path: root/implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp
diff options
authorLutz Bichler <>2020-02-12 13:04:15 +0100
committerLutz Bichler <>2020-02-12 13:04:15 +0100
commit8371cdca9463a75220c4de92b47c8df9d3bbe346 (patch)
tree16b4bf73c284b026b0ac032171110dafd1752196 /implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp
parentee44d19e0a3773adcda3bace073c66e334a3e6a7 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp')
1 files changed, 764 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp b/implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp
index 915bfc9..06b61f4 100644
--- a/implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp
+++ b/implementation/endpoints/src/server_endpoint_impl.cpp
@@ -1,338 +1,764 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <limits>
-#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
-#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
-#include <boost/asio/ip/udp_ext.hpp>
-#include <boost/asio/local/stream_protocol.hpp>
-#include <vsomeip/defines.hpp>
-#include "../include/server_endpoint_impl.hpp"
-#include "../../configuration/include/internal.hpp"
-#include "../../logging/include/logger.hpp"
-#include "../../utility/include/byteorder.hpp"
-#include "../../utility/include/utility.hpp"
-#include "../../service_discovery/include/defines.hpp"
-namespace vsomeip {
-template<typename Protocol>
- std::shared_ptr<endpoint_host> _host, endpoint_type _local,
- boost::asio::io_service &_io, std::uint32_t _max_message_size,
- configuration::endpoint_queue_limit_t _queue_limit)
- : endpoint_impl<Protocol>(_host, _local, _io, _max_message_size,
- _queue_limit),
- flush_timer_(_io) {
-template<typename Protocol>
-server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::~server_endpoint_impl() {
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::stop() {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
- endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_ = true;
-template<typename Protocol>
-bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_client() const {
- return false;
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::restart(bool _force) {
- (void)_force;
- // intentionally left blank
-template<typename Protocol>
-bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_established() const {
- return true;
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::set_established(bool _established) { (void) _established; }
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::set_connected(bool _connected) {
- (void) _connected;
-template<typename Protocol> bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send(const uint8_t *_data,
- uint32_t _size, bool _flush) {
-#if 0
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "sei::send ";
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++)
- msg << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)_data[i] << " ";
- VSOMEIP_INFO << msg.str();
- endpoint_type its_target;
- bool is_valid_target(false);
- if (VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX < _size) {
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
- if(endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_) {
- return false;
- }
- service_t its_service;
- std::memcpy(&its_service, &_data[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN],
- sizeof(service_t));
- client_t its_client;
- std::memcpy(&its_client, &_data[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN],
- sizeof(client_t));
- session_t its_session;
- std::memcpy(&its_session, &_data[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN],
- sizeof(session_t));
- clients_mutex_.lock();
- auto found_client = clients_.find(its_client);
- if (found_client != clients_.end()) {
- auto found_session = found_client->second.find(its_session);
- if (found_session != found_client->second.end()) {
- its_target = found_session->second;
- is_valid_target = true;
- found_client->second.erase(its_session);
- } else {
- VSOMEIP_WARNING << "server_endpoint::send: session_id 0x"
- << std::hex << its_session
- << " not found for client 0x" << its_client;
- const method_t its_method =
- if (its_service == VSOMEIP_SD_SERVICE
- && its_method == VSOMEIP_SD_METHOD) {
- VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Clearing clients map as a request was "
- "received on SD port";
- clients_.clear();
- is_valid_target = get_default_target(its_service, its_target);
- }
- }
- } else {
- is_valid_target = get_default_target(its_service, its_target);
- }
- clients_mutex_.unlock();
- if (is_valid_target) {
- is_valid_target = send_intern(its_target, _data, _size, _flush);
- }
- }
- return is_valid_target;
-template<typename Protocol>
-bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send(
- const std::vector<byte_t>& _cmd_header, const byte_t *_data,
- uint32_t _size, bool _flush) {
- (void) _cmd_header;
- (void) _data;
- (void) _size;
- (void) _flush;
- return false;
-template<typename Protocol>
-bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send_intern(
- endpoint_type _target, const byte_t *_data, uint32_t _size,
- bool _flush) {
- message_buffer_ptr_t target_packetizer;
- queue_iterator_type target_queue_iterator;
- if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_ != MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED
- && _size > endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_) {
- VSOMEIP_ERROR << "sei::send_intern: Dropping to big message (" << _size
- << " Bytes). Maximum allowed message size is: "
- << endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_ << " Bytes.";
- return false;
- }
- auto found_packetizer = packetizer_.find(_target);
- if (found_packetizer != packetizer_.end()) {
- target_packetizer = found_packetizer->second;
- } else {
- target_packetizer = std::make_shared<message_buffer_t>();
- packetizer_.insert(std::make_pair(_target, target_packetizer));
- }
- target_queue_iterator = queues_.find(_target);
- if (target_queue_iterator == queues_.end()) {
- target_queue_iterator = queues_.insert(queues_.begin(),
- std::make_pair(
- _target,
- std::make_pair(std::size_t(0),
- std::deque<message_buffer_ptr_t>())
- ));
- }
- // TODO compare against value from configuration here
- const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty());
- if (target_packetizer->size() + _size
- > endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_
- && !target_packetizer->empty()) {
- target_queue_iterator->second.second.push_back(target_packetizer);
- target_queue_iterator->second.first += target_packetizer->size();
- target_packetizer = std::make_shared<message_buffer_t>();
- packetizer_[_target] = target_packetizer;
- }
- if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_ != QUEUE_SIZE_UNLIMITED
- && target_queue_iterator->second.first + _size >
- endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_) {
- service_t its_service(0);
- method_t its_method(0);
- client_t its_client(0);
- session_t its_session(0);
- if (_size >= VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX) {
- // this will yield wrong IDs for local communication as the commands
- // are prepended to the actual payload
- // it will print:
- // (lowbyte service ID + highbyte methoid)
- // [(Command + lowerbyte sender's client ID).
- // highbyte sender's client ID + lowbyte command size.
- // lowbyte methodid + highbyte vsomeipd length]
- }
- VSOMEIP_ERROR << "sei::send_intern: queue size limit (" << std::dec
- << endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_
- << ") reached. Dropping message ("
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): ["
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "."
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "."
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]"
- << " queue_size: " << std::dec << target_queue_iterator->second.first
- << " data size: " << std::dec << _size;
- return false;
- }
- target_packetizer->insert(target_packetizer->end(), _data, _data + _size);
- if (_flush) {
- flush_timer_.cancel();
- target_queue_iterator->second.second.push_back(target_packetizer);
- target_queue_iterator->second.first += target_packetizer->size();
- packetizer_[_target] = std::make_shared<message_buffer_t>();
- } else {
- std::chrono::milliseconds flush_timeout(VSOMEIP_DEFAULT_FLUSH_TIMEOUT);
- flush_timer_.expires_from_now(flush_timeout); // TODO: use configured value
- flush_timer_.async_wait(
- std::bind(&server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush_cbk,
- this->shared_from_this(),
- _target,
- std::placeholders::_1));
- }
- if (queue_size_zero_on_entry && !target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty()) { // no writing in progress
- send_queued(target_queue_iterator);
- }
- return true;
-template<typename Protocol>
-bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush(
- endpoint_type _target) {
- bool is_flushed = false;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
- auto queue_iterator = queues_.find(_target);
- if (queue_iterator != queues_.end() && !queue_iterator->second.second.empty()) {
- send_queued(queue_iterator);
- is_flushed = true;
- }
- return is_flushed;
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::connect_cbk(
- boost::system::error_code const &_error) {
- (void)_error;
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send_cbk(
- const queue_iterator_type _queue_iterator,
- boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes) {
- (void)_bytes;
- std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
- if (!_error) {
- _queue_iterator->second.first -=
- _queue_iterator->second.second.front()->size();
- _queue_iterator->second.second.pop_front();
- if (_queue_iterator->second.second.size() > 0) {
- send_queued(_queue_iterator);
- }
- } else {
- message_buffer_ptr_t its_buffer;
- if (_queue_iterator->second.second.size()) {
- its_buffer = _queue_iterator->second.second.front();
- }
- service_t its_service(0);
- method_t its_method(0);
- client_t its_client(0);
- session_t its_session(0);
- if (its_buffer && its_buffer->size() > VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX) {
- its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN],
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]);
- its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN],
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]);
- its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN],
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MAX]);
- its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN],
- (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX]);
- }
- // error: sending of outstanding responses isn't started again
- // delete remaining outstanding responses
- VSOMEIP_WARNING << "sei::send_cbk received error: " << _error.message()
- << " (" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") "
- << get_remote_information(_queue_iterator) << " "
- << std::dec << _queue_iterator->second.second.size() << " "
- << std::dec << _queue_iterator->second.first << " ("
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): ["
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "."
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "."
- << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]";
- queues_.erase(_queue_iterator);
- }
-template<typename Protocol>
-void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush_cbk(
- endpoint_type _target, const boost::system::error_code &_error_code) {
- if (!_error_code) {
- (void) flush(_target);
- }
-// Instantiate template
-#ifndef _WIN32
-template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::local::stream_protocol>;
-template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::ip::tcp>;
-template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::ip::udp_ext>;
-} // namespace vsomeip
+// Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG)
+// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+// file, You can obtain one at
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <thread>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/asio/buffer.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/ip/udp_ext.hpp>
+#include <boost/asio/local/stream_protocol_ext.hpp>
+#include <vsomeip/defines.hpp>
+#include <vsomeip/internal/logger.hpp>
+#include "../include/server_endpoint_impl.hpp"
+#include "../include/endpoint_definition.hpp"
+#include "../../utility/include/byteorder.hpp"
+#include "../../utility/include/utility.hpp"
+#include "../../service_discovery/include/defines.hpp"
+namespace vsomeip_v3 {
+template<typename Protocol>
+ const std::shared_ptr<endpoint_host>& _endpoint_host,
+ const std::shared_ptr<routing_host>& _routing_host, endpoint_type _local,
+ boost::asio::io_service &_io, std::uint32_t _max_message_size,
+ configuration::endpoint_queue_limit_t _queue_limit,
+ const std::shared_ptr<configuration>& _configuration)
+ : endpoint_impl<Protocol>(_endpoint_host, _routing_host, _local, _io, _max_message_size,
+ _queue_limit, _configuration) {
+template<typename Protocol>
+server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::~server_endpoint_impl() {
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::prepare_stop(
+ endpoint::prepare_stop_handler_t _handler, service_t _service) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
+ bool queued_train(false);
+ if (_service == ANY_SERVICE) { // endpoint is shutting down completely
+ endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_ = true;
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ for (auto const& train_iter : trains_) {
+ train_iter.second->departure_timer_->cancel(ec);
+ if (train_iter.second->buffer_->size() > 0) {
+ auto target_queue_iter = queues_.find(train_iter.first);
+ if (target_queue_iter != queues_.end()) {
+ auto& its_qpair = target_queue_iter->second;
+ const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(its_qpair.second.empty());
+ queue_train(target_queue_iter, train_iter.second,
+ queue_size_zero_on_entry);
+ queued_train = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (auto const& train_iter : trains_) {
+ for (auto const& passenger_iter : train_iter.second->passengers_) {
+ if (passenger_iter.first == _service) {
+ // cancel departure timer
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ train_iter.second->departure_timer_->cancel(ec);
+ // queue train
+ auto target_queue_iter = queues_.find(train_iter.first);
+ if (target_queue_iter != queues_.end()) {
+ const auto& its_qpair = target_queue_iter->second;
+ const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(its_qpair.second.empty());
+ queue_train(target_queue_iter, train_iter.second,
+ queue_size_zero_on_entry);
+ queued_train = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!queued_train) {
+ if (_service == ANY_SERVICE) {
+ if (std::all_of(queues_.begin(), queues_.end(),
+ [&](const typename queue_type::value_type& q)
+ { return q.second.second.empty(); })) {
+ // nothing was queued and all queues are empty -> ensure cbk is called
+ auto ptr = this->shared_from_this();
+ endpoint_impl<Protocol>[ptr, _handler, _service](){
+ _handler(ptr, _service);
+ });
+ } else {
+ prepare_stop_handlers_[_service] = _handler;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // check if any of the queues contains a message of to be stopped service
+ bool found_service_msg(false);
+ for (const auto& q : queues_) {
+ for (const auto& msg : q.second.second ) {
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ if (its_service == _service) {
+ found_service_msg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_service_msg) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_service_msg) {
+ prepare_stop_handlers_[_service] = _handler;
+ } else { // no messages of the to be stopped service are or have been queued
+ auto ptr = this->shared_from_this();
+ endpoint_impl<Protocol>[ptr, _handler, _service](){
+ _handler(ptr, _service);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ prepare_stop_handlers_[_service] = _handler;
+ }
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::stop() {
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_client() const {
+ return false;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::restart(bool _force) {
+ (void)_force;
+ // intentionally left blank
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_established() const {
+ return true;
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_established_or_connected() const {
+ return true;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::set_established(bool _established) {
+ (void) _established;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::set_connected(bool _connected) {
+ (void) _connected;
+template<typename Protocol>bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send(const uint8_t *_data,
+ uint32_t _size) {
+#if 0
+ std::stringstream msg;
+ msg << "sei::send ";
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++)
+ msg << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)_data[i] << " ";
+ VSOMEIP_INFO << msg.str();
+ endpoint_type its_target;
+ bool is_valid_target(false);
+ if (VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX < _size) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
+ if(endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const client_t its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const session_t its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ clients_mutex_.lock();
+ auto found_client = clients_.find(its_client);
+ if (found_client != clients_.end()) {
+ auto found_session = found_client->second.find(its_session);
+ if (found_session != found_client->second.end()) {
+ its_target = found_session->second;
+ is_valid_target = true;
+ found_client->second.erase(its_session);
+ } else {
+ VSOMEIP_WARNING << "server_endpoint::send: session_id 0x"
+ << std::hex << its_session
+ << " not found for client 0x" << its_client;
+ const method_t its_method =
+ if (its_service == VSOMEIP_SD_SERVICE
+ && its_method == VSOMEIP_SD_METHOD) {
+ VSOMEIP_ERROR << "Clearing clients map as a request was "
+ "received on SD port";
+ clients_.clear();
+ is_valid_target = get_default_target(its_service, its_target);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ is_valid_target = get_default_target(its_service, its_target);
+ }
+ clients_mutex_.unlock();
+ if (is_valid_target) {
+ is_valid_target = send_intern(its_target, _data, _size);
+ }
+ }
+ return is_valid_target;
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send(
+ const std::vector<byte_t>& _cmd_header, const byte_t *_data,
+ uint32_t _size) {
+ (void) _cmd_header;
+ (void) _data;
+ (void) _size;
+ return false;
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send_intern(
+ endpoint_type _target, const byte_t *_data, uint32_t _size) {
+ switch (check_message_size(_data, _size, _target)) {
+ case endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_WAS_SPLIT:
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_TOO_BIG:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_OK:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!prepare_stop_handlers_.empty()) {
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ if (prepare_stop_handlers_.find(its_service) != prepare_stop_handlers_.end()) {
+ const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const client_t its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const session_t its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ VSOMEIP_WARNING << "server_endpoint::send: Service is stopping, ignoring message: ["
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ const queue_iterator_type target_queue_iterator = find_or_create_queue_unlocked(_target);
+ bool must_depart(false);
+#if 0
+ std::stringstream msg;
+ msg << "sei::send_intern: ";
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _size; i++)
+ msg << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (int)_data[i] << " ";
+ VSOMEIP_DEBUG << msg.str();
+ // STEP 1: determine the correct train
+ std::shared_ptr<train> target_train = find_or_create_train_unlocked(_target);
+ const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty());
+ if (!check_queue_limit(_data, _size, target_queue_iterator->second.first)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // STEP 2: Determine elapsed time and update the departure time and cancel the timer
+ target_train->update_departure_time_and_stop_departure();
+ // STEP 3: Get configured timings
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(_data[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN],
+ std::chrono::nanoseconds its_debouncing(0), its_retention(0);
+ if (its_service != VSOMEIP_SD_SERVICE && its_method != VSOMEIP_SD_METHOD) {
+ get_configured_times_from_endpoint(its_service, its_method,
+ &its_debouncing, &its_retention);
+ }
+ // STEP 4: Check if the passenger enters an empty train
+ const std::pair<service_t, method_t> its_identifier = std::make_pair(
+ its_service, its_method);
+ if (target_train->passengers_.empty()) {
+ target_train->departure_ = its_retention;
+ } else {
+ if (target_train->passengers_.end()
+ != target_train->passengers_.find(its_identifier)) {
+ must_depart = true;
+ } else {
+ // STEP 5: Check whether the current message fits into the current train
+ if (target_train->buffer_->size() + _size > endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_) {
+ must_depart = true;
+ } else {
+ // STEP 6: Check debouncing time
+ if (its_debouncing > target_train->minimal_max_retention_time_) {
+ // train's latest departure would already undershot new
+ // passenger's debounce time
+ must_depart = true;
+ } else {
+ if (its_debouncing > target_train->departure_) {
+ // train departs earlier as the new passenger's debounce
+ // time allows
+ must_depart = true;
+ } else {
+ // STEP 7: Check maximum retention time
+ if (its_retention < target_train->minimal_debounce_time_) {
+ // train's earliest departure would already exceed
+ // the new passenger's retention time.
+ must_depart = true;
+ } else {
+ if (its_retention < target_train->departure_) {
+ target_train->departure_ = its_retention;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // STEP 8: if necessary, send current buffer and create a new one
+ if (must_depart) {
+ // STEP 8.1: check if debounce time would be undershot here if the train
+ // departs. Block sending until train is allowed to depart.
+ wait_until_debounce_time_reached(target_train);
+ queue_train(target_queue_iterator, target_train,
+ queue_size_zero_on_entry);
+ target_train->departure_ = its_retention;
+ }
+ // STEP 9: insert current message buffer
+ target_train->buffer_->insert(target_train->buffer_->end(), _data, _data + _size);
+ target_train->passengers_.insert(its_identifier);
+ // STEP 9.1: update the trains minimal debounce time if necessary
+ if (its_debouncing < target_train->minimal_debounce_time_) {
+ target_train->minimal_debounce_time_ = its_debouncing;
+ }
+ // STEP 9.2: update the trains minimal maximum retention time if necessary
+ if (its_retention < target_train->minimal_max_retention_time_) {
+ target_train->minimal_max_retention_time_ = its_retention;
+ }
+ // STEP 10: restart timer with current departure time
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ target_train->departure_timer_->expires_from_now(target_train->departure_);
+ target_train->departure_timer_->expires_from_now(
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::duration>(target_train->departure_));
+ target_train->departure_timer_->async_wait(
+ std::bind(&server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush_cbk,
+ this->shared_from_this(), _target,
+ target_train, std::placeholders::_1));
+ return (true);
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send_segments(
+ const tp::tp_split_messages_t &_segments, const endpoint_type &_target) {
+ if (_segments.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ const queue_iterator_type target_queue_iterator = find_or_create_queue_unlocked(_target);
+ const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty());
+ std::shared_ptr<train> target_train = find_or_create_train_unlocked(_target);
+ target_train->update_departure_time_and_stop_departure();
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*(_segments[0]))[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN], (*(_segments[0]))[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]);
+ const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*(_segments[0]))[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN], (*(_segments[0]))[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]);
+ std::chrono::nanoseconds its_debouncing(0), its_retention(0);
+ if (its_service != VSOMEIP_SD_SERVICE && its_method != VSOMEIP_SD_METHOD) {
+ get_configured_times_from_endpoint(its_service, its_method,
+ &its_debouncing, &its_retention);
+ }
+ // update the trains minimal debounce time if necessary
+ if (its_debouncing < target_train->minimal_debounce_time_) {
+ target_train->minimal_debounce_time_ = its_debouncing;
+ }
+ // update the trains minimal maximum retention time if necessary
+ if (its_retention < target_train->minimal_max_retention_time_) {
+ target_train->minimal_max_retention_time_ = its_retention;
+ }
+ // We only need to respect the debouncing. There is no need to wait for further
+ // messages as we will send several now anyway.
+ if (!target_train->passengers_.empty()) {
+ wait_until_debounce_time_reached(target_train);
+ queue_train(target_queue_iterator, target_train, queue_size_zero_on_entry);
+ }
+ const bool queue_size_still_zero(target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty());
+ for (const auto &s : _segments) {
+ target_queue_iterator->second.second.emplace_back(s);
+ target_queue_iterator->second.first += s->size();
+ }
+ if (queue_size_still_zero && !target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty()) { // no writing in progress
+ // respect minimal debounce time
+ wait_until_debounce_time_reached(target_train);
+ // ignore retention time and send immediately as the train is full anyway
+ send_queued(target_queue_iterator);
+ }
+ target_train->last_departure_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::wait_until_debounce_time_reached(
+ const std::shared_ptr<train>& _train) const {
+ const std::chrono::nanoseconds time_since_last_departure =
+ std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(
+ std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - _train->last_departure_);
+ if (time_since_last_departure < _train->minimal_debounce_time_) {
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(
+ _train->minimal_debounce_time_ - time_since_last_departure);
+ }
+template<typename Protocol>
+typename endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::check_message_size(
+ const std::uint8_t * const _data, std::uint32_t _size,
+ const endpoint_type& _target) {
+ typename endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e ret(endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_OK);
+ if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_ != MESSAGE_SIZE_UNLIMITED
+ && _size > endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_) {
+ if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::is_supporting_someip_tp_ && _data != nullptr) {
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ const method_t its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ if (tp_segmentation_enabled(its_service, its_method)) {
+ send_segments(tp::tp::tp_split_message(_data, _size), _target);
+ return endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_WAS_SPLIT;
+ }
+ }
+ VSOMEIP_ERROR << "sei::send_intern: Dropping to big message (" << _size
+ << " Bytes). Maximum allowed message size is: "
+ << endpoint_impl<Protocol>::max_message_size_ << " Bytes.";
+ ret = endpoint_impl<Protocol>::cms_ret_e::MSG_TOO_BIG;
+ }
+ return ret;
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::check_queue_limit(const uint8_t *_data, std::uint32_t _size,
+ std::size_t _current_queue_size) const {
+ if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_ != QUEUE_SIZE_UNLIMITED
+ && _current_queue_size + _size
+ > endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_) {
+ service_t its_service(0);
+ method_t its_method(0);
+ client_t its_client(0);
+ session_t its_session(0);
+ if (_size >= VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX) {
+ // this will yield wrong IDs for local communication as the commands
+ // are prepended to the actual payload
+ // it will print:
+ // (lowbyte service ID + highbyte methoid)
+ // [(Command + lowerbyte sender's client ID).
+ // highbyte sender's client ID + lowbyte command size.
+ // lowbyte methodid + highbyte vsomeip length]
+ }
+ VSOMEIP_ERROR << "sei::send_intern: queue size limit (" << std::dec
+ << endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_limit_
+ << ") reached. Dropping message ("
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): ["
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]"
+ << " queue_size: " << std::dec << _current_queue_size
+ << " data size: " << std::dec << _size;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_train(
+ const queue_iterator_type _queue_iterator,
+ const std::shared_ptr<train>& _train,
+ bool _queue_size_zero_on_entry) {
+ _queue_iterator->second.second.emplace_back(_train->buffer_);
+ _queue_iterator->second.first += _train->buffer_->size();
+ _train->last_departure_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+ _train->passengers_.clear();
+ _train->buffer_ = std::make_shared<message_buffer_t>();
+ _train->minimal_debounce_time_ = std::chrono::nanoseconds::max();
+ _train->minimal_max_retention_time_ = std::chrono::nanoseconds::max();
+ if (_queue_size_zero_on_entry && !_queue_iterator->second.second.empty()) { // no writing in progress
+ send_queued(_queue_iterator);
+ }
+template<typename Protocol>
+typename server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::queue_iterator_type
+server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::find_or_create_queue_unlocked(const endpoint_type& _target) {
+ queue_iterator_type target_queue_iterator = queues_.find(_target);
+ if (target_queue_iterator == queues_.end()) {
+ target_queue_iterator = queues_.insert(queues_.begin(),
+ std::make_pair(
+ _target,
+ std::make_pair(std::size_t(0),
+ std::deque<message_buffer_ptr_t>())
+ ));
+ }
+ return target_queue_iterator;
+template<typename Protocol>
+std::shared_ptr<train> server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::find_or_create_train_unlocked(
+ const endpoint_type& _target) {
+ auto train_iter = trains_.find(_target);
+ if (train_iter == trains_.end()) {
+ train_iter = trains_.insert(trains_.begin(),
+ std::make_pair(_target, std::make_shared<train>(this->service_)));
+ }
+ return train_iter->second;
+template<typename Protocol>
+bool server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush(
+ endpoint_type _target,
+ const std::shared_ptr<train>& _train) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
+ bool is_flushed = false;
+ if (!_train->buffer_->empty()) {
+ const queue_iterator_type target_queue_iterator = queues_.find(_target);
+ if (target_queue_iterator != queues_.end()) {
+ const bool queue_size_zero_on_entry(target_queue_iterator->second.second.empty());
+ queue_train(target_queue_iterator, _train, queue_size_zero_on_entry);
+ is_flushed = true;
+ } else {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "sei::flush couldn't find target queue, won't queue train to: "
+ << get_remote_information(_target) << " passengers: ";
+ for (const auto& p : _train->passengers_) {
+ ss << "[" << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0')
+ << p.first << ":" << p.second << "] ";
+ }
+ VSOMEIP_WARNING << ss.str();
+ }
+ }
+ return is_flushed;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::connect_cbk(
+ boost::system::error_code const &_error) {
+ (void)_error;
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::send_cbk(
+ const queue_iterator_type _queue_iterator,
+ boost::system::error_code const &_error, std::size_t _bytes) {
+ (void)_bytes;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
+ auto check_if_all_msgs_for_stopped_service_are_sent = [&]() {
+ bool found_service_msg(false);
+ service_t its_stopped_service(ANY_SERVICE);
+ for (auto stp_hndlr_iter = prepare_stop_handlers_.begin();
+ stp_hndlr_iter != prepare_stop_handlers_.end();) {
+ its_stopped_service = stp_hndlr_iter->first;
+ if (its_stopped_service == ANY_SERVICE) {
+ ++stp_hndlr_iter;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (const auto& q : queues_) {
+ for (const auto& msg : q.second.second ) {
+ const service_t its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ if (its_service == its_stopped_service) {
+ found_service_msg = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_service_msg) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found_service_msg) {
+ ++stp_hndlr_iter;
+ } else { // all messages of the to be stopped service have been sent
+ auto handler = stp_hndlr_iter->second;
+ auto ptr = this->shared_from_this();
+ #ifndef _WIN32
+ endpoint_impl<Protocol>::
+ #endif
+[ptr, handler, its_stopped_service](){
+ handler(ptr, its_stopped_service);
+ });
+ stp_hndlr_iter = prepare_stop_handlers_.erase(stp_hndlr_iter);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ auto check_if_all_queues_are_empty = [&](){
+ if (prepare_stop_handlers_.size() > 1) {
+ // before the endpoint was stopped completely other
+ // prepare_stop_handlers have been queued ensure to call them as well
+ check_if_all_msgs_for_stopped_service_are_sent();
+ }
+ if (std::all_of(queues_.begin(), queues_.end(), [&]
+ #ifndef _WIN32
+ (const typename queue_type::value_type& q)
+ #else
+ (const std::pair<endpoint_type,std::pair<size_t, std::deque<message_buffer_ptr_t>>>& q)
+ #endif
+ { return q.second.second.empty(); })) {
+ // all outstanding response have been sent.
+ auto found_cbk = prepare_stop_handlers_.find(ANY_SERVICE);
+ if (found_cbk != prepare_stop_handlers_.end()) {
+ auto handler = found_cbk->second;
+ auto ptr = this->shared_from_this();
+ #ifndef _WIN32
+ endpoint_impl<Protocol>::
+ #endif
+[ptr, handler](){
+ handler(ptr, ANY_SERVICE);
+ });
+ prepare_stop_handlers_.erase(found_cbk);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ auto& its_qpair = _queue_iterator->second;
+ if (!_error) {
+ its_qpair.first -= its_qpair.second.front()->size();
+ its_qpair.second.pop_front();
+ if (!prepare_stop_handlers_.empty() && !endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_) {
+ // only one service instance is stopped
+ check_if_all_msgs_for_stopped_service_are_sent();
+ }
+ if (its_qpair.second.size() > 0) {
+ send_queued(_queue_iterator);
+ } else if (!prepare_stop_handlers_.empty() && endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_) {
+ // endpoint is shutting down completely
+ queues_.erase(_queue_iterator);
+ check_if_all_queues_are_empty();
+ }
+ } else {
+ message_buffer_ptr_t its_buffer;
+ if (_queue_iterator->second.second.size()) {
+ its_buffer = _queue_iterator->second.second.front();
+ }
+ service_t its_service(0);
+ method_t its_method(0);
+ client_t its_client(0);
+ session_t its_session(0);
+ if (its_buffer && its_buffer->size() > VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX) {
+ its_service = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MIN],
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SERVICE_POS_MAX]);
+ its_method = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MIN],
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_METHOD_POS_MAX]);
+ its_client = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MIN],
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_CLIENT_POS_MAX]);
+ its_session = VSOMEIP_BYTES_TO_WORD(
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MIN],
+ (*its_buffer)[VSOMEIP_SESSION_POS_MAX]);
+ }
+ // error: sending of outstanding responses isn't started again
+ // delete remaining outstanding responses
+ VSOMEIP_WARNING << "sei::send_cbk received error: " << _error.message()
+ << " (" << std::dec << _error.value() << ") "
+ << get_remote_information(_queue_iterator) << " "
+ << std::dec << _queue_iterator->second.second.size() << " "
+ << std::dec << _queue_iterator->second.first << " ("
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_client <<"): ["
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_service << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_method << "."
+ << std::hex << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << its_session << "]";
+ queues_.erase(_queue_iterator);
+ if (!prepare_stop_handlers_.empty()) {
+ if (endpoint_impl<Protocol>::sending_blocked_) {
+ // endpoint is shutting down completely, ensure to call
+ // prepare_stop_handlers even in error cases
+ check_if_all_queues_are_empty();
+ } else {
+ // only one service instance is stopped
+ check_if_all_msgs_for_stopped_service_are_sent();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Protocol>
+void server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::flush_cbk(
+ endpoint_type _target,
+ const std::shared_ptr<train>& _train, const boost::system::error_code &_error_code) {
+ if (!_error_code) {
+ (void) flush(_target, _train);
+ }
+template<typename Protocol>
+size_t server_endpoint_impl<Protocol>::get_queue_size() const {
+ size_t its_queue_size(0);
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> its_lock(mutex_);
+ for (const auto q : queues_) {
+ its_queue_size += q.second.second.size();
+ }
+ }
+ return its_queue_size;
+// Instantiate template
+#ifndef _WIN32
+template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::local::stream_protocol_ext>;
+template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::ip::tcp>;
+template class server_endpoint_impl<boost::asio::ip::udp_ext>;
+} // namespace vsomeip_v3