path: root/gcc/ada/checks.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/checks.adb')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/checks.adb b/gcc/ada/checks.adb
index ea73f2f8d4f..aaad1a488c3 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/checks.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/checks.adb
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ with Errout; use Errout;
with Exp_Ch2; use Exp_Ch2;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Elists; use Elists;
+with Eval_Fat; use Eval_Fat;
with Freeze; use Freeze;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
@@ -187,6 +188,14 @@ package body Checks is
-- Local Subprograms --
+ procedure Apply_Float_Conversion_Check
+ (Ck_Node : Node_Id;
+ Target_Typ : Entity_Id);
+ -- The checks on a conversion from a floating-point type to an integer
+ -- type are delicate. They have to be performed before conversion, they
+ -- have to raise an exception when the operand is a NaN, and rounding must
+ -- be taken into account to determine the safe bounds of the operand.
procedure Apply_Selected_Length_Checks
(Ck_Node : Node_Id;
Target_Typ : Entity_Id;
@@ -1346,6 +1355,186 @@ package body Checks is
end if;
end Apply_Divide_Check;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Apply_Float_Conversion_Check --
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Let F and I be the source and target types of the conversion.
+ -- The Ada standard specifies that a floating-point value X is rounded
+ -- to the nearest integer, with halfway cases being rounded away from
+ -- zero. The rounded value of X is checked against I'Range.
+ -- The catch in the above paragraph is that there is no good way
+ -- to know whether the round-to-integer operation resulted in
+ -- overflow. A remedy is to perform a range check in the floating-point
+ -- domain instead, however:
+ -- (1) The bounds may not be known at compile time
+ -- (2) The check must take into account possible rounding.
+ -- (3) The range of type I may not be exactly representable in F.
+ -- (4) The end-points I'First - 0.5 and I'Last + 0.5 may or may
+ -- not be in range, depending on the sign of I'First and I'Last.
+ -- (5) X may be a NaN, which will fail any comparison
+ -- The following steps take care of these issues converting X:
+ -- (1) If either I'First or I'Last is not known at compile time, use
+ -- I'Base instead of I in the next three steps and perform a
+ -- regular range check against I'Range after conversion.
+ -- (2) If I'First - 0.5 is representable in F then let Lo be that
+ -- value and define Lo_OK as (I'First > 0). Otherwise, let Lo be
+ -- F'Machine (T) and let Lo_OK be (Lo >= I'First). In other words,
+ -- take one of the closest floating-point numbers to T, and see if
+ -- it is in range or not.
+ -- (3) If I'Last + 0.5 is representable in F then let Hi be that value
+ -- and define Hi_OK as (I'Last < 0). Otherwise, let Hi be
+ -- F'Rounding (T) and let Hi_OK be (Hi <= I'Last).
+ -- (4) Raise CE when (Lo_OK and X < Lo) or (not Lo_OK and X <= Lo)
+ -- or (Hi_OK and X > Hi) or (not Hi_OK and X >= Hi)
+ procedure Apply_Float_Conversion_Check
+ (Ck_Node : Node_Id;
+ Target_Typ : Entity_Id)
+ is
+ LB : constant Node_Id := Type_Low_Bound (Target_Typ);
+ HB : constant Node_Id := Type_High_Bound (Target_Typ);
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Ck_Node);
+ Expr_Type : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (Ck_Node));
+ Target_Base : constant Entity_Id := Implementation_Base_Type
+ (Target_Typ);
+ Max_Bound : constant Uint := UI_Expon
+ (Machine_Radix (Expr_Type),
+ Machine_Mantissa (Expr_Type) - 1) - 1;
+ -- Largest bound, so bound plus or minus half is a machine number of F
+ Ifirst,
+ Ilast : Uint; -- Bounds of integer type
+ Lo, Hi : Ureal; -- Bounds to check in floating-point domain
+ Lo_OK,
+ Hi_OK : Boolean; -- True iff Lo resp. Hi belongs to I'Range
+ Lo_Chk,
+ Hi_Chk : Node_Id; -- Expressions that are False iff check fails
+ Reason : RT_Exception_Code;
+ begin
+ if not Compile_Time_Known_Value (LB)
+ or not Compile_Time_Known_Value (HB)
+ then
+ declare
+ -- First check that the value falls in the range of the base
+ -- type, to prevent overflow during conversion and then
+ -- perform a regular range check against the (dynamic) bounds.
+ Par : constant Node_Id := Parent (Ck_Node);
+ pragma Assert (Target_Base /= Target_Typ);
+ pragma Assert (Nkind (Par) = N_Type_Conversion);
+ Temp : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('T'));
+ begin
+ Apply_Float_Conversion_Check (Ck_Node, Target_Base);
+ Set_Etype (Temp, Target_Base);
+ Insert_Action (Parent (Par),
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Temp,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Target_Typ, Loc),
+ Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Par)),
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ Insert_Action (Par,
+ Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc,
+ Condition =>
+ Make_Not_In (Loc,
+ Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
+ Right_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Target_Typ, Loc)),
+ Reason => CE_Range_Check_Failed));
+ Rewrite (Par, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
+ return;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Get the bounds of the target type
+ Ifirst := Expr_Value (LB);
+ Ilast := Expr_Value (HB);
+ -- Check against lower bound
+ if abs (Ifirst) < Max_Bound then
+ Lo := UR_From_Uint (Ifirst) - Ureal_Half;
+ Lo_OK := (Ifirst > 0);
+ else
+ Lo := Machine (Expr_Type, UR_From_Uint (Ifirst), Round_Even, Ck_Node);
+ Lo_OK := (Lo >= UR_From_Uint (Ifirst));
+ end if;
+ if Lo_OK then
+ -- Lo_Chk := (X >= Lo)
+ Lo_Chk := Make_Op_Ge (Loc,
+ Left_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Ck_Node),
+ Right_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, Lo));
+ else
+ -- Lo_Chk := (X > Lo)
+ Lo_Chk := Make_Op_Gt (Loc,
+ Left_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Ck_Node),
+ Right_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, Lo));
+ end if;
+ -- Check against higher bound
+ if abs (Ilast) < Max_Bound then
+ Hi := UR_From_Uint (Ilast) + Ureal_Half;
+ Hi_OK := (Ilast < 0);
+ else
+ Hi := Machine (Expr_Type, UR_From_Uint (Ilast), Round_Even, Ck_Node);
+ Hi_OK := (Hi <= UR_From_Uint (Ilast));
+ end if;
+ if Hi_OK then
+ -- Hi_Chk := (X <= Hi)
+ Hi_Chk := Make_Op_Le (Loc,
+ Left_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Ck_Node),
+ Right_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, Hi));
+ else
+ -- Hi_Chk := (X < Hi)
+ Hi_Chk := Make_Op_Lt (Loc,
+ Left_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr_No_Checks (Ck_Node),
+ Right_Opnd => Make_Real_Literal (Loc, Hi));
+ end if;
+ -- If the bounds of the target type are the same as those of the
+ -- base type, the check is an overflow check as a range check is
+ -- not performed in these cases.
+ if Expr_Value (Type_Low_Bound (Target_Base)) = Ifirst
+ and then Expr_Value (Type_High_Bound (Target_Base)) = Ilast
+ then
+ Reason := CE_Overflow_Check_Failed;
+ else
+ Reason := CE_Range_Check_Failed;
+ end if;
+ -- Raise CE if either conditions does not hold
+ Insert_Action (Ck_Node,
+ Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc,
+ Condition => Make_Op_Not (Loc, Make_Op_And (Loc, Lo_Chk, Hi_Chk)),
+ Reason => Reason));
+ end Apply_Float_Conversion_Check;
-- Apply_Length_Check --
@@ -1918,9 +2107,14 @@ package body Checks is
-- and no floating point type is involved in the type conversion
-- then fixed point values must be read as integral values.
+ Float_To_Int : constant Boolean :=
+ Is_Floating_Point_Type (Expr_Type)
+ and then Is_Integer_Type (Target_Type);
if not Overflow_Checks_Suppressed (Target_Base)
and then not In_Subrange_Of (Expr_Type, Target_Base, Conv_OK)
+ and then not Float_To_Int
Set_Do_Overflow_Check (N);
end if;
@@ -1928,8 +2122,12 @@ package body Checks is
if not Range_Checks_Suppressed (Target_Type)
and then not Range_Checks_Suppressed (Expr_Type)
- Apply_Scalar_Range_Check
- (Expr, Target_Type, Fixed_Int => Conv_OK);
+ if Float_To_Int then
+ Apply_Float_Conversion_Check (Expr, Target_Type);
+ else
+ Apply_Scalar_Range_Check
+ (Expr, Target_Type, Fixed_Int => Conv_OK);
+ end if;
end if;
@@ -2193,162 +2391,214 @@ package body Checks is
procedure Null_Exclusion_Static_Checks (N : Node_Id) is
K : constant Node_Kind := Nkind (N);
- Expr : Node_Id;
Typ : Entity_Id;
Related_Nod : Node_Id;
Has_Null_Exclusion : Boolean := False;
- -- Following declarations and subprograms are just used to qualify the
- -- error messages
type Msg_Kind is (Components, Formals, Objects);
Msg_K : Msg_Kind := Objects;
+ -- Used by local subprograms to generate precise error messages
- procedure Must_Be_Initialized;
- procedure Null_Not_Allowed;
+ procedure Check_Must_Be_Access
+ (Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Has_Null_Exclusion : Boolean);
+ -- ??? local subprograms must have comment on spec
- -------------------------
- -- Must_Be_Initialized --
- -------------------------
+ procedure Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Has_Null_Exclusion : Boolean;
+ Related_Nod : Node_Id);
+ -- ??? local subprograms must have comment on spec
+ procedure Check_Must_Be_Initialized
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Related_Nod : Node_Id);
+ -- ??? local subprograms must have comment on spec
+ procedure Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N : Node_Id);
+ -- ??? local subprograms must have comment on spec
+ -- ??? following bodies lack comments
- procedure Must_Be_Initialized is
+ --------------------------
+ -- Check_Must_Be_Access --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Check_Must_Be_Access
+ (Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Has_Null_Exclusion : Boolean)
+ is
- case Msg_K is
- when Components =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding components must be initialized",
- Related_Nod);
- when Formals =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding formals must be initialized",
- Related_Nod);
- when Objects =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding objects must be initialized",
- Related_Nod);
- end case;
- end Must_Be_Initialized;
+ if Has_Null_Exclusion
+ and then not Is_Access_Type (Typ)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 0Y) must be an access type", Related_Nod);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Must_Be_Access;
- ----------------------
- -- Null_Not_Allowed --
- ----------------------
+ ---------------------------------------
+ -- Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type --
+ ---------------------------------------
- procedure Null_Not_Allowed is
+ procedure Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ : Entity_Id;
+ Has_Null_Exclusion : Boolean;
+ Related_Nod : Node_Id)
+ is
- case Msg_K is
- when Components =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding components",
- Expr);
- when Formals =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding formals",
- Expr);
- when Objects =>
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding objects",
- Expr);
- end case;
- end Null_Not_Allowed;
+ if Has_Null_Exclusion
+ and then Can_Never_Be_Null (Typ)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) already a null-excluding type", Related_Nod);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Check_Must_Be_Initialized --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Check_Must_Be_Initialized
+ (N : Node_Id;
+ Related_Nod : Node_Id)
+ is
+ Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Nkind (N) = N_Component_Declaration
+ or else Nkind (N) = N_Object_Declaration);
+ if not Present (Expr) then
+ case Msg_K is
+ when Components =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding components must be initialized",
+ Related_Nod);
+ when Formals =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding formals must be initialized",
+ Related_Nod);
+ when Objects =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) null-excluding objects must be initialized",
+ Related_Nod);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Must_Be_Initialized;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Check_Null_Not_Allowed --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N : Node_Id) is
+ Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (N);
+ begin
+ if Present (Expr)
+ and then Nkind (Expr) = N_Null
+ then
+ case Msg_K is
+ when Components =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding components",
+ Expr);
+ when Formals =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding formals",
+ Expr);
+ when Objects =>
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("(Ada 0Y) NULL not allowed in null-excluding objects",
+ Expr);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Null_Not_Allowed;
-- Start of processing for Null_Exclusion_Static_Checks
pragma Assert (K = N_Component_Declaration
- or else K = N_Parameter_Specification
- or else K = N_Object_Declaration
- or else K = N_Discriminant_Specification
- or else K = N_Allocator);
- Expr := Expression (N);
+ or else K = N_Parameter_Specification
+ or else K = N_Object_Declaration
+ or else K = N_Discriminant_Specification
+ or else K = N_Allocator);
case K is
when N_Component_Declaration =>
- Msg_K := Components;
- Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present
- (Component_Definition (N));
- Typ := Etype (Subtype_Indication
- (Component_Definition (N)));
- Related_Nod := Subtype_Indication
- (Component_Definition (N));
+ Msg_K := Components;
+ if not Present (Access_Definition (Component_Definition (N))) then
+ Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present
+ (Component_Definition (N));
+ Typ := Etype (Subtype_Indication (Component_Definition (N)));
+ Related_Nod := Subtype_Indication (Component_Definition (N));
+ Check_Must_Be_Access (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion);
+ Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion, Related_Nod);
+ Check_Must_Be_Initialized (N, Related_Nod);
+ end if;
+ Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N);
when N_Parameter_Specification =>
- Msg_K := Formals;
+ Msg_K := Formals;
Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present (N);
- Typ := Entity (Parameter_Type (N));
- Related_Nod := Parameter_Type (N);
+ Typ := Entity (Parameter_Type (N));
+ Related_Nod := Parameter_Type (N);
+ Check_Must_Be_Access (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion);
+ Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion, Related_Nod);
+ Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N);
when N_Object_Declaration =>
- Msg_K := Objects;
+ Msg_K := Objects;
Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present (N);
- Typ := Entity (Object_Definition (N));
- Related_Nod := Object_Definition (N);
+ Typ := Entity (Object_Definition (N));
+ Related_Nod := Object_Definition (N);
+ Check_Must_Be_Access (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion);
+ Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion, Related_Nod);
+ Check_Must_Be_Initialized (N, Related_Nod);
+ Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N);
when N_Discriminant_Specification =>
- Msg_K := Components;
- if Nkind (Discriminant_Type (N)) = N_Access_Definition then
+ Msg_K := Components;
- -- This case is special. We do not want to carry out some of
- -- the null-excluding checks. Reason: the analysis of the
- -- access_definition propagates the null-excluding attribute
- -- to the can_never_be_null entity attribute (and thus it is
- -- wrong to check it now)
- Has_Null_Exclusion := False;
- else
+ if Nkind (Discriminant_Type (N)) /= N_Access_Definition then
Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present (N);
+ Typ := Etype (Defining_Identifier (N));
+ Related_Nod := Discriminant_Type (N);
+ Check_Must_Be_Access (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion);
+ Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion, Related_Nod);
end if;
- Typ := Etype (Defining_Identifier (N));
- Related_Nod := Discriminant_Type (N);
+ Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N);
when N_Allocator =>
- Msg_K := Objects;
+ Msg_K := Objects;
Has_Null_Exclusion := Null_Exclusion_Present (N);
- Typ := Etype (Expr);
+ Typ := Etype (Expression (N));
- if Nkind (Expr) = N_Qualified_Expression then
- Related_Nod := Subtype_Mark (Expr);
+ if Nkind (Expression (N)) = N_Qualified_Expression then
+ Related_Nod := Subtype_Mark (Expression (N));
- Related_Nod := Expr;
+ Related_Nod := Expression (N);
end if;
+ Check_Must_Be_Access (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion);
+ Check_Already_Null_Excluding_Type
+ (Typ, Has_Null_Exclusion, Related_Nod);
+ Check_Null_Not_Allowed (N);
when others =>
pragma Assert (False);
end case;
- -- Check that the entity was already decorated
- pragma Assert (Typ /= Empty);
- if Has_Null_Exclusion
- and then not Is_Access_Type (Typ)
- then
- Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 0Y) must be an access type", Related_Nod);
- elsif Has_Null_Exclusion
- and then Can_Never_Be_Null (Typ)
- then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("(Ada 0Y) already a null-excluding type", Related_Nod);
- elsif (Nkind (N) = N_Component_Declaration
- or else Nkind (N) = N_Object_Declaration)
- and not Present (Expr)
- then
- Must_Be_Initialized;
- elsif Present (Expr)
- and then Nkind (Expr) = N_Null
- then
- Null_Not_Allowed;
- end if;
end Null_Exclusion_Static_Checks;