BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
baserock/genivi-demo-platformMake the build system nicerAdam Coldrick10 years
baserock/genivi/navigation-serviceFix includesJames Thomas10 years
jupiter_releasewrap some qml text9 years
masteralign with latest version of navigationasanoaozora4 years
2015-SEOUL-AMMnavigation-2015-SEOUL-AMM.tar.gz  philippe colliot9 years
GDP-readynavigation-GDP-ready.tar.gz  philippe colliot9 years
POI-1.0.0navigation-POI-1.0.0.tar.gz  philippe colliot9 years
NAV-3.0.0navigation-NAV-3.0.0.tar.gz  philippe colliot9 years
MAP-3.1.0navigation-MAP-3.1.0.tar.gz  philippe colliot9 years
ready_for_yocto_migrationnavigation-ready_for_yocto_migration.tar.gz  pcolliot10 years
alpha_with_basic_hminavigation-alpha_with_basic_hmi.tar.gz  psa10 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2015-10-26Some minor fixes for the AMM2015-SEOUL-AMM5-21/+26
2015-10-19add seoul theme22-0/+8
2015-10-12add the gdp-theme 22-0/+8
2015-10-08some bug fixes, start implementation of free text qml6-115/+271
2015-10-02preliminary analysis of the bug for free text1-4/+3
2015-10-01Some improvement of the guidance with arrows6-4/+89
2015-09-29Patches for running the FSA on GDP uploaded under the gdp-patches folder3-0/+421885
2015-09-07Some improvement of guidance panel with maneuver icons 12-25/+78
2015-09-01Align with last version of navigation, fix the run scriptGDP-ready2-5/+16
2015-08-26Fix a bug in config file for the ambd dbus plugin2-2/+2