path: root/libgo/go/go/types/testdata/const0.src
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Diffstat (limited to 'libgo/go/go/types/testdata/const0.src')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/libgo/go/go/types/testdata/const0.src b/libgo/go/go/types/testdata/const0.src
deleted file mode 100644
index a2ca344c78..0000000000
--- a/libgo/go/go/types/testdata/const0.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// constant declarations
-package const0
-// constants declarations must be initialized by constants
-var x = 0
-const c0 = x /* ERROR "not constant" */
-// untyped constants
-const (
- // boolean values
- ub0 = false
- ub1 = true
- ub2 = 2 < 1
- ub3 = ui1 == uf1
- ub4 = true /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ == 0
- // integer values
- ui0 = 0
- ui1 = 1
- ui2 = 42
- ui3 = 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
- ui4 = -10
- ui5 = ui0 + ui1
- ui6 = ui1 - ui1
- ui7 = ui2 * ui1
- ui8 = ui3 / ui3
- ui9 = ui3 % ui3
- ui10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui11 = ui1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui12 = ui3 / ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui14 = ui1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui15 = ui3 % ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ui16 = ui2 & ui3
- ui17 = ui2 | ui3
- ui18 = ui2 ^ ui3
- // floating point values
- uf0 = 0.
- uf1 = 1.
- uf2 = 4.2e1
- uf3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
- uf4 = 1e-1
- uf5 = uf0 + uf1
- uf6 = uf1 - uf1
- uf7 = uf2 * uf1
- uf8 = uf3 / uf3
- uf9 = uf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uf3
- uf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uf11 = uf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uf12 = uf3 / uf0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uf16 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uf3
- uf17 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uf3
- uf18 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uf3
- // complex values
- uc0 = 0.i
- uc1 = 1.i
- uc2 = 4.2e1i
- uc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
- uc4 = 1e-1i
- uc5 = uc0 + uc1
- uc6 = uc1 - uc1
- uc7 = uc2 * uc1
- uc8 = uc3 / uc3
- uc9 = uc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uc3
- uc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uc11 = uc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uc12 = uc3 / uc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- uc16 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uc3
- uc17 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uc3
- uc18 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uc3
-type (
- mybool bool
- myint int
- myfloat float64
- mycomplex complex128
-// typed constants
-const (
- // boolean values
- tb0 bool = false
- tb1 bool = true
- tb2 mybool = 2 < 1
- tb3 mybool = ti1 /* ERROR "cannot compare" */ == tf1
- // integer values
- ti0 int8 = ui0
- ti1 int32 = ui1
- ti2 int64 = ui2
- ti3 myint = ui3 /* ERROR "overflows" */
- ti4 myint = ui4
- ti5 = ti0 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ + ti1
- ti6 = ti1 - ti1
- ti7 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * ti1
- //ti8 = ti3 / ti3 // TODO(gri) enable this
- //ti9 = ti3 % ti3 // TODO(gri) enable this
- ti10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ti11 = ti1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ti12 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / ti0
- ti13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ti14 = ti1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- ti15 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ % ti0
- ti16 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & ti3
- ti17 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | ti4
- ti18 = ti2 ^ ti5 // no mismatched types error because the type of ti5 is unknown
- // floating point values
- tf0 float32 = 0.
- tf1 float32 = 1.
- tf2 float64 = 4.2e1
- tf3 myfloat = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
- tf4 myfloat = 1e-1
- tf5 = tf0 + tf1
- tf6 = tf1 - tf1
- tf7 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * tf1
- // tf8 = tf3 / tf3 // TODO(gri) enable this
- tf9 = tf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tf3
- tf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- tf11 = tf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- tf12 = tf3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / tf0
- tf16 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & tf3
- tf17 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | tf3
- tf18 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ ^ tf3
- // complex values
- tc0 = 0.i
- tc1 = 1.i
- tc2 = 4.2e1i
- tc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
- tc4 = 1e-1i
- tc5 = tc0 + tc1
- tc6 = tc1 - tc1
- tc7 = tc2 * tc1
- tc8 = tc3 / tc3
- tc9 = tc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tc3
- tc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- tc11 = tc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- tc12 = tc3 / tc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
- tc16 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & tc3
- tc17 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | tc3
- tc18 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ tc3
-// initialization cycles
-const (
- a /* ERROR "cycle" */ = a
- b /* ERROR "cycle" */ , c /* ERROR "cycle" */, d, e = e, d, c, b // TODO(gri) should only have one cycle error
- f float64 = d
-// multiple initialization
-const (
- a1, a2, a3 = 7, 3.1415926, "foo"
- b1, b2, b3 = b3, b1, 42
- _p0 = assert(a1 == 7)
- _p1 = assert(a2 == 3.1415926)
- _p2 = assert(a3 == "foo")
- _p3 = assert(b1 == 42)
- _p4 = assert(b2 == 42)
- _p5 = assert(b3 == 42)
-// iota
-const (
- iota0 = iota
- iota1 = iota
- iota2 = iota*2
- _a0 = assert(iota0 == 0)
- _a1 = assert(iota1 == 1)
- _a2 = assert(iota2 == 4)
- iota6 = iota*3
- iota7
- iota8
- _a3 = assert(iota7 == 21)
- _a4 = assert(iota8 == 24)
-const (
- _b0 = iota
- _b1 = assert(iota + iota2 == 5)
-// special cases
-const (
- _n0 = nil /* ERROR "invalid constant type" */
- _n1 = [ /* ERROR "not constant" */ ]int{}
-) \ No newline at end of file