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authorChun-wei Fan <>2018-07-30 12:01:54 +0800
committerChun-wei Fan <>2018-07-30 12:01:54 +0800
commitb4ba08f57d7e745425a63ea278796d09375709c4 (patch)
parentbc9ecb8ac93e8be48dfa962589adfec1bfb23d09 (diff)
build: Add a README.msvc
This tells people that building on Visual Studio is now done using Meson and outlines the steps that are required for the build.
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.msvc b/README.msvc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0da1a16a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.msvc
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Notes about building GDK-Pixbuf with Visual Studio
+Building GDK-Pixbuf on Visual Studio is now done via using Meson, which
+gives us more flexible build configurations versus what we used to have
+in the Visual Studio projects.
+The following describes the steps and the items that are needed to build
+GDK-Pixbuf with Visual Studio using Meson. Visual Studio 2008 through
+2017 are supported.
+You will need a Python 3.5+ installation (and Ninja, unless using
+--backend=vs, which is supported only on Visual Studio 2010, 2015 and
+2017). The Python interpreter and Ninja executable must be found in
+your PATH. You will also need Meson 0.45.0 or later. Note that if
+building the introspection files, the Python release series and build
+configuration (Win32 (x86)/x86 (amd64/x86-64)) used must match the
+release series and build configuration of the Python interpreter that
+was used to build GObject-Introspection.
+You will need the header and .lib's, along with their corresponding DLLs,
+if applicable, for the following items. Items marked with a * means that
+their pkg-config (.pc) files are also needed, which normally comes as a
+part of the dependency's build process.
+-GObject-Introspection* (optional, for building introspection files)
+-IJG JPEG or libjpeg-turbo (strongly recommended, use -Djpeg=false to disable)
+-libpng (strongly recommended, use -Dpng=false to disable)
+-libtiff (strongly recommended, use -Dtiff=false to disable)
+-libjasper (optional, JPEG2000 library, use -Djpaster=true to enable)
+1) Configure the build using Meson:
+Set the PATH, LIB, INCLUDE and PKG_CONFIG_PATH environmental variables as
+needed. Run the following in a Visual Studio command prompt:
+python $(\ $(GDK_PIXBUF_SRCDIR) --builldtype=$(BUILD_CONFIG) --prefix=$(PREFIX) -Dman=false $(OTHER_OPTIONS)
+For $(OTHER_OPTIONS), the following may be of interest, besides the png,
+jpeg, japer and tiff options. Prefix each option with -D:
+-builtin_loaders: list of image loaders that we want to build into
+ the main GDK-Pixbuf DLL, or use 'all' to include all buildable image
+ loaders into the GDK-Pixbuf DLL. This would simplify deployment
+ of GDK-Pixbuf for Windows.
+-native_windows_loaders: Use GDI+ to load JPEG, TIFF and other image
+ formats, without the need of IJG JPEG, libjpeg-turbo and libtiff.
+ This support is considered experimental. To build this image
+ loader into the GDK-Pixbuf DLL, pass in 'windows' as part of the list
+ passed into builtin_loaders or use 'all', in conjunction with using
+ -Dnative_windows_loaders=true.
+Use --backend=vs if using the Visual Studio 2010, 2015 or 2017 IDE is
+2) Build GDK-Pixbuf using Ninja or the generated solution files.
+3) Test and/or install the build using the "test" and "install"
+ targets respectively.
+4) If building with Visual Studio 2008, you will need to do the run the following
+ lines in the Visual Studio or SDK command prompt after building and installing.
+ From the build directory:
+ for /f %a in (*.dll.manifest) do if exist $(PREFIX)\bin\%~na /manifest %a /outputresource:$(PREFIX)\bin\%~na;2
+ for /f %a in (*.exe.manifest) do if exist $(PREFIX)\bin\%~na /manifest %a /outputresource:$(PREFIX)\bin\%~na;1
+ for /f %a in (*.exe.manifest) do if exist $(PREFIX)\libexec\installed-tests\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\%~na /manifest %a /outputresource:$(PREFIX)\libexec\installed-tests\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\%~na;1
+ So that the security manifests that are generated can be embedded into the built
+ DLLs and EXEs so that they can be usable.
+See the following GNOME Live! page for a more detailed description of building
+GDK-Pixbuf's dependencies with Visual Studio: