path: root/itcl/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'itcl/')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/itcl/ b/itcl/
index d5d8e2355f8..7a79939772e 100644
--- a/itcl/
+++ b/itcl/
@@ -1,95 +1,45 @@
-# Visual C++ 4.1 makefile
-# This is the main Visual C++ makefile for the Windows distribution
-# of [incr Tcl] version 3.0. To compile the distribution using Visual
-# C++, copy "" to "makefile". Then set the macros for the
-# location of the source directory, installation directory, and the
-# Microsoft Compilers. You may then "make dist" to build the distribution,
-# and "make dist-install" to install it to the target directory you specify
-# below, and "make dist-clean" to clean up.
-# Project directories
-# ROOT = top of source tree
-# TMPDIR = location where .obj files should be stored during build
-# TOOLS32 = location of VC++ 32-bit development tools. Note that the
-# VC++ 2.0 header files are broken, so you need to use the
-# ones that come with the developer network CD's, or later
-# versions of VC++.
-# INSTALLDIR = where the install- targets should copy the binaries and
-# support files
-TOOLS32 = c:\progra~1\devstudio\vc
-TOOLS32_rc = c:\progra~1\devstudio\sharedide
-SOURCE_ROOT = \ws\incrTcl
-INSTALLDIR = c:\progra~1\Tcl
-TCLDIR = \ws\tcl8.1
-TKDIR = \ws\tk8.1
-TCLSH = $(TCLDIR)\win\Release\tclsh81.exe
-# Set this to the appropriate value of /MACHINE: for your platform
-# Set NODEBUG to 0 to compile with symbols
-# uncomment one of the following lines to compile with TCL_MEM_DEBUG,
-# You should not have to modify anything further in this makefile
-MAKE = $(TOOLS32)\bin\nmake
-# System calls
-CP = copy
-RM = del
-MKDIR = -mkdir
-# Source and Build Paths
-IWIDGETS2DIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Iwidgets2.2.0
-IWIDGETS3DIR = $(SOURCE_ROOT)\Iwidgets3.0.0
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) all
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(IWIDGETS2DIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(IWIDGETS3DIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) install
- cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
- cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
- $(MAKE) clean
+# Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0+ makefile for [Incr Tcl/Tk].
+# This is the main Visual C++ makefile for the Win32 distribution
+# of [incr Tcl/Tk]. To compile the distribution using Visual C++,
+# first open "" and follow the directions for editing the
+# approriate values for your setup. This is not the TEA makefile.
+# $Id$
+!include ""
+!include ""
+MAKECMD = nmake.exe -nologo /$(MAKEFLAGS) -f
+release :
+ cd itcl\win
+ $(MAKECMD) release
+ cd ..\..\itk\win
+ $(MAKECMD) release
+docs :
+ @echo "ack!"
+install :
+ cd itcl\win
+ $(MAKECMD) install
+ cd ..\..\itk\win
+ $(MAKECMD) install
+ if exist ..\..\iwidgets\nul ( \
+ cd ..\..\iwidgets\win &\
+ $(MAKECMD) install \
+ )
+# cd $(ITCLDIR)\Win
+# $(MAKECMD) clean
+# cd $(ITKDIR)\Win
+# $(MAKECMD) clean