path: root/iwidgets/doc/tk2html.perl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'iwidgets/doc/tk2html.perl')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/iwidgets/doc/tk2html.perl b/iwidgets/doc/tk2html.perl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5474df5701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iwidgets/doc/tk2html.perl
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+# Lightly modified man2html to make html equivs of tk/tcl man pages
+# probably a dead end soln since works on output after troff processing
+# Set the man path array to the paths to search...
+@manpath = ('/usr/share/man','/usr/gnu/man','/usr/local/man');
+#@manpath = ('/s/usr/hops/src/ftp/tcl/tk3.4/docs');
+# There has to be a blank line after this...
+#print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
+if (!$ARGV[0]) {
+ print "<isindex>\n";
+ chop($os = `uname`);
+ chop($ver = `uname -r`);
+ print "
+<title> $os $ver Manual Pages </title>
+<h1> $os $ver Manual Pages </h1>
+Enter the name of the man page, optionally surrounded
+by parenthesis with the number. For example:
+<li> stat to find one or more man pages for ls
+<li> stat(2) for the system call stat
+This converter is still in development. I intend to
+improve the handling of multiple matches, and add
+a interface to apropos (or man -k (or whatis...))
+<a href=\"/users/bcutter/intro.html\">Brooks Cutter</a>
+ exit(0);
+$_ = $ARGV[0];
+$manpages[0] = $_;
+if ((/^-$/)) {
+ $manpages[0] = $_;
+} elsif ((m!^/!)) {
+ $manpages[0] = $_;
+#} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)\((\d.*)\)/) {
+# @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath);
+#} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)<(\d.*)>/) {
+# @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath);
+#} elsif (($name, $sect) = /(\S+)\[(\d.*)\]/) {
+# @manpages = &findman($name, $sect, @manpath);
+#} else {
+# @manpages = &findman($_, '', @manpath);
+if (!scalar @manpages) {
+ print "Sorry, I was unable to find a match for <b>$_</b>\n";
+ exit(0);
+} elsif (scalar @manpages > 1) {
+ &which_manpage(@manpages);
+} else {
+ if (!-e $manpages[0]) {
+ die "man2html: Error, Can't locate file '$manpages[0]'\n";
+ }
+ chop($type=`file -L $manpages[0]`);
+ if ($type =~ /roff/i) {
+ $manpages[0] = "nroff -man $manpages[0]|col -b|";
+ } elsif ($type =~ /text/i) {
+# #$manpages[0] = $manpages[0];
+# ; # NOP (No Operation)
+ $manpages[0] = "nroff -man $manpages[0]| col -b|";
+ } else {
+ print "
+<title>Man2HTML: An Error has occurred</title>
+<h1>Man2HTML: An Error has occurred</h1>
+man2html found the following match for your query:</hr>
+When 'file -L $manpages[0]' was run
+(which should follow symbolic links)
+it returned the following value '$type'
+ if ($type =~ /link/i) {
+ print "
+This problem appears to be that there is a symbolic link
+for a man page that is pointing to a file that doesn't exist.
+ }
+ print "
+Please report this problem to someone who can do something about it.
+<i>(Assuming you aren't that person...)</i>
+If you don't know who that is, try emailing 'root' or 'postmaster'.
+There was only one match for your query - and it can't currently
+be accessed.
+ exit(0);
+ #die "Unknown type '$type' for manpage '$manpages[0]'";
+ }
+ &print_manpage($manpages[0]);
+sub findman {
+# Take a argument like 'ls' or 'vi(1)' or 'tip(1c)' and return
+# a list of one or more manpages.
+# Arguments 2- are the directories to search in
+ local($lookfor) = shift(@_);
+ local($section) = shift(@_);
+ local($file, @files, @return, $return);
+ local(%men,%man);
+ die "lookfor($lookfor) is null\n" unless($lookfor);
+ for (@_) {
+ # I'm... too lazy... for... opendir()... too lazy for readdir()...
+ # too lazy for closedir() ... I'm too lazy!
+ if (!$section) {
+ @files = `/bin/ls $_/*/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`;
+ } else {
+ # if the section is like '1b' then just search *1b
+ # otherwise if '1' search *1* (to catch all sub-sections)
+ # Reason for wildcards: ($_/*$section*/$lookfor.*)
+ # (given $section = '2')
+ # 1st: So it catches cat2 and man2
+ # 2nd: So it catches man2 and man2v
+ # (This should make it compatiable with HP/UX's man2.Z - not tested)
+ # 3rd: So it catches stat.2 and stat.2v
+ #
+ if (length($section) == 1) {
+ @files = `/bin/ls $_/*$section*/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`;
+ } else {
+ local($section_num) = substr($section, 0, 1); # Just the number...
+ @files = `/bin/ls $_/*$section_num*/$lookfor.* $_/*$section/$lookfor.* 2> /dev/null`;
+ }
+ }
+ next if (!scalar @files);
+ # This part checks the files that were found...
+ for $file (@files) {
+ chop($file);
+ local(@dirs) = split(/\//,$file);
+ local($fn) = pop(@dirs);
+ local($catman) = pop(@dirs);
+ local($dir) = join('/',@dirs);
+ local($key) = "$dir/$fn";
+ next if ($man{$key}); # forces unique
+ if (!$men{$key}) {
+ $men{$key} = $catman;
+ $man{$key} = $file;
+ } else {
+ # pre-formatted man pages always take precedence unless zero bytes...
+ next if (($men{$key} =~ /^cat/i) && (!(-z $man{$key})));
+ $men{$key} = $catman;
+ $man{$key} = $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(values %man);
+sub which_manpage {
+# Print a list of manpages...
+ print "
+There were multiple matches for the argument '$ARGV[0]'.
+Below are the fully qualified pathnames of the matches, please
+click on the appropriate one.
+ for (@_) {
+ print "<li><a href=\"/htbin/man2html?$_\">$_</a>\n";
+ }
+ print "</ul>\n";
+ return;
+sub print_manpage {
+ local($page) = @_;
+ local($label, $before, $after, $begtag, $endtag, $blanks, $begtag2, $endtag2);
+ local($pre);
+ local($standard_indent) = 0;
+ if ($page eq '-') {
+ open(MAN, '-');
+ } elsif (index($page,'|') == length($page)) {
+ # A Pipe
+ local($eval) =
+'open(MAN, "'.$page.'") || die "Can'."'t open pipe to '$page' for reading: ".'$!";';
+ eval($eval);
+ die "Eval error line $. : '$eval' returned '$@' : $!\n";
+ } else {
+ open(MAN, $page) || die "Can't open '$page' for reading: $!";
+ }
+ while (<MAN>) {
+ s/\|\|*[ ]*$//; # Delete trailing change bars
+ if (/^\s*$/) {
+ $blanks++;
+ #if ($pre) { print "</pre>\n"; $pre = 0; }
+ if (($. != 1) && ($blanks == 1)) {
+ if (($pre) || ($section_pre)) {
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "<p>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ #next if (!/^[A-Z]{2,}\(.*\).*/);
+ if (//) { s/.//g; }
+ # Escape & < and >
+ s/&/\&amp;/g;
+ s/</\&lt;/g;
+ s/>/\&gt;/g;
+ #
+ if (/^(\w+.*)\s*$/) {
+ $label = $1;
+ $next_action = '';
+ if (/^[A-Z ]{2,}\s*$/) {
+ if (($pre) || ($section_pre)) { print "</pre>\n"; }
+ $pre = $section_pre = $section_fmt = 0;
+ if (!$standard_indent) { $next_action = 'check_indent'; }
+ }
+ if ($label eq 'NAME') {
+ $begtag = '<title>';
+ $endtag = '</title>';
+ $begtag2 = '<h1>';
+ $endtag2 = '</h1>';
+ $next_action = 'check_indent';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($label eq 'SYNOPSIS') {
+ $section_fmt = 1;
+ }
+ if ($label eq 'SEE ALSO') {
+ $next_action = 'create_links';
+ }
+ if (($label =~ /OPTIONS$/) || ($label eq 'FILES')) {
+ $section_pre = 1;
+ print "</pre>\n";
+# print "</pre OPTION>\n";
+ } elsif (/^[A-Z ]+\s*$/) {
+ print "</pre>\n" if (($pre) || ($section_pre));
+ $section_pre = 0;
+ }
+print "..$label..\n";
+ if (/^[-A-Z ]+\s*$/) {
+ print "<h2>$label</h2>\n";
+ $blanks = 0;
+ print "<pre>\n" if ($section_pre);
+ next;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($section_fmt) { print; $blanks = 0; next; }
+ if ($next_action eq 'create_links') {
+ # Parse see also looking for man page links. Make it
+ # call this program. use '+' notation for spaces
+ local($page);
+ local($first) = 1;
+ for $page (split(/,/)) {
+ $page =~ tr/\x00-\x20//d; # Delete all control chars, spaces
+ if ($page =~ /.+\(\d.*\).*$/) {
+ $url_page = $page;
+ $url_page =~ tr/()/[]/;
+ print "," if (!$first);
+ $first = 0;
+ print "<a href=\"/tk2html?$url_page\">$page</a>\n";
+ } else {
+ print "," if (!$first);
+ $first = 0;
+ print "$page";
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ # This is to detect preformatted blocks. I look at the first
+ # line after header 'DESCRIPTION' and count the leading white
+ # space as the "standard indent". If I encounter a line with
+ # a indent greater than the value of standard_indent then
+ # surround it with <pre> and </pre>
+ if ($next_action eq 'check_indent') {
+ if (/^(\s+)\S+.*/) {
+ $standard_indent = length($1);
+ $next_action = '';
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ $before = length($_);
+ $saved = $_;
+ s/^[ ][ ]*//; # Delete leading whitespace
+ $after = length($_);
+ s/[ ][ ]*$//; # Delete trailing whitespace
+ if ($begtag) {
+ chop;
+ print "$begtag$_$endtag\n";
+ print "$begtag2$_$endtag2\n" if ($begtag2);
+ $blanks = 0;
+ $begtag2 = $endtag2 = $begtag = $endtag = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ((!$section_fmt) && (!$section_pre) && ($standard_indent)) {
+ if (($blanks == 1) && (!$pre) && ($after + $standard_indent) < $before) {
+ $pre = 1;
+ print "<pre>\n";
+ } elsif (($pre) && ($after + $standard_indent) >= $before) {
+ $pre = 0;
+ print "</pre>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (($section_pre) || ($pre)) {
+ print "$saved";
+ $blanks = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Handle word cont-
+ # inuations
+ if ($prefix) {
+ print $prefix;
+ $prefix = '';
+ }
+ if (/^(.+)\s+(\w+)\-\s*$/) {
+ $prefix = $2;
+ print "$1\n";
+ $blanks = 0;
+ next;
+ }
+ print;
+ $blanks = 0;
+ }
+ close(MAN);
+# EOF