path: root/libphobos/src/std/format/read.d
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1 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libphobos/src/std/format/read.d b/libphobos/src/std/format/read.d
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0de88183fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libphobos/src/std/format/read.d
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+// Written in the D programming language.
+This is a submodule of $(MREF std, format).
+It provides two functions for reading formatted input: $(LREF
+unformatValue) and $(LREF formattedRead). The former reads a single
+value. The latter reads several values at once and matches the
+characters found between format specifiers.
+Parameters are ignored, except for the ones consisting of a single
+$(B '*'). See $(LREF formattedRead) for more information.
+A space outside of a format specifier has a special meaning: it
+matches any sequence of whitespace characters, not just a single
+The following combinations of format characters and types are
+$(TR $(TH) $(TH s) $(TH c) $(TH d, u, b, o, x, X) $(TH e, E, f, g, G) $(TH r) $(TH compound))
+$(TR $(TD `bool`) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)))
+$(TR $(TD `null`) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)))
+$(TR $(TD $(I integer)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)))
+$(TR $(TD $(I floating point)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)))
+$(TR $(TD $(I character)) $(TD yes) $(TD yes) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)))
+$(TR $(TD $(I string)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes))
+$(TR $(TD $(I array)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes))
+$(TR $(TD $(I associative array)) $(TD yes) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD $(MDASH)) $(TD yes))
+Below are highlighted examples on how these combinations are used
+with $(LREF unformatValue), however, they apply for $(LREF
+formattedRead) also
+Copyright: Copyright The D Language Foundation 2000-2013.
+License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0).
+Authors: $(HTTP, Walter Bright), $(HTTP,
+Andrei Alexandrescu), and Kenji Hara
+Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/format/read.d)
+ */
+/// Booleans
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ auto str = "false";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!bool(spec) == false);
+ str = "1";
+ spec = singleSpec("%d");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!bool(spec) == true);
+/// Null values
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ auto str = "null";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(typeof(null))(spec) == null);
+/// Integrals
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ // signed decimal values
+ auto str = "123";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 123);
+ // hexadecimal values
+ str = "ABC";
+ spec = singleSpec("%X");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 2748);
+ // octal values
+ str = "11610";
+ spec = singleSpec("%o");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!int(spec) == 5000);
+ // raw read, depends on endianess
+ str = "\x75\x01";
+ spec = singleSpec("%r");
+ auto result = str.unformatValue!short(spec);
+ assert(result == 373 /* little endian */ || result == 29953 /* big endian */ );
+/// Floating point numbers
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ import std.math.operations : isClose;
+ // natural notation
+ auto str = "123.456";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!double(spec).isClose(123.456));
+ // scientific notation
+ str = "1e17";
+ spec = singleSpec("%e");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!double(spec).isClose(1e17));
+ // raw read, depends on endianess
+ str = "\x40\x00\x00\xBF";
+ spec = singleSpec("%r");
+ auto result = str.unformatValue!float(spec);
+ assert(isClose(result, -0.5) /* little endian */ || isClose(result, 2.0) /* big endian */ );
+/// Characters
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ // only the first character is read
+ auto str = "abc";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'a');
+ // using a numerical format character treats the read number as unicode code point
+ str = "65";
+ spec = singleSpec("%d");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'A');
+ str = "41";
+ spec = singleSpec("%x");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!char(spec) == 'A');
+ str = "10003";
+ spec = singleSpec("%d");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!dchar(spec) == '✓');
+/// Arrays
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ // string value
+ string str = "aaa";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(dchar[])(spec) == "aaa"d);
+ // fixed size array with characters
+ str = "aaa";
+ spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ dchar[3] ret = ['a', 'a', 'a'];
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(dchar[3])(spec) == ret);
+ // dynamic array
+ str = "[1, 2, 3, 4]";
+ spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(int[])(spec) == [1, 2, 3, 4]);
+ // fixed size array with integers
+ str = "[1, 2, 3, 4]";
+ spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ int[4] ret2 = [1, 2, 3, 4];
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(int[4])(spec) == ret2);
+ // compound specifiers can be used for more control
+ str = "1,2,3";
+ spec = singleSpec("%(%s,%)");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(int[])(spec) == [1, 2, 3]);
+ str = "cool";
+ spec = singleSpec("%(%c%)");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(char[])(spec) == ['c', 'o', 'o', 'l']);
+/// Associative arrays
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ // as single value
+ auto str = `["one": 1, "two": 2]`;
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(int[string])(spec) == ["one": 1, "two": 2]);
+ // with compound specifier for more control
+ str = "1/1, 2/4, 3/9";
+ spec = singleSpec("%(%d/%d%|, %)");
+ assert(str.unformatValue!(int[int])(spec) == [1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 9]);
+import std.format.spec : FormatSpec;
+import std.traits : isSomeString;
+Reads an input range according to a format string and stores the read
+values into its arguments.
+Format specifiers with format character $(B 'd'), $(B 'u') and $(B
+'c') can take a $(B '*') parameter for skipping values.
+The second version of `formattedRead` takes the format string as
+template argument. In this case, it is checked for consistency at
+ r = an $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std, range, primitives),
+ where the formatted input is read from
+ fmt = a $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format)
+ args = a variadic list of arguments where the read values are stored
+ Range = the type of the input range `r`
+ Char = the character type used for `fmt`
+ Args = a variadic list of types of the arguments
+ The number of variables filled. If the input range `r` ends early,
+ this number will be less than the number of variables provided.
+ A $(REF_ALTTEXT FormatException, FormatException, std, format)
+ if reading did not succeed.
+ For backward compatibility the arguments `args` can be given as pointers
+ to that variable, but it is not recommended to do so, because this
+ option might be removed in the future.
+ */
+uint formattedRead(Range, Char, Args...)(auto ref Range r, const(Char)[] fmt, auto ref Args args)
+ import std.format : enforceFmt;
+ import std.range.primitives : empty;
+ import std.traits : isPointer;
+ import std.typecons : isTuple;
+ auto spec = FormatSpec!Char(fmt);
+ static if (!Args.length)
+ {
+ spec.readUpToNextSpec(r);
+ enforceFmt(spec.trailing.empty, "Trailing characters in formattedRead format string");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enum hasPointer = isPointer!(typeof(args[0]));
+ // The function below accounts for '*' == fields meant to be
+ // read and skipped
+ void skipUnstoredFields()
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ spec.readUpToNextSpec(r);
+ if (spec.width != spec.DYNAMIC) break;
+ // must skip this field
+ skipData(r, spec);
+ }
+ }
+ skipUnstoredFields();
+ if (r.empty)
+ {
+ // Input is empty, nothing to read
+ return 0;
+ }
+ static if (hasPointer)
+ alias A = typeof(*args[0]);
+ else
+ alias A = typeof(args[0]);
+ static if (isTuple!A)
+ {
+ foreach (i, T; A.Types)
+ {
+ static if (hasPointer)
+ (*args[0])[i] = unformatValue!(T)(r, spec);
+ else
+ args[0][i] = unformatValue!(T)(r, spec);
+ skipUnstoredFields();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static if (hasPointer)
+ *args[0] = unformatValue!(A)(r, spec);
+ else
+ args[0] = unformatValue!(A)(r, spec);
+ }
+ return 1 + formattedRead(r, spec.trailing, args[1 .. $]);
+ }
+/// ditto
+uint formattedRead(alias fmt, Range, Args...)(auto ref Range r, auto ref Args args)
+if (isSomeString!(typeof(fmt)))
+ import std.format : checkFormatException;
+ alias e = checkFormatException!(fmt, Args);
+ static assert(!e, e.msg);
+ return .formattedRead(r, fmt, args);
+@safe pure unittest
+ string object;
+ char cmp;
+ int value;
+ assert(formattedRead("angle < 36", "%s %c %d", object, cmp, value) == 3);
+ assert(object == "angle");
+ assert(cmp == '<');
+ assert(value == 36);
+ // reading may end early:
+ assert(formattedRead("length >", "%s %c %d", object, cmp, value) == 2);
+ assert(object == "length");
+ assert(cmp == '>');
+ // value is not changed:
+ assert(value == 36);
+/// The format string can be checked at compile-time:
+@safe pure unittest
+ string a;
+ int b;
+ double c;
+ assert("hello!124:34.5".formattedRead!"%s!%s:%s"(a, b, c) == 3);
+ assert(a == "hello");
+ assert(b == 124);
+ assert(c == 34.5);
+/// Skipping values
+@safe pure unittest
+ string item;
+ double amount;
+ assert("orange: (12%) 15.25".formattedRead("%s: (%*d%%) %f", item, amount) == 2);
+ assert(item == "orange");
+ assert(amount == 15.25);
+ // can also be used with tuples
+ import std.typecons : Tuple;
+ Tuple!(int, float) t;
+ char[] line = "1 7643 2.125".dup;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s %*u %s", t);
+ assert(t[0] == 1 && t[1] == 2.125);
+@safe unittest
+ import std.math.operations : isClose;
+ import std.math.traits : isNaN;
+ import std.range.primitives : empty;
+ string s = " 1.2 3.4 ";
+ double x, y, z;
+ assert(formattedRead(s, " %s %s %s ", x, y, z) == 2);
+ assert(s.empty);
+ assert(isClose(x, 1.2));
+ assert(isClose(y, 3.4));
+ assert(isNaN(z));
+// for backwards compatibility
+@safe pure unittest
+ string s = "hello!124:34.5";
+ string a;
+ int b;
+ double c;
+ formattedRead(s, "%s!%s:%s", &a, &b, &c);
+ assert(a == "hello" && b == 124 && c == 34.5);
+ // mix pointers and auto-ref
+ s = "world!200:42.25";
+ formattedRead(s, "%s!%s:%s", a, &b, &c);
+ assert(a == "world" && b == 200 && c == 42.25);
+ s = "world1!201:42.5";
+ formattedRead(s, "%s!%s:%s", &a, &b, c);
+ assert(a == "world1" && b == 201 && c == 42.5);
+ s = "world2!202:42.75";
+ formattedRead(s, "%s!%s:%s", a, b, &c);
+ assert(a == "world2" && b == 202 && c == 42.75);
+// for backwards compatibility
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.math.operations : isClose;
+ import std.math.traits : isNaN;
+ import std.range.primitives : empty;
+ string s = " 1.2 3.4 ";
+ double x, y, z;
+ assert(formattedRead(s, " %s %s %s ", &x, &y, &z) == 2);
+ assert(s.empty);
+ assert(isClose(x, 1.2));
+ assert(isClose(y, 3.4));
+ assert(isNaN(z));
+@safe unittest
+ string s = "hello!124:34.5";
+ string a;
+ int b;
+ double c;
+ formattedRead(s, "%s!%s:%s", &a, &b, &c);
+ assert(a == "hello" && b == 124 && c == 34.5);
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ bool f1;
+ line = "true";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &f1);
+ assert(f1);
+ line = "TrUE";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &f1);
+ assert(f1);
+ line = "false";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &f1);
+ assert(!f1);
+ line = "fALsE";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &f1);
+ assert(!f1);
+ line = "1";
+ formattedRead(line, "%d", &f1);
+ assert(f1);
+ line = "-1";
+ formattedRead(line, "%d", &f1);
+ assert(f1);
+ line = "0";
+ formattedRead(line, "%d", &f1);
+ assert(!f1);
+ line = "-0";
+ formattedRead(line, "%d", &f1);
+ assert(!f1);
+@safe pure unittest
+ union B
+ {
+ char[int.sizeof] untyped;
+ int typed;
+ }
+ B b;
+ b.typed = 5;
+ char[] input = b.untyped[];
+ int witness;
+ formattedRead(input, "%r", &witness);
+ assert(witness == b.typed);
+@safe pure unittest
+ union A
+ {
+ char[float.sizeof] untyped;
+ float typed;
+ }
+ A a;
+ a.typed = 5.5;
+ char[] input = a.untyped[];
+ float witness;
+ formattedRead(input, "%r", &witness);
+ assert(witness == a.typed);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.typecons : Tuple;
+ char[] line = "1 2".dup;
+ int a, b;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s %s", &a, &b);
+ assert(a == 1 && b == 2);
+ line = "10 2 3".dup;
+ formattedRead(line, "%d ", &a);
+ assert(a == 10);
+ assert(line == "2 3");
+ Tuple!(int, float) t;
+ line = "1 2.125".dup;
+ formattedRead(line, "%d %g", &t);
+ assert(t[0] == 1 && t[1] == 2.125);
+ line = "1 7643 2.125".dup;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s %*u %s", &t);
+ assert(t[0] == 1 && t[1] == 2.125);
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ char c1, c2;
+ line = "abc";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s%c", &c1, &c2);
+ assert(c1 == 'a' && c2 == 'b');
+ assert(line == "c");
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ line = "[1,2,3]";
+ int[] s1;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &s1);
+ assert(s1 == [1,2,3]);
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ line = "[1,2,3]";
+ int[] s1;
+ formattedRead(line, "[%(%s,%)]", &s1);
+ assert(s1 == [1,2,3]);
+ line = `["hello", "world"]`;
+ string[] s2;
+ formattedRead(line, "[%(%s, %)]", &s2);
+ assert(s2 == ["hello", "world"]);
+ line = "123 456";
+ int[] s3;
+ formattedRead(line, "%(%s %)", &s3);
+ assert(s3 == [123, 456]);
+ line = "h,e,l,l,o; w,o,r,l,d";
+ string[] s4;
+ formattedRead(line, "%(%(%c,%); %)", &s4);
+ assert(s4 == ["hello", "world"]);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.exception : assertThrown;
+ string line;
+ int[4] sa1;
+ line = `[1,2,3,4]`;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &sa1);
+ assert(sa1 == [1,2,3,4]);
+ int[4] sa2;
+ line = `[1,2,3]`;
+ assertThrown(formattedRead(line, "%s", &sa2));
+ int[4] sa3;
+ line = `[1,2,3,4,5]`;
+ assertThrown(formattedRead(line, "%s", &sa3));
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.exception : assertThrown;
+ import std.format : FormatException;
+ string input;
+ int[4] sa1;
+ input = `[1,2,3,4]`;
+ formattedRead(input, "[%(%s,%)]", &sa1);
+ assert(sa1 == [1,2,3,4]);
+ int[4] sa2;
+ input = `[1,2,3]`;
+ assertThrown!FormatException(formattedRead(input, "[%(%s,%)]", &sa2));
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ string s1, s2;
+ line = "hello, world";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &s1);
+ assert(s1 == "hello, world", s1);
+ line = "hello, world;yah";
+ formattedRead(line, "%s;%s", &s1, &s2);
+ assert(s1 == "hello, world", s1);
+ assert(s2 == "yah", s2);
+ line = `['h','e','l','l','o']`;
+ string s3;
+ formattedRead(line, "[%(%s,%)]", &s3);
+ assert(s3 == "hello");
+ line = `"hello"`;
+ string s4;
+ formattedRead(line, "\"%(%c%)\"", &s4);
+ assert(s4 == "hello");
+@safe pure unittest
+ string line;
+ string[int] aa1;
+ line = `[1:"hello", 2:"world"]`;
+ formattedRead(line, "%s", &aa1);
+ assert(aa1 == [1:"hello", 2:"world"]);
+ int[string] aa2;
+ line = `{"hello"=1; "world"=2}`;
+ formattedRead(line, "{%(%s=%s; %)}", &aa2);
+ assert(aa2 == ["hello":1, "world":2]);
+ int[string] aa3;
+ line = `{[hello=1]; [world=2]}`;
+ formattedRead(line, "{%([%(%c%)=%s]%|; %)}", &aa3);
+ assert(aa3 == ["hello":1, "world":2]);
+// test rvalue using
+@safe pure unittest
+ string[int] aa1;
+ formattedRead!("%s")(`[1:"hello", 2:"world"]`, aa1);
+ assert(aa1 == [1:"hello", 2:"world"]);
+ int[string] aa2;
+ formattedRead(`{"hello"=1; "world"=2}`, "{%(%s=%s; %)}", aa2);
+ assert(aa2 == ["hello":1, "world":2]);
+Reads a value from the given _input range and converts it according to a
+format specifier.
+ input = the $(REF_ALTTEXT input range, isInputRange, std, range, primitives),
+ to read from
+ spec = a $(MREF_ALTTEXT format string, std,format)
+ T = type to return
+ Range = the type of the input range `input`
+ Char = the character type used for `spec`
+ A value from `input` of type `T`.
+ A $(REF_ALTTEXT FormatException, FormatException, std, format)
+ if reading did not succeed.
+ $(REF parse, std, conv) and $(REF to, std, conv)
+ */
+T unformatValue(T, Range, Char)(ref Range input, scope const ref FormatSpec!Char spec)
+ return unformatValueImpl!T(input, spec);
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.format.spec : singleSpec;
+ string s = "42";
+ auto spec = singleSpec("%s");
+ assert(unformatValue!int(s, spec) == 42);
+@safe pure unittest
+ string input = "a";
+ auto spec = FormatSpec!char("%s");
+ spec.readUpToNextSpec(input);
+ auto result = unformatValue!(dchar[1])(input, spec);
+ assert(result[0] == 'a');
+@safe pure unittest
+ import std.exception : assertThrown;
+ string str = "foo 12a-buzz";
+ string a, c;
+ int b;
+ assertThrown(formattedRead(str, "%s %d-%s", &a, &b, &c));