path: root/FreeRTOS-Plus
diff options
authorrtel <rtel@1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2>2019-07-08 15:48:21 +0000
committerrtel <rtel@1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2>2019-07-08 15:48:21 +0000
commit7354fb6a2229daff04962ca2f2c33024091361a5 (patch)
tree61b10c08c1cf75a8d9419bee5d2ff02b8e57dc14 /FreeRTOS-Plus
parent50eca7d892ae58714e6637f258c7ec8955522c3c (diff)
Remove IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob() and IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob() again, which were intended to be alternative APIs that only access the system task pool, and instead update IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob() and IotTaskPool_ScheduleJob() to allow the parameter used to pass in the task pool handle to be NULL if the system task pool is the only one available.
Update the task pool demo app to include a lot more functionality. git-svn-id: 1d2547de-c912-0410-9cb9-b8ca96c0e9e2
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeRTOS-Plus')
4 files changed, 503 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/.settings/language.settings.xml b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/.settings/language.settings.xml
index 782b97ca1..aa36f4810 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/.settings/language.settings.xml
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/.settings/language.settings.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<provider copy-of="extension" id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.UserLanguageSettingsProvider"/>
<provider-reference id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ReferencedProjectsLanguageSettingsProvider" ref="shared-provider"/>
<provider-reference id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.MBSLanguageSettingsProvider" ref="shared-provider"/>
- <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetectorMinGW" console="false" env-hash="-610351291490083443" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetectorMinGW" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings MinGW" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD &quot;${INPUTS}&quot;" prefer-non-shared="true">
+ <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.internal.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetectorMinGW" console="false" env-hash="1351656224547092082" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetectorMinGW" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings MinGW" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD &quot;${INPUTS}&quot;" prefer-non-shared="true">
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc"/>
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.g++"/>
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/main.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/main.c
index bde06ef93..a18b36663 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/main.c
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/FreeRTOS_Plus_IoT_SDK/TaskPool/main.c
@@ -29,14 +29,24 @@
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
+/* Standard includes. */
+#include <stdio.h>
/* IoT SDK includes. */
#include "iot_taskpool.h"
+/* The priority at which that tasks in the task pool (the worker tasks) get
+created. */
* Prototypes for the functions that demonstrate the task pool API.
static void prvExample_BasicSingleJob( void );
+static void prvExample_DeferredSingleJob( void );
static void prvExample_BasicRecyclableJob( void );
+static void prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromLowPriorityTask( void );
+static void prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask( void );
/* Prototypes of the callback functions used in the examples. */
static void prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback( IotTaskPool_t pTaskPool, IotTaskPoolJob_t pJob, void *pUserContext );
@@ -65,7 +75,7 @@ static const IotTaskPoolInfo_t xTaskPoolParameters = {
/* Stack size for every task pool thread - in words, not bytes. */
/* Priority for every task pool thread. */
@@ -74,12 +84,12 @@ int main( void )
/* This example uses a single application task, which in turn is used to
create and send jobs to task pool tasks. */
- xTaskCreate( prvTaskPoolDemoTask,
- "PoolDemo",
- NULL );
+ xTaskCreate( prvTaskPoolDemoTask, /* Function that implements the task. */
+ "PoolDemo", /* Text name for the task - only used for debugging. */
+ configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, /* Size of stack (in words, not bytes) to allocate for the task. */
+ NULL, /* Task parameter - not used in this case. */
+ tskIDLE_PRIORITY, /* Task priority, must be between 0 and configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1. */
+ NULL ); /* Used to pass out a handle to the created tsak - not used in this case. */
@@ -93,27 +103,61 @@ int main( void )
static void prvTaskPoolDemoTask( void *pvParameters )
IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
+uint32_t ulLoops;
/* Remove compiler warnings about unused parameters. */
( void ) pvParameters;
/* The task pool must be created before it can be used. */
-// xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool( &xTaskPoolParameters );
-// configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool( &xTaskPoolParameters );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
/* Attempting to create the task pool again should then appear to succeed
(in case it is initialised by more than one library), but have no effect. */
-// xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool( &xTaskPoolParameters );
-// configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool( &xTaskPoolParameters );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
for( ;; )
- /* Run through each task pool example in turn. See the comments in the
- below functions for details of their behaviour. */
+ /* Demonstrate the most basic use case where a non persistent job is
+ created and scheduled to run immediately. The task pool worker tasks
+ (in which the job callback function executes) have a priority above the
+ priority of this task so the job's callback executes as soon as it is
+ scheduled. */
+ /* Demonstrate a job being scheduled to run at some time in the
+ future, and how a job scheduled to run in the future can be cancelled if
+ it has not yet started executing. */
+ prvExample_DeferredSingleJob();
+ /* Demonstrate the most basic use of a recyclable job. This is similar
+ to prvExample_BasicSingleJob() but using a recyclable job. Creating a
+ recyclable job will re-use a previously created and now spare job from
+ the task pool's job cache if one is available, or otherwise dynamically
+ create a new job if a spare job is not available in the cache but space
+ remains in the cache. */
- vTaskDelete( NULL );
+ /* Demonstrate multiple recyclable jobs being created, used, and then
+ re-used. In this the task pool worker tasks (in which the job callback
+ functions execute) have a priority above the priority of this task so
+ the job's callback functions execute as soon as they are scheduled. */
+ prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromLowPriorityTask();
+ /* Again demonstrate multiple recyclable jobs being used, but this time
+ the priority of the task pool worker tasks (in which the job callback
+ functions execute) are lower than the priority of this task so the job's
+ callback functions don't execute until this task enteres the blocked
+ state. */
+ prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask();
+ ulLoops++;
+ if( ( ulLoops % 10UL ) == 0 )
+ {
+ printf( "Performed %u successful iterations.\r\n", ulLoops );
+ fflush( stdout );
+ }
@@ -137,10 +181,13 @@ IotTaskPoolJobStorage_t xJobStorage;
IotTaskPoolJob_t xJob;
IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
uint32_t ulReturn;
-const TickType_t xShortDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200 );
+const uint32_t ulNoFlags = 0UL;
+const TickType_t xNoDelay = ( TickType_t ) 0;
+size_t xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();
+IotTaskPoolJobStatus_t xJobStatus;
- /* Ensure the notification count is 0 before scheduling the job. */
- while( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) != 0 );
+ /* Don't expect any notifications to be pending yet. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
/* Create and schedule a job using the handle of this task as the job's
context and the function that sends a notification to the task handle as
@@ -152,12 +199,111 @@ const TickType_t xShortDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200 );
&xJob );
- xResult = IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob( xJob, 0 );
+ /* The job has been created but not scheduled so is now ready. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+ /* This is not a persistent (recyclable) job and its storage is on the
+ stack of this function, so the amount of heap space available should not
+ have chanced since entering this function. */
+ configASSERT( xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob == xPortGetFreeHeapSize() );
+ /* In the full task pool implementation the first parameter is used to
+ pass the handle of the task pool to schedule. The lean task pool
+ implementation used in this demo only supports a single task pool, which
+ is created internally within the library, so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_Schedule( NULL, xJob, ulNoFlags );
- /* Wait for the notification coming from the job's callback function. */
- ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xShortDelay );
+ /* Look for the notification coming from the job's callback function. The
+ priority of the task pool worker task that executes the callback is higher
+ than the priority of this task so a block time is not needed - the task pool
+ worker task pre-empts this task and sends the notification (from the job's
+ callback) as soon as the job is scheduled. */
+ ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xNoDelay );
configASSERT( ulReturn );
+ /* The job's callback has executed so the job has now completed. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+static void prvExample_DeferredSingleJob( void )
+IotTaskPoolJobStorage_t xJobStorage;
+IotTaskPoolJob_t xJob;
+IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
+uint32_t ulReturn;
+const uint32_t ulShortDelay_ms = 100UL;
+const TickType_t xNoDelay = ( TickType_t ) 0, xAllowableMargin = ( TickType_t ) 5; /* Large margin for Windows port, which is not real time. */
+TickType_t xTimeBefore, xElapsedTime, xShortDelay_ticks;
+size_t xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();
+IotTaskPoolJobStatus_t xJobStatus;
+ /* Don't expect any notifications to be pending yet. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
+ /* Create a job using the handle of this task as the job's context and the
+ function that sends a notification to the task handle as the jobs callback
+ function. The job is created using storage allocated on the stack of this
+ function - so no memory is allocated. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateJob( prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback, /* Callback function. */
+ ( void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), /* Job context. */
+ &xJobStorage,
+ &xJob );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* The job has been created but not scheduled so is now ready. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+ /* This is not a persistent (recyclable) job and its storage is on the
+ stack of this function, so the amount of heap space available should not
+ have chanced since entering this function. */
+ configASSERT( xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob == xPortGetFreeHeapSize() );
+ /* Schedule the job to run its callback in xShortDelay_ms milliseconds time.
+ In the full task pool implementation the first parameter is used to pass the
+ handle of the task pool to schedule. The lean task pool implementation used
+ in this demo only supports a single task pool, which is created internally
+ within the library, so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_ScheduleDeferred( NULL, xJob, ulShortDelay_ms );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* The scheduled job should not have executed yet, so don't expect any
+ notifications and expect the job's status to be 'deferred'. */
+ ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xNoDelay );
+ configASSERT( ulReturn == 0 );
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+ /* As the job has not yet been executed it can be stopped. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_TryCancel( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJob, &xJobStatus );
+ /* Schedule the job again, and this time wait until its callback is
+ executed (the callback function sends a notification to this task) to see
+ that it executes at the right time. */
+ xTimeBefore = xTaskGetTickCount();
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_ScheduleDeferred( NULL, xJob, ulShortDelay_ms );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* Wait twice the deferred execution time to ensure the callback is executed
+ before the call below times out. */
+ ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, pdMS_TO_TICKS( ulShortDelay_ms * 2UL ) );
+ xElapsedTime = xTaskGetTickCount() - xTimeBefore;
+ /* A single notification should not have been received... */
+ configASSERT( ulReturn == 1 );
+ /* ...and the time since scheduling the job should be greater than or
+ equal to the deferred execution time - which is converted to ticks for
+ comparison. */
+ xShortDelay_ticks = pdMS_TO_TICKS( ulShortDelay_ms );
+ configASSERT( ( xElapsedTime >= xShortDelay_ticks ) && ( xElapsedTime < ( xShortDelay_ticks + xAllowableMargin ) ) );
@@ -166,27 +312,269 @@ static void prvExample_BasicRecyclableJob( void )
IotTaskPoolJob_t xJob;
IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
uint32_t ulReturn;
-const TickType_t xShortDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 200 );
+const uint32_t ulNoFlags = 0UL;
+const TickType_t xNoDelay = ( TickType_t ) 0;
+size_t xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();
- /* Ensure the notification count is 0 before scheduling the job. */
- while( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) != 0 );
+ /* Don't expect any notifications to be pending yet. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
/* Create and schedule a job using the handle of this task as the job's
context and the function that sends a notification to the task handle as
- the jobs callback function. The job is created as a recyclable job - so it
- is allocated inside the create function, but can then be used again and
- again. */
- xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob( prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback,
- ( void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(),
- &xJob );
+ the jobs callback function. The job is created as a recyclable job and in
+ this case the memory used to hold the job status is allocated inside the
+ create function. As the job is persistent it can be used multiple times,
+ as demonstrated in other examples within this demo. In the full task pool
+ implementation the first parameter is used to pass the handle of the task
+ pool this recyclable job is to be associated with. In the lean
+ implementation of the task pool used by this demo there is only one task
+ pool (the system task pool created within the task pool library) so the
+ first parameter is NULL. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( NULL,
+ prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback,
+ (void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(),
+ &xJob );
- xResult = IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob( xJob, 0 );
+ /* This recyclable job is persistent, and in this case created dynamically,
+ so expect there to be less heap space then when entering the function. */
+ configASSERT( xPortGetFreeHeapSize() < xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob );
+ /* In the full task pool implementation the first parameter is used to
+ pass the handle of the task pool to schedule. The lean task pool
+ implementation used in this demo only supports a single task pool, which
+ is created internally within the library, so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_Schedule( NULL, xJob, ulNoFlags );
- /* Wait for the notification coming from the job's callback function. */
- ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xShortDelay );
+ /* Look for the notification coming from the job's callback function. The
+ priority of the task pool worker task that executes the callback is higher
+ than the priority of this task so a block time is not needed - the task pool
+ worker task pre-empts this task and sends the notification (from the job's
+ callback) as soon as the job is scheduled. */
+ ulReturn = ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, xNoDelay );
configASSERT( ulReturn );
+ /* Clean up recyclable job. In the full implementation of the task pool
+ the first parameter is used to pass a handle to the task pool the job is
+ associated with. In the lean implementation of the task pool used by this
+ demo there is only one task pool (the system task pool created in the
+ task pool library itself) so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ IotTaskPool_DestroyRecyclableJob( NULL, xJob );
+ /* Once the job has been deleted the memory used to hold the job is
+ returned, so the available heap should be exactly as when entering this
+ function. */
+ configASSERT( xPortGetFreeHeapSize() == xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob );
+static void prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromLowPriorityTask( void )
+IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
+uint32_t x, xIndex, ulNotificationValue;
+const uint32_t ulJobsToCreate = 5UL, ulNoFlags = 0UL;
+IotTaskPoolJob_t xJobs[ ulJobsToCreate ];
+size_t xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();
+IotTaskPoolJobStatus_t xJobStatus;
+ /* Don't expect any notifications to be pending yet. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
+ /* Create ulJobsToCreate jobs using the handle of this task as the job's
+ context and the function that sends a notification to the task handle as
+ the jobs callback function. The jobs are created as a recyclable job and
+ in this case the memory to store the job information is allocated within
+ the create function as at this time there are no recyclable jobs in the
+ task pool jobs cache. As the jobs are persistent they can be used multiple
+ times. In the full task pool implementation the first parameter is used to
+ pass the handle of the task pool this recyclable job is to be associated
+ with. In the lean implementation of the task pool used by this demo there
+ is only one task pool (the system task pool created within the task pool
+ library) so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ for( x = 0; x < ulJobsToCreate; x++ )
+ {
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( NULL,
+ prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback,
+ (void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(),
+ &( xJobs[ x ] ) );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* The job has been created but not scheduled so is now ready. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJobs[ x ], &xJobStatus );
+ }
+ /* Demonstrate that the jobs can be recycled by performing twice the number
+ of iterations of scheduling jobs than there actually are created jobs. This
+ works because the task pool task priorities are above the priority of this
+ task, so the tasks that run the jobs pre-empt this task as soon as a job is
+ ready. */
+ for( x = 0; x < ( ulJobsToCreate * 2UL ); x++ )
+ {
+ /* Make sure array index does not go out of bounds. */
+ xIndex = x % ulJobsToCreate;
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_Schedule( NULL, xJobs[ xIndex ], ulNoFlags );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* The priority of the task pool task(s) is higher than the priority
+ of this task, so the job's callback function should have already
+ executed, sending a notification to this task, and incrementing this
+ task's notification value. */
+ xTaskNotifyWait( 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on entry. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ &ulNotificationValue, /* Obtain the notification value. */
+ 0UL ); /* No block time, return immediately. */
+ configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == ( x + 1 ) );
+ /* The job's callback has executed so the job is now completed. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJobs[ xIndex ], &xJobStatus );
+ /* To leave the list of jobs empty we can stop re-creating jobs half
+ way through iterations of this loop. */
+ if( x < ulJobsToCreate )
+ {
+ /* Recycle the job so it can be used again. In the full task pool
+ implementation the first parameter is used to pass the handle of the
+ task pool this job will be associated with. In this lean task pool
+ implementation only the system task pool exists (the task pool created
+ internally to the task pool library) so the first parameter is just
+ passed as NULL. *//*_RB_ Why not recycle it automatically? */
+ IotTaskPool_RecycleJob( NULL, xJobs[ xIndex ] );
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( NULL,
+ prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback,
+ (void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(),
+ &( xJobs[ xIndex ] ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clear all the notification value bits again. */
+ xTaskNotifyWait( portMAX_DELAY, /* Clear all bits on entry - portMAX_DELAY is used as it is a portable way of having all bits set. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ NULL, /* Don't need the notification value this time. */
+ 0UL ); /* No block time, return immediately. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
+ /* Clean up all the recyclable job. In the full implementation of the task
+ pool the first parameter is used to pass a handle to the task pool the job
+ is associated with. In the lean implementation of the task pool used by
+ this demo there is only one task pool (the system task pool created in the
+ task pool library itself) so the first parameter is NULL. */
+ for( x = 0; x < ulJobsToCreate; x++ )
+ {
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_DestroyRecyclableJob( NULL, xJobs[ x ] );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* Attempting to destroy the same job twice will fail. */
+//_RB_ vPortFree() asserts because it attempts to free memory again. xResult = IotTaskPool_DestroyRecyclableJob( NULL, xJobs[ x ] );
+// configASSERT( xResult != IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ }
+ /* Once the job has been deleted the memory used to hold the job is
+ returned, so the available heap should be exactly as when entering this
+ function. */
+ configASSERT( xPortGetFreeHeapSize() == xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob );
+static void prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask( void )
+IotTaskPoolError_t xResult;
+uint32_t x, ulNotificationValue;
+const uint32_t ulJobsToCreate = 5UL;
+const uint32_t ulNoFlags = 0UL;
+IotTaskPoolJob_t xJobs[ ulJobsToCreate ];
+IotTaskPoolJobStorage_t xJobStorage[ ulJobsToCreate ];
+size_t xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob = xPortGetFreeHeapSize();
+TickType_t xShortDelay = pdMS_TO_TICKS( 150 );
+IotTaskPoolJobStatus_t xJobStatus;
+ /* Don't expect any notifications to be pending yet. */
+ configASSERT( ulTaskNotifyTake( pdTRUE, 0 ) == 0 );
+ /* prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromLowPriorityTask() executes in a task
+ that has a lower [task] priority than the task pool's worker tasks.
+ Therefore a talk pool worker preempts the task that calls
+ prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask() as soon as the job is
+ scheduled. prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask() reverses the
+ priorities - prvExample_ReuseRecyclableJobFromHighPriorityTask() raises its
+ priority to above the task pool's worker tasks, so the worker tasks do not
+ execute until the calling task enters the blocked state. First raise the
+ priority - passing NULL means raise the priority of the calling task. */
+ vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, tpTASK_POOL_WORKER_PRIORITY + 1 );
+ /* Create ulJobsToCreate jobs using the handle of this task as the job's
+ context and the function that sends a notification to the task handle as
+ the jobs callback function. */
+ for( x = 0; x < ulJobsToCreate; x++ )
+ {
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_CreateJob( prvSimpleTaskNotifyCallback, /* Callback function. */
+ ( void * ) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle(), /* Job context. */
+ &( xJobStorage[ x ] ),
+ &( xJobs[ x ] ) );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* This is not a persistent (recyclable) job and its storage is on the
+ stack of this function, so the amount of heap space available should not
+ have chanced since entering this function. */
+ configASSERT( xFreeHeapBeforeCreatingJob == xPortGetFreeHeapSize() );
+ }
+ for( x = 0; x < ulJobsToCreate; x++ )
+ {
+ /* Schedule the next job. */
+ xResult = IotTaskPool_Schedule( NULL, xJobs[ x ], ulNoFlags );
+ configASSERT( xResult == IOT_TASKPOOL_SUCCESS );
+ /* Although scheduled, the job's callback has not executed, so the job
+ reports itself as scheduled. */
+ IotTaskPool_GetStatus( NULL, xJobs[ x ], &xJobStatus );
+ /* The priority of the task pool task(s) is lower than the priority
+ of this task, so the job's callback function should not have executed
+ yes, so don't expect the notification value for this task to have
+ changed. */
+ xTaskNotifyWait( 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on entry. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ &ulNotificationValue, /* Obtain the notification value. */
+ 0UL ); /* No block time, return immediately. */
+ configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == 0 );
+ }
+ /* At this point there are ulJobsToCreate scheduled, but none have executed
+ their callbacks because the priority of this task is higher than the
+ priority of the task pool worker threads. When this task blocks to wait for
+ a notification a worker thread will be able to executes - but as soon as its
+ callback function sends a notification to this task this task will
+ preempt it (because it has a higher priority) so this task only expects to
+ receive one notification at a time. */
+ for( x = 0; x < ulJobsToCreate; x++ )
+ {
+ xTaskNotifyWait( 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on entry. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ &ulNotificationValue, /* Obtain the notification value. */
+ xShortDelay ); /* Short delay to allow a task pool worker to execute. */
+ configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == ( x + 1 ) );
+ }
+ /* All the scheduled jobs have now executed, so waiting for another
+ notification should timeout without the notification value changing. */
+ xTaskNotifyWait( 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on entry. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ &ulNotificationValue, /* Obtain the notification value. */
+ xShortDelay ); /* Short delay to allow a task pool worker to execute. */
+ configASSERT( ulNotificationValue == x );
+ /* Reset the priority of this task and clear the notifications ready for the
+ next example. */
+ vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY );
+ xTaskNotifyWait( portMAX_DELAY, /* Clear all bits on entry - portMAX_DELAY is used as it is a portable way of having all bits set. */
+ 0UL, /* Don't clear any bits on exit. */
+ NULL, /* Don't need the notification value this time. */
+ 0UL ); /* No block time, return immediately. */
@@ -269,6 +657,9 @@ volatile uint32_t ulSetToNonZeroInDebuggerToContinue = 0;
+ printf( "Assert hit on line %lu of %s\r\n", ulLine, pcFileName );
+ fflush( stdout );
/* You can step out of this function to debug the assertion by using
the debugger to set ulSetToNonZeroInDebuggerToContinue to a non-zero
value. */
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/include/iot_taskpool.h b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/include/iot_taskpool.h
index 7e94e7264..a91ccf152 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/include/iot_taskpool.h
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/include/iot_taskpool.h
@@ -53,11 +53,9 @@
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_setmaxthreads}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_createjob}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_createrecyclablejob}
- * - @functionname{taskpool_function_createrecyclablesystemjob}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_destroyrecyclablejob}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_recyclejob}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_schedule}
- * - @functionname{taskpool_function_schedulesystemjob}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_scheduledeferred}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_getstatus}
* - @functionname{taskpool_function_trycancel}
@@ -73,11 +71,9 @@
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_SetMaxThreads,taskpool,setmaxthreads}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_CreateJob,taskpool,createjob}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob,taskpool,createrecyclablejob}
- * @functionpage{IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob,taskpool,createrecyclablesystemjob}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_DestroyRecyclableJob,taskpool,destroyrecyclablejob}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_RecycleJob,taskpool,recyclejob}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_Schedule,taskpool,schedule}
- * @functionpage{IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob,taskpool,schedule}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_ScheduleDeferred,taskpool,scheduledeferred}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_GetStatus,taskpool,getstatus}
* @functionpage{IotTaskPool_TryCancel,taskpool,trycancel}
@@ -164,7 +160,7 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_Create( const IotTaskPoolInfo_t * const pInfo,
* This function should be called to destroy one instance of a task pool previously created with a call
* to @ref IotTaskPool_Create or @ref IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool.
* Calling this fuction release all underlying resources. After calling this function, any job scheduled but not yet executed
- * will be cancelled and destroyed.
+ * will be canceled and destroyed.
* The `taskPool` instance will no longer be valid after this function returns.
* @param[in] taskPool A handle to the task pool, e.g. as returned by a call to @ref IotTaskPool_Create or
@@ -247,7 +243,7 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateJob( IotTaskPoolRoutine_t userCallback,
- * @note This function will not allocate memory.
+ * @note This function will not allocate memory. //_RB_ Incorrect comment.
* @warning A recyclable job should be recycled with a call to @ref IotTaskPool_RecycleJob rather than destroyed.
@@ -260,36 +256,6 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPool,
/* @[declare_taskpool_createrecyclablejob] */
- * brief Creates a job for the system task pool by allocating the job dynamically.
- * The system task pool is the task pool created by @ref IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool.
- *
- * A recyclable job does not need to be allocated twice, but it can rather be reused through
- * subsequent calls to @ref IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob.
- *
- * @param[in] userCallback A user-specified callback for the job.
- * @param[in] pUserContext A user-specified context for the callback.
- * @param[out] pJob A pointer to an instance of @ref IotTaskPoolJob_t that will be initialized when this
- * function returns successfully. This handle can be used to inspect the job status with
- * @ref IotTaskPool_GetStatus or cancel the job with @ref IotTaskPool_TryCancel, etc....
- *
- * @return One of the following:
- *
- * @note This function will not allocate memory.
- *
- * @warning A recyclable job should be recycled with a call to @ref IotTaskPool_RecycleJob rather than destroyed.
- *
- */
-/* @[declare_taskpool_createrecyclablesystemjob] */
-IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob( IotTaskPoolRoutine_t userCallback,
- void * pUserContext,
- IotTaskPoolJob_t * const pJob );
-/* @[declare_taskpool_createrecyclablesystemjob] */
* @brief This function un-initializes a job.
* This function will destroy a job created with @ref IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob.
@@ -445,88 +411,7 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_RecycleJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPool,
IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_Schedule( IotTaskPool_t taskPool,
IotTaskPoolJob_t job,
uint32_t flags );
- * @brief This function schedules a job created with @ref IotTaskPool_CreateJob or @ref IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob @ref IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob
- * against the system task pool. The system task pool is the task pool created by @ref IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool.
- *
- * See @ref taskpool_design for a description of the jobs lifetime and interaction with the threads used in the task pool
- * library.
- *
- * @param[in] job A job to schedule for execution. This must be first initialized with a call to @ref IotTaskPool_CreateJob.
- * @param[in] flags Flags to be passed by the user, e.g. to identify the job as high priority by specifying #IOT_TASKPOOL_JOB_HIGH_PRIORITY.
- *
- * @return One of the following:
- *
- *
- * @note This function will not allocate memory, so it is guaranteed to succeed if the parameters are correct and the task pool
- * was correctly initialized, and not yet destroyed.
- *
- * <b>Example</b>
- * @code{c}
- * // An example of a user context to pass to a callback through a task pool thread.
- * typedef struct JobUserContext
- * {
- * uint32_t counter;
- * } JobUserContext_t;
- *
- * // An example of a user callback to invoke through a task pool thread.
- * static void ExecutionCb( IotTaskPool_t taskPool, IotTaskPoolJob_t job, void * context )
- * {
- * ( void )taskPool;
- * ( void )job;
- *
- * JobUserContext_t * pUserContext = ( JobUserContext_t * )context;
- *
- * pUserContext->counter++;
- * }
- *
- * void TaskPoolExample( )
- * {
- * JobUserContext_t userContext = { 0 };
- * IotTaskPoolJob_t job;
- *
- * // Create the system task pool. This example assumes the task pool is created successfully.
- * // It is recommended to test the function's return value in production code.
- * IotTaskPool_CreateSystemTaskPool( &xTaskPoolParameters );
- *
- * // Statically allocate one job, schedule it.
- * IotTaskPool_CreateJob( &ExecutionCb, &userContext, &job );
- *
- * IotTaskPoolError_t errorSchedule = IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob( &job, 0 );
- *
- * switch ( errorSchedule )
- * {
- * break;
- * case IOT_TASKPOOL_BAD_PARAMETER: // Invalid parameters, such as a NULL handle, can trigger this error.
- * case IOT_TASKPOOL_ILLEGAL_OPERATION: // Scheduling a job that was previously scheduled or destroyed could trigger this error.
- * case IOT_TASKPOOL_NO_MEMORY: // Scheduling a with flag #IOT_TASKPOOL_JOB_HIGH_PRIORITY could trigger this error.
- * case IOT_TASKPOOL_SHUTDOWN_IN_PROGRESS: // Scheduling a job after trying to destroy the task pool could trigger this error.
- * // ASSERT
- * break;
- * default:
- * // ASSERT
- * }
- *
- * //
- * // ... Perform other operations ...
- * //
- *
- * IotTaskPool_Destroy( taskPool );
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
-/* @[declare_taskpool_schedulesystemjob] */
-IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob( IotTaskPoolJob_t pJob,
- uint32_t flags );
-/* @[declare_taskpool_schedulesystemjob] */
+/* @[declare_taskpool_schedule] */
* @brief This function schedules a job created with @ref IotTaskPool_CreateJob against the task pool
diff --git a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/taskpool/iot_taskpool.c b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/taskpool/iot_taskpool.c
index fff69ca83..a01e6423c 100644
--- a/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/taskpool/iot_taskpool.c
+++ b/FreeRTOS-Plus/Source/FreeRTOS-Plus-IoT-SDK/c_sdk/standard/common/taskpool/iot_taskpool.c
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
/* Standard includes. */
#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -490,15 +491,6 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateJob( IotTaskPoolRoutine_t userCallback,
-IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableSystemJob( IotTaskPoolRoutine_t userCallback,
- void * pUserContext,
- IotTaskPoolJob_t * const pJob )
- return IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob ( &_IotSystemTaskPool, userCallback, pUserContext, pJob );
IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
IotTaskPoolRoutine_t userCallback,
void * pUserContext,
@@ -506,11 +498,21 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_CreateRecyclableJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle
- _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) taskPoolHandle;
+ _taskPool_t * const pTaskPool = &_IotSystemTaskPool;
_taskPoolJob_t * pTempJob = NULL;
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
+ /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused parameters if configASSERT() is not
+ defined. */
+ ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
/* Parameter checking. */
@@ -542,12 +544,21 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_DestroyRecyclableJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandl
- ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
_taskPoolJob_t * pJob = ( _taskPoolJob_t * ) pJobHandle;
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+#warning could use a TASKPOOL macro to check value and return error.
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
+ /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused parameters if configASSERT() is not
+ defined. */
+ ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
/* Parameter checking. */
IotTaskPool_Assert( IotLink_IsLinked( &pJob->link ) == false );
@@ -564,10 +575,19 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_RecycleJob( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
- _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) taskPoolHandle;
+ _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) &_IotSystemTaskPool;
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
+ /* Ensure unused parameters do not cause compiler warnings in case
+ configASSERT() is not defined. */
+ ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
- /* Parameter checking. */
@@ -589,12 +609,23 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_Schedule( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
- _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) taskPoolHandle;
+ _taskPool_t * const pTaskPool = &_IotSystemTaskPool;
+ /* Task pool must have been created. */
configASSERT( pTaskPool->running != false );
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
+ /* Avoid compiler warnings about unused parameters if configASSERT() is not
+ defined. */
+ ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
/* Parameter checking. */
@@ -609,24 +640,21 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_Schedule( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
-IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_ScheduleSystemJob( IotTaskPoolJob_t pJob,
- uint32_t flags )
- return IotTaskPool_Schedule( &_IotSystemTaskPool, pJob, flags );
IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_ScheduleDeferred( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
IotTaskPoolJob_t job,
uint32_t timeMs )
- _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) taskPoolHandle;
+ _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = &_IotSystemTaskPool;
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
- /* Parameter checking. */
if( timeMs == 0UL )
@@ -688,7 +716,8 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_GetStatus( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
/* Parameter checking. */
+//_RB_ TASKPOOL_ON_NULL_ARG_GOTO_CLEANUP( taskPoolHandle ); /* What is the point of this parameter? */
+ ( void ) taskPoolHandle;
@@ -710,10 +739,14 @@ IotTaskPoolError_t IotTaskPool_TryCancel( IotTaskPool_t taskPoolHandle,
- _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = ( _taskPool_t * ) taskPoolHandle;
+ _taskPool_t * pTaskPool = &_IotSystemTaskPool;
- /* Parameter checking. */
+ /* This lean version of the task pool only supports the task pool created
+ by this library (the system task pool). NULL means use the system task
+ pool - no other values are allowed. Use the full implementation of this
+ library if you want multiple task pools (there is more than one task in
+ each pool. */
+ configASSERT( ( taskPoolHandle == NULL ) || ( taskPoolHandle == &_IotSystemTaskPool ) );
if( pStatus != NULL )
@@ -859,6 +892,7 @@ static IotTaskPoolError_t _createTaskPool( const IotTaskPoolInfo_t * const pInfo
uint32_t count;
uint32_t threadsCreated;
+ char cTaskName[ 10 ];
/* Check input values for consistency. */
@@ -887,10 +921,12 @@ static IotTaskPoolError_t _createTaskPool( const IotTaskPoolInfo_t * const pInfo
/* Create the minimum number of threads specified by the user, and if one fails shutdown and return error. */
for( threadsCreated = 0; threadsCreated < pInfo->minThreads; )
- TaskHandle_t task = NULL;
+ TaskHandle_t task = NULL; //_RB_ need to check compiles with C89
+ snprintf( cTaskName, sizeof( cTaskName ), "pool%d", ( int ) threadsCreated );
BaseType_t res = xTaskCreate( _taskPoolWorker,
+ cTaskName,
@@ -1019,7 +1055,7 @@ static void _taskPoolWorker( void * pUserContext )
pJob = IotLink_Container( _taskPoolJob_t, pFirst, link );
/* Update status to 'executing'. */
+ pJob->status = IOT_TASKPOOL_STATUS_COMPLETED; /*_RB_ Should this be 'executing'? */
userCallback = pJob->userCallback;
@@ -1156,7 +1192,7 @@ static void _recycleJob( _taskPoolCache_t * const pCache,
_taskPoolJob_t * const pJob )
/* We should never try and recycling a job that is linked into some queue. */
- IotTaskPool_Assert( IotLink_IsLinked( &pJob->link ) == false );
+ IotTaskPool_Assert( IotLink_IsLinked( &pJob->link ) == false );//_RB_ Seems to be duplicate of test before this is called.
/* We will recycle the job if there is space in the cache. */
@@ -1232,15 +1268,11 @@ static IotTaskPoolError_t _scheduleInternal( _taskPool_t * const pTaskPool,
/* Update the job status to 'scheduled'. */
- BaseType_t higherPriorityTaskWoken;
/* Append the job to the dispatch queue. */
IotDeQueue_EnqueueTail( &pTaskPool->dispatchQueue, &pJob->link );
/* Signal a worker to pick up the job. */
- ( void ) xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( pTaskPool->dispatchSignal, &higherPriorityTaskWoken );
- portYIELD_FROM_ISR( higherPriorityTaskWoken );
+ xSemaphoreGive( pTaskPool->dispatchSignal );
@@ -1333,7 +1365,7 @@ static IotTaskPoolError_t _tryCancelInternal( _taskPool_t * const pTaskPool,
bool shouldReschedule = false;
- /* If the job being cancelled was at the head of the timeouts queue, then we need to reschedule the timer
+ /* If the job being canceled was at the head of the timeouts queue, then we need to reschedule the timer
* with the next job timeout */
IotLink_t * pHeadLink = IotListDouble_PeekHead( &pTaskPool->timerEventsList );