path: root/compiler/jvm/njvmld.pas
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* * keep track of the temp position separately from the offset in references,jonas2018-04-221-1/+1
* * moved nf_typedaddr to addrnodeflags (anf_typedaddr)nickysn2018-04-031-1/+1
* * use an enum instead of integer constants to represent inline numbersnickysn2017-05-101-1/+1
* + added volatility information to all memory referencesjonas2016-11-271-2/+2
* ncal.pas:svenbarth2015-09-181-1/+1
* * changed getpointerdef() into a tpointerdef.getreusable() class methodjonas2015-06-221-1/+1
* * moved jvm-specific tarrayreftype from cgutils to jvm/cpubasejonas2014-03-161-1/+1
* Fix jvm compiler compilation failure after rev 25013pierre2013-07-021-2/+2
* * don't insert a conversion to widechar for ansistr[x]:='y' assignments onjonas2012-07-031-2/+5
* * fixed (harmless) invalid typecasts that caused run time errors with -CRjonas2011-12-111-2/+2
* * no longer encode all pointers to other pointer types (such asjonas2011-12-111-2/+24
* * generate JVM bytecode that passes the stringent requirements of the Dalvikjonas2011-12-041-3/+15
* * copy the implicit pointer rather than the contents of var/out/constrefjonas2011-11-181-0/+16
* * fixed assigning ansi/unicodestrings to shortstrings on the JVM targetjonas2011-08-281-0/+11
* + support for threadvars in the JVM based on JLThreadLocal; seejonas2011-08-231-0/+19
* * renamed cchartype to cansichartypejonas2011-08-201-1/+1
* * fixed compilation with 2.4.4jonas2011-08-201-1/+1
* + support for array-of-const on the JVM target. Even though thejonas2011-08-201-0/+25
* + support for procedural variables for the JVM targetjonas2011-08-201-1/+4
* + support for formal var/out parameters on the JVM target:jonas2011-08-201-2/+31
* * when internally taking the address of shortstrings to typecastjonas2011-08-201-0/+2
* * fixed accessing var-parameters from nested routinesjonas2011-08-201-3/+10
* * copyout parameters also have to return "true" for is_addr_param_load()jonas2011-08-201-5/+17
* + support for nested procedures for the JVM targetjonas2011-08-201-2/+2
* + support for pointers to types that are implicit pointer types in the JVMjonas2011-08-201-1/+2
* + shortstring support for the JVM target (including accessing character 0 asjonas2011-08-201-1/+25
* + ansistring support. Items of note:jonas2011-08-201-5/+2
* + support for non-array/record var parameter on the JVM target usingjonas2011-08-201-1/+22
* + stubbed ansistring support (using ansistrings compiles, but does notjonas2011-08-201-2/+6
* + unicodestring support for the JVM target (except for multiple addsjonas2011-08-201-2/+39
* + support for (non-variant) arrayconstructornodes for the JVM targetjonas2011-08-201-2/+35
* + support for regular arrays and open arraysjonas2011-08-201-0/+54