path: root/toolbin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolbin')
2 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolbin/ b/toolbin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8555fc1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# Perl script to ease the use of gdb with valgrind.
+# Invoke as: <command to run>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use IO::Select;
+# Global variables
+my $gdbkilled = 0;
+sub killgdb() {
+ if ($gdbkilled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ print GDBSTDIN " \nkill\ny\nquit\n";
+ $gdbkilled = 1;
+# Store the args
+my @args = @ARGV;
+# Make the invocation args for valgrind
+my @vgargs = (
+ "valgrind",
+ "--track-origins=yes",
+ "--vgdb=yes",
+ "--vgdb-error=0" );
+push(@vgargs, @args);
+# Make the invocation args for gdb
+my @gdbargs = (
+ "gdb",
+ $args[0]);
+# Fork the subprocesses
+my $vgpid = open3(0, \*VGSTDOUT, 0, @vgargs);
+my $gdbpid = open3(\*GDBSTDIN, \*GDBSTDOUT, 0, @gdbargs);
+# Cope with Ctrl-C
+sub my_sigint_handler() {
+ print "Caught a SIGINT...\n";
+ if ($gdbkilled) {
+ kill 9, $vgpid;
+ kill 9, $gdbpid;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ killgdb();
+$SIG{'INT'} = \&my_sigint_handler;
+my $sel = new IO::Select();
+my $scanning = 1;
+sub print_lines($)
+ my $buf=shift;
+ while (1) {
+ my $loc = index($buf, "\n");
+ if ($loc < 0) {
+ last;
+ }
+ my $line = substr($buf, 0, $loc+1);
+ print "$line";
+ $buf = substr($buf, $loc+1);
+ }
+ return $buf;
+my $vgpartial = '';
+my $gdbpartial = '';
+my $last2print = 0; # 0 = VG, 1 = GDB
+while (my @ready = $sel->can_read())
+ for my $fh (@ready) {
+ # If valgrind says anything, just print it.
+ if ($fh eq *VGSTDOUT) {
+ my $vgbuf= '';
+ if (sysread(VGSTDOUT, $vgbuf, 64*1024, length($vgbuf)) == 0) {
+ # When valgrind hits EOF, exit.
+ killgdb();
+ waitpid($vgpid,0);
+ waitpid($gdbpid,0);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if ($scanning) {
+ $vgbuf =~ m/(target remote \| .+ \-\-pid\=\d+)\s*/;
+ if ($1) {
+ print GDBSTDIN "$1\n";
+ $scanning = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # It definitely read something, so print it.
+ if ($last2print == 1) { # Last to print was GDB
+ if ($gdbpartial ne "") { # We need a newline
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ # Better reprint any partial line we had
+ print "$vgpartial";
+ }
+ $vgpartial = print_lines($vgbuf);
+ print "$vgpartial";
+ $last2print = 0; # VG
+ }
+ # Don't say anything to or from gdb until after we've got the magic words from valgrind
+ if ($scanning == 0) {
+ # Anything the user says, should be parotted to gdb
+ if ($fh eq *STDIN) {
+ my $buf = '';
+ if (sysread(STDIN, $buf, 64*1024, length($buf)) == 0) {
+ # When the user hits EOF, start to kill stuff.
+ killgdb();
+ }
+ print GDBSTDIN "$buf";
+ }
+ # Anything gdb says, should be parotted out.
+ if ($fh eq *GDBSTDOUT) {
+ my $gdbbuf='';
+ if (sysread(GDBSTDOUT, $gdbbuf, 64*1024, length($gdbbuf)) == 0) {
+ # When gdb hits EOF start to kill stuff.
+ killgdb();
+ }
+ # It definite read something, so print it.
+ if ($last2print == 0) { # Last to print was VG
+ if ($vgpartial ne "") { # We need a newline
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ # Better reprint any partial line we had
+ print "$gdbpartial";
+ }
+ $gdbpartial = print_lines($gdbbuf);
+ print "$gdbpartial";
+ $last2print = 1; # GDB
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/toolbin/ b/toolbin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d96321a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# #include <disclaimer.h>
+# If you speak perl, and are offended by the code herein, I apologise.
+# Please feel free to tidy it up.
+# Syntax: < <input list>
+# Setup steps:
+# 1) Build your binaries ("make vg" or "make debugvg" are good ideas)
+# 2) Edit the paths/options here as appropriate.
+# 3) Save the list of changed files from the local cluster regression email
+# here (e.g. as list.txt).
+# 4) Invoke this script. (e.g. "toolbin/ < list.txt > vg.out 2>&1 &")
+# 5) While that runs, you can see how far it's gone using: "tail -f vg.out"
+# 6) Make tea. Drink tea.
+# list.txt should look like:
+# tests_private/pdf/PDF_2.0_FTS/fts_01_0108.pdf.ppmraw.300.0 gs ...
+# tests_private/pdf/PDF_2.0_FTS/fts_02_0230.pdf.ppmraw.300.0 gs ...
+# ...
+# Basically this mirrors the list of failed jobs given in a cluster test
+# email.
+# The path to the executables.
+#$gsexe = "gs/bin/gswin32c.exe";
+$gsexe = "bin/gs";
+$pclexe = "bin/gpcl6";
+$xpsexe = "bin/gxps";
+$gpdlexe = "bin/gpdl";
+# Set the following if you want to override all the tests to use a
+# particular output format/device.
+# The path from your ghostpdl directory to where the test files can be
+# found
+$fileadjust = "/home/marcos/cluster/";
+use Errno qw(EAGAIN);
+# Here follows todays lesson. Abandon hope all who enter here. Etc. Etc.
+$basedir = $ARGV[0];
+$ARGV = shift @ARGV;
+# Now run through the list of files
+$images = 0;
+while (<>)
+ ($path,$exe) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/;
+ ($file,$fmt,$res,$band) = ($path =~ /(\S+)\.(\S+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+ $file =~ s/__/\//g;
+ if ($file eq "") {
+ next;
+ }
+ # Adjust for the local fs layout
+ $file = $fileadjust.$file;
+ # Check the file exists
+ $file2 = "";
+ if (!stat($file))
+ {
+ # Before we give up, consider the possibility that we might need to
+ # pdfwrite it.
+ # Someone who speaks perl can do this more nicely.
+ ($file2) = ($file =~ /(\S+).pdf$/);
+ if (stat($file2))
+ {
+ $exe = "pdfw".$exe;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ($file2) = ($file =~ /(\S+).ps$/);
+ if (!stat($file2))
+ {
+ print "Unknown file: ".$file." (".$exe.")\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $exe = "psw".$exe;
+ }
+ }
+ # Avoid doing the same thing twice
+ if ($done{"$file:fmt:$res:$band:$exe"})
+ {
+ print "Repeated test: $file:$fmt:$res:$bad:$exe\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $done{"$file:$fmt:$res:$band:$exe"} = 1;
+ # Map format to device
+ if ($fmt eq "ppmraw") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=ppmraw";
+ $suffix="ppm";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "pbmraw") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=pbmraw";
+ $suffix="pbm";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "pam") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=pam";
+ $suffix="pam";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "pgmraw") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=pgmraw";
+ $suffix="pgm";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "pnmcmyk") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=pnmcmyk";
+ $suffix="pnm";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "pkmraw") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=pkmraw";
+ $suffix="pkm";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "bmp") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=bmp16m";
+ $suffix="bmp";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "png") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=png16m";
+ $suffix="png";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "tiffscaled") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=tiffscaled";
+ $suffix="tif";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "bitrgb") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=bitrgb";
+ $suffix="bit";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "bitrgbtags") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=bitrgbtags";
+ $suffix="bit";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "cups") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=cups";
+ $suffix="cups";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "plank") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=plank";
+ $suffix="plank";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "psdcmyk") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=psdcmyk";
+ $suffix="psd";
+ } elsif ($fmt eq "psdcmykog") {
+ $devargs="-sDEVICE=psdcmykog";
+ $suffix="psd";
+ } else {
+ print "Unsupported format $fmt - skipping\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # Output the title
+ print "=====$path:$exe=====\n";
+ my $resargs = " -r$res";
+ my $bandargs = " -dMaxBitmap=400000000";
+ if ($band == 1) {
+ $bandargs = " -dMaxBitmap=1000";
+ }
+ my $randargs = " -Z: -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -K2000000 -dClusterJob";
+ my $binargs;
+ my $psargs = "";
+ if ($file =~ m/\.PS$/) { $psargs = " -dCETMODE"; };
+ if ($exe =~ m/gs/)
+ {
+ $binargs = $gsexe;
+ }
+ elsif ($exe =~ m/pcl/)
+ {
+ $binargs = $pclexe;
+ }
+ elsif ($exe =~ m/xps/)
+ {
+ $binargs = $xpsexe;
+ }
+ elsif ($exe =~ m/gpdl/)
+ {
+ $binargs = $gpdlexe;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$bin not matched; dying";
+ }
+ my $dev1args = $devargs;
+ my $out1args = "/dev/null";
+ my $two_stage = 0;
+ if ($exe =~ m/pdfw/)
+ {
+ $dev1args = "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite";
+ $out1args = "out.pdf";
+ $two_stage = 1;
+ }
+ elsif ($exe =~ m/psw/)
+ {
+ $dev1args = "-sDEVICE=ps2write";
+ $out1args = "";
+ $two_stage = 1;
+ }
+ $cmd = "valgrind --track-origins=yes $binargs $psargs -sOutputFile=$out1args $bandargs $dev1args $resargs $randargs $file2";
+ #system("echo $cmd >");
+ #system("$cmd >>&");
+ system("echo $cmd");
+ system("$cmd");
+ my $ret = $?;
+ #system("echo return $ret >>");
+ system("echo return $ret");
+ if ($ret == 0 && $two_stage != 0) {
+ #system("echo ----- >>");
+ system("echo -----");
+ if ($exe =~ m/pdfw/ ||
+ $exe =~ m/psw/)
+ {
+ $binargs = $gsexe;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "$exe second stage not matchined; dying";
+ }
+ $cmd = "valgrind --track-origins=yes $binargs $psargs -sOutputFile=/dev/null $bandargs $devargs $resargs $randargs $out1args";
+ #system("echo $cmd >>");
+ #system("$cmd >>&");
+ system("echo $cmd");
+ system("$cmd");
+ $ret = $?;
+ #system("echo return $ret >>");
+ system("echo return $ret");
+ }