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authorKelvin <>2016-07-27 15:13:03 +0300
committerKelvin <>2016-07-27 15:13:03 +0300
commit7941f971b5cb4d1c82d6d38b6460861088e62f63 (patch)
parent0d2861f3c98dcbb2c76aa1184cc8ddaed5d2eabf (diff)
Include ldap troubleshooting steps for blocked usersadd-doc-on-ldap-troubleshooting
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/administration/auth/ b/doc/administration/auth/
index 7186f707ad6..ece4c509491 100644
--- a/doc/administration/auth/
+++ b/doc/administration/auth/
@@ -275,3 +275,37 @@ If you are getting 'Connection Refused' errors when trying to connect to the
LDAP server please double-check the LDAP `port` and `method` settings used by
GitLab. Common combinations are `method: 'plain'` and `port: 389`, OR
`method: 'ssl'` and `port: 636`.
+### Cannot Unblock LDAP blocked users error
+If users appear as blocked on GitLab while they are not blocked on the LDAP server, you can manually activate them by following the steps below:
+1. Run a rails console:
+ ```sh
+ sudo gitlab-rails console production
+ ```
+ or for source installs:
+ ```sh
+ bundle exec rails console production
+ ```
+2. Create an array of all the blocked users by substituting the example email addresses below with the blocked users you wish to unblock
+ ```ruby
+ irb(main):001:0> blocked_users = %w(
+ ```
+3. Iterate over the blocked users as you unblock them
+ ```ruby
+ irb(main):002:0> blocked_users.each{ |blocked_user| User.find_by(email: blocked_user).update!(state: "active") }
+ ```
+4. Exit the console
+ ```ruby
+ irb(main):003:0> exit
+ ```