diff options
authorDaniel Silverstone <>2015-07-14 15:27:53 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2015-07-14 15:27:53 +0100
commitecf1af2d8a42ca698040594327d379b7ffe04560 (patch)
parent1f3c05d453a39ee6b8962d59f804af27ff2fa571 (diff)
Add support for retrieving the location of a clod key/value pair
2 files changed, 56 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/clod.lua b/lib/clod.lua
index 2416a80..ee6cd75 100644
--- a/lib/clod.lua
+++ b/lib/clod.lua
@@ -398,6 +398,36 @@ function methods:set_list(prefix, list)
+-- Get the location of a given setting
+-- Find where a given key is defined in the clod source. Note that if
+-- you have added a new key, or removed an old key, since loading then
+-- you may not be able to retrieve data for those entries.
+-- Also, note that this function will always return the original line number
+-- of an entry, which is not necessarily where the entry would be in a new
+-- serialisation if changes have been made.
+-- @function locate
+-- @tparam string key The name of the key to locate
+-- @treturn number-or-false The line number that key is defined on, or nil.
+-- @treturn[opt] string The reason for the nil return
+function methods:locate(key)
+ local meta = metadata[self].settings
+ if meta[key] then
+ if meta[key].original_lineno then
+ return meta[key].original_lineno
+ end
+ return nil, "Key is new, rather than from the input"
+ end
+ for k in pairs(meta) do
+ if k:sub(1,#key) == key then
+ return nil, "Ambiguous key prefix"
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, "Not found"
-- The settings in this `clodfile` instance.
-- @field settings
@@ -462,7 +492,7 @@ local function parse_config(conf, confname, migrate_lists)
key = calculate_wild_key({settings=settings}, wild_prefix)
local curline = getinfo(2 + (offset or 0), "Snlf").currentline
- local entry = { key = key, value = value, lineno = curline }
+ local entry = { key = key, value = value, lineno = curline, original_lineno = curline }
while last_entry.lineno < (curline - 1) do
local empty = {
lineno = last_entry.lineno + 1,
diff --git a/test/test-clod.lua b/test/test-clod.lua
index b720ff6..fe18bf6 100644
--- a/test/test-clod.lua
+++ b/test/test-clod.lua
@@ -347,6 +347,31 @@ tab["*"] "world"
assert(conf:serialise() == output_str)
+function suite.locate_inputs()
+ local input_str = [[
+foo "bar"
+baz "meta"
+qux "fish"
+ local conf = assert(clod.parse(input_str, "@str", true))
+ assert(conf:locate("foo") == 1)
+ assert(conf:locate("baz") == 2)
+ assert(conf:locate("qux") == 3)
+function suite.locate_inputs_even_after_delete()
+ local input_str = [[
+foo "bar"
+baz "meta"
+qux "fish"
+ local conf = assert(clod.parse(input_str, "@str", true))
+ assert(conf:locate("foo") == 1)
+ conf.settings["baz"] = nil
+ assert(conf:locate("qux") == 3)
local count_ok = 0
for _, testname in ipairs(testnames) do
-- print("Run: " .. testname)