path: root/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Qemu_mps2/
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Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Qemu_mps2/')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Qemu_mps2/ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Qemu_mps2/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e760116e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Echo_Qemu_mps2/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# Emulating MPS2 Cortex M3 AN385 on QEMU
+## Requirements
+1. GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain download [here](
+3. qemu-arm-system download [here](
+2. Make (tested on version 3.82)
+4. Linux OS (tested on Ubuntu 18.04)
+## How to download
+Navigate to a parent directory of your choice and run the following command
+$ git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1
+The previous command should create a directory named **FreeRTOS**
+## Networking Echo client Demo
+To make networking support possible a few steps needs to be done on the machine
+lets assume the following interfaces using ubuntu 18.04 or Fedora 30
+(the interface names on your machine could be different)
+l0: loopback in terface
+enp0s3: ethernet interface
+virbr0: virtual bridge (to be created)
+virbr0-nic: veth virtual interface (to be created)
+### A few assumptions (your numbers could vary)
+Local Host IP address:
+Local FreeRTOS IP address:
+Local FreeRTOS Subnet mask:
+Default Gateway IP address:
+Default DNS IP address:
+Echo Server IP address:
+Echo Server Port: 7
+Local FreeRTOS Mac address: 52:54:00:12:34:AD
+### Building and Running
+1. Fill the defines values in FreeRTOSConfig.h with what is equivalent to the
+ above values on your system
+#define configIP_ADDR0 192
+#define configIP_ADDR1 168
+#define configIP_ADDR2 1
+#define configIP_ADDR3 80
+#define configNET_MASK0 255
+#define configNET_MASK1 255
+#define configNET_MASK2 255
+#define configNET_MASK3 0
+#define configGATEWAY_ADDR0 192
+#define configGATEWAY_ADDR1 168
+#define configGATEWAY_ADDR2 1
+#define configGATEWAY_ADDR3 254
+#define configDNS_SERVER_ADDR0 192
+#define configDNS_SERVER_ADDR1 168
+#define configDNS_SERVER_ADDR2 1
+#define configDNS_SERVER_ADDR3 254
+#define configMAC_ADDR0 0x52
+#define configMAC_ADDR1 0x54
+#define configMAC_ADDR2 0x00
+#define configMAC_ADDR3 0x12
+#define configMAC_ADDR4 0x34
+#define configMAC_ADDR5 0xAD
+#define configECHO_SERVER_ADDR0 192
+#define configECHO_SERVER_ADDR1 168
+#define configECHO_SERVER_ADDR2 1
+#define configECHO_SERVER_ADDR3 204
+2. Build your software
+$ make
+options: DEBUG=1 to build with **-O0** and debugging symbols
+3. On the remote machine (ip
+$ sudo nc -l 7
+4. Turn off the firewall if running
+On RedHat/Fedora system (tested Fedora 30) run:
+sudo systemctl status firewalld
+sudo systemctl stop firewalld
+On Ubuntu run:
+$ sudo ufw disable
+$ sudo ufw status
+5. Setup the local machine
+Run the following commands replacing the values and interface names
+that conform to your system
+sudo ip link add virbr0 type bridge
+sudo ip tuntap add dev virbr0-nic mode tap
+sudo ip addr add dev virbr0
+sudo brctl addif virbr0 enp0s3
+sudo brctl addif virbr0 virbr0-nic
+sudo ip link set virbr0 up
+sudo ip link set virbr0-nic up
+sudo ip route add default via dev virbr0
+6. Run the demo
+$ sudo qemu-system-arm -machine mps2-an385 -cpu cortex-m3
+ -kernel ./build/RTOSDemo.axf \
+ -netdev tap,id=mynet0,ifname=virbr0-nic,script=no \
+ -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:AD,model=lan9118,netdev=mynet0 \
+ -object filter-dump,id=tap_dump,netdev=mynet0,file=/tmp/qemu_tap_dump\
+ -display gtk -m 16M -nographic -serial stdio \
+ -monitor null -semihosting -semihosting-config enable=on,target=native
+Replace the value of macaddr=52:54:00:12:34:AD with your own value from
+configMAC_ADDR0 through configMAC_ADDR5
+7. Expectations
+On the remote machine you should expect to see something similar to the
+$ sudo nc -l 7
+TxRx message number
+0FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~0123456789:;<=> ?
+## How to start debugging
+1. gdb
+Append the -s and -S switches to the previous command (qemu-system-arm)<br>
+-s: allow gdb to be attached to the process remotely at port 1234 <br>
+-S: start the program in the paused state <br>
+run: (make sure you build the debug version)
+$ arm-none-eabi-gdb -q ./build/RTOSDemo.axf
+(gdb) target remote :1234
+(gdb) break main
+(gdb) c
+2. tcpdump
+To monitor packets received to qemu running the qemu command (qemu-system-arm)
+ shown above will create a network packet dump that you could inspect with
+$ sudo tcpdump -r /tmp/qemu_tap_dump | less