path: root/iwidgets/demos/html/mainwindow.n.html
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diff --git a/iwidgets/demos/html/mainwindow.n.html b/iwidgets/demos/html/mainwindow.n.html
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+++ b/iwidgets/demos/html/mainwindow.n.html
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+<TITLE>mainwindow - Create and manipulate a mainwindow widget</TITLE>
+<H1>mainwindow - Create and manipulate a mainwindow widget</H1>
+<B>mainwindow<I> <I>pathName </I>?<I>options</I>?
+itk::Toplevel &lt;- shell &lt;- mainwindow
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the <A HREF=""> "options" </A> manual entry for details on the standard options.
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the "toolbar" manual entry for details on the above associated options.
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the "Toplevel" manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the "shell" manual entry for details on the above inherited options.
+Name: <B>helpLine</B>
+Class: <B>HelpLine</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-helpline</B>
+Specifies whether or not to display the help line. The value
+may be given in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetBoolean.
+The default is yes.
+Name: <B>menuBarBackground</B>
+Class: <B>Background</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-menubarbackground</B>
+Specifies the normal background color for the menubar.
+Name: <B>menuBarFont</B>
+Class: <B>Font</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-menubarfont</B>
+Specifies the font to use when drawing text inside the menubar.
+Name: <B>menuBarForeround</B>
+Class: <B>Foreground</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-menubarforeground</B>
+Specifies the normal foreground color for the menubar.
+Name: <B>statusLine</B>
+Class: <B>StatusLine</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-statusline</B>
+Specifies whether or not to display the status line. The value
+may be given in any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetBoolean.
+The default is yes.
+Name: <B>toolBarBackground</B>
+Class: <B>Background</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-toolbarbackground</B>
+Specifies the normal background color for the toolbar.
+Name: <B>toolBarFont</B>
+Class: <B>Font</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-toolbarfont</B>
+Specifies the font to use when drawing text inside the toolbar.
+Name: <B>toolBarForeround</B>
+Class: <B>Foreground</B>
+Command-Line Switch: <B>-toolbarforeground</B>
+Specifies the normal foreground color for the toolbar.
+The <B>mainwindow</B> command creates a mainwindow shell which contains
+a menubar, toolbar, mousebar, childsite, status line, and help line.
+Each item may be filled and configured to suit individual needs.
+The <B>mainwindow</B> command create a new Tcl command whose
+name is <I>pathName</I>. This command may be used to invoke various
+operations on the widget. It has the following general form:
+<I>pathName option </I>?<I>arg arg ...</I>?
+<I>Option</I> and the <I>arg</I>s
+determine the exact behavior of the command. The following
+commands are possible for mainwindow widgets:
+<table cellpadding=5>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+<td valign=top>
+See the "shell" manual entry for details on the above inherited methods.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>cget</B> <I>option</I>
+<DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given
+by <I>option</I>.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>mainwindow</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>childsite</B>
+<DD> Returns the pathname of the child site widget.
+<DT> <I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value option value ...</I>?
+<DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget.
+If no <I>option</I> is specified, returns a list describing all of
+the available options for <I>pathName</I> (see <B>Tk_ConfigureInfo</B> for
+information on the format of this list). If <I>option</I> is specified
+with no <I>value</I>, then the command returns a list describing the
+one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding
+sublist of the value returned if no <I>option</I> is specified). If
+one or more <I>option-value</I> pairs are specified, then the command
+modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in
+this case the command returns an empty string.
+<I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the <B>mainwindow</B>
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>menubar</B> ?<I>args</I>?
+<DD> The <B>menubar</B> method provides access to the menubar. Invoked with
+no arguments it returns the pathname of the menubar. With arguments,
+they are evaluated against the menubar which in effect provides
+access to the entire API of the menubar. See the "menubar" manual
+entry for details on the commands available in the menubar.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>mousebar</B> ?<I>args</I>?
+<DD> The <B>mousebar</B> method provides access to the mousebar which is a
+vertical toolbar. Invoked with no arguments it returns the pathname
+of the mousebar. With arguments, they are evaluated against the mousebar
+which in effect provides access to the entire API of the underlying
+toolbar. See the "toolbar" manual entry for details on the commands
+available in the mousebar.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>msgd</B> ?<I>args</I>?
+<DD> The <B>msgd</B> method provides access to the messagedialog contained
+in the mainwindow. Invoked with no arguments it returns the pathname
+of the messagedialog. With arguments, they are evaluated against the
+messagedialog which in effect provides access to the entire API of the
+messagedialog. See the "messagedialog" manual
+entry for details on the commands available in the messagedialog.
+<DT> <I>pathName <B>toolbar</B> ?<I>args</I>?
+<DD> The <B>toolbar</B> method provides access to the toolbar. Invoked with
+no arguments it returns the pathname of the toolbar. With arguments,
+they are evaluated against the toolbar which in effect provides
+access to the entire API of the toolbar. See the "toolbar" manual
+entry for details on the commands available in the toolbar.
+Name: <B>help</B>
+Class: <B>Label</B>
+The help component provides a location for displaying any help
+strings provided in the menubar, toolbar, or mousebar. See the "label"
+widget manual entry for details on the help component item.
+Name: <B>menubar</B>
+Class: <B>Menubar</B>
+The menubar component is the menubar located at the top of the window.
+See the "menubar" widget manual entry for details on the menubar
+component item.
+Name: <B>mousebar</B>
+Class: <B>Toolbar</B>
+The mousebar component is the vertical toolbar located on the right side
+of the window. See the "toolbar" widget manual entry for details on
+the mousebar component item.
+Name: <B>msgd</B>
+Class: <B>Messagedialog</B>
+The msgd component is a messagedialog which may be reconfigured as needed
+and used repeatedly throughout the application. See the "messagedialog"
+widget manual entry for details on the messagedialog component item.
+Name: <B>status</B>
+Class: <B>Label</B>
+The status component provides a location for displaying application
+status information. See the "label" widget manual entry for details
+on the status component item.
+Name: <B>toolbar</B>
+Class: <B>Toolbar</B>
+The toolbar component is the horizontal toolbar located on the top
+of the window. See the "toolbar" widget manual entry for details on
+the toolbar component item.
+ mainwindow .mw
+ #
+ # Add a File menubutton
+ #
+ .mw menubar add menubutton file -text "File" -underline 0 -padx 8 -pady 2 \\
+ -menu {options -tearoff no
+ command new -label "New" -underline 0 \\
+ -helpstr "Create a new file"
+ command open -label "Open ..." -underline 0 \\
+ -helpstr "Open an existing file"
+ command save -label "Save" -underline 0 \\
+ -helpstr "Save the current file"
+ command saveas -label "Save As ..." -underline 5 \\
+ -helpstr "Save the file as a differnet name"
+ command print -label "Print" -underline 0 \\
+ -helpstr "Print the file"
+ separator sep1
+ command close -label "Close" -underline 0 \\
+ -helpstr "Close the file"
+ separator sep2
+ command exit -label "Exit" -underline 1 \\
+ -helpstr "Exit this application"
+ }
+ #
+ # Install a scrolledtext widget in the childsite.
+ #
+ scrolledtext [.mw childsite].st
+ pack [.mw childsite].st -fill both -expand yes
+ #
+ # Activate the main window.
+ #
+ .mw activate
+Mark L. Ulferts
+John A. Tucker
+mainwindow, shell, widget