path: root/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
index 24e7a7f08a1..68965c71493 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
@@ -109,9 +109,8 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
-- statements.
procedure Expand_Simple_Function_Return (N : Node_Id);
- -- Expand simple return from function. Called by
- -- Expand_N_Simple_Return_Statement in case we're returning from a function
- -- body.
+ -- Expand simple return from function. In the case where we are returning
+ -- from a function body this is called by Expand_N_Simple_Return_Statement.
function Make_Tag_Ctrl_Assignment (N : Node_Id) return List_Id;
-- Generate the necessary code for controlled and tagged assignment,
@@ -3207,54 +3206,59 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
-- return not (expression);
- if Nkind (N) = N_If_Statement
- and then No (Elsif_Parts (N))
- and then Present (Else_Statements (N))
- and then List_Length (Then_Statements (N)) = 1
- and then List_Length (Else_Statements (N)) = 1
- then
- declare
- Then_Stm : constant Node_Id := First (Then_Statements (N));
- Else_Stm : constant Node_Id := First (Else_Statements (N));
+ -- Only do these optimizations if we are at least at -O1 level
- begin
- if Nkind (Then_Stm) = N_Simple_Return_Statement
- and then
- Nkind (Else_Stm) = N_Simple_Return_Statement
- then
- declare
- Then_Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Then_Stm);
- Else_Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Else_Stm);
+ if Optimization_Level > 0 then
+ if Nkind (N) = N_If_Statement
+ and then No (Elsif_Parts (N))
+ and then Present (Else_Statements (N))
+ and then List_Length (Then_Statements (N)) = 1
+ and then List_Length (Else_Statements (N)) = 1
+ then
+ declare
+ Then_Stm : constant Node_Id := First (Then_Statements (N));
+ Else_Stm : constant Node_Id := First (Else_Statements (N));
- begin
- if Nkind (Then_Expr) = N_Identifier
- and then
- Nkind (Else_Expr) = N_Identifier
- then
- if Entity (Then_Expr) = Standard_True
- and then Entity (Else_Expr) = Standard_False
- then
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
- Expression => Relocate_Node (Condition (N))));
- Analyze (N);
- return;
- elsif Entity (Then_Expr) = Standard_False
- and then Entity (Else_Expr) = Standard_True
+ begin
+ if Nkind (Then_Stm) = N_Simple_Return_Statement
+ and then
+ Nkind (Else_Stm) = N_Simple_Return_Statement
+ then
+ declare
+ Then_Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Then_Stm);
+ Else_Expr : constant Node_Id := Expression (Else_Stm);
+ begin
+ if Nkind (Then_Expr) = N_Identifier
+ and then
+ Nkind (Else_Expr) = N_Identifier
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
- Expression =>
- Make_Op_Not (Loc,
- Right_Opnd => Relocate_Node (Condition (N)))));
- Analyze (N);
- return;
+ if Entity (Then_Expr) = Standard_True
+ and then Entity (Else_Expr) = Standard_False
+ then
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
+ Expression => Relocate_Node (Condition (N))));
+ Analyze (N);
+ return;
+ elsif Entity (Then_Expr) = Standard_False
+ and then Entity (Else_Expr) = Standard_True
+ then
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
+ Expression =>
+ Make_Op_Not (Loc,
+ Right_Opnd =>
+ Relocate_Node (Condition (N)))));
+ Analyze (N);
+ return;
+ end if;
end if;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- end;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
end if;
end Expand_N_If_Statement;
@@ -3463,6 +3467,15 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
procedure Expand_N_Simple_Return_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
+ -- Defend agains previous errors (ie. the return statement calls a
+ -- function that is not available in configurable runtime).
+ if Present (Expression (N))
+ and then Nkind (Expression (N)) = N_Empty
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
-- Distinguish the function and non-function cases:
case Ekind (Return_Applies_To (Return_Statement_Entity (N))) is
@@ -3504,6 +3517,16 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
Lab_Node : Node_Id;
+ -- Call postconditions procedure if procedure with active postconditions
+ if Ekind (Scope_Id) = E_Procedure
+ and then Has_Postconditions (Scope_Id)
+ then
+ Insert_Action (N,
+ Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uPostconditions)));
+ end if;
-- If it is a return from a procedure do no extra steps
if Kind = E_Procedure or else Kind = E_Generic_Procedure then
@@ -3572,16 +3595,15 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
elsif Is_Protected_Type (Scope_Id) then
Call :=
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
- Name => New_Reference_To
- (RTE (RE_Complete_Entry_Body), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List
- (Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Name =>
+ New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Complete_Entry_Body), Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix =>
- (Object_Ref
- (Corresponding_Body (Parent (Scope_Id))),
- Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Unchecked_Access)));
+ (Find_Protection_Object (Current_Scope), Loc),
+ Attribute_Name =>
+ Name_Unchecked_Access)));
Insert_Before (N, Call);
Analyze (Call);
@@ -3614,28 +3636,30 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
-- The type of the expression (not necessarily the same as R_Type)
- -- We rewrite "return <expression>;" to be:
+ -- For the case of a simple return that does not come from an extended
+ -- return, in the case of Ada 2005 where we are returning a limited
+ -- type, we rewrite "return <expression>;" to be:
-- return _anon_ : <return_subtype> := <expression>
-- The expansion produced by Expand_N_Extended_Return_Statement will
-- contain simple return statements (for example, a block containing
-- simple return of the return object), which brings us back here with
- -- Comes_From_Extended_Return_Statement set. To avoid infinite
- -- recursion, we do not transform into an extended return if
- -- Comes_From_Extended_Return_Statement is True.
+ -- Comes_From_Extended_Return_Statement set. The reason for the barrier
+ -- checking for a simple return that does not come from an extended
+ -- return is to avoid this infinite recursion.
-- The reason for this design is that for Ada 2005 limited returns, we
-- need to reify the return object, so we can build it "in place", and
-- we need a block statement to hang finalization and tasking stuff.
-- ??? In order to avoid disruption, we avoid translating to extended
- -- return except in the cases where we really need to (Ada 2005
- -- inherently limited). We would prefer eventually to do this
- -- translation in all cases except perhaps for the case of Ada 95
- -- inherently limited, in order to fully exercise the code in
- -- Expand_N_Extended_Return_Statement, and in order to do
- -- build-in-place for efficiency when it is not required.
+ -- return except in the cases where we really need to (Ada 2005 for
+ -- inherently limited). We might prefer to do this translation in all
+ -- cases (except perhaps for the case of Ada 95 inherently limited),
+ -- in order to fully exercise the Expand_N_Extended_Return_Statement
+ -- code. This would also allow us to to the build-in-place optimization
+ -- for efficiency even in cases where it is semantically not required.
-- As before, we check the type of the return expression rather than the
-- return type of the function, because the latter may be a limited
@@ -3644,7 +3668,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
if not Comes_From_Extended_Return_Statement (N)
and then Is_Inherently_Limited_Type (Etype (Expression (N)))
- and then Ada_Version >= Ada_05 -- ???
+ and then Ada_Version >= Ada_05
and then not Debug_Flag_Dot_L
@@ -3845,7 +3869,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
-- secondary stack.
- Set_Storage_Pool (N, RTE (RE_SS_Pool));
+ Set_Storage_Pool (N, RTE (RE_SS_Pool));
-- If we are generating code for the VM do not use
-- SS_Allocate since everything is heap-allocated anyway.
@@ -3987,6 +4011,113 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
Reason => PE_Accessibility_Check_Failed));
end if;
+ -- Generate call to postcondition checks if they are present
+ if Ekind (Scope_Id) = E_Function
+ and then Has_Postconditions (Scope_Id)
+ then
+ -- We are going to reference the returned value twice in this case,
+ -- once in the call to _Postconditions, and once in the actual return
+ -- statement, but we can't have side effects happening twice, and in
+ -- any case for efficiency we don't want to do the computation twice.
+ -- If the returned expression is an entity name, we don't need to
+ -- worry since it is efficient and safe to reference it twice, that's
+ -- also true for literals other than string literals, and for the
+ -- case of X.all where X is an entity name.
+ if Is_Entity_Name (Exp)
+ or else Nkind_In (Exp, N_Character_Literal,
+ N_Integer_Literal,
+ N_Real_Literal)
+ or else (Nkind (Exp) = N_Explicit_Dereference
+ and then Is_Entity_Name (Prefix (Exp)))
+ then
+ null;
+ -- Otherwise we are going to need a temporary to capture the value
+ else
+ declare
+ Tnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ New_Internal_Name ('T'));
+ begin
+ -- For a complex expression of an elementary type, capture
+ -- value in the temporary and use it as the reference.
+ if Is_Elementary_Type (R_Type) then
+ Insert_Action (Exp,
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Tnn,
+ Constant_Present => True,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (R_Type, Loc),
+ Expression => Relocate_Node (Exp)),
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ Rewrite (Exp, New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc));
+ -- If we have something we can rename, generate a renaming of
+ -- the object and replace the expression with a reference
+ elsif Is_Object_Reference (Exp) then
+ Insert_Action (Exp,
+ Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Tnn,
+ Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (R_Type, Loc),
+ Name => Relocate_Node (Exp)),
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ Rewrite (Exp, New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc));
+ -- Otherwise we have something like a string literal or an
+ -- aggregate. We could copy the value, but that would be
+ -- inefficient. Instead we make a reference to the value and
+ -- capture this reference with a renaming, the expression is
+ -- then replaced by a dereference of this renaming.
+ else
+ -- For now, copy the value, since the code below does not
+ -- seem to work correctly ???
+ Insert_Action (Exp,
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Tnn,
+ Constant_Present => True,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (R_Type, Loc),
+ Expression => Relocate_Node (Exp)),
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ Rewrite (Exp, New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc));
+ -- Insert_Action (Exp,
+ -- Make_Object_Renaming_Declaration (Loc,
+ -- Defining_Identifier => Tnn,
+ -- Access_Definition =>
+ -- Make_Access_Definition (Loc,
+ -- All_Present => True,
+ -- Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (R_Type, Loc)),
+ -- Name =>
+ -- Make_Reference (Loc,
+ -- Prefix => Relocate_Node (Exp))),
+ -- Suppress => All_Checks);
+ -- Rewrite (Exp,
+ -- Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
+ -- Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Tnn, Loc)));
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Generate call to _postconditions
+ Insert_Action (Exp,
+ Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uPostconditions),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (Duplicate_Subexpr (Exp))));
+ end if;
end Expand_Simple_Function_Return;