path: root/gcc/ada
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc/ada')
23 files changed, 2072 insertions, 1427 deletions
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-except-2005.adb b/gcc/ada/a-except-2005.adb
index 6af47c3686e..69e6406a634 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/a-except-2005.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-except-2005.adb
@@ -1359,17 +1359,27 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
-- Encoding method for source, as exported by binder
function Wide_Exception_Name
- (Id : Exception_Id) return Wide_String is
+ (Id : Exception_Id) return Wide_String
+ is
+ S : constant String := Exception_Name (Id);
+ W : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_String
- (Exception_Name (Id), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Exception_Name;
function Wide_Exception_Name
- (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Wide_String is
+ (X : Exception_Occurrence) return Wide_String
+ is
+ S : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+ W : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_String
- (Exception_Name (X), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Exception_Name;
@@ -1379,17 +1389,25 @@ package body Ada.Exceptions is
function Wide_Wide_Exception_Name
(Id : Exception_Id) return Wide_Wide_String
+ S : constant String := Exception_Name (Id);
+ W : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Exception_Name (Id), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Wide_Exception_Name;
function Wide_Wide_Exception_Name
(X : Exception_Occurrence) return Wide_Wide_String
+ S : constant String := Exception_Name (X);
+ W : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Exception_Name (X), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Wide_Exception_Name;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-ngcoty.adb b/gcc/ada/a-ngcoty.adb
index 548f2d671ee..502a47d15cc 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/a-ngcoty.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-ngcoty.adb
@@ -52,16 +52,18 @@ package body Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types is
X := Left.Re * Right.Re - Left.Im * Right.Im;
Y := Left.Re * Right.Im + Left.Im * Right.Re;
- -- If either component overflows, try to scale
+ -- If either component overflows, try to scale (skip in fast math mode)
- if abs (X) > R'Last then
- X := R'(4.0) * (R'(Left.Re / 2.0) * R'(Right.Re / 2.0)
- - R'(Left.Im / 2.0) * R'(Right.Im / 2.0));
- end if;
+ if not Standard'Fast_Math then
+ if abs (X) > R'Last then
+ X := R'(4.0) * (R'(Left.Re / 2.0) * R'(Right.Re / 2.0)
+ - R'(Left.Im / 2.0) * R'(Right.Im / 2.0));
+ end if;
- if abs (Y) > R'Last then
- Y := R'(4.0) * (R'(Left.Re / 2.0) * R'(Right.Im / 2.0)
- - R'(Left.Im / 2.0) * R'(Right.Re / 2.0));
+ if abs (Y) > R'Last then
+ Y := R'(4.0) * (R'(Left.Re / 2.0) * R'(Right.Im / 2.0)
+ - R'(Left.Im / 2.0) * R'(Right.Re / 2.0));
+ end if;
end if;
return (X, Y);
@@ -143,7 +145,6 @@ package body Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types is
-- 1.0 / infinity, and the closest model number will be zero.
while Exp /= 0 loop
if Exp rem 2 /= 0 then
Result := Result * Factor;
@@ -156,7 +157,6 @@ package body Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types is
return R'(1.0) / Result;
when Constraint_Error =>
return (0.0, 0.0);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/a-tags.adb b/gcc/ada/a-tags.adb
index 47e76ffac3e..522a826fc06 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/a-tags.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/a-tags.adb
@@ -318,6 +318,21 @@ package body Ada.Tags is
return This - Offset_To_Top (This);
end Base_Address;
+ --------------------
+ -- Descendant_Tag --
+ --------------------
+ function Descendant_Tag (External : String; Ancestor : Tag) return Tag is
+ Int_Tag : constant Tag := Internal_Tag (External);
+ begin
+ if not Is_Descendant_At_Same_Level (Int_Tag, Ancestor) then
+ raise Tag_Error;
+ end if;
+ return Int_Tag;
+ end Descendant_Tag;
-- Displace --
@@ -434,21 +449,6 @@ package body Ada.Tags is
return False;
end IW_Membership;
- --------------------
- -- Descendant_Tag --
- --------------------
- function Descendant_Tag (External : String; Ancestor : Tag) return Tag is
- Int_Tag : constant Tag := Internal_Tag (External);
- begin
- if not Is_Descendant_At_Same_Level (Int_Tag, Ancestor) then
- raise Tag_Error;
- end if;
- return Int_Tag;
- end Descendant_Tag;
-- Expanded_Name --
@@ -846,6 +846,35 @@ package body Ada.Tags is
External_Tag_HTable.Set (T);
end Register_Tag;
+ -------------------
+ -- Secondary_Tag --
+ -------------------
+ function Secondary_Tag (T, Iface : Tag) return Tag is
+ Iface_Table : Interface_Data_Ptr;
+ Obj_DT : Dispatch_Table_Ptr;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Primary_DT (T) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Obj_DT := DT (T);
+ Iface_Table := To_Type_Specific_Data_Ptr (Obj_DT.TSD).Interfaces_Table;
+ if Iface_Table /= null then
+ for Id in 1 .. Iface_Table.Nb_Ifaces loop
+ if Iface_Table.Ifaces_Table (Id).Iface_Tag = Iface then
+ return Iface_Table.Ifaces_Table (Id).Secondary_DT;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- If the object does not implement the interface we must raise CE
+ raise Constraint_Error with "invalid interface conversion";
+ end Secondary_Tag;
-- Set_Entry_Index --
@@ -948,9 +977,13 @@ package body Ada.Tags is
-- Encoding method for source, as exported by binder
function Wide_Expanded_Name (T : Tag) return Wide_String is
+ S : constant String := Expanded_Name (T);
+ W : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_String
- (Expanded_Name (T), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Expanded_Name;
@@ -958,9 +991,13 @@ package body Ada.Tags is
function Wide_Wide_Expanded_Name (T : Tag) return Wide_Wide_String is
+ S : constant String := Expanded_Name (T);
+ W : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- return String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Expanded_Name (T), Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ (S, W, L, Get_WC_Encoding_Method (WC_Encoding));
+ return W (1 .. L);
end Wide_Wide_Expanded_Name;
end Ada.Tags;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 6630743dcca..1fc31e8a233 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -122,25 +122,23 @@ private
-- Structure of the GNAT Secondary Dispatch Table
- -- +-----------------------+
- -- | table of |
- -- : predefined primitive :
- -- | ops pointers |
- -- +-----------------------+
- -- | Signature |
- -- +-----------------------+
- -- | Tagged_Kind |
- -- +-----------------------+
- -- | Offset_To_Top |
- -- +-----------------------+
- -- | OSD_Ptr |---> Object Specific Data
- -- Tag ---> +-----------------------+ +---------------+
- -- | table of | | num prim ops |
- -- : primitive op : +---------------+
- -- | thunk pointers | | table of |
- -- +-----------------------+ + primitive |
- -- | op offsets |
- -- +---------------+
+ -- +--------------------+
+ -- | Signature |
+ -- +--------------------+
+ -- | Tagged_Kind |
+ -- +--------------------+ Predef Prims
+ -- | Predef_Prims -----------------------------> +------------+
+ -- +--------------------+ | table of |
+ -- | Offset_To_Top | | predefined |
+ -- +--------------------+ | primitives |
+ -- | OSD_Ptr |---> Object Specific Data | thunks |
+ -- Tag ---> +--------------------+ +---------------+ +------------+
+ -- | table of | | num prim ops |
+ -- : primitive op : +---------------+
+ -- | thunk pointers | | table of |
+ -- +--------------------+ + primitive |
+ -- | op offsets |
+ -- +---------------+
-- The runtime information kept for each tagged type is separated into two
-- objects: the Dispatch Table and the Type Specific Data record.
@@ -165,12 +163,18 @@ private
Static_Offset_To_Top : Boolean;
Offset_To_Top_Value : SSE.Storage_Offset;
Offset_To_Top_Func : Offset_To_Top_Function_Ptr;
+ Secondary_DT : Tag;
end record;
-- If some ancestor of the tagged type has discriminants the field
-- Static_Offset_To_Top is False and the field Offset_To_Top_Func
-- is used to store the access to the function generated by the
-- expander which provides this value; otherwise Static_Offset_To_Top
-- is True and such value is stored in the Offset_To_Top_Value field.
+ -- Secondary_DT references a secondary dispatch table whose contents
+ -- are pointers to the primitives of the tagged type that cover the
+ -- interface primitives. Secondary_DT gives support to dispatching
+ -- calls through interface types associated with Generic Dispatching
+ -- Constructors.
type Interfaces_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Interface_Data_Element;
@@ -398,6 +402,11 @@ private
-- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Displace "This" to point to the secondary dispatch
-- table of T.
+ function Secondary_Tag (T, Iface : Tag) return Tag;
+ -- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Given a primary tag T associated with a tagged type
+ -- Typ, search for the secondary tag of the interface type Iface covered
+ -- by Typ.
function DT (T : Tag) return Dispatch_Table_Ptr;
-- Return the pointer to the TSD record associated with T
@@ -495,11 +504,27 @@ private
-- Ada 2005 (AI-251): Set the kind of a primitive operation in T's TSD
-- table indexed by Position.
- Max_Predef_Prims : constant Positive := 15;
- -- Number of reserved slots for predefined ada primitives: Size, Alignment,
- -- Read, Write, Input, Output, "=", assignment, deep adjust, deep finalize,
- -- async select, conditional select, prim_op kind, task_id, and timed
- -- select. The compiler checks that this value is correct.
+ Max_Predef_Prims : constant Positive := 16;
+ -- Number of reserved slots for the following predefined ada primitives:
+ --
+ -- 1. Size
+ -- 2. Alignment,
+ -- 3. Read
+ -- 4. Write
+ -- 5. Input
+ -- 6. Output
+ -- 7. "="
+ -- 8. assignment
+ -- 9. deep adjust
+ -- 10. deep finalize
+ -- 11. async select
+ -- 12. conditional select
+ -- 13. prim_op kind
+ -- 14. task_id
+ -- 15. dispatching requeue
+ -- 16. timed select
+ --
+ -- The compiler checks that the value here is correct
subtype Predef_Prims_Table is Address_Array (1 .. Max_Predef_Prims);
type Predef_Prims_Table_Ptr is access Predef_Prims_Table;
@@ -507,4 +532,5 @@ private
type Addr_Ptr is access System.Address;
pragma No_Strict_Aliasing (Addr_Ptr);
+ -- Why is this needed ???
end Ada.Tags;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
index 4bb8d197a5a..4baf55e7e57 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_attr.adb
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
-- operand with overflow checking required.
function Get_Index_Subtype (N : Node_Id) return Entity_Id;
- -- Used for Last, Last, and Length, when the prefix is an array type,
+ -- Used for Last, Last, and Length, when the prefix is an array type.
-- Obtains the corresponding index subtype.
procedure Find_Fat_Info
@@ -838,8 +838,12 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
-- generate a call to a run-time subprogram that returns the base
-- address of the object.
+ -- This processing is not needed in the VM case, where dispatching
+ -- issues are taken care of by the virtual machine.
elsif Is_Class_Wide_Type (Etype (Pref))
and then Is_Interface (Etype (Pref))
+ and then VM_Target = No_VM
and then not (Nkind (Pref) in N_Has_Entity
and then Is_Subprogram (Entity (Pref)))
@@ -1923,8 +1927,27 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
Id_Kind := RTE (RO_AT_Task_Id);
- Rewrite (N,
- Unchecked_Convert_To (Id_Kind, Concurrent_Ref (Pref)));
+ -- If the prefix is a task interface, the Task_Id is obtained
+ -- dynamically through a dispatching call, as for other task
+ -- attributes applied to interfaces.
+ if Ada_Version >= Ada_05
+ and then Ekind (Etype (Pref)) = E_Class_Wide_Type
+ and then Is_Interface (Etype (Pref))
+ and then Is_Task_Interface (Etype (Pref))
+ then
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Unchecked_Convert_To (Id_Kind,
+ Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
+ Prefix =>
+ New_Copy_Tree (Pref),
+ Selector_Name =>
+ Make_Identifier (Loc, Name_uDisp_Get_Task_Id))));
+ else
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Unchecked_Convert_To (Id_Kind, Concurrent_Ref (Pref)));
+ end if;
end if;
Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Id_Kind);
@@ -4052,13 +4075,17 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
-- Note that Prefix'Address is recursively expanded into a call
-- to Base_Address (Obj.Tag)
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
- Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag_Ptr),
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => Relocate_Node (Pref),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Address))));
- Analyze_And_Resolve (N, RTE (RE_Tag));
+ -- Not needed for VM targets, since all handled by the VM
+ if VM_Target = No_VM then
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Explicit_Dereference (Loc,
+ Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Tag_Ptr),
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => Relocate_Node (Pref),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Address))));
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (N, RTE (RE_Tag));
+ end if;
Rewrite (N,
@@ -4581,66 +4608,19 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
-- Wide_Image --
- -- We expand typ'Wide_Image (X) into
- -- String_To_Wide_String
- -- (typ'Image (X), Wide_Character_Encoding_Method)
+ -- Wide_Image attribute is handled in separate unit Exp_Imgv
- -- This works in all cases because String_To_Wide_String converts any
- -- wide character escape sequences resulting from the Image call to the
- -- proper Wide_Character equivalent
- -- not quite right for typ = Wide_Character ???
- when Attribute_Wide_Image => Wide_Image :
- begin
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_String_To_Wide_String), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List (
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => Pref,
- Attribute_Name => Name_Image,
- Expressions => Exprs),
- Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
- Intval => Int (Wide_Character_Encoding_Method)))));
- Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_Wide_String);
- end Wide_Image;
+ when Attribute_Wide_Image =>
+ Exp_Imgv.Expand_Wide_Image_Attribute (N);
-- Wide_Wide_Image --
- -- We expand typ'Wide_Wide_Image (X) into
- -- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- -- (typ'Image (X), Wide_Character_Encoding_Method)
- -- This works in all cases because String_To_Wide_Wide_String converts
- -- any wide character escape sequences resulting from the Image call to
- -- the proper Wide_Character equivalent
- -- not quite right for typ = Wide_Wide_Character ???
- when Attribute_Wide_Wide_Image => Wide_Wide_Image :
- begin
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Reference_To
- (RTE (RE_String_To_Wide_Wide_String), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List (
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => Pref,
- Attribute_Name => Name_Image,
- Expressions => Exprs),
- Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
- Intval => Int (Wide_Character_Encoding_Method)))));
+ -- Wide_Wide_Image attribute is handled in separate unit Exp_Imgv
- Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_Wide_Wide_String);
- end Wide_Wide_Image;
+ when Attribute_Wide_Wide_Image =>
+ Exp_Imgv.Expand_Wide_Wide_Image_Attribute (N);
-- Wide_Value --
@@ -4935,6 +4915,7 @@ package body Exp_Attr is
Attribute_Emax |
Attribute_Enabled |
Attribute_Epsilon |
+ Attribute_Fast_Math |
Attribute_Has_Access_Values |
Attribute_Has_Discriminants |
Attribute_Large |
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_imgv.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_imgv.adb
index 75066208c6d..df3d7e8d33c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_imgv.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_imgv.adb
@@ -155,14 +155,23 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
-- Expand_Image_Attribute --
- -- For all non-enumeration types, and for enumeration types declared
- -- in packages Standard or System, typ'Image (Val) expands into:
+ -- For all cases other than user defined enumeration types, the scheme
+ -- is as follows. First we insert the following code:
- -- Image_xx (tp (Expr) [, pm])
+ -- Snn : String (1 .. rt'Width);
+ -- Pnn : Natural;
+ -- Image_xx (tv, Snn, Pnn [,pm]);
+ --
+ -- and then Expr is replaced by Snn (1 .. Pnn)
- -- The name xx and type conversion tp (Expr) (called tv below) depend on
- -- the root type of Expr. The argument pm is an extra type dependent
- -- parameter only used in some cases as follows:
+ -- In the above expansion:
+ -- rt is the root type of the expression
+ -- tv is the expression with the value, usually a type conversion
+ -- pm is an extra parameter present in some cases
+ -- The following table shows tv, xx, and (if used) pm for the various
+ -- possible types of the argument:
-- For types whose root type is Character
-- xx = Character
@@ -194,57 +203,103 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
-- pm = Boolean, true if Ada 2005 mode, False otherwise
-- For types whose root type is Wide_Wide_Character
- -- xx = Wide_Wide_haracter
+ -- xx = Wide_Wide_Character
-- tv = Wide_Wide_Character (Expr)
-- For floating-point types
-- xx = Floating_Point
-- tv = Long_Long_Float (Expr)
- -- pm = typ'Digits
+ -- pm = typ'Digits (typ = subtype of expression)
-- For ordinary fixed-point types
-- xx = Ordinary_Fixed_Point
-- tv = Long_Long_Float (Expr)
- -- pm = typ'Aft
+ -- pm = typ'Aft (typ = subtype of expression)
-- For decimal fixed-point types with size = Integer'Size
-- xx = Decimal
-- tv = Integer (Expr)
- -- pm = typ'Scale
+ -- pm = typ'Scale (typ = subtype of expression)
-- For decimal fixed-point types with size > Integer'Size
-- xx = Long_Long_Decimal
- -- tv = Long_Long_Integer (Expr)
- -- pm = typ'Scale
- -- Note: for the decimal fixed-point type cases, the conversion is
- -- done literally without scaling (i.e. the actual expression that
- -- is generated is Image_xx (tp?(Expr) [, pm])
+ -- tv = Long_Long_Integer?(Expr) [convert with no scaling]
+ -- pm = typ'Scale (typ = subtype of expression)
-- For enumeration types other than those declared packages Standard
- -- or System, typ'Image (X) expands into:
+ -- or System, Snn, Pnn, are expanded as above, but the call looks like:
+ -- Image_Enumeration_NN (rt'Pos (X), Snn, Pnn, typS, typI'Address)
- -- Image_Enumeration_NN (typ'Pos (X), typS, typI'Address)
+ -- where rt is the root type of the expression, and typS and typI are
+ -- the entities constructed as described in the spec for the procedure
+ -- Build_Enumeration_Image_Tables and NN is 32/16/8 depending on the
+ -- element type of Lit_Indexes. The rewriting of the expression to
+ -- Snn (1 .. Pnn) then occurs as in the other cases. A special case is
+ -- when pragma Discard_Names applies, in which case we replace expr by:
- -- where typS and typI are the entities constructed as described in
- -- the spec for the procedure Build_Enumeration_Image_Tables and NN
- -- is 32/16/8 depending on the element type of Lit_Indexes.
+ -- Missing ???
procedure Expand_Image_Attribute (N : Node_Id) is
- Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
- Exprs : constant List_Id := Expressions (N);
- Pref : constant Node_Id := Prefix (N);
- Ptyp : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Pref);
- Rtyp : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Ptyp);
- Expr : constant Node_Id := Relocate_Node (First (Exprs));
- Imid : RE_Id;
- Tent : Entity_Id;
- Arglist : List_Id;
- Func : RE_Id;
- Ttyp : Entity_Id;
- Func_Ent : Entity_Id;
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+ Exprs : constant List_Id := Expressions (N);
+ Pref : constant Node_Id := Prefix (N);
+ Ptyp : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Pref);
+ Rtyp : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Ptyp);
+ Expr : constant Node_Id := Relocate_Node (First (Exprs));
+ Imid : RE_Id;
+ Tent : Entity_Id;
+ Ttyp : Entity_Id;
+ Proc_Ent : Entity_Id;
+ Enum_Case : Boolean;
+ Arg_List : List_Id;
+ -- List of arguments for run-time procedure call
+ Ins_List : List_Id;
+ -- List of actions to be inserted
+ Snn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('S'));
+ Pnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('P'));
+ -- Build declarations of Snn and Pnn to be inserted
+ Ins_List := New_List (
+ -- Snn : String (1 .. typ'Width);
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Snn,
+ Object_Definition =>
+ Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
+ Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_String, Loc),
+ Constraint =>
+ Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
+ Constraints => New_List (
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound =>
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rtyp, Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Width)))))),
+ -- Pnn : Natural;
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Pnn,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc)));
+ -- Set Imid (RE_Id of procedure to call), and Tent, target for the
+ -- type conversion of the first argument for all possibilities.
+ Enum_Case := False;
if Rtyp = Standard_Boolean then
Imid := RE_Image_Boolean;
Tent := Rtyp;
@@ -315,68 +370,77 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
Attribute_Name =>
Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_String);
+ return;
- -- Here we get the Image of an enumeration type
+ -- Here for enumeration type case
Ttyp := Component_Type (Etype (Lit_Indexes (Rtyp)));
if Ttyp = Standard_Integer_8 then
- Func := RE_Image_Enumeration_8;
+ Imid := RE_Image_Enumeration_8;
elsif Ttyp = Standard_Integer_16 then
- Func := RE_Image_Enumeration_16;
+ Imid := RE_Image_Enumeration_16;
- Func := RE_Image_Enumeration_32;
+ Imid := RE_Image_Enumeration_32;
end if;
- -- Apply a validity check, since it is a bit drastic to
- -- get a completely junk image value for an invalid value.
+ -- Apply a validity check, since it is a bit drastic to get a
+ -- completely junk image value for an invalid value.
if not Expr_Known_Valid (Expr) then
Insert_Valid_Check (Expr);
end if;
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (Func), Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => New_List (
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Attribute_Name => Name_Pos,
- Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ptyp, Loc),
- Expressions => New_List (Expr)),
- New_Occurrence_Of (Lit_Strings (Rtyp), Loc),
- Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
- Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Lit_Indexes (Rtyp), Loc),
- Attribute_Name => Name_Address))));
- Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_String);
+ Enum_Case := True;
end if;
+ end if;
- return;
+ -- Build first argument for call
+ if Enum_Case then
+ Arg_List := New_List (
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Pos,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ptyp, Loc),
+ Expressions => New_List (Expr)));
+ else
+ Arg_List := New_List (Convert_To (Tent, Expr));
end if;
- -- If we fall through, we have one of the cases that is handled by
- -- calling one of the System.Img_xx routines and Imid is set to the
- -- RE_Id for the function to be called.
+ -- Append Snn, Pnn arguments
- Func_Ent := RTE (Imid);
+ Append_To (Arg_List, New_Occurrence_Of (Snn, Loc));
+ Append_To (Arg_List, New_Occurrence_Of (Pnn, Loc));
- -- If the function entity is empty, that means we have a case in
+ -- Get entity of procedure to call
+ Proc_Ent := RTE (Imid);
+ -- If the procedure entity is empty, that means we have a case in
-- no run time mode where the operation is not allowed, and an
-- appropriate diagnostic has already been issued.
- if No (Func_Ent) then
+ if No (Proc_Ent) then
end if;
- -- Otherwise prepare arguments for run-time call
+ -- Otherwise complete preparation of arguments for run-time call
- Arglist := New_List (Convert_To (Tent, Relocate_Node (Expr)));
+ -- Add extra arguments for Enumeration case
+ if Enum_Case then
+ Append_To (Arg_List, New_Occurrence_Of (Lit_Strings (Rtyp), Loc));
+ Append_To (Arg_List,
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Lit_Indexes (Rtyp), Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Address));
-- For floating-point types, append Digits argument
- if Is_Floating_Point_Type (Rtyp) then
- Append_To (Arglist,
+ elsif Is_Floating_Point_Type (Rtyp) then
+ Append_To (Arg_List,
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ptyp, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Digits));
@@ -384,7 +448,7 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
-- For ordinary fixed-point types, append Aft parameter
elsif Is_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type (Rtyp) then
- Append_To (Arglist,
+ Append_To (Arg_List,
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ptyp, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Aft));
@@ -392,27 +456,45 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
-- For decimal, append Scale and also set to do literal conversion
elsif Is_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type (Rtyp) then
- Append_To (Arglist,
+ Append_To (Arg_List,
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Ptyp, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Scale));
- Set_Conversion_OK (First (Arglist));
- Set_Etype (First (Arglist), Tent);
+ Set_Conversion_OK (First (Arg_List));
+ Set_Etype (First (Arg_List), Tent);
-- For Wide_Character, append Ada 2005 indication
elsif Rtyp = Standard_Wide_Character then
- Append_To (Arglist,
+ Append_To (Arg_List,
New_Reference_To (Boolean_Literals (Ada_Version >= Ada_05), Loc));
end if;
- Rewrite (N,
- Make_Function_Call (Loc,
- Name => New_Reference_To (Func_Ent, Loc),
- Parameter_Associations => Arglist));
+ -- Now append the procedure call to the insert list
+ Append_To (Ins_List,
+ Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name => New_Reference_To (Proc_Ent, Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => Arg_List));
+ -- Insert declarations of Snn, Pnn, and the procedure call. We suppress
+ -- checks because we are sure that everything is in range at this stage.
+ Insert_Actions (N, Ins_List, Suppress => All_Checks);
+ -- Final step is to rewrite the expression as a slice and analyze,
+ -- again with no checks, since we are sure that everything is OK.
- Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_String);
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Slice (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Snn, Loc),
+ Discrete_Range =>
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound => New_Occurrence_Of (Pnn, Loc))));
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_String, Suppress => All_Checks);
end Expand_Image_Attribute;
@@ -662,6 +744,201 @@ package body Exp_Imgv is
Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Btyp);
end Expand_Value_Attribute;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Expand_Wide_Image_Attribute --
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- We expand typ'Wide_Image (X) as follows. First we insert this code:
+ -- Rnn : Wide_String (1 .. rt'Wide_Width);
+ -- Lnn : Natural;
+ -- String_To_Wide_String
+ -- (typ'Image (Expr), Rnn, Lnn, Wide_Character_Encoding_Method);
+ -- where rt is the root type of the prefix type
+ -- Now we replace the Wide_Image reference by
+ -- Rnn (1 .. Lnn)
+ -- This works in all cases because String_To_Wide_String converts any
+ -- wide character escape sequences resulting from the Image call to the
+ -- proper Wide_Character equivalent
+ -- not quite right for typ = Wide_Character ???
+ procedure Expand_Wide_Image_Attribute (N : Node_Id) is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+ Rtyp : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Entity (Prefix (N)));
+ Rnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('S'));
+ Lnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('P'));
+ begin
+ Insert_Actions (N, New_List (
+ -- Rnn : Wide_String (1 .. base_typ'Width);
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Rnn,
+ Object_Definition =>
+ Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
+ Subtype_Mark =>
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Wide_String, Loc),
+ Constraint =>
+ Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
+ Constraints => New_List (
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound =>
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rtyp, Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Wide_Width)))))),
+ -- Lnn : Natural;
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Lnn,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc)),
+ -- String_To_Wide_String
+ -- (typ'Image (X), Rnn, Lnn, Wide_Character_Encoding_Method);
+ Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name =>
+ New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_String_To_Wide_String), Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => Prefix (N),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Image,
+ Expressions => Expressions (N)),
+ New_Reference_To (Rnn, Loc),
+ New_Reference_To (Lnn, Loc),
+ Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
+ Intval => Int (Wide_Character_Encoding_Method))))),
+ -- Suppress checks because we know everything is properly in range
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ -- Final step is to rewrite the expression as a slice and analyze,
+ -- again with no checks, since we are sure that everything is OK.
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Slice (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc),
+ Discrete_Range =>
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc))));
+ Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Standard_Wide_String, Suppress => All_Checks);
+ end Expand_Wide_Image_Attribute;
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Expand_Wide_Wide_Image_Attribute --
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- We expand typ'Wide_Wide_Image (X) as follows. First we insert this code:
+ -- Rnn : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. rt'Wide_Wide_Width);
+ -- Lnn : Natural;
+ -- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ -- (typ'Image (Expr), Rnn, Lnn, Wide_Character_Encoding_Method);
+ -- where rt is the root type of the prefix type
+ -- Now we replace the Wide_Wide_Image reference by
+ -- Rnn (1 .. Lnn)
+ -- This works in all cases because String_To_Wide_Wide_String converts any
+ -- wide character escape sequences resulting from the Image call to the
+ -- proper Wide_Wide_Character equivalent
+ -- not quite right for typ = Wide_Wide_Character ???
+ procedure Expand_Wide_Wide_Image_Attribute (N : Node_Id) is
+ Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+ Rtyp : constant Entity_Id := Root_Type (Entity (Prefix (N)));
+ Rnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('S'));
+ Lnn : constant Entity_Id :=
+ Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
+ Chars => New_Internal_Name ('P'));
+ begin
+ Insert_Actions (N, New_List (
+ -- Rnn : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. rt'Wide_Wide_Width);
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Rnn,
+ Object_Definition =>
+ Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
+ Subtype_Mark =>
+ New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Wide_Wide_String, Loc),
+ Constraint =>
+ Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
+ Constraints => New_List (
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound =>
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rtyp, Loc),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Wide_Wide_Width)))))),
+ -- Lnn : Natural;
+ Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
+ Defining_Identifier => Lnn,
+ Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Natural, Loc)),
+ -- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ -- (typ'Image (X), Rnn, Lnn, Wide_Character_Encoding_Method);
+ Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
+ Name =>
+ New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_String_To_Wide_Wide_String), Loc),
+ Parameter_Associations => New_List (
+ Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
+ Prefix => Prefix (N),
+ Attribute_Name => Name_Image,
+ Expressions => Expressions (N)),
+ New_Reference_To (Rnn, Loc),
+ New_Reference_To (Lnn, Loc),
+ Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
+ Intval => Int (Wide_Character_Encoding_Method))))),
+ -- Suppress checks because we know everything is properly in range
+ Suppress => All_Checks);
+ -- Final step is to rewrite the expression as a slice and analyze,
+ -- again with no checks, since we are sure that everything is OK.
+ Rewrite (N,
+ Make_Slice (Loc,
+ Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Rnn, Loc),
+ Discrete_Range =>
+ Make_Range (Loc,
+ Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, 1),
+ High_Bound => New_Occurrence_Of (Lnn, Loc))));
+ Analyze_And_Resolve
+ (N, Standard_Wide_Wide_String, Suppress => All_Checks);
+ end Expand_Wide_Wide_Image_Attribute;
-- Expand_Width_Attribute --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index 913920a730f..27b2452ab4e 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ package Exp_Imgv is
-- This procedure is called from Exp_Attr to expand an occurrence
-- of the attribute Image.
+ procedure Expand_Wide_Image_Attribute (N : Node_Id);
+ -- This procedure is called from Exp_Attr to expand an occurrence
+ -- of the attribute Wide_Image.
+ procedure Expand_Wide_Wide_Image_Attribute (N : Node_Id);
+ -- This procedure is called from Exp_Attr to expand an occurrence
+ -- of the attribute Wide_Wide_Image.
procedure Expand_Value_Attribute (N : Node_Id);
-- This procedure is called from Exp_Attr to expand an occurrence
-- of the attribute Value.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/opt.adb b/gcc/ada/opt.adb
index 783481245b2..df1969b4281 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/opt.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/opt.adb
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ package body Opt is
Extensions_Allowed_Config := Extensions_Allowed;
External_Name_Exp_Casing_Config := External_Name_Exp_Casing;
External_Name_Imp_Casing_Config := External_Name_Imp_Casing;
+ Fast_Math_Config := Fast_Math;
Persistent_BSS_Mode_Config := Persistent_BSS_Mode;
Polling_Required_Config := Polling_Required;
Use_VADS_Size_Config := Use_VADS_Size;
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ package body Opt is
Extensions_Allowed := Save.Extensions_Allowed;
External_Name_Exp_Casing := Save.External_Name_Exp_Casing;
External_Name_Imp_Casing := Save.External_Name_Imp_Casing;
+ Fast_Math := Save.Fast_Math;
Persistent_BSS_Mode := Save.Persistent_BSS_Mode;
Polling_Required := Save.Polling_Required;
Use_VADS_Size := Save.Use_VADS_Size;
@@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ package body Opt is
Save.Extensions_Allowed := Extensions_Allowed;
Save.External_Name_Exp_Casing := External_Name_Exp_Casing;
Save.External_Name_Imp_Casing := External_Name_Imp_Casing;
+ Save.Fast_Math := Fast_Math;
Save.Persistent_BSS_Mode := Persistent_BSS_Mode;
Save.Polling_Required := Polling_Required;
Save.Use_VADS_Size := Use_VADS_Size;
@@ -147,11 +150,13 @@ package body Opt is
Extensions_Allowed := Extensions_Allowed_Config;
External_Name_Exp_Casing := External_Name_Exp_Casing_Config;
External_Name_Imp_Casing := External_Name_Imp_Casing_Config;
+ Fast_Math := Fast_Math_Config;
Persistent_BSS_Mode := Persistent_BSS_Mode_Config;
Use_VADS_Size := Use_VADS_Size_Config;
end if;
Exception_Locations_Suppressed := Exception_Locations_Suppressed_Config;
+ Fast_Math := Fast_Math_Config;
Polling_Required := Polling_Required_Config;
end Set_Opt_Config_Switches;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-ch10.adb b/gcc/ada/par-ch10.adb
index 5d86633fb0c..8fad13e3532 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-ch10.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-ch10.adb
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ package body Ch10 is
Item := P_Pragma;
if Item = Error
- or else Chars (Item) > Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name
+ or else not Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (Chars (Item))
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
@@ -587,19 +587,17 @@ package body Ch10 is
while Token = Tok_Pragma loop
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
- -- If we are in syntax scan mode allowing multiple units, then
- -- start the next unit if we encounter a configuration pragma,
- -- or a source reference pragma. We take care not to actually
- -- scan the pragma in this case since we don't want it to take
- -- effect for the current unit.
+ -- If we are in syntax scan mode allowing multiple units, then start
+ -- the next unit if we encounter a configuration pragma, or a source
+ -- reference pragma. We take care not to actually scan the pragma in
+ -- this case (we don't want it to take effect for the current unit).
if Operating_Mode = Check_Syntax then
Scan; -- past Pragma
if Token = Tok_Identifier
and then
- (Token_Name in
- First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name
+ (Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (Token_Name)
or else Token_Name = Name_Source_Reference)
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State); -- to Pragma
@@ -1022,9 +1020,9 @@ package body Ch10 is
Body_Node := Error; -- in case no good body found
Scan; -- past SEPARATE;
- T_Left_Paren;
+ U_Left_Paren;
Set_Name (Subunit_Node, P_Qualified_Simple_Name);
- T_Right_Paren;
+ U_Right_Paren;
if Token = Tok_Semicolon then
Error_Msg_SC ("unexpected semicolon ignored");
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-ch2.adb b/gcc/ada/par-ch2.adb
index c778ac929bd..697cf86d834 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-ch2.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-ch2.adb
@@ -227,8 +227,7 @@ package body Ch2 is
-- will think there are missing bodies, and try to change ; to IS, when
-- in fact the bodies ARE present, supplied by these pragmas.
- function P_Pragma return Node_Id is
+ function P_Pragma (Skipping : Boolean := False) return Node_Id is
Interface_Check_Required : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if check of pragma INTERFACE is required
@@ -259,10 +258,22 @@ package body Ch2 is
procedure Skip_Pragma_Semicolon is
if Token /= Tok_Semicolon then
- T_Semicolon;
- Resync_Past_Semicolon;
+ -- If skipping the pragma, ignore a missing semicolon
+ if Skipping then
+ null;
+ -- Otherwise demand a semicolon
+ else
+ T_Semicolon;
+ end if;
+ -- Scan past semicolon if present
- Scan; -- past semicolon
+ Scan;
end if;
end Skip_Pragma_Semicolon;
@@ -284,14 +295,14 @@ package body Ch2 is
and then Token = Tok_Interface
Pragma_Name := Name_Interface;
- Ident_Node := Token_Node;
+ Ident_Node := Make_Identifier (Token_Ptr, Name_Interface);
Scan; -- past INTERFACE
Ident_Node := P_Identifier;
- Delete_Node (Ident_Node);
end if;
Set_Chars (Pragma_Node, Pragma_Name);
+ Set_Pragma_Identifier (Pragma_Node, Ident_Node);
-- See if special INTERFACE/IMPORT check is required
@@ -336,10 +347,10 @@ package body Ch2 is
Scan; -- past comma
end loop;
- -- If we have := for pragma Debug, it is worth special casing
- -- the error message (it is easy to think of pragma Debug as
- -- taking a statement, and an assignment statement is the most
- -- likely candidate for this error)
+ -- If we have := for pragma Debug, it is worth special casing the
+ -- error message (it is easy to think of pragma Debug as taking a
+ -- statement, and an assignment statement is the most likely
+ -- candidate for this error)
if Token = Tok_Colon_Equal and then Pragma_Name = Name_Debug then
Error_Msg_SC ("argument for pragma Debug must be procedure call");
@@ -394,7 +405,7 @@ package body Ch2 is
while Token = Tok_Pragma loop
Error_Msg_SC ("pragma not allowed here");
- Discard_Junk_Node (P_Pragma);
+ Discard_Junk_Node (P_Pragma (Skipping => True));
end loop;
end P_Pragmas_Misplaced;
@@ -469,7 +480,6 @@ package body Ch2 is
Identifier_Seen := True;
Scan; -- past arrow
Set_Chars (Association, Chars (Identifier_Node));
- Delete_Node (Identifier_Node);
-- Case of argument with no identifier
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-ch3.adb b/gcc/ada/par-ch3.adb
index 910d16174fe..381ff922a48 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-ch3.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-ch3.adb
@@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ package body Ch3 is
if Token = Tok_Identifier then
-- Ada 2005 (AI-284): Compiling in Ada95 mode we warn that INTERFACE,
- -- OVERRIDING, and SYNCHRONIZED are new reserved words.
+ -- OVERRIDING, and SYNCHRONIZED are new reserved words. Note that
+ -- in the case where these keywords are misused in Ada 95 mode,
+ -- this routine will generally not be called at all.
if Ada_Version = Ada_95
and then Warn_On_Ada_2005_Compatibility
@@ -1128,7 +1130,6 @@ package body Ch3 is
Make_Attribute_Reference (Prev_Token_Ptr,
Prefix => Prefix,
Attribute_Name => Token_Name);
- Delete_Node (Token_Node);
Scan; -- past type attribute identifier
end if;
@@ -1279,6 +1280,10 @@ package body Ch3 is
-- returns True, otherwise returns False. Includes checking for some
-- common error cases.
+ -------------
+ -- No_List --
+ -------------
procedure No_List is
if Num_Idents > 1 then
@@ -1289,6 +1294,10 @@ package body Ch3 is
List_OK := False;
end No_List;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Token_Is_Renames --
+ ----------------------
function Token_Is_Renames return Boolean is
At_Colon : Saved_Scan_State;
@@ -1922,7 +1931,6 @@ package body Ch3 is
Abstract_Present => Abstract_Present (Typedef_Node),
Interface_List => Interface_List (Typedef_Node));
- Delete_Node (Typedef_Node);
return Typedecl_Node;
-- Derived type definition with record extension part
@@ -2715,27 +2723,37 @@ package body Ch3 is
Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
- if Token /= Tok_Left_Paren then
+ -- If <> right now, then this is missing left paren
+ if Token = Tok_Box then
+ U_Left_Paren;
+ -- If not <> or left paren, then definitely no box
+ elsif Token /= Tok_Left_Paren then
return False;
+ -- Left paren, so might be a box after it
Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
Scan; -- past the left paren
- if Token = Tok_Box then
- if Ada_Version = Ada_83 then
- Error_Msg_SC ("(Ada 83) unknown discriminant not allowed!");
- end if;
- Scan; -- past the box
- T_Right_Paren; -- must be followed by right paren
- return True;
- else
+ if Token /= Tok_Box then
Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
return False;
end if;
end if;
+ -- We are now pointing to the box
+ if Ada_Version = Ada_83 then
+ Error_Msg_SC ("(Ada 83) unknown discriminant not allowed!");
+ end if;
+ Scan; -- past the box
+ U_Right_Paren; -- must be followed by right paren
+ return True;
end P_Unknown_Discriminant_Part_Opt;
@@ -4039,11 +4057,28 @@ package body Ch3 is
when Tok_Identifier =>
- P_Identifier_Declarations (Decls, Done, In_Spec);
+ -- Special check for misuse of overriding not in Ada 2005 mode
+ if Token_Name = Name_Overriding
+ and then not Next_Token_Is (Tok_Colon)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_SC ("overriding indicator is an Ada 2005 extension");
+ Error_Msg_SC ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch");
+ Token := Tok_Overriding;
+ Append (P_Subprogram (Pf_Decl_Gins_Pbod_Rnam_Stub), Decls);
+ Done := False;
+ -- Normal case, no overriding, or overriding followed by colon
+ else
+ P_Identifier_Declarations (Decls, Done, In_Spec);
+ end if;
-- Ada2005: A subprogram declaration can start with "not" or
-- "overriding". In older versions, "overriding" is handled
- -- like an identifier, with the appropriate warning.
+ -- like an identifier, with the appropriate messages.
when Tok_Not =>
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-ch6.adb b/gcc/ada/par-ch6.adb
index 84e16c2e635..fee646514be 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-ch6.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-ch6.adb
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ package body Ch6 is
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Ecol := Start_Column;
Scope.Table (Scope.Last).Lreq := False;
- -- Ada2005: scan leading overriding indicator
+ -- Ada2005: scan leading NOT OVERRIDING indicator
if Token = Tok_Not then
Scan; -- past NOT
@@ -184,24 +184,41 @@ package body Ch6 is
if Token = Tok_Overriding then
Scan; -- past OVERRIDING
Not_Overriding := True;
+ -- Overriding keyword used in non Ada 2005 mode
+ elsif Token = Tok_Identifier
+ and then Token_Name = Name_Overriding
+ then
+ Error_Msg_SC ("overriding indicator is an Ada 2005 extension");
+ Error_Msg_SC ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch");
+ Scan; -- past Overriding
+ Not_Overriding := True;
Error_Msg_SC ("OVERRIDING expected!");
end if;
+ -- Ada 2005: scan leading OVERRIDING indicator
+ -- Note: in the case of OVERRIDING keyword used in Ada 95 mode, the
+ -- declaration circuit already gave an error message and changed the
+ -- tokem to Tok_Overriding.
elsif Token = Tok_Overriding then
Scan; -- past OVERRIDING
Is_Overriding := True;
end if;
if (Is_Overriding or else Not_Overriding) then
- if Ada_Version < Ada_05 then
- Error_Msg_SP (" overriding indicator is an Ada 2005 extension");
- Error_Msg_SP ("\unit must be compiled with -gnat05 switch");
+ -- Note that if we are not in Ada_05 mode, error messages have
+ -- already been given, so no need to give another message here.
-- An overriding indicator is allowed for subprogram declarations,
-- bodies, renamings, stubs, and instantiations.
- elsif Pf_Flags /= Pf_Decl_Gins_Pbod_Rnam_Stub then
+ if Pf_Flags /= Pf_Decl_Gins_Pbod_Rnam_Stub then
Error_Msg_SC ("overriding indicator not allowed here!");
elsif Token /= Tok_Function
@@ -1000,7 +1017,8 @@ package body Ch6 is
Specification_Loop : loop
if Token = Tok_Pragma then
- P_Pragmas_Misplaced;
+ Error_Msg_SC ("pragma not allowed in formal part");
+ Discard_Junk_Node (P_Pragma (Skipping => True));
end if;
Ignore (Tok_Left_Paren);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-prag.adb b/gcc/ada/par-prag.adb
index d51ed2ec20b..2114fd9c986 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-prag.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-prag.adb
@@ -1028,7 +1028,7 @@ begin
- raise Constraint_Error;
+ raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
@@ -1089,9 +1089,12 @@ begin
Pragma_Extend_System |
Pragma_External |
Pragma_External_Name_Casing |
+ Pragma_Favor_Top_Level |
+ Pragma_Fast_Math |
Pragma_Finalize_Storage_Only |
Pragma_Float_Representation |
Pragma_Ident |
+ Pragma_Implemented_By_Entry |
Pragma_Implicit_Packing |
Pragma_Import |
Pragma_Import_Exception |
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-tchk.adb b/gcc/ada/par-tchk.adb
index 6b8c46d2018..3d45932c49f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-tchk.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-tchk.adb
@@ -790,6 +790,32 @@ package body Tchk is
end if;
end TF_Use;
+ ------------------
+ -- U_Left_Paren --
+ ------------------
+ procedure U_Left_Paren is
+ begin
+ if Token = Tok_Left_Paren then
+ Scan;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_AP ("missing ""(""!");
+ end if;
+ end U_Left_Paren;
+ -------------------
+ -- U_Right_Paren --
+ -------------------
+ procedure U_Right_Paren is
+ begin
+ if Token = Tok_Right_Paren then
+ Scan;
+ else
+ Error_Msg_AP ("missing "")""!");
+ end if;
+ end U_Right_Paren;
-- Wrong_Token --
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par-util.adb b/gcc/ada/par-util.adb
index d252922116d..e4b690f1788 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par-util.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par-util.adb
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
-- --
-with Csets; use Csets;
-with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
-with Uintp; use Uintp;
+with Csets; use Csets;
+with Namet.Sp; use Namet.Sp;
+with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
+with Uintp; use Uintp;
with GNAT.Spelling_Checker; use GNAT.Spelling_Checker;
@@ -587,6 +588,21 @@ package body Util is
end Merge_Identifier;
+ -- Next_Token_Is --
+ -------------------
+ function Next_Token_Is (Tok : Token_Type) return Boolean is
+ Scan_State : Saved_Scan_State;
+ Result : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Save_Scan_State (Scan_State);
+ Scan;
+ Result := (Token = Tok);
+ Restore_Scan_State (Scan_State);
+ return Result;
+ end Next_Token_Is;
+ -------------------
-- No_Constraint --
@@ -677,27 +693,15 @@ package body Util is
-- Check for possible misspelling
- Get_Name_String (Token_Name);
- declare
- AN : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
- begin
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := First_Attribute_Name;
- while Error_Msg_Name_1 <= Last_Attribute_Name loop
- Get_Name_String (Error_Msg_Name_1);
- if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of
- (AN, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len))
- then
- Error_Msg_N
- ("\possible misspelling of %", Token_Node);
- exit;
- end if;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := First_Attribute_Name;
+ while Error_Msg_Name_1 <= Last_Attribute_Name loop
+ if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of (Token_Name, Error_Msg_Name_1) then
+ Error_Msg_N ("\possible misspelling of %", Token_Node);
+ exit;
+ end if;
- Error_Msg_Name_1 := Error_Msg_Name_1 + 1;
- end loop;
- end;
+ Error_Msg_Name_1 := Error_Msg_Name_1 + 1;
+ end loop;
end Signal_Bad_Attribute;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/par.adb b/gcc/ada/par.adb
index 9b9208ff168..e75051002eb 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/par.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/par.adb
@@ -530,7 +530,10 @@ is
package Ch2 is
- function P_Pragma return Node_Id;
+ function P_Pragma (Skipping : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
+ -- Scan out a pragma. If Skipping is True, then the caller is skipping
+ -- the pragma in the context of illegal placement (this is used to avoid
+ -- some junk cascaded messages).
function P_Identifier (C : Id_Check := None) return Node_Id;
-- Scans out an identifier. The parameter C determines the treatment
@@ -965,7 +968,7 @@ is
procedure T_When;
procedure T_With;
- -- Procedures have names of the form TF_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
+ -- Procedures having names of the form TF_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
-- name check that the current token matches the required token, and
-- if so, scan past it. If not, an error message is issued indicating
-- that the required token is not present (xxx expected).
@@ -987,6 +990,13 @@ is
procedure TF_Semicolon;
procedure TF_Then;
procedure TF_Use;
+ -- Procedures with names of the form U_xxx, where Tok_xxx is a token
+ -- name, are just like the corresponding T_xxx procedures except that
+ -- an error message, if given, is unconditional.
+ procedure U_Left_Paren;
+ procedure U_Right_Paren;
end Tchk;
@@ -1085,6 +1095,10 @@ is
-- conditions are met, an error message is issued, and the merge is
-- carried out, modifying the Chars field of Prev.
+ function Next_Token_Is (Tok : Token_Type) return Boolean;
+ -- Looks at token after current one and returns True if the token type
+ -- matches Tok. The scan is unconditionally restored on return.
procedure No_Constraint;
-- Called in a place where no constraint is allowed, but one might
-- appear due to a common error (e.g. after the type mark in a procedure
@@ -1242,7 +1256,7 @@ begin
-- Give error if bad pragma
- if Chars (P_Node) > Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name
+ if not Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (Chars (P_Node))
and then Chars (P_Node) /= Name_Source_Reference
if Is_Pragma_Name (Chars (P_Node)) then
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-wchstw.adb b/gcc/ada/s-wchstw.adb
index 2f09ba25e61..33f6674c6cb 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-wchstw.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-wchstw.adb
@@ -121,18 +121,20 @@ package body System.WCh_StW is
-- String_To_Wide_String --
- function String_To_Wide_String
+ procedure String_To_Wide_String
(S : String;
- EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return Wide_String
+ R : out Wide_String;
+ L : out Natural;
+ EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method)
- R : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
- RP : Natural;
SP : Natural;
V : UTF_32_Code;
+ pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
SP := S'First;
- RP := 0;
+ L := 0;
while SP <= S'Last loop
Get_Next_Code (S, SP, V, EM);
@@ -141,36 +143,34 @@ package body System.WCh_StW is
with "out of range value for wide character";
end if;
- RP := RP + 1;
- R (RP) := Wide_Character'Val (V);
+ L := L + 1;
+ R (L) := Wide_Character'Val (V);
end loop;
- return R (1 .. RP);
end String_To_Wide_String;
-- String_To_Wide_Wide_String --
- function String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ procedure String_To_Wide_Wide_String
(S : String;
- EM : WC_Encoding_Method) return Wide_Wide_String
+ R : out Wide_Wide_String;
+ L : out Natural;
+ EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method)
- R : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
- RP : Natural;
+ pragma Assert (S'First = 1);
SP : Natural;
V : UTF_32_Code;
SP := S'First;
- RP := 0;
+ L := 0;
while SP <= S'Last loop
Get_Next_Code (S, SP, V, EM);
- RP := RP + 1;
- R (RP) := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (V);
+ L := L + 1;
+ R (L) := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (V);
end loop;
- return R (1 .. RP);
end String_To_Wide_Wide_String;
end System.WCh_StW;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index b965e2fce52..7bd3529586d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2007, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
@@ -32,33 +32,39 @@
-- This package contains the routine used to convert strings to wide (wide)
--- strings for use by wide (wide) character attributes (value, image etc.)
+-- strings for use by wide (wide) image attribute.
with System.WCh_Con;
package System.WCh_StW is
pragma Pure;
- function String_To_Wide_String
+ procedure String_To_Wide_String
(S : String;
- EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method) return Wide_String;
+ R : out Wide_String;
+ L : out Natural;
+ EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method);
-- This routine simply takes its argument and converts it to wide string
- -- format. In the context of the Wide_Image attribute, the argument is
- -- the corresponding 'Image attribute. Any wide character escape sequences
- -- in the string are converted to the corresponding wide character value.
- -- No syntax checks are made, it is assumed that any such sequences are
- -- validly formed (this must be assured by the caller), and results from
- -- the fact that Wide_Image is only used on strings that have been built
- -- by the compiler, such as images of enumeration literals. If the method
- -- for encoding is a shift-in, shift-out convention, then it is assumed
- -- that normal (non-wide character) mode holds at the start and end of
- -- the argument string. EM indicates the wide character encoding method.
+ -- format, storing the result in R (1 .. L), with L being set appropriately
+ -- on return. The caller guarantees that R is long enough to accomodate the
+ -- result. This is used in the context of the Wide_Image attribute, where
+ -- the argument is the corresponding 'Image attribute. Any wide character
+ -- escape sequences in the string are converted to the corresponding wide
+ -- character value. No syntax checks are made, it is assumed that any such
+ -- sequences are validly formed (this must be assured by the caller), and
+ -- results from the fact that Wide_Image is only used on strings that have
+ -- been built by the compiler, such as images of enumeration literals. If
+ -- the method for encoding is a shift-in, shift-out convention, then it is
+ -- assumed that normal (non-wide character) mode holds at the start and end
+ -- of the argument string. EM indicates the wide character encoding method.
-- Note: in the WCEM_Brackets case, the brackets escape sequence is used
-- only for codes greater than 16#FF#.
- function String_To_Wide_Wide_String
+ procedure String_To_Wide_Wide_String
(S : String;
- EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method) return Wide_Wide_String;
+ R : out Wide_Wide_String;
+ L : out Natural;
+ EM : System.WCh_Con.WC_Encoding_Method);
-- Same function with Wide_Wide_String output
end System.WCh_StW;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/s-wwdenu.adb b/gcc/ada/s-wwdenu.adb
index f79b62b2524..47848c549f4 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/s-wwdenu.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/s-wwdenu.adb
@@ -63,12 +63,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
@@ -100,12 +102,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
@@ -137,12 +141,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
@@ -174,12 +180,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
@@ -211,12 +219,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
@@ -248,12 +258,14 @@ package body System.WWd_Enum is
W := 0;
for J in Lo .. Hi loop
- WS : constant Wide_String :=
- String_To_Wide_String
- (Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
- Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1), EM);
+ S : constant String :=
+ Names (Natural (IndexesT (J)) ..
+ Natural (IndexesT (J + 1)) - 1);
+ WS : Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
+ L : Natural;
- W := Natural'Max (W, WS'Length);
+ String_To_Wide_String (S, WS, L, EM);
+ W := Natural'Max (W, L);
end loop;
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
index 8195c8bc8ad..7432a3bd04c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_prag.adb
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ with Lib; use Lib;
with Lib.Writ; use Lib.Writ;
with Lib.Xref; use Lib.Xref;
with Namet; use Namet;
+with Namet.Sp; use Namet.Sp;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
@@ -77,8 +78,6 @@ with Uintp; use Uintp;
with Urealp; use Urealp;
with Validsw; use Validsw;
-with GNAT.Spelling_Checker; use GNAT.Spelling_Checker;
package body Sem_Prag is
@@ -91,12 +90,12 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- form and processing:
-- pragma Export_xxx
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, other optional parameters ]);
-- pragma Import_xxx
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, other optional parameters ]);
@@ -420,7 +419,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
procedure Error_Pragma (Msg : String);
pragma No_Return (Error_Pragma);
- -- Outputs error message for current pragma. The message contains an %
+ -- Outputs error message for current pragma. The message contains a %
-- that will be replaced with the pragma name, and the flag is placed
-- on the pragma itself. Pragma_Exit is then raised.
@@ -1725,8 +1724,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
for Index1 in Names'Range loop
if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of
- (Get_Name_String (Chars (Arg)),
- Get_Name_String (Names (Index1)))
+ (Chars (Arg), Names (Index1))
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Names (Index1);
Error_Msg_N ("\possible misspelling of%", Arg);
@@ -2267,6 +2265,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
Error_Pragma ("enumeration literal not allowed for pragma%");
end if;
+ -- Check for rep item appearing too early or too late
if Etype (E) = Any_Type
or else Rep_Item_Too_Early (E, N)
@@ -2353,10 +2353,6 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
E1 := Homonym (E1);
exit when No (E1) or else Scope (E1) /= Current_Scope;
- -- Note: below we are missing a check for Rep_Item_Too_Late.
- -- That is deliberate, we cannot chain the rep item on more
- -- than one Rep_Item chain, to be fixed later ???
if Comes_From_Source (E1)
and then Comp_Unit = Get_Source_Unit (E1)
and then Nkind (Original_Node (Parent (E1))) /=
@@ -2821,7 +2817,6 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
if Is_Generic_Subprogram (Entity (Arg_Internal)) then
("pragma% cannot be given for generic subprogram");
("pragma% does not identify local subprogram");
@@ -3345,7 +3340,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- corresponding body, if there is one present.
procedure Set_Inline_Flags (Subp : Entity_Id);
- -- Sets Is_Inlined and Has_Pragma_Inline flags for Subp
+ -- Sets Is_Inlined and Has_Pragma_Inline flags for Subp and also
+ -- Has_Pragma_Inline_Always for the Inline_Always case.
function Inlining_Not_Possible (Subp : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if it can be determined at this stage that inlining
@@ -3354,6 +3350,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- get undefined symbols at link time. This function also emits a
-- warning if front-end inlining is enabled and the pragma appears
-- too late.
+ --
-- ??? is business with link symbols still valid, or does it relate
-- to front end ZCX which is being phased out ???
@@ -3417,7 +3414,16 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
Inner_Subp : Entity_Id := Subp;
+ -- Ignore if bad type, avoid cascaded error
if Etype (Subp) = Any_Type then
+ Applies := True;
+ return;
+ -- Ignore if all inlining is suppressed
+ elsif Suppress_All_Inlining then
+ Applies := True;
-- If inlining is not possible, for now do not treat as an error
@@ -3515,10 +3521,12 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
if not Has_Pragma_Inline (Subp) then
Set_Has_Pragma_Inline (Subp);
- Set_Next_Rep_Item (N, First_Rep_Item (Subp));
- Set_First_Rep_Item (Subp, N);
Effective := True;
end if;
+ if Prag_Id = Pragma_Inline_Always then
+ Set_Has_Pragma_Inline_Always (Subp);
+ end if;
end Set_Inline_Flags;
-- Start of processing for Process_Inline
@@ -3565,6 +3573,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
elsif not Effective
and then Warn_On_Redundant_Constructs
+ and then not Suppress_All_Inlining
if Inlining_Not_Possible (Subp) then
@@ -4519,15 +4528,13 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
if not Is_Pragma_Name (Chars (N)) then
if Warn_On_Unrecognized_Pragma then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Chars (N);
- Error_Msg_N ("?unrecognized pragma%!", N);
+ Error_Msg_N ("?unrecognized pragma%!", Pragma_Identifier (N));
for PN in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Pragma_Name loop
- if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of
- (Get_Name_String (Chars (N)),
- Get_Name_String (PN))
- then
+ if Is_Bad_Spelling_Of (Chars (N), PN) then
Error_Msg_Name_1 := PN;
- Error_Msg_N ("\?possible misspelling of %!", N);
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("\?possible misspelling of %!", Pragma_Identifier (N));
end if;
end loop;
@@ -4796,6 +4803,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
when Pragma_Assert => Assert : declare
Expr : Node_Id;
+ Eloc : Source_Ptr;
@@ -4816,23 +4824,30 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- null;
-- end if;
- -- The reason we do this rewriting during semantic analysis
- -- rather than as part of normal expansion is that we cannot
- -- analyze and expand the code for the boolean expression
- -- directly, or it may cause insertion of actions that would
- -- escape the attempt to suppress the assertion code.
+ -- The reason we do this rewriting during semantic analysis rather
+ -- than as part of normal expansion is that we cannot analyze and
+ -- expand the code for the boolean expression directly, or it may
+ -- cause insertion of actions that would escape the attempt to
+ -- suppress the assertion code.
+ -- Note that the Sloc for the if statement corresponds to the
+ -- argument condition, not the pragma itself. The reason for this
+ -- is that we may generate a warning if the condition is False at
+ -- compile time, and we do not want to delete this warning when we
+ -- delete the if statement.
Expr := Expression (Arg1);
+ Eloc := Sloc (Expr);
if Expander_Active and not Assertions_Enabled then
Rewrite (N,
- Make_If_Statement (Loc,
+ Make_If_Statement (Eloc,
Condition =>
- Make_And_Then (Loc,
- Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc),
+ Make_And_Then (Eloc,
+ Left_Opnd => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Eloc),
Right_Opnd => Expr),
Then_Statements => New_List (
- Make_Null_Statement (Loc))));
+ Make_Null_Statement (Eloc))));
Analyze (N);
@@ -5284,7 +5299,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Common_Object (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]);
@@ -5372,8 +5387,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
or else Etype (Ent) /= Etype (Next_Entity (Ent))
- ("record for pragma% must have two fields of same fpt type",
- Arg1);
+ ("record for pragma% must have two fields of the same "
+ & "floating-point type", Arg1);
Set_Has_Complex_Representation (Base_Type (E));
@@ -6179,8 +6194,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Export_Exception (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL,]
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
+ -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Form =>] Ada | VMS]
-- [, [Code =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION]);
@@ -6219,8 +6234,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Export_Function (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL,]
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
+ -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Parameter_Types =>] (PARAMETER_TYPES)]
-- [, [Result_Type =>] TYPE_DESIGNATOR]
-- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]
@@ -6286,7 +6301,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Export_Object (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]);
@@ -6341,8 +6356,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Export_Procedure (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL,]
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
+ -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Parameter_Types =>] (PARAMETER_TYPES)]
-- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
@@ -6419,7 +6434,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Export_Valued_Procedure (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL,]
-- [, [Parameter_Types =>] (PARAMETER_TYPES)]
-- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
@@ -6613,6 +6628,48 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
end case;
end External_Name_Casing;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Favor_Top_Level --
+ --------------------------
+ -- pragma Favor_Top_Level (type_NAME);
+ when Pragma_Favor_Top_Level => Favor_Top_Level : declare
+ Named_Entity : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ GNAT_Pragma;
+ Check_No_Identifiers;
+ Check_Arg_Count (1);
+ Check_Arg_Is_Local_Name (Arg1);
+ Named_Entity := Entity (Expression (Arg1));
+ -- If it's an access-to-subprogram type (in particular, not a
+ -- subtype), set the flag on that type.
+ if Ekind (Named_Entity) in Access_Subprogram_Type_Kind then
+ Set_Can_Use_Internal_Rep (Named_Entity, False);
+ -- Otherwise it's an error (name denotes the wrong sort of entity)
+ else
+ Error_Pragma_Arg
+ ("access-to-subprogram type expected", Expression (Arg1));
+ end if;
+ end Favor_Top_Level;
+ ---------------
+ -- Fast_Math --
+ ---------------
+ -- pragma Fast_Math;
+ when Pragma_Fast_Math =>
+ GNAT_Pragma;
+ Check_No_Identifiers;
+ Check_Valid_Configuration_Pragma;
+ Fast_Math := True;
-- Finalize_Storage_Only --
@@ -6862,6 +6919,46 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
end Ident;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Implemented_By_Entry --
+ --------------------------
+ -- pragma Implemented_By_Entry (DIRECT_NAME);
+ when Pragma_Implemented_By_Entry => Implemented_By_Entry : declare
+ Ent : Entity_Id;
+ begin
+ Ada_2005_Pragma;
+ Check_Arg_Count (1);
+ Check_No_Identifiers;
+ Check_Arg_Is_Identifier (Arg1);
+ Check_Arg_Is_Local_Name (Arg1);
+ Ent := Entity (Expression (Arg1));
+ -- Pragma Implemented_By_Entry must be applied only to protected
+ -- synchronized or task interface primitives.
+ if (Ekind (Ent) /= E_Function
+ and then Ekind (Ent) /= E_Procedure)
+ or else not Present (First_Formal (Ent))
+ or else not Is_Concurrent_Interface (Etype (First_Formal (Ent)))
+ then
+ Error_Pragma_Arg
+ ("pragma % must be applied to a concurrent interface " &
+ "primitive", Arg1);
+ else
+ if Einfo.Implemented_By_Entry (Ent)
+ and then Warn_On_Redundant_Constructs
+ then
+ Error_Pragma ("?duplicate pragma%!");
+ else
+ Set_Implemented_By_Entry (Ent);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Implemented_By_Entry;
-- Implicit_Packing --
@@ -6878,8 +6975,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Import (
- -- [ Convention =>] convention_IDENTIFIER,
- -- [ Entity =>] local_NAME
+ -- [Convention =>] convention_IDENTIFIER,
+ -- [Entity =>] local_NAME
-- [, [External_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]
-- [, [Link_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]);
@@ -6899,8 +6996,8 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Import_Exception (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL,]
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
+ -- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Form =>] Ada | VMS]
-- [, [Code =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION]);
@@ -7012,7 +7109,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Import_Object (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]);
@@ -7045,7 +7142,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Import_Procedure (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Parameter_Types =>] (PARAMETER_TYPES)]
-- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]
@@ -7108,7 +7205,7 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Import_Valued_Procedure (
- -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
-- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-- [, [Parameter_Types =>] (PARAMETER_TYPES)]
-- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]
@@ -8070,9 +8167,9 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
-- pragma Machine_Attribute (
- -- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- -- [Attribute_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION
- -- [,[Info =>] static_string_EXPRESSION] );
+ -- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
+ -- [Attribute_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION
+ -- [, [Info =>] static_string_EXPRESSION] );
when Pragma_Machine_Attribute => Machine_Attribute : declare
Def_Id : Entity_Id;
@@ -8282,6 +8379,13 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
or else Ekind (E) = E_Generic_Procedure
Set_No_Return (E);
+ -- Set flag on any alias as well
+ if Is_Overloadable (E) and then Present (Alias (E)) then
+ Set_No_Return (Alias (E));
+ end if;
Found := True;
end if;
@@ -8550,13 +8654,13 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
No_Run_Time_Mode := True;
Configurable_Run_Time_Mode := True;
- declare
- Word32 : constant Boolean := Ttypes.System_Word_Size = 32;
- begin
- if Word32 then
- Duration_32_Bits_On_Target := True;
- end if;
- end;
+ -- Set Duration to 32 bits if word size is 32
+ if Ttypes.System_Word_Size = 32 then
+ Duration_32_Bits_On_Target := True;
+ end if;
+ -- Set appropriate restrictions
Set_Restriction (No_Finalization, N);
Set_Restriction (No_Exception_Handlers, N);
@@ -8744,12 +8848,31 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
Check_First_Subtype (Arg1);
Ent := Entity (Expression (Arg1));
- if not Is_Private_Type (Ent) then
+ if not Is_Private_Type (Ent)
+ and then not Is_Protected_Type (Ent)
+ then
- ("pragma % can only be applied to private type", Arg1);
+ ("pragma % can only be applied to private or protected type",
+ Arg1);
end if;
- Set_Known_To_Have_Preelab_Init (Ent);
+ -- Give an error if the pragma is applied to a protected type that
+ -- does not qualify (due to having entries, or due to components
+ -- that do not qualify).
+ if Is_Protected_Type (Ent)
+ and then not Has_Preelaborable_Initialization (Ent)
+ then
+ Error_Msg_N
+ ("protected type & does not have preelaborable " &
+ "initialization", Ent);
+ -- Otherwise mark the type as definitely having preelaborable
+ -- initialization.
+ else
+ Set_Known_To_Have_Preelab_Init (Ent);
+ end if;
if Has_Pragma_Preelab_Init (Ent)
and then Warn_On_Redundant_Constructs
@@ -11277,10 +11400,13 @@ package body Sem_Prag is
Pragma_Extend_System => -1,
Pragma_Extensions_Allowed => -1,
Pragma_External => -1,
+ Pragma_Favor_Top_Level => -1,
Pragma_External_Name_Casing => -1,
+ Pragma_Fast_Math => -1,
Pragma_Finalize_Storage_Only => 0,
Pragma_Float_Representation => 0,
Pragma_Ident => -1,
+ Pragma_Implemented_By_Entry => -1,
Pragma_Implicit_Packing => 0,
Pragma_Import => +2,
Pragma_Import_Exception => 0,
diff --git a/gcc/ada/snames.adb b/gcc/ada/snames.adb
index a6693a73af6..b02f7645154 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/snames.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/snames.adb
@@ -93,8 +93,9 @@ package body Snames is
"_disp_asynchronous_select#" &
"_disp_conditional_select#" &
"_disp_get_prim_op_kind#" &
- "_disp_timed_select#" &
"_disp_get_task_id#" &
+ "_disp_requeue#" &
+ "_disp_timed_select#" &
"initialize#" &
"adjust#" &
"finalize#" &
@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ package body Snames is
"extend_system#" &
"extensions_allowed#" &
"external_name_casing#" &
+ "favor_top_level#" &
"float_representation#" &
"implicit_packing#" &
"initialize_scalars#" &
@@ -261,6 +263,7 @@ package body Snames is
"external#" &
"finalize_storage_only#" &
"ident#" &
+ "implemented_by_entry#" &
"import#" &
"import_exception#" &
"import_function#" &
@@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ package body Snames is
"epsilon#" &
"exponent#" &
"external_tag#" &
+ "fast_math#" &
"first#" &
"first_bit#" &
"fixed_value#" &
@@ -569,7 +573,6 @@ package body Snames is
"priority_queuing#" &
"edf_across_priorities#" &
"fifo_within_priorities#" &
- "non_preemptive_within_priorities#" &
"round_robin_within_priorities#" &
"access_check#" &
"accessibility_check#" &
@@ -927,6 +930,8 @@ package body Snames is
if N = Name_AST_Entry then
return Pragma_AST_Entry;
+ elsif N = Name_Fast_Math then
+ return Pragma_Fast_Math;
elsif N = Name_Interface then
return Pragma_Interface;
elsif N = Name_Priority then
@@ -955,8 +960,9 @@ package body Snames is
-- Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id --
- function Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id (N : Name_Id)
- return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id is
+ function Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id
+ (N : Name_Id) return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id
+ is
return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id'Val
(N - First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name);
@@ -972,10 +978,8 @@ package body Snames is
P_Index := Preset_Names'First;
Name_Len := 0;
while Preset_Names (P_Index) /= '#' loop
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Preset_Names (P_Index);
@@ -1024,6 +1028,16 @@ package body Snames is
return N in First_Attribute_Name .. Last_Attribute_Name;
end Is_Attribute_Name;
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name --
+ ----------------------------------
+ function Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return N in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name
+ or else N = Name_Fast_Math;
+ end Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name;
-- Is_Convention_Name --
@@ -1109,6 +1123,7 @@ package body Snames is
return N in First_Pragma_Name .. Last_Pragma_Name
or else N = Name_AST_Entry
+ or else N = Name_Fast_Math
or else N = Name_Interface
or else N = Name_Priority
or else N = Name_Storage_Size
diff --git a/gcc/ada/ b/gcc/ada/
index f2e7be91568..494e79f1223 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/
+++ b/gcc/ada/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ package Snames is
-- WARNING: There is a C file, a-snames.h which duplicates some of the
-- definitions in this file and must be kept properly synchronized.
+-- If you change this package, you should run xsnames.
-- Preset Names --
@@ -173,142 +174,139 @@ package Snames is
Name_uTask_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 030;
Name_uTrace_Sp : constant Name_Id := N + 031;
- -- Names of routines used in the expansion of asynchronous, conditional
- -- and timed dispatching selects.
+ -- Names of predefined primitives used in the expansion of dispatching
+ -- requeue and select statements, Abort, 'Callable and 'Terminated.
Name_uDisp_Asynchronous_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 032;
Name_uDisp_Conditional_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 033;
Name_uDisp_Get_Prim_Op_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 034;
- Name_uDisp_Timed_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 035;
- -- Names of routines used in the expansion of Abort, attributes 'Callable
- -- and 'Terminated for task interface class-wide types.
- Name_uDisp_Get_Task_Id : constant Name_Id := N + 036;
+ Name_uDisp_Get_Task_Id : constant Name_Id := N + 035;
+ Name_uDisp_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 036;
+ Name_uDisp_Timed_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 037;
-- Names of routines in Ada.Finalization, needed by expander
- Name_Initialize : constant Name_Id := N + 037;
- Name_Adjust : constant Name_Id := N + 038;
- Name_Finalize : constant Name_Id := N + 039;
+ Name_Initialize : constant Name_Id := N + 038;
+ Name_Adjust : constant Name_Id := N + 039;
+ Name_Finalize : constant Name_Id := N + 040;
-- Names of fields declared in System.Finalization_Implementation,
-- needed by the expander when generating code for finalization.
- Name_Next : constant Name_Id := N + 040;
- Name_Prev : constant Name_Id := N + 041;
+ Name_Next : constant Name_Id := N + 041;
+ Name_Prev : constant Name_Id := N + 042;
-- Names of TSS routines for implementation of DSA over PolyORB
- Name_uTypeCode : constant Name_Id := N + 042;
- Name_uFrom_Any : constant Name_Id := N + 043;
- Name_uTo_Any : constant Name_Id := N + 044;
+ Name_uTypeCode : constant Name_Id := N + 043;
+ Name_uFrom_Any : constant Name_Id := N + 044;
+ Name_uTo_Any : constant Name_Id := N + 045;
-- Names of allocation routines, also needed by expander
- Name_Allocate : constant Name_Id := N + 045;
- Name_Deallocate : constant Name_Id := N + 046;
- Name_Dereference : constant Name_Id := N + 047;
+ Name_Allocate : constant Name_Id := N + 046;
+ Name_Deallocate : constant Name_Id := N + 047;
+ Name_Dereference : constant Name_Id := N + 048;
-- Names of Text_IO generic subpackages (see Rtsfind.Text_IO_Kludge)
- First_Text_IO_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 048;
- Name_Decimal_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 048;
- Name_Enumeration_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 049;
- Name_Fixed_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 050;
- Name_Float_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 051;
- Name_Integer_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 052;
- Name_Modular_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 053;
- Last_Text_IO_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 053;
+ First_Text_IO_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 049;
+ Name_Decimal_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 049;
+ Name_Enumeration_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 050;
+ Name_Fixed_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 051;
+ Name_Float_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 052;
+ Name_Integer_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 053;
+ Name_Modular_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 054;
+ Last_Text_IO_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 054;
subtype Text_IO_Package_Name is Name_Id
range First_Text_IO_Package .. Last_Text_IO_Package;
-- Some miscellaneous names used for error detection/recovery
- Name_Const : constant Name_Id := N + 054;
- Name_Error : constant Name_Id := N + 055;
- Name_Go : constant Name_Id := N + 056;
- Name_Put : constant Name_Id := N + 057;
- Name_Put_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 058;
- Name_To : constant Name_Id := N + 059;
+ Name_Const : constant Name_Id := N + 055;
+ Name_Error : constant Name_Id := N + 056;
+ Name_Go : constant Name_Id := N + 057;
+ Name_Put : constant Name_Id := N + 058;
+ Name_Put_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 059;
+ Name_To : constant Name_Id := N + 060;
-- Names for packages that are treated specially by the compiler
- Name_Exception_Traces : constant Name_Id := N + 060;
- Name_Finalization : constant Name_Id := N + 061;
- Name_Finalization_Root : constant Name_Id := N + 062;
- Name_Interfaces : constant Name_Id := N + 063;
- Name_Most_Recent_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 064;
- Name_Standard : constant Name_Id := N + 065;
- Name_System : constant Name_Id := N + 066;
- Name_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 067;
- Name_Wide_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 068;
- Name_Wide_Wide_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 069;
+ Name_Exception_Traces : constant Name_Id := N + 061;
+ Name_Finalization : constant Name_Id := N + 062;
+ Name_Finalization_Root : constant Name_Id := N + 063;
+ Name_Interfaces : constant Name_Id := N + 064;
+ Name_Most_Recent_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 065;
+ Name_Standard : constant Name_Id := N + 066;
+ Name_System : constant Name_Id := N + 067;
+ Name_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 068;
+ Name_Wide_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 069;
+ Name_Wide_Wide_Text_IO : constant Name_Id := N + 070;
-- Names of implementations of the distributed systems annex
- First_PCS_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 070;
- Name_No_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 070;
- Name_GARLIC_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 071;
- Name_PolyORB_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 072;
- Last_PCS_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 072;
+ First_PCS_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 071;
+ Name_No_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 071;
+ Name_GARLIC_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 072;
+ Name_PolyORB_DSA : constant Name_Id := N + 073;
+ Last_PCS_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 073;
subtype PCS_Names is Name_Id
range First_PCS_Name .. Last_PCS_Name;
-- Names of identifiers used in expanding distribution stubs
- Name_Addr : constant Name_Id := N + 073;
- Name_Async : constant Name_Id := N + 074;
- Name_Get_Active_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 075;
- Name_Get_RCI_Package_Receiver : constant Name_Id := N + 076;
- Name_Get_RCI_Package_Ref : constant Name_Id := N + 077;
- Name_Origin : constant Name_Id := N + 078;
- Name_Params : constant Name_Id := N + 079;
- Name_Partition : constant Name_Id := N + 080;
- Name_Partition_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 081;
- Name_Ras : constant Name_Id := N + 082;
- Name_uCall : constant Name_Id := N + 083;
- Name_RCI_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 084;
- Name_Receiver : constant Name_Id := N + 085;
- Name_Result : constant Name_Id := N + 086;
- Name_Rpc : constant Name_Id := N + 087;
- Name_Subp_Id : constant Name_Id := N + 088;
- Name_Operation : constant Name_Id := N + 089;
- Name_Argument : constant Name_Id := N + 090;
- Name_Arg_Modes : constant Name_Id := N + 091;
- Name_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 092;
- Name_Target : constant Name_Id := N + 093;
- Name_Req : constant Name_Id := N + 094;
- Name_Obj_TypeCode : constant Name_Id := N + 095;
- Name_Stub : constant Name_Id := N + 096;
+ Name_Addr : constant Name_Id := N + 074;
+ Name_Async : constant Name_Id := N + 075;
+ Name_Get_Active_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 076;
+ Name_Get_RCI_Package_Receiver : constant Name_Id := N + 077;
+ Name_Get_RCI_Package_Ref : constant Name_Id := N + 078;
+ Name_Origin : constant Name_Id := N + 079;
+ Name_Params : constant Name_Id := N + 080;
+ Name_Partition : constant Name_Id := N + 081;
+ Name_Partition_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 082;
+ Name_Ras : constant Name_Id := N + 083;
+ Name_uCall : constant Name_Id := N + 084;
+ Name_RCI_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 085;
+ Name_Receiver : constant Name_Id := N + 086;
+ Name_Result : constant Name_Id := N + 087;
+ Name_Rpc : constant Name_Id := N + 088;
+ Name_Subp_Id : constant Name_Id := N + 089;
+ Name_Operation : constant Name_Id := N + 090;
+ Name_Argument : constant Name_Id := N + 091;
+ Name_Arg_Modes : constant Name_Id := N + 092;
+ Name_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 093;
+ Name_Target : constant Name_Id := N + 094;
+ Name_Req : constant Name_Id := N + 095;
+ Name_Obj_TypeCode : constant Name_Id := N + 096;
+ Name_Stub : constant Name_Id := N + 097;
-- Operator Symbol entries. The actual names have an upper case O at
-- the start in place of the Op_ prefix (e.g. the actual name that
-- corresponds to Name_Op_Abs is "Oabs".
- First_Operator_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 097;
- Name_Op_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 097; -- "abs"
- Name_Op_And : constant Name_Id := N + 098; -- "and"
- Name_Op_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 099; -- "mod"
- Name_Op_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 100; -- "not"
- Name_Op_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 101; -- "or"
- Name_Op_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 102; -- "rem"
- Name_Op_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 103; -- "xor"
- Name_Op_Eq : constant Name_Id := N + 104; -- "="
- Name_Op_Ne : constant Name_Id := N + 105; -- "/="
- Name_Op_Lt : constant Name_Id := N + 106; -- "<"
- Name_Op_Le : constant Name_Id := N + 107; -- "<="
- Name_Op_Gt : constant Name_Id := N + 108; -- ">"
- Name_Op_Ge : constant Name_Id := N + 109; -- ">="
- Name_Op_Add : constant Name_Id := N + 110; -- "+"
- Name_Op_Subtract : constant Name_Id := N + 111; -- "-"
- Name_Op_Concat : constant Name_Id := N + 112; -- "&"
- Name_Op_Multiply : constant Name_Id := N + 113; -- "*"
- Name_Op_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 114; -- "/"
- Name_Op_Expon : constant Name_Id := N + 115; -- "**"
- Last_Operator_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 115;
+ First_Operator_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 098;
+ Name_Op_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 098; -- "abs"
+ Name_Op_And : constant Name_Id := N + 099; -- "and"
+ Name_Op_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 100; -- "mod"
+ Name_Op_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 101; -- "not"
+ Name_Op_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 102; -- "or"
+ Name_Op_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 103; -- "rem"
+ Name_Op_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 104; -- "xor"
+ Name_Op_Eq : constant Name_Id := N + 105; -- "="
+ Name_Op_Ne : constant Name_Id := N + 106; -- "/="
+ Name_Op_Lt : constant Name_Id := N + 107; -- "<"
+ Name_Op_Le : constant Name_Id := N + 108; -- "<="
+ Name_Op_Gt : constant Name_Id := N + 109; -- ">"
+ Name_Op_Ge : constant Name_Id := N + 110; -- ">="
+ Name_Op_Add : constant Name_Id := N + 111; -- "+"
+ Name_Op_Subtract : constant Name_Id := N + 112; -- "-"
+ Name_Op_Concat : constant Name_Id := N + 113; -- "&"
+ Name_Op_Multiply : constant Name_Id := N + 114; -- "*"
+ Name_Op_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 115; -- "/"
+ Name_Op_Expon : constant Name_Id := N + 116; -- "**"
+ Last_Operator_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 116;
-- Names for all pragmas recognized by GNAT. The entries with the comment
-- "Ada 83" are pragmas that are defined in Ada 83, but not in Ada 95.
@@ -331,193 +329,203 @@ package Snames is
-- only in GNAT for the AAMP. They are ignored in other versions with
-- appropriate warnings.
- First_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 116;
+ First_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 117;
-- Configuration pragmas are grouped at start
- Name_Ada_83 : constant Name_Id := N + 116; -- GNAT
- Name_Ada_95 : constant Name_Id := N + 117; -- GNAT
- Name_Ada_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 118; -- GNAT
- Name_Ada_2005 : constant Name_Id := N + 119; -- GNAT
- Name_Assertion_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 120; -- Ada 05
- Name_C_Pass_By_Copy : constant Name_Id := N + 121; -- GNAT
- Name_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 122; -- GNAT
- Name_Compile_Time_Error : constant Name_Id := N + 123; -- GNAT
- Name_Compile_Time_Warning : constant Name_Id := N + 124; -- GNAT
- Name_Compiler_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 125; -- GNAT
- Name_Component_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 126; -- GNAT
- Name_Convention_Identifier : constant Name_Id := N + 127; -- GNAT
- Name_Debug_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 128; -- GNAT
- Name_Detect_Blocking : constant Name_Id := N + 129; -- Ada 05
- Name_Discard_Names : constant Name_Id := N + 130;
- Name_Elaboration_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 131; -- GNAT
- Name_Eliminate : constant Name_Id := N + 132; -- GNAT
- Name_Extend_System : constant Name_Id := N + 133; -- GNAT
- Name_Extensions_Allowed : constant Name_Id := N + 134; -- GNAT
- Name_External_Name_Casing : constant Name_Id := N + 135; -- GNAT
- Name_Float_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 136; -- GNAT
- Name_Implicit_Packing : constant Name_Id := N + 137; -- GNAT
- Name_Initialize_Scalars : constant Name_Id := N + 138; -- GNAT
- Name_Interrupt_State : constant Name_Id := N + 139; -- GNAT
- Name_License : constant Name_Id := N + 140; -- GNAT
- Name_Locking_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 141;
- Name_Long_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 142; -- VMS
- Name_No_Run_Time : constant Name_Id := N + 143; -- GNAT
- Name_No_Strict_Aliasing : constant Name_Id := N + 144; -- GNAT
- Name_Normalize_Scalars : constant Name_Id := N + 145;
- Name_Polling : constant Name_Id := N + 146; -- GNAT
- Name_Persistent_BSS : constant Name_Id := N + 147; -- GNAT
- Name_Priority_Specific_Dispatching : constant Name_Id := N + 148; -- Ada 05
- Name_Profile : constant Name_Id := N + 149; -- Ada 05
- Name_Profile_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 150; -- GNAT
- Name_Propagate_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 151; -- GNAT
- Name_Queuing_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 152;
- Name_Ravenscar : constant Name_Id := N + 153; -- GNAT
- Name_Restricted_Run_Time : constant Name_Id := N + 154; -- GNAT
- Name_Restrictions : constant Name_Id := N + 155;
- Name_Restriction_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 156; -- GNAT
- Name_Reviewable : constant Name_Id := N + 157;
- Name_Source_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 158; -- GNAT
- Name_Source_File_Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 159; -- GNAT
- Name_Style_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 160; -- GNAT
- Name_Suppress : constant Name_Id := N + 161;
- Name_Suppress_Exception_Locations : constant Name_Id := N + 162; -- GNAT
- Name_Task_Dispatching_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 163;
- Name_Universal_Data : constant Name_Id := N + 164; -- AAMP
- Name_Unsuppress : constant Name_Id := N + 165; -- GNAT
- Name_Use_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 166; -- GNAT
- Name_Validity_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 167; -- GNAT
- Name_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 168; -- GNAT
- Name_Wide_Character_Encoding : constant Name_Id := N + 169; -- GNAT
- Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 169;
+ Name_Ada_83 : constant Name_Id := N + 117; -- GNAT
+ Name_Ada_95 : constant Name_Id := N + 118; -- GNAT
+ Name_Ada_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 119; -- GNAT
+ Name_Ada_2005 : constant Name_Id := N + 120; -- GNAT
+ Name_Assertion_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 121; -- Ada 05
+ Name_C_Pass_By_Copy : constant Name_Id := N + 122; -- GNAT
+ Name_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 123; -- GNAT
+ Name_Compile_Time_Error : constant Name_Id := N + 124; -- GNAT
+ Name_Compile_Time_Warning : constant Name_Id := N + 125; -- GNAT
+ Name_Compiler_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 126; -- GNAT
+ Name_Component_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 127; -- GNAT
+ Name_Convention_Identifier : constant Name_Id := N + 128; -- GNAT
+ Name_Debug_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 129; -- GNAT
+ Name_Detect_Blocking : constant Name_Id := N + 130; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Discard_Names : constant Name_Id := N + 131;
+ Name_Elaboration_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 132; -- GNAT
+ Name_Eliminate : constant Name_Id := N + 133; -- GNAT
+ Name_Extend_System : constant Name_Id := N + 134; -- GNAT
+ Name_Extensions_Allowed : constant Name_Id := N + 135; -- GNAT
+ Name_External_Name_Casing : constant Name_Id := N + 136; -- GNAT
+ Name_Favor_Top_Level : constant Name_Id := N + 137; -- GNAT
+ -- Note: Fast_Math is not in this list because its name matches -- GNAT
+ -- the name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is
+ -- included in the definition of the type Pragma_Id, and the
+ -- functions Get_Pragma_Id, Is_[Configuration_]Pragma_Id, and
+ -- correctly recognize and process Fast_Math.
+ Name_Float_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 138; -- GNAT
+ Name_Implicit_Packing : constant Name_Id := N + 139; -- GNAT
+ Name_Initialize_Scalars : constant Name_Id := N + 140; -- GNAT
+ Name_Interrupt_State : constant Name_Id := N + 141; -- GNAT
+ Name_License : constant Name_Id := N + 142; -- GNAT
+ Name_Locking_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 143;
+ Name_Long_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 144; -- VMS
+ Name_No_Run_Time : constant Name_Id := N + 145; -- GNAT
+ Name_No_Strict_Aliasing : constant Name_Id := N + 146; -- GNAT
+ Name_Normalize_Scalars : constant Name_Id := N + 147;
+ Name_Polling : constant Name_Id := N + 148; -- GNAT
+ Name_Persistent_BSS : constant Name_Id := N + 149; -- GNAT
+ Name_Priority_Specific_Dispatching : constant Name_Id := N + 150; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Profile : constant Name_Id := N + 151; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Profile_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 152; -- GNAT
+ Name_Propagate_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 153; -- GNAT
+ Name_Queuing_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 154;
+ Name_Ravenscar : constant Name_Id := N + 155; -- GNAT
+ Name_Restricted_Run_Time : constant Name_Id := N + 156; -- GNAT
+ Name_Restrictions : constant Name_Id := N + 157;
+ Name_Restriction_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 158; -- GNAT
+ Name_Reviewable : constant Name_Id := N + 159;
+ Name_Source_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 160; -- GNAT
+ Name_Source_File_Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 161; -- GNAT
+ Name_Style_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 162; -- GNAT
+ Name_Suppress : constant Name_Id := N + 163;
+ Name_Suppress_Exception_Locations : constant Name_Id := N + 164; -- GNAT
+ Name_Task_Dispatching_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 165;
+ Name_Universal_Data : constant Name_Id := N + 166; -- AAMP
+ Name_Unsuppress : constant Name_Id := N + 167; -- GNAT
+ Name_Use_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 168; -- GNAT
+ Name_Validity_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 169; -- GNAT
+ Name_Warnings : constant Name_Id := N + 170; -- GNAT
+ Name_Wide_Character_Encoding : constant Name_Id := N + 171; -- GNAT
+ Last_Configuration_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 171;
-- Remaining pragma names
- Name_Abort_Defer : constant Name_Id := N + 170; -- GNAT
- Name_All_Calls_Remote : constant Name_Id := N + 171;
- Name_Annotate : constant Name_Id := N + 172; -- GNAT
- -- Note: AST_Entry is not in this list because its name matches the
- -- name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is included in the
- -- definition of the type Pragma_Id, and the functions Get_Pragma_Id
- -- and Check_Pragma_Id correctly recognize and process Name_AST_Entry.
- -- AST_Entry is a VMS specific pragma.
- Name_Assert : constant Name_Id := N + 173; -- Ada 05
- Name_Asynchronous : constant Name_Id := N + 174;
- Name_Atomic : constant Name_Id := N + 175;
- Name_Atomic_Components : constant Name_Id := N + 176;
- Name_Attach_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 177;
- Name_CIL_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 178; -- GNAT
- Name_Comment : constant Name_Id := N + 179; -- GNAT
- Name_Common_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 180; -- GNAT
- Name_Complete_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 181; -- GNAT
- Name_Complex_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 182; -- GNAT
- Name_Controlled : constant Name_Id := N + 183;
- Name_Convention : constant Name_Id := N + 184;
- Name_CPP_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 185; -- GNAT
- Name_CPP_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 186; -- GNAT
- Name_CPP_Virtual : constant Name_Id := N + 187; -- GNAT
- Name_CPP_Vtable : constant Name_Id := N + 188; -- GNAT
- Name_Debug : constant Name_Id := N + 189; -- GNAT
- Name_Elaborate : constant Name_Id := N + 190; -- Ada 83
- Name_Elaborate_All : constant Name_Id := N + 191;
- Name_Elaborate_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 192;
- Name_Export : constant Name_Id := N + 193;
- Name_Export_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 194; -- VMS
- Name_Export_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 195; -- GNAT
- Name_Export_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 196; -- GNAT
- Name_Export_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 197; -- GNAT
- Name_Export_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 198; -- GNAT
- Name_Export_Valued_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 199; -- GNAT
- Name_External : constant Name_Id := N + 200; -- GNAT
- Name_Finalize_Storage_Only : constant Name_Id := N + 201; -- GNAT
- Name_Ident : constant Name_Id := N + 202; -- VMS
- Name_Import : constant Name_Id := N + 203;
- Name_Import_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 204; -- VMS
- Name_Import_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 205; -- GNAT
- Name_Import_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 206; -- GNAT
- Name_Import_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 207; -- GNAT
- Name_Import_Valued_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 208; -- GNAT
- Name_Inline : constant Name_Id := N + 209;
- Name_Inline_Always : constant Name_Id := N + 210; -- GNAT
- Name_Inline_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 211; -- GNAT
- Name_Inspection_Point : constant Name_Id := N + 212;
- Name_Interface_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 213; -- GNAT
- Name_Interrupt_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 214;
- Name_Interrupt_Priority : constant Name_Id := N + 215;
- Name_Java_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 216; -- GNAT
- Name_Java_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 217; -- GNAT
- Name_Keep_Names : constant Name_Id := N + 218; -- GNAT
- Name_Link_With : constant Name_Id := N + 219; -- GNAT
- Name_Linker_Alias : constant Name_Id := N + 220; -- GNAT
- Name_Linker_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 221; -- GNAT
- Name_Linker_Destructor : constant Name_Id := N + 222; -- GNAT
- Name_Linker_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 223;
- Name_Linker_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 224; -- GNAT
- Name_List : constant Name_Id := N + 225;
- Name_Machine_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 226; -- GNAT
- Name_Main : constant Name_Id := N + 227; -- GNAT
- Name_Main_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 228; -- GNAT
- Name_Memory_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 229; -- Ada 83
- Name_No_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 230; -- GNAT
- Name_No_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 231; -- GNAT
- Name_Obsolescent : constant Name_Id := N + 232; -- GNAT
- Name_Optimize : constant Name_Id := N + 233;
- Name_Pack : constant Name_Id := N + 234;
- Name_Page : constant Name_Id := N + 235;
- Name_Passive : constant Name_Id := N + 236; -- GNAT
- Name_Preelaborable_Initialization : constant Name_Id := N + 237; -- Ada 05
- Name_Preelaborate : constant Name_Id := N + 238;
- Name_Preelaborate_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 239; -- GNAT
- -- Note: Priority is not in this list because its name matches the
- -- name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is included in the
- -- definition of the type Pragma_Id, and the functions Get_Pragma_Id
- -- and Check_Pragma_Id correctly recognize and process Priority.
- -- Priority is a standard Ada 95 pragma.
- Name_Psect_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 240; -- VMS
- Name_Pure : constant Name_Id := N + 241;
- Name_Pure_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 242; -- GNAT
- Name_Pure_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 243; -- GNAT
- Name_Remote_Call_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 244;
- Name_Remote_Types : constant Name_Id := N + 245;
- Name_Share_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 246; -- GNAT
- Name_Shared : constant Name_Id := N + 247; -- Ada 83
- Name_Shared_Passive : constant Name_Id := N + 248;
- -- Note: Storage_Size is not in this list because its name matches the
- -- name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is included in the
- -- definition of the type Attribute_Id, and the functions Get_Pragma_Id
- -- and Check_Pragma_Id correctly recognize and process Name_Storage_Size.
- -- Note: Storage_Unit is also omitted from the list because of a clash
- -- with an attribute name, and is treated similarly.
- Name_Source_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 249; -- GNAT
- Name_Static_Elaboration_Desired : constant Name_Id := N + 250; -- GNAT
- Name_Stream_Convert : constant Name_Id := N + 251; -- GNAT
- Name_Subtitle : constant Name_Id := N + 252; -- GNAT
- Name_Suppress_All : constant Name_Id := N + 253; -- GNAT
- Name_Suppress_Debug_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 254; -- GNAT
- Name_Suppress_Initialization : constant Name_Id := N + 255; -- GNAT
- Name_System_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 256; -- Ada 83
- Name_Task_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 257; -- GNAT
- Name_Task_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 258; -- GNAT
- Name_Task_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 259; -- VMS
- Name_Time_Slice : constant Name_Id := N + 260; -- GNAT
- Name_Title : constant Name_Id := N + 261; -- GNAT
- Name_Unchecked_Union : constant Name_Id := N + 262; -- GNAT
- Name_Unimplemented_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 263; -- GNAT
- Name_Universal_Aliasing : constant Name_Id := N + 264; -- GNAT
- Name_Unreferenced : constant Name_Id := N + 265; -- GNAT
- Name_Unreferenced_Objects : constant Name_Id := N + 266; -- GNAT
- Name_Unreserve_All_Interrupts : constant Name_Id := N + 267; -- GNAT
- Name_Volatile : constant Name_Id := N + 268;
- Name_Volatile_Components : constant Name_Id := N + 269;
- Name_Weak_External : constant Name_Id := N + 270; -- GNAT
- Last_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 270;
+ Name_Abort_Defer : constant Name_Id := N + 172; -- GNAT
+ Name_All_Calls_Remote : constant Name_Id := N + 173;
+ Name_Annotate : constant Name_Id := N + 174; -- GNAT
+ -- Note: AST_Entry is not in this list because its name matches -- VMS
+ -- the name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is
+ -- included in the definition of the type Pragma_Id, and the
+ -- functions Get_Pragma_Id and Is_Pragma_Id correctly recognize
+ -- and process Name_AST_Entry.
+ Name_Assert : constant Name_Id := N + 175; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Asynchronous : constant Name_Id := N + 176;
+ Name_Atomic : constant Name_Id := N + 177;
+ Name_Atomic_Components : constant Name_Id := N + 178;
+ Name_Attach_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 179;
+ Name_CIL_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 180; -- GNAT
+ Name_Comment : constant Name_Id := N + 181; -- GNAT
+ Name_Common_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 182; -- GNAT
+ Name_Complete_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 183; -- GNAT
+ Name_Complex_Representation : constant Name_Id := N + 184; -- GNAT
+ Name_Controlled : constant Name_Id := N + 185;
+ Name_Convention : constant Name_Id := N + 186;
+ Name_CPP_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 187; -- GNAT
+ Name_CPP_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 188; -- GNAT
+ Name_CPP_Virtual : constant Name_Id := N + 189; -- GNAT
+ Name_CPP_Vtable : constant Name_Id := N + 190; -- GNAT
+ Name_Debug : constant Name_Id := N + 191; -- GNAT
+ Name_Elaborate : constant Name_Id := N + 192; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Elaborate_All : constant Name_Id := N + 193;
+ Name_Elaborate_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 194;
+ Name_Export : constant Name_Id := N + 195;
+ Name_Export_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 196; -- VMS
+ Name_Export_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 197; -- GNAT
+ Name_Export_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 198; -- GNAT
+ Name_Export_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 199; -- GNAT
+ Name_Export_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 200; -- GNAT
+ Name_Export_Valued_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 201; -- GNAT
+ Name_External : constant Name_Id := N + 202; -- GNAT
+ Name_Finalize_Storage_Only : constant Name_Id := N + 203; -- GNAT
+ Name_Ident : constant Name_Id := N + 204; -- VMS
+ Name_Implemented_By_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 205; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Import : constant Name_Id := N + 206;
+ Name_Import_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 207; -- VMS
+ Name_Import_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 208; -- GNAT
+ Name_Import_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 209; -- GNAT
+ Name_Import_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 210; -- GNAT
+ Name_Import_Valued_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 211; -- GNAT
+ Name_Inline : constant Name_Id := N + 212;
+ Name_Inline_Always : constant Name_Id := N + 213; -- GNAT
+ Name_Inline_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 214; -- GNAT
+ Name_Inspection_Point : constant Name_Id := N + 215;
+ Name_Interface_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 216; -- GNAT
+ Name_Interrupt_Handler : constant Name_Id := N + 217;
+ Name_Interrupt_Priority : constant Name_Id := N + 218;
+ Name_Java_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 219; -- GNAT
+ Name_Java_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 220; -- GNAT
+ Name_Keep_Names : constant Name_Id := N + 221; -- GNAT
+ Name_Link_With : constant Name_Id := N + 222; -- GNAT
+ Name_Linker_Alias : constant Name_Id := N + 223; -- GNAT
+ Name_Linker_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 224; -- GNAT
+ Name_Linker_Destructor : constant Name_Id := N + 225; -- GNAT
+ Name_Linker_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 226;
+ Name_Linker_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 227; -- GNAT
+ Name_List : constant Name_Id := N + 228;
+ Name_Machine_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 229; -- GNAT
+ Name_Main : constant Name_Id := N + 230; -- GNAT
+ Name_Main_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 231; -- GNAT
+ Name_Memory_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 232; -- Ada 83
+ Name_No_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 233; -- GNAT
+ Name_No_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 234; -- GNAT
+ Name_Obsolescent : constant Name_Id := N + 235; -- GNAT
+ Name_Optimize : constant Name_Id := N + 236;
+ Name_Pack : constant Name_Id := N + 237;
+ Name_Page : constant Name_Id := N + 238;
+ Name_Passive : constant Name_Id := N + 239; -- GNAT
+ Name_Preelaborable_Initialization : constant Name_Id := N + 240; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Preelaborate : constant Name_Id := N + 241;
+ Name_Preelaborate_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 242; -- GNAT
+ -- Note: Priority is not in this list because its name matches
+ -- the name of the corresponding attribute. However, it is
+ -- included in the definition of the type Pragma_Id, and the
+ -- functions Get_Pragma_Id and Is_Pragma_Id correctly recognize
+ -- and process Priority. Priority is a standard Ada 95 pragma.
+ Name_Psect_Object : constant Name_Id := N + 243; -- VMS
+ Name_Pure : constant Name_Id := N + 244;
+ Name_Pure_05 : constant Name_Id := N + 245; -- GNAT
+ Name_Pure_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 246; -- GNAT
+ Name_Remote_Call_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 247;
+ Name_Remote_Types : constant Name_Id := N + 248;
+ Name_Share_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 249; -- GNAT
+ Name_Shared : constant Name_Id := N + 250; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Shared_Passive : constant Name_Id := N + 251;
+ -- Note: Storage_Size is not in this list because its name
+ -- matches the name of the corresponding attribute. However,
+ -- it is included in the definition of the type Attribute_Id,
+ -- and the functions Get_Pragma_Id and Is_Pragma_Id correctly
+ -- recognize and process Name_Storage_Size.
+ -- Note: Storage_Unit is also omitted from the list because
+ -- of a clash with an attribute name, and is treated similarly.
+ Name_Source_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 252; -- GNAT
+ Name_Static_Elaboration_Desired : constant Name_Id := N + 253; -- GNAT
+ Name_Stream_Convert : constant Name_Id := N + 254; -- GNAT
+ Name_Subtitle : constant Name_Id := N + 255; -- GNAT
+ Name_Suppress_All : constant Name_Id := N + 256; -- GNAT
+ Name_Suppress_Debug_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 257; -- GNAT
+ Name_Suppress_Initialization : constant Name_Id := N + 258; -- GNAT
+ Name_System_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 259; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Task_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 260; -- GNAT
+ Name_Task_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 261; -- GNAT
+ Name_Task_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 262; -- VMS
+ Name_Time_Slice : constant Name_Id := N + 263; -- GNAT
+ Name_Title : constant Name_Id := N + 264; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unchecked_Union : constant Name_Id := N + 265; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unimplemented_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 266; -- GNAT
+ Name_Universal_Aliasing : constant Name_Id := N + 267; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unreferenced : constant Name_Id := N + 268; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unreferenced_Objects : constant Name_Id := N + 269; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unreserve_All_Interrupts : constant Name_Id := N + 270; -- GNAT
+ Name_Volatile : constant Name_Id := N + 271;
+ Name_Volatile_Components : constant Name_Id := N + 272;
+ Name_Weak_External : constant Name_Id := N + 273; -- GNAT
+ Last_Pragma_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 273;
-- Language convention names for pragma Convention/Export/Import/Interface
-- Note that Name_C is not included in this list, since it was already
@@ -528,119 +536,119 @@ package Snames is
-- Entry and Protected, this is because these conventions cannot be
-- specified by a pragma.
- First_Convention_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 271;
- Name_Ada : constant Name_Id := N + 271;
- Name_Assembler : constant Name_Id := N + 272;
- Name_CIL : constant Name_Id := N + 273;
- Name_COBOL : constant Name_Id := N + 274;
- Name_CPP : constant Name_Id := N + 275;
- Name_Fortran : constant Name_Id := N + 276;
- Name_Intrinsic : constant Name_Id := N + 277;
- Name_Java : constant Name_Id := N + 278;
- Name_Stdcall : constant Name_Id := N + 279;
- Name_Stubbed : constant Name_Id := N + 280;
- Last_Convention_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 280;
+ First_Convention_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 274;
+ Name_Ada : constant Name_Id := N + 274;
+ Name_Assembler : constant Name_Id := N + 275;
+ Name_CIL : constant Name_Id := N + 276;
+ Name_COBOL : constant Name_Id := N + 277;
+ Name_CPP : constant Name_Id := N + 278;
+ Name_Fortran : constant Name_Id := N + 279;
+ Name_Intrinsic : constant Name_Id := N + 280;
+ Name_Java : constant Name_Id := N + 281;
+ Name_Stdcall : constant Name_Id := N + 282;
+ Name_Stubbed : constant Name_Id := N + 283;
+ Last_Convention_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 283;
-- The following names are preset as synonyms for Assembler
- Name_Asm : constant Name_Id := N + 281;
- Name_Assembly : constant Name_Id := N + 282;
+ Name_Asm : constant Name_Id := N + 284;
+ Name_Assembly : constant Name_Id := N + 285;
-- The following names are preset as synonyms for C
- Name_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 283;
+ Name_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 286;
-- Name_Exernal (previously defined as pragma)
-- The following names are preset as synonyms for CPP
- Name_C_Plus_Plus : constant Name_Id := N + 284;
+ Name_C_Plus_Plus : constant Name_Id := N + 287;
-- The following names are present as synonyms for Stdcall
- Name_DLL : constant Name_Id := N + 285;
- Name_Win32 : constant Name_Id := N + 286;
+ Name_DLL : constant Name_Id := N + 288;
+ Name_Win32 : constant Name_Id := N + 289;
-- Other special names used in processing pragmas
- Name_As_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 287;
- Name_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 288;
- Name_Body_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 289;
- Name_Boolean_Entry_Barriers : constant Name_Id := N + 290;
- Name_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 291;
- Name_Casing : constant Name_Id := N + 292;
- Name_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 293;
- Name_Component : constant Name_Id := N + 294;
- Name_Component_Size_4 : constant Name_Id := N + 295;
- Name_Copy : constant Name_Id := N + 296;
- Name_D_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 297;
- Name_Descriptor : constant Name_Id := N + 298;
- Name_Dot_Replacement : constant Name_Id := N + 299;
- Name_Dynamic : constant Name_Id := N + 300;
- Name_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 301;
- Name_Entry_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 302;
- Name_External_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 303;
- Name_First_Optional_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 304;
- Name_Form : constant Name_Id := N + 305;
- Name_G_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 306;
- Name_Gcc : constant Name_Id := N + 307;
- Name_Gnat : constant Name_Id := N + 308;
- Name_GPL : constant Name_Id := N + 309;
- Name_IEEE_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 310;
- Name_Ignore : constant Name_Id := N + 311;
- Name_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 312;
- Name_Internal : constant Name_Id := N + 313;
- Name_Link_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 314;
- Name_Lowercase : constant Name_Id := N + 315;
- Name_Max_Entry_Queue_Depth : constant Name_Id := N + 316;
- Name_Max_Entry_Queue_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 317;
- Name_Max_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 318;
- Name_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 319;
- Name_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 320;
- Name_Mixedcase : constant Name_Id := N + 321;
- Name_Modified_GPL : constant Name_Id := N + 322;
- Name_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 323;
- Name_NCA : constant Name_Id := N + 324;
- Name_No : constant Name_Id := N + 325;
- Name_No_Dependence : constant Name_Id := N + 326;
- Name_No_Dynamic_Attachment : constant Name_Id := N + 327;
- Name_No_Dynamic_Interrupts : constant Name_Id := N + 328;
- Name_No_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 329;
- Name_No_Requeue_Statements : constant Name_Id := N + 330;
- Name_No_Task_Attributes : constant Name_Id := N + 331;
- Name_No_Task_Attributes_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 332;
- Name_On : constant Name_Id := N + 333;
- Name_Parameter_Types : constant Name_Id := N + 334;
- Name_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 335;
- Name_Restricted : constant Name_Id := N + 336;
- Name_Result_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 337;
- Name_Result_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 338;
- Name_Runtime : constant Name_Id := N + 339;
- Name_SB : constant Name_Id := N + 340;
- Name_Secondary_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 341;
- Name_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 342;
- Name_Semaphore : constant Name_Id := N + 343;
- Name_Simple_Barriers : constant Name_Id := N + 344;
- Name_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 345;
- Name_State : constant Name_Id := N + 346;
- Name_Static : constant Name_Id := N + 347;
- Name_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 348;
- Name_Subunit_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 349;
- Name_Task_Stack_Size_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 350;
- Name_Task_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 351;
- Name_Time_Slicing_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 352;
- Name_Top_Guard : constant Name_Id := N + 353;
- Name_UBA : constant Name_Id := N + 354;
- Name_UBS : constant Name_Id := N + 355;
- Name_UBSB : constant Name_Id := N + 356;
- Name_Unit_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 357;
- Name_Unknown : constant Name_Id := N + 358;
- Name_Unrestricted : constant Name_Id := N + 359;
- Name_Uppercase : constant Name_Id := N + 360;
- Name_User : constant Name_Id := N + 361;
- Name_VAX_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 362;
- Name_VMS : constant Name_Id := N + 363;
- Name_Vtable_Ptr : constant Name_Id := N + 364;
- Name_Working_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 365;
+ Name_As_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 290;
+ Name_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 291;
+ Name_Body_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 292;
+ Name_Boolean_Entry_Barriers : constant Name_Id := N + 293;
+ Name_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 294;
+ Name_Casing : constant Name_Id := N + 295;
+ Name_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 296;
+ Name_Component : constant Name_Id := N + 297;
+ Name_Component_Size_4 : constant Name_Id := N + 298;
+ Name_Copy : constant Name_Id := N + 299;
+ Name_D_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 300;
+ Name_Descriptor : constant Name_Id := N + 301;
+ Name_Dot_Replacement : constant Name_Id := N + 302;
+ Name_Dynamic : constant Name_Id := N + 303;
+ Name_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 304;
+ Name_Entry_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 305;
+ Name_External_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 306;
+ Name_First_Optional_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 307;
+ Name_Form : constant Name_Id := N + 308;
+ Name_G_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 309;
+ Name_Gcc : constant Name_Id := N + 310;
+ Name_Gnat : constant Name_Id := N + 311;
+ Name_GPL : constant Name_Id := N + 312;
+ Name_IEEE_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 313;
+ Name_Ignore : constant Name_Id := N + 314;
+ Name_Info : constant Name_Id := N + 315;
+ Name_Internal : constant Name_Id := N + 316;
+ Name_Link_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 317;
+ Name_Lowercase : constant Name_Id := N + 318;
+ Name_Max_Entry_Queue_Depth : constant Name_Id := N + 319;
+ Name_Max_Entry_Queue_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 320;
+ Name_Max_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 321;
+ Name_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 322;
+ Name_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 323;
+ Name_Mixedcase : constant Name_Id := N + 324;
+ Name_Modified_GPL : constant Name_Id := N + 325;
+ Name_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 326;
+ Name_NCA : constant Name_Id := N + 327;
+ Name_No : constant Name_Id := N + 328;
+ Name_No_Dependence : constant Name_Id := N + 329;
+ Name_No_Dynamic_Attachment : constant Name_Id := N + 330;
+ Name_No_Dynamic_Interrupts : constant Name_Id := N + 331;
+ Name_No_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 332;
+ Name_No_Requeue_Statements : constant Name_Id := N + 333;
+ Name_No_Task_Attributes : constant Name_Id := N + 334;
+ Name_No_Task_Attributes_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 335;
+ Name_On : constant Name_Id := N + 336;
+ Name_Parameter_Types : constant Name_Id := N + 337;
+ Name_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 338;
+ Name_Restricted : constant Name_Id := N + 339;
+ Name_Result_Mechanism : constant Name_Id := N + 340;
+ Name_Result_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 341;
+ Name_Runtime : constant Name_Id := N + 342;
+ Name_SB : constant Name_Id := N + 343;
+ Name_Secondary_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 344;
+ Name_Section : constant Name_Id := N + 345;
+ Name_Semaphore : constant Name_Id := N + 346;
+ Name_Simple_Barriers : constant Name_Id := N + 347;
+ Name_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 348;
+ Name_State : constant Name_Id := N + 349;
+ Name_Static : constant Name_Id := N + 350;
+ Name_Stack_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 351;
+ Name_Subunit_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 352;
+ Name_Task_Stack_Size_Default : constant Name_Id := N + 353;
+ Name_Task_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 354;
+ Name_Time_Slicing_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 355;
+ Name_Top_Guard : constant Name_Id := N + 356;
+ Name_UBA : constant Name_Id := N + 357;
+ Name_UBS : constant Name_Id := N + 358;
+ Name_UBSB : constant Name_Id := N + 359;
+ Name_Unit_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 360;
+ Name_Unknown : constant Name_Id := N + 361;
+ Name_Unrestricted : constant Name_Id := N + 362;
+ Name_Uppercase : constant Name_Id := N + 363;
+ Name_User : constant Name_Id := N + 364;
+ Name_VAX_Float : constant Name_Id := N + 365;
+ Name_VMS : constant Name_Id := N + 366;
+ Name_Vtable_Ptr : constant Name_Id := N + 367;
+ Name_Working_Storage : constant Name_Id := N + 368;
-- Names of recognized attributes. The entries with the comment "Ada 83"
-- are attributes that are defined in Ada 83, but not in Ada 95. These
@@ -654,169 +662,170 @@ package Snames is
-- The entries marked VMS are recognized only in OpenVMS implementations
-- of GNAT, and are treated as illegal in all other contexts.
- First_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 366;
- Name_Abort_Signal : constant Name_Id := N + 366; -- GNAT
- Name_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 367;
- Name_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 368;
- Name_Address_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 369; -- GNAT
- Name_Aft : constant Name_Id := N + 370;
- Name_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 371;
- Name_Asm_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 372; -- GNAT
- Name_Asm_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 373; -- GNAT
- Name_AST_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 374; -- VMS
- Name_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 375; -- GNAT
- Name_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 376;
- Name_Bit_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 377; -- GNAT
- Name_Body_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 378;
- Name_Callable : constant Name_Id := N + 379;
- Name_Caller : constant Name_Id := N + 380;
- Name_Code_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 381; -- GNAT
- Name_Component_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 382;
- Name_Compose : constant Name_Id := N + 383;
- Name_Constrained : constant Name_Id := N + 384;
- Name_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 385;
- Name_Default_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 386; -- GNAT
- Name_Definite : constant Name_Id := N + 387;
- Name_Delta : constant Name_Id := N + 388;
- Name_Denorm : constant Name_Id := N + 389;
- Name_Digits : constant Name_Id := N + 390;
- Name_Elaborated : constant Name_Id := N + 391; -- GNAT
- Name_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 392; -- Ada 83
- Name_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 393; -- GNAT
- Name_Enum_Rep : constant Name_Id := N + 394; -- GNAT
- Name_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 395; -- Ada 83
- Name_Exponent : constant Name_Id := N + 396;
- Name_External_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 397;
- Name_First : constant Name_Id := N + 398;
- Name_First_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 399;
- Name_Fixed_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 400; -- GNAT
- Name_Fore : constant Name_Id := N + 401;
- Name_Has_Access_Values : constant Name_Id := N + 402; -- GNAT
- Name_Has_Discriminants : constant Name_Id := N + 403; -- GNAT
- Name_Identity : constant Name_Id := N + 404;
- Name_Img : constant Name_Id := N + 405; -- GNAT
- Name_Integer_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 406; -- GNAT
- Name_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 407; -- Ada 83
- Name_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 408;
- Name_Last_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 409;
- Name_Leading_Part : constant Name_Id := N + 410;
- Name_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 411;
- Name_Machine_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 412;
- Name_Machine_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 413;
- Name_Machine_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 414;
- Name_Machine_Overflows : constant Name_Id := N + 415;
- Name_Machine_Radix : constant Name_Id := N + 416;
- Name_Machine_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 417; -- Ada 05
- Name_Machine_Rounds : constant Name_Id := N + 418;
- Name_Machine_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 419; -- GNAT
- Name_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 420; -- Ada 83
- Name_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements : constant Name_Id := N + 421;
- Name_Maximum_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 422; -- GNAT
- Name_Mechanism_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 423; -- GNAT
- Name_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 424; -- Ada 05
- Name_Model_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 425;
- Name_Model_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 426;
- Name_Model_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 427;
- Name_Model_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 428;
- Name_Modulus : constant Name_Id := N + 429;
- Name_Null_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 430; -- GNAT
- Name_Object_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 431; -- GNAT
- Name_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 432;
- Name_Passed_By_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 433; -- GNAT
- Name_Pool_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 434;
- Name_Pos : constant Name_Id := N + 435;
- Name_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
- Name_Priority : constant Name_Id := N + 437; -- Ada 05
- Name_Range : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
- Name_Range_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 439; -- GNAT
- Name_Round : constant Name_Id := N + 440;
- Name_Safe_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 441; -- Ada 83
- Name_Safe_First : constant Name_Id := N + 442;
- Name_Safe_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 443; -- Ada 83
- Name_Safe_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 444;
- Name_Safe_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 445; -- Ada 83
- Name_Scale : constant Name_Id := N + 446;
- Name_Scaling : constant Name_Id := N + 447;
- Name_Signed_Zeros : constant Name_Id := N + 448;
- Name_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 449;
- Name_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 450;
- Name_Storage_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 451;
- Name_Storage_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 452; -- GNAT
- Name_Stream_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 453; -- Ada 05
- Name_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 454;
- Name_Target_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 455; -- GNAT
- Name_Terminated : constant Name_Id := N + 456;
- Name_To_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 457; -- GNAT
- Name_Type_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 458; -- GNAT
- Name_UET_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 459; -- GNAT
- Name_Unbiased_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 460;
- Name_Unchecked_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 461;
- Name_Unconstrained_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 462;
- Name_Universal_Literal_String : constant Name_Id := N + 463; -- GNAT
- Name_Unrestricted_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 464; -- GNAT
- Name_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 465; -- GNAT
- Name_Val : constant Name_Id := N + 466;
- Name_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 467;
- Name_Value_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 468; -- GNAT
- Name_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 469;
- Name_Wchar_T_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 470; -- GNAT
- Name_Wide_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 471; -- Ada 05
- Name_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 472;
- Name_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 473;
- Name_Word_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 474; -- GNAT
+ First_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 369;
+ Name_Abort_Signal : constant Name_Id := N + 369; -- GNAT
+ Name_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 370;
+ Name_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 371;
+ Name_Address_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 372; -- GNAT
+ Name_Aft : constant Name_Id := N + 373;
+ Name_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 374;
+ Name_Asm_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 375; -- GNAT
+ Name_Asm_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 376; -- GNAT
+ Name_AST_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 377; -- VMS
+ Name_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 378; -- GNAT
+ Name_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 379;
+ Name_Bit_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 380; -- GNAT
+ Name_Body_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 381;
+ Name_Callable : constant Name_Id := N + 382;
+ Name_Caller : constant Name_Id := N + 383;
+ Name_Code_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 384; -- GNAT
+ Name_Component_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 385;
+ Name_Compose : constant Name_Id := N + 386;
+ Name_Constrained : constant Name_Id := N + 387;
+ Name_Count : constant Name_Id := N + 388;
+ Name_Default_Bit_Order : constant Name_Id := N + 389; -- GNAT
+ Name_Definite : constant Name_Id := N + 390;
+ Name_Delta : constant Name_Id := N + 391;
+ Name_Denorm : constant Name_Id := N + 392;
+ Name_Digits : constant Name_Id := N + 393;
+ Name_Elaborated : constant Name_Id := N + 394; -- GNAT
+ Name_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 395; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Enabled : constant Name_Id := N + 396; -- GNAT
+ Name_Enum_Rep : constant Name_Id := N + 397; -- GNAT
+ Name_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 398; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Exponent : constant Name_Id := N + 399;
+ Name_External_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 400;
+ Name_Fast_Math : constant Name_Id := N + 401; -- GNAT
+ Name_First : constant Name_Id := N + 402;
+ Name_First_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 403;
+ Name_Fixed_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 404; -- GNAT
+ Name_Fore : constant Name_Id := N + 405;
+ Name_Has_Access_Values : constant Name_Id := N + 406; -- GNAT
+ Name_Has_Discriminants : constant Name_Id := N + 407; -- GNAT
+ Name_Identity : constant Name_Id := N + 408;
+ Name_Img : constant Name_Id := N + 409; -- GNAT
+ Name_Integer_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 410; -- GNAT
+ Name_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 411; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 412;
+ Name_Last_Bit : constant Name_Id := N + 413;
+ Name_Leading_Part : constant Name_Id := N + 414;
+ Name_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 415;
+ Name_Machine_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 416;
+ Name_Machine_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 417;
+ Name_Machine_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 418;
+ Name_Machine_Overflows : constant Name_Id := N + 419;
+ Name_Machine_Radix : constant Name_Id := N + 420;
+ Name_Machine_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 421; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Machine_Rounds : constant Name_Id := N + 422;
+ Name_Machine_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 423; -- GNAT
+ Name_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 424; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements : constant Name_Id := N + 425;
+ Name_Maximum_Alignment : constant Name_Id := N + 426; -- GNAT
+ Name_Mechanism_Code : constant Name_Id := N + 427; -- GNAT
+ Name_Mod : constant Name_Id := N + 428; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Model_Emin : constant Name_Id := N + 429;
+ Name_Model_Epsilon : constant Name_Id := N + 430;
+ Name_Model_Mantissa : constant Name_Id := N + 431;
+ Name_Model_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 432;
+ Name_Modulus : constant Name_Id := N + 433;
+ Name_Null_Parameter : constant Name_Id := N + 434; -- GNAT
+ Name_Object_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 435; -- GNAT
+ Name_Partition_ID : constant Name_Id := N + 436;
+ Name_Passed_By_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 437; -- GNAT
+ Name_Pool_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 438;
+ Name_Pos : constant Name_Id := N + 439;
+ Name_Position : constant Name_Id := N + 440;
+ Name_Priority : constant Name_Id := N + 441; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Range : constant Name_Id := N + 442;
+ Name_Range_Length : constant Name_Id := N + 443; -- GNAT
+ Name_Round : constant Name_Id := N + 444;
+ Name_Safe_Emax : constant Name_Id := N + 445; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Safe_First : constant Name_Id := N + 446;
+ Name_Safe_Large : constant Name_Id := N + 447; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Safe_Last : constant Name_Id := N + 448;
+ Name_Safe_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 449; -- Ada 83
+ Name_Scale : constant Name_Id := N + 450;
+ Name_Scaling : constant Name_Id := N + 451;
+ Name_Signed_Zeros : constant Name_Id := N + 452;
+ Name_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 453;
+ Name_Small : constant Name_Id := N + 454;
+ Name_Storage_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 455;
+ Name_Storage_Unit : constant Name_Id := N + 456; -- GNAT
+ Name_Stream_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 457; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Tag : constant Name_Id := N + 458;
+ Name_Target_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 459; -- GNAT
+ Name_Terminated : constant Name_Id := N + 460;
+ Name_To_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 461; -- GNAT
+ Name_Type_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 462; -- GNAT
+ Name_UET_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 463; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unbiased_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 464;
+ Name_Unchecked_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 465;
+ Name_Unconstrained_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 466;
+ Name_Universal_Literal_String : constant Name_Id := N + 467; -- GNAT
+ Name_Unrestricted_Access : constant Name_Id := N + 468; -- GNAT
+ Name_VADS_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 469; -- GNAT
+ Name_Val : constant Name_Id := N + 470;
+ Name_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 471;
+ Name_Value_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 472; -- GNAT
+ Name_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 473;
+ Name_Wchar_T_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 474; -- GNAT
+ Name_Wide_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 475; -- Ada 05
+ Name_Wide_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 476;
+ Name_Width : constant Name_Id := N + 477;
+ Name_Word_Size : constant Name_Id := N + 478; -- GNAT
-- Attributes that designate attributes returning renamable functions,
-- i.e. functions that return other than a universal value and that
-- have non-universal arguments.
- First_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 475;
- Name_Adjacent : constant Name_Id := N + 475;
- Name_Ceiling : constant Name_Id := N + 476;
- Name_Copy_Sign : constant Name_Id := N + 477;
- Name_Floor : constant Name_Id := N + 478;
- Name_Fraction : constant Name_Id := N + 479;
- Name_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 480;
- Name_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 481;
- Name_Machine : constant Name_Id := N + 482;
- Name_Max : constant Name_Id := N + 483;
- Name_Min : constant Name_Id := N + 484;
- Name_Model : constant Name_Id := N + 485;
- Name_Pred : constant Name_Id := N + 486;
- Name_Remainder : constant Name_Id := N + 487;
- Name_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 488;
- Name_Succ : constant Name_Id := N + 489;
- Name_Truncation : constant Name_Id := N + 490;
- Name_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 491;
- Name_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 492;
- Name_Wide_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 493;
- Name_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 494;
- Name_Wide_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 495;
- Last_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 495;
+ First_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 479;
+ Name_Adjacent : constant Name_Id := N + 479;
+ Name_Ceiling : constant Name_Id := N + 480;
+ Name_Copy_Sign : constant Name_Id := N + 481;
+ Name_Floor : constant Name_Id := N + 482;
+ Name_Fraction : constant Name_Id := N + 483;
+ Name_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 484;
+ Name_Input : constant Name_Id := N + 485;
+ Name_Machine : constant Name_Id := N + 486;
+ Name_Max : constant Name_Id := N + 487;
+ Name_Min : constant Name_Id := N + 488;
+ Name_Model : constant Name_Id := N + 489;
+ Name_Pred : constant Name_Id := N + 490;
+ Name_Remainder : constant Name_Id := N + 491;
+ Name_Rounding : constant Name_Id := N + 492;
+ Name_Succ : constant Name_Id := N + 493;
+ Name_Truncation : constant Name_Id := N + 494;
+ Name_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 495;
+ Name_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 496;
+ Name_Wide_Wide_Image : constant Name_Id := N + 497;
+ Name_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 498;
+ Name_Wide_Wide_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 499;
+ Last_Renamable_Function_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 499;
-- Attributes that designate procedures
- First_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 496;
- Name_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 496;
- Name_Read : constant Name_Id := N + 497;
- Name_Write : constant Name_Id := N + 498;
- Last_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 498;
+ First_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 500;
+ Name_Output : constant Name_Id := N + 500;
+ Name_Read : constant Name_Id := N + 501;
+ Name_Write : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
+ Last_Procedure_Attribute : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
-- Remaining attributes are ones that return entities
- First_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 499;
- Name_Elab_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 499; -- GNAT
- Name_Elab_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 500; -- GNAT
- Name_Storage_Pool : constant Name_Id := N + 501;
+ First_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 503;
+ Name_Elab_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 503; -- GNAT
+ Name_Elab_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 504; -- GNAT
+ Name_Storage_Pool : constant Name_Id := N + 505;
-- These attributes are the ones that return types
- First_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
- Name_Base : constant Name_Id := N + 502;
- Name_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 503;
- Name_Stub_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
- Last_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
- Last_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
- Last_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 504;
+ First_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
+ Name_Base : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
+ Name_Class : constant Name_Id := N + 507;
+ Name_Stub_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
+ Last_Type_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
+ Last_Entity_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
+ Last_Attribute_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
-- Names of recognized locking policy identifiers
@@ -824,10 +833,10 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. C for Ceiling_Locking). If new policy names are added,
-- the first character must be distinct.
- First_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 505;
- Name_Ceiling_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 505;
- Name_Inheritance_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
- Last_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 506;
+ First_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
+ Name_Ceiling_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
+ Name_Inheritance_Locking : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
+ Last_Locking_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
-- Names of recognized queuing policy identifiers
@@ -835,10 +844,10 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. F for FIFO_Queuing). If new policy names are added,
-- the first character must be distinct.
- First_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 507;
- Name_FIFO_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 507;
- Name_Priority_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
- Last_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 508;
+ First_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
+ Name_FIFO_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
+ Name_Priority_Queuing : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
+ Last_Queuing_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
-- Names of recognized task dispatching policy identifiers
@@ -846,272 +855,273 @@ package Snames is
-- name (e.g. F for FIFO_Within_Priorities). If new policy names
-- are added, the first character must be distinct.
- First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
- Name_EDF_Across_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 509;
- Name_FIFO_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 510;
- Name_Non_Preemptive_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 511;
- Name_Round_Robin_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
- Last_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 512;
+ First_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
+ Name_EDF_Across_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
+ Name_FIFO_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 514;
+ Name_Non_Preemptive_Within_Priorities
+ : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
+ Name_Round_Robin_Within_Priorities : constant Name_Id := N + 515;
+ Last_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 515;
-- Names of recognized checks for pragma Suppress
- First_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
- Name_Access_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 513;
- Name_Accessibility_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 514;
- Name_Alignment_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 515; -- GNAT
- Name_Discriminant_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 516;
- Name_Division_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 517;
- Name_Elaboration_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 518;
- Name_Index_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 519;
- Name_Length_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 520;
- Name_Overflow_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 521;
- Name_Range_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 522;
- Name_Storage_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 523;
- Name_Tag_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 524;
- Name_Validity_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 525; -- GNAT
- Name_All_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 526;
- Last_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 526;
+ First_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 516;
+ Name_Access_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 516;
+ Name_Accessibility_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 517;
+ Name_Alignment_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 518; -- GNAT
+ Name_Discriminant_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 519;
+ Name_Division_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 520;
+ Name_Elaboration_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 521;
+ Name_Index_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 522;
+ Name_Length_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 523;
+ Name_Overflow_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 524;
+ Name_Range_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 525;
+ Name_Storage_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 526;
+ Name_Tag_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 527;
+ Name_Validity_Check : constant Name_Id := N + 528; -- GNAT
+ Name_All_Checks : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
+ Last_Check_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
-- Names corresponding to reserved keywords, excluding those already
-- declared in the attribute list (Access, Delta, Digits, Mod, Range).
- Name_Abort : constant Name_Id := N + 527;
- Name_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 528;
- Name_Accept : constant Name_Id := N + 529;
- Name_And : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
- Name_All : constant Name_Id := N + 531;
- Name_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 532;
- Name_At : constant Name_Id := N + 533;
- Name_Begin : constant Name_Id := N + 534;
- Name_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 535;
- Name_Case : constant Name_Id := N + 536;
- Name_Constant : constant Name_Id := N + 537;
- Name_Declare : constant Name_Id := N + 538;
- Name_Delay : constant Name_Id := N + 539;
- Name_Do : constant Name_Id := N + 540;
- Name_Else : constant Name_Id := N + 541;
- Name_Elsif : constant Name_Id := N + 542;
- Name_End : constant Name_Id := N + 543;
- Name_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 544;
- Name_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 545;
- Name_Exit : constant Name_Id := N + 546;
- Name_For : constant Name_Id := N + 547;
- Name_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 548;
- Name_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 549;
- Name_Goto : constant Name_Id := N + 550;
- Name_If : constant Name_Id := N + 551;
- Name_In : constant Name_Id := N + 552;
- Name_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 553;
- Name_Limited : constant Name_Id := N + 554;
- Name_Loop : constant Name_Id := N + 555;
- Name_New : constant Name_Id := N + 556;
- Name_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 557;
- Name_Null : constant Name_Id := N + 558;
- Name_Of : constant Name_Id := N + 559;
- Name_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 560;
- Name_Others : constant Name_Id := N + 561;
- Name_Out : constant Name_Id := N + 562;
- Name_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 563;
- Name_Pragma : constant Name_Id := N + 564;
- Name_Private : constant Name_Id := N + 565;
- Name_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 566;
- Name_Raise : constant Name_Id := N + 567;
- Name_Record : constant Name_Id := N + 568;
- Name_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 569;
- Name_Renames : constant Name_Id := N + 570;
- Name_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 571;
- Name_Reverse : constant Name_Id := N + 572;
- Name_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 573;
- Name_Separate : constant Name_Id := N + 574;
- Name_Subtype : constant Name_Id := N + 575;
- Name_Task : constant Name_Id := N + 576;
- Name_Terminate : constant Name_Id := N + 577;
- Name_Then : constant Name_Id := N + 578;
- Name_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 579;
- Name_Use : constant Name_Id := N + 580;
- Name_When : constant Name_Id := N + 581;
- Name_While : constant Name_Id := N + 582;
- Name_With : constant Name_Id := N + 583;
- Name_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 584;
+ Name_Abort : constant Name_Id := N + 530;
+ Name_Abs : constant Name_Id := N + 531;
+ Name_Accept : constant Name_Id := N + 532;
+ Name_And : constant Name_Id := N + 533;
+ Name_All : constant Name_Id := N + 534;
+ Name_Array : constant Name_Id := N + 535;
+ Name_At : constant Name_Id := N + 536;
+ Name_Begin : constant Name_Id := N + 537;
+ Name_Body : constant Name_Id := N + 538;
+ Name_Case : constant Name_Id := N + 539;
+ Name_Constant : constant Name_Id := N + 540;
+ Name_Declare : constant Name_Id := N + 541;
+ Name_Delay : constant Name_Id := N + 542;
+ Name_Do : constant Name_Id := N + 543;
+ Name_Else : constant Name_Id := N + 544;
+ Name_Elsif : constant Name_Id := N + 545;
+ Name_End : constant Name_Id := N + 546;
+ Name_Entry : constant Name_Id := N + 547;
+ Name_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 548;
+ Name_Exit : constant Name_Id := N + 549;
+ Name_For : constant Name_Id := N + 550;
+ Name_Function : constant Name_Id := N + 551;
+ Name_Generic : constant Name_Id := N + 552;
+ Name_Goto : constant Name_Id := N + 553;
+ Name_If : constant Name_Id := N + 554;
+ Name_In : constant Name_Id := N + 555;
+ Name_Is : constant Name_Id := N + 556;
+ Name_Limited : constant Name_Id := N + 557;
+ Name_Loop : constant Name_Id := N + 558;
+ Name_New : constant Name_Id := N + 559;
+ Name_Not : constant Name_Id := N + 560;
+ Name_Null : constant Name_Id := N + 561;
+ Name_Of : constant Name_Id := N + 562;
+ Name_Or : constant Name_Id := N + 563;
+ Name_Others : constant Name_Id := N + 564;
+ Name_Out : constant Name_Id := N + 565;
+ Name_Package : constant Name_Id := N + 566;
+ Name_Pragma : constant Name_Id := N + 567;
+ Name_Private : constant Name_Id := N + 568;
+ Name_Procedure : constant Name_Id := N + 569;
+ Name_Raise : constant Name_Id := N + 570;
+ Name_Record : constant Name_Id := N + 571;
+ Name_Rem : constant Name_Id := N + 572;
+ Name_Renames : constant Name_Id := N + 573;
+ Name_Return : constant Name_Id := N + 574;
+ Name_Reverse : constant Name_Id := N + 575;
+ Name_Select : constant Name_Id := N + 576;
+ Name_Separate : constant Name_Id := N + 577;
+ Name_Subtype : constant Name_Id := N + 578;
+ Name_Task : constant Name_Id := N + 579;
+ Name_Terminate : constant Name_Id := N + 580;
+ Name_Then : constant Name_Id := N + 581;
+ Name_Type : constant Name_Id := N + 582;
+ Name_Use : constant Name_Id := N + 583;
+ Name_When : constant Name_Id := N + 584;
+ Name_While : constant Name_Id := N + 585;
+ Name_With : constant Name_Id := N + 586;
+ Name_Xor : constant Name_Id := N + 587;
-- Names of intrinsic subprograms
-- Note: Asm is missing from this list, since Asm is a legitimate
-- convention name. So is To_Adress, which is a GNAT attribute.
- First_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 585;
- Name_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 585;
- Name_Enclosing_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 586;
- Name_Exception_Information : constant Name_Id := N + 587;
- Name_Exception_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 588;
- Name_Exception_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 589;
- Name_File : constant Name_Id := N + 590;
- Name_Generic_Dispatching_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 591;
- Name_Import_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 592;
- Name_Import_Largest_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 593;
- Name_Import_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 594;
- Name_Is_Negative : constant Name_Id := N + 595;
- Name_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 596;
- Name_Rotate_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 597;
- Name_Rotate_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 598;
- Name_Shift_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 599;
- Name_Shift_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 600;
- Name_Shift_Right_Arithmetic : constant Name_Id := N + 601;
- Name_Source_Location : constant Name_Id := N + 602;
- Name_Unchecked_Conversion : constant Name_Id := N + 603;
- Name_Unchecked_Deallocation : constant Name_Id := N + 604;
- Name_To_Pointer : constant Name_Id := N + 605;
- Last_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 605;
+ First_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 588;
+ Name_Divide : constant Name_Id := N + 588;
+ Name_Enclosing_Entity : constant Name_Id := N + 589;
+ Name_Exception_Information : constant Name_Id := N + 590;
+ Name_Exception_Message : constant Name_Id := N + 591;
+ Name_Exception_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 592;
+ Name_File : constant Name_Id := N + 593;
+ Name_Generic_Dispatching_Constructor : constant Name_Id := N + 594;
+ Name_Import_Address : constant Name_Id := N + 595;
+ Name_Import_Largest_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 596;
+ Name_Import_Value : constant Name_Id := N + 597;
+ Name_Is_Negative : constant Name_Id := N + 598;
+ Name_Line : constant Name_Id := N + 599;
+ Name_Rotate_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 600;
+ Name_Rotate_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 601;
+ Name_Shift_Left : constant Name_Id := N + 602;
+ Name_Shift_Right : constant Name_Id := N + 603;
+ Name_Shift_Right_Arithmetic : constant Name_Id := N + 604;
+ Name_Source_Location : constant Name_Id := N + 605;
+ Name_Unchecked_Conversion : constant Name_Id := N + 606;
+ Name_Unchecked_Deallocation : constant Name_Id := N + 607;
+ Name_To_Pointer : constant Name_Id := N + 608;
+ Last_Intrinsic_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 608;
-- Names used in processing intrinsic calls
- Name_Free : constant Name_Id := N + 606;
+ Name_Free : constant Name_Id := N + 609;
-- Reserved words used only in Ada 95
- First_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 607;
- Name_Abstract : constant Name_Id := N + 607;
- Name_Aliased : constant Name_Id := N + 608;
- Name_Protected : constant Name_Id := N + 609;
- Name_Until : constant Name_Id := N + 610;
- Name_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 611;
- Name_Tagged : constant Name_Id := N + 612;
- Last_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 612;
+ First_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 610;
+ Name_Abstract : constant Name_Id := N + 610;
+ Name_Aliased : constant Name_Id := N + 611;
+ Name_Protected : constant Name_Id := N + 612;
+ Name_Until : constant Name_Id := N + 613;
+ Name_Requeue : constant Name_Id := N + 614;
+ Name_Tagged : constant Name_Id := N + 615;
+ Last_95_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 615;
subtype Ada_95_Reserved_Words is
Name_Id range First_95_Reserved_Word .. Last_95_Reserved_Word;
-- Miscellaneous names used in semantic checking
- Name_Raise_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 613;
+ Name_Raise_Exception : constant Name_Id := N + 616;
-- Additional reserved words and identifiers used in GNAT Project Files
-- Note that Name_External is already previously declared
- Name_Ada_Roots : constant Name_Id := N + 614;
- Name_Archive_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 615;
- Name_Archive_Indexer : constant Name_Id := N + 616;
- Name_Archive_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 617;
- Name_Binder : constant Name_Id := N + 618;
- Name_Binder_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 619;
- Name_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 620;
- Name_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 621;
- Name_Builder_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 622;
- Name_Compiler : constant Name_Id := N + 623;
- Name_Compiler_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 624;
- Name_Config_Body_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 625;
- Name_Config_Body_File_Name_Pattern : constant Name_Id := N + 626;
- Name_Config_File_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 627;
- Name_Config_File_Unique : constant Name_Id := N + 628;
- Name_Config_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 629;
- Name_Config_Spec_File_Name_Pattern : constant Name_Id := N + 630;
- Name_Cross_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 631;
- Name_Default_Language : constant Name_Id := N + 632;
- Name_Default_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 633;
- Name_Dependency_Driver : constant Name_Id := N + 634;
- Name_Dependency_File_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 635;
- Name_Dependency_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 636;
- Name_Driver : constant Name_Id := N + 637;
- Name_Excluded_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 638;
- Name_Excluded_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 639;
- Name_Exec_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 640;
- Name_Executable : constant Name_Id := N + 641;
- Name_Executable_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 642;
- Name_Extends : constant Name_Id := N + 643;
- Name_Externally_Built : constant Name_Id := N + 644;
- Name_Finder : constant Name_Id := N + 645;
- Name_Global_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 646;
- Name_Global_Config_File : constant Name_Id := N + 647;
- Name_Gnatls : constant Name_Id := N + 648;
- Name_Gnatstub : constant Name_Id := N + 649;
- Name_Implementation : constant Name_Id := N + 650;
- Name_Implementation_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 651;
- Name_Implementation_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 652;
- Name_Include_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 653;
- Name_Include_Path : constant Name_Id := N + 654;
- Name_Include_Path_File : constant Name_Id := N + 655;
- Name_Language_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 656;
- Name_Language_Processing : constant Name_Id := N + 657;
- Name_Languages : constant Name_Id := N + 658;
- Name_Library_Ali_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 659;
- Name_Library_Auto_Init : constant Name_Id := N + 660;
- Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 661;
- Name_Library_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 662;
- Name_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 663;
- Name_Library_GCC : constant Name_Id := N + 664;
- Name_Library_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 665;
- Name_Library_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 666;
- Name_Library_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 667;
- Name_Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 668;
- Name_Library_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 669;
- Name_Library_Partial_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 670;
- Name_Library_Reference_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 671;
- Name_Library_Src_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 672;
- Name_Library_Support : constant Name_Id := N + 673;
- Name_Library_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 674;
- Name_Library_Symbol_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 675;
- Name_Library_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 676;
- Name_Library_Version_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 677;
- Name_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 678;
- Name_Linker_Executable_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 679;
- Name_Linker_Lib_Dir_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 680;
- Name_Linker_Lib_Name_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 681;
- Name_Local_Config_File : constant Name_Id := N + 682;
- Name_Local_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 683;
- Name_Locally_Removed_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 684;
- Name_Mapping_File_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 685;
- Name_Mapping_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 686;
- Name_Mapping_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 687;
- Name_Metrics : constant Name_Id := N + 688;
- Name_Naming : constant Name_Id := N + 689;
- Name_Objects_Path : constant Name_Id := N + 690;
- Name_Objects_Path_File : constant Name_Id := N + 691;
- Name_Object_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 692;
- Name_Pic_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 693;
- Name_Pretty_Printer : constant Name_Id := N + 694;
- Name_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 695;
- Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 696;
- Name_Roots : constant Name_Id := N + 697;
- Name_Required_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 698;
- Name_Run_Path_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 699;
- Name_Runtime_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 700;
- Name_Shared_Library_Minimum_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 701;
- Name_Shared_Library_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 702;
- Name_Shared_Library_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 703;
- Name_Separate_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 704;
- Name_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 705;
- Name_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 706;
- Name_Source_List_File : constant Name_Id := N + 707;
- Name_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 708;
- Name_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 709;
- Name_Specification : constant Name_Id := N + 710;
- Name_Specification_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 711;
- Name_Specification_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 712;
- Name_Stack : constant Name_Id := N + 713;
- Name_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 714;
- Name_Symbolic_Link_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 715;
- Name_Toolchain_Description : constant Name_Id := N + 716;
- Name_Toolchain_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 717;
- Name_Runtime_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 718;
+ Name_Ada_Roots : constant Name_Id := N + 617;
+ Name_Archive_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 618;
+ Name_Archive_Indexer : constant Name_Id := N + 619;
+ Name_Archive_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 620;
+ Name_Binder : constant Name_Id := N + 621;
+ Name_Binder_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 622;
+ Name_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 623;
+ Name_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 624;
+ Name_Builder_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 625;
+ Name_Compiler : constant Name_Id := N + 626;
+ Name_Compiler_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 627;
+ Name_Config_Body_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 628;
+ Name_Config_Body_File_Name_Pattern : constant Name_Id := N + 629;
+ Name_Config_File_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 630;
+ Name_Config_File_Unique : constant Name_Id := N + 631;
+ Name_Config_Spec_File_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 632;
+ Name_Config_Spec_File_Name_Pattern : constant Name_Id := N + 633;
+ Name_Cross_Reference : constant Name_Id := N + 634;
+ Name_Default_Language : constant Name_Id := N + 635;
+ Name_Default_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 636;
+ Name_Dependency_Driver : constant Name_Id := N + 637;
+ Name_Dependency_File_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 638;
+ Name_Dependency_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 639;
+ Name_Driver : constant Name_Id := N + 640;
+ Name_Excluded_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 641;
+ Name_Excluded_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 642;
+ Name_Exec_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 643;
+ Name_Executable : constant Name_Id := N + 644;
+ Name_Executable_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 645;
+ Name_Extends : constant Name_Id := N + 646;
+ Name_Externally_Built : constant Name_Id := N + 647;
+ Name_Finder : constant Name_Id := N + 648;
+ Name_Global_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 649;
+ Name_Global_Config_File : constant Name_Id := N + 650;
+ Name_Gnatls : constant Name_Id := N + 651;
+ Name_Gnatstub : constant Name_Id := N + 652;
+ Name_Implementation : constant Name_Id := N + 653;
+ Name_Implementation_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 654;
+ Name_Implementation_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 655;
+ Name_Include_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 656;
+ Name_Include_Path : constant Name_Id := N + 657;
+ Name_Include_Path_File : constant Name_Id := N + 658;
+ Name_Language_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 659;
+ Name_Language_Processing : constant Name_Id := N + 660;
+ Name_Languages : constant Name_Id := N + 661;
+ Name_Library_Ali_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 662;
+ Name_Library_Auto_Init : constant Name_Id := N + 663;
+ Name_Library_Auto_Init_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 664;
+ Name_Library_Builder : constant Name_Id := N + 665;
+ Name_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 666;
+ Name_Library_GCC : constant Name_Id := N + 667;
+ Name_Library_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 668;
+ Name_Library_Kind : constant Name_Id := N + 669;
+ Name_Library_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 670;
+ Name_Library_Major_Minor_Id_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 671;
+ Name_Library_Options : constant Name_Id := N + 672;
+ Name_Library_Partial_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 673;
+ Name_Library_Reference_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 674;
+ Name_Library_Src_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 675;
+ Name_Library_Support : constant Name_Id := N + 676;
+ Name_Library_Symbol_File : constant Name_Id := N + 677;
+ Name_Library_Symbol_Policy : constant Name_Id := N + 678;
+ Name_Library_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 679;
+ Name_Library_Version_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 680;
+ Name_Linker : constant Name_Id := N + 681;
+ Name_Linker_Executable_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 682;
+ Name_Linker_Lib_Dir_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 683;
+ Name_Linker_Lib_Name_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 684;
+ Name_Local_Config_File : constant Name_Id := N + 685;
+ Name_Local_Configuration_Pragmas : constant Name_Id := N + 686;
+ Name_Locally_Removed_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 687;
+ Name_Mapping_File_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 688;
+ Name_Mapping_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 689;
+ Name_Mapping_Body_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 690;
+ Name_Metrics : constant Name_Id := N + 691;
+ Name_Naming : constant Name_Id := N + 692;
+ Name_Objects_Path : constant Name_Id := N + 693;
+ Name_Objects_Path_File : constant Name_Id := N + 694;
+ Name_Object_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 695;
+ Name_Pic_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 696;
+ Name_Pretty_Printer : constant Name_Id := N + 697;
+ Name_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 698;
+ Name_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 699;
+ Name_Roots : constant Name_Id := N + 700;
+ Name_Required_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 701;
+ Name_Run_Path_Option : constant Name_Id := N + 702;
+ Name_Runtime_Project : constant Name_Id := N + 703;
+ Name_Shared_Library_Minimum_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 704;
+ Name_Shared_Library_Prefix : constant Name_Id := N + 705;
+ Name_Shared_Library_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 706;
+ Name_Separate_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 707;
+ Name_Source_Dirs : constant Name_Id := N + 708;
+ Name_Source_Files : constant Name_Id := N + 709;
+ Name_Source_List_File : constant Name_Id := N + 710;
+ Name_Spec : constant Name_Id := N + 711;
+ Name_Spec_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 712;
+ Name_Specification : constant Name_Id := N + 713;
+ Name_Specification_Exceptions : constant Name_Id := N + 714;
+ Name_Specification_Suffix : constant Name_Id := N + 715;
+ Name_Stack : constant Name_Id := N + 716;
+ Name_Switches : constant Name_Id := N + 717;
+ Name_Symbolic_Link_Supported : constant Name_Id := N + 718;
+ Name_Toolchain_Description : constant Name_Id := N + 719;
+ Name_Toolchain_Version : constant Name_Id := N + 720;
+ Name_Runtime_Library_Dir : constant Name_Id := N + 721;
-- Other miscellaneous names used in front end
- Name_Unaligned_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 719;
+ Name_Unaligned_Valid : constant Name_Id := N + 722;
-- Ada 2005 reserved words
- First_2005_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 720;
- Name_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 720;
- Name_Overriding : constant Name_Id := N + 721;
- Name_Synchronized : constant Name_Id := N + 722;
- Last_2005_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 722;
+ First_2005_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 723;
+ Name_Interface : constant Name_Id := N + 723;
+ Name_Overriding : constant Name_Id := N + 724;
+ Name_Synchronized : constant Name_Id := N + 725;
+ Last_2005_Reserved_Word : constant Name_Id := N + 725;
subtype Ada_2005_Reserved_Words is
Name_Id range First_2005_Reserved_Word .. Last_2005_Reserved_Word;
-- Mark last defined name for consistency check in Snames body
- Last_Predefined_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 722;
+ Last_Predefined_Name : constant Name_Id := N + 725;
-- Subtypes Defining Name Categories --
@@ -1160,6 +1170,7 @@ package Snames is
+ Attribute_Fast_Math,
@@ -1286,12 +1297,14 @@ package Snames is
type Convention_Id is (
- -- The conventions that are defined by the RM come first
+ -- The native-to-Ada (non-foreign) conventions come first. These include
+ -- the ones defined in the RM, plus Stubbed.
+ Convention_Stubbed,
-- The remaining conventions are foreign language conventions
@@ -1302,8 +1315,7 @@ package Snames is
- Convention_Stdcall, -- also DLL, Win32
- Convention_Stubbed);
+ Convention_Stdcall); -- also DLL, Win32
-- Note: Convention C_Pass_By_Copy is allowed only for record
-- types (where it is treated like C except that the appropriate
@@ -1314,7 +1326,7 @@ package Snames is
-- Plenty of space for expansion
subtype Foreign_Convention is
- Convention_Id range Convention_Assembler .. Convention_Stdcall;
+ Convention_Id range Convention_Assembler .. Convention_Id'Last;
-- Locking Policy ID Definitions --
@@ -1352,6 +1364,7 @@ package Snames is
+ Pragma_Favor_Top_Level,
@@ -1422,6 +1435,7 @@ package Snames is
+ Pragma_Implemented_By_Entry,
@@ -1496,6 +1510,7 @@ package Snames is
-- match existing attribute names.
+ Pragma_Fast_Math,
@@ -1578,10 +1593,18 @@ package Snames is
-- Test to see if the name N is the name of an operator symbol
function Is_Pragma_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean;
- -- Test to see if the name N is the name of a recognized pragma. Note
- -- that pragmas AST_Entry, Priority, Storage_Size, and Storage_Unit are
- -- recognized as pragmas by this function even though their names are
- -- separate from the other pragma names.
+ -- Test to see if the name N is the name of a recognized pragma. Note that
+ -- pragmas AST_Entry, Fast_Math, Priority, Storage_Size, and Storage_Unit
+ -- are recognized as pragmas by this function even though their names are
+ -- separate from the other pragma names. For this reason, clients should
+ -- always use this function, rather than do range tests on Name_Id values.
+ function Is_Configuration_Pragma_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean;
+ -- Test to see if the name N is the name of a recognized configuration
+ -- pragma. Note that pragma Fast_Math is recognized as a configuration
+ -- pragma by this function even though its name is separate from other
+ -- configuration pragma names. For this reason, clients should always
+ -- use this function, rather than do range tests on Name_Id values.
function Is_Queuing_Policy_Name (N : Name_Id) return Boolean;
-- Test to see if the name N is the name of a recognized queuing policy
@@ -1620,18 +1643,17 @@ package Snames is
-- to call this function with a name that is not the name of a check.
function Get_Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id
- (N : Name_Id)
- return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id;
- -- Returns Id of task dispatching policy corresponding to given name.
- -- It is an error to call this function with a name that is not the
- -- name of a check.
+ (N : Name_Id) return Task_Dispatching_Policy_Id;
+ -- Returns Id of task dispatching policy corresponding to given name. It
+ -- is an error to call this function with a name that is not the name of
+ -- a defined check.
procedure Record_Convention_Identifier
(Id : Name_Id;
Convention : Convention_Id);
-- A call to this procedure, resulting from an occurrence of a pragma
- -- Convention_Identifier, records that from now on an occurrence of
- -- Id will be recognized as a name for the specified convention.
+ -- Convention_Identifier, records that from now on an occurrence of Id
+ -- will be recognized as a name for the specified convention.
pragma Inline (Is_Attribute_Name);
diff --git a/gcc/ada/snames.h b/gcc/ada/snames.h
index f94e0a2ef64..131ed99b4c9 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/snames.h
+++ b/gcc/ada/snames.h
@@ -76,113 +76,114 @@ extern unsigned char Get_Attribute_Id (int);
#define Attr_Epsilon 29
#define Attr_Exponent 30
#define Attr_External_Tag 31
-#define Attr_First 32
-#define Attr_First_Bit 33
-#define Attr_Fixed_Value 34
-#define Attr_Fore 35
-#define Attr_Has_Access_Values 36
-#define Attr_Has_Discriminants 37
-#define Attr_Identity 38
-#define Attr_Img 39
-#define Attr_Integer_Value 40
-#define Attr_Large 41
-#define Attr_Last 42
-#define Attr_Last_Bit 43
-#define Attr_Leading_Part 44
-#define Attr_Length 45
-#define Attr_Machine_Emax 46
-#define Attr_Machine_Emin 47
-#define Attr_Machine_Mantissa 48
-#define Attr_Machine_Overflows 49
-#define Attr_Machine_Radix 50
-#define Attr_Machine_Rounding 51
-#define Attr_Machine_Rounds 52
-#define Attr_Machine_Size 53
-#define Attr_Mantissa 54
-#define Attr_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements 55
-#define Attr_Maximum_Alignment 56
-#define Attr_Mechanism_Code 57
-#define Attr_Mod 58
-#define Attr_Model_Emin 59
-#define Attr_Model_Epsilon 60
-#define Attr_Model_Mantissa 61
-#define Attr_Model_Small 62
-#define Attr_Modulus 63
-#define Attr_Null_Parameter 64
-#define Attr_Object_Size 65
-#define Attr_Partition_ID 66
-#define Attr_Passed_By_Reference 67
-#define Attr_Pool_Address 68
-#define Attr_Pos 69
-#define Attr_Position 70
-#define Attr_Priority 71
-#define Attr_Range 72
-#define Attr_Range_Length 73
-#define Attr_Round 74
-#define Attr_Safe_Emax 75
-#define Attr_Safe_First 76
-#define Attr_Safe_Large 77
-#define Attr_Safe_Last 78
-#define Attr_Safe_Small 79
-#define Attr_Scale 80
-#define Attr_Scaling 81
-#define Attr_Signed_Zeros 82
-#define Attr_Size 83
-#define Attr_Small 84
-#define Attr_Storage_Size 85
-#define Attr_Storage_Unit 86
-#define Attr_Stream_Size 87
-#define Attr_Tag 88
-#define Attr_Target_Name 89
-#define Attr_Terminated 90
-#define Attr_To_Address 91
-#define Attr_Type_Class 92
-#define Attr_UET_Address 93
-#define Attr_Unbiased_Rounding 94
-#define Attr_Unchecked_Access 95
-#define Attr_Unconstrained_Array 96
-#define Attr_Universal_Literal_String 97
-#define Attr_Unrestricted_Access 98
-#define Attr_VADS_Size 99
-#define Attr_Val 100
-#define Attr_Valid 101
-#define Attr_Value_Size 102
-#define Attr_Version 103
-#define Attr_Wchar_T_Size 104
-#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Width 105
-#define Attr_Wide_Width 106
-#define Attr_Width 107
-#define Attr_Word_Size 108
-#define Attr_Adjacent 109
-#define Attr_Ceiling 110
-#define Attr_Copy_Sign 111
-#define Attr_Floor 112
-#define Attr_Fraction 113
-#define Attr_Image 114
-#define Attr_Input 115
-#define Attr_Machine 116
-#define Attr_Max 117
-#define Attr_Min 118
-#define Attr_Model 119
-#define Attr_Pred 120
-#define Attr_Remainder 121
-#define Attr_Rounding 122
-#define Attr_Succ 123
-#define Attr_Truncation 124
-#define Attr_Value 125
-#define Attr_Wide_Image 126
-#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Image 127
-#define Attr_Wide_Value 128
-#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Value 129
-#define Attr_Output 130
-#define Attr_Read 131
-#define Attr_Write 132
-#define Attr_Elab_Body 133
-#define Attr_Elab_Spec 134
-#define Attr_Storage_Pool 135
-#define Attr_Base 136
-#define Attr_Class 137
-#define Attr_Stub_Type 138
+#define Attr_Fast_Math 32
+#define Attr_First 33
+#define Attr_First_Bit 34
+#define Attr_Fixed_Value 35
+#define Attr_Fore 36
+#define Attr_Has_Access_Values 37
+#define Attr_Has_Discriminants 38
+#define Attr_Identity 39
+#define Attr_Img 40
+#define Attr_Integer_Value 41
+#define Attr_Large 42
+#define Attr_Last 43
+#define Attr_Last_Bit 44
+#define Attr_Leading_Part 45
+#define Attr_Length 46
+#define Attr_Machine_Emax 47
+#define Attr_Machine_Emin 48
+#define Attr_Machine_Mantissa 49
+#define Attr_Machine_Overflows 50
+#define Attr_Machine_Radix 51
+#define Attr_Machine_Rounding 52
+#define Attr_Machine_Rounds 53
+#define Attr_Machine_Size 54
+#define Attr_Mantissa 55
+#define Attr_Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements 56
+#define Attr_Maximum_Alignment 57
+#define Attr_Mechanism_Code 58
+#define Attr_Mod 59
+#define Attr_Model_Emin 60
+#define Attr_Model_Epsilon 61
+#define Attr_Model_Mantissa 62
+#define Attr_Model_Small 63
+#define Attr_Modulus 64
+#define Attr_Null_Parameter 65
+#define Attr_Object_Size 66
+#define Attr_Partition_ID 67
+#define Attr_Passed_By_Reference 68
+#define Attr_Pool_Address 69
+#define Attr_Pos 70
+#define Attr_Position 71
+#define Attr_Priority 72
+#define Attr_Range 73
+#define Attr_Range_Length 74
+#define Attr_Round 75
+#define Attr_Safe_Emax 76
+#define Attr_Safe_First 77
+#define Attr_Safe_Large 78
+#define Attr_Safe_Last 79
+#define Attr_Safe_Small 80
+#define Attr_Scale 81
+#define Attr_Scaling 82
+#define Attr_Signed_Zeros 83
+#define Attr_Size 84
+#define Attr_Small 85
+#define Attr_Storage_Size 86
+#define Attr_Storage_Unit 87
+#define Attr_Stream_Size 88
+#define Attr_Tag 89
+#define Attr_Target_Name 90
+#define Attr_Terminated 91
+#define Attr_To_Address 92
+#define Attr_Type_Class 93
+#define Attr_UET_Address 94
+#define Attr_Unbiased_Rounding 95
+#define Attr_Unchecked_Access 96
+#define Attr_Unconstrained_Array 97
+#define Attr_Universal_Literal_String 98
+#define Attr_Unrestricted_Access 99
+#define Attr_VADS_Size 100
+#define Attr_Val 101
+#define Attr_Valid 102
+#define Attr_Value_Size 103
+#define Attr_Version 104
+#define Attr_Wchar_T_Size 105
+#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Width 106
+#define Attr_Wide_Width 107
+#define Attr_Width 108
+#define Attr_Word_Size 109
+#define Attr_Adjacent 110
+#define Attr_Ceiling 111
+#define Attr_Copy_Sign 112
+#define Attr_Floor 113
+#define Attr_Fraction 114
+#define Attr_Image 115
+#define Attr_Input 116
+#define Attr_Machine 117
+#define Attr_Max 118
+#define Attr_Min 119
+#define Attr_Model 120
+#define Attr_Pred 121
+#define Attr_Remainder 122
+#define Attr_Rounding 123
+#define Attr_Succ 124
+#define Attr_Truncation 125
+#define Attr_Value 126
+#define Attr_Wide_Image 127
+#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Image 128
+#define Attr_Wide_Value 129
+#define Attr_Wide_Wide_Value 130
+#define Attr_Output 131
+#define Attr_Read 132
+#define Attr_Write 133
+#define Attr_Elab_Body 134
+#define Attr_Elab_Spec 135
+#define Attr_Storage_Pool 136
+#define Attr_Base 137
+#define Attr_Class 138
+#define Attr_Stub_Type 139
/* Define the numeric values for the conventions. */
@@ -190,15 +191,15 @@ extern unsigned char Get_Attribute_Id (int);
#define Convention_Intrinsic 1
#define Convention_Entry 2
#define Convention_Protected 3
-#define Convention_Assembler 4
-#define Convention_C 5
-#define Convention_CIL 6
-#define Convention_COBOL 7
-#define Convention_CPP 8
-#define Convention_Fortran 9
-#define Convention_Java 10
-#define Convention_Stdcall 11
-#define Convention_Stubbed 12
+#define Convention_Stubbed 4
+#define Convention_Assembler 5
+#define Convention_C 6
+#define Convention_CIL 7
+#define Convention_COBOL 8
+#define Convention_CPP 9
+#define Convention_Fortran 10
+#define Convention_Java 11
+#define Convention_Stdcall 12
/* Define the function to check if a Name_Id value is a valid pragma */
@@ -235,145 +236,148 @@ extern unsigned char Get_Pragma_Id (int);
#define Pragma_Extend_System 17
#define Pragma_Extensions_Allowed 18
#define Pragma_External_Name_Casing 19
-#define Pragma_Float_Representation 20
-#define Pragma_Implicit_Packing 21
-#define Pragma_Initialize_Scalars 22
-#define Pragma_Interrupt_State 23
-#define Pragma_License 24
-#define Pragma_Locking_Policy 25
-#define Pragma_Long_Float 26
-#define Pragma_No_Run_Time 27
-#define Pragma_No_Strict_Aliasing 28
-#define Pragma_Normalize_Scalars 29
-#define Pragma_Polling 30
-#define Pragma_Persistent_BSS 31
-#define Pragma_Priority_Specific_Dispatching 32
-#define Pragma_Profile 33
-#define Pragma_Profile_Warnings 34
-#define Pragma_Propagate_Exceptions 35
-#define Pragma_Queuing_Policy 36
-#define Pragma_Ravenscar 37
-#define Pragma_Restricted_Run_Time 38
-#define Pragma_Restrictions 39
-#define Pragma_Restriction_Warnings 40
-#define Pragma_Reviewable 41
-#define Pragma_Source_File_Name 42
-#define Pragma_Source_File_Name_Project 43
-#define Pragma_Style_Checks 44
-#define Pragma_Suppress 45
-#define Pragma_Suppress_Exception_Locations 46
-#define Pragma_Task_Dispatching_Policy 47
-#define Pragma_Universal_Data 48
-#define Pragma_Unsuppress 49
-#define Pragma_Use_VADS_Size 50
-#define Pragma_Validity_Checks 51
-#define Pragma_Warnings 52
-#define Pragma_Wide_Character_Encoding 53
-#define Pragma_Abort_Defer 54
-#define Pragma_All_Calls_Remote 55
-#define Pragma_Annotate 56
-#define Pragma_Assert 57
-#define Pragma_Asynchronous 58
-#define Pragma_Atomic 59
-#define Pragma_Atomic_Components 60
-#define Pragma_Attach_Handler 61
-#define Pragma_CIL_Constructor 62
-#define Pragma_Comment 63
-#define Pragma_Common_Object 64
-#define Pragma_Complete_Representation 65
-#define Pragma_Complex_Representation 66
-#define Pragma_Controlled 67
-#define Pragma_Convention 68
-#define Pragma_CPP_Class 69
-#define Pragma_CPP_Constructor 70
-#define Pragma_CPP_Virtual 71
-#define Pragma_CPP_Vtable 72
-#define Pragma_Debug 73
-#define Pragma_Elaborate 74
-#define Pragma_Elaborate_All 75
-#define Pragma_Elaborate_Body 76
-#define Pragma_Export 77
-#define Pragma_Export_Exception 78
-#define Pragma_Export_Function 79
-#define Pragma_Export_Object 80
-#define Pragma_Export_Procedure 81
-#define Pragma_Export_Value 82
-#define Pragma_Export_Valued_Procedure 83
-#define Pragma_External 84
-#define Pragma_Finalize_Storage_Only 85
-#define Pragma_Ident 86
-#define Pragma_Import 87
-#define Pragma_Import_Exception 88
-#define Pragma_Import_Function 89
-#define Pragma_Import_Object 90
-#define Pragma_Import_Procedure 91
-#define Pragma_Import_Valued_Procedure 92
-#define Pragma_Inline 93
-#define Pragma_Inline_Always 94
-#define Pragma_Inline_Generic 95
-#define Pragma_Inspection_Point 96
-#define Pragma_Interface_Name 97
-#define Pragma_Interrupt_Handler 98
-#define Pragma_Interrupt_Priority 99
-#define Pragma_Java_Constructor 100
-#define Pragma_Java_Interface 101
-#define Pragma_Keep_Names 102
-#define Pragma_Link_With 103
-#define Pragma_Linker_Alias 104
-#define Pragma_Linker_Constructor 105
-#define Pragma_Linker_Destructor 106
-#define Pragma_Linker_Options 107
-#define Pragma_Linker_Section 108
-#define Pragma_List 109
-#define Pragma_Machine_Attribute 110
-#define Pragma_Main 111
-#define Pragma_Main_Storage 112
-#define Pragma_Memory_Size 113
-#define Pragma_No_Body 114
-#define Pragma_No_Return 115
-#define Pragma_Obsolescent 116
-#define Pragma_Optimize 117
-#define Pragma_Pack 118
-#define Pragma_Page 119
-#define Pragma_Passive 120
-#define Pragma_Preelaborable_Initialization 121
-#define Pragma_Preelaborate 122
-#define Pragma_Preelaborate_05 123
-#define Pragma_Psect_Object 124
-#define Pragma_Pure 125
-#define Pragma_Pure_05 126
-#define Pragma_Pure_Function 127
-#define Pragma_Remote_Call_Interface 128
-#define Pragma_Remote_Types 129
-#define Pragma_Share_Generic 130
-#define Pragma_Shared 131
-#define Pragma_Shared_Passive 132
-#define Pragma_Source_Reference 133
-#define Pragma_Static_Elaboration_Desired 134
-#define Pragma_Stream_Convert 135
-#define Pragma_Subtitle 136
-#define Pragma_Suppress_All 137
-#define Pragma_Suppress_Debug_Info 138
-#define Pragma_Suppress_Initialization 139
-#define Pragma_System_Name 140
-#define Pragma_Task_Info 141
-#define Pragma_Task_Name 142
-#define Pragma_Task_Storage 143
-#define Pragma_Time_Slice 144
-#define Pragma_Title 145
-#define Pragma_Unchecked_Union 146
-#define Pragma_Unimplemented_Unit 147
-#define Pragma_Universal_Aliasing 148
-#define Pragma_Unreferenced 149
-#define Pragma_Unreferenced_Objects 150
-#define Pragma_Unreserve_All_Interrupts 151
-#define Pragma_Volatile 152
-#define Pragma_Volatile_Components 153
-#define Pragma_Weak_External 154
-#define Pragma_AST_Entry 155
-#define Pragma_Interface 156
-#define Pragma_Priority 157
-#define Pragma_Storage_Size 158
-#define Pragma_Storage_Unit 159
+#define Pragma_Favor_Top_Level 20
+#define Pragma_Float_Representation 21
+#define Pragma_Implicit_Packing 22
+#define Pragma_Initialize_Scalars 23
+#define Pragma_Interrupt_State 24
+#define Pragma_License 25
+#define Pragma_Locking_Policy 26
+#define Pragma_Long_Float 27
+#define Pragma_No_Run_Time 28
+#define Pragma_No_Strict_Aliasing 29
+#define Pragma_Normalize_Scalars 30
+#define Pragma_Polling 31
+#define Pragma_Persistent_BSS 32
+#define Pragma_Priority_Specific_Dispatching 33
+#define Pragma_Profile 34
+#define Pragma_Profile_Warnings 35
+#define Pragma_Propagate_Exceptions 36
+#define Pragma_Queuing_Policy 37
+#define Pragma_Ravenscar 38
+#define Pragma_Restricted_Run_Time 39
+#define Pragma_Restrictions 40
+#define Pragma_Restriction_Warnings 41
+#define Pragma_Reviewable 42
+#define Pragma_Source_File_Name 43
+#define Pragma_Source_File_Name_Project 44
+#define Pragma_Style_Checks 45
+#define Pragma_Suppress 46
+#define Pragma_Suppress_Exception_Locations 47
+#define Pragma_Task_Dispatching_Policy 48
+#define Pragma_Universal_Data 49
+#define Pragma_Unsuppress 50
+#define Pragma_Use_VADS_Size 51
+#define Pragma_Validity_Checks 52
+#define Pragma_Warnings 53
+#define Pragma_Wide_Character_Encoding 54
+#define Pragma_Abort_Defer 55
+#define Pragma_All_Calls_Remote 56
+#define Pragma_Annotate 57
+#define Pragma_Assert 58
+#define Pragma_Asynchronous 59
+#define Pragma_Atomic 60
+#define Pragma_Atomic_Components 61
+#define Pragma_Attach_Handler 62
+#define Pragma_CIL_Constructor 63
+#define Pragma_Comment 64
+#define Pragma_Common_Object 65
+#define Pragma_Complete_Representation 66
+#define Pragma_Complex_Representation 67
+#define Pragma_Controlled 68
+#define Pragma_Convention 69
+#define Pragma_CPP_Class 70
+#define Pragma_CPP_Constructor 71
+#define Pragma_CPP_Virtual 72
+#define Pragma_CPP_Vtable 73
+#define Pragma_Debug 74
+#define Pragma_Elaborate 75
+#define Pragma_Elaborate_All 76
+#define Pragma_Elaborate_Body 77
+#define Pragma_Export 78
+#define Pragma_Export_Exception 79
+#define Pragma_Export_Function 80
+#define Pragma_Export_Object 81
+#define Pragma_Export_Procedure 82
+#define Pragma_Export_Value 83
+#define Pragma_Export_Valued_Procedure 84
+#define Pragma_External 85
+#define Pragma_Finalize_Storage_Only 86
+#define Pragma_Ident 87
+#define Pragma_Implemented_By_Entry 88
+#define Pragma_Import 89
+#define Pragma_Import_Exception 90
+#define Pragma_Import_Function 91
+#define Pragma_Import_Object 92
+#define Pragma_Import_Procedure 93
+#define Pragma_Import_Valued_Procedure 94
+#define Pragma_Inline 95
+#define Pragma_Inline_Always 96
+#define Pragma_Inline_Generic 97
+#define Pragma_Inspection_Point 98
+#define Pragma_Interface_Name 99
+#define Pragma_Interrupt_Handler 100
+#define Pragma_Interrupt_Priority 101
+#define Pragma_Java_Constructor 102
+#define Pragma_Java_Interface 103
+#define Pragma_Keep_Names 104
+#define Pragma_Link_With 105
+#define Pragma_Linker_Alias 106
+#define Pragma_Linker_Constructor 107
+#define Pragma_Linker_Destructor 108
+#define Pragma_Linker_Options 109
+#define Pragma_Linker_Section 110
+#define Pragma_List 111
+#define Pragma_Machine_Attribute 112
+#define Pragma_Main 113
+#define Pragma_Main_Storage 114
+#define Pragma_Memory_Size 115
+#define Pragma_No_Body 116
+#define Pragma_No_Return 117
+#define Pragma_Obsolescent 118
+#define Pragma_Optimize 119
+#define Pragma_Pack 120
+#define Pragma_Page 121
+#define Pragma_Passive 122
+#define Pragma_Preelaborable_Initialization 123
+#define Pragma_Preelaborate 124
+#define Pragma_Preelaborate_05 125
+#define Pragma_Psect_Object 126
+#define Pragma_Pure 127
+#define Pragma_Pure_05 128
+#define Pragma_Pure_Function 129
+#define Pragma_Remote_Call_Interface 130
+#define Pragma_Remote_Types 131
+#define Pragma_Share_Generic 132
+#define Pragma_Shared 133
+#define Pragma_Shared_Passive 134
+#define Pragma_Source_Reference 135
+#define Pragma_Static_Elaboration_Desired 136
+#define Pragma_Stream_Convert 137
+#define Pragma_Subtitle 138
+#define Pragma_Suppress_All 139
+#define Pragma_Suppress_Debug_Info 140
+#define Pragma_Suppress_Initialization 141
+#define Pragma_System_Name 142
+#define Pragma_Task_Info 143
+#define Pragma_Task_Name 144
+#define Pragma_Task_Storage 145
+#define Pragma_Time_Slice 146
+#define Pragma_Title 147
+#define Pragma_Unchecked_Union 148
+#define Pragma_Unimplemented_Unit 149
+#define Pragma_Universal_Aliasing 150
+#define Pragma_Unreferenced 151
+#define Pragma_Unreferenced_Objects 152
+#define Pragma_Unreserve_All_Interrupts 153
+#define Pragma_Volatile 154
+#define Pragma_Volatile_Components 155
+#define Pragma_Weak_External 156
+#define Pragma_AST_Entry 157
+#define Pragma_Fast_Math 158
+#define Pragma_Interface 159
+#define Pragma_Priority 160
+#define Pragma_Storage_Size 161
+#define Pragma_Storage_Unit 162
/* End of snames.h (C version of Snames package spec) */