path: root/toolbin/pre.tcl
diff options
authorChris Liddell <>2013-07-23 16:24:19 +0100
committerChris Liddell <>2015-07-20 18:21:17 +0100
commit6948650efd3fb9e2a70b8cf16aca57e9d0b7eb0a (patch)
tree5c2a1c671c1d4521f8a770d1e69e3d4342718030 /toolbin/pre.tcl
parent7fd9e0be26e67c36f87733bc89ea07dc26d9f839 (diff)
Commit of build_consolidation branch
Squashed into one commit (see branch for details of the evolution of the branch). This brings gpcl6 and gxps into the Ghostscript build system, and a shared set of graphics library object files for all the interpreters. Also, brings the same configuration options to the pcl and xps products as we have for Ghostscript.
Diffstat (limited to 'toolbin/pre.tcl')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolbin/pre.tcl b/toolbin/pre.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9bfa0fa73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolbin/pre.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Artifex Software, Inc.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
+# implied.
+# This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
+# modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
+# of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
+# Refer to licensing information at or contact
+# Artifex Software, Inc., 7 Mt. Lassen Drive - Suite A-134, San Rafael,
+# CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.
+# Check various aspects of an about-to-be-released Ghostscript fileset.
+# Only applicable to filesets 6.0 and later (assumes use of SVN).
+# Note: requires the GNU 'date' -r switch and - format character.
+set GREPFILE t1
+set CHECKFILE /gs/toolbin/pre.chk
+set GSINIT Resource/Init/
+set NEWS doc/News.htm
+# ---------------- Utilities ---------------- #
+# Print an error message.
+proc message {str} {
+ puts stderr "**** $str"
+# Search for one or more occurrences of a pattern in a file.
+# If any are found, set $linevar to the line containing the first occurrence,
+# and return 1; otherwise, return 0.
+proc grep1 {pattern file linevar} {
+ upvar $linevar line
+ set line ""
+ set cmd [list exec egrep $pattern $file]
+ catch "set line \[$cmd\]"
+ if {$line == ""} {return 0}
+ set line [lindex [split $line "\n"] 0]
+ return 1
+# Spell out the name of the month, given then number. Month numbers with
+# leading zeros are accepted.
+proc monthname {monthnum} {
+ # Define a 1-origin array of month names.
+ set monthnames1 [list ?\
+ January February March April May June\
+ July August September October November December]
+ regexp {^0*([0-9]+)} $monthnum skip index
+ return [lindex $monthnames1 $index]
+# ---------------- Main program ---------------- #
+################ Check the arguments
+if {$argv != {} && $argv != {update}} {
+ puts stderr "Usage: pre [update]"
+ exit 1
+################ Get the date and version number from doc/News.htm
+proc read_news {} {
+ global NEWS NEWSVERSION rdate ryear rmonth rday vcurdot
+ if {![grep1 {^Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} {
+ if {![grep1 {[<]/a>Version [0-9.]+[( ]} $NEWS vdate]} {
+ message "Unable to parse $NEWS!"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ regsub -all {<[^>]*>} $vdate "" vdate
+ puts "Most recent version in $NEWS: $vdate"
+ set vymdpat {^Version [0-9.]+(.*)\((([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+)-([0-9x]+))\)$}
+ if {![regexp $vymdpat $vdate skip skip2 rdate ryear rmonth rday]} {
+ message "$NEWS release date is missing"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set curdate [exec date -u +%Y-%m-%d]
+ if {$rdate != $curdate} {
+ message "Warning: current date is $curdate, release date is $rdate"
+ }
+ set NEWSVERSION $vdate
+################ Check the date and version number in version.mak
+proc check_version {mak} {
+ global rdate ryear rmonth rday vcurdot
+# Check the date.
+ if ![grep1 {GS_REVISIONDATE[ ]*=} $mak ddate] {
+ message "Unable to find date line in $mak"
+ } elseif {![regexp {([0-9]+)} $ddate skip ddate]} {
+ message "Unable to parse date in $mak"
+ } elseif {![string match *x* $rday]} {
+ if {$ddate != "${ryear}${rmonth}${rday}"} {
+ message "Date $rdate in NEWS doesn't match date $ddate in $mak"
+ }
+ }
+# Check the version number.
+ if ![grep1 {GS_VERSION_MAJOR[ ]*=} $mak major] {
+ message "Can't find GS_VERSION_MAJOR in $mak"
+ } elseif ![grep1 {GS_VERSION_MINOR[ ]*=} $mak minor] {
+ message "Can't find GS_VERSION_MINOR in $mak"
+ } else {
+ regexp {=[ "]*([0-9]+)[ "]*$} $major skip vmajor
+ regexp {=[ "]*([0-9]+)[ "]*$} $minor skip vminor
+ if {"${vmajor}.${vminor}" != $vcurdot} {
+ message "In $mak: DOT_VERSION=${vmajor}.${vminor}, current is $vcurdot"
+ }
+ }
+################ Get the version number from
+if ![grep1 {^[0-9]+($|[ ]*%)} $GSINIT version] {
+ message "No version number found in $GSINIT!"
+ exit
+regexp {^[0-9]+} $version version
+puts "Current version in $GSINIT is $version"
+################ Check various version #s and related information
+regexp {^Version ([0-9.]+)} $NEWSVERSION skip vcurdot
+regsub -all {\.} $vcurdot {} vcur
+if [regexp {^[0-9]\.[0-9]$} $vcurdot] {
+ append vcur 0
+if {$vcur != $version} {
+ message "$vcur != $version, exiting"
+ exit
+################ If requested, mechanically update doc files.
+set dateformat "%-d %B %Y"
+set curdate [exec date -u +$dateformat]
+set manlist [glob {man/gs*.1} {man/[dpfw]*.1}]
+foreach d "[glob doc/*.htm] doc/gs-vms.hlp" {
+ if {![regexp {Changes|Hershey|Humor|Public} $d]} {
+ lappend doclist $d
+ }
+switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
+ unix {
+ # or even $::env(TMPDIR), at times.
+ set tmpdir /tmp
+ } macintosh {
+ set tmpdir $::env(TRASH_FOLDER) ;# a better place?
+ } default {
+ set tmpdir [pwd]
+ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TMP)}
+ catch {set tmpdir $::env(TEMP)}
+ }
+if {$argv == {update}} {
+ # Update dates in .htm and .1 files.
+ proc updoc {doc before after} {
+ set tmpfile [file join /tmp [pid]]
+ set access [list RDWR CREAT EXCL TRUNC]
+ set perm 0600
+ if {[catch {open $tmpfile $access $perm} fid ]} {
+ # something went wrong
+ error "Could not open tempfile."
+ }
+ if {[catch {close $fid} err]} {
+ error "Failed closing temporary file: $err"
+ }
+ exec perl -pwe "s{$before}{$after}" < $doc > $tmpfile
+ file rename -force $tmpfile $doc
+ }
+ set rever {[0-9.]+}
+ set redate {[0-9]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+}
+ foreach doc $doclist {
+ updoc $doc \
+ "^(! |<small>)(AFPL |Aladdin |GNU |)(Ghostscript version )$rever, ${redate}(</small>|)\$" \
+ "\$1\$2\${3}$vcurdot, $curdate"
+ }
+ foreach doc1 $manlist {
+ updoc $doc1 \
+ "^(\\.TH \[A-Z0-9\]+ 1 )\"$redate\" $rever " \
+ "\${1}\"$curdate\" $vcurdot "
+ updoc $doc1 \
+ "^(This document was last revised for Ghostscript version )$rever\\.\$" \
+ "\${1}${vcurdot}."
+ }
+ exit
+file delete $DIFFFILE $GREPFILE
+exec touch $DIFFFILE
+################ Check dates and version #s in makefiles
+check_version base/version.mak
+################ Check dates and version #s in documentation files
+foreach doc $doclist {
+ set dateline {^(! |<small>)(AFPL |Aladdin |GNU |)Ghostscript version ([0-9.]+), ([0-9]+ [A-Z][a-z]+ [0-9]+)(</small>|)$}
+ set idline {[$]Id: [^ ]+ ([0-9]+) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]) }
+ if {![grep1 $dateline $doc dstr]} {
+ message "Can't find version # and date in $doc"
+ } elseif {![grep1 $idline $doc idstr]} {
+ message "Can't find Id line in $doc"
+ } else {
+ regexp $dateline $dstr skip skip2 skip3 dver ddate
+ regexp $idline $idstr skip idver year month1 day
+ set ddate [exec date -u +$dateformat -d $ddate]
+ # Strip leading 0 from month and day.
+ set day [expr 1$day - 100]
+ set month1 [expr 1$month1 - 100]
+ set idate "$day [monthname $month1] $year"
+ if {$ddate != $idate} {
+ # Make a special exception for CVS version 1.1: see below.
+ if {$idver != "1.1"} {
+ message "$doc shows version $dver, $ddate;\n\tcurrent is $vcurdot, last updated $idate"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+################ Check dates and version #s in man pages
+foreach doc $manlist {
+ set in [open $doc]
+ set idline [gets $in]
+ set thline [gets $in]
+ close $in
+ # We must be careful not to include the string $,I,d,: in any pattern,
+ # since CVS/RCS will substitute for it!
+ if {![regexp {^\.\\" [$]Id: ([^ ]+) ([0-9.]+) ([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])} $idline skip file idrevision idyear idmonth idday]} {
+ message "In $doc, can't parse \$Id line: $idline"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {$file != [file tail $doc]} {
+ message "In $doc, File name $file in Id: line doesn't match."
+ continue
+ }
+ set prefix ".TH [string toupper [file root [file tail $doc]]] 1 \""
+ if {[string first $prefix $thline] != 0} {
+ message "In $doc, .TH line doesn't match: $thline"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {![regexp {"([0-9]+) ([A-Z][a-z]+) ([0-9]+)"} $thline skip thday thmonth thyear]} {
+ message "In $doc, can't parse date in .TH line: $thline"
+ continue
+ }
+ if {![regexp {" ([0-9.]+) ("Ghostscript Tools"|Ghostscript) } $thline skip dver]} {
+ message "In $doc, can't find version # and 'Ghostscript' in .TH line: $thline"
+ continue
+ }
+ # The first requirement we enforce is that the change date in
+ # the Id: line match the one in the .TH line. If they don't
+ # match, we also check the version # at the top and bottom of
+ # the file. We make a special exception if the revision # is 1.1
+ # and the Ghostscript version # is 6.0, because the very first
+ # checkin date for the repository was later than the release date.
+ if {$idrevision != 1.1 || $dver != 6.0} {
+ if {$idyear != $thyear || [monthname $idmonth] != $thmonth || $idday != $thday} {
+ message "In $doc, Id: date is $idyear/$idmonth/$idday, .TH date is $thday $thmonth $thyear"
+ if {$dver != $vcurdot} {
+ message "$doc header cites version $dver, current is $vcurdot"
+ }
+ if {![grep1 {^This document was last revised for Ghostscript version [0-9.]+\.$} $doc rstr]} {
+ message "$doc doesn't contain a last-revision line."
+ } else {
+ regexp {([0-9.]+)\.$} $rstr skip dver
+ if {$dver != $vcurdot} {
+ message "In $doc, last revision is $dver, current is $vcurdot"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+################ Check miscellaneous parameters in makefiles and code
+proc grept1 {pattern files {force_filename 1}} {
+ # We include t in the lists below to force grep to include the file
+ # name in the output, because there is no switch to do this.
+ if $force_filename {
+ set t $DIFFFILE
+ } else {
+ set t ""
+ }
+ catch {eval exec grep $pattern $files $t >> $GREPFILE}
+set unix_maks {base/unixansi.mak base/unixtrad.mak base/unix-gcc.mak base/dvx-gcc.mak}
+set pc_maks {base/bcwin32.mak base/msvc32.mak base/watc.mak base/watcwin.mak}
+set lib_maks {base/msvclib.mak base/watclib.mak base/ugcclib.mak}
+set all_maks [concat $unix_maks $pc_maks $lib_maks]
+grept1 ^GENOPT= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^CFLAGS= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^XCFLAGS= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^LDFLAGS= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^XLIBS= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^ZLIB_NAME= $unix_maks
+grept1 ^DEBUG= $pc_maks
+grept1 ^TDEBUG= $pc_maks
+grept1 ^NOPRIVATE= $pc_maks
+grept1 bgi_= base/devs.mak
+grept1 mswin_= base/devs.mak
+grept1 ^BAND_LIST_ $all_maks
+grept1 ^COMPILE_INITS= $unix_maks
+grept1 DEVICE_DEVS $all_maks
+grept1 FEATURE_DEVS $all_maks
+grept1 ^SHARE_ $unix_maks
+grept1 ^..._TYPE= $pc_maks
+grept1 define._fixed_shift base/gxfixed.h
+grept1 define.TRIM base/gdevbit.c
+grept1 define.EXPAND base/gdevbit.c
+grept1 if...1...return.0 base/gdevxalt.c
+grept1 define.TEST [glob base/gdev*.c]
+grept1 define.PDFX base/gdevpdfx.h
+grept1 define.FORCE base/gshtscr.c
+grept1 define.CAPTURE base/gslib.c
+grept1 interval.= base/zcontext.c
+# Apparently diff exits with a non-zero status if there are any differences!
+catch {exec diff $GREPFILE $CHECKFILE >> $DIFFFILE}
+exec wc $DIFFFILE >@ stdout