path: root/blt/library/tabset.tcl
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1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/blt/library/tabset.tcl b/blt/library/tabset.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab3f0427033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blt/library/tabset.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+# tabset.tcl
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Bindings for the BLT tabset widget
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# AUTHOR: George Howlett
+# Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 1998 Lucent Technologies, Inc.
+# ======================================================================
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+# provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+# both that the copyright notice and warranty disclaimer appear in
+# supporting documentation, and that the names of Lucent Technologies
+# any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity
+# pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written
+# prior permission.
+# Lucent Technologies disclaims all warranties with regard to this
+# software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and
+# fitness. In no event shall Lucent be liable for any special, indirect
+# or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss
+# of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence
+# or other tortuous action, arising out of or in connection with the use
+# or performance of this software.
+# ======================================================================
+# Indicates whether to activate (highlight) tabs when the mouse passes
+# over them. This is turned off during scan operations.
+set bltTabset(activate) yes
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ButtonPress assignments
+# <ButtonPress-2> Starts scan mechanism (pushes the tabs)
+# <B2-Motion> Adjust scan
+# <ButtonRelease-2> Stops scan
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+bind Tabset <B2-Motion> {
+ %W scan dragto %x %y
+bind Tabset <ButtonPress-2> {
+ set bltTabset(cursor) [%W cget -cursor]
+ set bltTabset(activate) no
+ %W configure -cursor hand1
+ %W scan mark %x %y
+bind Tabset <ButtonRelease-2> {
+ %W configure -cursor $bltTabset(cursor)
+ set bltTabset(activate) yes
+ %W highlight @%x,%y
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# KeyPress assignments
+# <KeyPress-Up> Moves focus to the tab immediately above the
+# current.
+# <KeyPress-Down> Moves focus to the tab immediately below the
+# current.
+# <KeyPress-Left> Moves focus to the tab immediately left of the
+# currently focused tab.
+# <KeyPress-Right> Moves focus to the tab immediately right of the
+# currently focused tab.
+# <KeyPress-space> Invokes the commands associated with the current
+# tab.
+# <KeyPress-Return> Same as above.
+# <KeyPress> Go to next tab starting with the ASCII character.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-Up> { blt::SelectTab %W "up" }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-Down> { blt::SelectTab %W "down" }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-Right> { blt::SelectTab %W "right" }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-Left> { blt::SelectTab %W "left" }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-space> { %W invoke focus }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress-Return> { %W invoke focus }
+bind Tabset <KeyPress> {
+ if { [string match {[A-Za-z0-9]*} "%A"] } {
+ blt::FindMatchingTab %W %A
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# FirstMatchingTab --
+# Find the first tab (from the tab that currently has focus)
+# starting with the same first letter as the tab. It searches
+# in order of the tab positions and wraps around. If no tab
+# matches, it stops back at the current tab.
+# Arguments:
+# widget Tabset widget.
+# key ASCII character of key pressed
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::FindMatchingTab { widget key } {
+ set key [string tolower $key]
+ set itab [$widget index focus]
+ set numTabs [$widget size]
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $numTabs } { incr i } {
+ if { [incr itab] >= $numTabs } {
+ set itab 0
+ }
+ set name [$widget get $itab]
+ set label [string tolower [$widget tab cget $name -text]]
+ if { [string index $label 0] == $key } {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ $widget focus $itab
+ $widget see focus
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# SelectTab --
+# Invokes the command for the tab. If the widget associated tab
+# is currently torn off, the tearoff is raised.
+# Arguments:
+# widget Tabset widget.
+# x y Unused.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::SelectTab { widget tab } {
+ set index [$widget index $tab]
+ if { $index != "" } {
+ $widget select $index
+ $widget focus $index
+ $widget see $index
+ set w [$widget tab tearoff $index]
+ if { ($w != "") && ($w != "$widget") } {
+ raise [winfo toplevel $w]
+ }
+ $widget invoke $index
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# DestroyTearoff --
+# Destroys the toplevel window and the container tearoff
+# window holding the embedded widget. The widget is placed
+# back inside the tab.
+# Arguments:
+# widget Tabset widget.
+# tab Tab selected.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::DestroyTearoff { widget tab } {
+ regsub -all {\.} [$widget get $tab] {_} name
+ set top "$widget.toplevel-$name"
+ if { [winfo exists $top] } {
+ wm withdraw $top
+ update
+ $widget tab tearoff $tab $widget
+ destroy $top
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# CreateTearoff --
+# Creates a new toplevel window and moves the embedded widget
+# into it. The toplevel is placed just below the tab. The
+# DELETE WINDOW property is set so that if the toplevel window
+# is requested to be deleted by the window manager, the embedded
+# widget is placed back inside of the tab. Note also that
+# if the tabset container is ever destroyed, the toplevel is
+# also destroyed.
+# Arguments:
+# widget Tabset widget.
+# tab Tab selected.
+# x y The coordinates of the mouse pointer.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::CreateTearoff { widget tab rootX rootY } {
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # When reparenting the window contained in the tab, check if the
+ # window or any window in its hierarchy currently has focus.
+ # Since we're reparenting windows behind its back, Tk can
+ # mistakenly activate the keyboard focus when the mouse enters the
+ # old toplevel. The simplest way to deal with this problem is to
+ # take the focus off the window and set it to the tabset widget
+ # itself.
+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ set focus [focus]
+ set name [$widget get $tab]
+ set window [$widget tab cget $name -window]
+ if { ($focus == $window) || ([string match $window.* $focus]) } {
+ focus -force $widget
+ }
+ regsub -all {\.} [$widget get $tab] {_} name
+ set top "$widget.toplevel-$name"
+ toplevel $top
+ $widget tab tearoff $tab $top.container
+ table $top $top.container -fill both
+ incr rootX 10 ; incr rootY 10
+ wm geometry $top +$rootX+$rootY
+ set name [$widget get $tab]
+ set parent [winfo toplevel $widget]
+ wm title $top "[wm title $parent]: [$widget tab cget $name -text]"
+ wm transient $top $parent
+ #blt::winop changes $top
+ #
+ # If the user tries to delete the toplevel, put the window back
+ # into the tab folder.
+ #
+ wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list blt::DestroyTearoff $widget $tab]
+ #
+ # If the container is ever destroyed, automatically destroy the
+ # toplevel too.
+ #
+ bind $top.container <Destroy> [list destroy $top]
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tearoff --
+# Toggles the tab tearoff. If the tab contains a embedded widget,
+# it is placed inside of a toplevel window. If the widget has
+# already been torn off, the widget is replaced back in the tab.
+# Arguments:
+# widget tabset widget.
+# x y The coordinates of the mouse pointer.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::Tearoff { widget x y index } {
+ set tab [$widget index -index $index]
+ if { $tab == "" } {
+ return
+ }
+ $widget invoke $tab
+ set container [$widget tab tearoff $index]
+ if { $container == "$widget" } {
+ blt::CreateTearoff $widget $tab $x $y
+ } elseif { $container != "" } {
+ blt::DestroyTearoff $widget $tab
+ }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# TabsetInit
+# Invoked from C whenever a new tabset widget is created.
+# Sets up the default bindings for the all tab entries.
+# These bindings are local to the widget, so they can't be
+# set through the usual widget class bind tags mechanism.
+# <Enter> Activates the tab.
+# <Leave> Deactivates all tabs.
+# <ButtonPress-1> Selects the tab and invokes its command.
+# <Control-ButtonPress-1>
+# Toggles the tab tearoff. If the tab contains
+# a embedded widget, it is placed inside of a
+# toplevel window. If the widget has already
+# been torn off, the widget is replaced back
+# in the tab.
+# Arguments:
+# widget tabset widget
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+proc blt::TabsetInit { widget } {
+ $widget bind all <Enter> {
+ if { $bltTabset(activate) } {
+ %W highlight current
+ }
+ }
+ $widget bind all <Leave> {
+ %W highlight ""
+ }
+ $widget bind all <ButtonPress-1> {
+ blt::SelectTab %W "current"
+ }
+ $widget bind all <Control-ButtonPress-1> {
+ if { [%W cget -tearoff] } {
+ blt::Tearoff %W %X %Y active
+ }
+ }
+ $widget configure -perforationcommand {
+ blt::Tearoff %W $bltTabset(x) $bltTabset(y) select
+ }
+ $widget bind Perforation <Enter> {
+ %W perforation highlight on
+ }
+ $widget bind Perforation <Leave> {
+ %W perforation highlight off
+ }
+ $widget bind Perforation <ButtonPress-1> {
+ set bltTabset(x) %X
+ set bltTabset(y) %Y
+ %W perforation invoke
+ }