path: root/blt/demos/htext1.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blt/demos/htext1.tcl')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blt/demos/htext1.tcl b/blt/demos/htext1.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..19f642710ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blt/demos/htext1.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+package require BLT
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Starting with Tcl 8.x, the BLT commands are stored in their own
+# namespace called "blt". The idea is to prevent name clashes with
+# Tcl commands and variables from other packages, such as a "table"
+# command in two different packages.
+# You can access the BLT commands in a couple of ways. You can prefix
+# all the BLT commands with the namespace qualifier "blt::"
+# blt::graph .g
+# blt::table . .g -resize both
+# or you can import all the command into the global namespace.
+# namespace import blt::*
+# graph .g
+# table . .g -resize both
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if { $tcl_version >= 8.0 } {
+ namespace import blt::*
+ namespace import -force blt::tile::*
+source scripts/demo.tcl
+set visual [winfo screenvisual .]
+if { $visual == "staticgray" || $visual == "grayscale" } {
+ set activeBg black
+ set normalBg white
+ set bitmapFg black
+ set bitmapBg white
+ option add *top.background white
+} else {
+ option add *htext.foreground navyblue
+ if { $tk_version >= 4.0 } {
+ set file1 ./images/clouds.gif
+ set file2 ./images/chalk.gif
+ image create photo bgTexture1 -file $file1
+ image create photo bgTexture2 -file $file2
+# option add *htext.tile bgTexture1
+ option add *htext.foreground black
+ option add *htext.background white
+ option add *htext.selectBackground gold1
+ }
+option add *highlightThickness 0
+proc Blt_FindPattern { htext } {
+ toplevel .search
+ wm title .search "Text search"
+ label .search.label1 -text "Enter Pattern"
+ entry .search.entry -relief sunken
+ button .search.clear -text "Clear" \
+ -command ".search.entry delete 0 end"
+ button .search.cancel -text "Cancel" \
+ -command "destroy .search; focus $htext"
+ button -text "Search" -command "Blt_Search&Move $htext"
+ bind .search.entry <Return> "Blt_Search&Move $htext"
+ table .search \
+ .search.label1 0,0 -padx 4 \
+ .search.entry 0,1 -cspan 2 -pady 4 -padx 4 -reqwidth 3i \
+ 3,0 -reqwidth .75i -anchor w -padx 10 -pady 5 \
+ .search.clear 3,1 -reqwidth .75i -anchor center -padx 10 -pady 5 \
+ .search.cancel 3,2 -reqwidth .75i -anchor e -padx 10 -pady 5
+ focus .search.entry
+ bind .search <Visibility> { raise .search }
+set last 0
+set lastPattern {}
+proc Blt_Search&Move { h } {
+ global last
+ global lastPattern
+ set pattern [.search.entry get]
+ if { [string compare $pattern $lastPattern] != 0 } {
+ set last 0
+ set lastPattern $pattern
+ }
+ if { $pattern == "" } {
+ return
+ }
+ set indices [$h search $pattern $last end]
+ if { $indices == "" } {
+ bell
+ } else {
+ set first [lindex $indices 0]
+ set last [lindex $indices 1]
+ $h selection range $first $last
+ $h gotoline $first
+ incr last
+ }
+# Create horizonatal and vertical scrollbars
+scrollbar .vscroll -command { .htext yview } -orient vertical
+scrollbar .hscroll -command { .htext xview } -orient horizontal
+# Create the hypertext widget
+htext .htext -file ./htext.txt \
+ -yscrollcommand { .vscroll set } \
+ -xscrollcommand { .hscroll set } \
+ -yscrollunits 10m -xscrollunits .25i \
+ -height 6i
+table . \
+ .htext 0,0 -fill both \
+ .vscroll 0,1 -fill y \
+ .hscroll 1,0 -fill x
+table configure . r1 c1 -resize none
+bind .htext <B1-Motion> {
+ %W select to @%x,%y
+bind .htext <1> {
+ %W select from @%x,%y
+ %W select to @%x,%y
+bind .htext <Shift-1> {
+ %W select word @%x,%y
+bind .htext <Meta-1> {
+ %W select line @%x,%y
+bind .htext <Control-1> {
+ puts stderr [%W select index @%x,%y]
+bind .htext <B2-Motion> {
+ %W scan dragto @%x,%y
+bind .htext <2> {
+ %W scan mark @%x,%y
+bind .htext <3> {
+ %W select adjust @%x,%y
+bind .htext <Control-p> {
+ set line [%W gotoline]
+ if { $line == 0 } {
+ bell
+ } else {
+ set line [expr $line-1]
+ %W gotoline $line.0
+ }
+bind .htext <Control-n> {
+ set line [%W gotoline]
+ incr line
+ if { [%W gotoline $line.0] != $line } {
+ bell
+ }
+bind .htext <Control-v> {
+ %W yview [expr [%W yview]+10]
+bind .htext <Meta-v> {
+ %W yview [expr [%W yview]-10]
+bind .htext <Alt-v> {
+ %W yview [expr [%W yview]-10]
+bind .htext <Any-q> {
+ exit 0
+bind .htext <Control-s> {
+ Blt_FindPattern %W
+wm min . 0 0
+focus .htext