+ OutStr(indent + ' item');
+ ValueType := TValueType(Input.ReadByte);
+ if ValueType <> vaList then
+ OutStr('[' + IntToStr(ReadInt(ValueType)) + ']');
+ OutLn('');
+ ReadPropList(indent + ' ');
+ OutStr(indent + ' end');
+ end;
+ OutLn('>');
+ end;
+ {vaSingle: begin OutLn('!!Single!!'); exit end;
+ vaCurrency: begin OutLn('!!Currency!!'); exit end;
+ vaDate: begin OutLn('!!Date!!'); exit end;}
+ vaUTF8String: begin
+ OutUtf8Str(ReadLStr);
+ OutLn('');
+ end;
+ else
+ Stop(IntToStr(Ord(ValueType)));
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
+ Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
+ OutStr(indent + ReadSStr + ' = ');
+ ProcessValue(TValueType(Input.ReadByte), Indent);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ReadObject(indent: String);
+ var
+ b: Byte;
+ ObjClassName, ObjName: String;
+ ChildPos: LongInt;
+ begin
+ // Check for FilerFlags
+ b := Input.ReadByte;
+ if (b and $f0) = $f0 then begin
+ if (b and 2) <> 0 then ChildPos := ReadInt;
+ end else begin
+ b := 0;
+ Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
+ end;
+ ObjClassName := ReadSStr;
+ ObjName := ReadSStr;
+ OutStr(Indent);
+ if (b and 1) <> 0 then OutStr('inherited')
+ else
+ if (b and 4) <> 0 then OutStr('inline')
+ else OutStr('object');
+ OutStr(' ');
+ if ObjName <> '' then
+ OutStr(ObjName + ': ');
+ OutStr(ObjClassName);
+ if (b and 2) <> 0 then OutStr('[' + IntToStr(ChildPos) + ']');
+ OutLn('');
+ ReadPropList(indent + ' ');
+ while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
+ Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
+ ReadObject(indent + ' ');
+ end;
+ OutLn(indent + 'end');
+ end;
+ PLongWord = ^LongWord;
+ signature: PChar = 'TPF0';
+ if Input.ReadDWord <> PLongWord(Pointer(signature))^ then
+ raise EReadError.Create('Illegal stream image' {###SInvalidImage});
+ ReadObject('');
+procedure ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output: TStream);
+ parser: TParser;
+ procedure WriteString(s: String);
+ begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Length(s));
+ if Length(s) > 0 then
+ Output.Write(s[1], Length(s));
+ end;
+ procedure WriteLString(Const s: String);
+ begin
+ Output.WriteDWord(Length(s));
+ if Length(s) > 0 then
+ Output.Write(s[1], Length(s));
+ end;
+ procedure WriteWString(Const s: WideString);
+ begin
+ Output.WriteDWord(Length(s));
+ if Length(s) > 0 then
+ Output.Write(s[1], Length(s)*sizeof(widechar));
+ end;
+ procedure WriteInteger(value: LongInt);
+ begin
+ if (value >= -128) and (value <= 127) then begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaInt8));
+ Output.WriteByte(Byte(value));
+ end else if (value >= -32768) and (value <= 32767) then begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaInt16));
+ Output.WriteWord(Word(value));
+ end else begin
+ Output.WriteByte(ord(vaInt32));
+ Output.WriteDWord(LongWord(value));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ProcessProperty; forward;
+ procedure ProcessValue;
+ var
+ flt: Extended;
+ s: String;
+ ws: WideString;
+ ws : Ansistring;
+ stream: TMemoryStream;
+ i: Integer;
+ b: Boolean;
+ begin
+ case parser.Token of
+ toInteger:
+ begin
+ WriteInteger(parser.TokenInt);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ toFloat:
+ begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaExtended));
+ flt := Parser.TokenFloat;
+ Output.Write(flt, SizeOf(flt));
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ toString:
+ begin
+ ws := parser.TokenWideString;
+ while parser.NextToken = '+' do
+ begin
+ parser.NextToken; // Get next string fragment
+ parser.CheckToken(toString);
+ ws := ws + parser.TokenWideString;
+ end;
+ b:= false;
+ for i:= 1 to length(ws) do begin
+ if ord(ws[i]) and $ff00 <> 0 then begin
+ b:= true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if b then begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaWstring));
+ WriteWString(ws);
+ end
+ else
+ ws := parser.TokenString;
+ while parser.NextToken = '+' do
+ begin
+ parser.NextToken; // Get next string fragment
+ parser.CheckToken(toString);
+ ws := ws + parser.TokenString;
+ end;
+ begin
+ setlength(s,length(ws));
+ for i:= 1 to length(s) do begin
+ s[i]:= ws[i]; //cut msb
+ end;
+ if (length(S)>255) then begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaLString));
+ WriteLString(S);
+ end
+ else begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaString));
+ WriteString(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ toSymbol:
+ begin
+ if CompareText(parser.TokenString, 'True') = 0 then
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaTrue))
+ else if CompareText(parser.TokenString, 'False') = 0 then
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaFalse))
+ else if CompareText(parser.TokenString, 'nil') = 0 then
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaNil))
+ else
+ begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaIdent));
+ WriteString(parser.TokenComponentIdent);
+ end;
+ Parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ // Set
+ '[':
+ begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaSet));
+ if parser.Token <> ']' then
+ while True do
+ begin
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ WriteString(parser.TokenString);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ if parser.Token = ']' then
+ break;
+ parser.CheckToken(',');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ Output.WriteByte(0);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ // List
+ '(':
+ begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaList));
+ while parser.Token <> ')' do
+ ProcessValue;
+ Output.WriteByte(0);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ // Collection
+ '<':
+ begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaCollection));
+ while parser.Token <> '>' do
+ begin
+ parser.CheckTokenSymbol('item');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ // ConvertOrder
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaList));
+ while not parser.TokenSymbolIs('end') do
+ ProcessProperty;
+ parser.NextToken; // Skip 'end'
+ Output.WriteByte(0);
+ end;
+ Output.WriteByte(0);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ // Binary data
+ '{':
+ begin
+ Output.WriteByte(Ord(vaBinary));
+ stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ parser.HexToBinary(stream);
+ Output.WriteDWord(stream.Size);
+ Output.Write(Stream.Memory^, stream.Size);
+ finally
+ stream.Free;
+ end;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ end;
+ else
+ parser.Error(SInvalidProperty);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure ProcessProperty;
+ var
+ name: String;
+ begin
+ // Get name of property
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ name := parser.TokenString;
+ while True do begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ if parser.Token <> '.' then break;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ name := name + '.' + parser.TokenString;
+ end;
+ WriteString(name);
+ parser.CheckToken('=');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ ProcessValue;
+ end;
+ procedure ProcessObject;
+ var
+ Flags: Byte;
+ ObjectName, ObjectType: String;
+ ChildPos: Integer;
+ begin
+ if parser.TokenSymbolIs('OBJECT') then
+ Flags :=0 { IsInherited := False }
+ else begin
+ if parser.TokenSymbolIs('INHERITED') then
+ Flags := 1 { IsInherited := True; }
+ else begin
+ parser.CheckTokenSymbol('INLINE');
+ Flags := 4;
+ end;
+ end;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ ObjectName := '';
+ ObjectType := parser.TokenString;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ if parser.Token = ':' then begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ ObjectName := ObjectType;
+ ObjectType := parser.TokenString;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ if parser.Token = '[' then begin
+ parser.NextToken;
+ ChildPos := parser.TokenInt;
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(']');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ Flags := Flags or 2;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Flags <> 0 then begin
+ Output.WriteByte($f0 or Flags);
+ if (Flags and 2) <> 0 then
+ WriteInteger(ChildPos);
+ end;
+ WriteString(ObjectType);
+ WriteString(ObjectName);
+ // Convert property list
+ while not (parser.TokenSymbolIs('END') or
+ parser.TokenSymbolIs('OBJECT') or
+ parser.TokenSymbolIs('INHERITED') or
+ parser.TokenSymbolIs('INLINE')) do
+ ProcessProperty;
+ Output.WriteByte(0); // Terminate property list
+ // Convert child objects
+ while not parser.TokenSymbolIs('END') do ProcessObject;
+ parser.NextToken; // Skip end token
+ Output.WriteByte(0); // Terminate property list
+ end;
+ signature: PChar = 'TPF0';
+ parser := TParser.Create(Input);
+ try
+ Output.Write(signature[0], 4);
+ ProcessObject;
+ finally
+ parser.Free;
+ end;
+procedure ObjectResourceToText(Input, Output: TStream);
+ Input.ReadResHeader;
+ ObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output);
+procedure ObjectTextToResource(Input, Output: TStream);
+ StartPos, SizeStartPos, BinSize: LongInt;
+ parser: TParser;
+ name: String;
+ // Get form type name
+ StartPos := Input.Position;
+ parser := TParser.Create(Input);
+ try
+ if not parser.TokenSymbolIs('OBJECT') then parser.CheckTokenSymbol('INHERITED');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(':');
+ parser.NextToken;
+ parser.CheckToken(toSymbol);
+ name := parser.TokenString;
+ finally
+ parser.Free;
+ Input.Position := StartPos;
+ end;
+ // Write resource header
+ name := UpperCase(name);
+ Output.WriteByte($ff);
+ Output.WriteByte(10);
+ Output.WriteByte(0);
+ Output.Write(name[1], Length(name) + 1); // Write null-terminated form type name
+ Output.WriteWord($1030);
+ SizeStartPos := Output.Position;
+ Output.WriteDWord(0); // Placeholder for data size
+ ObjectTextToBinary(Input, Output); // Convert the stuff!
+ BinSize := Output.Position - SizeStartPos - 4;
+ Output.Position := SizeStartPos;
+ Output.WriteDWord(BinSize); // Insert real resource data size
+{ Utility routines }
+function LineStart(Buffer, BufPos: PChar): PChar;
+ Result := BufPos;
+ while Result > Buffer do begin
+ Dec(Result);
+ if Result[0] = #10 then break;
+ end;
+procedure CommonInit;
+{$ifndef ver1_0}
+ InitCriticalSection(SynchronizeCritSect);
+ ExecuteEvent:=RtlEventCreate;
+ SynchronizeTimeoutEvent:=RtlEventCreate;
+ DoSynchronizeMethod:=false;
+ MainThreadID:=GetCurrentThreadID;
+{$endif ver1_0}
+ InitHandlerList:=Nil;
+ FindGlobalComponentList:=nil;
+ IntConstList := TThreadList.Create;
+ GlobalFixupList := TThreadList.Create;
+ ClassList := TThreadList.Create;
+ ClassAliasList := TStringList.Create;
+procedure CommonCleanup;
+ i: Integer;
+ // !!!: GlobalNameSpace.BeginWrite;
+ with IntConstList.LockList do
+ try
+ for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ TIntConst(Items[I]).Free;
+ finally
+ IntConstList.UnlockList;
+ end;
+ IntConstList.Free;
+ ClassList.Free;
+ ClassAliasList.Free;
+ RemoveFixupReferences(nil, '');
+ GlobalFixupList.Free;
+ GlobalFixupList := nil;
+ GlobalLists.Free;
+ ComponentPages.Free;
+ {!!!: GlobalNameSpace.Free;
+ GlobalNameSpace := nil;}
+ if (InitHandlerList<>Nil) then
+ for i := 0 to InitHandlerList.Count - 1 do
+ TInitHandler(InitHandlerList.Items[I]).Free;
+ InitHandlerList.Free;
+ InitHandlerList:=Nil;
+ FindGlobalComponentList.Free;
+ FindGlobalComponentList:=nil;
+{$ifndef ver1_0}
+ DoneCriticalSection(SynchronizeCritSect);
+ RtlEventDestroy(ExecuteEvent);
+ RtlEventDestroy(SynchronizeTimeoutEvent);
+{ TFiler implementation }
+{ TReader implementation }
+{ TWriter implementations }
+ $Log:,v $
+ Revision 1.27 2005/04/28 09:15:44 florian
+ + variants: string -> float/int casts
+ Revision 1.26 2005/04/13 16:16:43 peter
+ use createfmt instead of createresfmt
+ Revision 1.25 2005/04/09 17:26:08 florian
+ + classes.mainthreadid is set now
+ + rtleventresetevent
+ + rtleventwairfor with timeout
+ + checksynchronize with timeout
+ * race condition in synchronize fixed
+ Revision 1.24 2005/03/25 22:53:39 jonas
+ * fixed several warnings and notes about unused variables (mainly) or
+ uninitialised use of variables/function results (a few)
+ Revision 1.23 2005/03/13 10:07:01 florian
+ * another utf-8 patch by C. Western
+ Revision 1.22 2005/03/09 20:50:11 florian
+ * C. Western: utf-8 reading from resource files
+ Revision 1.21 2005/03/07 19:55:13 florian
+ * C Western: component searching in FindGlobalComponent is now done backwards
+ Revision 1.20 2005/03/07 17:57:25 peter
+ * renamed rtlconst to rtlconsts
+ Revision 1.19 2005/03/07 16:35:19 peter
+ * Object text format of widestrings patch from Martin Schreiber
+ Revision 1.18 2005/02/25 23:02:05 florian
+ + implemented D7 compliant FindGlobalComponents
+ Revision 1.17 2005/02/25 22:10:27 florian
+ * final fix for linux (hopefully)
+ Revision 1.16 2005/02/25 22:02:48 florian
+ * another "transfer to linux"-commit
+ Revision 1.15 2005/02/25 21:52:07 florian
+ * "transfer to linux"-commit
+ Revision 1.14 2005/02/25 21:41:09 florian
+ * generic tthread.synchronize
+ * delphi compatible wakemainthread
+ Revision 1.13 2005/02/14 17:13:31 peter
+ * truncate log
+ Revision 1.12 2005/02/14 16:47:37 peter
+ * support inline
+ Revision 1.11 2005/02/06 11:20:52 peter
+ * threading in system unit
+ * removed systhrds unit
+ Revision 1.10 2005/01/22 20:53:02 michael
+ + Patch from Colin Western to fix reading inherited forms