path: root/gcc/ada/lib.adb
diff options
authorkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
committerkenner <kenner@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2001-10-02 14:18:40 +0000
commit83cce46b47d48de4c71b02a20f5bf36296a48568 (patch)
tree6570bc15069492ca4f53a85c5d09a36d099fd63f /gcc/ada/lib.adb
parentee6ba406bdc83a0b016ec0099d84035d7fd26fd7 (diff)
New Language: Ada
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/lib.adb')
1 files changed, 866 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib.adb b/gcc/ada/lib.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..53e74f5459b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,866 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- L I B --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- $Revision: 1.97 $
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
+-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
+-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
+-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
+-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
+-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
+-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
+-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
+-- --
+pragma Style_Checks (All_Checks);
+-- Subprogram ordering not enforced in this unit
+-- (because of some logical groupings).
+with Atree; use Atree;
+with Einfo; use Einfo;
+with Fname; use Fname;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Namet; use Namet;
+with Output; use Output;
+with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
+with Sinput; use Sinput;
+with Stand; use Stand;
+with Stringt; use Stringt;
+with Tree_IO; use Tree_IO;
+with Uname; use Uname;
+package body Lib is
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ type SEU_Result is (
+ Yes_Before, -- S1 is in same extended unit as S2 and appears before it
+ Yes_Same, -- S1 is in same extended unit as S2, Slocs are the same
+ Yes_After, -- S1 is in same extended unit as S2, and appears after it
+ No); -- S2 is not in same extended unit as S2
+ function Check_Same_Extended_Unit (S1, S2 : Source_Ptr) return SEU_Result;
+ -- Used by In_Same_Extended_Unit and Earlier_In_Extended_Unit. Returns
+ -- value as described above.
+ --------------------------------------------
+ -- Access Functions for Unit Table Fields --
+ --------------------------------------------
+ function Cunit (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Cunit;
+ end Cunit;
+ function Cunit_Entity (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Entity_Id is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Cunit_Entity;
+ end Cunit_Entity;
+ function Dependency_Num (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Nat is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Dependency_Num;
+ end Dependency_Num;
+ function Dependent_Unit (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Dependent_Unit;
+ end Dependent_Unit;
+ function Dynamic_Elab (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Dynamic_Elab;
+ end Dynamic_Elab;
+ function Error_Location (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Source_Ptr is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Error_Location;
+ end Error_Location;
+ function Expected_Unit (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Unit_Name_Type is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Expected_Unit;
+ end Expected_Unit;
+ function Fatal_Error (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Fatal_Error;
+ end Fatal_Error;
+ function Generate_Code (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Generate_Code;
+ end Generate_Code;
+ function Has_RACW (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Has_RACW;
+ end Has_RACW;
+ function Ident_String (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Node_Id is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Ident_String;
+ end Ident_String;
+ function Loading (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Loading;
+ end Loading;
+ function Main_Priority (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Int is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Main_Priority;
+ end Main_Priority;
+ function Source_Index (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Source_File_Index is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Source_Index;
+ end Source_Index;
+ function Unit_File_Name (U : Unit_Number_Type) return File_Name_Type is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Unit_File_Name;
+ end Unit_File_Name;
+ function Unit_Name (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Unit_Name_Type is
+ begin
+ return Units.Table (U).Unit_Name;
+ end Unit_Name;
+ ------------------------------------------
+ -- Subprograms to Set Unit Table Fields --
+ ------------------------------------------
+ procedure Set_Cunit (U : Unit_Number_Type; N : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Cunit := N;
+ end Set_Cunit;
+ procedure Set_Cunit_Entity (U : Unit_Number_Type; E : Entity_Id) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Cunit_Entity := E;
+ Set_Is_Compilation_Unit (E);
+ end Set_Cunit_Entity;
+ procedure Set_Dynamic_Elab (U : Unit_Number_Type; B : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Dynamic_Elab := B;
+ end Set_Dynamic_Elab;
+ procedure Set_Error_Location (U : Unit_Number_Type; W : Source_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Error_Location := W;
+ end Set_Error_Location;
+ procedure Set_Fatal_Error (U : Unit_Number_Type; B : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Fatal_Error := True;
+ end Set_Fatal_Error;
+ procedure Set_Generate_Code (U : Unit_Number_Type; B : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Generate_Code := B;
+ end Set_Generate_Code;
+ procedure Set_Has_RACW (U : Unit_Number_Type; B : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Has_RACW := B;
+ end Set_Has_RACW;
+ procedure Set_Ident_String (U : Unit_Number_Type; N : Node_Id) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Ident_String := N;
+ end Set_Ident_String;
+ procedure Set_Loading (U : Unit_Number_Type; B : Boolean := True) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Loading := B;
+ end Set_Loading;
+ procedure Set_Main_Priority (U : Unit_Number_Type; P : Int) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Main_Priority := P;
+ end Set_Main_Priority;
+ procedure Set_Unit_Name (U : Unit_Number_Type; N : Unit_Name_Type) is
+ begin
+ Units.Table (U).Unit_Name := N;
+ end Set_Unit_Name;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Check_Same_Extended_Unit --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Check_Same_Extended_Unit (S1, S2 : Source_Ptr) return SEU_Result is
+ Sloc1 : Source_Ptr;
+ Sloc2 : Source_Ptr;
+ Sind1 : Source_File_Index;
+ Sind2 : Source_File_Index;
+ Inst1 : Source_Ptr;
+ Inst2 : Source_Ptr;
+ Unum1 : Unit_Number_Type;
+ Unum2 : Unit_Number_Type;
+ Unit1 : Node_Id;
+ Unit2 : Node_Id;
+ Depth1 : Nat;
+ Depth2 : Nat;
+ begin
+ if S1 = No_Location or else S2 = No_Location then
+ return No;
+ elsif S1 = Standard_Location then
+ if S2 = Standard_Location then
+ return Yes_Same;
+ else
+ return No;
+ end if;
+ elsif S2 = Standard_Location then
+ return No;
+ end if;
+ Sloc1 := S1;
+ Sloc2 := S2;
+ Unum1 := Get_Code_Unit (Sloc1);
+ Unum2 := Get_Code_Unit (Sloc2);
+ loop
+ Sind1 := Get_Source_File_Index (Sloc1);
+ Sind2 := Get_Source_File_Index (Sloc2);
+ if Sind1 = Sind2 then
+ if Sloc1 < Sloc2 then
+ return Yes_Before;
+ elsif Sloc1 > Sloc2 then
+ return Yes_After;
+ else
+ return Yes_Same;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- OK, the two nodes are in separate source elements, but this is not
+ -- decisive, because of the issue of subunits and instantiations.
+ -- First we deal with subunits, since if the subunit is in an
+ -- instantiation, we know that the parent is in the corresponding
+ -- instantiation, since that is the only way we can have a subunit
+ -- that is part of an instantiation.
+ Unit1 := Unit (Cunit (Unum1));
+ Unit2 := Unit (Cunit (Unum2));
+ if Nkind (Unit1) = N_Subunit
+ and then Present (Corresponding_Stub (Unit1))
+ then
+ -- Both in subunits. They could have a common ancestor. If they
+ -- do, then the deeper one must have a longer unit name. Replace
+ -- the deeper one with its corresponding stub, in order to find
+ -- nearest common ancestor, if any.
+ if Nkind (Unit2) = N_Subunit
+ and then Present (Corresponding_Stub (Unit2))
+ then
+ if Length_Of_Name (Unit_Name (Unum1)) <
+ Length_Of_Name (Unit_Name (Unum2))
+ then
+ Sloc2 := Sloc (Corresponding_Stub (Unit2));
+ Unum2 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc2);
+ goto Continue;
+ else
+ Sloc1 := Sloc (Corresponding_Stub (Unit1));
+ Unum1 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc1);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Nod1 in subunit, Nod2 not
+ else
+ Sloc1 := Sloc (Corresponding_Stub (Unit1));
+ Unum1 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc1);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Nod2 in subunit, Nod1 not
+ elsif Nkind (Unit2) = N_Subunit
+ and then Present (Corresponding_Stub (Unit2))
+ then
+ Sloc2 := Sloc (Corresponding_Stub (Unit2));
+ Unum2 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc2);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- At this stage we know that neither is a subunit, so we deal
+ -- with instantiations, since we culd have a common ancestor
+ Inst1 := Instantiation (Sind1);
+ Inst2 := Instantiation (Sind2);
+ if Inst1 /= No_Location then
+ -- Both are instantiations
+ if Inst2 /= No_Location then
+ Depth1 := Instantiation_Depth (Sloc1);
+ Depth2 := Instantiation_Depth (Sloc2);
+ if Depth1 < Depth2 then
+ Sloc2 := Inst2;
+ Unum2 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc2);
+ goto Continue;
+ elsif Depth1 > Depth2 then
+ Sloc1 := Inst1;
+ Unum1 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc1);
+ goto Continue;
+ else
+ Sloc1 := Inst1;
+ Sloc2 := Inst2;
+ Unum1 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc1);
+ Unum2 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc2);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Only first node is in instantiation
+ else
+ Sloc1 := Inst1;
+ Unum1 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc1);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- Only second node is instantiation
+ elsif Inst2 /= No_Location then
+ Sloc2 := Inst2;
+ Unum2 := Get_Source_Unit (Sloc2);
+ goto Continue;
+ end if;
+ -- No instantiations involved, so we are not in the same unit
+ -- However, there is one case still to check, namely the case
+ -- where one location is in the spec, and the other in the
+ -- corresponding body (the spec location is earlier).
+ if Nkind (Unit1) = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else
+ Nkind (Unit1) = N_Package_Body
+ then
+ if Library_Unit (Cunit (Unum1)) = Cunit (Unum2) then
+ return Yes_After;
+ end if;
+ elsif Nkind (Unit2) = N_Subprogram_Body
+ or else
+ Nkind (Unit2) = N_Package_Body
+ then
+ if Library_Unit (Cunit (Unum2)) = Cunit (Unum1) then
+ return Yes_Before;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- If that special case does not occur, then we are certain that
+ -- the two locations are really in separate units.
+ return No;
+ <<Continue>>
+ null;
+ end loop;
+ end Check_Same_Extended_Unit;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Earlier_In_Extended_Unit --
+ ------------------------------
+ function Earlier_In_Extended_Unit (S1, S2 : Source_Ptr) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Check_Same_Extended_Unit (S1, S2) = Yes_Before;
+ end Earlier_In_Extended_Unit;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Entity_Is_In_Main_Unit --
+ ----------------------------
+ function Entity_Is_In_Main_Unit (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+ S : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ S := Scope (E);
+ while S /= Standard_Standard loop
+ if S = Main_Unit_Entity then
+ return True;
+ elsif Ekind (S) = E_Package and then Is_Child_Unit (S) then
+ return False;
+ else
+ S := Scope (S);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Entity_Is_In_Main_Unit;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Generic_Separately_Compiled --
+ ---------------------------------
+ function Generic_Separately_Compiled (E : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- We do not generate object files for internal generics, because
+ -- the only thing they would contain is the elaboration boolean, and
+ -- we are careful to elaborate all predefined units first anyway, so
+ -- this boolean is not needed.
+ if Is_Internal_File_Name
+ (Fname => Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (E)),
+ Renamings_Included => True)
+ then
+ return False;
+ -- All other generic units do generate object files
+ else
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end Generic_Separately_Compiled;
+ -------------------
+ -- Get_Code_Unit --
+ -------------------
+ function Get_Code_Unit (S : Source_Ptr) return Unit_Number_Type is
+ Source_File : Source_File_Index :=
+ Get_Source_File_Index (Top_Level_Location (S));
+ begin
+ for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
+ if Source_Index (U) = Source_File then
+ return U;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If not in the table, must be the main source unit, and we just
+ -- have not got it put into the table yet.
+ return Main_Unit;
+ end Get_Code_Unit;
+ function Get_Code_Unit (N : Node_Id) return Unit_Number_Type is
+ begin
+ return Get_Code_Unit (Sloc (N));
+ end Get_Code_Unit;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Get_Compilation_Switch --
+ ----------------------------
+ function Get_Compilation_Switch (N : Pos) return String_Ptr is
+ begin
+ if N >= Compilation_Switches.Last then
+ return Compilation_Switches.Table (N);
+ else
+ return null;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Compilation_Switch;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Get_Cunit_Entity_Unit_Number --
+ ----------------------------------
+ function Get_Cunit_Entity_Unit_Number
+ (E : Entity_Id)
+ return Unit_Number_Type
+ is
+ begin
+ for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
+ if Cunit_Entity (U) = E then
+ return U;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If not in the table, must be the main source unit, and we just
+ -- have not got it put into the table yet.
+ return Main_Unit;
+ end Get_Cunit_Entity_Unit_Number;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- Get_Cunit_Unit_Number --
+ ---------------------------
+ function Get_Cunit_Unit_Number (N : Node_Id) return Unit_Number_Type is
+ begin
+ for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
+ if Cunit (U) = N then
+ return U;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If not in the table, must be the main source unit, and we just
+ -- have not got it put into the table yet.
+ return Main_Unit;
+ end Get_Cunit_Unit_Number;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Get_Source_Unit --
+ ---------------------
+ function Get_Source_Unit (S : Source_Ptr) return Unit_Number_Type is
+ Source_File : Source_File_Index :=
+ Get_Source_File_Index (Top_Level_Location (S));
+ begin
+ Source_File := Get_Source_File_Index (S);
+ while Template (Source_File) /= No_Source_File loop
+ Source_File := Template (Source_File);
+ end loop;
+ for U in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
+ if Source_Index (U) = Source_File then
+ return U;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If not in the table, must be the main source unit, and we just
+ -- have not got it put into the table yet.
+ return Main_Unit;
+ end Get_Source_Unit;
+ function Get_Source_Unit (N : Node_Id) return Unit_Number_Type is
+ begin
+ return Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (N));
+ end Get_Source_Unit;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit --
+ --------------------------------
+ function In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Sloc (N) = Standard_Location then
+ return True;
+ elsif Sloc (N) = No_Location then
+ return False;
+ -- Special case Itypes to test the Sloc of the associated node. The
+ -- reason we do this is for possible calls from gigi after -gnatD
+ -- processing is complete in sprint. This processing updates the
+ -- sloc fields of all nodes in the tree, but itypes are not in the
+ -- tree so their slocs do not get updated.
+ elsif Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Identifier
+ and then Is_Itype (N)
+ then
+ return In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Associated_Node_For_Itype (N));
+ elsif Get_Code_Unit (Sloc (N)) = Get_Code_Unit (Cunit (Main_Unit)) then
+ return True;
+ else -- node may be in spec of main unit
+ return
+ In_Same_Extended_Unit (Sloc (N), Sloc (Cunit (Main_Unit)));
+ end if;
+ end In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit --
+ ----------------------------------
+ function In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Sloc (N) = Standard_Location then
+ return True;
+ elsif Sloc (N) = No_Location then
+ return False;
+ -- Special case Itypes to test the Sloc of the associated node. The
+ -- reason we do this is for possible calls from gigi after -gnatD
+ -- processing is complete in sprint. This processing updates the
+ -- sloc fields of all nodes in the tree, but itypes are not in the
+ -- tree so their slocs do not get updated.
+ elsif Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Identifier
+ and then Is_Itype (N)
+ then
+ return In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Associated_Node_For_Itype (N));
+ else
+ return
+ In_Same_Extended_Unit
+ (Original_Location (Sloc (N)),
+ Original_Location (Sloc (Cunit (Main_Unit))));
+ end if;
+ end In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit;
+ -----------------------
+ -- In_Same_Code_Unit --
+ -----------------------
+ function In_Same_Code_Unit (N1, N2 : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+ S1 : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N1);
+ S2 : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N2);
+ begin
+ if S1 = No_Location or else S2 = No_Location then
+ return False;
+ elsif S1 = Standard_Location then
+ return S2 = Standard_Location;
+ elsif S2 = Standard_Location then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Get_Code_Unit (N1) = Get_Code_Unit (N2);
+ end In_Same_Code_Unit;
+ ---------------------------
+ -- In_Same_Extended_Unit --
+ ---------------------------
+ function In_Same_Extended_Unit (S1, S2 : Source_Ptr) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return Check_Same_Extended_Unit (S1, S2) /= No;
+ end In_Same_Extended_Unit;
+ -------------------------
+ -- In_Same_Source_Unit --
+ -------------------------
+ function In_Same_Source_Unit (N1, N2 : Node_Or_Entity_Id) return Boolean is
+ S1 : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N1);
+ S2 : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N2);
+ begin
+ if S1 = No_Location or else S2 = No_Location then
+ return False;
+ elsif S1 = Standard_Location then
+ return S2 = Standard_Location;
+ elsif S2 = Standard_Location then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return Get_Source_Unit (N1) = Get_Source_Unit (N2);
+ end In_Same_Source_Unit;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Increment_Serial_Number --
+ -----------------------------
+ function Increment_Serial_Number return Nat is
+ TSN : Int renames Units.Table (Current_Sem_Unit).Serial_Number;
+ begin
+ TSN := TSN + 1;
+ return TSN;
+ end Increment_Serial_Number;
+ ----------------
+ -- Initialize --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Initialize is
+ begin
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Init;
+ Load_Stack.Init;
+ Units.Init;
+ Unit_Exception_Table_Present := False;
+ Compilation_Switches.Init;
+ end Initialize;
+ ---------------
+ -- Is_Loaded --
+ ---------------
+ function Is_Loaded (Uname : Unit_Name_Type) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ for Unum in Units.First .. Units.Last loop
+ if Uname = Unit_Name (Unum) then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Loaded;
+ ---------------
+ -- Last_Unit --
+ ---------------
+ function Last_Unit return Unit_Number_Type is
+ begin
+ return Units.Last;
+ end Last_Unit;
+ ----------
+ -- List --
+ ----------
+ procedure List (File_Names_Only : Boolean := False) is separate;
+ ----------
+ -- Lock --
+ ----------
+ procedure Lock is
+ begin
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Locked := True;
+ Load_Stack.Locked := True;
+ Units.Locked := True;
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Release;
+ Load_Stack.Release;
+ Units.Release;
+ end Lock;
+ ---------------
+ -- Num_Units --
+ ---------------
+ function Num_Units return Nat is
+ begin
+ return Int (Units.Last) - Int (Main_Unit) + 1;
+ end Num_Units;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Replace_Linker_Option_String --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Replace_Linker_Option_String
+ (S : String_Id; Match_String : String)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Match_String'Length > 0 then
+ for J in 1 .. Linker_Option_Lines.Last loop
+ String_To_Name_Buffer (Linker_Option_Lines.Table (J));
+ if Match_String = Name_Buffer (1 .. Match_String'Length) then
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Table (J) := S;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Store_Linker_Option_String (S);
+ end Replace_Linker_Option_String;
+ ----------
+ -- Sort --
+ ----------
+ procedure Sort (Tbl : in out Unit_Ref_Table) is separate;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Store_Compilation_Switch --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Store_Compilation_Switch (Switch : String) is
+ begin
+ Compilation_Switches.Increment_Last;
+ Compilation_Switches.Table (Compilation_Switches.Last)
+ := new String'(Switch);
+ end Store_Compilation_Switch;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Store_Linker_Option_String --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Store_Linker_Option_String (S : String_Id) is
+ begin
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Increment_Last;
+ Linker_Option_Lines.Table (Linker_Option_Lines.Last) := S;
+ end Store_Linker_Option_String;
+ ---------------
+ -- Tree_Read --
+ ---------------
+ procedure Tree_Read is
+ N : Nat;
+ S : String_Ptr;
+ begin
+ Units.Tree_Read;
+ -- Read Compilation_Switches table
+ Tree_Read_Int (N);
+ Compilation_Switches.Set_Last (N);
+ for J in 1 .. N loop
+ Tree_Read_Str (S);
+ Compilation_Switches.Table (J) := S;
+ end loop;
+ end Tree_Read;
+ ----------------
+ -- Tree_Write --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Tree_Write is
+ begin
+ Units.Tree_Write;
+ -- Write Compilation_Switches table
+ Tree_Write_Int (Compilation_Switches.Last);
+ for J in 1 .. Compilation_Switches.Last loop
+ Tree_Write_Str (Compilation_Switches.Table (J));
+ end loop;
+ end Tree_Write;
+ -----------------
+ -- Version_Get --
+ -----------------
+ function Version_Get (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Word_Hex_String is
+ begin
+ return Get_Hex_String (Units.Table (U).Version);
+ end Version_Get;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Version_Referenced --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Version_Referenced (S : String_Id) is
+ begin
+ Version_Ref.Append (S);
+ end Version_Referenced;
+end Lib;