path: root/gs/imdi/cgen.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'gs/imdi/cgen.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1848 deletions
diff --git a/gs/imdi/cgen.c b/gs/imdi/cgen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb1bf0732..000000000
--- a/gs/imdi/cgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1848 +0,0 @@
-/* Integer Multi-Dimensional Interpolation */
- * Copyright 2000 - 2002 Graeme W. Gill
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE :-
- * see the Licence.txt file for licencing details.
- */
-/* 'C' code color transform kernel code generator. */
- This module generates C code routines which implement
- an integer multi-channel transform. The input values
- are read, passed through per channel lookup tables,
- a multi-dimentional interpolation table, and then
- a per channel output lookup table, before being written.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "imdi_imp.h"
-#include "imdi_gen.h"
-#include "imdi_tab.h"
-#undef VERBOSE
-#undef FORCESORT /* Use sort algorithm allways */
- * TTBD:
- * Need to implement g->dir
- * Haven't used t->it_map[] or t->im_map[].
- *
- *
- */
-/* ------------------------------------ */
-/* Context */
-typedef struct {
- FILE *of; /* Output file */
- int indt; /* Indent */
- /* Other info */
- genspec *g; /* Generation specifications */
- tabspec *t; /* Table setup data */
- mach_arch *a; /* Machine architecture and tuning data */
- /* Code generation information */
- /* if() conditions are for entry usage */
- /* Pixel read information */
- int ipt[IXDI]; /* Input pointer types */
- int nip; /* Actual number of input pointers, accounting for pint */
- int chv_bits; /* Bits in chv temp variable ?? */
- /* Input table entry */
- int itet; /* Input table entry type */
- int itvt; /* Input table variable type */
- int itmnb; /* Input table minimum bits (actual is it_ab) */
- /* Interpolation index */
- int ixet; /* Interpolation index entry type */
- int ixvt; /* Interpolation index variable type */
- int ixmnb; /* Interpolation index minimum bits (actual is ix_ab) */
- int ixmxres; /* Interpolation table maximum resolution */
- /* Simplex index: if(!sort && it_xs) */
- int sxet; /* Simplex index entry type */
- int sxvt; /* Simplex index variable type */
- int sxmnb; /* Simplex index bits minimum (actual is sx_ab) */
- int sxmxres; /* Simplex table maximum resolution (0 if sort) */
- /* Combination Weighting + Vertex offset values: if(it_xs && !wo_xs) */
- int woet; /* Weighting+offset entry type */
- int wovt; /* Weighting+offset variable type */
- int womnb; /* Weighting+offset index bits minimum (actual is wo_ab) */
- /* Weighting value: if(it_xs && wo_xs) */
- int weet; /* Weighting entry type */
- int wevt; /* Weighting variable type */
- int wemnb; /* Weighting index bits minimum (actual is we_ab) */
- /* Vertex offset value: if(it_xs && wo_xs) */
- int voet; /* Vertex offset entry type */
- int vovt; /* Vertex offset variable type */
- int vomnb; /* Vertex offset index bits minimum (actual is vo_ab) */
- /* Interpolation table entry: */
- int imovb; /* Interpolation output value bits per channel required */
- int imfvt; /* Interpolation full entry & variable type */
- int impvt; /* Interpolation partial entry variable type */
- /* Interpolation accumulators: */
- int iaovb; /* Interpolation output value bits per channel required */
- int iafvt; /* Interpolation full entry & variable type */
- int iapvt; /* Interpolation partial entry variable type */
- int ian; /* Total number of accumulators */
- /* Output table lookup */
- int otit; /* Output table index type */
- int otvt; /* Output table value type (size is ot_ts bytes) */
- /* Write information */
- int opt[IXDO]; /* Output pointer types */
- int nop; /* Actual number of output pointers, accounting for pint */
-} fileo;
-void line(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output one line */
-void sline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output start of line line */
-void mline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output middle of line */
-void eline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...); /* Output end of line */
-void cr(fileo *f) { line(f,""); } /* Output a blank line */
-void inc(fileo *f) { f->indt++; } /* Increment the indent level */
-void dec(fileo *f) { f->indt--; } /* Decrement the indent level */
-/* ------------------------------------ */
-int findord(fileo *f, int bits); /* Find ordinal with bits or more */
-int nord(fileo *f, int ov); /* Round ordinal type up to natural size */
-int findnord(fileo *f, int bits); /* Find ordinal with bits, or natural larger */
-int findint(fileo *f, int bits); /* Find integer with bits or more */
-int nint(fileo *f, int iv); /* Round integer type up to natural size */
-int findnint(fileo *f, int bits); /* Find integer with bits, or natural larger */
-static void doheader(fileo *f);
-static int calc_bits(int dim, int res);
-static int calc_res(int dim, int bits);
-static int calc_obits(int dim, int res, int esize);
-static int calc_ores(int dim, int bits, int esize);
-/* return a hexadecimal mask string */
-/* take care of the case when bits >= 32 */
-char *hmask(int bits) {
- static char buf[20];
- if (bits < 32) {
- sprintf(buf, "0x%x",(1 << bits)-1);
- } else if (bits == 32) {
- return "0xffffffff";
- } else if (bits == 64) {
- return "0xffffffffffffffff";
- } else { /* Bits > 32 */
- sprintf(buf, "0x%xffffffff",(1 << (bits-32))-1);
- }
- return buf;
-/* Generate a source file to implement the specified */
-/* interpolation kernel. Fill in return values and return 0 if OK. */
-/* Return non-zero on error. */
-int gen_c_kernel(
- genspec *g, /* Specification of what to generate */
- mach_arch *a,
- FILE *fp, /* File to write to */
- int index /* Identification index, 1 = first */
-) {
- unsigned char kk[] = { 0x43, 0x6F, 0x70, 0x79, 0x72, 0x69, 0x67, 0x68,
- 0x74, 0x20, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x34, 0x20, 0x47,
- 0x72, 0x61, 0x65, 0x6D, 0x65, 0x20, 0x57, 0x2E,
- 0x20, 0x47, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x00 };
- fileo f[1];
- int e, i;
- tabspec tabsp, *t = &tabsp;
- int timp = 0; /* Flag to use temporary imp pointer. */
- /* Seem to make x86 MSVC++ slower */
- /* Has no effect on x86 IBMCC */
- sprintf(g->kname, "imdi_k%d",index); /* Kernel routine base name */
- strcpy(g->kkeys, kk); /* Kernel keys for this session */
- /* Setup the file output context */
- f->of = fp;
- f->indt = 0; /* Start with no indentation */
- f->g = g;
- f->t = t;
- f->a = a;
- if (g->prec == 8) {
- if (g->id <= 4)
- t->sort = 0; /* Implicit sort using simplex table lookup */
- else
- t->sort = 1; /* Explicit sort */
- } else if (g->prec == 16) {
- t->sort = 1; /* Explit sort, no simplex table */
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't cope with requested precision of %d bits\n",g->prec);
- exit(-1);
- }
- t->sort = 1;
- /* Compute input read and input table lookup stuff */
- /* Compute number of input pointers */
- if (g->in.pint != 0) /* Pixel interleaved */
- f->nip = 1;
- else
- f->nip = g->id;
- /* Figure out the input pointer types */
- for (e = 0; e < f->nip; e++) {
- if ((f->ipt[e] = findord(f, g->in.bpch[e])) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Input channel size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- /* Set a default input channel mapping */
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++)
- t->it_map[e] = e;
- /* Do the rest of the input table size calculations after figuring */
- /* out simplex and interpolation table sizes. */
- /* Figure out the interpolation multi-dimentional table structure */
- /* and output accumulation variable sizes. */
- if (g->prec == 8
- || g->prec == 16 && a->ords[a->nords-1].bits >= (g->prec * 4)) {
- int tiby; /* Total interpolation bytes needed */
- /* We assume that we can normally compute more than one */
- /* output value at a time, so we need to hold the interpolation */
- /* output data in the expanded fixed point format in both the */
- /* table and accumulator. */
- t->im_cd = 1;
- f->imovb = g->prec * 2; /* 16 bits needed for 8 bit precision, */
- f->iaovb = g->prec * 2; /* 32 bits needed for 16 bit precision */
- f->imfvt = a->nords-1; /* Full variable entry type is biggest available */
- f->iafvt = a->nords-1; /* Full variable accum. type is same */
- if (a->ords[f->imfvt].bits < f->imovb) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interpolation table entry size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* Compute details of table entry sizes, number */
- tiby = (f->imovb * g->od)/8; /* Total table bytes needed */
- t->im_fs = a->ords[f->imfvt].bits/8; /* Full entry bytes */
- t->im_fv = (t->im_fs * 8)/f->imovb; /* output values per full entry . */
- t->im_fn = tiby/t->im_fs; /* Number of full entries (may be 0) */
- t->im_ts = t->im_fn * t->im_fs; /* Structure size so far */
- tiby -= t->im_fn * t->im_fs; /* Remaining bytes */
- if (tiby <= 0) {
- t->im_pn = 0; /* No partials */
- t->im_ps = 0;
- t->im_pv = 0;
- f->impvt = 0;
- f->iapvt = 0;
- } else {
- t->im_pn = 1; /* Must be just 1 partial */
- t->im_pv = (tiby * 8)/f->imovb; /* Partial holds remaining entries */
- if ((f->impvt = findnord(f, tiby * 8)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find partial interp table entry variable size\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- f->iapvt = f->impvt;
- t->im_ps = a->ords[f->impvt].bits/8;/* Partial entry bytes */
- if (a->ords[f->imfvt].align) /* If full entry's need to be aligned */
- t->im_ts += t->im_fs; /* Round out struct size by full entry */
- else
- t->im_ts += t->im_ps; /* Round out to natural size */
- }
- } else {
- /* One 16 bit output value per entry + 32 bit accumulator. */
- /* We can conserve table space by not holding the table data in expanded */
- /* fixed point format, but expanding it when it is read. */
- /* Without resorting to compicated code, this restricts us */
- /* to only computing one output value per accumulator. */
- t->im_cd = 0;
- f->imovb = g->prec; /* Table holds 16 bit entries with no fractions */
- f->iaovb = g->prec * 2; /* 32 bits needed for 16 bit precision in comp. */
- if ((f->imfvt = findord(f, f->imovb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interpolation table entry size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->iafvt = findord(f, f->iaovb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interpolation accumulator size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* Compute details of table entry sizes, number */
- t->im_fs = a->ords[f->imfvt].bits/8; /* Full entry bytes */
- t->im_fv = 1; /* output values per full entry . */
- t->im_fn = g->od; /* Number of full entries */
- t->im_ts = t->im_fn * t->im_fs; /* Total structure size */
- t->im_pn = 0; /* No partials */
- t->im_ps = 0;
- t->im_pv = 0;
- f->impvt = 0;
- f->iapvt = 0;
- }
- f->ian = t->im_fn + t->im_pn; /* Total number of output accumulators */
- /* Figure out how much of the interpolation entry offset to put in the */
- /* vertex offset value, and how much to make explicit in accessing the */
- /* interpolation table enty. */
- if (a->oscale > 0) { /* We have a scaled index mode */
- /* Use as much of the scaled index mode as possible */
- /* and then do the balance by scaling the simplex index entry. */
- for (t->im_oc = a->oscale; ; t->im_oc >>= 1) {
- t->vo_om = t->im_ts/t->im_oc; /* Simplex index multiplier */
- if ((t->vo_om * t->im_oc) == t->im_ts)
- break; /* Got appropriate offset scale */
- }
- } else if (a->smmul) { /* Architecure supports fast small multiply */
- t->im_oc = t->im_ts; /* Do scale by structure size explicitly */
- t->vo_om = 1; /* Do none in the Simplex index */
- } else { /* We have no fast tricks */
- t->im_oc = 1; /* Do none explicitly */
- t->vo_om = t->im_ts; /* Do all in Simplex index */
- }
- /* Compute the number of bits needed to hold an index into */
- /* the interpolation table (index is in terms of table entry size). */
- /* This value is used to figure out the room needed in the input */
- /* table to accumulate the interpolation cube base offset value. (IM_O macro) */
- f->ixmnb = calc_bits(g->id, g->itres);
- /* Set a default output channel mapping */
- for (e = 0; e < g->od; e++)
- t->im_map[e] = e;
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- /* Summarise the interpolation table arrangements */
- printf("\n");
- printf("Interpolation table structure:\n");
- printf(" Minimum bits needed to index table %d\n", f->ixmnb);
- printf(" Entry total size %d bytes\n", t->im_ts);
- printf(" Simplex entry offset scale %d\n", t->vo_om);
- printf(" Explicit entry offset scale %d\n", t->im_oc);
- printf(" %d full entries, size %d bytes\n", t->im_fn, t->im_fs);
- printf(" %d partial entries, size %d bytes\n", t->im_pn, t->im_ps);
- printf(" to hold %d output values of %d bits\n", g->od, f->imovb);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Number of bits needed for the weighting value */
- f->wemnb = g->prec+1; /* Need to hold a weighting factor of 0 - 256 for 8 bits */
- /* Need to hold a weighting factor of 0 - 65536 for 16 bits */
- /* Variable that would be used to hold it */
- if ((f->wevt = findnord(f, f->wemnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold weighting variable\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- /* Number of bits needed for vertex offset value */
- f->vomnb = calc_obits(g->id, g->itres, t->vo_om);
- /* Variable that would be used to hold it */
- if ((f->vovt = findnord(f, f->vomnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold vertex offset variable\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (t->sort) {
- /* If we are using an explicit sort, we need to figure how many */
- /* separate entries we need to use to hold the interpolation index, */
- /* weighting factor and vertex offset values in the input table. */
- /* First try all three in one entry */
- if ((f->itet = findord(f, f->ixmnb + f->wemnb + f->vomnb)) >= 0) {/* size to read */
- int rem; /* Remainder bits */
- t->it_xs = 0; /* Combined interp+weight+offset */
- t->wo_xs = 0;
- t->it_ab = a->ords[f->itet].bits; /* Bits in combined input entry */
- rem = t->it_ab - f->ixmnb - f->wemnb - f->vomnb; /* Spair bits */
- t->we_ab = f->wemnb; /* Get minimum weight bits */
- t->vo_ab = f->vomnb + rem/2; /* vertex offset index bits actually available */
- t->ix_ab = t->it_ab - t->vo_ab - t->we_ab; /* interp index bits actually available */
- t->wo_ab = t->we_ab + t->vo_ab; /* Weight & offset total bits */
- t->it_ts = a->ords[f->itet].bits/8; /* total size in bytes */
- f->itvt = nord(f, f->itet); /* Variable type */
- if ((f->wovt = findnord(f, t->we_ab + t->vo_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold weight/offset\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->wevt = findnord(f, t->we_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold weighting factor\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->vovt = findnord(f, t->vo_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold vertex offset index\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->ixvt = findnord(f, t->ix_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interp index variable size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- } else { /* Interp index will be a separate entry */
- int wit, oft, bigt; /* weighting type, offset type, biggest type */
- int combt; /* Combined type */
- int sepbits, combits; /* Total separate, combined bits */
- t->it_xs = 1; /* Separate interp index and weighting+offset */
- if ((f->ixet = findord(f, f->ixmnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interp index entry size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- f->ixvt = nord(f, f->ixet); /* Variable type */
- t->ix_ab = a->ords[f->ixet].bits;
- t->ix_es = t->ix_ab/8;
- t->ix_eo = 0;
- t->it_ts = t->ix_es; /* Input table size so far */
- /* Now figure weighting and vertex offset */
- /* See if we can fit them into separately readable entries, or whether */
- /* they should be combined to minimise overall table size. */
- if ((wit = findord(f, f->wemnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold weighting factor\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((oft = findord(f, f->vomnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold vertex offset index\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- bigt = wit > oft ? wit : oft; /* Bigest separate type */
- if ((combt = findord(f, f->wemnb + f->vomnb)) < 0) {/* Combined isn't possible */
- sepbits = 2 * a->ords[bigt].bits; /* Total separate bits */
- combits = sepbits; /* Force separate entries */
- } else {
- sepbits = 2 * a->ords[bigt].bits; /* Total separate bits */
- combits = a->ords[combt].bits; /* Total combined bits */
- }
- if (sepbits <= combits) { /* We will use separate entries */
- t->wo_xs = 1;
- t->we_es = a->ords[bigt].bits/8; /* size in bytes for weighting entry */
- t->we_ab = a->ords[bigt].bits; /* bits available for weighting */
- t->we_eo = t->ix_es; /* Entry offset in input table */
- t->vo_es = a->ords[bigt].bits/8; /* size in bytes for vertex offset entry */
- t->vo_ab = a->ords[bigt].bits; /* bits available for vertex offset */
- t->vo_eo = t->ix_es + t->we_es; /* Entry offset in input table */
- t->wo_es = t->we_es + t->vo_es; /* Total entry size for each vertex */
- t->it_ts += t->we_es + t->vo_es; /* Total input entry size in bytes */
- f->weet = bigt; /* Variable type for accessing weighting entry */
- f->voet = bigt; /* Variable type for accessing vertex offset entry */
- f->wevt = nord(f, wit); /* Variable type for holding weight value */
- f->vovt = nord(f, oft); /* Variable type for holding offset value */
- } else { /* We will combine the two entries */
- t->wo_xs = 0;
- t->wo_es = a->ords[combt].bits/8; /* entry size in bytes for each entry */
- t->wo_ab = a->ords[combt].bits; /* bits in weightig + offset */
- t->we_ab = f->wemnb; /* bits available for weighting */
- t->vo_ab = t->wo_ab - t->we_ab; /* Allow all spare bits to vertex offset */
- t->wo_eo = t->ix_es; /* entry offset in input table */
- t->it_ts += t->wo_es; /* Final input table size */
- f->woet = combt; /* Variable type for accessing combined entry */
- f->wovt = nord(f, combt); /* Variable type holding weight/offset read value */
- if ((f->wevt = findnord(f, t->we_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold weighting factor\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->vovt = findnord(f, t->vo_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold vertex offset index\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- /* Summarise the input table arrangements */
- printf("\n");
- printf("Input table structure:\n");
- printf(" Input value re-ordering is [");
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++)
- printf("%s%d",e > 0 ? " " : "", t->it_map[e]);
- printf("]\n");
- printf(" Input table entry size = %d bytes\n",t->it_ts);
- if (t->it_ix) {
- printf(" Input table extracts value from read values\n");
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- printf(" Separate Interp., Weighting and Offset values\n");
- printf(" Interp. index is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->ix_eo, t->ix_es);
- printf(" Weighting is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->we_eo, t->we_es);
- printf(" Vertex offset is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->vo_eo, t->vo_es);
- } else {
- printf(" Separate Interp. index and Weightint+Offset value\n");
- printf(" Interp. index is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->ix_eo, t->ix_es);
- printf(" Weighting+Offset is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->wo_eo, t->wo_es);
- printf(" Weighting = %d bits\n",t->we_ab);
- printf(" Vertex offset = %d bits\n",t->vo_ab);
- }
- } else {
- printf(" Combined InterpIndex+Weighting+Voffset values\n");
- printf(" Values are stored in size %d bytes\n",t->it_ts);
- printf(" Interp. index = %d bits\n",t->ix_ab);
- printf(" Weighting = %d bits\n",t->we_ab);
- printf(" Vertex offset = %d bits\n",t->vo_ab);
- }
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- } else { /* Simplex table */
- /* If we are going to use a simplex table, figure out how we */
- /* will store the weighting value and vertex offset values in it, */
- /* as well as the size of index we'll need to address it. */
- int wit, oft, bigt; /* weighting type, offset type, biggest type */
- int combt; /* Combined type */
- int sepbits, combits; /* Total separate, combined bits */
- /* See if we can fit them into separately readable entries, or whether */
- /* they should be combined to minimise overall table size. */
- if ((wit = findord(f, f->wemnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold weighting factor\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((oft = findord(f, f->vomnb)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find entry size to hold vertex offset index\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- bigt = wit > oft ? wit : oft; /* Bigest separate type */
- if ((combt = findord(f, f->wemnb + f->vomnb)) < 0) {/* Combined isn't possible */
- sepbits = 2 * a->ords[bigt].bits; /* Total separate bits */
- combits = sepbits; /* Force separate entries */
- } else {
- sepbits = 2 * a->ords[bigt].bits; /* Total separate bits */
- combits = a->ords[combt].bits; /* Total combined bits */
- }
- if (sepbits <= combits) { /* We will use separate entries */
- t->wo_xs = 1;
- t->we_es = a->ords[bigt].bits/8; /* size in bytes for weighting entry */
- t->we_ab = a->ords[bigt].bits; /* bits available for weighting */
- t->we_eo = 0; /* Entry offset in simplex table */
- t->vo_es = a->ords[bigt].bits/8; /* size in bytes for vertex offset entry */
- t->vo_ab = a->ords[bigt].bits; /* bits available for vertex offset */
- t->vo_eo = t->we_es; /* Entry offset in simplex table */
- t->wo_es = t->we_es + t->vo_es; /* Total entry size for each vertex */
- t->sm_ts = (g->id + 1) * (t->we_es + t->vo_es) ; /* Total size in bytes */
- f->weet = bigt; /* Variable type for accessing weighting entry */
- f->voet = bigt; /* Variable type for accessing vertex offset entry */
- f->wevt = nord(f, wit); /* Variable type for holding weight value */
- f->vovt = nord(f, oft); /* Variable type for holding offset value */
- } else { /* We will combine the two entries */
- t->wo_xs = 0;
- t->wo_es = a->ords[combt].bits/8; /* entry size in bytes for each entry */
- t->wo_ab = a->ords[combt].bits; /* bits in weightig + offset */
- t->we_ab = f->wemnb; /* bits available for weighting */
- t->vo_ab = t->wo_ab - t->we_ab; /* Allow all spare bits to vertex offset */
- t->wo_eo = 0; /* entry offset in simplex table */
- t->sm_ts = (g->id + 1) * t->wo_es; /* Total size in bytes */
- f->woet = combt; /* Variable type for accessing combined entry */
- f->wovt = nord(f, combt); /* Variable type holding weight/offset read value */
- if ((f->wevt = findnord(f, t->we_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold weighting factor\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->vovt = findnord(f, t->vo_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find variable size to hold vertex offset index\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- /* Compute the number of bits needed to hold an index into */
- /* the simplex table (index is in terms of table entry size). */
- /* This value is used to figure out the room needed in the input */
- /* table to accumulate the simplex cube base offset value. (SW_O macro) */
- f->sxmnb = calc_bits(g->id, g->stres);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- /* Summarise the simplex table arrangements */
- printf("\n");
- printf("Simplex table structure:\n");
- printf(" Minimum bits needed to index table %d\n", f->sxmnb);
- printf(" Total simplex entry size %d bytes to hold %d entries\n",t->sm_ts, g->id+1);
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- printf(" Separate entries for offset and weight\n");
- printf(" Weighting entry size %d bytes\n",t->we_es);
- printf(" Offset entry size %d bytes\n",t->vo_es);
- } else {
- printf(" Combined offset and weight entries in %d bytes\n",t->wo_es);
- printf(" Weighting entry size %d bits\n",t->we_ab);
- printf(" Offset entry size %d bits\n",t->vo_ab);
- }
- printf(" Vertex offset scale factor %d\n", t->vo_om);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* We known how big the interpolation and simplex */
- /* tables indexes are going to be, so complete figuring out */
- /* how big the input table entries have to be. */
- if ((f->itet = findord(f, f->sxmnb + f->ixmnb)) >= 0) {/* size to read */
- int rem; /* Remainder bits */
- t->it_xs = 0; /* Combined simplex+interp index */
- t->it_ab = a->ords[f->itet].bits; /* Bits in combined input entry */
- rem = t->it_ab - f->sxmnb - f->ixmnb;
- t->sx_ab = f->sxmnb + rem/2; /* simplex index bits actually available */
- t->ix_ab = t->it_ab - t->sx_ab; /* interp index bits actually available */
- t->it_ts = a->ords[f->itet].bits/8; /* total size in bytes */
- f->itvt = nord(f, f->itet); /* Variable type */
- if ((f->sxvt = findnord(f, t->sx_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Simplex index variable size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((f->ixvt = findnord(f, t->ix_ab)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interp index variable size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- } else { /* Separate entries */
- int bbits; /* Largest number of bits needed */
- t->it_xs = 1; /* Separate simplex+interp indexes */
- bbits = f->sxmnb > f->ixmnb ? f->sxmnb : f->ixmnb;
- /* Allocate same size for both so that total structure size is power of 2 */
- if ((f->sxet = f->ixet = findord(f, bbits)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Interp/Simplex index entry size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- t->sx_ab = a->ords[f->sxet].bits; /* Actual bits available */
- t->sx_es = t->sx_ab/8; /* Entry size in bytes */
- t->ix_ab = a->ords[f->ixet].bits;
- t->ix_es = t->sx_ab/8;
- t->it_ts = t->sx_es + t->ix_es; /* total size in bytes */
- t->sx_eo = 0; /* simplex index offset in bytes */
- t->ix_eo = t->sx_es; /* interp. index offset in bytes */
- f->sxvt = nord(f, f->sxet); /* Variable type */
- f->ixvt = nord(f, f->ixet); /* Variable type */
- }
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- /* Summarise the input table arrangements */
- printf("\n");
- printf("Input table structure:\n");
- if (t->it_ix) {
- printf(" Input table extracts value from read values\n");
- } else {
- printf(" Value extraction read values is explicit\n");
- }
- printf(" Input value re-ordering is [");
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++)
- printf("%s%d",e > 0 ? " " : "", t->it_map[e]);
- printf("]\n");
- printf(" Input table entry size = %d bytes\n",t->it_ts);
- if (t->it_xs) {
- printf(" Separate Interp. and Simplex index values\n");
- printf(" Interp. index is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->ix_eo, t->ix_es);
- printf(" Simplex index is at offset %d, size %d bytes\n",t->sx_eo, t->sx_es);
- } else {
- printf(" Combined Interp. and Simplex index values\n");
- printf(" Values are size %d bytes\n",t->it_ts);
- printf(" Interp. index = %d bits\n",t->ix_ab);
- printf(" Simplex index = %d bits\n",t->sx_ab);
- }
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- }
- /* Figure out output table stuff */
- {
- /* A variable to hold the index into an output table */
- if ((f->otit = findord(f, g->prec)) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Can't find output table index size\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- f->otit = nord(f,f->otit); /* Make temp variable natural size */
- if (g->out.pint != 0) /* Pixel interleaved */
- f->nop = 1;
- else
- f->nop = g->od;
- /* Figure out the output pointer types */
- f->otvt = 0; /* Output table value type */
- for (e = 0; e < f->nop; e++) {
- if ((f->opt[e] = findord(f, g->out.bpch[e])) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Output channel size can't be handled\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (f->opt[e] > f->otvt)
- f->otvt = f->opt[e]; /* Make value type big enough for any channel size */
- }
- t->ot_ts = a->ords[f->otvt].bits/8; /* Output table entry size in bytes */
- /* Setup information on data placement in output table enries */
- for (e = 0; e < g->od; e++) {
- t->ot_off[e] = g->out.bov[e]; /* Transfer info from generation spec. */
- t->ot_bits[e] = g->out.bpv[e];
- }
- }
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- /* Summarise the output table arrangements */
- printf(" Output value re-ordering is [");
- for (e = 0; e < g->od; e++)
- printf("%s%d",e > 0 ? " " : "", t->im_map[e]);
- printf("]\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf("Output table structure:\n");
- printf(" Entry size = %d bytes\n",t->ot_ts);
- printf(" Output value placement within each enry is:\n");
- for (e = 0; e < f->nop; e++) {
- printf(" %d: Offset %d bits, size %d bits\n", e, t->ot_off[e], t->ot_bits[e]);
- }
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Compute the maximum interpolation table resolution we will be able to handle */
- {
- int res, ores;
- res = calc_res(g->id, t->ix_ab);
- ores = calc_ores(g->id, t->vo_ab, t->vo_om);
- f->ixmxres = res < ores ? res : ores;
- }
- /* Compute the maximum simplex table resolution we will be able to handle */
- if (t->sort) {
- f->sxmxres = 0;
- } else {
- f->sxmxres = calc_res(g->id, t->sx_ab);
- }
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Emitting introductory code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Start of code generation */
- doheader(f); /* Output the header comments */
- /* We need an include file */
- line(f,"#ifndef IMDI_INCLUDED");
- line(f,"#include <memory.h>");
- line(f,"#include \"imdi_imp.h\"");
- line(f,"#define IMDI_INCLUDED");
- line(f,"#endif /* IMDI_INCLUDED */");
- cr(f);
- /* Declare our explicit pointer type */
- line(f,"#ifndef DEFINED_pointer");
- line(f,"#define DEFINED_pointer");
- line(f,"typedef unsigned char * pointer;");
- line(f,"#endif");
- cr(f);
- /* Declare our explicit structure access macros */
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Declaring macros\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Macros for accessing input table entries */
- if (t->sort) {
- if (t->it_xs) {
- line(f,"/* Input table interp. index */");
- line(f,"#define IT_IX(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->ixet].name, t->ix_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"/* Input table input weighting enty */");
- line(f,"#define IT_WE(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->weet].name, t->we_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- line(f,"/* Input table input offset value enty */");
- line(f,"#define IT_VO(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->voet].name, t->vo_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- } else {
- line(f,"/* Input table input weighting/offset value enty */");
- line(f,"#define IT_WO(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->woet].name, t->wo_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- }
- } else {
- line(f,"/* Input table interp index, weighting and vertex offset */");
- line(f,"#define IT_IT(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->itet].name, 0, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- }
- /* Macro to conditionally exchange two varibles */
- /* Doing this in place using an xor seems to be fastest */
- /* on most architectures. */
- line(f,"/* Conditional exchange for sorting */");
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"#define CEX(A, AA, B, BB) if (A < B) { \\");
- line(f," A ^= B; B ^= A; A ^= B; AA ^= BB; BB ^= AA; AA ^= BB; }");
- } else
- line(f,"#define CEX(A, B) if (A < B) { A ^= B; B ^= A; A ^= B; }");
- cr(f);
- } else { /* Simplex table */
- if (t->it_xs) {
- line(f,"/* Input table interp. index */");
- line(f,"#define IT_IX(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->ixet].name, t->ix_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- line(f,"/* Input table simplex index enty */");
- line(f,"#define IT_SX(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->sxet].name, t->sx_eo, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- } else {
- line(f,"/* Input table inter & simplex indexes */");
- line(f,"#define IT_IT(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->itet].name, 0, t->it_ts);
- cr(f);
- }
- }
- if (!t->sort) {
- /* Macro for computing a simplex table entry */
- line(f,"/* Simplex weighting table access */");
- line(f,"#define SW_O(off) ((off) * %d)", t->sm_ts);
- cr(f);
- /* Macros for accessing the contents of the simplex table */
- if (t->wo_xs) { /* If separate */
- line(f,"/* Simplex table - get weighting value */");
- line(f,"#define SX_WE(p, v) *((%s *)((p) + (v) * %d + %d))",
- a->ords[f->weet].name, t->wo_es, t->we_eo);
- cr(f);
- line(f,"/* Simplex table - get offset value */");
- line(f,"#define SX_VO(p, v) *((%s *)((p) + (v) * %d + %d))",
- a->ords[f->voet].name, t->wo_es, t->vo_eo);
- cr(f);
- } else { /* Combined */
- line(f,"/* Simplex table - get weighting/offset value */");
- line(f,"#define SX_WO(p, v) *((%s *)((p) + (v) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->woet].name, t->wo_es);
- cr(f);
- }
- }
- /* Macro for computing an interpolation table entry */
- line(f,"/* Interpolation multi-dim. table access */");
- line(f,"#define IM_O(off) ((off) * %d)", t->im_ts);
- cr(f);
- /* Macro for accessing an entry in the interpolation table */
- line(f,"/* Interpolation table - get vertex values */");
- if (t->im_fn > 0) {
- /* Arguments to macro are cell base address, vertex offset, data offset */
- if (f->imfvt == f->iafvt) { /* Table and accumulator are the same size */
- if (!timp || t->im_fn == 1)
- line(f,"#define IM_FE(p, v, c) *((%s *)((p) + (v) * %d + (c) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->imfvt].name, t->im_oc, t->im_fs);
- else {
- line(f,"#define IM_TP(p, v) ((p) + (v) * %d)", t->im_oc);
- line(f,"#define IM_FE(p, c) *((%s *)((p) + (c) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->imfvt].name, t->im_fs);
- }
- } else { /* Expand single table entry to accumulator size */
- if (!timp || t->im_fn == 1)
- line(f,"#define IM_FE(p, v, c) ((%s)*((%s *)((p) + (v) * %d + (c) * %d)))",
- a->ords[f->iafvt].name,
- a->ords[f->imfvt].name, t->im_oc, t->im_fs);
- else {
- line(f,"#define IM_TP(p, v) ((p) + (v) * %d)", t->im_oc);
- line(f,"#define IM_FE(p, c) ((%s)*((%s *)((p) + (c) * %d)))",
- a->ords[f->iafvt].name,
- a->ords[f->imfvt].name, t->im_fs);
- }
- }
- }
- if (t->im_pn > 0) {
- /* Arguments to macro are cell base address, vertex offset */
- /* There is no data offset since there can be only be one partial entry */
- if (f->imfvt == f->iafvt) /* Table and accumulator are the same size */
- line(f,"#define IM_PE(p, v) *((%s *)((p) + %d + (v) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->impvt].name, t->im_fn * t->im_fs, t->im_oc);
- else /* Expand single table entry to accumulator size */
- line(f,"#define IM_PE(p, v) ((%s)*((%s *)((p) + %d + (v) * %d)))",
- a->ords[f->iafvt].name,
- a->ords[f->impvt].name, t->im_fn * t->im_fs, t->im_oc);
- }
- cr(f);
- /* Macro for accessing an output table entry */
- line(f,"/* Output table indexes */");
- line(f,"#define OT_E(p, off) *((%s *)((p) + (off) * %d))",
- a->ords[f->otvt].name, t->ot_ts);
- cr(f);
- /* =============================================== */
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Starting interpolation function\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Declare the function */
- line(f,"static void");
- line(f, "imdi_k%d(",index);
- line(f, "imdi *s, /* imdi context */");
- line(f, "void **outp, /* pointer to output pointers */");
- line(f, "void **inp, /* pointer to input pointers */");
- line(f, "unsigned int npix /* Number of pixels to process */");
- line(f, ") {");
- inc(f);
- /* We need access to the imdi_imp */
- line(f, "imdi_imp *p = (imdi_imp *)(s->impl);");
- /* Declare the input pointers and init them */
- for (e = 0; e < f->nip; e++) {
- line(f, "%s *ip%d = (%s *)inp[%d];",
- a->ords[f->ipt[e]].name, e, a->ords[f->ipt[e]].name, e);
- }
- /* Declare the output pointers and init them */
- for (e = 0; e < f->nop; e++) {
- line(f, "%s *op%d = (%s *)outp[%d];",
- a->ords[f->opt[e]].name, e, a->ords[f->opt[e]].name, e);
- }
- /* Declare and intialise the end pointer */
- line(f, "%s *ep = ip0 + npix * %d ;",
- a->ords[f->ipt[0]].name, g->in.chi[0]);
- /* Declare and initialise the input table pointers */
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++)
- line(f,"pointer it%d = (pointer)p->in_tables[%d];",e,e);
- /* Declare and initialise the output table pointers */
- for (e = 0; e < g->od; e++)
- line(f,"pointer ot%d = (pointer)p->out_tables[%d];",e,e);
- if (!t->sort) {
- /* Declare and initialise the Simplex weighting base pointer */
- line(f,"pointer sw_base = (pointer)p->sw_table;");
- }
- /* Declare and initialise the Interpolation multidim base pointer */
- line(f,"pointer im_base = (pointer)p->im_table;");
- /* Figure out whether input channel reads can be used directly as table offsets */
- t->it_ix = 1; /* Default use input table lookup to extract value */
- if (g->in.packed != 0)
- t->it_ix = 0; /* Extract will be done explicitly */
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++) {
- int ee = (g->in.pint != 0) ? 0 : e; /* bpch index */
- if ((g->in.bov[e] + g->in.bpv[e]) <= 12)
- continue; /* Table can do extract */
- if (g->in.bov[e] != 0 || g->in.bpv[e] != g->in.bpch[ee]) {
- t->it_ix = 0; /* Extract will be done explicitly */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* ------------------------------- */
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Starting pixel processing loop\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* Start the pixel processing loop */
- cr(f);
- sline(f, "for(;ip0 < ep;");
- for (e = 0; e < f->nip; e++)
- mline(f, " ip%d += %d,", e, g->in.chi[e]);
- for (e = 0; e < f->nop; e++)
- mline(f, " op%d += %d%s", e, g->out.chi[e], ((e+1) < f->nop) ? "," : "");
- eline(f, ") {");
- inc(f);
- /* Declare output value accumulator(s) */
- for (i = 0; i < t->im_fn; i++) {
- line(f,"%s ova%d; /* Output value accumulator */",a->ords[f->iafvt].name,i);
- }
- for (; i < f->ian; i++) {
- line(f,"%s ova%d; /* Output value partial accumulator */",a->ords[f->iapvt].name,i);
- }
- /* Context around interp/Simplex table lookup */
- line(f, "{");
- inc(f);
- if (!t->sort)
- line(f,"pointer swp;"); /* Declare Simplex weighting pointer */
- line(f,"pointer imp;"); /* Declare Interpolation multidim pointer */
- /* Declare the input weighting/vertex offset variables */
- if (t->sort) {
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++) {
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"%s we%d; /* Weighting value variable */",
- a->ords[f->wevt].name, e);
- line(f,"%s vo%d; /* Vertex offset variable */",
- a->ords[f->vovt].name, e);
- } else {
- line(f,"%s wo%d; /* Weighting value and vertex offset variable */",
- a->ords[f->wovt].name, e);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Context around input table processing */
- line(f, "{");
- inc(f);
- /* Declare the table index variables/input weighting/vertex offset variables */
- if (t->sort) {
- if (!t->it_xs)
- line(f,"%s ti; /* Input table entry variable */",a->ords[f->itvt].name);
- line(f,"%s ti_i; /* Interpolation index variable */",a->ords[f->ixvt].name);
- } else {
- if (t->it_xs) {
- line(f,"%s ti_s; /* Simplex index variable */",a->ords[f->sxvt].name);
- line(f,"%s ti_i; /* Interpolation index variable */",a->ords[f->ixvt].name);
- } else {
- line(f,"%s ti; /* Simplex+Interpolation index variable */",a->ords[f->itvt].name);
- }
- }
- if (g->in.packed != 0) /* We need to unpack from a single read */
- line(f,"%s rdv; /* Read value */",a->ords[f->ipt[0]].name);
- if (t->it_ix == 0) {
- int bv = 0;
- for (e = 0; e < f->nip; e++) { /* Find largest input type */
- if (f->ipt[e] > bv)
- bv = f->ipt[e];
- }
- bv = nord(f, bv);
- line(f,"%s chv; /* Channel value */",a->ords[bv].name);
- f->chv_bits = a->ords[bv].bits;
- }
- cr(f);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Read code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* For all the input channels */
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++) {
- char rde[50]; /* Read expression */
- char toff[50]; /* Table offset expression */
- int ee = (g->in.pint != 0) ? 0 : e; /* bpch index */
- if (g->in.pint != 0) /* Pixel interleaved */
- sprintf(rde,"ip0[%d]",e); /* Offset from single pointer */
- else
- sprintf(rde,"*ip%d",e); /* Pointer per channel */
- if (g->in.packed != 0) {
- if (e == 0)
- line(f,"rdv = %s;",rde); /* Do single read */
- sprintf(rde,"rdv"); /* Use read value for extraction */
- }
- if (t->it_ix == 0) {
- if (g->in.bov[e] == 0 ) { /* No offset */
- if (g->in.bpv[e] == g->in.bpch[ee]) /* No mask */
- line(f,"chv = %s;",rde);
- else /* Just mask */
- line(f,"chv = (%s & %s);",rde, hmask(g->in.bpv[e]));
- } else { /* Offset */
- if ((g->in.bov[e] + g->in.bpv[e]) == g->in.bpch[ee])
- line(f,"chv = (%s >> %d);",rde, g->in.bov[e]);
- else { /* Offset and mask */
- if (a->shfm || g->in.bpv[e] > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"chv = ((%s << %d) >> %d);", rde,
- f->chv_bits - g->in.bpv[e] - g->in.bov[e],
- f->chv_bits - g->in.bpv[e]);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"chv = ((%s >> %d) & %s);",
- rde, g->in.bov[e], hmask(g->in.bpv[e]));
- }
- }
- }
- sprintf(toff,"chv");
- } else { /* No extraction */
- sprintf(toff,"%s",rde);
- }
- if (t->sort) {
- if (t->it_xs) {
- line(f,"ti_i %s= IT_IX(it%d, %s);", e ? "+" : " ", e, toff);
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"we%d = IT_WE(it%d, %s);", e, e, toff);
- line(f,"vo%d = IT_VO(it%d, %s);", e, e, toff);
- } else {
- line(f,"wo%d = IT_WO(it%d, %s);", e, e, toff);
- }
- } else { /* All three combined */
- line(f,"ti = IT_IT(it%d, %s);", e, toff);
- if (a->shfm || t->wo_ab > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"wo%d = ((ti << %d) >> %d); "
- "/* Extract weighting/vertex offset value */",
- e, a->ords[f->wovt].bits - t->wo_ab, a->ords[f->wovt].bits - t->wo_ab);
- line(f,"ti_i %s= (ti >> %d); "
- "/* Extract interpolation table value */",
- e ? "+" : " ", t->wo_ab);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"wo%d = (ti & %s); "
- "/* Extract weighting/vertex offset value */",
- e, hmask(t->wo_ab));
- line(f,"ti_i %s= (ti >> %d); "
- "/* Extract interpolation table value */",
- e ? "+" : " ", t->wo_ab);
- }
- }
- } else { /* Simplex */
- if (t->it_xs) {
- /* ~~~~ should toff be forced to be a temp variable ?? */
- /* (ie. force use of rde (above) if t->it_xs is nonz) */
- line(f,"ti_i %s= IT_IX(it%d, %s);", e ? "+" : " ", e, toff);
- line(f,"ti_s %s= IT_SX(it%d, %s);", e ? "+" : " ", e, toff);
- } else {
- line(f,"ti %s= IT_IT(it%d, %s);", e ? "+" : " ", e, toff);
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Index extraction code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- cr(f);
- if (t->sort) {
- /* Extract Simplex and Interpolation indexes from accumulator */
- line(f,"imp = im_base + IM_O(ti_i); /* Compute interp. table entry pointer */");
- } else {
- if (t->it_xs) { /* Extract Simplex and Interpolation indexes from accumulator */
- line(f,"swp = sw_base + SW_O(ti_s); /* Compute simplex table entry pointer */");
- line(f,"imp = im_base + IM_O(ti_i); /* Compute interp. table entry pointer */");
- } else {
- line(f,"imp = im_base + IM_O(ti >> %d); "
- "/* Extract interp. index and comp. entry */",
- t->sx_ab);
- if (a->shfm || t->sx_ab > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"swp = sw_base + SW_O((ti << %d) >> %d); "
- "/* Extract simplex index & comp. entry */",
- a->ords[f->itvt].bits - t->sx_ab, a->ords[f->itvt].bits - t->sx_ab);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"swp = sw_base + SW_O(ti & %s); "
- "/* Extract simplex index and comp. entry */",
- hmask(t->sx_ab));
- }
- }
- }
- /* Do the explicit sort now */
- if (t->sort) {
- cr(f);
- /* Sort from largest to smallest using a selection sort */
- /* Use simple sequence for the moment. More elaborate sequence */
- /* may allow other optimisations. */
- line(f,"/* Sort weighting values and vertex offset values */");
- for (i = 0; i < (g->id-1); i++) {
- for (e = i+1; e < g->id; e++) {
- if (t->wo_xs)
- line(f,"CEX(we%d, vo%d, we%d, vo%d);",i,i,e,e);
- else
- line(f,"CEX(wo%d, wo%d);",i,e);
- }
- }
- }
- /* End of input table processing context */
- dec(f);
- line(f,"}");
- line(f,"{"); /* Context around vertex lookup and accumulation */
- inc(f);
- /* Declare vertex offset and weight variables */
- if (t->sort && t->wo_xs == 0) {
- line(f,"%s nvof; /* Next vertex offset value */",a->ords[f->vovt].name);
- } else {
- if (!t->wo_xs) /* If combined in table */
- line(f,"%s vowr; /* Vertex offset/weight value */",a->ords[f->wovt].name);
- }
- line(f,"%s vof; /* Vertex offset value */",a->ords[f->vovt].name);
- line(f,"%s vwe; /* Vertex weighting */",a->ords[f->wevt].name);
- if (timp && t->im_fn > 1)
- line(f,"pointer timp; /* Temporary interpolation table pointer */");
- cr(f);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Vertex offset and weight code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* For each vertex in the simplex */
- for (e = 0; e < (g->id +1); e++) {
- if (t->sort) {
- if (e == 0) {
- line(f,"vof = 0; /* First vertex offset is 0 */");
- } else {
- if (t->wo_xs)
- line(f,"vof += vo%d; /* Move to next vertex */",e-1);
- else
- line(f,"vof += nvof; /* Move to next vertex */");
- }
- /* Extract the vertex offset and weight values from the sorted input values */
- if (e < g->id && !t->wo_xs) {
- if (a->shfm || t->vo_ab > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"nvof = ((wo%d << %d) >> %d); "
- "/* Extract offset value */",
- e, a->ords[f->vovt].bits - t->vo_ab, a->ords[f->vovt].bits - t->vo_ab);
- line(f,"wo%d = (wo%d >> %d); "
- " /* Extract weighting value */",
- e, e, t->vo_ab);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"nvof = (wo%d & %s); "
- "/* Extract offset value */",
- e, hmask(t->vo_ab));
- line(f,"wo%d = (wo%d >> %d); "
- " /* Extract weighting value */",
- e, e, t->vo_ab);
- }
- }
- /* Compute the weighting value */
- if (!t->wo_xs) {
- if (e == 0) {
- line(f,"vwe = %d - wo%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", 1 << g->prec, e);
- } else if (e < g->id) {
- line(f,"vwe = wo%d - wo%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", e-1, e);
- } else {
- line(f,"vwe = wo%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", e-1);
- }
- } else {
- if (e == 0) {
- line(f,"vwe = %d - we%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", 1 << g->prec, e);
- } else if (e < g->id) {
- line(f,"vwe = we%d - we%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", e-1, e);
- } else {
- line(f,"vwe = we%d; /* Baricentric weighting */", e-1);
- }
- }
- } else { /* Not sort */
- /* Read the vertex offset and weight values from the simplex table */
- if (t->wo_xs) { /* If separate */
- line(f,"vof = SX_VO(swp, %d); /* Read vertex offset value */", e);
- line(f,"vwe = SX_WE(swp, %d); /* Read vertex weighting value */", e);
- } else { /* If combined in table */
- line(f,"vowr = SX_WO(swp, %d); /* Read vertex offset+weighting values */", e);
- if (a->shfm || t->vo_ab > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"vof = ((vowr << %d) >> %d); "
- "/* Extract offset value */",
- a->ords[f->vovt].bits - t->vo_ab, a->ords[f->vovt].bits - t->vo_ab);
- line(f,"vwe = (vowr >> %d); "
- "/* Extract weighting value */",
- t->vo_ab);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"vof = (vowr & %s); "
- "/* Extract offset value */",
- hmask(t->vo_ab));
- line(f,"vwe = (vowr >> %d); "
- "/* Extract weighting value */",
- t->vo_ab);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Lookup the vertex value, weight it, and accumulate it into output value */
- if (timp && t->im_fn > 1)
- line(f,"timp = IM_TP(imp, vof); /* Vertex address */");
- for (i = 0; i < f->ian; i++) { /* For each output accumulation chunk */
- if (i < t->im_fn) { /* Full entry */
- if (!timp || t->im_fn == 1)
- line(f,"ova%d %s= IM_FE(imp, vof, %d) * vwe; "
- "/* Accumulate weighted output values */",
- i, e ? "+" : " ", i);
- else
- line(f,"ova%d %s= IM_FE(timp, %d) * vwe; "
- "/* Accumulate weighted output values */",
- i, e ? "+" : " ", i);
- } else /* One partial entry */
- line(f,"ova%d %s= IM_PE(imp, vof) * vwe; "
- "/* Accumulate last weighted output values */",
- i, e ? "+" : " ");
- }
- }
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}"); /* End of output value lookup context */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}"); /* End of output value accumulation context */
- /* Start of output lookup and write */
- line(f,"{");
- inc(f);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Output table code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- {
- char wre[50]; /* Write destination expression */
- if (g->out.packed != 0) /* We need to pack results into a single write */
- line(f,"%s wrv; /* Write value */",a->ords[f->ipt[0]].name);
- /* Declare temporary to hold index into output lookup table */
- line(f,"%s oti; /* Vertex offset value */",a->ords[f->otit].name);
- /* For each accumulator value */
- /* (Assume they are in output order for the moment ?) */
- for (e = i = 0; i < f->ian; i++) { /* For each output accumulation chunk */
- int vpa = i < t->im_fn ? t->im_fv : t->im_pv; /* Chanel values per accumulator */
- int oat = i < t->im_fn ? f->iafvt : f->iapvt; /* Output accumulator type */
- int ee; /* Relative e to this accumulator */
- /* For each output value in this accumulator */
- for (ee = 0; ee < vpa && e < g->od; ee++, e++) {
- int off, size; /* Bits to be extracted */
- /* Extract wanted 8 bits from the 8.8 bit result in accumulator */
- off = ee * f->iaovb + (f->iaovb - g->prec);
- size = g->prec;
- if (e == 0 || g->out.packed == 0) {
- if (g->out.pint != 0) /* Pixel interleaved */
- sprintf(wre,"op0[%d]",e); /* Offset from single pointer */
- else
- sprintf(wre,"*op%d",e); /* Pointer per channel */
- }
- if (a->shfm || size > 32) {
- /* Extract using just shifts */
- line(f,"oti = ((ova%d << %d) >> %d); "
- "/* Extract integer part of result */",
- i, a->ords[oat].bits - off - size, a->ords[oat].bits - size);
- } else {
- /* Extract using shift and mask */
- line(f,"oti = ((ova%d >> %d) & %s); "
- "/* Extract integer part of result */",
- i, off, hmask(size));
- }
- /* Lookup in output table and write to destination */
- if (g->out.packed != 0) {
- line(f,"wrv %s= OT_E(ot%d, oti);", e ? "+" : "", e);
- } else {
- line(f,"%s = OT_E(ot%d, oti); /* Write result */", wre, e);
- }
- }
- }
- if (g->out.packed != 0) { /* Write out the accumulated value */
- line(f,"%s = wrv; /* Write result */", wre);
- }
- }
- /* The end of the output lookup and write */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}");
- /* The end of the pixel processing loop */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}");
- /* The end of the function */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}");
- /* Undefine all the macros */
- if (t->sort) {
- if (t->it_xs) {
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"#undef IT_WE");
- line(f,"#undef IT_VO");
- } else
- line(f,"#undef IT_WO");
- line(f,"#undef IT_IX");
- } else {
- line(f,"#undef IT_IT");
- }
- line(f,"#undef CEX");
- } else {
- if (t->it_xs) {
- line(f,"#undef IT_IX");
- line(f,"#undef IT_SX");
- } else {
- line(f,"#undef IT_IT");
- }
- line(f,"#undef SW_O");
- if (t->wo_xs) {
- line(f,"#undef SX_WE");
- line(f,"#undef SX_VO");
- } else {
- line(f,"#undef SX_WO");
- }
- }
- line(f,"#undef IM_O");
- if (t->im_fn > 0) {
- if (timp && t->im_fn > 1)
- line(f,"#undef IM_TP");
- line(f,"#undef IM_FE");
- }
- if (t->im_pn > 0) {
- line(f,"#undef IM_PE");
- }
- line(f,"#undef OT_E");
- /* =============================================== */
-#ifdef VERBOSE
- printf("Done interpolation code\n"); fflush(stdout);
-#endif /* VERBOSE */
- /* =============================================== */
- {
- int sog = sizeof(genspec); /* Size of genspec structure */
- unsigned char *dp = (unsigned char *)g;
- int s_stres, s_itres; /* Save values */
- s_stres = g->stres;
- s_itres = g->itres;
- g->stres = f->sxmxres; /* Set maximum values */
- g->itres = f->ixmxres;
- /* Declare the generation structure data function */
- cr(f);
- line(f,"static void");
- line(f, "imdi_k%d_gen(",index);
- line(f, "genspec *g /* structure to be initialised */");
- line(f, ") {");
- inc(f);
- /* Declare the genspec initialisation data */
- line(f, "static unsigned char data[] = {");
- inc(f);
- for (i = 0; i < sog; i++) {
- if ((i & 7) == 0)
- sline(f,"");
- mline(f, "0x%02x%s ", dp[i], (i+1) < sog ? "," : "", dp[i]);
- if ((i & 7) == 7 || (i+1) == sog)
- eline(f,"");
- }
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}; /* Structure image */");
- cr(f);
- line(f, "memcpy(g, data, sizeof(data)); /* Initialise the structure */");
- /* The end of the function */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}");
- g->stres = s_stres; /* Restore entry values */
- g->itres = s_itres;
- }
- /* =============================================== */
- {
- int sot = sizeof(tabspec); /* Size of tabspec structure */
- unsigned char *dp = (unsigned char *)t;
- /* Declare the generation structure data function */
- cr(f);
- line(f,"static void");
- line(f, "imdi_k%d_tab(",index);
- line(f, "tabspec *t /* structure to be initialised */");
- line(f, ") {");
- inc(f);
- /* Declare the genspec initialisation data */
- line(f, "static unsigned char data[] = {");
- inc(f);
- for (i = 0; i < sot; i++) {
- if ((i & 7) == 0)
- sline(f,"");
- mline(f, "0x%02x%s ", dp[i], (i+1) < sot ? "," : "", dp[i]);
- if ((i & 7) == 7 || (i+1) == sot)
- eline(f,"");
- }
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}; /* Structure image */");
- cr(f);
- line(f, "memcpy(t, data, sizeof(data)); /* Initialise the structure */");
- /* The end of the function */
- dec(f);
- line(f, "}");
- }
- /* =============================================== */
- cr(f); cr(f); cr(f); cr(f); cr(f); cr(f);
- return 0;
-/* Return bits needed to store index into table of */
-/* given resolution and dimensionality. */
-static int
-int dim,
-int res) {
- return ceil(log((double)res) * (double)dim/log(2.0) - 1e-14);
-/* Return maximum resolution possible given dimensionality */
-/* and number of index bits. */
-static int
-int dim,
-int bits) {
- double fres;
- fres = log(2.0) * (double)bits/(double)dim;
- if (fres > 12 || (fres = exp(fres)) > 65536.0)
- fres = 65536.0; /* Limit to a sane value */
- return (int)(fres + 1e-14);
-/* Return bits needed to store a relative offset of 1, */
-/* into a table of given resolution, dimensionality , and */
-/* entry size. */
-static int
-int dim,
-int res,
-int esize) {
- double off; /* Maximum diagonal offset value */
- int bits;
- if (res == 0 || res == 1)
- return 0;
- if (dim == 1)
- off = esize;
- else {
- off = (double)esize * floor(exp(log((double)res) * dim - log(res-1.0)));
- }
- bits = ceil(log(off)/log(2.0) - 1e-14);
- return bits;
-/* Return maximum resolution possible given dimensionality */
-/* number of index bits, and entry size */
-static int
-int dim,
-int bits,
-int esize) {
- int res;
- /* Find resolution. Stop at arbitrary 65536 */
- for (res = 1; res < 65537; res++) {
- int bn;
- bn = calc_obits(dim, res, esize);
- if (bn > bits) {
- return res-1;
- }
- }
- return res-1;
-/* Output the introductory comments */
-static void
- fileo *f
-) {
- genspec *g = f->g;
- tabspec *t = f->t;
- mach_arch *a = f->a;
- int e;
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- /* Output file title block */
- line(f,"/* Integer Multi-Dimensional Interpolation */");
- line(f,"/* Interpolation Kernel Code */");
- line(f,"/* Generated by cgen */");
- line(f,"/* Copyright 2000 - 2002 Graeme W. Gill */");
- line(f,"/* This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE :- */\n");
- line(f,"/* see the Licence.txt file for licencing details.*/\n");
- cr(f);
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- /* Output the specification */
- line(f,"/*");
- line(f," Interpolation kernel specs:");
- cr(f);
- line(f," Input channels per pixel = %d",g->id);
- for (e = 0; e < g->id; e++) {
- line(f," Input channel %d bits = %d",e, g->in.bpch[e]);
- line(f," Input channel %d increment = %d",e, g->in.chi[e]);
- }
- if (g->in.pint != 0)
- line(f," Input is channel interleaved");
- else
- line(f," Input is plane interleaved");
- if (g->in.packed != 0)
- line(f," Input channels are packed into one word");
- else
- line(f," Input channels are separate words");
- if (t->it_ix)
- line(f," Input value extraction is done in input table lookup");
- cr(f);
- line(f," Output channels per pixel = %d",g->od);
- for (e = 0; e < g->od; e++) {
- line(f," Output channel %d bits = %d",e, g->out.bpch[e]);
- line(f," Output channel %d increment = %d",e, g->out.chi[e]);
- }
- if (g->out.pint != 0)
- line(f," Output is channel interleaved");
- else
- line(f," Output is plane interleaved");
- cr(f);
- if (g->out.packed != 0)
- line(f," Output channels are packed into one word");
- else
- line(f," Output channels are separate words");
- if (t->sort)
- line(f," Weight+voffset bits = %d",t->sx_ab);
- else
- line(f," Simplex table index bits = %d",t->sx_ab);
- line(f," Interpolation table index bits = %d",t->ix_ab);
- if (!t->sort)
- line(f," Simplex table max resolution = %d",f->sxmxres);
- line(f," Interpolation table max resolution = %d",f->ixmxres);
- line(f," */");
- cr(f);
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- line(f,"/*");
- line(f," Machine architecture specs:");
- cr(f);
- if (a->bigend != 0)
- line(f," Big Endian");
- else
- line(f," Little endian");
- if (a->uwa != 0)
- line(f," Using maximum sized memory accesses where possible");
- else
- line(f," Reading and writing pixel values separately");
- line(f," Pointer size = %d bits",a->pbits);
- cr(f);
- for (e = 0; e < a->nords; e++) {
- line(f," Ordinal size %2d bits is known as '%s'",
- a->ords[e].bits,a->ords[e].name);
- }
- line(f," Natural ordinal is '%s'", a->ords[a->natord].name);
- cr(f);
- for (e = 0; e < a->nints; e++) {
- line(f," Integer size %2d bits is known as '%s'",
- a->ints[e].bits,a->ints[e].name);
- }
- line(f," Natural integer is '%s'", a->ints[a->natint].name);
- cr(f);
- line(f," */");
- cr(f);
-/* ---------------------------------------- */
-/* Architecture support */
-/* Find an ordinal with at least bits size */
-/* Return -1 if failed */
-int findord(
-fileo *f,
-int bits
-) {
- mach_arch *a = f->a;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < a->nords; i++) {
- if (a->ords[i].bits >= bits)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-/* Round ordinal type up to natural size */
-int nord(
- fileo *f,
- int ov
-) {
- if (ov >= 0 && ov < f->a->natord)
- ov = f->a->natord;
- return ov;
-/* Find an ordinal with at least bits size, */
-/* or natural size, whichever is greater. */
-/* Return -1 if failed */
-int findnord(
- fileo *f,
- int bits
-) {
- int ov;
- ov = findord(f, bits);
- ov = nord(f, ov);
- return ov;
-/* Find an integer with at least bits size */
-/* Return -1 if failed */
-int findint(
- fileo *f,
- int bits
-) {
- mach_arch *a = f->a;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < a->nints; i++) {
- if (a->ints[i].bits >= bits)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
-/* Round integer type up to natural size */
-int nint(
- fileo *f,
- int iv
-) {
- if (iv >= 0 && iv < f->a->natint)
- iv = f->a->natint;
- return iv;
-/* Find an interger with at least bits size, */
-/* or natural size, whichever is greater. */
-/* Return -1 if failed */
-int findnint(
- fileo *f,
- int bits
-) {
- int iv;
- iv = findint(f, bits);
- iv = nint(f, iv);
- return iv;
-/* ------------------------------------ */
-/* File output support */
-/* Output a line to the file (including trailing \n) */
-line(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
- int i;
- va_list args;
- /* Indent to the correct level */
- for (i = 0; i < f->indt; i++)
- fprintf(f->of," ");
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(f->of, "\n");
-/* Output the start of a line to the file) */
-sline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
- int i;
- va_list args;
- /* Indent to the correct level */
- for (i = 0; i < f->indt; i++)
- fprintf(f->of," ");
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
-/* Output the middle of a line to the file) */
-mline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
- int i;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
-/* Output the end of a line to the file (including trailing \n) */
-eline(fileo *f, char *fmt, ...)
- int i;
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vfprintf(f->of, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
- fprintf(f->of, "\n");
-/* ------------------------------------ */