path: root/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
diff options
authorcharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2009-07-13 10:45:14 +0000
committercharlet <charlet@138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4>2009-07-13 10:45:14 +0000
commitd15bad045d8514e6c767e0bdc1cd2b2956274dbd (patch)
treef36850a6b47b83f1fbdba5bbb834d88e131763f5 /gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
parent15a0a16549b258f53a99b57968c64192448df6cc (diff)
2009-07-13 Emmanuel Briot <>
* gnatcmd.adb, prj-proc.adb, make.adb, mlib-prj.adb, prj-ext.adb, gnat_ugn.texi, prj.adb,, clean.adb, prj-nmsc.adb, prj-util.adb, prj-conf.adb, gnatname.adb, prj-env.adb,, prj-tree.adb, (Prj.Tree.Create*): New subprograms to create new packages and attributes in a project tree. (Add_Default_GNAT_Naming_Scheme): Provide real implementation. Remove last remaining mode-specific code (ada_only or multi_language). This was duplicating code (Get_Mode, Set_Mode): removed, no longer used. (Initialize_Project_Path): all tools will now take into account both GPR_PROJECT_PATH and ADA_PROJECT_PATH (in that order). Remove some global variables and subprograms no longer used Make temporary files tree-specific, to avoid interferences between trees loaded in memory at the same time. (Prj.Delete_Temporary_File): new subprogram (Object_Paths, Source_Paths): fields no longer stored in the project tree, since they are only needed locally in Set_Ada_Paths. (Set_Mapping_File_Initial_State_To_Empty): removed, since had no effect in practice. (Project_Tree_Data.Ada_Path_Buffer): removed, since it can be replaced by local variables in the appropriate subprograms (Has_Foreign_Sources): removed. * gcc-interface/ prj-pp.o is now needed to build gnatmake git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 138bc75d-0d04-0410-961f-82ee72b054a4
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb b/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
index 3940e6ce81d..ec4e9a80440 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/prj-nmsc.adb
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.Dynamic_HTables;
with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
-with MLib.Tgt;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
-with Prj.Env; use Prj.Env;
with Prj.Err;
with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
with Sinput.P;
@@ -52,9 +50,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Used in Check_Library for continuation error messages at the same
-- location.
- ALI_Suffix : constant String := ".ali";
- -- File suffix for ali files
type Name_Location is record
Name : File_Name_Type; -- ??? duplicates the key
Location : Source_Ptr;
@@ -232,9 +227,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Copy Str into Name_Buffer, replacing Pattern with Replacement. Str is
-- converted to lower-case at the same time.
- function ALI_File_Name (Source : String) return String;
- -- Return the ALI file name corresponding to a source
procedure Check_Ada_Name (Name : String; Unit : out Name_Id);
-- Check that a name is a valid Ada unit name
@@ -278,16 +270,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- tree Data.Tree and set the components of Data for all the programming
-- languages indicated in attribute Languages, if any.
- function Check_Project
- (P : Project_Id;
- Root_Project : Project_Id;
- Extending : Boolean) return Boolean;
- -- Returns True if P is Root_Project or, if Extending is True, a project
- -- extended by Root_Project.
procedure Check_Stand_Alone_Library
(Project : Project_Id;
- Extending : Boolean;
Data : in out Tree_Processing_Data);
-- Check if project Project in project tree Data.Tree is a Stand-Alone
-- Library project, and modify its data Data accordingly if it is one.
@@ -304,6 +288,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Output an error message. If Data.Error_Report is null, simply call
-- Prj.Err.Error_Msg. Otherwise, disregard Flag_Location and use
-- Error_Report.
+ -- If Msg starts with "?", this is a warning, and Warning: is adding at the
+ -- beginning. If Msg starts with "<", see comment
+ -- for Err_Vars.Error_Msg_Warn
procedure Search_Directories
(Project : in out Project_Processing_Data;
@@ -747,12 +734,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- is not null.
if Unit /= No_Name then
- Unit_Sources_Htable.Set (Data.Tree.Unit_Sources_HT, Unit, Id);
- -- ??? Record_Unit has already fetched that earlier, so this isn't
- -- the most efficient way. But we can't really pass a parameter since
- -- Process_Exceptions_Unit_Based and Check_File haven't looked it up.
UData := Units_Htable.Get (Data.Tree.Units_HT, Unit);
if UData = No_Unit_Index then
@@ -797,25 +778,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Files_Htable.Set (Data.File_To_Source, File_Name, Id);
end Add_Source;
- -------------------
- -- ALI_File_Name --
- -------------------
- function ALI_File_Name (Source : String) return String is
- begin
- -- If the source name has extension, replace it with the ALI suffix
- for Index in reverse Source'First + 1 .. Source'Last loop
- if Source (Index) = '.' then
- return Source (Source'First .. Index - 1) & ALI_Suffix;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- If no dot, or if it is the first character, just add the ALI suffix
- return Source & ALI_Suffix;
- end ALI_File_Name;
-- Canonical_Case_File_Name --
@@ -896,11 +858,11 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
- -- Check configuration in multi language mode
+ -- Check configuration. This must be done even for gnatmake (even though
+ -- no user configuration file was provided) since the default config we
+ -- generate indicates whether libraries are supported for instance.
- if Must_Check_Configuration then
- Check_Configuration (Project, Data);
- end if;
+ Check_Configuration (Project, Data);
-- Library attributes
@@ -982,7 +944,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- If it is a library project file, check if it is a standalone library
if Project.Library then
- Check_Stand_Alone_Library (Project, Extending, Data);
+ Check_Stand_Alone_Library (Project, Data);
end if;
-- Put the list of Mains, if any, in the project data
@@ -2420,8 +2382,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- For file based languages, either Spec_Suffix or Body_Suffix
-- need to be specified.
- if Lang_Index.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix = No_File and then
- Lang_Index.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix = No_File
+ if Data.Flags.Require_Sources_Other_Lang
+ and then Lang_Index.Config.Naming_Data.Spec_Suffix = No_File
+ and then Lang_Index.Config.Naming_Data.Body_Suffix = No_File
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Lang_Index.Display_Name;
@@ -3652,12 +3615,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
if Project.Library then
- if Get_Mode = Multi_Language then
- Support_For_Libraries := Project.Config.Lib_Support;
- else
- Support_For_Libraries := MLib.Tgt.Support_For_Libraries;
- end if;
+ Support_For_Libraries := Project.Config.Lib_Support;
if Support_For_Libraries = Prj.None then
@@ -4011,26 +3969,8 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Lang.Display_Name := Display_Name;
if Name = Name_Ada then
- Lang.Config.Kind := Unit_Based;
+ Lang.Config.Kind := Unit_Based;
Lang.Config.Dependency_Kind := ALI_File;
- if Get_Mode = Ada_Only then
- -- Create a default config for Ada (since there is no
- -- configuration file to create it for us).
- -- ??? We should do as GPS does and create a dummy config file
- Lang.Config.Naming_Data :=
- (Dot_Replacement =>
- File_Name_Type
- (First_Name_Id + Character'Pos ('-')),
- Casing => All_Lower_Case,
- Separate_Suffix => Default_Ada_Body_Suffix,
- Spec_Suffix => Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix,
- Body_Suffix => Default_Ada_Body_Suffix);
- end if;
Lang.Config.Kind := File_Based;
end if;
@@ -4046,40 +3986,25 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
(Name_Default_Language, Project.Decl.Attributes, Data.Tree);
- -- Shouldn't these be set to False by default, and only set to True when
- -- we actually find some source file???
if Project.Source_Dirs /= Nil_String then
-- Check if languages are specified in this project
if Languages.Default then
- -- In Ada_Only mode, the default language is Ada
+ -- Fail if there is no default language defined
- if Get_Mode = Ada_Only then
- Def_Lang_Id := Name_Ada;
+ if Def_Lang.Default then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "no languages defined for this project",
+ Project.Location, Data);
+ Def_Lang_Id := No_Name;
- -- Fail if there is no default language defined
- if Def_Lang.Default then
- if not Default_Language_Is_Ada then
- Error_Msg
- (Project,
- "no languages defined for this project",
- Project.Location, Data);
- Def_Lang_Id := No_Name;
- else
- Def_Lang_Id := Name_Ada;
- end if;
- else
- Get_Name_String (Def_Lang.Value);
- To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- Def_Lang_Id := Name_Find;
- end if;
+ Get_Name_String (Def_Lang.Value);
+ To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
+ Def_Lang_Id := Name_Find;
end if;
if Def_Lang_Id /= No_Name then
@@ -4129,42 +4054,12 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
end Check_Programming_Languages;
- -------------------
- -- Check_Project --
- -------------------
- function Check_Project
- (P : Project_Id;
- Root_Project : Project_Id;
- Extending : Boolean) return Boolean
- is
- Prj : Project_Id;
- begin
- if P = Root_Project then
- return True;
- elsif Extending then
- Prj := Root_Project;
- while Prj.Extends /= No_Project loop
- if P = Prj.Extends then
- return True;
- end if;
- Prj := Prj.Extends;
- end loop;
- end if;
- return False;
- end Check_Project;
-- Check_Stand_Alone_Library --
procedure Check_Stand_Alone_Library
(Project : Project_Id;
- Extending : Boolean;
Data : in out Tree_Processing_Data)
Lib_Interfaces : constant Prj.Variable_Value :=
@@ -4210,12 +4105,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Iter : Source_Iterator;
- if Get_Mode = Multi_Language then
- Auto_Init_Supported := Project.Config.Auto_Init_Supported;
- else
- Auto_Init_Supported :=
- MLib.Tgt.Standalone_Library_Auto_Init_Is_Supported;
- end if;
+ Auto_Init_Supported := Project.Config.Auto_Init_Supported;
pragma Assert (Lib_Interfaces.Kind = List);
@@ -4223,55 +4113,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- Library_Interface is defined.
if not Lib_Interfaces.Default then
- SAL_Library : declare
+ declare
Interfaces : String_List_Id := Lib_Interfaces.Values;
Interface_ALIs : String_List_Id := Nil_String;
Unit : Name_Id;
- UData : Unit_Index;
- procedure Add_ALI_For (Source : File_Name_Type);
- -- Add an ALI file name to the list of Interface ALIs
- -----------------
- -- Add_ALI_For --
- -----------------
- procedure Add_ALI_For (Source : File_Name_Type) is
- begin
- Get_Name_String (Source);
- declare
- ALI : constant String :=
- ALI_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
- ALI_Name_Id : Name_Id;
- begin
- Name_Len := ALI'Length;
- Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := ALI;
- ALI_Name_Id := Name_Find;
- String_Element_Table.Increment_Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (String_Element_Table.Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements)) :=
- (Value => ALI_Name_Id,
- Index => 0,
- Display_Value => ALI_Name_Id,
- Location =>
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location,
- Flag => False,
- Next => Interface_ALIs);
- Interface_ALIs :=
- String_Element_Table.Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
- end;
- end Add_ALI_For;
- -- Start of processing for SAL_Library
Project.Standalone_Library := True;
@@ -4304,155 +4149,76 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Unit := Name_Find;
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Unit;
- if Get_Mode = Ada_Only then
- UData := Units_Htable.Get (Data.Tree.Units_HT, Unit);
- -- Check that the unit is part of the project
- if UData /= null
- and then UData.File_Names (Impl) /= null
- and then not UData.File_Names (Impl).Locally_Removed
- then
- if Check_Project
- (UData.File_Names (Impl).Project,
- Project, Extending)
- then
- -- There is a body for this unit. If there is no
- -- spec, we need to check that it is not a subunit.
- if UData.File_Names (Spec) = null then
- declare
- Src_Ind : Source_File_Index;
- begin
- Src_Ind :=
- Sinput.P.Load_Project_File
- (Get_Name_String (UData.File_Names
- (Impl).Path.Name));
- if Sinput.P.Source_File_Is_Subunit
- (Src_Ind)
- then
- Error_Msg
- (Project,
- "%% is a subunit; " &
- "it cannot be an interface",
- Data.Tree.
- String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location,
- Data);
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- -- The unit is not a subunit, so we add the ALI
- -- file for its body to the Interface ALIs.
+ Next_Proj := Project.Extends;
+ Iter := For_Each_Source (Data.Tree, Project);
+ loop
+ while Prj.Element (Iter) /= No_Source
+ and then
+ (Prj.Element (Iter).Unit = null
+ or else Prj.Element (Iter).Unit.Name /= Unit)
+ loop
+ Next (Iter);
+ end loop;
- Add_ALI_For (UData.File_Names (Impl).File);
+ Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
+ exit when Source /= No_Source
+ or else Next_Proj = No_Project;
- else
- Error_Msg
- (Project,
- "%% is not an unit of this project",
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location, Data);
- end if;
+ Iter := For_Each_Source (Data.Tree, Next_Proj);
+ Next_Proj := Next_Proj.Extends;
+ end loop;
- elsif UData /= null
- and then UData.File_Names (Spec) /= null
- and then not UData.File_Names (Spec).Locally_Removed
- and then Check_Project
- (UData.File_Names (Spec).Project,
- Project, Extending)
+ if Source /= No_Source then
+ if Source.Kind = Sep then
+ Source := No_Source;
+ elsif Source.Kind = Spec
+ and then Other_Part (Source) /= No_Source
- -- The unit is part of the project, it has a spec,
- -- but no body. We add the ALI for its spec to the
- -- Interface ALIs.
- Add_ALI_For (UData.File_Names (Spec).File);
- else
- Error_Msg
- (Project,
- "%% is not an unit of this project",
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location, Data);
- end if;
- else
- Next_Proj := Project.Extends;
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Data.Tree, Project);
- loop
- while Prj.Element (Iter) /= No_Source
- and then
- (Prj.Element (Iter).Unit = null
- or else Prj.Element (Iter).Unit.Name /= Unit)
- loop
- Next (Iter);
- end loop;
- Source := Prj.Element (Iter);
- exit when Source /= No_Source
- or else Next_Proj = No_Project;
- Iter := For_Each_Source (Data.Tree, Next_Proj);
- Next_Proj := Next_Proj.Extends;
- end loop;
- if Source /= No_Source then
- if Source.Kind = Sep then
- Source := No_Source;
- elsif Source.Kind = Spec
- and then Other_Part (Source) /= No_Source
- then
- Source := Other_Part (Source);
- end if;
+ Source := Other_Part (Source);
end if;
+ end if;
- if Source /= No_Source then
- if Source.Project /= Project
- and then not Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project)
- then
- Source := No_Source;
- end if;
+ if Source /= No_Source then
+ if Source.Project /= Project
+ and then not Is_Extending (Project, Source.Project)
+ then
+ Source := No_Source;
end if;
+ end if;
- if Source = No_Source then
- Error_Msg
- (Project,
- "%% is not an unit of this project",
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location, Data);
- else
- if Source.Kind = Spec
- and then Other_Part (Source) /= No_Source
- then
- Source := Other_Part (Source);
- end if;
- -- Can't we use Append here???
- String_Element_Table.Increment_Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
+ if Source = No_Source then
+ Error_Msg
+ (Project,
+ "%% is not a unit of this project",
- (String_Element_Table.Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements)) :=
- (Value => Name_Id (Source.Dep_Name),
- Index => 0,
- Display_Value => Name_Id (Source.Dep_Name),
- Location =>
- Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
- (Interfaces).Location,
- Flag => False,
- Next => Interface_ALIs);
- Interface_ALIs :=
- String_Element_Table.Last
- (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
+ (Interfaces).Location, Data);
+ else
+ if Source.Kind = Spec
+ and then Other_Part (Source) /= No_Source
+ then
+ Source := Other_Part (Source);
end if;
+ String_Element_Table.Increment_Last
+ (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
+ Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
+ (String_Element_Table.Last
+ (Data.Tree.String_Elements)) :=
+ (Value => Name_Id (Source.Dep_Name),
+ Index => 0,
+ Display_Value => Name_Id (Source.Dep_Name),
+ Location =>
+ Data.Tree.String_Elements.Table
+ (Interfaces).Location,
+ Flag => False,
+ Next => Interface_ALIs);
+ Interface_ALIs :=
+ String_Element_Table.Last
+ (Data.Tree.String_Elements);
end if;
end if;
@@ -4502,7 +4268,7 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Lib_Auto_Init.Location, Data);
end if;
end if;
- end SAL_Library;
+ end;
-- If attribute Library_Src_Dir is defined and not the empty string,
-- check if the directory exist and is not the object directory or
@@ -4984,9 +4750,6 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
First := First + 1;
end if;
- -- Warning character is always the first one in this package
- -- this is an undocumented kludge???
if Msg (First) = '?' then
First := First + 1;
Add ("Warning: ");
@@ -5880,17 +5643,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Filename : constant String := Get_Name_String (File_Name);
Last : Integer := Filename'Last;
- Sep_Len : constant Integer :=
- Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Separate_Suffix));
- Body_Len : constant Integer :=
- Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Body_Suffix));
- Spec_Len : constant Integer :=
- Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Spec_Suffix));
- Standard_GNAT : constant Boolean :=
- Naming.Spec_Suffix = Default_Ada_Spec_Suffix
- and then
- Naming.Body_Suffix = Default_Ada_Body_Suffix;
+ Sep_Len : Integer;
+ Body_Len : Integer;
+ Spec_Len : Integer;
Unit_Except : Unit_Exception;
Masked : Boolean := False;
@@ -5899,6 +5654,13 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
Unit := No_Name;
Kind := Spec;
+ if Naming.Separate_Suffix = No_File
+ or else Naming.Body_Suffix = No_File
+ or else Naming.Spec_Suffix = No_File
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
if Naming.Dot_Replacement = No_File then
if Current_Verbosity = High then
Write_Line (" No dot_replacement specified");
@@ -5907,6 +5669,10 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
end if;
+ Sep_Len := Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Separate_Suffix));
+ Spec_Len := Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Spec_Suffix));
+ Body_Len := Integer (Length_Of_Name (Naming.Body_Suffix));
-- Choose the longest suffix that matches. If there are several matches,
-- give priority to specs, then bodies, then separates.
@@ -6008,7 +5774,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
-- In the standard GNAT naming scheme, check for special cases: children
-- or separates of A, G, I or S, and run time sources.
- if Standard_GNAT and then Name_Len >= 3 then
+ if Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming (Naming)
+ and then Name_Len >= 3
+ then
S1 : constant Character := Name_Buffer (1);
S2 : constant Character := Name_Buffer (2);
@@ -6037,10 +5805,9 @@ package body Prj.Nmsc is
elsif S2 = '.' then
- -- If it is potentially a run time source, disable filling
- -- of the mapping file to avoid warnings.
+ -- If it is potentially a run time source
- Set_Mapping_File_Initial_State_To_Empty (In_Tree);
+ null;
end if;
end if;