path: root/rtl/sinclairql/sysutils.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/sinclairql/sysutils.pp')
1 files changed, 501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/sinclairql/sysutils.pp b/rtl/sinclairql/sysutils.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd45660a8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/sinclairql/sysutils.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2021 by Free Pascal development team
+ Sysutils unit for Sinclair QL
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit sysutils;
+{$MODE objfpc}
+{ force ansistrings }
+{$modeswitch typehelpers}
+{$modeswitch advancedrecords}
+{OS has only 1 byte version for ExecuteProcess}
+{$define executeprocuni}
+{ used OS file system APIs use ansistring }
+{ OS has an ansistring/single byte environment variable API }
+{ Include platform independent interface part }
+{ Platform dependent calls }
+ sysconst;
+{$DEFINE FPC_FEXPAND_UNC} (* UNC paths are supported *)
+{$DEFINE FPC_FEXPAND_DRIVES} (* Full paths begin with drive specification *)
+{ Include platform independent implementation part }
+ File Functions
+{$I-}{ Required for correct usage of these routines }
+(****** non portable routines ******)
+function FileOpen(const FileName: rawbytestring; Mode: Integer): THandle;
+ FileOpen:=-1;
+ if FileOpen < -1 then
+ FileOpen:=-1;
+function FileGetDate(Handle: THandle) : Int64;
+ result:=-1;
+function FileSetDate(Handle: THandle; Age: Int64) : LongInt;
+ result:=0;
+function FileSetDate(const FileName: RawByteString; Age: Int64) : LongInt;
+ f: THandle;
+ result:=-1;
+ f:=FileOpen(FileName,fmOpenReadWrite);
+ if f < 0 then
+ exit;
+ result:=FileSetDate(f,Age);
+ FileClose(f);
+function FileCreate(const FileName: RawByteString) : THandle;
+ FileCreate:=-1;
+ if FileCreate < -1 then
+ FileCreate:=-1;
+function FileCreate(const FileName: RawByteString; Rights: integer): THandle;
+ { Rights don't exist on the QL, so we simply map this to FileCreate() }
+ FileCreate:=FileCreate(FileName);
+function FileCreate(const FileName: RawByteString; ShareMode: integer; Rights : integer): THandle;
+ { Rights and ShareMode don't exist on the QL so we simply map this to FileCreate() }
+ FileCreate:=FileCreate(FileName);
+function FileRead(Handle: THandle; out Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
+ FileRead:=-1;
+ if (Count<=0) then
+ exit;
+ FileRead:=-1;
+ if FileRead < -1 then
+ FileRead:=-1;
+function FileWrite(Handle: THandle; const Buffer; Count: LongInt): LongInt;
+ FileWrite:=-1;
+ if (Count<=0) then
+ exit;
+ FileWrite:=-1;
+ if FileWrite < -1 then
+ FileWrite:=-1;
+function FileSeek(Handle: THandle; FOffset, Origin: LongInt) : LongInt;
+ dosResult: longint;
+ FileSeek:=-1;
+ dosResult:=-1;
+ if dosResult < 0 then
+ exit;
+ FileSeek:=dosResult;
+function FileSeek(Handle: THandle; FOffset: Int64; Origin: Longint): Int64;
+ FileSeek:=FileSeek(Handle,LongInt(FOffset),Origin);
+procedure FileClose(Handle: THandle);
+function FileTruncate(Handle: THandle; Size: Int64): Boolean;
+ FileTruncate:=False;
+function DeleteFile(const FileName: RawByteString) : Boolean;
+ DeleteFile:=false;
+function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: RawByteString): Boolean;
+ RenameFile:=false;
+(****** end of non portable routines ******)
+function FileAge (const FileName : RawByteString): Int64;
+ f: THandle;
+ FileAge:=-1;
+ f:=FileOpen(FileName,fmOpenRead);
+ if f < 0 then
+ exit;
+ FileAge:=FileGetDate(f);
+ FileClose(f);
+function FileGetSymLinkTarget(const FileName: RawByteString; out SymLinkRec: TRawbyteSymLinkRec): Boolean;
+ Result := False;
+function FileExists (const FileName : RawByteString; FollowLink : Boolean) : Boolean;
+ Attr: longint;
+ FileExists:=false;
+ Attr:=FileGetAttr(FileName);
+ if Attr < 0 then
+ exit;
+ result:=(Attr and (faVolumeID or faDirectory)) = 0;
+ PInternalFindData = ^TInternalFindData;
+ TInternalFindData = record
+ dummy: pointer;
+ end;
+Function InternalFindFirst (Const Path : RawByteString; Attr : Longint; out Rslt : TAbstractSearchRec; var Name: RawByteString) : Longint;
+ dosResult: longint;
+ IFD: PInternalFindData;
+ result:=-1; { We emulate Linux/Unix behaviour, and return -1 on errors. }
+ new(IFD);
+ IFD^.dummy:=nil;
+ Rslt.FindHandle:=nil;
+ dosResult:=-1; { add findfirst here }
+ if dosResult < 0 then
+ begin
+ InternalFindClose(IFD);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Rslt.FindHandle:=IFD;
+ Name:='';
+ SetCodePage(Name,DefaultFileSystemCodePage,false);
+ Rslt.Time:=0;
+ Rslt.Size:=0;
+ { "128" is Windows "NORMALFILE" attribute. Some buggy code depend on this... :( (KB) }
+ Rslt.Attr := 128 or 0;
+ result:=0;
+Function InternalFindNext (var Rslt : TAbstractSearchRec; var Name : RawByteString) : Longint;
+ dosResult: longint;
+ IFD: PInternalFindData;
+ result:=-1;
+ IFD:=PInternalFindData(Rslt.FindHandle);
+ if not assigned(IFD) then
+ exit;
+ dosResult:=-1;
+ if dosResult < 0 then
+ exit;
+ Name:='';
+ SetCodePage(Name,DefaultFileSystemCodePage,false);
+ Rslt.Time:=0;
+ Rslt.Size:=0;
+ { "128" is Windows "NORMALFILE" attribute. Some buggy code depend on this... :( (KB) }
+ Rslt.Attr := 128 or 0;
+ result:=0;
+Procedure InternalFindClose(var Handle: Pointer);
+ IFD: PInternalFindData;
+ IFD:=PInternalFindData(Handle);
+ if not assigned(IFD) then
+ exit;
+ dispose(IFD);
+(****** end of non portable routines ******)
+Function FileGetAttr (Const FileName : RawByteString) : Longint;
+ FileGetAttr:=0;
+Function FileSetAttr (Const Filename : RawByteString; Attr: longint) : Longint;
+ FileSetAttr:=-1;
+ if FileSetAttr < -1 then
+ FileSetAttr:=-1
+ else
+ FileSetAttr:=0;
+ Disk Functions
+function DiskSize(Drive: Byte): Int64;
+ dosResult: longint;
+ DiskSize := -1;
+ dosResult:=-1;
+ if dosResult < 0 then
+ exit;
+ DiskSize:=0;
+function DiskFree(Drive: Byte): Int64;
+ dosResult: longint;
+ DiskFree := -1;
+ dosResult:=-1;
+ if dosResult < 0 then
+ exit;
+ DiskFree:=0;
+function DirectoryExists(const Directory: RawByteString; FollowLink : Boolean): Boolean;
+ Attr: longint;
+ DirectoryExists:=false;
+ Attr:=FileGetAttr(Directory);
+ if Attr < 0 then
+ exit;
+ result:=(Attr and faDirectory) <> 0;
+ Locale Functions
+Procedure GetLocalTime(var SystemTime: TSystemTime);
+ DateTimeToSystemTime(FileDateToDateTime(0),SystemTime);
+Procedure InitAnsi;
+ i : longint;
+ { Fill table entries 0 to 127 }
+ for i := 0 to 96 do
+ UpperCaseTable[i] := chr(i);
+ for i := 97 to 122 do
+ UpperCaseTable[i] := chr(i - 32);
+ for i := 123 to 191 do
+ UpperCaseTable[i] := chr(i);
+ Move (CPISO88591UCT,UpperCaseTable[192],SizeOf(CPISO88591UCT));
+ for i := 0 to 64 do
+ LowerCaseTable[i] := chr(i);
+ for i := 65 to 90 do
+ LowerCaseTable[i] := chr(i + 32);
+ for i := 91 to 191 do
+ LowerCaseTable[i] := chr(i);
+ Move (CPISO88591LCT,UpperCaseTable[192],SizeOf(CPISO88591UCT));
+Procedure InitInternational;
+ InitInternationalGeneric;
+ InitAnsi;
+function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): String;
+ Result:=Format(SUnknownErrorCode,[ErrorCode]);
+function GetLastOSError: Integer;
+ result:=-1;
+ OS utility functions
+function GetPathString: String;
+ {writeln('Unimplemented GetPathString');}
+ result := '';
+Function GetEnvironmentVariable(Const EnvVar : String) : String;
+ {writeln('Unimplemented GetEnvironmentVariable');}
+ result:='';
+Function GetEnvironmentVariableCount : Integer;
+ {writeln('Unimplemented GetEnvironmentVariableCount');}
+ result:=0;
+Function GetEnvironmentString(Index : Integer) : {$ifdef FPC_RTL_UNICODE}UnicodeString{$else}AnsiString{$endif};
+ {writeln('Unimplemented GetEnvironmentString');}
+ result:='';
+function ExecuteProcess (const Path: RawByteString; const ComLine: RawByteString;Flags:TExecuteFlags=[]):
+ integer;
+ tmpPath: RawByteString;
+ pcmdline: ShortString;
+ CommandLine: RawByteString;
+ E: EOSError;
+ tmpPath:=ToSingleByteFileSystemEncodedFileName(Path);
+ pcmdline:=ToSingleByteFileSystemEncodedFileName(ComLine);
+ result:=-1; { execute here }
+ if result < 0 then begin
+ if ComLine = '' then
+ CommandLine := Path
+ else
+ CommandLine := Path + ' ' + ComLine;
+ E := EOSError.CreateFmt (SExecuteProcessFailed, [CommandLine, result]);
+ E.ErrorCode := result;
+ raise E;
+ end;
+function ExecuteProcess (const Path: RawByteString;
+ const ComLine: array of RawByteString;Flags:TExecuteFlags=[]): integer;
+ CommandLine: RawByteString;
+ I: integer;
+ Commandline := '';
+ for I := 0 to High (ComLine) do
+ if Pos (' ', ComLine [I]) <> 0 then
+ CommandLine := CommandLine + ' ' + '"' + ToSingleByteFileSystemEncodedFileName(ComLine [I]) + '"'
+ else
+ CommandLine := CommandLine + ' ' + ToSingleByteFileSystemEncodedFileName(Comline [I]);
+ ExecuteProcess := ExecuteProcess (Path, CommandLine);
+procedure Sleep(Milliseconds: cardinal);
+ {writeln('Unimplemented sleep');}
+ Initialization code
+ InitExceptions;
+ InitInternational; { Initialize internationalization settings }
+ OnBeep:=Nil; { No SysBeep() on the QL for now. }
+ FreeTerminateProcs;
+ DoneExceptions;