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+ <!-- manual page source format generated by PolyglotMan v3.0.8+XFree86, -->
+<!-- available via anonymous ftp from -->
+<TITLE>bitmap(n) manual page</TITLE>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#efefef" TEXT="black" LINK="blue" VLINK="#551A8B" ALINK="red">
+<A HREF="#toc">Table of Contents</A><P>
+<H2><A NAME="sect0" HREF="#toc0">Name</A></H2>
+bitmap - Define a new bitmap from a Tcl script
+<H2><A NAME="sect1" HREF="#toc1">Synopsis</A></H2>
+<B>bitmap define <I>bitmapName data</I></B> ?<I>option value</I>?... <P>
+<B>bitmap compose <I>bitmapName
+text</I></B> ?<I>option value</I>?... <P>
+<B>bitmap exists <I>bitmapName</I></B> <P>
+<B>bitmap source <I>bitmapName</I></B> <P>
+data <I>bitmapName</I></B> <P>
+<B>bitmap height <I>bitmapName</I></B> <P>
+<B>bitmap width <I>bitmapName</I></B>
+<H2><A NAME="sect2" HREF="#toc2">Description</A></H2>
+<B>bitmap</B> command lets you create new bitmaps directly from your Tcl script.
+ The bitmap can be specified as a list of data or a text string which is
+converted into a bitmap. You can arbitrarily scale or rotate the bitmap
+<H2><A NAME="sect3" HREF="#toc3">Introduction</A></H2>
+Bitmaps are commonly used within Tk. In label and button
+widgets, you display bitmaps them instead of text strings and in the canvas
+and text widgets, they're used for stippling. But Tk let's you can create
+new bitmaps only by reading the bitmap data from a file. This makes bitmaps
+cumbersome to manage, especially in packaging the program as a <B>wish</B> script,
+since each bitmap must be its own file. It would be nicer if you could
+create new bitmaps directly from your Tcl script. <P>
+The <B>bitmap</B> command lets
+you do just that. You can specify the bitmap as in various formats (such
+as the X11 bitmap format). You can also compose a bitmap from a text string.
+ The <B>bitmap</B> command also lets you and arbitrarily rotate or scale the bitmap.
+ For example, you could use this to create button widgets with the text
+label rotated 90 degrees.
+<H2><A NAME="sect4" HREF="#toc4">Example</A></H2>
+&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; bitmap.mann You can define a new bitmap
+with the <B>define</B> operation. For example, let's say you are using the X11
+bitmap "gray1". Normally to use it, you would specify the location of the
+file. <BR>
+<CODE>label .l -bitmap @/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/gray1<BR>
+</CODE><P>But you can simply cut and paste the contents of "gray1" into the <B>bitmap</B>
+command. <BR>
+<CODE>bitmap define gray1 {<BR>
+ #define gray1_width 2<BR>
+ #define gray1_height 2<BR>
+ static char gray1_bits[] = {<BR>
+ 0x01, 0x02};<BR>
+label .l -bitmap gray1<BR>
+</CODE><P>Tk will recognize "gray1" as a bitmap which can now be used with any widget
+that accepts bitmaps. <BR>
+<CODE></CODE><P>The bitmap data can be specified in a mulitude of forms. The following commands
+are all equivalent. <BR>
+<CODE>bitmap define gray1 {<BR>
+ #define gray1_width 2<BR>
+ #define gray1_height 2<BR>
+ static char gray1_bits[] = {<BR>
+ 0x01, 0x02};<BR>
+bitmap define gray1 { { 2 2 } { 0x01, 0x02 } }<BR>
+bitmap define gray1 { { 2 2 } { 0x01 0x02 } }<BR>
+bitmap define gray1 { { 2 2 } { 1 2 } }<BR>
+</CODE><P>Either the data is in the standard X11 bitmap form, or it's a list of two
+lists. The first list contains the height and width of the bitmap. The second
+list is the bitmap source data. Each element of that list is an hexadecimal
+number specifying which pixels are <A HREF="foreground.1.html">foreground (1)</A>
+ and which are background
+(0) of the bitmap. Note that the format of the source data is exactly that
+of the XBM format. <P>
+You can scale or rotate the bitmap as you create it,
+by using the <B>-scale</B> or<B>-rotate</B> options. <BR>
+<CODE>bitmap define gray1 {<BR>
+ #define gray1_width 2<BR>
+ #define gray1_height 2<BR>
+ static char gray1_bits[] = {<BR>
+ 0x01, 0x02};<BR>
+} -scale 2.0 -rotate 90.0<BR>
+</CODE><P>In addition, you can compose bitmaps from text strings. This makes it easy
+to create rotated buttons or labels. The text string can have multi-line.
+ <BR>
+<CODE>bitmap compose rot_text "This is rotated\ntext" \<BR>
+<tt>&#32;</tt>&nbsp;<tt>&#32;</tt>&nbsp;-rotate 90.0 -font fixed<BR>
+</CODE><P>There are also a number of ways to query bitmaps. This isn't limited to
+bitmaps that you create, but any bitmap. <BR>
+<CODE>bitmap exists rot_text<BR>
+bitmap width rot_text<BR>
+bitmap height rot_text<BR>
+bitmap data rot_text<BR>
+bitmap source rot_text<BR>
+</CODE><P>The <B>exists</B> operation indicates if a bitmap by that name is defined. You
+can query the dimensions of the bitmap using the <B>width</B> and <B>height</B> operations.
+The <B>data</B> operation returns the list of the data used to create the bitmap.
+ For example, you could query the data of a bitmap and <B>send</B> it across
+the network to another Tk application. <BR>
+<CODE>set data [bitmap data @/usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/ghost.xbm]<BR>
+send {wish #2} bitmap define ghost $data<BR>
+<H2><A NAME="sect5" HREF="#toc5"></CODE><P>Operations</A></H2>
+The following operations are available for <B>bitmap</B>:
+<DT><B>bitmap compose
+<I>bitmapName text </I></B>?<I>option value</I>?... </DT>
+<DD>Creates a bitmap <I>bitmapName</I> from the text
+string <I>text</I>. A bitmap <I>bitmapName</I> can not already exist. The following options
+are available. <blockquote></DD>
+<DT><B>-font <I>fontName</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Specifies a font to use when drawing text
+into the bitmap. If this option isn't specified then <I>fontName</I> defaults to
+ <I>*-Helvetica-Bold-R-Normal-*-140-*</I>. </DD>
+<DT><B>-rotate <I>theta</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Specifies the angle of rotation
+of the text in the bitmap. <I>Theta</I> is a real number representing the angle
+in degrees. It defaults to <I>0.0</I> degrees. </DD>
+<DT><B>-scale <I>value</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Specifies the scale of
+the bitmap. <I>Value</I> is a real number representing the scale. A scale of 1.0
+indicates no scaling is necessary, while 2.0 would double the size of the
+bitmap. There is no way to specify differents scales for the width and
+height of the bitmap. The default scale is <I>1.0</I>. </DD>
+<DT><B>bitmap data <I>bitmapName</I></B> </DT>
+a list of both the dimensions of the bitmap <I>bitmapName</I> and its source data.
+<DT><B>bitmap define <I>bitmapName data</I></B> ?<I>option value</I>?... </DT>
+<DD>Associates <I>bitmapName</I> with
+in-memory bitmap data so that <I>bitmapName</I> can be used in later calls to <B>Tk_GetBitmap</B>.
+The <I>bitmapName</I> argument is the name of the bitmap; it must not previously
+have been defined in either a call to Tk_DefineBitmap or <B>bitmap</B>. The argument
+<I>data</I> describes the bitmap to be created. It is either the X11 bitmap format
+(a C structure) or a list of two lists: the dimensions and source data.
+ The dimensions are a list of two numbers which are the width and height
+of the bitmap. The source data is a list of hexadecimal values in a format
+similar to the X11 or X10 bitmap format. The values may be optionally separated
+by commas and do not need to be prefixed with "0x". The following options
+are available. <blockquote></DD>
+<DT><B>-rotate <I>theta</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Specifies how many degrees to rotate the bitmap.
+<I>Theta</I> is a real number representing the angle. The default is <I>0.0</I> degrees.
+<DT><B>-scale <I>value</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Specifies how to scale the bitmap. <I>Value</I> is a real number representing
+the scale. A scale of 1.0 indicates no scaling is necessary, while 2.0 would
+double the size of the bitmap. There is no way to specify differents scales
+for the width and height of the bitmap. The default scale is <I>1.0</I>. </DD>
+<DT><B>bitmap exists
+<I>bitmapName</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Returns <I>1</I> if a bitmap <I>bitmapName</I> exists, otherwise <I>0</I>. </DD>
+height <I>bitmapName</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Returns the height in pixels of the bitmap <I>bitmapName</I>.
+<DT><B>bitmap source <I>bitmapName</I></B> </DT>
+<DD>Returns the source data of the bitmap <I>bitmapName</I>.
+The source data is a list of the hexadecimal values. </DD>
+<DT><B>bitmap width <I>bitmapName</I></B>
+ </DT>
+<DD>Returns the width in pixels of the bitmap <I>bitmapName</I>. </DD>
+<H2><A NAME="sect6" HREF="#toc6">Limitations</A></H2>
+Tk currently
+offers no way of destroying bitmaps. Once a bitmap is created, it exists
+until the application terminates.
+<H2><A NAME="sect7" HREF="#toc7">Keywords</A></H2>
+bitmap <P>
+<A NAME="toc"><B>Table of Contents</B></A><P>
+<LI><A NAME="toc0" HREF="#sect0">Name</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc1" HREF="#sect1">Synopsis</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc2" HREF="#sect2">Description</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc3" HREF="#sect3">Introduction</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc4" HREF="#sect4">Example</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc5" HREF="#sect5">Operations</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc6" HREF="#sect6">Limitations</A></LI>
+<LI><A NAME="toc7" HREF="#sect7">Keywords</A></LI>