diff options
5 files changed, 2 insertions, 1059 deletions
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
index e369041..909dbdd 100644
-Portions of this codebase are under other licences. Where this is the case,
+Portions of this codebase may be under other licences. Where this is the case,
any local changes are licenced as per the original.
---[ lib/gitano/markdown.lua: ]---------------------------------------------------------
-Copyright 2008 Niklas Frykholm.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
-software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
-without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
-to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
-or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 50a7019..92ae6b1 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ MODS := gitano \
gitano.util \
gitano.actions gitano.config gitano.lace gitano.log \
- gitano.markdown gitano.repository gitano.supple \
+ gitano.repository gitano.supple \
gitano.command gitano.admincommand gitano.usercommand \
gitano.repocommand gitano.copycommand gitano.auth gitano.plugins\
diff --git a/lib/gitano.lua b/lib/gitano.lua
index 85ea868..a656396 100644
--- a/lib/gitano.lua
+++ b/lib/gitano.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ local log = require 'gitano.log'
local command = require 'gitano.command'
local actions = require 'gitano.actions'
local lace = require 'gitano.lace'
-local markdown = require 'gitano.markdown'
local supple = require 'gitano.supple'
local auth = require 'gitano.auth'
local plugins = require 'gitano.plugins'
@@ -26,7 +25,6 @@ return {
command = command,
actions = actions,
lace = lace,
- markdown = markdown,
supple = supple,
auth = auth,
plugins = plugins,
diff --git a/lib/gitano/markdown.lua b/lib/gitano/markdown.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 56e6317..0000000
--- a/lib/gitano/markdown.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1033 +0,0 @@
--- lib/gitano/markdown.lua
--- Markdown implementation used in Gitano
--- Copyright 2008 Niklas Frykholm <>
--- Portions copyright 2012 Daniel Silverstone <>
--- For licencing terms, see COPYING
--- Conversion to Lua 5.2 compatible module syntax by Daniel Silverstone
--- Header ID functionality by Daniel Silverstone
--- Utility functions
--- Returns the result of mapping the values in table t through the function f
-local function map(t, f)
- local out = {}
- for k,v in pairs(t) do out[k] = f(v,k) end
- return out
--- The identity function, useful as a placeholder.
-local function identity(text) return text end
--- Functional style if statement. (NOTE: no short circuit evaluation)
-local function iff(t, a, b) if t then return a else return b end end
--- Splits the text into an array of separate lines.
-local function split(text, sep)
- sep = sep or "\n"
- local lines = {}
- local pos = 1
- while true do
- local b,e = text:find(sep, pos)
- if not b then table.insert(lines, text:sub(pos)) break end
- table.insert(lines, text:sub(pos, b-1))
- pos = e + 1
- end
- return lines
--- Converts tabs to spaces
-local function detab(text)
- local tab_width = 4
- local function rep(match)
- local spaces = -match:len()
- while spaces<1 do spaces = spaces + tab_width end
- return match .. string.rep(" ", spaces)
- end
- text = text:gsub("([^\n]-)\t", rep)
- return text
--- Applies string.find for every pattern in the list and returns the first match
-local function find_first(s, patterns, index)
- local res = {}
- for _,p in ipairs(patterns) do
- local match = {s:find(p, index)}
- if #match>0 and (#res==0 or match[1] < res[1]) then res = match end
- end
- return unpack(res)
--- If a replacement array is specified, the range [start, stop] in the array is replaced
--- with the replacement array and the resulting array is returned. Without a replacement
--- array the section of the array between start and stop is returned.
-local function splice(array, start, stop, replacement)
- if replacement then
- local n = stop - start + 1
- while n > 0 do
- table.remove(array, start)
- n = n - 1
- end
- for i,v in ipairs(replacement) do
- table.insert(array, start, v)
- end
- return array
- else
- local res = {}
- for i = start,stop do
- table.insert(res, array[i])
- end
- return res
- end
--- Outdents the text one step.
-local function outdent(text)
- text = "\n" .. text
- text = text:gsub("\n ? ? ?", "\n")
- text = text:sub(2)
- return text
--- Indents the text one step.
-local function indent(text)
- text = text:gsub("\n", "\n ")
- return text
--- Does a simple tokenization of html data. Returns the data as a list of tokens.
--- Each token is a table with a type field (which is either "tag" or "text") and
--- a text field (which contains the original token data).
-local function tokenize_html(html)
- local tokens = {}
- local pos = 1
- while true do
- local start = find_first(html, {"<!%-%-", "<[a-z/!$]", "<%?"}, pos)
- if not start then
- table.insert(tokens, {type="text", text=html:sub(pos)})
- break
- end
- if start ~= pos then table.insert(tokens, {type="text", text = html:sub(pos, start-1)}) end
- local _, stop
- if html:match("^<!%-%-", start) then
- _,stop = html:find("%-%->", start)
- elseif html:match("^<%?", start) then
- _,stop = html:find("?>", start)
- else
- _,stop = html:find("%b<>", start)
- end
- if not stop then
- -- error("Could not match html tag " .. html:sub(start,start+30))
- table.insert(tokens, {type="text", text=html:sub(start, start)})
- pos = start + 1
- else
- table.insert(tokens, {type="tag", text=html:sub(start, stop)})
- pos = stop + 1
- end
- end
- return tokens
--- Hash
--- This is used to "hash" data into alphanumeric strings that are unique
--- in the document. (Note that this is not cryptographic hash, the hash
--- function is not one-way.) The hash procedure is used to protect parts
--- of the document from further processing.
-local HASH = {
- -- Has the hash been inited.
- inited = false,
- -- The unique string prepended to all hash values. This is to ensure
- -- that hash values do not accidently coincide with an actual existing
- -- string in the document.
- identifier = "",
- -- Counter that counts up for each new hash instance.
- counter = 0,
- -- Hash table.
- table = {}
--- Inits hashing. Creates a hash_identifier that doesn't occur anywhere
--- in the text.
-local function init_hash(text)
- HASH.inited = true
- HASH.identifier = ""
- HASH.counter = 0
- HASH.table = {}
- local s = "HASH"
- local counter = 0
- local id
- while true do
- id = s .. counter
- if not text:find(id, 1, true) then break end
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- HASH.identifier = id
--- Returns the hashed value for s.
-local function hash(s)
- assert(HASH.inited)
- if not HASH.table[s] then
- HASH.counter = HASH.counter + 1
- local id = HASH.identifier .. HASH.counter .. "X"
- HASH.table[s] = id
- end
- return HASH.table[s]
--- Protection
--- The protection module is used to "protect" parts of a document
--- so that they are not modified by subsequent processing steps.
--- Protected parts are saved in a table for later unprotection
--- Protection data
-local PD = {
- -- Saved blocks that have been converted
- blocks = {},
- -- Block level tags that will be protected
- tags = {"p", "div", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote",
- "pre", "table", "dl", "ol", "ul", "script", "noscript", "form", "fieldset",
- "iframe", "math", "ins", "del"}
--- Pattern for matching a block tag that begins and ends in the leftmost
--- column and may contain indented subtags, i.e.
--- <div>
--- A nested block.
--- <div>
--- Nested data.
--- </div>
--- </div>
-local function block_pattern(tag)
- return "\n<" .. tag .. ".-\n</" .. tag .. ">[ \t]*\n"
--- Pattern for matching a block tag that begins and ends with a newline
-local function line_pattern(tag)
- return "\n<" .. tag .. ".-</" .. tag .. ">[ \t]*\n"
--- Protects the range of characters from start to stop in the text and
--- returns the protected string.
-local function protect_range(text, start, stop)
- local s = text:sub(start, stop)
- local h = hash(s)
- PD.blocks[h] = s
- text = text:sub(1,start) .. h .. text:sub(stop)
- return text
--- Protect every part of the text that matches any of the patterns. The first
--- matching pattern is protected first, etc.
-local function protect_matches(text, patterns)
- while true do
- local start, stop = find_first(text, patterns)
- if not start then break end
- text = protect_range(text, start, stop)
- end
- return text
--- Protects blocklevel tags in the specified text
-local function protect(text)
- -- First protect potentially nested block tags
- text = protect_matches(text, map(PD.tags, block_pattern))
- -- Then protect block tags at the line level.
- text = protect_matches(text, map(PD.tags, line_pattern))
- -- Protect <hr> and comment tags
- text = protect_matches(text, {"\n<hr[^>]->[ \t]*\n"})
- text = protect_matches(text, {"\n<!%-%-.-%-%->[ \t]*\n"})
- return text
--- Returns true if the string s is a hash resulting from protection
-local function is_protected(s)
- return PD.blocks[s]
--- Unprotects the specified text by expanding all the nonces
-local function unprotect(text)
- for k,v in pairs(PD.blocks) do
- v = v:gsub("%%", "%%%%")
- text = text:gsub(k, v)
- end
- return text
--- Block transform
--- Forward decls
-local span_transform, blocks_to_html, encode_code
--- The block transform functions transform the text on the block level.
--- They work with the text as an array of lines rather than as individual
--- characters.
--- Returns true if the line is a ruler of (char) characters.
--- The line must contain at least three char characters and contain only spaces and
--- char characters.
-local function is_ruler_of(line, char)
- if not line:match("^[ %" .. char .. "]*$") then return false end
- if not line:match("%" .. char .. ".*%" .. char .. ".*%" .. char) then return false end
- return true
--- Identifies the block level formatting present in the line
-local function classify(line)
- local info = {line = line, text = line}
- if line:match("^ ") then
- info.type = "indented"
- info.outdented = line:sub(5)
- return info
- end
- for _,c in ipairs({'*', '-', '_', '='}) do
- if is_ruler_of(line, c) then
- info.type = "ruler"
- info.ruler_char = c
- return info
- end
- end
- if line == "" then
- info.type = "blank"
- return info
- end
- if line:match("^(#+)[ \t]*(.-)[ \t]*#*[ \t]*$") then
- local m1, m2 = line:match("^(#+)[ \t]*(.-)[ \t]*#*[ \t]*$")
- info.type = "header"
- info.level = m1:len()
- info.text = m2
- return info
- end
- if line:match("^ ? ? ?(%d+)%.[ \t]+(.+)") then
- local number, text = line:match("^ ? ? ?(%d+)%.[ \t]+(.+)")
- info.type = "list_item"
- info.list_type = "numeric"
- info.number = 0 + number
- info.text = text
- return info
- end
- if line:match("^ ? ? ?([%*%+%-])[ \t]+(.+)") then
- local bullet, text = line:match("^ ? ? ?([%*%+%-])[ \t]+(.+)")
- info.type = "list_item"
- info.list_type = "bullet"
- info.bullet = bullet
- info.text= text
- return info
- end
- if line:match("^>[ \t]?(.*)") then
- info.type = "blockquote"
- info.text = line:match("^>[ \t]?(.*)")
- return info
- end
- if is_protected(line) then
- info.type = "raw"
- info.html = unprotect(line)
- return info
- end
- info.type = "normal"
- return info
--- Find headers constisting of a normal line followed by a ruler and converts them to
--- header entries.
-local function headers(array)
- local i = 1
- while i <= #array - 1 do
- if array[i].type == "normal" and array[i+1].type == "ruler" and
- (array[i+1].ruler_char == "-" or array[i+1].ruler_char == "=") then
- local info = {line = array[i].line}
- info.text = info.line
- info.type = "header"
- info.level = iff(array[i+1].ruler_char == "=", 1, 2)
- table.remove(array, i+1)
- array[i] = info
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- return array
--- Find list blocks and convert them to protected data blocks
-local function lists(array, sublist)
- local function process_list(arr)
- local function any_blanks(arr)
- for i = 1, #arr do
- if arr[i].type == "blank" then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function split_list_items(arr)
- local acc = {arr[1]}
- local res = {}
- for i=2,#arr do
- if arr[i].type == "list_item" then
- table.insert(res, acc)
- acc = {arr[i]}
- else
- table.insert(acc, arr[i])
- end
- end
- table.insert(res, acc)
- return res
- end
- local function process_list_item(lines, block)
- while lines[#lines].type == "blank" do
- table.remove(lines)
- end
- local itemtext = lines[1].text
- for i=2,#lines do
- itemtext = itemtext .. "\n" .. outdent(lines[i].line)
- end
- if block then
- itemtext = block_transform(itemtext, true)
- if not itemtext:find("<pre>") then itemtext = indent(itemtext) end
- return " <li>" .. itemtext .. "</li>"
- else
- local lines = split(itemtext)
- lines = map(lines, classify)
- lines = lists(lines, true)
- lines = blocks_to_html(lines, true)
- itemtext = table.concat(lines, "\n")
- if not itemtext:find("<pre>") then itemtext = indent(itemtext) end
- return " <li>" .. itemtext .. "</li>"
- end
- end
- local block_list = any_blanks(arr)
- local items = split_list_items(arr)
- local out = ""
- for _, item in ipairs(items) do
- out = out .. process_list_item(item, block_list) .. "\n"
- end
- if arr[1].list_type == "numeric" then
- return "<ol>\n" .. out .. "</ol>"
- else
- return "<ul>\n" .. out .. "</ul>"
- end
- end
- -- Finds the range of lines composing the first list in the array. A list
- -- starts with (^ list_item) or (blank list_item) and ends with
- -- (blank* $) or (blank normal).
- --
- -- A sublist can start with just (list_item) does not need a blank...
- local function find_list(array, sublist)
- local function find_list_start(array, sublist)
- if array[1].type == "list_item" then return 1 end
- if sublist then
- for i = 1,#array do
- if array[i].type == "list_item" then return i end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #array-1 do
- if array[i].type == "blank" and array[i+1].type == "list_item" then
- return i+1
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function find_list_end(array, start)
- local pos = #array
- for i = start, #array-1 do
- if array[i].type == "blank" and array[i+1].type ~= "list_item"
- and array[i+1].type ~= "indented" and array[i+1].type ~= "blank" then
- pos = i-1
- break
- end
- end
- while pos > start and array[pos].type == "blank" do
- pos = pos - 1
- end
- return pos
- end
- local start = find_list_start(array, sublist)
- if not start then return nil end
- return start, find_list_end(array, start)
- end
- while true do
- local start, stop = find_list(array, sublist)
- if not start then break end
- local text = process_list(splice(array, start, stop))
- local info = {
- line = text,
- type = "raw",
- html = text
- }
- array = splice(array, start, stop, {info})
- end
- -- Convert any remaining list items to normal
- for _,line in ipairs(array) do
- if line.type == "list_item" then line.type = "normal" end
- end
- return array
--- Find and convert blockquote markers.
-local function blockquotes(lines)
- local function find_blockquote(lines)
- local start
- for i,line in ipairs(lines) do
- if line.type == "blockquote" then
- start = i
- break
- end
- end
- if not start then return nil end
- local stop = #lines
- for i = start+1, #lines do
- if lines[i].type == "blank" or lines[i].type == "blockquote" then
- elseif lines[i].type == "normal" then
- if lines[i-1].type == "blank" then stop = i-1 break end
- else
- stop = i-1 break
- end
- end
- while lines[stop].type == "blank" do stop = stop - 1 end
- return start, stop
- end
- local function process_blockquote(lines)
- local raw = lines[1].text
- for i = 2,#lines do
- raw = raw .. "\n" .. lines[i].text
- end
- local bt = block_transform(raw)
- if not bt:find("<pre>") then bt = indent(bt) end
- return "<blockquote>\n " .. bt ..
- "\n</blockquote>"
- end
- while true do
- local start, stop = find_blockquote(lines)
- if not start then break end
- local text = process_blockquote(splice(lines, start, stop))
- local info = {
- line = text,
- type = "raw",
- html = text
- }
- lines = splice(lines, start, stop, {info})
- end
- return lines
--- Find and convert codeblocks.
-local function codeblocks(lines)
- local function find_codeblock(lines)
- local start
- for i,line in ipairs(lines) do
- if line.type == "indented" then start = i break end
- end
- if not start then return nil end
- local stop = #lines
- for i = start+1, #lines do
- if lines[i].type ~= "indented" and lines[i].type ~= "blank" then
- stop = i-1
- break
- end
- end
- while lines[stop].type == "blank" do stop = stop - 1 end
- return start, stop
- end
- local function process_codeblock(lines)
- local raw = detab(encode_code(outdent(lines[1].line)))
- for i = 2,#lines do
- raw = raw .. "\n" .. detab(encode_code(outdent(lines[i].line)))
- end
- return "<pre><code>" .. raw .. "\n</code></pre>"
- end
- while true do
- local start, stop = find_codeblock(lines)
- if not start then break end
- local text = process_codeblock(splice(lines, start, stop))
- local info = {
- line = text,
- type = "raw",
- html = text
- }
- lines = splice(lines, start, stop, {info})
- end
- return lines
-local function make_id(text)
- -- What Pandoc does, is:
- -- Remove all formatting, links, etc.
- -- Remove all punctuation, except underscores, hyphens, and periods.
- -- Replace all spaces and newlines with hyphens.
- -- Convert all alphabetic characters to lowercase.
- -- Remove everything up to the first letter (identifiers may not begin
- -- with a number or punctuation mark).
- -- If nothing is left after this, use the identifier 'section'.
- -- Pandoc then appends -1, -2 etc *iff* the identifier is repeated.
- -- Since we're pretty much in-flow we can't easily do that so we don't
- -- bother.
- -- Since we cannot easily do the format stripping, we do the following,
- -- which is almost compatible.
- -- Lowercase the text and remove anything not letter, number, underscore,
- -- dot, dash, or whitespae
- local id = text:lower():gsub("[^a-z0-9_%.%- \t\n]", "")
- -- Replace all whitespace with hyphens
- id = id:gsub("%s", "-")
- -- Remove any leading non-letters
- id = id:gsub("^[^a-z]*", "")
- -- Return the id, or 'section' if empty
- return (id == "") and "section" or id
--- Convert lines to html code
-function blocks_to_html(lines, no_paragraphs)
- local out = {}
- local i = 1
- while i <= #lines do
- local line = lines[i]
- if line.type == "ruler" then
- table.insert(out, "<hr/>")
- elseif line.type == "raw" then
- table.insert(out, line.html)
- elseif line.type == "normal" then
- local s = line.line
- while i+1 <= #lines and lines[i+1].type == "normal" do
- i = i + 1
- s = s .. "\n" .. lines[i].line
- end
- if no_paragraphs then
- table.insert(out, span_transform(s))
- else
- table.insert(out, "<p>" .. span_transform(s) .. "</p>")
- end
- elseif line.type == "header" then
- local id = make_id(line.text)
- local s = "<h" .. line.level .. " id=\"" .. id .."\">" .. span_transform(line.text) .. "</h" .. line.level .. ">"
- table.insert(out, s)
- else
- table.insert(out, line.line)
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- return out
--- Perform all the block level transforms
-local function block_transform(text, sublist)
- local lines = split(text)
- lines = map(lines, classify)
- lines = headers(lines)
- lines = lists(lines, sublist)
- lines = codeblocks(lines)
- lines = blockquotes(lines)
- lines = blocks_to_html(lines)
- local text = table.concat(lines, "\n")
- return text
--- Span transform
--- Functions for transforming the text at the span level.
--- These characters may need to be escaped because they have a special
--- meaning in markdown.
-local escape_chars = "'\\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!'"
-local escape_table = {}
-local function init_escape_table()
- escape_table = {}
- for i = 1,#escape_chars do
- local c = escape_chars:sub(i,i)
- escape_table[c] = hash(c)
- end
--- Adds a new escape to the escape table.
-local function add_escape(text)
- if not escape_table[text] then
- escape_table[text] = hash(text)
- end
- return escape_table[text]
--- Encode backspace-escaped characters in the markdown source.
-local function encode_backslash_escapes(t)
- for i=1,escape_chars:len() do
- local c = escape_chars:sub(i,i)
- t = t:gsub("\\%" .. c, escape_table[c])
- end
- return t
--- Escape characters that should not be disturbed by markdown.
-local function escape_special_chars(text)
- local tokens = tokenize_html(text)
- local out = ""
- for _, token in ipairs(tokens) do
- local t = token.text
- if token.type == "tag" then
- -- In tags, encode * and _ so they don't conflict with their use in markdown.
- t = t:gsub("%*", escape_table["*"])
- t = t:gsub("%_", escape_table["_"])
- else
- t = encode_backslash_escapes(t)
- end
- out = out .. t
- end
- return out
--- Unescape characters that have been encoded.
-local function unescape_special_chars(t)
- local tin = t
- for k,v in pairs(escape_table) do
- k = k:gsub("%%", "%%%%")
- t = t:gsub(v,k)
- end
- if t ~= tin then t = unescape_special_chars(t) end
- return t
--- Encode/escape certain characters inside Markdown code runs.
--- The point is that in code, these characters are literals,
--- and lose their special Markdown meanings.
-function encode_code(s)
- s = s:gsub("%&", "&amp;")
- s = s:gsub("<", "&lt;")
- s = s:gsub(">", "&gt;")
- for k,v in pairs(escape_table) do
- s = s:gsub("%"..k, v)
- end
- return s
--- Handle backtick blocks.
-local function code_spans(s)
- s = s:gsub("\\\\", escape_table["\\"])
- s = s:gsub("\\`", escape_table["`"])
- local pos = 1
- while true do
- local start, stop = s:find("`+", pos)
- if not start then return s end
- local count = stop - start + 1
- -- Find a matching numbert of backticks
- local estart, estop = s:find(string.rep("`", count), stop+1)
- local brstart = s:find("\n", stop+1)
- if estart and (not brstart or estart < brstart) then
- local code = s:sub(stop+1, estart-1)
- code = code:gsub("^[ \t]+", "")
- code = code:gsub("[ \t]+$", "")
- code = code:gsub(escape_table["\\"], escape_table["\\"] .. escape_table["\\"])
- code = code:gsub(escape_table["`"], escape_table["\\"] .. escape_table["`"])
- code = "<code>" .. encode_code(code) .. "</code>"
- code = add_escape(code)
- s = s:sub(1, start-1) .. code .. s:sub(estop+1)
- pos = start + code:len()
- else
- pos = stop + 1
- end
- end
- return s
--- Encode alt text... enodes &, and ".
-local function encode_alt(s)
- if not s then return s end
- s = s:gsub('&', '&amp;')
- s = s:gsub('"', '&quot;')
- s = s:gsub('<', '&lt;')
- return s
--- Handle image references
-local function images(text)
- local function reference_link(alt, id)
- alt = encode_alt(alt:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2))
- id = id:match("%[(.*)%]"):lower()
- if id == "" then id = text:lower() end
- link_database[id] = link_database[id] or {}
- if not link_database[id].url then return nil end
- local url = link_database[id].url or id
- url = encode_alt(url)
- local title = encode_alt(link_database[id].title)
- if title then title = " title=\"" .. title .. "\"" else title = "" end
- return add_escape ('<img src="' .. url .. '" alt="' .. alt .. '"' .. title .. "/>")
- end
- local function inline_link(alt, link)
- alt = encode_alt(alt:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2))
- local url, title = link:match("%(<?(.-)>?[ \t]*['\"](.+)['\"]")
- url = url or link:match("%(<?(.-)>?%)")
- url = encode_alt(url)
- title = encode_alt(title)
- if title then
- return add_escape('<img src="' .. url .. '" alt="' .. alt .. '" title="' .. title .. '"/>')
- else
- return add_escape('<img src="' .. url .. '" alt="' .. alt .. '"/>')
- end
- end
- text = text:gsub("!(%b[])[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(%b[])", reference_link)
- text = text:gsub("!(%b[])(%b())", inline_link)
- return text
--- Handle anchor references
-local function anchors(text)
- local function reference_link(text, id)
- text = text:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2)
- id = id:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2):lower()
- if id == "" then id = text:lower() end
- link_database[id] = link_database[id] or {}
- if not link_database[id].url then return nil end
- local url = link_database[id].url or id
- url = encode_alt(url)
- local title = encode_alt(link_database[id].title)
- if title then title = " title=\"" .. title .. "\"" else title = "" end
- return add_escape("<a href=\"" .. url .. "\"" .. title .. ">") .. text .. add_escape("</a>")
- end
- local function inline_link(text, link)
- text = text:match("%b[]"):sub(2,-2)
- local url, title = link:match("%(<?(.-)>?[ \t]*['\"](.+)['\"]")
- title = encode_alt(title)
- url = url or link:match("%(<?(.-)>?%)") or ""
- url = encode_alt(url)
- if title then
- return add_escape("<a href=\"" .. url .. "\" title=\"" .. title .. "\">") .. text .. "</a>"
- else
- return add_escape("<a href=\"" .. url .. "\">") .. text .. add_escape("</a>")
- end
- end
- text = text:gsub("(%b[])[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(%b[])", reference_link)
- text = text:gsub("(%b[])(%b())", inline_link)
- return text
--- Handle auto links, i.e. <>.
-local function auto_links(text)
- local function link(s)
- return add_escape("<a href=\"" .. s .. "\">") .. s .. "</a>"
- end
- -- Encode chars as a mix of dec and hex entitites to (perhaps) fool
- -- spambots.
- local function encode_email_address(s)
- -- Use a deterministic encoding to make unit testing possible.
- -- Code 45% hex, 45% dec, 10% plain.
- local hex = {code = function(c) return "&#x" .. string.format("%x", c:byte()) .. ";" end, count = 1, rate = 0.45}
- local dec = {code = function(c) return "&#" .. c:byte() .. ";" end, count = 0, rate = 0.45}
- local plain = {code = function(c) return c end, count = 0, rate = 0.1}
- local codes = {hex, dec, plain}
- local function swap(t,k1,k2) local temp = t[k2] t[k2] = t[k1] t[k1] = temp end
- local out = ""
- for i = 1,s:len() do
- for _,code in ipairs(codes) do code.count = code.count + code.rate end
- if codes[1].count < codes[2].count then swap(codes,1,2) end
- if codes[2].count < codes[3].count then swap(codes,2,3) end
- if codes[1].count < codes[2].count then swap(codes,1,2) end
- local code = codes[1]
- local c = s:sub(i,i)
- -- Force encoding of "@" to make email address more invisible.
- if c == "@" and code == plain then code = codes[2] end
- out = out .. code.code(c)
- code.count = code.count - 1
- end
- return out
- end
- local function mail(s)
- s = unescape_special_chars(s)
- local address = encode_email_address("mailto:" .. s)
- local text = encode_email_address(s)
- return add_escape("<a href=\"" .. address .. "\">") .. text .. "</a>"
- end
- -- links
- text = text:gsub("<(https?:[^'\">%s]+)>", link)
- text = text:gsub("<(ftp:[^'\">%s]+)>", link)
- -- mail
- text = text:gsub("<mailto:([^'\">%s]+)>", mail)
- text = text:gsub("<([-.%w]+%@[-.%w]+)>", mail)
- return text
--- Encode free standing amps (&) and angles (<)... note that this does not
--- encode free >.
-local function amps_and_angles(s)
- -- encode amps not part of &..; expression
- local pos = 1
- while true do
- local amp = s:find("&", pos)
- if not amp then break end
- local semi = s:find(";", amp+1)
- local stop = s:find("[ \t\n&]", amp+1)
- if not semi or (stop and stop < semi) or (semi - amp) > 15 then
- s = s:sub(1,amp-1) .. "&amp;" .. s:sub(amp+1)
- pos = amp+1
- else
- pos = amp+1
- end
- end
- -- encode naked <'s
- s = s:gsub("<([^a-zA-Z/?$!])", "&lt;%1")
- s = s:gsub("<$", "&lt;")
- -- what about >, nothing done in the original markdown source to handle them
- return s
--- Handles emphasis markers (* and _) in the text.
-local function emphasis(text)
- for _, s in ipairs {"%*%*", "%_%_"} do
- text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s][%*%_]?)" .. s, "<strong>%1</strong>")
- text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s][^<>]-[^%s][%*%_]?)" .. s, "<strong>%1</strong>")
- end
- for _, s in ipairs {"%*", "%_"} do
- text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s_])" .. s, "<em>%1</em>")
- text = text:gsub(s .. "(<strong>[^%s_]</strong>)" .. s, "<em>%1</em>")
- text = text:gsub(s .. "([^%s_][^<>_]-[^%s_])" .. s, "<em>%1</em>")
- text = text:gsub(s .. "([^<>_]-<strong>[^<>_]-</strong>[^<>_]-)" .. s, "<em>%1</em>")
- end
- return text
--- Handles line break markers in the text.
-local function line_breaks(text)
- return text:gsub(" +\n", " <br/>\n")
--- Perform all span level transforms.
-function span_transform(text)
- text = code_spans(text)
- text = escape_special_chars(text)
- text = images(text)
- text = anchors(text)
- text = auto_links(text)
- text = amps_and_angles(text)
- text = emphasis(text)
- text = line_breaks(text)
- return text
--- Markdown
--- Cleanup the text by normalizing some possible variations to make further
--- processing easier.
-local function cleanup(text)
- -- Standardize line endings
- text = text:gsub("\r\n", "\n") -- DOS to UNIX
- text = text:gsub("\r", "\n") -- Mac to UNIX
- -- Convert all tabs to spaces
- text = detab(text)
- -- Strip lines with only spaces and tabs
- while true do
- local subs
- text, subs = text:gsub("\n[ \t]+\n", "\n\n")
- if subs == 0 then break end
- end
- return "\n" .. text .. "\n"
--- Strips link definitions from the text and stores the data in a lookup table.
-local function strip_link_definitions(text)
- local linkdb = {}
- local function link_def(id, url, title)
- id = id:match("%[(.+)%]"):lower()
- linkdb[id] = linkdb[id] or {}
- linkdb[id].url = url or linkdb[id].url
- linkdb[id].title = title or linkdb[id].title
- return ""
- end
- local def_no_title = "\n ? ? ?(%b[]):[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*<?([^%s>]+)>?[ \t]*"
- local def_title1 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]+\n?[ \t]*[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*"
- local def_title2 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]*\n[ \t]*[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*"
- local def_title3 = def_no_title .. "[ \t]*\n?[ \t]+[\"'(]([^\n]+)[\"')][ \t]*"
- text = text:gsub(def_title1, link_def)
- text = text:gsub(def_title2, link_def)
- text = text:gsub(def_title3, link_def)
- text = text:gsub(def_no_title, link_def)
- return text, linkdb
-link_database = {}
--- Main markdown processing function
-local function markdown(text)
- init_hash(text)
- init_escape_table()
- text = cleanup(text)
- text = protect(text)
- text, link_database = strip_link_definitions(text)
- text = block_transform(text)
- text = unescape_special_chars(text)
- return text
--- End of module
-return {
- convert_to_html = markdown,
- make_id = make_id,
diff --git a/lib/gitano/repository.lua b/lib/gitano/repository.lua
index 84cc747..88e765b 100644
--- a/lib/gitano/repository.lua
+++ b/lib/gitano/repository.lua
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ local config = require 'gitano.config'
local util = require 'gitano.util'
local lace = require 'gitano.lace'
local i18n = require 'gitano.i18n'
-local markdown = require 'gitano.markdown'
local clod = require 'clod'
local base_rules = [[