path: root/blt/demos/scripts/xcolors.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blt/demos/scripts/xcolors.tcl')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blt/demos/scripts/xcolors.tcl b/blt/demos/scripts/xcolors.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..40241c737f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blt/demos/scripts/xcolors.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Tk version of xcolors
+package require BLT
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Starting with Tcl 8.x, the BLT commands are stored in their own
+# namespace called "blt". The idea is to prevent name clashes with
+# Tcl commands and variables from other packages, such as a "table"
+# command in two different packages.
+# You can access the BLT commands in a couple of ways. You can prefix
+# all the BLT commands with the namespace qualifier "blt::"
+# blt::graph .g
+# blt::table . .g -resize both
+# or you can import all the command into the global namespace.
+# namespace import blt::*
+# graph .g
+# table . .g -resize both
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+if { $tcl_version >= 8.0 } {
+ namespace import blt::*
+ namespace import -force blt::tile::*
+source scripts/demo.tcl
+set numCols 0
+set numRows 0
+set maxCols 15
+set cellWidth 40
+set cellHeight 20
+set numCells 0
+set lastCount 0
+set beginInput(0) 0
+set map 0
+set entryCount 0
+set lastTagId {}
+scrollbar .xscroll -command { .canvas xview } -orient horizontal
+scrollbar .yscroll -command { .canvas yview }
+label .sample \
+ -font -*-new*century*schoolbook*-bold-r-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-*-* \
+ -text {"Bisque is Beautiful".}
+button .name -font -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* \
+ -command "AddSelection name"
+button .rgb -font -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-* \
+ -command "AddSelection rgb"
+canvas .canvas \
+ -confine 1 \
+ -yscrollcommand { .yscroll set } \
+ -width [expr 16*$cellWidth] -height 400 \
+ -scrollregion [list 0 0 [expr 16*$cellWidth] 800]
+frame .border -bd 2 -relief raised
+label .status \
+ -anchor w \
+ -font -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
+button .quit -text "Quit" -command "exit"
+button .next -text "Next" -command "DisplayColors next"
+button .prev -text "Previous" -command "DisplayColors last"
+selection handle .name GetColor
+selection handle .rgb GetValue
+bind .name <Enter> {
+ .status config -text \
+ "Press button to write color name into primary selection"
+bind .rgb <Enter> {
+ .status config -text \
+ "Press button to write RGB value into primary selection"
+bind .name <Leave> {
+ .status config -text ""
+bind .rgb <Leave> {
+ .status config -text ""
+bind .canvas <Enter> {
+ .status config -text \
+ "Press button 1 to change background; Button 2 changes foreground"
+table . \
+ .sample 0,0 -cspan 2 -fill both -reqheight 1i \
+ .name 1,0 -fill both -anchor w \
+ .rgb 1,1 -fill both -anchor w \
+ .canvas 2,0 -cspan 2 -fill both \
+ .yscroll 2,2 -fill y \
+ .border 3,0 -cspan 2 -fill x -reqheight 8 \
+ .status 4,0 -cspan 2 -fill both \
+ .quit 4,1 -anchor e -reqwidth 1i -fill y -padx 10 -pady 4 \
+ .prev 5,0 -anchor e -reqwidth 1i -fill y -padx 10 -pady 4 \
+ .next 5,1 -anchor e -reqwidth 1i -fill y -padx 10 -pady 4
+proc AddSelection { what } {
+ selection own .$what
+ if {$what == "name" } {
+ set mesg "Color name written into primary selection"
+ } else {
+ set mesg "RGB value written into primary selection"
+ }
+ .status config -text $mesg
+proc GetColor { args } {
+ return [lindex [.name config -text] 4]
+proc GetValue { args } {
+ return [lindex [.rgb config -text] 4]
+proc ShowInfo { tagId what info } {
+ global lastTagId
+ if { $lastTagId != {} } {
+ .canvas itemconfig $lastTagId -width 1
+ }
+ .canvas itemconfig $tagId -width 3
+ set lastTagId $tagId
+ set name [lindex $info 3]
+ .name config -text $name
+ set value [format "#%0.2x%0.2x%0.2x" \
+ [lindex $info 0] [lindex $info 1] [lindex $info 2]]
+ .rgb config -text $value
+ .sample config $what $name
+ .status config -bg $name
+proc MakeCell { info } {
+ global numCols numRows maxCols cellWidth cellHeight numCells
+ set x [expr $numCols*$cellWidth]
+ set y [expr $numRows*$cellHeight]
+ set color [lindex $info 3]
+ if [catch {winfo rgb . $color}] {
+ return "ok"
+ }
+# if { [tk colormodel .] != "color" } {
+# bind . <Leave> {
+# .status config -text "Color table full after $numCells entries."
+# }
+# .status config -text "Color table full after $numCells entries."
+# return "out of colors"
+# }
+ set id [.canvas create rectangle \
+ $x $y [expr $x+$cellWidth] [expr $y+$cellHeight] \
+ -fill $color -outline black]
+ if { $color == "white" } {
+ global whiteTagId
+ set whiteTagId $id
+ }
+ .canvas bind $id <1> [list ShowInfo $id -bg $info]
+ .canvas bind $id <2> [list ShowInfo $id -fg $info]
+ incr numCols
+ if { $numCols > $maxCols } {
+ set numCols 0
+ incr numRows
+ }
+ return "ok"
+proc DisplayColors { how } {
+ global lastCount numCells cellHeight numRows numCols rgbText
+ global map beginInput
+# tk colormodel . color
+ set initialized no
+ if { $how == "last" } {
+ if { $map == 0 } {
+ return
+ }
+ set map [expr $map-1]
+ } else {
+ incr map
+ if ![info exists beginInput($map)] {
+ set beginInput($map) $lastCount
+ }
+ }
+ set start $beginInput($map)
+ if { $numCells > 0 } {
+ .canvas delete all
+ set numRows 0
+ set numCols 0
+ set initialized yes
+ }
+ set input [lrange $rgbText $start end]
+ set lineCount $start
+ set entryCount 0
+ foreach i $input {
+ incr lineCount
+ if { [llength $i] == 4 } {
+ if { [MakeCell $i] == "out of colors" } {
+ break
+ }
+ incr entryCount
+ }
+ }
+ if { $entryCount == 0 } {
+ bind . <Leave> {
+ .status config -text "No more entries in RGB database"
+ }
+ .status config -text "No more entries in RGB database"
+ }
+ set lastCount $lineCount
+ proc tkerror {args} {
+ #dummy procedure
+ }
+ if { $initialized == "no" } {
+ global cellWidth
+ set height [expr $cellHeight*($numRows+1)]
+ .canvas config -scrollregion [list 0 0 [expr 16*$cellWidth] $height]
+ if { $height < 800 } {
+ .canvas config -height $height
+ }
+ global whiteTagId
+ if [info exists whiteTagId] {
+ ShowInfo $whiteTagId -bg {255 255 255 white}
+ }
+ }
+ update idletasks
+ update
+ rename tkerror {}
+wm min . 0 0
+foreach location {
+ /usr/X11R6
+ /util/X11R6
+ /usr/openwin
+ /usr/dt
+} {
+ set file [file join $location lib X11 rgb.txt]
+ if { [file exists $file] } {
+ break
+ }
+set in [open $file "r"]
+set rgbText [read $in]
+close $in
+set rgbText [split $rgbText \n]
+DisplayColors next
+wm min . 0 0